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Good day everyone, Here is the part two of yesterdays post. Please read as this topic is very important to our awakening, and to the better understanding of the role our ancestors plays in our lives and for our generations to come. We must remember where we are from, and without those who have gone on ahead how can we move further, how do we learn of things unknown to us, how do we live? They ought to be honored, we must never forget them!
Ancestors with Issues
Most people think too much in terms of black and white. In their limited world view a person is either evil or good with nothing in between. But that is not how nature operates. Our ancestors are seldom evil, but they can be negative, just like living people. Another erroneous notion is that family members who pass over to the world of spirit automatically become “angels” and all their character flaws, negative thinking and spitefulness are instantly erased just by them becoming spirits. Others assume that ancestors automatically become wise, just by passing over to the realm of spirit. Nothing could be further from the truth. As I mentioned in my Middle World article which deals with the astral realm, a spiteful person will be a spiteful spirit and a goodhearted person will be a goodhearted spirit. A human being with lots of issues will be a spirit with lots of issues. It is as simple as that!Basically we can divide our ancestry in two groups: the negative and positive ancestors. Let’s discuss the negative ancestors first. They are unlikely to be evil, in fact they might have been wonderful people, but they are negative for you, meaning that they are obstructing you in some way, hindering you from moving forward in your life and sabotaging your plans for the future you want to create. This is often due to the ancestors imposing their world view, ambitions and religious conditioning on you! For example, if you have decided to take up the study ofmagick or Wicca, and among your ancestors were some very devout and probably narrow-minded Christians, they may now put all kinds of stumbling blocks in your way. For instance, after your ritual to get a job you may find that you have a lot of bad luck, and you start wondering whether or not this whole “magick business” may be evil and “God” is punishing you for it etc. Even if you don’t believe that magick is evil, if the problem persists you are likely to give it up because it doesn’t work for you. Well, it doesn’t work for you simply because your ancestors won’t let you do it, not because the magick isn’t working!Or you may be an artist and want to earn your living by painting but your ancestors think that artists are lazy louts and obstruct you, so you never have any success. To sum it up: negative ancestors are those who are hindering and obstructing you, even if those were the spirits of your beloved grandmother or grandfather. As a rule, negative ancestors have to be dealt with before we can actually work with our positive ancestors. For all practical purposes even ancestors who were good people, and may have your welfare in mind, but are imposing their views and ideas on you, are considered to be negative ancestors. Always keep in mind, they are not evil, they are not out to get you, but they have an agenda and you have free will, which includes permanently dismissing them, which you can learn in my Wisdom of the Ancestors Workshop or by online tuition via voice chat, which makes it possible for your to learn the method, no matter where you live.Now to the positive ancestors. These are the ones that are willing to help you according to how you wish to live your life. They can protect you spiritually and physically from harm. They can open many doors for you, whether you need to get a new job, improve your financial situation or find the perfect partner. Some of your spiritual ancestors can even become your guides and take your spirituality to a higher level. Ancestors can accomplish many things you could not, simply because they are in the Otherworld which gives them access to knowledge that you might not have access to and because they are free from the limitations of the physical body, of time and space.
You will find that your ancestors are usually perfectly willing to help — if you acknowledge them and give them what they need. To help you they need regular feeding. There are lots of rules and regulations on how and what to feed the ancestors. Generally they like alcoholic beverages. As to food, they may have certain preferences but you don’t have to give them anything you don’t feel good about. As a vegetarian I won’t serve meat to my ancestors, even though some of them would like that. I found other foods that please them. You can “train” your ancestors to accept food which is okay with your lifestyle and affordable for you. In the end is better to give them a little food even if it is not their favourite than to leave them hungry. And remember, leaving your ancestors hungry means they cannot act on your behalf, which is likely to result in problems for you, such as poverty and other troubles.
According to voodoo tradition (the healing tradition of voodoo, not sorcery!) it is very important to feed your ancestors, because if you don’t, you will remain in poverty! So if money is always a problem, maybe you should consider attending to your ancestors! Obviously you cannot begin feeding your positive ancestors until you have got rid of your negative ancestors or you would be feeding the negatives too which could make things worse for you. Performing ancestral rituals is actually quite easy but you should be taught by somebody who is experienced with ancestral rituals and has learned this within a proper tradition, such as voodoo. Once the negative ancestors have been dealt with, and you have made contact with your positive ancestors it makes sense to construct an ancestral shrine in your house, so that your ancestors will have a place in your home where they can reside, and a doorway to your life.
Ancestral Patterns and Healing
The Problem of Earthbound Spirits
Due to all the misinformation about what happens prior to and during death many souls become earthbound. This is getting so bad that we can almost talk about an “overpopulation problem” on the astral! Of course there is no space problem on the astral, which after all is a realm of energy, not matter, but we are having a build up of negativity due to so many earthbound spirits most of whom are not happy in this temporary realm. All earthbound spirits need to draw energy from living beings (mostly humans, but they can draw it from your pets also) to avoid the breaking up of their astral bodies and the so called second death. In effect earthbound spirits are vampires. Therefore it is definitely not healthy to live in a house where earthbound spirits constantly hang around!A true shaman knows how to deal with earthbound spirits and can help them to pass over to where they belong. This kind of work is calledpsychopomp work and requires advanced skills, as well as sensitivity. When working with our own ancestry we can help those who wish to move on permanently to do so. The remaining good ancestors will not drain you. They will come at feeding time and then go about their business of helping you sort your life out. Those that are truly earthbound souls need help though. This happened in my family as well. In fact I had to help two earthbound family members after death. One of them was my grandmother who died in 1993.When my grandmother died I was devastated. I comforted myself with the thought that her suffering was over and that she would be going to heaven or some wonderful region in the afterlife because she had been a very good human being, always helping others selflessly to the point where she gave herself up completely. Looking back I think that was part of her problem. For over a year I did not dream of her at all, which surprised me. I had been sure that she would appear to me in dreaming, after all we had been close and I always have magickaldreams. I didn’t know then that ancestors usually spend one year and a day in the Underworld, before they can freely travel around on the astral. After about a year I had several disturbing dreams of her.In the most horrible one of those dreams she stood with me beside a big cornfield. All the corn in the field, though fully grown was twisted, black and dried out. She looked at me beseechingly and said, “this is my life. Can you make it right?” I just looked at her in total shock and said, “grandma, nobody can make this right any more!” I woke up feeling very disturbed. For weeks afterwards I was going over the dream in my mind unable to come up with a solution or any plan to help my grandmother. I knew how to journey then, but this was something new that I had never come across before and so I was at a loss what to do. Good day everyone, here is part two of yesterdays post. Please read, as this topic is very important to our awakening to Our awakening and to the better understanding of the roles our ancestors plays in our life and for our future generations. We must remember where we are from, to who we are connected to and honor them. Have no fear of what they did while they lived, or who they were while on earth if indeed some were bad and wicked, they may have come to play a role which society needed in which to learn or grow from, the line between good and bad, is very thin. Hitler while he live was a terror to the Jew, but his actions and why is left between he and his creator.
As usual, solutions and ideas come to me once I have referred the problem to my subconscious mind. And so it was that by “coincidence” when working on a time travel project whilst searching for answers about what happened to my grandpa in World War II, I stumbled over the answer. I finally managed to locate and visit my grandmother in the spirit realm. She was in the Underworld, in a place which was actually very beautiful and serene (I would have loved it) but my grandmother felt lonely and unhappy there. It was not easy getting her out of there, I had to try various things until I found a way to move her on to a place she liked. After that I didn’t hear or dream of her for several years and I felt she was at peace. I think it was in 2009 that I had one glorious dream of her, in which she appeared to me, surrounded by a golden light. We talked in that dream and I felt a wonderful feeling of love between us. Now I know for sure that my grandmother is happy in the afterlife!
Is Ancestral Work Evil?
Conditioning to Keep You Down
Benefits of Ancestral Work
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji!
Excellent post very insightful!
Thank you Jdutchess! Welcome to the blog 🙂
Ditto that Ty, thanks for the comment sir
Inspirational, educational, non-judgemental, free from religeous and racial biases and simply expressed to and for me as a 70Yr old christian-based afro-west indian And first time readed who has spent time in countries such as England, Scotland, Wales, Germany, China, Norway, Manilla and Canada.
As a grand-father and mature student of life I am most entreaged!
Continued Blessings
So glad to have you with us…please share of your knowledge and stories of your travels…we would love to hear…
Teach, Cami, Ty, Nunu, Yazzy, Bubblez mi caan believe a suh unno miss mi…Lawks mi feel good sah…
Cold sweat wash me…a glad you back honey…we worry when we nuh see or hear from you…
Fi real man Ty! A fam we seh eenuh! Big man ting!
M come, M come!!! <3 Obara seh it ina yu Momma come voice looool Yazzy a empty clip n dj, TY a get cold sweat looool wi happy like pitni pon holiday 😀 😀
Isese Lagba…Mi neva chune in last night but mi inna mi white, unno nuh si mi spirit wid unno…
What a keep a love for little me…Hhehehehehe!!!! Mi naah lie, mi neva know sey a suh unno love mi….
Unno neva read one post wey mi did sey mi come off a probation and a crazy wuk, di boss a sen on….Mi dey yah mi fambily…Mi naah guh nuh wey…
Yesterday I had to call upon the ancestors, to watch over Little M for a portion of the day…LOVE, LIGHT, MANNERS & RESPECT….
Isese Lagba Gbobo Wa MTH!!!!!!!
((((((Big hugs))))))) yuh nuh see how Obara decide seh she caah tek it nuh more di way it bun har se we caah see yuh… and wi miss yuh bad… teach decide she nah ole har mout a grung and chat! She a loud yuh up mek yuh know seh a so wi kip di ring real! Wi miss yuh and it bun wi and wi nu lib suh a claat! Yuh know bout to!
Kia whey dem si mi!!!
no O dem si mi loool glad to hear MTH reach out. Understand di wuk tun up but shi is missed.
Yazzy mi naaaah luk 😀
raeeeeeee people mi just hear from MTH!!!!!, woieeeeeee she contact mi ooooooo, she sey bay work pressha, she nuh gone now whey!!!!!, she an mi talk yah nung!!!!!!
Raaaaaeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mikey call me pan di phone!!! Mi se Mikey…. “ESP FAM GET BACK DA JUBBIE DEH… DEM OUTTA LUCK NOW!!! EMPTY WI CLIP. .. WATCH DI OLE A DEM A DUCK NOW!!!” RAAAAEEEEEE!!!! Wheeeelllllllll selecta!!
MTH de ya!!!! 😀 😀
Obara Ty Yazzy Cami everyone hope yu day is going well….nuh lie miss MTH bad bad. a shi usually greet mi early mawnin wid porridge n love den braps shi jus gwaan…
yu si di 1 Yazzy lol mi come gud gud fi hail n greet up unno. Yazzy shi mek mi figet my manners an kinova loooool Obara my coworkers seh yu luk pretty ina di full white 🙂 Ore Yeye Osun
Isese Lagba Gbobo Wa Kia Boo!!! Yuh tan de laff!! Yuh see yuh cute face to! 😀 nuh blame mi ooo!!! **covers face**
bloggers, oonuh si sey sinting wrong, an its not juju, MTH look like she done wid we!
MTH, mi doops, mi nah lie yuh my girl… mi miss yuh porridge pot dem a mawnin time yo! Yuh wah fi see how mi look malnourished ya now! BIG & C-RUSSSSS!!!!!
M, mi belly bigga dan mi head ya now tru mi caah find yuh!!! Wooiiiieeeeeee pinkyyyyy!!! If yuh did de bout yuh wuda pinch mi tell mi a which man yaawd M de!! Dream mi pinkyyyy!
kin rite ovaaaaaaaaaaaa all tears reach mi yeye grung di 1 yazzy a sample 😀 😀 😀 baddd people MTH I agreee weh yu deh mek wi reason it out
Mth honey we miss you… A you me look fa first thing inna di morning…and we go drink a Friday night…
Done sort out you ting and come back…I in prayers for you honey…
MTH, we LOVE & MISS U baby girl!!!
M, Isese Lagba!!! (((Hugs)))
Obara thank you. We tuned in no doubt!
Isese Lagba Obara Meji!!!
What does Gbobo wa mean?? And how was the festivities??? 😀 I feel so proud of you and your Baba!
Isese Lagba!
May the powers of the Creator continue to protect us all, while the cloak of our ancestors cover us and guide us through this life, as we carry on their name and likeness. Bless all my ancestors that have cloaked me and love and warmth to those who guard me. ASE!
Again Isese Lagba to my fellow Spiritual mates and teacha, Obara Meji.
Ase!!! Isese Lagba to all ! Today I pray the the presence of God me lighted within you all. I pray the sick, the earth and all it’s people, for the weary, the tired and lonely…May the love and energy be with us all… I thank my ori for leading me to you all and pray that we trod on this journey together…that our family be united with bonds of love and that we never face devastation as we seek our truth and our path… Mojuba to all our wonderful Orishas who continue to aide us. ore Yeye Osun, my… Read more »
Isese Lagba our sweet Obara Meji!! Isese Lagba to alllllll my ESP sweeties! Isese Lagba to all peeperz… May our God, Olodumare, grant us continued peace and love. Great Olodumare- he who sees our hearts, we pray our hearts desires are granted unto us. We pray our Oris continue to lead us all into oness. We pray that our spirit guides continue to keep us rooted on our earthly journeys. Mojuba all Orishas! We pray that your embraces are continually felt thru the universe. We pray that our sweet ancestors, who’s blood and love runs within us, will continue to… Read more »
Isese Lagba Empress Ty!!
Isese Lagba Gbobo wa Ty. Have a bless day.
Isese Lagba Cami Cam!
Isese Lagbo Gbobo wa, Yazzy. Wish you a Great day too.
MTH, me miss entering and yu not here to instruct…hope all is well.
This is such an awesome read! I am sorry I am late, but better late then never. I am so happy to acknowledge my ancestors and have my kids be apart of this journey with me. Night everyone/morning to you beautiful souls!
Good night everyone, pleasant dreams..
Yes a queen you are Ms Obara. I read all comments/ every day and I finally made an alter. Dont know if im doing it wrong but ive asked for forgiveness and im re-reading certain posts. I love yall for real.
Me soon come back. Mommies going to sleep early, so they can deal with their reincarnate charges…good night…lol
Obara, any thing special to eat for Isese day?
Us women over here are simply the best! Yuh see how wi behave when wi see M&M aka MAN & MIXUP!!??? Yuh see how unuh in ya a light up like peenie wallie!! 😀
Mi love unuh baddd!
ESP men are mannerable and responsible so we have to go into ladylike mode round them, but dem give us room not to fake it.
Thank goodness Tw/Yw have a bond that Tw nah watch nu face cause she know we are harmless…a so we should roll as people. But then again, as Yw points out…choice in character can sway the mind.
Big up ALL couples that were truly meant to be BEFORE birth…Ase. A lie me a tell Obara? lol
Yup, preordained
Mi bawn wid mi crown on an inna mi bootie
Àṣẹ Ty,
Yuh galang Yazxy bout Mohawk, ah Brazilian weave dem ah par wid dung deh, two bungle
Sascrise! Mi nah guh gwaan bad!! LMFAO!! Obara a gimie heart murma!
Guh si di visual a dat Yazzy!! Two bungle !!lol
Worse like how di brazilian cheap whey day afta world cup looooool guh see dem bush up…it nuh too hot fi dat a Africa hmmm ijs
Youh an himagine de Forrest whey dem carry, pupa eshu
Yes Cami,mi always say mi is a queen, and dem him sey, well it soon be reality, mi sey no honey, even when dem crown us I was born a queen, not made one choo you, him laugh
Born a queen,mentor, teacher, magi, mother, friend, etc…
Royal looong time! Yuh tek royalty to dem!
If fi dem alone veet, nor mr blade nuh sell, lolol
Dem allergic…
Lawd gash Ty!! You and O a mad mi!!
Lol@Ty dont it. Hail Yw i see u sar lol
____________________ flatline!!
A weh matterhorn de??? Tell dem **IT DONT LOOK GOOD!**
Know whara Yazzy, !!!
Yazzy seh “cute mohawk” mi done!! Lololol
Nunu da visual de kill wi all and done!!
Camiiiiiiii, Yw ah sampleeeeeee, ah grung mi deh!
Lolololol,yw, se no no carry on, him just ah fly on de wall, ah ded in yah, lmaoooooo
An mi juss did guh seh wi haffi behave like wi decent causen Yw deh visit
Yw, ah comedian enuh, lololol
We took him out of academic mode…lol
Grung@Yw, lolol
Dem brazen de ooman dem, but dem fraid ah him, an him nice but him rough, him is an Aries, lime mi so, doe ramp wid him, de people dem nuh mess wid him ,lol
Dem know wha name shave front, pardon mi Yw, excuse mi sar!
No, no continue on. Just a fly on the wall…but the imagery…. too much…to all mari e lola.
Hahahahahahaha!!!! Shave front? ??? A weakkkkk!!!!!!! Obara!!! IT DOONT LOOK GOOD! ((Tony matterhorn voice eenuh))
A deadin in ya!!!
Obara, they don’t know nothing about all a cute mohawk and den sinting de… IT DONT LOOK GOOD! HAHAHAHA!!! RAEEEEEEEE!!! A WEAK!
DWLN!!! Me tell yu say me visual and all me see when yu write “buff front” is a line up of unshaven fronts…….lollllllll Yu know me nu hab nu behavior!
A weh ya seh Obara!! Not even mi pathy pathy hairless yeye lash dem can ole mi back fi da crowning de!!!! A swear! Ase!
Yes Kia, caws him is no small fry, so mi very careful
Zeen mi aguh dress to puss foot ina mi white. Isese Lagbe!!! Tradition is the way! Yazzy wi aguh deh in spirit. Wi affi support Obara n hubby str888!
Str888 Kia!
Ps, yuh love ei too damn much man! Lolol
Dem nuh romp fi try mi , but dem fraid ah him like puss, lololol
_________________ unuh crack mi up in ya!
We got it Yw, ever nice to see you here with us, ekabo!
Ese, Obara Meji
Àṣẹ, also we say ose as thanks like ese
Another fabulous blog, Teach. Bwoy, dis good and evil thing is always interesting to me. I believe that there are many characteristics, traits, etc that make up a personality. That relates to good and bad in that we decide who we want to be and a characteristic or trait (which dictates our behaviour) is good or bad depending on who we choose to be – i.e. the principles we value. Sorry if this is not as clear as I hope…
Yu clear as water…lol. Insert the being that Obara spoke about that can take over the body, which throws the human self off course.
Big up, Cam Cam.
Yailmentz Yw!! Large up!
Greetings Yazsters. I look forward to chatting with you all in di Mananas.
Me so excited, is as if me deh deh…
If I remove some ah mi comment is choo ah doe waan nobody in mi business, oonuh notice ah doe talk bout him
No prob, we understand…
Hahaha mi realize seh di comment gwone quick quick fass. Is awrite we proud a him sed whey
Hahaha! A peep it! Nu affi gu ring nubadi neck! Yuh affi keep it like data O. Mi rate it
Aseeere ooooo Ty!
Yes, I will water mark them and post the Cami
Thank you Ty for the link for my people here
Music, songs, then dances on my list…Nuff catching up to do…
We are so happy and so proud…May God continue to bless him…Ase!!!
Same here. Ase!
Ase!!! That union is already sealed! Mi love di two a unuh togeda. King and Queen! Mawd! Unuh bossy sah!! 😀 kool nuh!!
Full circle fi dem. Obara say she always fely royal…look how far she “return” to live that over? A so it set yes.
I love your take on that Cami! It was preordained !!!!
Choot Cami
Go sleep so you can do the holiday post.
Ok nite
Yazzy ah mumma mi name when mi chicks go missing all inna dog yaws mi guh look fi dem!!
I found a cool link to some Yoruba phrase…I will share below…unno know we have practice for our trip to Africa and also to honor our ancestry…
Cool idea, Ty.
Yes i like this site
Great ideas Ty!
Thanks Ty
Yes Kia it means tradition
Yes Ty, I am proud of him
Tradition is the way, Nunu
Then he will pass through all the celebrations which be man to pray for them and chant Ifa him and his students and team of babalwos, there will be lots of conferences and no one will sleep, in Africa celebrating and worshiping our ancestors and Orishas is paid for by the government
You must be so proud…what an honor….
Yes my husband will lead the town and he will make the sacrifice to our towns Orisha, obaluaye, and he will serve Ogun and Èṣù and ego gun, he is the religious head of our town
Wow 🙂 its an honor to even read about his newest title. Hubby large!!!
Obara Baba!! Big up!!! Wish I was there for the festivities! I love the festivities is a shame. A guga all mi belly mi love to… lol
If any of you can wear white tomorrow in honor of Isese day, please do so, I will write a post on it, and all people who worship Orisha will serve them all tomorrow
ISESE LAGBA!!!!!! Tradition is the best way!!!!
Cool…I wore white today, will do so again tommorow
What is isese lagba translation?
O, is there any pictures of the festivities that you can share? We have to live through your eyes…fi now until we can get there to see it all.
Tradition is the best way Obara. It was not by coincidence that I was led here… to ESP to learn my Tradition and my ancestral knowledge and I love what the author wrote about in part one where it was stated that we can’t be associated with a spiritual traditional group that has drawn our ancestors blood .. therfore our African Tradition is the ONLY way to worship, spiritually.
Isese day is a holiday in Nigeria where Orisha tradition and culture is celebrated every year, it is a government paid holiday
Get Out! government recognize holiday? wow!
Tomorrow is Isese day (e-shay shay day) and Isese Lagba (, e- shay shay lagba) is how we will greet each other here tomorrow
Isese day! I can’t wait Obara! I take it this day is very much important and honorary and we should treat it as such.
Thank yu for the break down…yu know i need that lol Isese meeans tradtion?
I definitely believe in reincarnation…I know I have been here before…my kids have been here before…
Yes Yazzy the mommy duties tun up…right now a bare excitement…little ones do not want to sleep…di baby a tell me how him nuh want sleep because him cannot control him dreams…lol…
Today a had a wonderful conversation with my dad…my family is so big and then some family was adopted, some share only a mother, while others share only a father…a bare mix up…lol…
Empress Ty, nu se a wud… wi know how di ting set! Your household sounds very interesting. Poor baby a dream out hell!! Lol how cute. Tell him write it all down…
Lol…a sleep him nuh want go sleep…lol
Lol Yes Ty he has been here before. All family have the mixup mixup n dem lieeeee isi my family im speaking. I think is shame and dem love too much secret. Thats why we dont know our spirituality as much til later in life. My great granny was not my granny mommy but instead of saying papa have outside child dem make up some elaborate story. Smh lol
Kiab, my family shame tree bun dung…a bare outside Pinckney..a bare unwed births…my grandmother had my father for a married man…everybody know…lol
yu zimi Ty all today wi a try figure out is how much babydaddies my great aunty did have… 3 or 4. Shame tree bun right dung grandmother who is alive had 12 children wid 5 different men…no c sections…no epidurals…
I guess those of us without kids or have children out of school forget about school…lol. Little reincarnate dutties have onu pon lock! lol. Big up the mothers and daddies (Lalibela)
Hailmentz Darling Ty!! Shout up Yw fi mi deh! Mommy duties tun ova in de??? 😀
Hey Kia. Yes Obara, Ty is missing, Where are you ladies? Wonder if MTH friend is doing okay?
Which friend dat Cam? A wha mi miss
Nu MTH have the male friend who is sick and she has negative dreams for him?
No just pray to the ancestors and Orishas nigh Cami
NuNu and Yazzy! Yes, i love observing babies to see that returning spirit. I look to see if them come back wid sense…lol
Seriously, I look to see just how swift the child is in figuring out things and I am always amazed by the things that they do that no one shared with them.
Cami, I always notice that after there is a death, there is sure to be a birth in the works.. so I always guh hmmmm like Kia
So true, all vice-versa. Is who did sing da song de yu throw out up top de? lol
Oh caws Domgoma sey him ah Shaman/woman, so him gone ah migh him/ she ah try scatta mi people, dwllllll
Mi love all ah oonuh it ooda hurt mi fi lose oonuh
Wharra?! I musi miss dat comment hmmmmm lol
Obara a c-rus sintin!! Hahahahaha!! A weak!!!!!
MTH!!! “IT DOONT LOOK GOOD!! ((Tony Matterhorn voice))
M, yuh beta guh teck back di buck weh yuh buck di ooman M!!!!
M, nuh mek mi affi sen fi Ty fada “bitch” fi come terrorize di ppl demand fi yuh! IT DOONT LOOK GOOD!!! 😀 😀
Obara, we love you way more! Dem cah mash not a works and tek wi weh from yuh atal!!
Teach wha yuh seh! Domgoa scarce up yuh people dem!
Obara Yazzy Nunu Cami Yailings Nuns u see how mi teef u word lol
Hmm i didnt agree with that negative speech either. I was thinking i dont know too many ancestors. so kbowing who n who was negative or positive i wouldnt to know. I just want my ancestors to know i remember them now and will teach the next ginaration . Hoping we will never forget them again. In years to come i want the grands to call my name in honor so i can help them. ♥
Kia something nuh right yuh nuh si sey MTH and TY hardly deh yah now a days, in God mi trust
No man me deh ya a catch up…school start dis week and a bare things if get ready…so been very busy…love still de hay strong…
Yes maam mi seet dat mi a penny all AMH too
Exactly Kia!!
Same as Ty wid Amh, kids and school and mummy duties
I had a nasty grand uncle so that is one negative right there for me. I’m sure my grandmother deal wid him backside when she got over to the next realm and had the capability to see his deeds.
Even though she love me, she can be a negative by blocking certain so-call friends and men from me.
Cami the so-call frens granny fi block nuh? di men maybe is a reasin to block shi probably spot on with them.
Cami, mama ova de a wuk ovatime and a whap dem one by one! Galang gyal… whap dem two by two. .galang gyal.. finga mash nu cry… galang gyal… memba a play wi de play!! 😀
Cheesy much??? Lolol 😀
Mi si it yes, lol but a suh mi deh bite people lingo here tuh
Good night. How many of your regulars are peepers are falling in line with the concept of reincarnation? Hope many.
If the concept is still hard to grasp then a starting point is to observe a new born up to 1 year. Look how that child do things that wasn’t shown/taught to him or her, yet they fall right in line. You may see an image of an ancestor (even those gone recent) in that child if its a relative.
Cami Cam, nightie night sweetie! Wah de galang hottaz??
Very interesting points
Hey Cam
I enjoyed journeying with the author on both trips! The ancestral healing with the woman that supposedly carried the shame of her ancestors on her back was a very fascinating story and also very sad! Can you imagine her ancestor was raped and later cursed the sick piece of **** but what strength and residence she had in deciding to keep the baby but the curse she cursed the ads hole and his descendants also tragically fell upon her womb! WOW!! I fell in love with the assistance the beautiful grandma received and later found serenity on her new realm… Read more »
Correction: strength and resilience**
Àṣẹ kia
Obara everybody gawn leff to read dem assignment maybe?
Yes Cami some kds definitely exibit behaviors that mek u wonder lol hmmmm they act like aunty daisy or uncle will
There is a lot I disagree with, but they are all the intricacies of the post, I agree with the general basics . I don’t agree with the negatives either Yazxy, your guide will sift through the good and bad, what is important is honoring them
My sentiments exactly Obara. Thanks for that
Mi affi rate yuh!
Mi did early fi class today eenuh… and after I made my post on part one, Mi immediately see a post for part two and I clicked on it… and it’s like it disappeared and kill me dead all day mi de wait fi do sinting reappear and nothing! I don’t know what happened! I aint even confident how mi end up find dis ya post ya. Lol … I was a hot mess today lol
Obara thanks for that response. I don’t necessarily agree with everything that was mentioned but I very much appreciative of the authors insights.
For instance, I don’t necessarily agree with his decision to “permanently dismiss” a “negative” ancestor and not feed them and in the same breath say that “to leave them hungry is to starve them which can lead to poverty and other issues”…..
Obara, since we have to deal with our negative ancestors before we can tend to the positive ones, should we refrain from setting up altars and feeding them as the author says this may give them more energy and make things worse?? Just like when we are doing cleansing of our home and you tell us that we have to cleanse before we do the “sealing” as to not entrap ourselves with the bad energy.
Evelin’ fam!
Oh gosh, evening Nunu boo! Wah de gwaan hottaz?? Mi not even did si di halimentz! Sarry!
Yazzy oooo!
Ekale Obara & everyone at first read i thought u wrote this post Obara. While i did enjoy reading it, can u tell us if anything u disagreed with.
Hey Cami, Kia , Yazzy Nunu I post the part 2 today and it disappeared I was glad it was saved I has to repost it again!
Obara, mi know mi neva a mad eenuh. A two time now data happen to mi and mi swear a me a mad. Ok… so u did post and it disappear! Lolol! Tonks fi di confirmation! Happy you were able to save it. Obara, when I read quite a few of the authors points me a read and me a seh… I know Obara can’t possibly agree with this.. and dat.. and dat… but mi jus de ole mi can a and di a pay attn… either way.. very insightful and all in all the lesson is the importance of… Read more »
Obara, how does one know if they have a negative ancestor?? And how do we differentiate between a ancestral shame and ancestral curse within our own family?
Good questions Yazzy here re reading to ask Obara questions night Courtney
I do not necessarily agree with everything here in this post, so when you aske of ancestral shame if it of a culture or race of people like how whist treats blacks then I understand buy every individual came to earth for their own purpose what they do with their life is mi fault of ours therefore we should not not bear their shame
Kia boo!! Night hottaz! Tonks!
Hey fam!
This was a very informative post! Overwhelming at times but very insightful. Tickled my senses quite a bit but nothing compared to the many head-butts and bitch slaps I got to wake ma ass up… ultimately, It sure did!
Good Eve to all
I am so grateful for this post. It has been very insightful and goes in depth as to the what why when and how of honoring ones ancestors. I have been told to construct my alter but have yet to do so for some reason. This was definitely enlightening and timely.
Teach, mi a sort out man…Things should get back to normal by tomorrow…
Good after noon everyone… Teach, respect for this post…I just finished speaking to my dad and it occured to me, why not ask him the name of his dad…He told me his dad’s name, Lambert…I know they called him Baay-yo.. The interesting this is that I knew my dad had a brother that passed and I was honouring him, the only thing, the name I had in my head, was not his name at all. My dad has now told me his name… I feel good celebrating my ancestors for paving the way that my girls and I now enjoy.… Read more »
Egbe are our Astral mates our family who resides in the astral realms who looks after us, some might have not even been to the earth realm in ages, some will never come here, but they are our family within the realm of spirit from which we came, whether water, realm or other wise!
Sorry Teach! I didn’t quite understand egbe, U stand corrected.
Are the realms correlated with the elements? Water realm is mentioned often, what other realms are there?
Not U meant to say *I stand corrected
Everything is correlated with the elements