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“If salt is spilled, look out for quarrel or fight, black pepper or any kind of pepper, the same thing – quarrel. If you are eating food and it falls to the ground your ancestors need your attention, or if a black cat crosses your path it is not a good sign – I never believed this one about the cat, but I have since proven it, yup it is true! If a dog cries at night someone will die, and certain birds if you see them at nights, like the owl, especially a white one, death of a close relative or friend is near. If your right hand itches, money is coming in, if your left hand itches money is going out, but for some people it’s the reverse and so many more tell-tale signs to aid us in this life.”

From the post ‘The Spiritual Power and Uses of Salt

Good day to each and everyone. The above are some superstitions that I will write about one day, but they can also be applied to dreams. I’ve decided today to do another post on the interpretations of dreams and visions and also the explanation of certain superstitions which may just play right into our lives as how they’re told.

The world of dreams and visions as I’ve written here on this blog more than once is a very important world. There are many realms within time and space and we, inhabitants of this earth plane, have visited many, most often during our sleeping state. Now, as a child growing up in Jamaica, ole time people used to say ‘take sleep and mark death,’ this has a cautionary meaning all on it’s own, but to take the words literally, it means ‘sleep mimics death,’ and this is true. When we go to sleep whether at nights or at any time of the day, our body relaxes and our minds calm down, and we’re able, as spirits to leave the body through one of it’s 7 exit points and walk at first through what is called the spiritual earth, which in our dreams and visions looks exactly like the earth or the realm we live in.

Dream experiences are very different from when you have visions. This must be clear to you. You must know that dreams and visions are two different things and what determines the difference is the time when it occurs (I plan to do OMOU classes on times and its importance to the spirit). The dreamworld, which is a very conscious world or the world of consciousness, allows you, the traveler, to see your past and present, your visions allows you the traveler to see the future. You would wonder why would you want to see your past? But always know that your past, whether in this life or another lifetime, is always linked to your present. It is your past which determines your present and the outcome.

Your future determines your way through and forward as per your journey on this earth. Your victories, joys, overcoming encumbrances, or perhaps going into battle, this is why it is very important to pay attention to your dreams and visions, regardless of how silly they may seem. Remember the language of spirit always comes in metaphors. The frequency or vibration that their world carries cannot be sustained or understood in our world, and so for our guides, spirits, angels, ancestors to speak to with us, we have to meet in another dimension, and this is hoping that when we come back to our reality, which is this earth, we are able to decode what we were told. Hence the reason for people like me to be apart of society.

When I say people like me, it doesn’t mean a spiritual practitioner alone, but there are people who are wise enough to understand the language of the outer world. Today, I will list out some metaphors for you within the world of dreams that when ever you encounter them, you may be able to decipher them or decode them yourself. Many atrocities have happened to people or their loved ones and the warning came in dreams or visions but because of lack of understanding, they had no idea of the interpretation.

  • To dream of eating an apple (there is a reason why I begin with this one) or any other fruits, is indicative of someone wanting to stop  your prosperity. The apple itself speaks about prosperity through a loving relationship, perhaps marriage, an engagement, or boyfriend/girlfriend situation that which would have prospered, has now died the minute you see yourself eating this fruit, as with others (meaning fruits on a whole) represents your prosperity, and to eat it, most often are bad messages. It’s no wonder those who wrote the bible used the apple as a metaphor to indicate Adam’s sin and also the fall of man.

As a child growing up in Jamaica, we were told that when we saw ourselves eating these things in dreams, it is good, but I cannot stress this to your enough, eating in dreams is never good. This is how the enemy can attack and send bad messages by coming into that world and feeding you things which are no good for your spirit and that which will affect you in the physical world.

  • Dreaming of seeing fruits, ripe fruits, not eating it, or even perhaps sharing it, or in the presence of good fruits, is indicative of great prosperity to come. Just make sure you see it! Doan nyam it!

If you dream that you have eaten anything in your dream, before speaking to anyone, find that which you have eaten, and eat it in real life to destroy the bad message sent to you in the dream. If anyone who reads this post, if you ever want to thank me for anything, thank me for this tip that I have given you. It is most important.

  • To see blood in your dream is never good. Know that this is indicative of scandal or disgrace. It matters not who the blood belongs to, it is indicative of something very negative. If you can, seek divination for clarification and perhaps that will give solution.
  • To dream nakedness or to see yourself or anyone else naked in a dream also means scandal and disgrace.
  • To see a dog is interpreted depending on how you saw the dog. If the dog barks and is angry, there is a very vicious enemy around. Be careful. If the dog rushes you, as if he wants to attack, be careful of an attack whether physical or spiritual. If he actually bites in the dream, this is no good. This can be indicative of death, sickness, war etc. Please note that any animal that attacks you in your visions and dreams or is able to wound, is indicative of what will happen in real life. So if it is a dog, know that it is coming from war. If it is a cat know that is is coming from somebody close, a secret enemy, it could be a spouse, your children, your siblings, etc. If it is a snake, the same as with the cat, except even more deadly. If it is an insect, believe that someone who you may think cannot harm you, that person has devised a plan against you. This is when I tell you to be present in your life and begin now to look at everyone, perhaps the maid in your house. Be careful. But always know that any attack, especially being wounded by an animal, it can even mean death if care is not taken.
  • To dream of hearing gun shots or being fired upon, this is also indicative of war (either spiritual attack or physical war coming to you, or physical war coming through spiritual attack). Please know that when people send spiritual attack through wicked obeah, and you dream these dreams, it is your messenger, your own spirit guide, that is letting you know what is happening.
  • To dream of seeing birds, now this depends on the type of bird. If you dream of a cock and a hen, look towards your relationship – there may be problems. Most cocks has more than one hens, so this dream may be telling you, (if you’re a woman) that a third person may be involved in your relationship. If it is the crowing of a cock, it means that a husband is on it’s way.

– Small Black Birds are messengers of death, especially if you see them singing/chirping.

To see a duck in your dream, one human being may die, one who is not close to you. To see a duck fly, whatever situation you may be in that may not be good for you, God will release you from that situation.

If any bird or animal with wings scratches you, seek divination right away, sickness is on it’s way.

If you dream to see a set of birds take flight, you will be in successful in a particular endeavor. However, the birds must not be black. It would be best if they’re white. If they’re black, you will go to 3 funerals in succession.

  • Seeing your teeth fall out is a sure sign of death, but the place where the tooth falls from, is what will tell you if the person who will die is closely related or if it is someone distant.
  • Someone combing their hair is never a good dream. This means someone is playing with you spiritually, trying to confuse your mind, or use influence to dissuade you from making proper decisions.
  • To dream of quarrel denotes problems in the dreamers life. Upon having such a dream as this, the person must immediately wet their house with water and wet their yard with water to hold that energy down or to stave it off, so that when it comes, it doesn’t expand and turn into something else.
  • To dream an ancestor means that person needs to be either remembered mentioned, or attended to in some type of way.
  • To dream an angel or a particular deity giving you good messages, this means you need to sleep on white sheets from then forward so that whatever spiritual gift that is suppose to be yours in this life, you will gain.
  • To dream yourself in white is an indication that so far within your life’s journey, you have met God’s approval.
  • To dream yourself in black, this can denote mourning or show that there is power within you, even if you don’t know.
  • To dream yourself in red, means you should not wear the color at all, and it also means that you should introspect and release anybody that you have been unable to forgive. Red is a very powerful color in the realm of spirit and is indicative of judgement. For someone to dream that they are wearing red, they are a danger to themselves because of their own mental convictions of others. This dream means release. You must release and forgive.
  • To dream of feces/poop, expect money! Poop is a direct indication of money. Seeing is good but touching is excellent (lol) know that money is on it’s way and this is for sure.
  • A Wedding dream is also an indication of funeral, and also when you see the bride and groom dressed as a bride and groom. A problem may be brewing, but the fact that you have dreamt it means that there is solution.

Note: Dreams are warnings. Whenever one dreams something it means that there is solution for whatever is coming. If whatever is coming is final, you will not be able to see it in visions or dreams. Please refer to this post for more and I may do a separate post on visions, which represents revelations or what is to come in the future.

Also note: know that we all experience the dream world, whether you have memory of it or not, if you do not remember your dreams, do not force yourself to, there may be a very good reason your guide does not want you to remember and so has removed it from you memory bank, at least for now. At times it would or will be recalled as a deja vu experience. There are some things that we may have seen or experienced while travelling that should not be revealed to our “backward world”, backward in terms of spiritual knowledge of time and space. Also if someone has used Obeah to stop your dreams from being recalled by you (this happens, and this is why you must not tell everyone your dreams, because if someone realizes that you, perhaps may be a “seer/dreamer,” someone who gets revelations, they may have something to hide, and try to spiritually blind you, then there is also solution, however I cannot give it out here.

Today and for the rest of the week on this post, I give you all the opportunity to ask your questions of your dreams. If I don’t respond immediately, know that I will. Here in Africa the internet is not always reliable. Before the end of the week I will post what I promised on visions.

Obara Meji

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji

“All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love” – Obara Meji!

Tí orí kan bá sunwọ̀n á ran’gba. /
If one head (a person) is blessed, hundreds others will be positively affected….Yoruba Proverb!

[Success is contagious]

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1 year ago

I keep dreaming that I find out I’m pregnant or some sign I am pregnant in the dream; just to be attacked or poisoned I also have had several “dreams” during sun hours that my body is asleep and unable to move but my mind feels awake; and I feel fear unable to wake my body up. Each time I’m either in danger or a something is letting me know someone is in my house. Last night I dreamed of a positive pregnancy test laying on my night stand when I black shadowy person comes into my room and attacks… Read more »

1 year ago

Early before that I also dreamt that I was looking for a spot to build a house on my grandmother’s land and my aunt was resistant. I remember her showing me graves as if I couldn’t build there because there were already graves there. Sorry I separated the dream but I forgot about that part.

Last edited 1 year ago by Phoenix
1 year ago

I would love to get the interpretation of a dream I had this morning between 1am and 5:27am. I remember because these are the times I woke up. I dreamt that I went to my exes houses we built together and saw him with a new family comfortable with all my furniture and household things I left behind as I only took my clothes when I left. I got so mad, I started to smash every tv mirror, anything breakable I could find. I literally wanted to break everything, and everyone just stood there watching me go crazy in shock,… Read more »

Last edited 1 year ago by Phoenix
2 years ago

Hello. Can I get the meaning of this dream please?

I dreamed that my eldest son scrambled a egg. I asked him to pass me one to make for his younger brother. I got the egg and tried to prepare it but instead of it being raw, it was boiled already. Can you tell me what it means please. Thanks.

2 years ago

Oh my dear Obara, I have been spending time on your blog to learn from you and also to introspect on my [spiritual] life experiences. Before my mama passed on, I had had a dream of elephants. In it were a mama elephant and her two babies (a male and female) running away from a herd of familial elephants that was throwing poisoned arrows at them. Mama shielded her babies from the arrows and other ammunitions, hid them in caves and grass, walked through a long dry savanna until they came to a fence. Mama elephant kept her fighting spirit… Read more »

4 years ago

My dear Obara. It is your ardent follower Precious. last night I dreamt of seeing a snail in a bucket. I was about to strike it then all of a sudden it came out of its shell and was a very big snail. I was astonished and afraid. I found myself conversing with it as then said “ I will see you later” then I awoke from my dream.

4 years ago

Dream took place on 4 February between 0500 to 0540 Good day again Iyanifa Obara Meji The following is a vivid dream involving you, one other lady whom I seemed familiar with in the dream (but I don’t know her in real life) and the Jamaican obeah man I’ve mentioned in the past (I no longer speak to him). Yourself and the other woman were talking to me – similar to the way a master would talk to an apprentice. You were both telling me to do less of this, more of that etc – just general instructions on how… Read more »

5 years ago

Keep having a recurrent dream about clear water with my clothes in it. My dreams are always early mornings (3-6am). The first one I was swimming in a river which lead under a bridge. After grabbing my clothes I climbed onto a rock where I realized I was pregnant.
Then this morning I dreamt I was at my high school and I had a pile up of clothes. I proceeded to the back where I began rinsing clothes and at some point several fish was in the water

5 years ago
Reply to  Buzz

From the little I do know is that one should be wary about dreams of bodies of water such as seas, rivers and lakes. Even if you search online you will find dream interpretations about such things as gloom and doom. One good thing about your dream is that the water was clear. So chances are your dream is a very good one. Your clothes being in clear water possibly means blessings are coming to you or atleast a purge of negative energies. You being back at high school with a backlog of clothes could possibly mean you are now… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

If this is true, mi tired of being afraid. And I am ready to fight!!!!!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow. Holy moly. I would have thought the clear waters was a good omen since there would be clarity or is it the fish that are enemies?

If the fish are enemies then if the water is clear should mean some way for Buzz being able to spot them?

5 years ago
Reply to  mike

Thank you

5 years ago

Please I see a white dead cow on my way why I was asking hr to stand up then my mind to me maybe he as dead

5 years ago

Alafia Yeye Obara Meji, Thank you for sharing your wisdom. I hope you can shine some light on this one. I’ve had the most strangest dream and I’m struggling with spirit on what it is telling me. So, In this dream I see myself with 2 people none of which I’ve ever met in this life but my interactions with these ladies are as if we are very close. I’m convinced they were Guardian spirits. One of which I called Jessica which is my daughters name but it wasn’t my daughter, (not that this matters but many people who I… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Buddhabae

This is probably your guardians showing you something pertaining to your ex and another person. Maybe because you are close to your ex they are showing it to you and when the time comes you’ll know what to do in the waking world. Indeed this is a significant dream and from your words I sense you know this as well. Since you mentioned a dog then this is very significant. Smalls dogs are normally messengers. If the dog is not barking then that is also good for if the dog barks in a dream it means danger is near. The… Read more »

5 years ago

Good morning Ma’am Obara,

Is this thread still functioning? I have two dreams and i would love for Mr. Oladayo to have them interpreted pls!!!

Thank you.

5 years ago
Reply to  Kay

I think Oladaya had stopped as ppl were bombarding the thread and not following instructions. They were just flooding the thread with their dreams to interpret and many failed to state the date and time of the dream as well as how they felt when they woke from the dream. I think there were other things needed (can’t recall). I’m a far cry from being competent at dream interpretations but I try to interpret when I can. I think others should try and help interpret some of the dreams as we all come from various cultures with its own beliefs… Read more »

5 years ago

Hello Iyanifa Obara Meji, I just wanted to say you were right! remember in your last post to me, you said I should be astute where my boo is concerned? I waited because I knew eventually it would be revealed because he kept swearing he was a changed man. Turns out he hooked up with his spiritual son’s woman, omg. I suspected it, and my cards said they were having a secret romance and I had a reading which confirmed it lol. Men! I am no longer surprised by their antics. Thanks again for the warning..I honestly had believed his… Read more »

5 years ago

Hello Iyanifa Obara Meji, Thank you again for interpreting my other dream. It was helpful to atleast know I wasn’t imagining the whole thing. These dreams only started after I started re-dating my ex who is heavily into working with water spirits. I have had other dreams since then, and always involving White people. Just now I woke up from the first negative one. Please if you don’t mind interpreting it for me, I’d be really grateful. Thank you. The time was between I’d say 2130 to 2300 tonight (Sunday). I should add he also did a ritual yesterday to… Read more »

5 years ago

Good morning Obara, it’s nice what you doing on this site. I am not sure about all that’s going on in my life , it’s confusing, I would like to have a reading with you, pls how do I contact you. And I have wet dreams constantly, dream of having sex with a female(could be anyone I admire in real Life) and then I ejaculate all the time. My life is going back words, the funny thing about it is that, when ever I go for spiritual fortifications e.g spiritual bath, aseje(spiritual food), I have this wet dreams that same… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi Iyanifa Obara Meji, I pray that you will see my dream for interpretation. I dreamt this in the afternoon between 3pm and 6.30pm because I was doing a night shift later on. I was living in a big house and there was a family of whites who had moved in with me and whoever I lived with. I can’t remember why they lived there but in the dream it made sense and I didn’t mind. The dad was nice..nerdy, wholesome and polite – sweater around his shoulders – kind of man. They had sons and a daughter. I remember… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hi Iyanifa Obara Meji,

I thank Osun that you saw my comment because I haven’t been able to shake the memory of dream. Especially the father – I really wish I could talk to him again.

Thank you so much for the interpretation. I am glad it was not a bad journey (it felt so real I can’t even call it a dream). Thank you again and may you continue to be a compassionate and brilliant light to those of us who are still seeking.

5 years ago

Hi Obara/Oladayo, A few days ago I read your blog on dreams for the first time. I took note of the meanings given to dream symbols and last night I had a dream where fruit laden grapefruit trees appeared everywhere I went, on the side of the road as I drove by, in office spaces, everywhere. I remembered your caution about not speaking to anyone if the fruit was eaten during the dream so i got dressed and drove to the grocery store to purchase a grapefruit. On my way out of the store I was recalling a conversation with… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hi Obara – yes that’s exactly what I am asking. I saw myself peeling the grapefruit in preparation for eating. But I don’t have any recollection of eating the grapefruit.

6 years ago

Pls if dream and u where having sex , can help me of the meaning

7 years ago

Hello obara,

I went for a long walk, prayed and walked when I arrived home a white bird was on my patio. It wouldn’t move no matter how much noise I made. When my boyfriend left the apartment it flew away, I have been dreaming about my deceased mother for 3 days straight

8 years ago

Hi Obara: Last night I dreamt that I married an unknown man. Someone handed me a ring and I put it on his finger and he put one on mine. We said “i dos” and he kissed me. I didn’t feel right about him and I wasn’t attracted to him. Right after the “i dos”, I told this strange man that I can’t be married to him, that I made a mistake.I told him it would be easy and to let me be, bc we aren’t legally married, that we just had a traditional ceremony.This strange mans brother told me… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you SO much Obara for answering my question. I’m still a little confused, but I read the article you suggested and it sheds light on many things that I may have neen experiencing much longer than I believed at first. Xx

8 years ago

Wow, this is lovely Teach. Having everyone put their dreams in one place and we can discuss and learn from each. *clap yuself Obara*

8 years ago

Thanks Obara for the feedback.
One day the person will remove the shy. We just have to give them time

8 years ago

Hi Obara, I’m asking for a friend of mine whose shy to use this platform. The person dreamt living in a big lavish house, the ground floor was occupied as a police station/base. The person house well guarded. This person also dreamt of flying but the areas which the flying took place where in old childhood areas of growing up. Then the dream shifts with the person then driving in a vehicle with 2 close people & 3 others who the person is not so close with but know. While driving on the road though, the vehicle starts to move… Read more »

8 years ago

In this dream I was just an observer, almost like watching TV. There was this house fire a d this white old lady died. Her pets wanted to escape the fire. A dog and a cat. I could see the dogs back and tail on fire and it was looking a way out. A cute small shaggy black dog. The burning house was surrounded by water and the dog jumped in. I could see the dog attempting to save the cat. It just wouldn’t leave the cat. I thought wow dogs don’t normally get along with cats, but in trouble… Read more »

8 years ago

Obara I thought you would speak on dreaming about someone crying in a dream. I’ve been dating a guy that I can’t seem to figure out. But when I dreamt him a few nights ago he called me crying in the dream and was trying to explain why he is so guarded. What do you think? I come from a family of dreamers suh nuff time the dream dem walk straight….

8 years ago

dear obara, beautiful soul, i had a dream visiting my ex boyfriend who is now married. he’s doing so well and his house was very beautiful. later he took me to an acquaintance’s shop for a chat where we had to cross two barriers to enter the shop after we sat down to talk, he gave me 5 dirty money notes which i collected. i thanked him and jokingly told him he was stingy that he could do better. in another dream, an elderly woman asked me for money, she came like a beggar and i gave her some money.… Read more »

8 years ago

Hi Obara, hang in there. God has placed you on earth for a purpose and nobody but he can tek you out. You always say that a the people you help ton pon you.
God wanted you to see them people for what they really are. But you dear Obara will overcome and triumph with God at your side. Blessings to you and your family.

8 years ago

I dreamt that I was driving but somehow got lost. I stopped and asked for directions and was distinctly told by a man that the area I was in wasn’t safe people will rub me. He directed me but I got lost again, this time I came out the car to ask for more direction. By the time I turned by back a group of people swooped down on the car. I could see them stealing the doors, tyre everything. I just stood and watched them. However, the car didn’t look like my car it was blue. What concern me… Read more »

8 years ago

The birds are true true true. A few nights I saw birds and questioned why is it that I was seeing birds so late at night when they should be nesting. Well, sad to say, but not with a heavy heart that my grandmother passed on at the tender age of 103. Yes, Obara! you have up this site, get me all comfortable and when I needed a spiritual outlet you and the few people I wanted to have an exchange with were nowhere to be found on the world wide web! I teared up, but I didn’t bawl. I… Read more »

Renee G.
Renee G.
8 years ago

Hi Obara, Thank you for your informative blog. You dont know how much you have helped me. I have been having dreams of eating. I know its not good to dream that and i wake up angry with myself for eating and not remembering. I also have dreams of silver coins and counterfeit money. I was told that silver coins means disappointment. Is this true? I also have constant dreams of being pregnant. Im either pregnant or breastfeeding or in the hospital from giving pre-mature birth. Does a baby means death? Or is this a vision?

8 years ago
8 years ago

Obara!!!!! Oh how I missed you!

8 years ago
Reply to  Toy70318


8 years ago

Thank you for your review obara.

I hope all is well with you.

8 years ago

Finally Finally having a chance to read and take notes. Thank you for the lessons.

8 years ago

Suppose you had to a dream like this: – Your in a room filled with glass and the scene is a social gathering, dancing, laughter etc. I see ex1 there in the crowd. Each time i move ex1 place himself in a position to watch/see me. Each person I interact with in the room ex1 watches careful and then approach me by asking for a dance which I obliged. Then I moved from the gathering inside to outside the courtyard and see ex2 with their entourage. I start to walk up a flight of steps while ex2 is coming downstairs.… Read more »

8 years ago

Good afternoon obara I have dream lastnig that my sister have a baby girl and she carry the baby to me and say I am giving you the baby because I always hear you say that you want another child and trust me I were so glad far the baby

8 years ago

Hello Obara, hope all is well. Last night I had a dream and most nights I don’t recall my dreams but for some reason part of this dream stood out. In the dream there was a huge black centipede curled up in almost an “S” shape on the floor and when I looked at it it took off in a flash. Would this be considered a dream about an “Insect” as you spoke above?

8 years ago

when i was around 13/14 of age I dreamt of walking at the side of my house by the coconut tree and a huge lizard would jump on me- I had the same dream night after night – a couple months later my uncle dreamt me and called my mom and told her to get me to someone for a reading- come to find out I was obeahed by a parent of a fellow student because of my success in school- I assume this was the meaning of the dream .. I try to keep a glass of water under… Read more »

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