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dream interpretations


This morning I saw two dogs in my dream.

I was standing by a side walk waiting for a bus and two dogs walked up to me, one was brown and the other black. Behind me stood some people who were also waiting for the bus but they were sitting down, in the dream I faced the dogs and when the bus came I went on.

Now while on the bus I realized that I had a sandwich in my hand which I shared with the bus driver, he in turn took the egg yolk from out the sandwich with his bare hand and gave it to me.

Anyone who knows me in real life, knows that I would never eat that, especially with him giving me food with his hands. But in the dream I took the egg and held it to my chin as if to fool him that I would eat it, then I woke up. It has been two days now since I have been getting dreams where in which I am offered  food which to my delight I did not eat.

It is NEVER good to eat in your dreams! I know I am surprising you all with this one but it is the truth. All my life growing up, people always said that eating in your dreams was good. “It brings money, prosperity, and good luck,” they said. That is not true. At least being given food to eat is not good.

This is how obeah takes effect – through your visions and dreams. We will discuss this and all other dream metaphors today on this post.

Dream Meanings

Note: To know the full interpretation of a dream depends on many factors including time, circumstance, culture & beliefs, and the scenes (or other dreams) that immediately followed or preceded. This all determines the exact meaning of a particular dream.

The list below are GENERAL interpretations.

Teeth Falling Out – Teeth falling out in your dreams is indicative of Death. But pay attention to which tooth it was and how many. If the tooth was in the back, the death will be of person you know but are not close to. If the tooth is to the side, the person is still closer but not a relative. If the tooth is in the front, the person is a relative/loved one or a person very very close to you. Contact a competent spiritualist immediately to solve this before it occurs in real life.

Rotting or Broken Teeth – To dream of rotting or broken teeth tells of someone who is or will become very ill, or is sick and dying. Again, pay attention to the position of the tooth to get an idea of who the person could be.

Brushing Your Teeth – To dream of brushing your teeth tells of an illness.

Weddings – To dream of a wedding is indicative of death, especially if you see the bride or groom in their gowns and tuxedos.

A Wedding but no Bride or Groom – To dream of a wedding without a bride or groom, then the possibility of death can be avoided.

Snakes, Dogs, Lions, Tigers –Threatening animals such as these tells of an enemy. But what was your interaction with it? Were you bitten? If so, this is indicative of obeah which has connected through this bite (in other words, being conquered by an enemy). Or did you harm or kill the animal? If so, great! You have defeated an enemy.

Also note, dogs are not always enemies. It often depends on how it appears and how it interacts. Obviously, a threatening dog is no good sign.

Fishes – To dream of fishes tells of a pregnancy.

Spiders/Cobwebs – Spiders and cobwebs, both in real life and dream state, are indications of a blocked way. Beware of mysterious cobwebs tying up your face or body. It isn’t good.

A Sick Person who is Suddenly OK –  To dream a person who is ill in waking life, but healthy and happy in dream state indicates a death that is very soon to come.

Rats/Mice – To dream of rats or mice warns of trickery or a trickster around you or to come.

Cats –To dream of cats denotes ill luck if you don’t succeed in killing it or driving it away! They are also signs of “Witches”. Depending on your beliefs, this can simply translate to an enemy who is involved with dark arts.

Rice – To dream of rice brings abundance. This is also the case of Fruits and Vegetables, and an array of Sweets, as long as you are not eating them (see below).

Eating in Your Dreams – To dream of yourself being given food to eat can indicate many things and none of them good. Being given food often indicates obeah/witchcraft, and your consumption of it means that it has been successfully given to you.

Your Old House – To dream yourself in an old house, you will hear of a death, this is also so if you dream of building a house.

A Fast Moving Train – To dream of a fast moving train shows that someone will visit you but that person will soon make his transition, or you should look out for a message from an ancestor.

Flying – To dream of flying shows that you will succeed in life and prosper.

Black Cat – The old belief of “black cats are bad luck” is actually true. If one happens to cross your path, you will hear bad news or be disappointed. I never believed in this, but it has been proven to me through experience.

Feces – To dream of feces in any way is a sign of money! Some prosperity will be coming your way.

Bees – To dream of bees is also a sign of money (this is also so in waking life when bees fly around you – it s a blessing, not a curse). Seeing huge black bees also indicates that you will hear some news!

Wasps – Wasps are indicative of quarrel and contention. This also holds true in waking life. If you are stung by a wasp, beware of a huge problem! (“huge” meaning police, war, jail, or anything of a large negative nature).

Gun Shot – To be shot in a dream of any kind is never good. This is a huge indication of witchcraft/obeah that has certainly connected. The result in waking life can either be severe illness, death, spiritual bondage, madness, or other worse cases. Immediately contact a competent spiritualist for assistance!

Waking Life

Ringing in Your Ears – If you get this, someone is currently calling your name or speaking about you.

Sneezing 3 Times Straight – Someone is talking about you!

Right Hand Itch – Money is on its way

Left hand Itches – Money is going out or you will spend. For some people, the left hand represents money coming in rather than going out. See what happens next for you in order to determine which hand represents what in your case.

Left Eye Jump – This indicates tears or rain. The left eye brings water.

Right Eye Jump –  You will see someone who you have not seen in a long time! 

Bottom of Your Feet Itches –  You will travel.

Knee itches – You will change your bed.

Your Knife Falls on it’s Back (standing up) – You will move or someone in your house will move out

Salt Spills -Salt that spills “accidentally” indicates a big quarrel to come! (tip: sprinkle a little cool water over the spilled salt to cool the impending argument/war. It will either reduce the effect, lessen the likelihood, or remove it completely).

Black Bird Sings – If a black bird sings by your window or around you, this is a message of death.

Common Superstitions

  • Friday the thirteenth is an unlucky day
  • A rabbit’s foot brings good luck
  • An apple a day keeps the doctor away
  • To find a four-leaf clover is to find good luck
  • If you walk under a ladder, you will have bad luck
  • If a black cat crosses your path you will have bad luck
  • To break a mirror will bring you seven years bad luck
  • To open an umbrella in the house is to bring bad luck
  • To find a horseshoe brings good luck
  • Step on a crack, break your mother’s back
  • You can break a bad luck spell by turning seven times in a clockwise circle
  • Garlic protects from evil spirits and vampires
  • Our fate is written in the stars
  • At the end of a rainbow is a pot of gold
  • Clothes worn inside out will bring good luck
  • Wearing your birthstone will bring you good luck
  • If you blow out all of the candles on your birthday cake with the first breath you will get whatever you wish for
  • To have a wish come true using a wishbone, two people make a wish, then take hold of each end of the bone and pull it until it separates. The person with the longer end gets his or her wish
  • An itchy palm means money will come your way
  • A beginner will always have good luck: beginner’s luck
  • A cat has nine lives
  • Eating fish makes you smart
  • Toads cause warts
  • A cricket in the house brings good luck
  • Crossing your fingers helps to avoid bad luck and helps a wish come true
  • It is bad luck to sing at the table
  • It is bad luck to sleep on a table
  • After receiving a container of food, the container should never be returned empty
  • A lock of hair from a baby’s first haircut should be kept for good luck
  • A bird that comes in your window brings bad luck
  • To refuse a kiss under mistletoe causes bad luck
  • Goldfish in the pond bring good luck
  • Goldfish in the house bring bad luck
  • For good luck, wear new clothes on Easter
  • An acorn at the window can keep lightning out of the house
  • If the bottom of your feet itch, you will make a trip
  • When a dog howls, death is near
  • It is bad luck to chase someone with a broom
  • A sailor wearing an earring cannot drown
  • To find a penny heads up, brings good luck
  • To cure a sty, rub it with a gold wedding band
  • Animals can talk at midnight on Christmas Eve
  • A drowned woman floats face up, a drowned man floats face down
  • A person cannot drown before going under three times
  • To drop a fork means a woman will visit
  • To drop a knife means a man will visit
  • To drop a spoon means a child will visit
  • To drop a dishcloth means bad luck is coming
  • If you shiver, someone is casting a shadow on your grave
  • To make a happy marriage, the bride must wear: something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue
  • The wedding veil protects the bride from the evil eye
  • Washing a car will bring rain
  • You must get out of bed on the same side you got in on or you will have bad luck
  • Evil spirits cannot harm you when you are standing in a circle
  • A cat will try to take the breath from a baby
  • Warm hands, cold heart
  • Cold hands, warm heart
  • It is unlucky to rock an empty rocking chair
  • To kill an albatross is to cause bad luck to the ship and all upon it
  • Wearing an opal when it is not your birthstone is bad luck
  • Smell dandelions, wet the bed
  • To give someone a purse or wallet without money in it will bring that person bad luck
  • A forked branch, held with a fork in each hand, will dip and point when it passes over water

1. A bird in the house is a sign of a death

2. A loaf of bread should never be turned upside down after a slice has been cut from it.

3. Never take a broom along when you move. Throw it out and buy a new one.

4. If the first butterfly you see in the year is white, you will have good luck all year.

5. If a black cat walks towards you, it brings good fortune, but if it walks away, it takes the good luck with it.

  1. An acorn at the window will keep lightning out

  2. A dog howling at night when someone in the house is sick is a bad omen.

  3. It’s bad luck to leave a house through a different door than the one used to come into it.

  4. A horseshoe hung in the bedroom will keep nightmares away.

  5. If you catch a falling leaf on the first day of autumn you will not catch a cold all winter.

11. If a mirror in the house falls and breaks by itself, someone in the house will die soon…. ..>>>>I DO NOT AGREE WITH THIS ONE, MIRROR BREAKS, IT REMOVES NEGATIVITY!

12. Dropping an umbrella on the floor means that there will be a murder in the house.

13. All windows should be opened at the moment of death so that the soul can leave.

14. If the groom drops the wedding band during the ceremony, the marriage is doomed.

15. To dream of a lizard is a sign that you have a secret enemy.

  1. If a friend gives you a knife, you should give him a coin, or your friendship will soon be broken.

  2. You should never start a trip on Friday or you will meet misfortune.

  3. Dream of running: a sign of a big change in your life.

  4. If a clock which has not been working suddenly chimes, there will be a death in the family.

  5. It is bad luck to light three cigarettes with the same match.

Please Add you own and let us learn together!

Tí orí kan bá sunwọ̀n á ran’gba. / 
If one head (a person) is blessed, hundreds others will be positively affected – Yoruba Proverb

Feel free to add your own! I know so much about these things but I would love to know more!

Obara Meji

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4 years ago

Hi, I dream of a place looks peaceful and wonderful. There was a stairlike fountain flowing with waters and each stairs has a pot with different plants. Some plants already have a flowers. Then, below the plants are clear water with white rice in it and below the rice are soil. I saw an earthworm swimming in the clear water and a lot of children is watching the fountain. Then, I saw something like yellowish but fat thing in the water. I thought at first, it was a cloth. However, when I used a stick to get it, it sounds like a snake and when I… Read more »

4 years ago

Obara , is it true that a bird that flies into your house through your open window brings badluck?

4 years ago

Greetings, I never usually do this my great grandmother was always good at interpreting dreams but she’s no longer here. Last nigh I dreamt of my son drowning, Initially in the dream he was playing outside, and I remember sending his older brother to find him. He couldnt get him to come in so I go to get him, i remember dropping my phone and picking and seeing the face cracked. We go inside and we are leaving where we were. When we open the door to leave the water on the porch was high. So we had to swim… Read more »

4 years ago

what does it mean when a man dreams of his first kiss with you but when he goes to kiss you he has a acorn in his mouth?

4 years ago

What it mean your ex boyfriend sucking your vagina in the dream

Narda Taylor
Narda Taylor
4 years ago

What does it mean to carry water on your head in a big red bath pan.

5 years ago

What does it mean to dream ones self eating fried becan with lots of oil in the pot.

5 years ago

I have a question, what dies it mean for a pregnant woman to have albino baby in the dream. I saw myself give birth to albino in the dream.pls explain

5 years ago

I had a dream. I was sleeping on my couch and then I woke remembering I have a test coming up. I then felt like something was watching me, when I looked up their was a cat looking at me. I can’t remember the color but the eyes stood out. It was Like a yellow or goldish color. It didn’t attack me just kept looking at me. Since I don’t really like cats I tried to chase it but when I lifted my hand to throw something at it, I became dizzy and felt like something was holding me back.… Read more »

Kimmone Thompson
Kimmone Thompson
5 years ago
Reply to  Keiba

I believe the cat was bring good luck to you and you are chasing him but it don’t want to harm you so it make you dizzy

5 years ago

Hi Obara Meji. I am a big fan of your work. Thanks for all that you go through because of us. I had a dream; It seems like I was “going somewhere by passing through different people house, from different door of a rooms which lead to another that was lived by poor people” because I could see the poor condition of those places. I wouldn’t wish for anyone to live there.. It was like the random room and palor house in Nigeria, the kind of house that you will find in the rural part of Nigeria I was coming… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Kaycee

You yourself have highlighted significant parts of the dream such as 3 girls, white shirt/black trousers, etc. The black/white clothes could be a conflict of some sort. I do not know the meaning of the 3 girls but the no. 3 and multiples of 3 should never be ignored. From what you typed it appears they could be protecting you. The supposed “friend” in an “old house” is rather ominous to me. It is possible something or someone with ill intention is trying to do something to as it sends an energy of familiarity to you to perhaps drop your… Read more »

5 years ago

I had a dream that I was out with 2 other people. I don’t remember if they were my children or close friends. And as I was walking with them I looked down at my sneakers (which were brightly colored and very pretty) and noticed that only one foot of my sneakers was covered with small black ants. They crawled all over the sneakers while I was wearing them so I started stomping my feet to get them off and most of them scattered but maybe 3 or 5 remained. None of them came on my skin they all stayed… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

Hmmm, in waking life black ants usually, outside of food, show up when there is a major change of some sort (mainly the weather). Also your feet I would liken to roots, your foundation, your mobility. I must also add that while reading your post I saw an angelic no. appear that I interpret about change. I may be wrong but this dream is perhaps giving you a heads up on a major change that may occur in your life that you can do nothing but accept (as shown by you stomping your feet yet you could not fully get… Read more »

5 years ago

Hi Obara, what do u mean by “If you shiver, someone is casting a shadow on your grave”? I used to get shivers alot, but now I only get them occassionally.

5 years ago
Reply to  VisionsNDreams

Glad you pointed this out. I too am curious to know. Funny, I read it but it didn’t register until you mentioned it.

5 years ago

You know what I had an experience a month and a half ago. June I remember the date. And I remember what happened vividly. I was asleep on my couch and I woke up choking and as I was waking up I could hear someone walking by as if they were either walking with wet boots on or walking in puddles of water. I know it was a man and I know this because the presence felt strong and like a large man. Now I’ve read a lot since I’ve been in here and I know I read that waking… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

A u haffe go help me!! Hear u bout fight yah! Just now I’m trying to figure a situation with the bank first the phone battery die while they have me on hold. Then I call back get someone else explain everything all over again right as she finds outs the phone get loud and full a static and cut off.
U know me dun fi di day yah now. If di landlord waa fling mi out go rite ahead mi caa bodda dem sittin ya too tiring ya nah knw

5 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

Your comment suddenly made me remember another superstition that I most definitly believe in and it is that one must never sleep on their backs as duppies will suck out yout soul, sit on your chest, try to possess you, etc. You the gist and none of it is good. Heck this is a superstition that is believed all over the world and not just Jamaica.

PYFISH do you sleep on your back most of the times? If so then you can probably try sleeping on your side.

5 years ago
Reply to  mike

That night I was on my back. Cause I fell asleep on the couch reading and remember waking up gasping and sitting straight up. I think I dozed back off then heard the sound of something walking by me in either puddles of water or wet water boots like they had been in the water.

5 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

I usually sleep on my side. But for the past couple nights now I’ve been woken up by knockings and things sounding like they fell. And when I get up no one is there nothing fell. So as a good ole Jamaican I read a psalms.

5 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

I’m a night owl and things like that happen to me often. Unlike you, I am very much wide awake when they occur.

Another strange thing that happens, though not as often these days, are thuds on the roof and 80% of the time it comes directly above where I or others in the house happen to be.

5 years ago
Reply to  mike

So this happened to me last night. I remember laying on my back and saying Mike said don’t sleep like this but somehow I fell asleep. I woke up to watching myself go through three dimensions while choking it was like I was telling myself wake up and I was trying to talk myself out of my sleep and I literally felt and saw each stage of my waking up while choking. I say right up still dazed and in shock for a good 3-4 minutes. And then went straight to the window only to see my neighbor’s gate wide… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

Hey PYFISH, funny thing is as I started to reply to your comment there was a thud on the roof right above my head. I guess this may be good. I’m no doctor but I live more along the lines of trial and error as opposed to just take someone’s word for it. If anything you should seek/confirm with medical doctor on this: Sleeping on your back (from my experience) increases one’s chances of choking in their sleep. Sure ppl will snore when sleeping on their side but I have never witnessed anyone sleeping on their sides that make loud… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  mike

Ok well I’m half way there my sheets are white. And I have a night light. I’ll have to ask Obara. Thank you!!!

5 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

Maybe you can try setting an alarm to wake up to pray.

5 years ago

Wow the most recent dream I’ve had that is still in need of some interpretation is the one I had with my paternal grandmother (who raised me) she had prepared this surprise party for me with this amazing feast of food but she hid in the bathroom and spoke to me through the bathroom door of our old house the one I grew up in even though it didn’t look like the house and my and my younger daughter walked in and saw the table with filled with a HUGE feast I mean everything you could think of was on… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

PYFISH, this may be a bad dream. Obara has mentioned in past posts the dangers of eating in dreams. Perhaps the covering of the food was a protection sent by your guides to stop you as the covering will stop your instinct to eat the food by making you think, thus, giving you time to realize and either not eat the food or wake up in time.

5 years ago
Reply to  mike

Thank you for replying! The complete table was covered. However in the dream I had no intentions of eating the food. I was more focused on my grandmother not coming out the bathroom to speak to me. But I also realized upon entering the space that it was a surprise party for me which also involved my uncle. There’s a lot of family stuff which seems like it was prevalent in the dream. Like the feast was covered. I read where seeing food is good but eating it is bad. Then her hiding as she has passed on but still… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

Sorry, I had misinterpreted it as I saw the word “party” but somehow failed to see the word “surprise”. Your 2nd explanation seems spot on. Seems you were able to interpret it yourself fully.

Good going.

5 years ago

Before I say anything I just noticed that poster 0844153506’s reply was at 4:44pm. Of all these angelic no.s I am noticing 444, 420 and 434 quite a bit in the past few weeks. As for dreams: I have many dreams where there are snakes and in all dreams I am never alone and someone either takes the bite but not me or they are protecting me from the snakes. I have many dreams of crocodiles though and the most recurring ones are of a crocodile lying under my bed while I am on it. In those dreams I have… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Bwahahahahaha! That reply is a classic!

I will be sure to not bother to trouble cats then.

I was kinda wondering about cats. Thx Obara.

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Tink u easy miss! lol

5 years ago
Reply to  mike

What do you know about rivers. Please share!

5 years ago
Reply to  PYFISH

PYFISH, before I found this blog I assumed a river was simply a river. I had no clue it could be a portal to another world let alone that there was a spirit of the river aka River Mumma, etc. Obara has mentioned this in several topics. I can’t recall the names specifically but I do recall one about Flat Bridge. If it wasn’t a topic then it must have been a comment but it is certainly somewhere on the blog. All I know is the river is not a place I will take likely. When I was younger I… Read more »

5 years ago
Reply to  mike

As a child I remember the stories about Flat Bridge. I would love to read about the rivers. I’m gonna search for it on here. Thank you Mike

5 years ago

I dream of my late husband gave me two pictures,one was Kaizer chiefs pic,one was for my late sister wearing a nice red dress but shows her pussy

6 years ago

can you explain to me this dream i had a few nights ago i saw a half human looking creature in black with horns coming out the head ad i am assuming it entered me i am pregnant i looked down on my belly i saw the horns coming out poking my thighs i could feel it like it was real in my sleep. after that i saw a black girl sitting by the bed side in a room in the dream and something just grabbed my leg off the bed and i asked her in the dream why is… Read more »

6 years ago

In waking life, when you accidentally drop an uncooked egg on the floor; what is the interpretation?

6 years ago

Friday is the most luckiest day its not an unlucky day no matter what date or month it comes in it always brings with it blessings for the people.

Daniel wasco
Daniel wasco
6 years ago

If you dream of a antique plate brakes then you will lose your date

6 years ago

I had a dream that my cousins cat jumped on my back and would not let me go. We thought it was a joke at first but then the cat started to squeeze my body and cause me to start to loose my breathing. My cousin then tried to get the cat off but the cats grip got tighter then she began to claw me with her nails and dig deep into my hand and back. Then the squeezing got worst and I start to feel as if the cat was killing me. Before I lost my last breath I… Read more »

6 years ago

Ringing in ears also means someone related or close to has passed on. New, dream or vision state of mind, you see someone you know (no words spoken) then shortly after that you see pig (no sounds uttered) means what?

5 years ago
Reply to  Airis

They say if you dream a dead relative you must take heed as the dream is important one way or another. The pig in waking life symbolizes many negative things. It’s the animal that the demon Legion was cast into, many religious groups will not consume it, many will say it is an unclean meat and persons will use the word to mean that a person is either a glutton or one of negative character. Ever notice ppl will often say, “When pigs can fly… ” when referring to an impossible probability? Why the pig? It’s as if the pig… Read more »

6 years ago

Hi everyone! I’ve been trying to find a page like this… I always have a vivid dreams. There are dreams that has repeated several times and the recent about that is its the same dream about group of people chasing me but at the end of the dream i did it differently, there was a couple in their 50s who helped me in a way their body does. I don’t know how to explain it. Long story short, to keep myself safe, i locked myself up in a room where no one can see me and i know there was… Read more »

6 years ago

Lately a lot of my dreams have been involving children or snow. The one last night I was watching t.v. They were showing a snow scene with trees from autumn being covered by snow then it’s like at the same time I was in the snow. Scene changes I’m trying to rent out my spare bedroom. So I go in room look in bathroom. Daughter has not cleaned bathroom. There is feces all over it so I start to clean it. Scene changes I’m walking out of a building then I come across Lionel Ritchie (random much?) And we talk… Read more »

6 years ago

Hi i am very open to lucid dreams. Several years ago i was at a festival as i walked into the showers i felt this feeling to bend down and i put my hand into a muddy puddle i pulled out a newzealand greenstone necklace when i did research it was shaped for the ancient leaders spirits it protects its owner and should only be given not taken i believed the mother earth gave it as a gift and have worn it ever since last night i was dreaming i was on holiday the sun was hot and i got… Read more »

6 years ago

Hi i had a dream that i was preparing to go to church,but something kept stopping me fron taking a bath then someone got into tthe bathroom before me,so i decided i will bath after them….after that i was with friends and they were telling what people were saying about me then i turned to look at the watch i was already late fir church but i passed inside the church saw the pastor he was trying to look at me but he couldn’t see me proprly so me and the other yyoung wives in the church waved at him…… Read more »

7 years ago

Hi, I had dreams recently, and i donno what they mean.. 1. I have a 13 month old kid. I saw a dream in which I was playing cricket with my friends beside a well, and suddenly I heard my child crying.. when checked, he was sitting holding a rop inside the well.. so I immediately bought another rope and went inside the well to.bring him up.. the moment I started going inside the well, he was going down and finally he reached the bottom of the well, where he was drowned and I bought him up and took the… Read more »

7 years ago

Ive had a dream&woken up wuth cits near my left eye&couple wks ago woke up with a cut on my forehead above my left eye wats this mean

5 years ago
Reply to  Cathy

Assuming you were not sleep walking then it could be a demonic/spiritual attack.

7 years ago

I initially dreamt of my dead father (he passed away 28 years ago), we were in the Philippines as we had someone house sit and helping to sell the property (property has been sold 26 years ago)? A lot of people came to the house revisiting memories, telling stories of my dad.. we went back home in Australia but we stayed in an apartment in the city, my mum was cleaning the windows from outside, she had her agent inside telling her that she received x amount from the house as it was sold and that there was another fortune… Read more »

7 years ago

I was sitting and talking to my ex boyfriend and he was in a house with a lot of people, I was walking through the house then was back at the front room. He also had a large salmon out of water on a leash sitting on the sofa. It was normal until the end of the dream, I began to feel strange then needed to know why he didn’t have it in water, as I asked him the question it yawned.

7 years ago

My boyfriend has a silver spoon in the bathroom and won’t tell me why I can’t even take it out is there a. Meaning for it

7 years ago

I noticed there is no recent post here from Obara Meji is she on vacation????

7 years ago

Great job very informative. A few others, white or yellow lighter bad luck. Tails up penny bad luck. Red at night fishermans delight red in morning fishermans warning. Meaning good bad weather.

7 years ago

What does the vision mean when your awake and see a gold leaf falling from your white ceiling to your bedroom flor

7 years ago

Hi. I used jade and rose quartz and a picture of an ex last night. I woke up this morning and saw poo coming out thenext a cup of tea and a bumblebee in between. Help please

7 years ago
Reply to  Clare

Wow, what did she say it ment?

8 years ago

I dreamt of a man who used to b my boss rubbing white chalk or powder all over my body

Mahantnie Jee
8 years ago

Hi, last night i had a weird dream that my eyelashes are very very long and it have designs like flowers and stars they are like curtains? And everbody told me that i have very long eyelashes. Then one time, i just cut them; then im surprised to see there are flowers stars like design after that i woke up. What does it mean?

8 years ago

Obara, can u tell me what the following means? I dreamt last night that I was on a bus and a lady told me that she had a vision that I’m going to die and that I should give my life to the lord. The dream has me very worried. I’ve been having anxiety attacks previously and is now on meds for the anxiety. & three throughout those attacks I thought I was going to die. I’ve had dreams about me dying couple years back. & even in 2011 I had dreamt I was going to die in child’s birth… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thx for ur reply Obara. I figured it was a result of my fears. I’ve had dreams that I’m convinced might be images of a past life but I’m not so sure. I’d love a reading but I’m so afraid of those things bcoz I may hear some bad news. A lady once told me that if I were more spiritual I’d have been a seer bcoz sometimes I get visions of deaths and even births.

Dennicia Jennings
Dennicia Jennings
8 years ago

i had a dream that my friend broke her wedding ring. She is married.

8 years ago

Hi, please help?
What does it mean when I keep dreaming of being with my mum and brother? Both, are deceased for many years now! I always enjoy being with them and last night my mum and I were moving into a new house.

8 years ago

Good morning, my mum had a dream about me. Wondered if you could help interpret it, i just copied and pasted the message so its written as though my mum is talking directly to me. I had a dream that you and someone else can’t be sure if it was a male or female but it’s like you were both going to cross a dangerous river. I looked down a deep precepit and saw a strong swift big wide blue river running, I could tell it would sweep anyone away who tried to cross. I said to you if you… Read more »

Ravyn B. Pombert
8 years ago

March 19th, 2016 I dreamt that I watched the world burn, I was sitting in my bedroom, and trav was asleep. I was on my bed, looking at the moon and slowly watched it turn red, and a whole day went by in my dream, nothing out of the ordinary happened during this day in my dream, well as night came i dreamt IN my dream, and when I woke in my dream I was screaming, it woke trav up and I told him I was looking at the moon and it was red, and there was a red star… Read more »

Jojo Queen
1 year ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

this happened to me, saw my old boss being dismissed from her role in a dream. few weeks later that’s what happened.

Ravyn B. Pombert
8 years ago

I just woke up for the second time tonight, the first time I was dazed, this time I awoke crying My first dream, in it I was asleep in my bed, exactly as I was dressed, covered up, everything And in my dream I woke up and looked out of,my bedroom doorway, and I could see something sitting on my couch, but when I tried talking it sounded like I was under water, and then I laid my head back down and it was as if I went back to sleep, then in my dream I woke again, looking at… Read more »

8 years ago

I dreamt I saw my late father n one old lady jump from the moving rain n lying down I saw one tiger roaming n trying to attack and saw my dog who I am attached to what this dream Indicates

8 years ago


I dreamed that I was standing in a river and heavily salted one fish. Another fish was waiting for me to catch it. The third fish I saw and caught broke up as if I was eating it. The meat was cooked. All three fish were black and a little bigger than typical river fish. Was wondering what it could all mean? I know fish is pregnancy which I am trying for.

Tsietsi Motsoto
8 years ago

Hi i dreamed that the love of my life who is not on speaking terms with me called me, on my phone i see her name but surname is from my best friend surname. The dream puzzle me on the surname?……..Can you explain please?

8 years ago

Hi I had a dream lastnight about running with a bottle of milk, and being at a party with everyone wearing white.

8 years ago

Hello, I don’t know much about dreams and what they try to convey but I know it has to do with your subconscious trying to give a message. Last night I had a dream of my mother getting married, I found out through my aunties because her oldest daughter was invited to be a part of it. I wasn’t invited, so I put a white dress that was knee length on with another white dress underneath but it got dirty right away with mud, when I arrived at this wedding the setting was in a small dirty back yard, everyone… Read more »

8 years ago

I dreamt I saw a skeleton in my room and I woke up. I went back to sleep and saw the same skeleton again and it took me to Africa. There an elderly lady spoke to me about fighting evil and i went into a trance, after waking up from the trance she told me I was the sun and I went into another trance when I woke up again she told me I am also love. What does this mean?

8 years ago

Hi I had a dream that I was in a tower block, where their are lots of offices. There was a white tiger and it was chasing and eating a lot of people. When it got to me it would never eat me just walk around me like it was sizing me up. Then the pest control people came in tried to kill it and failed. It came back while I was in the office working again everyone was running away from it but it wasn’t necessarily chasing me. After to kill it they blew up the whole tower block.

Tsietsi Clement Motsoto

Good morning currently I am having the relavation of my life, I woke up dreaming there is a spider in my mouth everytime I speak I try to vomiting it out. But I cant, now I am asking what does this mean?

8 years ago

What does it mean to dream of a man who you don’t know but soon turns into a bee??.. He kept dropping money so I kept picking it up & giving it to him.. My exact words.. “here you go sir” “sir, you dropped your money again” so we sat & had a conversation. Out of know where, he turned into a bee then flew away. Left all of his money.. I counted it and everything. 5200. Then as I’m trying to tell my sister, she keeps saying “get in the car, its a snake following you..” I looked down… Read more »

ShaKerah Thomas
ShaKerah Thomas
8 years ago

I dreamt that my sister, grandma, 2 nephews and a niece came to visit me. We ended up going to my job even though I wasn’t working that day. While at my job, it started raining and it was in the night. My boyfriend was to come pick us up and get didn’t. We tried calling him and his friend tried calling him and he still didn’t come. We left in the rain and was walking home. It was dark and it was not raining heavily. On our way home, a man from our community who died some years ago,… Read more »

8 years ago

What does it mean to dream of my wife in her panties. She had an egg in her vagina in front of her vagina and i crushed it with my hand.


[…] whatever is coming is final, you will not be able to see it in visions or dreams. Please refer to this post for more and I may do a seperate post on visions, which represents revelations or what is to come […]

claire davis
claire davis
8 years ago

dream that a friend gives you a medium sized brown paper bag with things in it

Joseph Dreamer
Joseph Dreamer
8 years ago

Hello there, Merely 43 minutes before posting this comment I awoke with rare clarity as to what my previous dream was; I was in an apartment’s quart yard: a very fat man, whom I know to be an enemy, was there enticing me to come towards him to begin a confrontation. we locked eyes, though he had very dark glasses on, I hurled my self towards him and he pulled out a gun and shot at me. The man missed but I landed on top of him and beat the gun way from him. I didn’t view myself killing him… Read more »

8 years ago

Hi last night I had a dream that I was eating jerk pork, what does that mean It makes me a little worried.

8 years ago
Reply to  Roxxie

I think Obara has said that eating in dream is not good/bad sign. Or maybe it is eating from someone? I got that impression but I may be wrong. I have so many dreams; recently seeing money in purse; different currencies in different dreams, dream about a baby that was awful–the actual dream was not terrible when I recounted it, but it was devastating and physically uncomfortable in the dream and the moments just before fully waking. And about someone seeing blood. And even more recently sleep paralysis with a male energy trying for sexual act–did not happen though, sort… Read more »

9 years ago

What does dreaming of having a baby girl mean? Not a newborn but maybe 1-2 years old. Thanks

9 years ago

in my dream a dog’s head twisted upside down I saw it in a horror movie before so is that a bad thing???

9 years ago

so my mother in law dreamt she saw my name in the sky saying ‘my name died 2 hours ago’ and she also dreamt in the same dream her husband aunt was in it and his mom also with lots of sores and was naked. then my mom says she dreamt seeing my brother’s grandma that died years ago telling her not to go into a room while she was playing hide and seek with her daughter. my aunt dreamt about a wedding and the bride in pink and grandma also dreamt about wedding recently. and my cousin recently dreamt… Read more »

cristell rivera
cristell rivera
9 years ago

What does it mean when u dream about a witch burning witches but u can’t do anything about it?

cristell rivera
cristell rivera
9 years ago

Burning babies I meant

Lenah Ayiela
9 years ago

I had a dream seeing white clothes lying down on the floor near my bed what does this mean?

9 years ago

I have been having dreams lately eating in my dreams,just had one this night and I was eating with a white man.

9 years ago

I had a dream the pther day that my ex boyfriend came around me with his girl friend and new born baby…. What does this mean

Levi Proctor
9 years ago

Had a strange dream white cat licked my chin after all cats tried licking me I think there was a black cat towards the end of my dream is there meaning ?

9 years ago

Hi Obara! Bird poop on me physical the last time i went to farming Camp, a place where i grow up as a child b4 traveling out to the city. On D day i was working on the street road at a time. i know something drooped on me and i have to ask people i meet on the way, and they told me about the bird Poop that cover part of my back side, my trousers and even on my small executive hand bag, Thanks.

9 years ago

What does it mean when a mother dreams of her child dead in a river with cuts everywhere?

9 years ago

Dreamed last night walking on bird poop

9 years ago

See in real life the bird poop on my short in line

Kelly Denero
9 years ago

I miscarried two years ago. I had a dream i saw my grandmother at the edge of my bed with a baby in her hand, a girl baby. And she look at me and she need the baby and the baby is ok she has.

9 years ago

Hi. For the past couple nights I’ve been having these dreams I can’t seem to get over. First the dreams were about my bf that he died then after that I dreamt that I caught him cheating and left. Then the other dream he was protecting me from his mom who turned against me because of a friend she had. A obeah working friend that placed a bunch of marks (bite marks, barb wire, circles) on my right wrist and when I went to my mother in law to help me get rid of them the friend was there and… Read more »

9 years ago

Well most of these growing up in Jamaica mi hear about, but the main one mi know for a fact works for mi is the hand middle scratching, if fi mi right hand scratch mi, mi know mi can go put on mi pot cause money a come..and the left hand, lard mi have fi spent..

And mi thankful for you my Obara for the key about eating in your dream,
Oh you remember this one, “Make a wish on an eyelash that falls out and it will come true”

Oh and wishing on a star too..

9 years ago

Hi, I had a dream of a woman strongly saying I smell , and when I decided to leave another woman was closing her nose in this a warning dream?

9 years ago

Good night sweet Obara & bloggers! I rarely dream and always wonder why my few dead love ones don’t dream me. Recently I dream see my dead uncle and he took me to a room that had a large basket of fruits. I hope is good dream caz I was so happy to dream

9 years ago

What does it mean when you have a dream about a big black bee flying in a circle above your bed where you are sleeping?

9 years ago

Hi. I’ve dreamt at least 3 times being in my old house where I used to live 4 years ago. I don’t know why. A lot of things happened there. Most of my relatives died there as well – even my dad. Could you explain this? there were also stories that my mum told me about . The man who used to live there worshiped demons (but he died when I was 9yrs. old. Im 21 now, but i just want to whether all these ‘happenings’ have something to do with my dream?

9 years ago

Hi Obara. I dreamt that i was holding a baby for a couple in a clinic. I check and realize the baby slightly pooped. The mother took the baby and realized the baby died. i then found myself in the bathroom where i checked my panty and found a dead larva on it. What does this mean??

9 years ago


10 years ago

Hi! I was wondering if these beliefs Jamaican or are they just dreams in general. If so can i use this article to extract some information for my project for Jamaican folklore.

10 years ago

what is the superstion of seeing a vision of a child?

10 years ago

Obara, I had a dream a couple of nights I want to ask about, I dreamed about tbis man in a white cape and white boots, he reminded me of a super hero, he told me that he had an invocation or incantation can’t remember which word he used to give me and I must say it when I need help. He made me say it to make sure I got the words correct. My cousin was with me and he made us write the words down so we didn’t forget them when I wrote it the first time I… Read more »

10 years ago

Obara, can you do a topic on the significance of the different colors please? Also, can you please remember the post about the times of dreams?

Thanks much

10 years ago

Obara mi juss memba dem ere:-

1. If you wear one foot of shoes your mother will die.
2. If you open umberella inside you will not get married
3. If dog licks your blood you will go mad
4. If someone allows dog to eat your wedding cake then the marriage wont last.

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH


10 years ago

Good night gentle ppl sum a dem tingz mi hear bout others mek i laff lol other night mi dream black cat yep see it clear clear

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez


Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Mawning, lol yes mi memba dem, send dem on

10 years ago

Mi shy!!!!!! Woiee!

Really doe Obara, yu know sey since today I realized that when I had the very good visions I use to sleep in straight white . When I got ‘grown’ I started wearing full black and partying till late had the many relationships that did not go anywhere. No wonder mi use to attract duppy. I would leave my house after 11pm to go to party and come in after 4:00a.m.

10 years ago

You answered. I wanted you break down colour say red is danger. White is pure, etc. I wanted to see f me gravitating to the red was significant.

10 years ago

Firstly I always hear that after even your own family will send for you and after 2 weeks di same dutty people start hype pan yu an waan put yu out. Obara, after mi inna mi decent, job out here, the person told me to migrate. Mi frien sey come. Mi can tell yu diss, some decent libbatty wey shi try tek. Obara from yesterday mi a try get yu fi ansa di significance of colour but yu naah carry nar bring mi. Anyways when the treatment got so bad, I knew thatI had toleave. I would literally see myself… Read more »

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

So ask me straight out

10 years ago

One day I was at my desk (in Jamaica) and saw myself ina aqua-blue sweater with my daughter also wearing gears. It appeared I was coming from work and picked her up after school. I took that as I sign that I should migrate. Obara, one piece a rass meet mi a farrin (I travelled on a Friday).

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

@MTH, every body knows if you ask me a question I will answer you, which question did you ask me about color? I would never go around any question anyone ask me at all

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

One piece ah rass ? I don’t understand please explain

10 years ago

Obara does a specific colour brings good/bad? There was a point in my life when I wore a lot of white, then a point where I wore a lot of black (No, I didnt set out to do it). Just like phases. My daughter is all about purple and so is all my friends thatwent to KIngston College (KC).

10 years ago

Obara recently I dreamt that a ghost was in one of my shower curtains and it asked me if I wasnt afraid of it. Had to get gangsta (I had to take on my friend’s personality) on the MF and said no. Then I woke up.

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH


Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Yes color plays an important role in our lives

10 years ago

Obara I always hear that evil cannot attach you while you are pregnant?

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Neither of them us goid

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

It can surround you but it’s hard to attack you when you are pregnant

10 years ago

also heard if you see coins in your dream it is good but not good to see paper money, is this true?

10 years ago

i do not remember my dreams very well, but my husband is a good dreamer..

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