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Spirit Visitation in Dreams – Do All Spirits Tell the Truth?

Every human being on the face of the Earth dreams, whether you remember your dreams or not. But it is not every dream we have that are revelations. Revelation dreams happen at particular hours and are called “visions”, when your “third eye” is able to pierce through the veil. Now, in other words, some dream experiences are brought back as metaphors upon waking, things that you must decipher. While others, are direct messages. However, these direct messages are visions, things that your spirit has personally brought back as a direct message.

This is not a post about dreams, but about the visitations you experience during the sleeping state that upon waking your memory will recall that experience as a dream.

There is a difference between dreaming and experiencing visitations during sleep. That difference is that when dreaming, the spirit wanders through the spiritual Earth, while in visitations, the spirit does not wander, but experiences a shift in illusion, which is projected by another Being.

Some of us are very fortunate to be able to have communication with certain types of Beings, such as transitioned family members or other kinds. However, you should all be wary of messages that are passed to you from familiar faces in your sleeping state. Just as how in the waking state, there are liars and thieves and deceivers, so, too, are there liars and thieves and deceivers in the world of spirit and in the sleeping state.

Let me tell you a story…

#1 — When the Dream Is a Result of Spiritual Attack

Megan works in corporate and she is the newest employee. It had been hard for her to get a job for a long time despite her capabilities, and it was after a Pastor prayed for her that a job opportunity became available. She works closely with Michael and Catrina. However, because they have seniority over her, everything for them at the job, from salary to position, is superior to Megan. Six months into the job, Megan has been slightly resentful of the camaraderie between Michael and Catrina, as they are her age-mates and do not have the qualifications she has, yet they are superior to her. The resentment she harbors in the back of her mind makes her work harder so that the boss might see her effort and eventually position her equal to or above these two. However, after working there some time, this still doesn’t happen, and eventually Catrina elevates past her.

One night, Megan goes to bed and she dreams that Michael had talked the boss out of giving her a position that she was qualified for. In the dream, Megan also saw Catrina sitting smugly, smiling at the fact that Megan did not get the position.

Megan had always known that there was something she did not like about Michael and Catrina, and this dream confirmed her feelings. She went to work the next day and quit. She knew that she had been undermined and she would not stay where she knew she had secret enemies.

In the dream, Megan’s subconscious spoke to her about her own attitude and behavior. However, her inner resentment and jealous personality translated the dream that Michael and Catrina had undermined her. But this is just one explanation, the next is most often the reality.

Unbeknownst to Megan, she has been under a spiritual attack which was intended to delay her progress in life. Because Megan’s Pastor offered prayers for her progress, she finally received a job, cutting through the spiritual attack. However, as the spiritual attack was still within Megan, now that she finally had a job, that attack continues by negatively affecting her perception of the job. The attack further presents itself in her perception of her dreams, because of her natural personality, seeing people who are innocent as enemies in her dreams. Therefore, as a result of this, she would quit the job and return home to doing nothing, and fulfill the intent of the spiritual attack.

How people perceive life is how life will be presented to them. This is the medium through which the spiritual attack makes itself manifest. The natural jealous personality of Megan allowed the spiritual attack, which is negative energy, to take the face of Michael and Catrina, the objects of her jealousy, to deceive her so that she may undermine herself.

#2 — When the “People” In Your Dreams Are Wayward Spirits

Often times, people are visited in their dreams by ghosts. Most often, these “ghosts” are wayward spirits, those who are earthbound and just travel from home to home, searching for Light (because they really have none). While some of them are simply mischievous or just seeking somewhere to settle for a while along with their family.

There are times when you may be sleeping and you are seeing someone in your home or environment in your dream state. Whether it is someone that you know (and this I will explain, because a living person can actually appear in your house though still being alive), or an unfamiliar image.

What I am about to tell you, take it as fact:

When ever you see anyone in your dream and the setting is your own environment, or even your street, you are actually seeing a ghost, and that ghost is seeing you. All that is occurring in your “dream” at that time is all actually occurring. But how does this actuality occur? Within that moment in your sleeping state, depending also on the time, your frequency and vibration and that of your environment has risen unbeknownst to you and you are able to see what is normally invisible to you in your “waking” state.

Because this apparition knows that you are aware of it, it will now use its mind to set a scene for you to witness. While it is standing over you, it will create a scene that you will begin to “dream”. The sleeper will be seeing a story unfold of this unknown person doing many things, and you may wake remembering the story, when in actuality it was your own spirit simply becoming aware of an unwanted entity in your physical environment.

People encounter visitations from spirit daily without knowing. If a person has an animal and the animal passed, it is almost certain that the animal will visit them in the same physical reality that the animal has just left. But how will the owner know? He would see that animal in its same type of build or breed, in another person’s pet.

Ordinarily going to the supermarket, a spirit can host the cashier’s body and pass a message to you while cashing you. This, being unbeknownst to her and you being puzzled or completely missing the message. We speak to spirits everyday through everyone else. You can be speaking to your Uber driver and he says something that connects to you. It is not the Uber driver himself, it is a spirit which uses these mediums to deliver messages to you.

Woe be to people, who, believing themselves psychically attuned, having dreams about others and then warning others about these dreams, when in reality, the dream is being misinterpreted. Telling a friend that he shouldn’t trust a friend, or telling one that he should not eat from another because of a dream. These things have happened from the oldest of days until today.

We live in a world where most of us have no realization that up to our very thoughts are not our own. They are just floating energies that are received by many, but belong to none. Thus, even with this, we must be observant and careful.

Competent spiritualists/mediums/diviners do not accept the word of a Spirit just because it was given to him by a spirit. If a diviner is using oracle or even himself as an oracle, he must try and test the spirit that gives him messages, and not deliver a message given to him simply because the message came from an invisible entity through divination.

Among those who are in the visible world as well as in the invisible world, there are deceivers. It is not all that you hear in your own mind that is the truth. It is not all that you see in a dream or vision that is truthful. The minds of men are savage, and the reality of humankind is just an illusion. This means we must apply wisdom in order to seek out truth from among the daily deceptions.

However, spirit, though invisible, is real. But there are those who are set to mischief.

It is through your conscious state that you are able to decipher one from the other. And it is beneficial to each and every human being to strive for purity so that when these messages come from the Hierarchies of Spirit, or even from the Depths of Spirit, it can come clear and true.

However, malevolent entities can not take on the form of very high Beings, such as the Christ, Krishna, the Buddha, etc.

Denounce fanaticism or superstitions. Relax and trust your consciousness and you will be able to see and understand as you should.

Poetry is the language of the gods.

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1 year ago

Obara, I pray you view this post. On May 9th, I went to a botanica to purchase a few items, baths, candles and soaps. After shopping, I waited outside the botanica for an Uber, and happened to see the owner of the botanica existing her vehicle to enter into her business place. The owner is a Spiritualist(reader oman), in which I’ve had only 1 reading from via phone call last year. I made no contacts with the owner, not even a, “Hello” as I stood a good distance watching her. On May 10th, in my bedroom I dreamt of that… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  D'jaunae

In addition, I had a reading done on this individual, and the Iyanifa told me, “please do not date, or married the man, because the reading came back negative as to say, ‘I would die behind him, and that I needed to do ebo to cleanse myself of his essense.’ Before all of this occured, I would telepathically hear this man calling me by name in my head,it only happened once but in the same week, a strong sweet perfume/cologne smell would hit me out of nowhere and I’ve had dreams of people telling me we got married…..What a piece… Read more »

1 year ago

Happy Mother’s day to all the Earth Angels on the blog whenever it arrives where you live- Special greetings for our beloved mom/sis Obara!

1 year ago

Another enlightening post!!! I truly believe you hear what you need to hear when it is time for you to hear it. As a “newbie” you continue to bring wisdom and clarity to those who are just beginning to try and make sense of it all. Thank you for this post because there are happenings when our eyes are open and shut. Please continue the great work. You are deeply appreciated.

1 year ago

This is so informative Obara, I’m getting a lot of nuggets here to meditae on. Thanks for the wonderful post.

Jojo Queen
1 year ago

Teacha why don’t sum people not dream or think they don’t dream ? why can’t you bring back some messages after seeing them but yet you was shown it ? I remember an unfriendly face in a dream showing me herbs she came in to my backyard telling me about some herbs she had in her hands but in reality I can’t remember them.

1 year ago

Thank you Obara for your words of wisdom and I hope you are doing well and staying strong. I have been having dreams from I was a teenager . The first dream I can remember is seeing myself burning in hell fire. I wanted to be baptized and my dad who was a pastor said no because I was not ready and I was too young and he believed I need ti live and experience life a bit before taking that step. Over the years I’ve had many dreams. I tend to dream about family members and people that I… Read more »

1 year ago

Nice post, “I’m dead to the world” as they say in Jamaica, in other words, I don’t really dream, but this is good to know should in case

1 year ago

How I look forward to your posts, Obara. So much to learn! It is true we all dream, but I am one of those people who barely remember their dreams in the waking world. Those that I have remembered have been very vivid and of something that is to happen. One time some years back, I dreamt my friends and I had attended a party and the route we walked had some turns before we got to the room where the party was. Come 2021 and a colleague at work invited me to a graduation party of one of his… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Selam

Deja Vu happens alot more than we know-

1 year ago

So much to learn, so much to understand. Thank you. But, the new earth dictates that we must be spiritually literate.

Intellectual Bhutu
1 year ago

Greetings Obara!

Mi a read an a tink seh bwoy dis ting trickify bad! However, I found solace in the last sentence “…you will be able to see and understand as you should.

Thank you for sharing this information with us

1 year ago

Nobody can’t tell me nothing about dreams- They are real and have messages- I have been having dreams since I was single digits and dreaming runs heavily in my family- To almost no fault whenever someone dreams me and tells me it is always a sign of danger and attack- I have had so many examples of this- Most of the time my dreams of others are also the same, of messages of dangers. As a youngest I also had many encounters with spirits. I couldn’t see them clearly but they were 100% there, even now once in awhile I… Read more »

1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What has always intrigued me was that we both saw this ‘man/duppy’ I can recall it like it was yesterday and the feeling how my head felt like it was so light and pulsating like I could feel every heartbeat……. So My mother knew from I was very young that I had the trait that runs through my family for seeing stuff- I think I told you once that when I was young single digits my mother would NEVER hire anyone at her company without me seeing them- She would have me sit outside the room where she would do… Read more »

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Teacha I like him loooool, Mr Lincoln Have you ever thought about being a guide or a mentor to youngsters? I felt to ask that.

1 year ago
Reply to  Jojo Queen

Well I have been mentor to hundred of kids just not in the realm of spirituality.

Jojo Queen
1 year ago

Good day teacher, beautiful post how I have missed them. lool it’s not easy for an Undeveloped mine to understand, I have an many dreams of ghosts I recall one where a guy that use to live in my old house dead and I saw him in a dream outside the house looking at me and I him but I was in my bed, but he could see him and he knew I could see him it was like a Staring contest lool then I got up. another one was a lady that use to live in another old house… Read more »

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

mi say teacha a mi fi tell you loooool, I want to also bring something to your attention yesterday Saturday you know the king Coronation was in full effect, but I couldn’t help but notice the energy on ground in the U.K it was one of Anger and rage I can’t speak for the U.K on a hold but from the lil spot I Occupy here, what is that teacha sorry I came off topic. yes teacha duppy ova yah nuff looooòool old England, and you think back home duppy dem Mischievous check old lady England looooooooool

1 year ago

I have stopped dreaming not by choice but i dont remember any if it happens , I get visitations pleasant and unpleasant but it sometimes take a day or two to realise hindsight that a spirit gave me a visitation through this interaction. Reading this made me realise also the kind of visitation that one can have from ghost unbeknownst to them and it seems my husband is the one who experience this a lot .

Last edited 1 year ago by Violet
1 year ago

Quite a few gems I’ve learnt from this reading today. Thank you Ma. 1 question Ma, are there warning signs presented to us that tell us / give us a clue that the dream we are having is false / the dream itself is a spiritual attack?

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