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Good morning to you all. I am back but very exhausted. We finally completed our Egbe initiations, my daughters and I, and it was an experience, a beautiful one I must say. I am not ready as yet to give details about the initiations and information as to where we came from as yet, as in which realms we came from within time and space (we found out, although I already knew my own and also my children) and who our family are and more but I must tell you all that Africans, (Not just Nigerians alone, although dem deh pon top ah tings in my opinion) and their knowledge are something out of this world. I have been privy to many initiations and have taken part into many myself. But when I stand as an initiate and see and feel from that position, my hats goes off to them, from the drummers, to the butchers to the cooks and the little old ladies (dem strong yuh fenneh, one all life mi up and carry me on her back and she nuh younger dan 96!) who are there shouting Ase!!!!!……big up oonuh self oooooo!. I must say how extremely fortunate I am to have found this, my path in life, in this incarnation. God I thank you!

I remembered my padrino as I stood there on the compound in my full white, along with my daughters dressed as me, singing songs to Egbe, our astral mates and dancing to the sweet beat of the African drums, while Osun passed through subtly in the form of a light drizzle and sprinkled us her daughters as she blessed us in our time of glory and spiritual oneness. He had seen me like this from I was a teenager and told me that days like these would come, although he never mentioned Africa, he was present of this I am sure, albeit in non-physical form. He told me that one day I would be apart of something deeply spiritual, because I had brought this with me from heaven to the world and it was my path. I remember thinking to myself back then, though I never voiced it out or showed my thoughts on my face, “hell no, where would Jesus fit into this, because HE, I could never abandon for any spiritual tradition, anything that did not involve Jesus and worshipping him as Christians did would have to stay far, I would never leave Jesus or leggo him frock tail!”

Padrino would often times look at me and smiled, (I miss him so much), I suspect he knew my thoughts as he did my future and saw the battle that I was fighting as I clucthed on Jesus’s neck as a baby gripping onto its mother. Everything that my Padrino told me came through, everything so far, as there are more to be full filled. He dedicated his entire life to his tradition, his belief, his worship, which was Lucumi (Santeria as it is popularly called). I adored him, and I must thank Lucumi for being wonderful custodians of our Yoruba tradition although it has been diluted in the way it is practiced by them. It is understandable however, because of the journey it undertook to come to the new world and all the secrecy that had to be involved in keeping it sacred and away from the enslavers. Iba Padrino and all people from Cuba who have kept it alive here in the diaspora, and it was through it, Lucumi, that I found Ifa/Orisha and Osun, to them I say, bendicion! .

Looking back now into my life and to see where I am now as opposed to the scared little girl who got pregnant while still in high school by the big bad wolf, read here, and who prayed for her mother’s love, care and forgiveness after being thrown out because of the pregnancy, I realize as I have posted many times on this blog that my life was spread out before me, but I was not wise enough to see it. Imagine how fortunate I was to meet people such as Padrino, who knew what was infront of me, what waited ahead in life for me, even if I did not know it myself, such serendipity in meeting him, as I did not seek him out myself. He gave me glimpses into my future, and told me of the spiritualist I would become, great he told me I would be,( there is no ego attached to my sharing this with you all, none, please believe me), while I still had Jesus imprinted in my minds eye and the holy bible crazy glued in my hands, my knees blacker than the rest of my pale skin because of praying on bended knees and calling out his name, Jesus!!!!. While he spoke of my life, (what little he told me, and he told me much, I just did not understand), while he fascinated me with the door he held open for me to peep through, the door to his world of Spirituality and of mystery/mysticism/Obeah/mediumship.Orisha worship/charms and more, although I saw myself being rebuked to hell and damnation by my fellow loving Christians and ugly church hat wearers, I was intrigued, curious to say the least, I trembled at wanting to know more, but the tremor was not enough to stop me from sitting before Padrinos feet and learning all I could. I guess I was driven by what was my destiny. the road had opened up for me and I became like Dorothy from the wizard of Oz, which is why I was so fascinated by the world of spirits and all that it entailed. I yearned for more, I hungered and thirst for more, but I was spoon fed, (as how it should be, I knew it not back then) because he was wise.

Padrino once told me that I had to choose a spiritual house. It, according to him mattered not where I went but I needed the support of a spiritual house or a traditional one, as was born to become a spiritualist and more, this was my way. By that time I knew nothing about revival, because, according to my way of thinking back then, if I were to become involved in spirits and spirituality/spiritualism, Jesus had to come along with me, and the closest to that I could think of was Zion/revival, poco people, read here. The unseen world is so very interesting I think, for mere humans to be able to divine, see, look into someone else’s life and tell them what is to become of them, proves (in my opinion) that we are not operating off self. There is something bigger than us whose manipulation (for lack of a better description) we are under. If people knew for sure of this, and I not just thinking God, but unseen beings which are themselves under the manipulation of the same supreme whom they have never even seen, if humans knew the power they had access to, how would it affect how we interact with each other? Our behaviour, our attitude, our respect for one another, our actions, our love and compassion? Would hatred racism, discrimination and all wickedness still exists among us? If we knew that we all had the ability to do what each other could, with stipulations however, for I believe that it would be (accessing our abilities that is) contingent upon how we responded to each other as same beings of the same race, the human race! Perhaps if this were possible for us all to know and believe with conviction, then there would not be any reason for this earth realm to exist after all, six of one half of dozen of the other I suppose.

Padrino would declare to me that he was an African, he was white skinned Cuban. He told me that all his belief was in Elegua (Eshu/Elegba) to whom he was an initiate of. Once he told me that he was driving to Miami to go and do some initiations there, he was 79 years old at the time, a young 79, I must add. He was slender and neat, dressed in white all day, everyday and he was more active than I and his teenage daughter. I asked him (out of concern for him alone on such a long journey) if he had a companion to go along with him, and he smiled brightly and said “sure, I have Elegua with me as my companion”. I remember looking over toward the front door to where Elegua sat in a clay dish, and I saw a mound of cement with two cowrie shells for eyes, one for nose and one for mouth. I saw (back then) a fetish, an Idol, something I thought was not alive, yet it was ( I was not fully awake as yet to understand) and was just an object of some ancient African tradition. I had come to respect it however, because I had seen first hand some marvelous revelations come through Padrino divining with his Obi (Lucumi people use four pieces of coconut to consult with their Orishas) to said Elegua. I still had Jesus and Christianity shouting hallelujah in my head back then, so although I had respect, I was not completely sold, although Padrino never tried to sell me anything. However, there I was staring at my handsome Padrino, who at 79 years young back then, who declared with conviction that he was going on a journey with what seemed like an Idol to me, but to him was his protector, friend and guide and the one to accompany him so he had nothing to fear. The same way I held onto Jesus frock tail, it was the same way or even more so for him in his belief of his companion, Elegua. I learned in that moment that it mattered not what the truth of the world was when it came to Gods and man, it was the faith, the belief, what you and your subconscious held on to with the strength of your mind. I had no Idols of the Christ only an image of a white man with sea blue eyes in my head, yet I believed him to be my Lord and Savior and he was (those days), to Padrino it was Elegua and we were both correct even in our separate beliefs. It made me reflect back to what he told me, that I had to choose a spiritual house, he never told me to join any one in particular, only that I had to choose one, and what that meant, though I did not know it at the time, was that my head would lead me to where I had to go, to where I belong.

I remember Padrino, he was one of my mentors read here, one of my greatest teachers and one who set me correctly on my path. As I stood on my husband’s compound with my children receiving the all too powerful Egbe initiation, I could see him looking at me from wherever he now resides in time and space, with misty eyes and smiling, saying, “I told you this day would come my daughter”. I looked up toward the sky (I am not sure why, I do not believe that heaven is upward or downward for that matter, it is beyond our knowledge and not in one place at all as we were taught in religion, but I guess there are some dregs of the Christian indoctrination still left in my mind) and so I secretly smiled with misty eyes myself, being careful not to cry, as with Egbe one must be happy during the initiations, and answered in my mind, “Yes Padrino, I am here as you predicted and my babies also, thank you!

It was he who first told me about my spirit husband, where he is from and even his name and function when he lived on earth. It was he who first took me to do ebo (sacrifice) to Orisha, and who taught me how to cook for them and what they liked and how to please them, and it was he who allowed me to see Elegua danced as he possessed this magnificent man who was his child. It was he who made me first see someone cast with Cowrie shells, merindinlogun, and had me watch him place a live chicken on his Palo pot and watch the pot or whatever was inside take the chicken’s life without any blood spilled, just the sound of air being sucked out of the chicken who closed its eyes as its life was sucked away, gently I may add. It was him who made me privy to a dancing three foot black pot, cauldron as it is called, in the mid night when dog fraid. It was him who first let me see and speak to Zarrabanda his Palo spirit, who knows me up to this day. It was Padrino who first gave me water to drink from his Yemoja and Osun pot, and he who healed my father through the wisdom and teachings of Obaluaye/St Lazarus according to Lucimi (deity of sickness). It was Padrino who taught me to embrace my spirituality, when my own mother had it, was well gifted but too ashamed of who she was because of the stigma it carried in our Jamaican society. It fell onto my shoulders, and I had to accept. Padrino I never took the way of Lucumi, I went to its elder, to the initiate among the Yoruba people of South Western Nigeria, but I did choose a house, and now Esu is with me, Ogun is with me, I initiate Osun and still drink from her pot, I have Ifa, I entered Igbodu,/Itefa, Sango is with me Obatala and all other Orishas and now Egbe Padrino and my children have followed suit. I thank you sir, Iba Padrino! Iba my handsome, kind, sweet, loving, gentle Padrino!! I call your name!

Many of you are on a path. What I do not like with some of you is that although you are seeking, you open your heads up to too many people in your hunger to know more and more. The internet is great but not everyone here is. Be Ye careful! When you find someone good, who is genuine and is willing to light the path and show you the way, keep them, honor  them, respect them stay close to them! Going from here, there and everywhere will eventually lead to problems. I had three mentors and not all at the same time or from the same religion/tradition. Mr. Mitchel, who was Jamaican and Christian, but a great diviner, possibly one of the best I have ever known, he read Tarot card, he bad like sore, Iba Mr. Mitchel. Mr. Pierre, who was Haitian and a remarkable Houngan, he read regular playing cards, him bad like puss foot, Iba Mr. Pierre and Padrino, who was Cuban, he read cowrie shells, him badda dan….(no words to describe how him bad!) Iba Padrino. They were all from different cultures, religions and traditions. I met them at different times in my life and I have never nor will I ever forget them. If you are on your path, your head will tell you or show you where you belong. Do not over search or research your life, just be calm and easy, you teachers will find you. When the student is ready the master will appear. Be sure not to snub the master and miss your opportunity! Deal gently with life, and life will deal gently with you.

Ẹni a fẹ́ la mọ̀, a ò mọ ẹni tó fẹ́’ni. / 

You do know who you love; but you can’t be certain of who really loves you……Yoruba Proverb!

[Be perceptive; appearance is not all there is]

Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji


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[…] ago my Padrino (Iba Padrino, I still call your name sir) taught me how to set up my altar. Over the years, my […]


[…] dilate, and the doctors kept sending me home. And it was the night before she was born, that Padrino came into my dream in full white and cleared me, and when he finished he said “Now go and […]

9 years ago


I don’t think I want to use whatever may have led me to be in love before. Those “instincts” are flawed…lol
I recognise the “nobody cyan tell yuh nutten”, but same way I stay, all with wrong decisions with my hard head.
Thanks though; I think the feeling calm will be a great indicator, as well as if I trust them explicitly which will truly amaze me. I’m eager to delve more into this aspect but I guess I won’t rush it. Everything in its right time, I suppose… 🙂

9 years ago

When you are already deeply spiritual, I imagine (ok, I hope) it is somewhat easier to trust your spirit and know/feel when “it” is right–whatever the ‘it’ may be. But when you are just finding your self and getting in touch with your spirit, how do you know when you have found a “Master”? I’m asking because from a wholly natural mind point of view, one may be more inclined to trust…but verify, especially when you read real stories of even godparents doing evil to and misleading godchildren. What are the simple steps or best approach for a newbie–without over… Read more »

9 years ago

Aburu aboye Iyanifa. Ibashe to all your ancestral spiritual t’chas..and greetings to the ESP massiv. Congratulations to you and your fam on the recent initiation….i’m always held captive reading about your fascinating life and deep spiritual insight… this blog entry has been no different. Your advice in the last paragraph regarding trodding ones path was very timely and mystic… i treat it as advice coming from the unseen realm -thru you- to me. Stay irie. Bless.

9 years ago

Greetings Obara, Nunu and ESP family! Obara, congratulations to you and your daughters on your initiation. Happy to have you back with us. I miss your daily blogs, i am like an addict. What a beautiful tribute to your Padrino, Mr. Pierre and Mr. Mitchell. Iba Padrino, Iba Mr. Pierre and Iba Mr. Mitchell. You are so right about opening your heads to many people via the internet. Funny, I was searching the online for something to add to my spirituality and it took me a while before I found our blog, but I was also skeptical about some of… Read more »

9 years ago

Rayyyyy Obara you are back…Hi Nunu, CarolineB… IBA your three spiritual teachers we honor them.

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hi Toy!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Arite, I will tell him. To say that this world is a mystery is an understatement.

9 years ago

Hi Obara Meji and family

Great post, thank you.

I know you love proverbs and you are always telling us not to hurry our lives, so when I saw this one, I instantly thought of you.

Don’t be in a hurry, everything in life must go through stages “No tree ever bore fruit without first having flowers” (Ashanti proverb)

9 years ago

Well I can’t wait for you to do a post about it. I am just getting my head wrapped around spirituality outside of “religion” the orishas, spirit families etc. and then my brother’s experience the other night dash salt in my mental organization of what’s what. I’m trying to figure out where they factor into all of it. I was watching some vids on youtube but dem confuse mi wuss. Do you know David Icke Obara? I know you’re waiting on the school to divulge certain info

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mi nah guh not a whe! Mi deh yah fi di long haul lol.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks Obara, mi miss unoo tuh. When I’m at work mi peep still mi just can’t comment cause dem watch like hawk.

9 years ago

Obara I want to.know when you do an initiation do members of the spirit family show up like the orishas do?

9 years ago

Weh mi manners iba to Mr Mitchell, Mr. Pierre and your Padrino

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hey Obara, My days are very long that’s why unoo don’t si mi more often. When I start to drive an can reach home decent hours mi wi can tarry more. By time mi reach home mi fall asleep cause I have to be up by 4 in the morning

9 years ago

Welcome back Obara! I am happy that you and your children did the initiations. They are so lucky to have someone so spiritually knowledgeable at the ready to guide them. I can’t wait to hear all about the experience

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