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“I have given up on god. just finished writing my suicide note. I dont know what else to do. i dont know where to look for help. my life is too much for me right. im loing more than im gaining. i need serious help. im giving my self a next week if nothing gets better i will know what to do.”

Someone sent this comment in, I do not know of it is a bluff, but I will not take a chance. I implore all who blog, peep, visit this site, to please pray for this person whose blog name is KG. If it is indeed a bluff, then also include in your prayer release for all those who may be suffering in any way throughout the world. If you need this person’s email or information just to connect with them, please do not put your phone number on the site or email address. Send it to me, I will in turn contact KG, to see it is ok to connect you and go from there.

Suicide is an out for many who cannot mange the “woes” of life, while it is true that life can be challenging, taking your life is not the answer. Suffering is a part of living, and there are many types of suffering. There are people who are wealthy by earthly means, who many believe do not have a care in the world, but they have mental distress or anguish which could be caused by so many things. Many people wish for money, but if you do not have the correct mental strength and discipline it takes to manage the strong energy which money carries, too much money can send people to the psych ward, many people do not know this. Poverty, poor conditions, not able to manage, for many people they ask their God, “what kind of life is this?” but at times they do not know that it is the love of God and wanting to keep them closer to the divine which has kept them in that position which they lament about everyday. I am not saying that it is good to be poor or people should not complain about their conditions, but all things which we experience are apart of our journey, something to bring us to the next phase of our lives.

For the poor, the roads are many to choose from. They can live a life of crime or they can have faith, pray and hope that one day things will change, they can sit and lament until that day come, but where ever we meet ourselves in life is apart of our journey, all this is apart of the journey.  For the rich, they can hoard what they have, they can do whatever they want, or they can choose to assist others, serve humanity In some way with their wealth, and again it is apart of their journey which will assist them in uncovering who they are. We must come to self realization, focus and try to understand who we are.

KG may be on a spiritual path, and when God wants to rise you, you must fall first. When you hit the ground, there is no where to go other than up. Faith is a small word with a big meaning, life brings hope. Please KG, live!

There are many reasons for depression, sometimes our cup just runs over. On Saturday, I sat in my parlour and puddung one piece ah cow bawling, ah bawl, ah bawl, ah bawl, (I cried). Something that upset me sent me there. I felt my driver disrespected me with the way he answered me while driving, (the guy is illiterate, and was driving too rough on Nigeria bad roads, and answerd me a ignorant “what!” when I told him to adjust his speed, but yuh know we Jamaicans nuh tek nuh chat, and Africans always sound like dem ah cuss), so mi get dark and ignorant and put him inna a scandal bag (de grace one) de way how mi cuss and galang bad, cho yah man…..let me translate for non Jamaicans: he was rude and I had to put him in his place…(patois sweet ei nuh, caws de fuss sentence sweeta Dan de translation). De type of bawling I did Oprah  would have called it the “ugly” cry,  but choo mi nuh ugly MI cyan call it suh. It was one memory that sprung up as I vented (cuss) that night that brought down the cow bawling. It was of how my mother rejected (threw me from her house after I got pregnant in high school) me and how the wicked babyfather treated me, him was a original gallis, ole duty dranco, (he was a notorious womanizer). The way how the driver answered me that night, which I felt was disrespectful and caused de Jamaican market woman to come outta me, triggered the memory of this ( and all I had been through) that I thought I had dealt with in my Ife, but had not. I felt in that moment of de cow bawling , like running down the street shouting and pulling out the human hair mi just put in, but because I am easily embarrassed, I thought about people pointing at me while saying dah gal deh mad, so I quickly cancelled it. The bawling provided a relief, although I was still embarrassed, the African that were around watched and chat in their language as de very cool Obara Meji bawl dung de place, dem chat mi ei si inna dem language, shame!

Life is rough one way or the other for some people, but let us cherish the life we do have. Suicide will only make your journey harder, because some people who you see with deformities,  or with certain disabilities had committed suicide in a past life and had to come back with those challenges. Suicide is not escaping life and it’s journey, it is not a solution, it only makes the journey harder and delay your spiritual evolution. It is a harsh punishment in the world of spirit and it holds back the spiritual family from evolving as a family. It is never the answer to life’s problems, it is a harsh reality, when you get to the other one, a daunting one. One where you  will see and regret your mistake. If you have given up on God, please do not give up on yourself. God is within you, so that energy has nowhere to go, you cannot remove it from your life, but please live, please give life another chance.

KG,  please give life a chance, if it is money, let us know so we may try to help, or tutor you on how to assist yourself. If it is an listening ear, I am here and so are others, whatever it is,  we are your family, please give us a chance. Live KG,  live. Please help me pray for KG and others who may be going through challenges. The fact that you left this comment shows me that you need help, you do not want to die.

Please live, burn the note, the suicide note that you have written, you will be alright. This site is filled with post of all that I have gone through and still going through. A man who I trusted stole all I invested in and then turned around and set people who I introduced him to against me, told them lies about me. They In turn began to lie on me to each other in their new found hatred toward me, and now they have joined with him to fight me in every which way and with lies. I am in a battle for my life as he vows to kill me, because he does not want to relinquish what he has stolen. I have shed tears and have to be battling daily unseen forces from this same man I introduce to my bloggers (all of you here) as a good person. I could not keep it from  you all, although, I am embarrassed of the whole thing( mi easy fi shame), I had to let you know, (even though I have not explained everything, it is still too painful) whether you all judge me or not, I have to be honest and transparent, because I vowed to teach from my experiences and the road has been rough KG, but I am alive and God, my God is good. Allow your God to be good, tune it in to it and not out and you will see.

Bloggers please do not forget KG, be it man or woman, pray for KG.

Love and Light KG, please come and speak to us.

Ẹní bá mọ inú rò á mọ ọpẹ́ dá. /
Whoever can reason well will understand why he ought to be thankful….Yoruba Proverbs
[Have a heart of gratitude.]

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Red 7
4 years ago

Greetings obara…. huggs hoping I’m writing this in the write place…
If a person commits suicide they will relive the same life again. If the person had children before the suicide will they also relive there lives Again?
What if the suicide was done due to black magic obeah, will you still relive your life again.

Thanks in advance

8 years ago

KG, either you gave up on the good of some humans or you gave up on your self why you haven’t returned…walk good wherever you may roam.

Hail up ALL ES family! Yazzy kiss your Princess for me. Obara, me soon siddung and lap me frock and read inna de hours.. BB tonight.

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hope dem did serious about needing help. Hope we kind thoughts helped some one.

8 years ago

KG sorry for the delay. You are certainly in my prayers and you were sent her to know that people care for you and you have iur support.

8 years ago

KG take it from me, I’ve been struggling with all kinds of vicious spirits and malevolent creatures for over two years. I know it’s difficult at times but from all adversities comes knowledge and above all wisdom and lots of it. Not knowing your situation I felt like you did at times but through the grace and power of the most high I was able to endure. Listen to the words of Obara Meji, learn from it, you’ll get stronger each day. My friend as I write, the stench of demons are upon me, but with the wisdom I’ve gained… Read more »

8 years ago

Good day Ms. Obara. I am praying earnestly for KG. My dear you are not alone wherever you are take a moment and reflect on your most memorable and happiest day of your life. I know it is hard and these are trying times but think… If you should end your life think about the pain and suffering your family will go through especially if children are involved. Talk to Ms. Obara she is wise and genuine or someone who you trust and bear your soul! Please find the strength to cry to God and pray to overcome whatever issue/s… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks Ms. Obara. I truly hope that KG gets help soon.

8 years ago

Mth, Yazzy rollout…lol

I’m nursing the flu and doing U.S. election watch. Posiyive energy to a trusted victor.

8 years ago
Reply to  Cami


8 years ago

Good morning all, blessings Obara. KG will come back and give of the testimony that relieved him or her of the desire to end it all through suicide. I have never wrote a suicide note myself, but I have asked God to pity me and end my life. He hasn’t and I believe that there is something great that I must learn, something great I must achieve and something great that I must bestow to even one person. The same is for you KG. Taking your life will mean missing out on its greater meaning. Missing out on that aha!… Read more »

8 years ago

People have a tendency to give up when they are seeking for God outside of themselves.Clearly he stated “I dont know where to look for help”Start searching within,there you will find the answers you seek.Our belief systems can often time be detrimental and illusory,blocking true reality concerning,God,self and the world in general.

8 years ago

KG-No worry please, I can guarantee if some of us told you of our challenges you would wonder how we still here- Just know that if there are no challenges in life then there are no VICTORIES—
Victory awaits you !

8 years ago

Good night KG tonight i pray for your strength in the midst of your storm. I pray the Creator and your ancestors will assist you with all lifes challenges. I pray that you will fight another day and watch the sun rise and sun set. just make it a full day. weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning..keep strong. Love and light

8 years ago

Evening, O and fellow bloggers

KG, how you feeling this night?

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Morning, Everyone. Great to know Joy got herself a job.

Intellectual Bhutu
8 years ago

Mi jus jus dun a piece a cow bawling ongle fi come si dis. Anuh everiibaddi yuh si a walk roun a kin dem teet aaright cause a bere laughin mi did a do tideh. While crying doesn’t change a situation, it definitely helps me to feel better. Di wussess ting sumaddi kyan duh a gwaan liek seh u nuh hav nutten fi feel bad bout. There are times when the “little things” get heavy and I feel like the burden becomes too much. In the midst of it I try really hard to focus on all the things that… Read more »

8 years ago

You are never alone. If you have to talk out your problems to your self I guarantee you’ll feel the present of your guardians.

We do hope KG come back and vent so we can assist.

I’m glad gor this blog because it’s zero tolerant of mean spirited interactions.

8 years ago

Good night Obara n good night to all the blogger and KG I have walk a path were I feel like giving up i have to text Obara and she pray far me and also the blogger I am saying to you suicide is not the answer prayer do work just have a little faith god going to turn things around I am praying far you I know my god going to turn things around

8 years ago
Reply to  Joy

Hey, Joy. Things picking up for you? Hold strong (((muah)))

Jacky a
Jacky a
8 years ago

KG please come back from that dark place ur in right now, PLEASE light is what you need love is the answer! We are praying for u! Don’t ever believe u are alone!!!

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