Good day my people. I hope all are well. I received an email from a new blogger, (a lot of new people are here, most of the old ones have gone or are just peeping) who asked for me to write on this topic. I have touched on this topic before (I do not remember the name of the post) but it is a topic that I believe is worthy to write on again, and this time more in depth. Below is a part of the email the blogger sent in, I have asked her permission to share.
Bloggers email, of which this post is based:
“Obara Meji, I want to share this with you. I had a bad experience and I wanted to know if you knew about it or experienced it and if so can you write a blog on it to educate others. I met a voodoo man who happens to be a master manipulator . He was supposed to help me get rid of a demon I had on me from birth ,thanks to a woman my father upset in Jamaica. The spiritual work started off as normal with me paying him to buy products. He then told me I needed more products for the work because it was a little difficult. I told him I didn’t have anymore money. He then suggested something that seemed weird to me but I was desperate for help. He said I can do the work a shorter, more powerful way. I asked him what was the way. He then suggested I do the work through sex. He said he doesn’t feel anything, the spirit he’s working with does. He would chant words,tell me to talk to the spirit and then take my bodily secretions and put it on a paper to work with. I had to help him ease himself after we finished because he claimed to have blue balls. I did this for three years. Only to find out this man was the devil and did the complete opposite of helping me. That was the beginning of my downfall. I wanted to know if you knew anything about this type of “work”, what is it called, what’s really the purpose of it and is this type of work common. Thank you.”
When I read her story, I remember so many of these same stories that was told to me by so many people, but also I have a story of my own. You all know I am an open book and have no skeletons in my closet, and also I use my life’s experience to teach from, so that you do not fall into traps that may hurt, kill or affect you in any way.
So mi dears, when the wicked baby father, (dat ole duttie dranco) expose me to his equally wicked baby mother who came after me (she was suppose to be a one night stand, but she introduced obeah inna de ting, read here), and began to obeah the hell out of me, for my owna man, can you imagine? I was in hell, crisis had entered my life and turned it upside down. The man was not the man I met, we had began a life together with our children. He had become cold, stoic, he was like a zombie who could hear no reasoning at all. He was alive but seemed as if he was dead to us or we to him, not having time for myself or the children, all the love he had for us was gone. He even stop sleeping in the bed with me, he slept on the living room floor, meanwhile every night, duppy (Ghost) attacked me in the room, had me shouting and bawling out in my sleep (“duppy hold dung” read here). I was under heavy spiritual attacks, which made me not able to sleep at nights. This woman’s obeah campaign to remove him from my house, was like Donald Trump’s campaign to remove all Mexicans from America, she was relentless, and she meant to “mash” up my life.
God bless my mother. Although we had our issues (didn’t think she loved me), she called me up and demanded that I look about my life. She told me that he was under a spell and that I must act quickly. I didn’t know what to do, I cried night and day. Obeah is not a nice thing to go through, no it is not, bad Obeah that is!
I went out to find solution, and was sent to a man who was said to able to help me loose the wicked baby father from de she-devil gal. I remember it as clear as yesterday. It was on a Saturday afternoon when I went to see him. I forget the old perverts name now, it was so long ago, so let me call him Mr. Samuel. I was a hair dresser, so I was always well put together. That afternoon, I think I was led into a room, not an apartment but a room, where the man was seated and indicated for me to sit also. I did as told. Mi heart beating very fast. I was in a position of not knowing what would be the the outcome of the war this Jezebel, who was worldly and knew how to fling bad obeah fi tek whey de children dem father. I was so afraid and felt as if I was fighting a losing battle, what did I do for Satan’s first wife to attack me so hard? Not only was she taking away the man, she was also sending bad things to attack me personally. I was a bunch of nerves.
The man did the reading, it was short, and he saw what was happening, (perhaps who sent me told him my plight, the reading was brief and non-descriptive) he then gave me the solution, short and to the point like the reading. He told me that the only way for me to pull or release the man from this woman was to have sex with him, Mr, Samuel. I was astounded, but outwardly I remained calm and said nothing for a while. As I stared at him, I saw myself lifting the lamp from off his table and giving him a rass lick ova de head, Jamaican people would say “Chop him”. Maybe he took my silence for consent, he continued with his foolish and perverted suggestion, “We could use a condom”, he said as I gazed upon him, seeing him in my minds eye writhing in pain on the floor from the Lamp chop, blood oozing from his head and me standing over him with a sneer, lamp still in hand, like Uma Thurman in Kill Bill. He said it was the only way, since the woman had tied the man through sex, we had to pull him using the same method. Lies all lies. I stood up, refusing to listen to anymore. He had the nerve to ask me if I were leaving, to which I said “If ah dat I have to do to release him, she can have him.” And with that, I walked out of his presence.
Unfortunately these things occur often, and not only in Jamaica but all over the world. Men and women of power use said power to manipulate and abuse the innocent. When a persons back is against the wall while they’re seeking assistance with whatever ails or troubles their lives and they find someone who they believe may be able to spiritually assist them, they will do whatever necessary for them to make all that is bad well again. I once wrote about a mother whose daughter (the daughter became a friend of mine and she narrated this story to me) acted as if she was losing her mind from the age of eight. The child would smoke cigarettes at age eight, walk on the street and cuss people, and almost every word from her mouth was a bad word. The whole community had stamped as her being mad.
The mother had taken her “out” but no one was able to help the girl. When she was 16 years old, they took her to what they call in Jamaica a “Bongo Man.” This is a spiritualist (usually a man) who drinks rum and smokes ganja or tobacco. The man told the mother that the girl was being plagued by spirits and this is why she behaved this way. The only way he could assist her was to have intimacy with her. The mother agreed. While my friend narrated this story to me, she cried in the remembrance of being manipulated into doing this with this person for whatever the reason. There was no blame for the mother, however, as she felt as if the mother was at her wits end, not knowing how to cure the child, and felt that that was the only thing she could do after trying so many times. Yet still, the memory has haunted my friend to this very day.
Now she did tell me that after that was done, she had no more episodes, or at least no more strong episodes as before. She had come back to her senses somewhat, although there were times when she would hear voices telling her to misbehave, shout, or cuss, but she had managed to control herself. Now I know what happened in this case, but I still do not believe he had to have had sex with her in order to relieve her of her ailment. The girl had come to the world with a gift, a very great one. The problem she was having was that too many spirits wanted to work with her, most of them earthbound or wayward, and so they crowded her and as a child of only 8, she could not manage it. Had she been placed into a clean, competent hand of a spiritualist or knowledgeable elder, they would have been able to center her and remove from her all the entities that did not belong to her, sending them back in time and space, while allowing the young lady to grow into her spirituality.
The man who did the act knew this very thing that I just described to you, but his method (with the sex act) was to take her spirits away and use them for himself, in other words, remove her gift, sully her aura, so that not only the bad went, but all the clean ones shifted aside, because of the defilement upon her person.
Spirituality is deep and for me to explain this would take a book or a lecture. Spiritually many people are not able to understand the depths of what it would take to really explain all that happens within the non-physical world, but here is hoping that all of you who are reading this, will at least get the gist of what I am saying. There is, here in Africa, some works done that way, but most often it is done to remove a spirit wife or husband from a person who has been plagued by them. They call this Oko Orun (husband from heaven). Now this is how this happens: If a woman is plagued by a spirit husband, there are some who would suggest that the “only” way to break the relationship of that spirit husband to the living wife, is to prepare the sacrifice that is needed to break the contract and send the husband away back to his realm. The sacrifice of whatever is prepared and then the woman and man (here in Nigeria she is told to use her husband, boyfriend, or someone of her choice, the traditionalist never offers up himself or even suggest it) go to a particular spot outside, perhaps a bush or near a junction, and the couple becomes intimate not far from where the sacrifice is placed.
The metaphysical aspect of this is that the spirit husband will see someone being intimate with his wife and by witnessing this, it would be so disgusted that he will leave, never to return. (Bear in mind that I remained topical on the ritual above!) However, the difference with this is that the person gets to choose who they copulate with in removing the problem. But this way is not the only way and is only done in extreme cases in Africa, and it must not be taken advantage of, as in demanding sex to cure any spirit work. Abomination!
Please be aware of any person who represents themselves as spiritualists, herbalists, traditionalists, pastors, bishops, alphas, imams, who demand sex as a mean of solving a problem. This is not true, and it is the ultimate deceit.
There are so many stories of this nature to share, but I will give you all the outlet here to tell your own story or that which you have heard of. Each one teach one, so do not be afraid to share, anonymously of course.
If you have your own story, please share. Iron sharpenth iron and the countenance of one brightens the next.
Obara Meji
Gbogbo èèyàn oníwà tùtù kọ́ lonínúure. /
It’s not everyone with a quiet disposition that is kind-natured…..Yoruba Proverb!
[Appearance can be deceptive.]
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji
“All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love” – Obara Meji!
Hmph! I’ve heard about this. Which is why I will always seek out a woman.
I am going through a bunch of stuff I pray god deliver me out of this
This article is very interesting. I’m still trying to figure out, how can having sex with someone help get rid of bad obeah or spirits set on you?
I mean, we all know having sex, both parties are sharing a piece of themself with the other.
Has anyone ever notice that when sleeping with someone a piece of that person qualities seem to be given to the other party?
I don’t know if anyone has ever noticed or thought about it….
I am late, but I am here. I just wanted to say Hi to everyone going to go read and catch up
The pleasure is also mine Yazzy. Mi kinda sometimish and selfish when mi ready, but for the most part I like to think mi alright when mi head nuh tek mi. Obara mi pray mi nuh switch wouldn’t mine get rich but neva switch.
mi sey prosperity ,i fraid fi sey mi like yuh, caws as mi warm up to smaddy suh, dem switch and switch big time, so mi ah gwan enjoy yuh presence mi love
Oh no Obara, if mi switch mi nah go switch big time ongle likle bit lol
No sah him a listen to too much Aidonia and kartel. God know you mek mi lawf today. Di pastor bada Dan ebola. Before him guh rest him dirty teely behind him oman ears like cigarette. Tame an x up.
Which pawt him fi guh res him teely and like wha rah? lmaooooo, Prosperity mi seh behave, lolool
Di ole germz bukkit paasta man seh it same suh…. “cum bum flick pan it and mi aguh wah yuh fi be di first lady of mi congregation!!”
Chute chute
mi hignarant feem Yazzy
Ah choo shi bad like yuh mek tuh like har, yuh galang, ah whey Nunu deh fi gi yuh detention!
@yazzy what a man bright. Mi a dead seh God know seh him tell fi bum flick pan it. Deadments
Bright an outta arda, mek him nuh guh mek him big ooman ah yawd bum flick! Him can minij Yazzy, lol cho yah man!
Yazzy low minah yuh an prosperity too bad, lmaoooo!
Prosperity sweetie, I never introduced myself. So sorry.
I’m Yazzy! It’s a genuine pleasure to meet yuh. Read your post. Magnificently written. Great read. Obara always attracts the best bloggers. Always great and ….. HILARIOUS content…. even when is a c-russssss post such as this!
Yaeh man Yazzy Prosperity ah good gal, ah hope she nuh change!
Yes Obara. Mi spirit tek har!
I was once going thru a ting eenuh and it was one of my worst life lessons… and I was damn near suicidal and depressed and strung out but still managing to hold it down on the outside…. Long story short I tried the church scene hoping to get the help I so desperately needed… it was my first time heading back to church after years of not looking church direction… and while visiting a poco church (it was my first time in a church of that nature so the experiences were different) di ooman that was praying for me… Read more »
Drops on de floor and roll wid laughing @Yazzy and dis comment right here…. “di man send mi bare huge cocky pics to mi phone and seh mi fi cum bum flick pan it and him want mi fi be him first lady to him congregation and di man stalk mi phone till mi affi damn near change di numba.” Yazzy yuh and Prosperity fi behave yuh know man, dis is a serious post, I should not be laughing, cho baxide man! cho!!! Ah suh one nasty one de come inna de circle whey mi did sh jump de poco,… Read more »
Obara and Prosperity is a c-russ post dis!! We cyaah a galanging like dis fi chute chute but unuh HILARIOUS BAD!!! SARRY!!! I HAVE TO TEK BAD TINGS AND LAFF!
Plus wi affi cut we self some slacks considering we’ve made it thru THAT particular lesson.
😀 😀 that was an experience to remember! 😀 😀
Miss I have my own story, will tell it eventually. Stay strong going forward. Prosperity! you’ve landed in the right place dwlrnnn Thanks for sharing. I hope the 8 years old person is doing good today date.
Yazzy! you married or a turn mommy? Your suspense got me… Obara find NuNu.
I’ll be back
Blogger thanks so much for your courage in sharing from what must have been one of the most pathetic experiences you’ve ever encountered. As Obara have always said, iron sharpeneth iron so thanks for the share. Is di wus ting smaddy can do to aneda human being! Take advantage of them while they’re in their most vulnerable state and seek their assistance…. and fi guh mek di matter WUSA-ER… di smaddy they seek the assistance from is in a place of “powa” …. then multiply all dat by the fact that dem want to further solicit sexual acts pan tap… Read more »
is a real thing doe Yazzy, all ooman spiritualist dweet to, mi nah lie yuh!
Good morning Obara glad to have you here this morning really miss you here
Chop him yes Obara!! (Bwouy Jm’can ppl nuh ramp fi chap up eenuh!) and deal wid bakkle cuz a swear mi wuda deh Inna di sed spot u was in Obara, tinkin bout fi bruk a bakkle Inna dat deh nasty perverted animal head!
#WeThinkAlike! 😀
Mek a guh finish read….
Yazzyyyy mi deh yah on de blog today mi gal, Hi Joy!
@prosperity, ah what dat me write, bout this past ah, lol
Bwoy mi na lie mi hate a sexual manipulator. They are teachers, pastors, politician, uncles, aunties, neighbours, pretty car man, sweety seller, manager, doctor you name it they come in many forms with big power to the the smallest power over people and they use it to take advantage of the powerless. Mi hate dem. But oh the spiritualist. You know how much it takes out of some people to seek the assistance of a spiritualist in our culture. The stigma that is attached to it means that one’s life has to reach breaking point. One must have tried everything… Read more »
Drops on de floor and roll wid laughing @this past ah de comment right here….
“Your scepticism gone and the dirty bastard wid him dutty buddy weh full a cheese manipulate the woman in her time of stress. Dem know weh stress fell like. Shit house him.”
Prosperity, yuh fi behave! Lolol, cho man! Thanks for sharing your story, and you are correct, lady this scum will pay for what he did, I assure you