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Embracing Spirituality is a blog of a wide variety of spiritual topics and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji and her personal experiences. Born out of a desire to assist others in embracing their spirituality, and to lend our contribution to the ultimate goal of the evolution of mankind.
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The New Earth and Why it’s Happening (+ A Tip for 5G Protection)

This morning, I awoke to a lot of texts and emails, wishing me a happy birthday. Babalawos and some of whom I have initiated called me and offered prayers that made me smile so much I felt like a child. To all people who remembered me today, I say thank you.

I have come a long way from the scared pregnant little girl alone in New York City. Although New York is rough, when I was booted out to be on my own, the city took care of me.

Every Birthday is usually the same for me. No big deal, just another day. However, this morning I woke with a particular joy in my heart, something I have never experienced before on any birthday. I am always curious whenever I am happy, (not that I enjoy sadness), however this feeling was new to me and I sat on the side of my bed searching my head for the reason.

“Was it because it was my birthday?”

But, no, I don’t think so. Last night I had a feeling of gloom come over me while I made a cup of tea in the kitchen and I wondered also where did that come from. I am a happy person most often, so I drove the gloomy feeling (spirit) away and threatened it with a meat cleaver never to come back.

The world is in a crisis

We are all locked down, so where did this feeling of unexpected cheer come from? Although it was fitting because it was my birthday.

I soon realized that the happiness did come from my birthday, but there was a difference…

It was my first birthday within the New Earth.

The New Earth

I have been telling you all about the earth’s shift, and although we are there, we have not completely settled (it will take some more years). We are in the New Earth. The Earth as we knew it is no more, we have shifted into another dimension, another reality. If this is difficult to believe, compare yourself some years ago to who you are now, did you have the same perspective of the world? Are you asking deeper questions? Are you exploring spirituality in ways you never thought before?

Look at it like this: The ship has entered the water of the country it set out to go to, but it has not gotten to the port. It has some ways to go.

The year is 2020 to us and all of Europe, America and other places in the world, but it is 2012 in the Ethiopian calendar. So when the Mayans foretold the world would end in 2012, 2012 began September 11th 2019, according to the Ethiopian calendar.

I realize I have been telling you about the shift but I have never explained what exactly the shift is. I will attempt to explain in short details what it is, but I promise to write a deeper post on it another time.

What is the New Earth?

The New Earth is a place where humanity’s consciousness will shift. It is a new reality, a place where power is no longer in the hands of people seeking to destroy others. Instead, power will be in the minds of each individual as they climb and ascend their spirituality into allowing them to complete their Earthly mission. Within the New Earth, Chaos will still be, as it is a part of the Earth’s testing system, an examination if you will. However, humans will look more towards their spirituality and their inner selves in order to conquer all their anxieties and fears and also to teach from their experience, which will qualify as human service.

The Earth has had many shifts overtime, and no one knows the beginning of time (including Science), or really how old the earth is, or whether there ever was a “beginning”. This Shift is not the Earth’s first, and it certainly will not be it’s last. The climb upon the Spiritual Ladder is endless.

In what we call ancient times, people and times were much greater than now. People lived as One with nature and they were more attuned to the Heavens, and by the Heavens I mean the Universe.

Of course, power over one another has always been the order of the day and this also plays out within nature itself. Power is destructive, it is what the Christians believe is the cause between the God force and the Apprentice Devil who was once an angel in God’s court (mythology of course).

The world as we know it is chaotic and so the natural order for this earth plane is chaos.

What can neutralize chaos? Balance. Where Chaos is, one should try to implement balance, hence sacrifice (but this is another topic).

Once upon a time, humans had compassion for each other, or accorded their human service. Times have changed and every man now seeks to grab for himself and take from others. Man has lost his spirituality, his reason for Being. In ancient times, there was no thought to race; the colour of ones skin did not determine your class in society.

The idea of Racial Hierarchy is a concept of politics and power. If Jesus Christ died to save all of humanity, why did the African holocaust occur?

But do not mourn the harsh realities of the downtrodden, especially of the Black skinned peoples along this Earth, for the agenda of the Universe is larger than Man’s, even if he does not understand the “goodness” of his God, yet the suffering of his people. To all things, there is greater wisdom.

Outside of this Earth plane the spirit that resides within us is wise and brave. Within the Earths plane, the human is caught up with the lies of this Chaotic Earth and falls short of its mission. Power is sought after and has created a type of madness that has created destructive elements such as the example I have given above.

The Queen sits on her throne and is beloved regardless of the atrocities her empire has wreaked. She and hers before her, have looted, murdered and enslaved, physically and mentally, and she is celebrated and held in High Esteem by even those placed in her bondage.

The division caused by a maddening hunger for the illusion of power has rendered human service naught. The division I speak of is not only of the religious, cultural, or racial kind, but of a Spiritual nature; of a nature where Man, “God” (in other words, the Non-Physical existence), and Nature are all thought of as 3 separate entities, and Man is now blind to the idea that they are all One thing.

In other words we are all here to assist each other, almost like climbing a mountain where one extends a hand to another to pull him up as he climbs.

However, humans have forgotten their mission and have engrossed themselves in the fight for power and material gain and also subjecting other beings lesser than themselves to the point of creating much suffering, more chaos and more pain.

The pandemic, however, knows no power, race, or status. In this time, (I know these times have been devastating and i am sensitive to that), all people of the world are equal. The rich are dying, the poor are dying, the rich are suffering, the poor are suffering, the powerful are suffering; all are fearful of the times we are in, humans are all in sync with the same mindset, when will this time pass?

The spirituality humans had, have been lost, not only did race, money and power divide them, religion turned them into something less than themselves. Through religion, more hate came than love, more judgement came than understanding. More spiritual enslavement than physical bondage became rampant. More war than peace, more fear than calm, and all with the Ultimate Aim: Power and the maintenance thereof. Through religion inequality became more apparent and self-titled men and women preached words they did not understand.

Believers were subjugated by dogmas and doctrines that had no real divine principles because the humans themselves who preached these words did not even understand what divine was. Man looked outside himself because he did not know how to look within. Instead he became blindsided by devotion placed inside books to conquer and control him.

The Earth cried and began to rebel; lakes, rivers and lagoons began to dry up. The sun’s heat has become unbearable and where there is winter, the times became confused. For when it is supposed to be cold it now gets hot and when it is supposed to be hot it then becomes cold.

Animals are dying out and nature has turned against Man. All things of the Earth plane has changed and for centuries humans have been out of alignment not only with nature but with themselves.

But here now, is the arrival of the New Earth.

This has been a long time coming and even though we have some years to go, you and I may not see the settlement of the New Earth but we will witness some of its breeze. Be patient, however. Because to shift out of Chaos into Order is no easy task. It is a rebirth, and birth can be a grueling process, but once over, it is a beautiful new beginning.

Over time, Man will begin to find himself again, and with that, he will find his way. He will have become more spiritual and this is what is needed for alignment. He will ask questions he has never asked before, or if he has, he is now determined to find the answers. His perspective of life will change. He will choose lovers and friends more wisely. And soon, what was once ordinary, is now deeper to him.

These, that I have explained to you is just a short synopsis of perhaps some of the reasons of why we have shifted. In the meantime, to celebrate my birthday, I wish to give you guys some gifts.

My Gifts to You in this New Earth

In these times that many people are worried about 5G radiation and all sorts of chaotic things that may disturb their lives.

  1. Invest in a crystal called Black Obsidian, you can buy it raw or polished. I don’t care what Crystal Professionals say it is for, the Spirit has told me that it is a good deflector of any negative energy coming from any sort of radiation. This includes xrays, 5G and other types of harmful rays or radioactive vibrations that you may encounter.

I had four more gifts, but the post has become too long, so these are enough for now.

Love and light to you all,

Obara Meji

“Meditate, the light of understanding is within” – Obara Meji

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4 years ago

Funny i see Black Obsidian loooooool I already wear 1, but how do I get the children to keep one on, lard help mi lool

4 years ago

I appreciate your message!
My Earthday is September 11th.

Edited to add: Belated Earthday wishes!

Last edited 4 years ago by Ibeji1123
Iya Harris
Iya Harris
4 years ago

Thank you for this divine relevation
I woke up this day thinking that i must focus.on being grateful. Without further thinking i realized it is my son Ojo’s 36th earth year. I was so happy as he is always on the periphery of my spirituality but at the center of his. There is so much balance in our time and I’ve even come to realize that the ancestors speak thru him quite ofen. Anyway, I am so greatful for this.message – it resonates with my soul. I am grateful to be on this vibration with you.

4 years ago

Great post, thx for the gifts and happy belated birthday Obara.

I was trying to post on thia topic days ago and it wouldn’t go through.

Glad I am able to post again.

Well I only hope the shift brings some true equilibrium.

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I should have. Sorry. I had recently upgraded my browser and thought that that may have been the cause.

Next time I will whatsapp you should anything similar arise.

Nickie Latti
Nickie Latti
4 years ago

I am glad I stumbled upon this site. Give thanks.

4 years ago

God bless you for this post Ma…theres no words that can be used to express the effect this post has on me…this is a well written and beautiful post that has given me understanding beyond my comprehension (if that makes any sense). The post blew me away thank you Ma for this post because it is a gift to us on your blog , more to some than others.  Now my question, referring to the post, where you said the mayans foretold that the world would end in 2012 which is the 2020 most of us know it to be… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you for the response and explanation. I have gotten more clarification on things. Your reply and the link you sent about the mayans have triggered something in me and i have a few questions. Is it possible for someone to dream about the mayans? If it is possible, what is the reason for the person dreaming about them? Especially with no prior knowledge of the mayans or their existence. I ask these questions because reading the mayan post, i saw some pictures there and they reminded me immediately of a dream i had early this year. In this dream,i was… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes i have read the story on the blog some time ago. I remember you said your eyes were sort of pricked but you felt no pain but your vision was blurred and couldn’t make out what you were seeing properly. You said it was because you weren’t supposed to have that knowledge in the physical. I guess its the same thing with why I couldn’t remember the things that was said to me about the carved wooden faces, who they were and all that. The inner powers you talked about that may be suppressed within me, what sort of… Read more »

4 years ago

Happy Birthday Yeye Olomi tutu. Wishing you God’s best, love, health and wholeness, joy and peace

4 years ago

Belated Happy Earthstrong!!!! Wishing you many more to come. Dem will have to sun you. Lol

Thanks for your gift and the enlightenment. Will try and get it!

Take care, blessings

4 years ago

Happy birthday again Obara…….wishing you long life and happiness.


Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago

Good evening Ma’am, I emailed you.

4 years ago

I also say thank you for everything you’ve done for me and the guidance and knowledge. I truly appreciate it and I am very thankful.

4 years ago

Greetings Iya and the ES family,

I am so sorry for the belated birthday wishes but even though I wish you a happy birthday, it’s nice you actually had a happy birthday. What I love most about you is your wisdom and I thank you for guiding us with your wisdom and encouragement during these trying times. May Olodumare, IFA, Eshu, your ancestors, your Egbe, Yeye Osun and the Orishas all continue to guide you, strengthen you, answer your prayers quickly and grant you even more prosperity, peace and happiness. And may you slay even more duppies!

Much love!

4 years ago

Happy Birthday Obara. May the Universe continue to Bless you. Thank you for your informative articles. Onwards and Upwards!



4 years ago

Happy Birthday ma. ….More blessings and good health.

Thanks for everything.

Love always

4 years ago

Happy Birthday Obara ❤️

Forever grateful,


4 years ago

Great post Obara as always we are all learning so much.You are a Gifted, blessings and more blessing upon you.

4 years ago

Hope I’m not late

i wish you happy birthday in good health and prosperous years ahead

4 years ago

Hope I’m not late

i wish you happy birthday in good health and prosperous years ahead

4 years ago

Happy Birthday and be bless…

Sheryl White
Sheryl White
4 years ago


4 years ago

Please excuse the triple comment. Not sure what happened

4 years ago

Good night everyone! Happy Birthday Teach,many blessings to you. Mi nuh comment in a loooong time but me come teef a read every once in a while. We are living in strange times; it’s so weird to be out and see everyone in masks/practicing social distancing or how eerily quiet the streets are by 9/10 pm. It’s going to be interesing to see what this transition brings. I also see people talking about the age of Aquarius alot now too.

4 years ago

Happy Birthday Obara.. I wish you tons of good health, tons of success,tons of blessings and peace. May you be continue to be elevated and may the ancestors continue to protect you and guide you to help humanity.

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago

You’re right, man became blindsided. People have been brainwashed and manipulated for decades by books written by some so-called men just because they couldn’t find the answers and the truth within themselves. Religion was invented by man. I always knew that from childhood. God Has No Religion. I feel like my shift already started some years ago. I feel the shift already started in my life. I already started asking some unusually questions, I already started searching for extraordinary answers, I already started searching for the truths, the whole truth, nothing but the truth, and i already started questioning everything.… Read more »

Benjamin Franklyn Jr.
4 years ago

Hope am not too late, I no longer have your number else I would have texted you directly. I’m wishing a happy and blessed birthday to the most wonderful woman I have ever known. A WOMAN OF SUBSTANCE. An EXTRAORDINARY woman = OBARA MEJI. I hope this day brings a lot of happiness at your doorsteps. May God bless your new age, as you age gracefully. I haven’t met you yet but I just want you to know that you changed my life for good unbeknownst to you. EMBRACING SPIRITUALITY FREED ME FROM POVERTY AND FAILURE. Freed me from Scam… Read more »

4 years ago

Happy EarthStrong and many happiness and great health and wealth to you Obara Meji

4 years ago

Happy Birthday to you Obara

Thank you. For your information I learned a lot all the time I read your posts

Violet 777
Violet 777
4 years ago

Obara, thanks for the information on the lemon and garlic and placing the salt water in the 4 corners of the house will defo do that.

Love and light

oh forgot to ask who won the free reading?

4 years ago

Thank you for gifts and wisdom you continually give each day. You are so correct as this virus has and will change humankind for the better as everyone, rich or poor is affected. No one is speared and the earth shows this when we look how rivers, lakes, and even the air has been affected.

Violet 777
Violet 777
4 years ago

Another great posts thank you for the gift I will be looking at where I can purchase the crystal from ASAP…

The crystal Is to be worn and placed in the house? Is that right?

4 years ago

April 20th….won’t forget. Just found out on this post. Happy birthday to you Obara Meji, many many happy returns. Love always…

4 years ago

April 20th….won’t forget. Just found out on this post. Happy birthday to you Obara Meji, many many happy returns. Love always…

4 years ago

Happy brithday obara wishing you all the best in life i pray the lord Will continué guide and keep you

4 years ago

Happy birthday mama wishing u all the love

4 years ago

Blessed love and happy new earth strong to a beautiful teach we all love. Lalalala!!!!! Big up Yuh self yaadie queen Obara!!!!! Enjoy your day and make many more beautiful memories. Muah! We be sipping on our good ole rum boo 😉

4 years ago
Reply to  Sue

you in Jamaica with that good rum. Where are you so we can share that rum?

4 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

In the heart of st. Catherine pyfish 🙂 join the festivities. “Let’s drink to hardworking people! Let’s drink to the good ole times!” Love and light all muah

4 years ago
Reply to  Sue

Aww mums ur in lockdown. You ok? I want to come home so bad. But you already the airport lock.

definitely a drink to Obara you my dear!

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Nuh worry bout di rum teach, we’ll gwan celebrate your 1st birth on dis new earth ***cheers*** wi a buss a dance teach!!!! Yea you!!!!!! Hahaha…. A good feeling

4 years ago

Obara I thought tomorrow was your birthday! You said party a keep Tuesday. And here I am late to wishing you a Happy Blessed Birthday!! And I know I’m your biggest number stalker, fan, reader, believer. So again HAPPY BIRTHDAY OBARA! Thank you!

4 years ago




4 years ago

Thanks for the enlightenment Ma’am. I’m glad to be awakened in these times and looking forwards to a bright future and a better earth for us all. You might say the post is long, but it was a great read and it held me focused until the end. Then i had to scroll back up to see if it was really long hahaha. But now you teased with one gift and kept four arrrrghh. I’m longing…. Happy birthday again, and it’s good you felt joy today. Away from the usual in a joyous way is good for the soul. Peace… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol…i like to read. And I’ve found the other two in the comments. Thank you

4 years ago

Happy Birthday, Obara! Blessings to you today and always!

4 years ago

Thank you for this!

Happy Earthday!

May Olodumare continue to grant you divine wisdom!

Adefisayo Taiwo
4 years ago

Happy Birthday ma, ELEDUMARE will makes you live longer than your ancestors….. In good health and sound mind. Amen

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