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Embracing Spirituality is a blog of a wide variety of spiritual topics and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji and her personal experiences. Born out of a desire to assist others in embracing their spirituality, and to lend our contribution to the ultimate goal of the evolution of mankind.
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Often times people in general sees a Traditional Practitioner or Healer and immediately believe them to be an Obeah or Juju worker or even or a Witch. This absolutely is not so. It is true, people fear what they do not know. They view the World of Occult or anything which deals with Metaphysics, Divination, Herbal Healing, Rituals and Sacrifices as Dark and Evil.  How many times have I heard People say “I don’t believe in those things”, or “Jesus sacrificed his blood to save the world already, there needs to be no other sacrifice,” overlooking  the fact that Jesus was a Jew, a Hebrew, where Blood Sacrifice is a integral part of their religion . How easy it is, in the name of Religion to cast Judgement on people here on Earth who may be  doing the work the Christ and his disciples did, which by the way the Pastors claims to do. Think about it, if Jesus was around in our present time now he would be called the same, by Pastors and Bishops, Imams alike, Obeah Man, JuJu man, an Occultist. He, in his time did things people did not understand, though he was a benevolent being. I am an initiate of the Ifa/Orisha Tradition, a Tradition which is said to be over ten thousand years old. This Tradition is the Practice of the Yoruba People of South Western Nigeria. It is the first and oldest Religion of mankind, I do not like to refer to it as a Religion, but rather a way of life.

In Ayo Salami’s Book Yoruba Theology and Tradition he says,  Ifa was handed down by Olodumare (the Supreme Being, God) to Orunmila, the first Messiah of mankind and secondly, because the Black man is presently cocooned in a disoriented state of anomie, totally oblivious of his past, ignorant of his present and unmindful of his future, He goes about with an air of subservience and prides himself with mouthing and preaching the religious world view of Arabs and Jews, purporting them to be any more universal than Ifa. He is Fatally unmindful of the fact that Ifa had existed thousands of Years before Abraham (patriarch of Moses, Jesus and Mohammed)and that Ifa is the Primordial religion from which all others developed

It is not for me to convert the world and change their religious views, no, that is a task which I could never undertake. What is disturbing however is how people cast disdain and turn their noses up, vilify, debase, curse,  at anything which does not involve the Bible or the Koran, or any doctrine or practice which they do not understand. In the Traditional Practice of Ifa/Orisha the Devotees participates in rites and rituals of the Orishas who are apart of Nature. Babalawos who are Highly trained Priests in the Tradition, spend all their lives, as early as age five studying and must study for at least fifteen to twenty years before becoming independent, able to act on their own as Priests for their community, no longer under the watchful eyes of their Oluwo/Teacher. The Tradition is very vast and cannot be cannot be contained in a single book, so it is taught through Oral Translation. Babalawos are well trained in the use of Plants and Herbs to treat any ailments, remove negative situations, and solve life’s issues. He sits before his divining tray and uses his Ifa (e-fah) to divine for the purpose of guiding you to make the correct decisions according to your own life’s plan (Odu). Ifa is an Oracle, Ifa is the message and it is through Ifa that man is guided from the cradle to the grave. Ifa is the Oracle and Orunmila is the owner of the sacred Ifa Oracle and the Interpreter of God’s message. It is said that Orunmila who is also referred to as witness of fate knows the secret of mans being. Orunmila knows how creation begun and how it was completed, he is God’s right hand man. Orunmila knows the beginning and the end to all things, and Babalawos are priest to Orunmila who stands for righteousness. Babalawos are Orunmila’s emissaries/representatives here on earth therefore they must be mindful of their character., and always keep true to the teachings of Ifa.

There are however those, whose character is at fault, regarding their training and what they were taught, who will engage in wrong doings, and who will harbor evil intentions and even practice them not caring of the repercussions which will certainly follow. This however is not only found among Traditionalist, but among Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhist and more. Human beings are imperfect and are subject to fall at different times in their lives. Remember Jimmy Swaggart?..However, it is prudent to leave all judgement to God. The stigma, which is cast on Voudon practitioners and Orisha worshipers, People who jump Poco or dance Kumina as workers of Evil and iniquity is unjustified. The very word Voodoo, provokes fear into the hearts of many. I remember walking down the street with my mother as a little girl in Jamaica and we would see Zion/Revival people with their head wrapped and their pencils stuck up in the side of the turban, and my mother would pull me closer to her as she walked wide of them, again the stigma of Obeah/Juju which is attached to what is unknown. If a person even mention that they are Haitian, all eyes slide in his or her direction and immediately they are, in the minds of most, involved with evil, same with the African. While Voudon is a religion where they pay special attention to what they call Loas which are deities also connected to nature but also mixed with the ancestors. Parties are kept in honor of the Loas, and sacrifices to the Loas are done for whatever reasons. Not everyone who is involved with this Religion is bad, working Evil or practice Witchcraft, again it has to do with the Character of the Person. Hollywood and media propaganda has really done a number on the minds, not to mention Religions like Christianity and Islam.

I started out this morning wanting to write about the difference between JuJu and Traditional Practice. I wanted to tell you that JuJu work and how we Practice tradition is not the same. I wanted to make you all realize that we who are involved with our Traditional practice, have the ability through rituals and sacrifices, verses and incantations to manipulate energy thus creating harmony and balance, that Our work is of light and when we sacrifice whether we use an animal or just plain water it is to give something to the deities in order to gain that which is needed here on Earth and to Human beings, to offset chaos and to bring about good change and peace.  I wanted to let you all know that the Babalawos, and the Oloorishas (Orisha worshipers), and the Iyanifas, all practiced their tradition under a clean order and under the watchful eyes of the Orishas and God, and that Juju work was work done by knowledgeable people who used what they were taught by their ancestors to do whatever they needed to do to accomplish a certain desire, their work, called no particular deity, they answered to no particular Orisha or Loas. If they burned a candle or candles for a man to leave his woman, it up to any spirit to take the job and give good results. If they buried anything in the cemetery it was, in hopes of  using some force to give them their desire, but as I began to write, I realized that I too have done Juju work. Work that was not meant to harm anyone, but to assist people in their predicament. I too have lit many candles to help someone falsely accused  and had to clear their name, I too have helped in bringing back a run away child, I too have gone out in the midnight, to a fork in the road to pray against enemies who maybe terrorizing some people, in hopes that they would back off. Have I ever done anything to hurt anyone?, no I have never! Anything I did was to aid a person in whatever dilemma they found themselves in. So when I began this post, as I typed on, it came back to something I have always said, It is the human that is bad, not the religion or the Tradition practice which they may be apart of. It is the character of Human Beings. Be careful of Judging others without knowing what they are apart of or who they are. We should all try to learn and understand what we do not know. Christians are the biggest thief and liars, this is something that is said often by far too many people, While Muslims are Killers and Terrorists, Jews are Cheap, Wicked (they killed Jesus) people who do not bathe. These are not nice things to say about these People and their Religion and I am sure they hurt when they hear this, but Humans are Humans and this is what they do. It is the individual who is responsible for their own actions, not their religion.  Knowledge is Knowledge, it is what you choose to do with it.

The Babalawo will divine for you and perform sacrifice to solve your problem, he is doing what he came here to do, you be responsible and do not request of him to do any money ritual or tie your husband or wife, while he is not suppose to do any of these things, because his religion cautions him so,  he is however a human being and may be flawed as we all are, where money can be a temptation. Most will drive you away with your petition and your money, but one may say, yes! It is not his practice, it is HIM! The same with the Obeah man, and the Voudon practitioner. It is the nature of man!

Ẹja tí ńda ibú rú ò ju apá lọ. / 
The fish that travels the deep is not more than the human arm in length.,,,Yoruba Proverb! 

[Typically, the cause/source of an issue is really not as significant as it appears; a corollary of the 80-20 rule]


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10 years ago

Not generalizing Christians either. This applies to Catholic, Buddists, any religion.…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

No doubt!

10 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Sa fo i apologize if i offended u. It is not right to generalize n that was not my intentions. However not every Christian know Christ. This is my opinion of what ive experienced. My pastor is also a teacher but mi know sum ppl head tuff lol recently ive decided to take a break from church n focus on God. I want make sure follow his ways n not man or religion.

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Love that response bublez

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks for the insight Ty and Obara. I’m going to be even more conscious of my actions daily and encourage my friends and family members in the church to do the same.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What are you reaaaaaaaally saying to me right now o_o!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow! God knows, I feel sad. Why? Because that same type of mentality is what is driving people away from the church. Poor representation of who Christ is and that hurts. Why they don’t see it…. I have no clue. Their focusing on the wrong things Obara.

10 years ago

Sago, sorry if I offended you, it was not my intention…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

No worries. I felt a little bad, but not hurt or angry you know. TBH I haven’t had bad encounters with fellow Christians which is why I was like “whoaaa, what’s happening here.” My pastors are so good, they don’t preach they teach!

10 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

I am so happy… I am also glad that you had a good go and had wonderful pastors… Some of us have not been so lucky…embrace your pastors and tell them thanks… We need more like them…

10 years ago

Evening by the way, poor manners.

10 years ago

I’m not offended by some of the posts here today but I am taken a back a little. In one breath we are saying let’s not judge and say bad things about a religious group etc but then turn around and say Christians are not Christ like, they are unforgiving, hypocritical etc. I think that is very unfair. You can say that for some but don’t generalize. If you are going to say that about Christians you might as well say it about everyone else. You have people who are really into the Law of Attraction and preach positive vibes… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Evenin SaFo, I talked about Christians and Jews… That was my experience…you right, we all have to look at ourselves…however, these two, in my experience do all sorts of things then can use their religion to justify their action and condemn you….I can tell you stories… This has not stopped me from loving Jesus, reading my bible and praying…it has however made me very cautious and careful…I do not believe that Christians or Jews as a whole as bad, nor their religion bad…I am just careful..

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

I understand lovely one. Well, I thank God for my upbringing because I wasn’t raised to be that type of Christian. One day, I pray that you all experience more down-to-earth Christians each and every day.

10 years ago

Obara Meji, a million thanks to you for making me comfortable in my beliefs. This site is now a tool to my new life path.


Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Thank you Cami, welcome! We are all here to teach each other

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

One tegareg one nuh bungz mi inna church one day, and when mi tell de bishop she ask mi why mi Neva lick had dung lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara that i can agree wid. Mi grow Christian and mi notice dem sum a di most unforgiving ppl. Them preach how Christ so loving n forgiving but sunday morning dem seat by yu n nuh speak. Dat nuh Christ like! Nuff nuff i dont believe really know God or Christ n in church before noah did build di ark lol

10 years ago

It is the lack of knowledge an understanding that breeds dat judgement. plus sum ppl deal ina dark dem self suh dem quick fi label ppl as evil. one ting mi always notice ina Obara post shi sey deal ina light an neva dark inquity works.

10 years ago

Obara, as usual you are on point..I am finishing up your previous post about the differences in Ifa, santeria, locumi etc…so this goes hand in hand..As humans, we love to fear the unknown..when I tell people of my Maroon heritage, I get the looks…yet some of these maroons are some of the sweetest and most honest people you will meet..Most of the evil that I have recieved in my life are from staunch christians and devout Jews..I try to respect all people, cultures and religion..My mother is seventh day and prays daily for me to be baptised in this church..I… Read more »

10 years ago

Honestly before now, Iwould never go seek HELP. I would say let the Lord’s will be done. Not knowing that sometimes the Lord points you into the direction, thatis the help he sent for you. You think its a nice feeling knowing that someone sent some Ju-Ju your way and hearing the church lick-out against you saying beware of the people that go to Obeahman etc. Yet if night could turn to day and you see how they are messing around with the church sisters, they are messing with boys (Eddie Long) and have people in their church straving and… Read more »

10 years ago

I should have said NOT to cause harm. I believe in God and I am a christian. I know the same things that are used for good can be used for bad. I would like to know though, how can it be considered wrong ifyou have had evil visited you and you consult a Spiriualist to assist you.

I know that Pastors know that there are enormous lessons/teachings in the bible that they do not share with their followers.

10 years ago

Is it ever ok for an individual to burn candles for his/herself? To to cause harm, but to create balance/peace?

10 years ago

I try my hardest not to judge others. I have been on the receiving end of people’s judgement who have not seen me, do not know me. I had my first child as a teenager and that alone brought it’s fair share of judgement. That being said, I do not know that if I could do spiritual work if I wouldnt use it for harm. Meaning, if I know you sent Ju-Ju for me or any loved one, I would want to retaliate. However, I have changed my mindset thanks to Obara. I have heard her saying, it matters not… Read more »

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