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Hello everyone, I pray all is well for you. I know you have read in the comments of Prosperity’s post that I am busy doing initiations, this is why I have been silent. Initiations rides high on energy and there are so many things going on at once, many people from near and far are here, the place is filled with so much power and live wire energy. I love the whole vibe it creates, and I am always curious to see the birth of the person being initiated, all sorts of things are revealed, the person’s destiny opens like a book and we all read a chapter to the initiate of their life’s journey, the negative and the positives, and instruct them of the do’s and dont’s of their life. If the person is to be blind in their later years, the odu, (the destiny book) states this and solution in way of prescribed sacrifice or the preparation of powerful medicine is done to remove it. This is why I love this tradition. Well, this short post is just me sharing with you a little about how powerful Egbe is.

One of the initiations being done (there are a few happening) is Egbe. Right from the beginning the Egbe began to show themselves as one young lady (who is here now but had to fight to get on the plane and we had to do some sacrifices on ground for her to be able to come), had so much problems to get here beginning from the airport. When she got to the airport they told her the flight was cancelled and had been for a month, telling her that they notified the travel agent of this from June 23. She called him, as I also did, (I am very involved in my people’s struggle even from Africa, I make sure that my presence is felt). He was lazily apologetic and somewhat stoic about the situation, the young lady who is quiet and soft spoken, was so angry that day, I had never heard her (we had only met on the phone by then, hence the reference to hearing her) so upset. Well, she was too decent fi cuss de claat dem, but I buss some in de agent ears like gunshot dung ah tivoli, him hang up de phone, and never answered me again.

We eventually figured out a way for her to get here, which included buying a new ticket. After much running around amid phone calls and brain storming, she finally had a ticket for a flight but had to wait several hours to board. I sighed a sigh of relief when she texted me and told me she was on the plane, I settled back against my pillows and began to watch the Golden Girls. It was night here for me in Nigeria. A text came in and she told me they were set to take off, I sent off a silent hallelujah, (Chistians, oonuh low mi, and nuh badda come chat mi sey mi anuh Christian yet mi ah use de hallelujah wud), then almost immediately she texted again that they have to return to the gate (they hadn’t taken off as yet, they had only taxied away from the gate a little ways). Dorothy, Rose and Blanche were in the pharmacy buying condoms, and the cashier embarassed them by shouting out their business. I was in the middle of laughing when the text came in and stilled the laughter right on my face. I immediately knew that this woman had strong Egbe which did not want her to reach Africa, thus breaking the spiritual contract she had with them and freeing herself to enjoy her life here on earth. I was worried, because she had to catch another flight to Paris and if she missed that, she would not leave Paris until the next day. Many Babalawos, Iyanifa’s and others were all on the compound waiting. All the initiations would begin together, so if she was delayed it would have been a great inconvenience.

I called the Babalawo on the compound, a very nice man, he woke from his bed and went to check on the problem. I told him that it was Egbe, he called me back and confirmed, he did the sacrifice to release the plane, and less than twenty minutes time the plane took off. Thank you Orunmila!

Since she arrived, the very night she and others who were initiating did IFA initiation. The rain began to fall, this is not unusual, as the process of initiating calls for a lot of prayers and incantations which will open up the realms of spirits and bring forth all sorts of beings needed for this to be done. This is them, the initiates being “born again”, so the energy is alive and vibrant. Mysterious things happens here most often. I cannot tell you how proud I am to be an African.

The next day Egbe initiation was scheduled to take place, but torrential rain came down first, even the roofs of the houses on the compound threatened to give way. I immediately remembered when my daughter came to join me in Africa to do her Egbe initiation and it rained like holy hell, (not really sure what that expression means, but it seems to fit). She was to arrive at 5 am in the morning, or so we were told by the travel agent, but instead she arrived at 4am and had to wait hours for us (as we were still sleeping while she had already landed), all while being harassed by all and sundry (beggars) at the airport for money. Meanwhile at home, we awoke at 5am, set to rush and get my daughter, simply to discover that the car’s tires were flat, two of them at the same time. Right then, torrential rain poured without mercy. The rain was so hard, it was white as it poured from the sky, it looked like millions of beings dressed in white descending from the sky. Could we get the tires fixed? The men (two of them) worked hard to fix them, the rain gave them a fight, man against nature, it was sight to behold.

We got to the airport extremely late, as there happened to be heavy traffic as well, my child was understandably upset. For the next couple days, everything that could go wrong did. The olorisha people kept saying that her Egbe was strong. The spirt husband even went to the Babalawo in a dream, pointed to my daughter and declared my daughter as his wife, and me his mother in law (ah doan know why him ah put mi inna him mix up fah). The young woman here has Egbe husband, children, and society. She came to this realm a very powerful person. Powerful people or people who are destined to be, must go through difficulties. It is written.

We did the initiation in the rain, despite the discomfort, we had to show them that we were not afraid to push through. We will be doing Ita for IFA initiation today and for Egbe on Monday. The work is plenty but enjoyable, as this, my work, is my passion.

Many people in the diaspora’s lives are affected by Egbe. Women who are barren, some gay people, people who have no spouse or are often times jilted, men who runway from their children, leaving the mothers to fend alone, he may have Egbe and also the woman. For him, his Egbe children do not want him attached to earthly children, and for her, she may have Egbe husband, who may not want her to have a happy home life. Spinsters and bachelors, it may be Egbe that is the cause. People with no social life, or who cannot make or keep friends, Egbe fi blame.

Ifa is a wonderful thing, but many are seeking it for power. I have brought people here for initiations, they go behind my back, befriend the Africans, even come to Africa unbeknownst to me and do initiations, believing that they have a direct link. Not all Babalawos are, people are often exploiting this tradition for many reasons, stay safe.

I will be on the blog from time to time, reporting live from Africa.

Obara “reporter chin” Meji

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5 years ago

Aboru aboye iya se alafia ni o bawo ni I have a question I been having these dream about my youngest daughter the first dream is was… she was I was driving and I see her in a stroller on the corner crying as I was driving I tried to stop the car but it wouldn’t but then she appeared in the car like in my lap …. the second one she was older around 1 yr and she was standing in this place screaming ” Daaaddddy” crying and just ran to my leg and held on … this is… Read more »

6 years ago

Lmaooo at “ah doan know why him ah put mi inna him mix up fah”. I can’t with you reporter Chin LOL. Great post.

7 years ago

“Egbe fi blame.” Lol that made me bust out laughing like a mad woman in the parking lot.

8 years ago

Paging Reporter Meji, paging reporter, Meji. What’s the latest in your side of the globe?

8 years ago

So… does everyone have a Egbe a family?

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow! That’s a lot to take in, Obara!

8 years ago

Lawd! This new “Egbe” concept really got me thinking!

8 years ago

Thanks Prosperity, you made me laugh. Hahahha! Its so uncanny, if something is mentioned, I can usually find a previous post to link it to. Hope you and everyone reading, will have a wonderful day.

8 years ago

Good Evening

I need your help to explain this dream to me please.

Let me just start this way, there is a women who told me that I have impregnated her. Now my gut feeling tells me something else, now I am getting these dreams of a child which I can not clearly see the face. The last one shows my kid playing in the yard and this child standing and walking outside, what can this mean?

8 years ago

I need a price check on some condoms!!!

Hello everyone. Thank you Obara for giving us more information on Egbe in such an intersting and entertaining way. I am definitely interested in doing the initiation if you ever do it on this side of the world (New York, Jamaica, etc.).

8 years ago

In this post Obara mentioned that the Egbe husband came and went to her husband informing him that he was her oldest child husband, yu si how dem duppy yah bright….Here’s the post, read and enjoy, like I did.

8 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Morning MTH, thanks for this. A really good read….more and more I see why you are the prefect, in fact you’re the head girl.

Morning Obara, hope all went well yesterday for your initiates and you managed to get some rest.
…and a pleasant good morning to the rest of the family, I hope you all have a productive week.

8 years ago

So nature (the weather) can be manipulated at will? The thought of using the same method (twice) is something to think about. I have never heard in all my bawn days, that flight arrive ahead of schedule. As my fren Obara woulda sey, when the norm becomes abnormal evil is at play.

8 years ago

Egbe hmm- I going to start reading up on this immediately !!!!

8 years ago

Reporter meji chin back Inna di building!! Good day family, just checking in. O, how do u know if u have been given a fake egbe? What r the signs? And how do you turn it around for yourself? Mi know u know first hand…

8 years ago

I’ve been trying to comment but the comments are not being posted

8 years ago

I want to learn more to connect with the spirits and my ancestors

8 years ago

Teach how yu duh? Greetings everyone. Teach, mi naah lie, mi couldnt help buss a laugh when I was reading this. You are so very vivid with your description. Yu waan si mi out dey inna di rain a help fix di car suh yu can guh pick up yu daughter. Can you imagine, maybe shi dayeven did get nuh good quality food pan di plane. Teach, when you speak of spiritual family, does it mean, the very first family you belong to or the last family that you belonged to before coming back to earth? Meaning, if it is… Read more »

8 years ago

Happy Sunday everyone. This sounds very interesting Obara. I have a question, does being initiated means becoming a spiritualist like yourself or is it equated to being baptised in Christianity and can anyone be initiated?

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hi Obara, I know I’m late for this conversation. But would this be similar to the golem from Jewish mysticism? The Egbe that is.

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow thank you for so much info. Very very interesting!

8 years ago

This is fascinating to me, though I don’t know much about it. When I did some study on Winti of Surinam they spoke of spirit husbands and spirit wives, which I’m assuming is the same thing? So like if a woman and man break up, it could be said that her spirit husband does not take well to the man, but that he can be placated with offerings etc? Or that the woman could be lesbian, for example?

8 years ago
Reply to  Iman

How do you communicate with the spirit family and break free so you can enjoy your life here on earth????

7 years ago
Reply to  LaTonja

Hello Obara, thanks for your insight of this problem, please how can I be free from spiritual husband troubling my life

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