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Often times we may hear some people refer to life as hard. I may even have said it before when times were tough, I am not sure if I have ever said it or not, but the general consensus for many is that this life is a rough journey. Many may feel that those who can afford what ever they want, have life easy, but often times they have the most problems. There are many problems that money cannot fix.

I always tell you in my posts, that if a person have life easy all the time, they are always happy, no problem whatsoever in their lives, they are content with all and everything, they have never encountered anything bad or even disappointments in life, that person will not have long life!

Life is expected to throw curve balls at you, it is expected to at times to disappoint you, make you worry  and even make you cry,it is expected to be an hill and gully ride (rough ride), what we must pray for however is that we do not encounter devastation. By this I mean when the problems of life knocks at your door, you are able to endure, without losing your life, but are able to pass the test of time, coming out learned and stronger.

There is a christian saying, I guess a quote from the bible, I will allow you to find it on your own as to where in the bible, it is in the book of wisdom, known as Ecclesiastics, it says
“The race is not for the swift, nor the Battle for the strong, but it is for those who can endure it to the bitter end”, (I am not sure about the bitter end part being a part of this biblical quote, Jamaican people make things up at their will). What ever portion in life we are given we must find way to make the best use of it.

One of my husbands sisters Iya Laje (mother of Laje, Iya- E-Yah- means mother) came to visit me sometime ago, she just had her seventh child, a chubby sweet little boy. She sells frozen fish and the husband drives a public mini van. They all live in one room, as does many people here in Nigeria, I asked her how does she manage, especially when men can be so deceitful at times (not suggesting that her husband is in anyway), how did she manage to have seven children for this man, even though tines are tough. Her response was that although she loves her husband, she says that her philosophy in life is to face her work and mind her children. Whatever he wants to do, she say, she never let it bother her, all that is important to her, was her work and her children, and so it was her outlook on life and relationships, that she has managed to be with this person for so long, despite living conditions or what he is able to provide and them while still having more children in the one room.

While I or you may look at it and say no way, in our minds, they look at their lives has what God as portioned out for them therefore paying attention to what is important to their survival, and not bothering with what may be too stressful to address. I keep hearing her in my head, “Face Your Work!

We all want wealth but wealth is not for everyone, most people who have never had it, if it comes their way they are not “mentally” equipped to handle it.

I was speaking to a lady here in Africa who was cooking my meal yesterday while I was writing a post, she came in to ask me if I wanted pepe (pepper) plenty in my food, she was using the outside kitchen, as they were many women on the compound and they were also cooking for a festival we would later have in the night. So as she came in and felt the air conditioner, she sat down with a sigh, saying inside felt good. I smiled and told her to relax a bit, as I typed along on my lap top. She sat with me for about twenty minutes and we got to talking after a while. I found my self telling her that, though many people may want riches, many are not allowed to get it, or it maybe that this is their choice while in the realm of spirit, before they were born, having great wisdom while in the Astral world as spirits, before losing it when fused with the density of the physical body when they arrived on Earth.


The wealth people seek and do not receive in their life time is often times (not all the cases) for their own good. Maybe the creator sees that this person, should he or she be given wealth, they will lose their way, and other times wealth may be a swap out, meaning wealth may come and your life go, or your health or even your sanity.


The patience they were born with will go, their compassion will go, their love for all will go, their reverence and love for God will go, all that made then special and unique will go, and this will hold them back on their journey, not allowing them to evolve spiritually which is necessary for all human beings. It will remove from them what they have already achieved spiritually, if they get the wealth they crave, they will be destroyed, and so they may be spoon fed by the universe, but so much, and only for their survival, the wealth they seek, they will never gain. Most, never understanding that this is for the best, because life, good health, and all goodness from the creator can never be bought.



Not until they are evolved enough to come back, re-incarnate like Oprah Winfrey, and use their lives with the wealth they have accumulated to teach and to serve others, and let me tell you all, she is one of those old souls who have had many life returns and who is here to do just as she is doing. She will never come back to earth, unless she volunteers to come, this is her last journey. She is doing her work! Those who do not like or understand this woman, are not awake enough to see beyond her physicality, therefore looking at her spirit. There are few such as her, very few, who are highlighted, the others such as she, are sprinkled throughout the world and are under the radar but making an impact on whomever lives they are apart of.


Change is a must, and the ebb and flow of life will continue even after our generation. The earths vibrations is shifting, we are entering into a new age, but this new age will have us understanding what our ancestors knew long ago, what we are now waking up to. The new age does not mean as you know it or what you have read about it, all things different, philosophies that some may not be able to grasp, a broader and deeper study and understanding of mysticism, metaphysics and spirituality, an alternative mindset to conventional teachings,  no it does not mean that only. What is means in this shift which will take another 150 earth years to complete,but in our life time, now, we begin to and we are already seeing the signs.

Who have ever looked up at their television cable box often enough to see 2.2.2. or 1.1.1. or 3.3.3 or 4.4.4 displayed as time, and seeing this becomes a pattern, or on the phones or other places? Anyone who have seen this and have ever wondered at why this always happen, is attuned to the outer realm of spirit, space and time, not time as we know it which is a cycle, but time as relative to speed, velocity and motion. Those who sees this are being told by their higher selves, that all what you know or think you know is an illusion. Life as we know it is holographic, water is not wet, until you touch it.

If we learn about time, we will therefore be able to understand about life, and our planet, realizing that there is no such thing as time as we know it, and way more. Who knows the theory of relativity, as explained by Albert Einstein? Constant motion feels like sitting still, more on this in another post, I have digressed. As this can be very detailed, and it takes deep commitment for me to break it down scientifically and spiritually (meaning how this concerns the shift that the earth is currently going through at the moment), as the two would have to be juxtaposed.

We ought to follow or dreams or passions, no matter the path, as long as no laws are being broken and there is no danger to others and your self.

I know a man who had a very rewarding job, but his hobby was in carpentry, he was handy and loved to do his carpentry after work. He worked for a big corporation, but he was plagued with hypertension, he consulted with me and I saw the hypertension and inquired about it, he told me yes he had it, but he was trying to do everything to keep it under control.

I told him, as advised by the spirit that he needed to quit his job and follow his passion and his health would improve. He was worried about that, the job paid well, but at what cost, his life?

Several months he called me and told me that he was doing his carpentry full time, he had opened up a shop and was gaining contracts with companies to build furniture for them, he has quit his job and he was delighted that his health had greatly improved, I was glad for him.

If we see persons succeeding in this life, and we are at a stand still in life, it does not mean this is how it will be with us forever. What it means is, (and this requires grit and determination and trust), you have not followed your head, trusting it to lead you onto your path. To some people who believe working in McDonald’s is lowly for them, they want to be the bank manager,because their cousin is, there is nothing wrong with dreaming and aiming high, but one persons path cannot be your own. Perhaps a greater way want to open up for you, but first you have to be taught humility, learn it rather Working in McDonald’s, may give you the people skills it will require for you to have in your next phase of life, or if you are apart of the kitchen making the food, it may inspire you to go to culinary school, a future restaurateur you may be.

As a baby learns to walk, he first crawls, after he has mastered crawling he begins to stand, he will fall, but he gets up, and this repeated often until he figures out that when he stands he should hold on to something, he does so, and if you watch him, he will hold on, steady himself, then let go, try to balance and then he will take a step. This happens repetitively, until he begins a wobbly walk which at first will turn into a run until he falls again, sometime laughing sometimes crying, but what is important is that he endures all the pitfalls of learning to walk and gets up and try again every time.

This small baby is our master teacher, learn from him!

We design our lives before we came into being, how sad it is for us to covet another who has found his path, while we waste time in the deep murky waters of jealousy.


Live your life to please you, as long as you are of age, pleasing someone else while living your own life is killing your spirit, do not do yourself this great dis-service!

Endurance is the long suffering sister of  Patience, if we learn to keep her company while she teaches, she will eventually after we have passed her tests, light a lantern and shine our way through!




“Despite your best efforts, people are going to be hurt when it’s time for them to be hurt.”
Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

“Life is not a PG feel-good movie. Real life often ends badly. Literature tries to document this reality, while showing us it is still possible for us to endure nobly.”
Matthew Quick,

“At the end of the day it’s about how much you can bear, how much you can endure. Being together, we harm nobody; being apart, we extinguish ourselves.”
Tabitha Suzuma


“No pain that we suffer, no trial that we experience is wasted. It ministers to our education, to the development of such qualities as patience, faith, fortitude and humility. All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God . . . and it is through sorrow and suffering, toil and tribulation, that we gain the education that we come here to acquire and which will make us more like our Father and Mother in heaven.”
Orson F. Whitney


“The sky is not my limit…I am.”
T.F. Hodge,


“I used many times to touch my own chest and feel, under its asthmatic quiver, the engine of the heart and lungs and blood and feel amazed at what I sensed was the enormity of the power I possessed. Not magical power, but real power. The power simply to go on, the power to endure, that is power enough, but I felt I had also the power to create, to add, to delight, to amaze and to transform.”
Stephen Fry


“God surely did not create us, and cause us to live, with the sole end of wishing always to die. I believe, in my heart, we were intended to prize life and enjoy it, so long as we retain it. Existence never was originally meant to be that useless, blank, pale, slow-trailing thing it often becomes to many, and is becoming to me, among the rest.”
Charlotte Brontë,


“All too often women believe it is a sign of commitment, an expression of love, to endure unkindness or cruelty, to forgive and forget. In actuality, when we love rightly we know that the healthy, loving response to cruelty and abuse is putting ourselves out of harm’s way.”
bell hooks


“Scars are not signs of weakness, they are signs of survival and endurance.”
Rodney A. Winters


“Don’t fear the gods,
Don’t worry about death;
What is good is easy to get, and
What is terrible is easy to endure.”



Ẹni tó ṣu lè gbàgbé, ṣùgbọ́n ẹni tó fọwọ́ ko ò lè gbàgbé /
The person who defecated might forget but not one whose hand was smeared with it…. Yoruba Proverb!

[Those who created a problem won’t feel its impact as those who had to bear the brunt of the problem]


Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!


All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…. Obara Meji!


There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji



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3 years ago

I keep seeing 111 or sometimes 11:11 or this a message being passed across?what do the numbers mean?

4 years ago
9 years ago

((((HELLO))). Kaka fawt, look like a mi one numo dey here. Anyways a long time me one nuh dey school still. A wey Cami dey, mi miss har…Mi mine nuh too long run pan 19.

9 years ago

‘We ought to follow or dreams or passions, no matter the path, as long as no laws are being broken and there is no danger to others and your self.’ Truer words hath no man ever spoke.

9 years ago

Teach, no disrespect to your sister-in-law, but how shi duh har ting wid some many children in the room? No sah, mi wudda fraid sey di chilvren might wake a si mi.

9 years ago

Of late, I cry when I read these posts. It is like my old harden heart is softening. I no longer have to be guarding my heart and emotions so tightly.

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Are my hormones rubbing off on you M?

9 years ago

All the quotes are so beautiful…I used to believe not having money was the worst thing that could happen to you. As I grew wiser, I looked at many celebrities who had money and everything at their beck and call, yet they were unhappy and committed suicide. I look at people like Michael Jackson, he was leaps and bounds above everyone one in his era. Yet he was not happy. I do not have a lot of money, but I am as fit as a filly. My children are healthy and I have been to the hospital once with each… Read more »

9 years ago

Greetings everyone. So much wisdom, we get here daily. Thank you Teach. I am humbled by this post. I am especially touched that I asked you to write don’t hurry your life and you have.

I thank God, for the chance to daily blog with such an amazing set of people. I needed this today.

9 years ago

Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji! Beautiful quote, I hope the writers of the future articles have as much wisdom as our dear O! I really appreciate the way you break down everything for us slow ppl (mi ah talk miself). MI bright but sometimes writers use too much big words… Read more »

9 years ago

Obara with all mu struggles, i definately will have long life…ase

Obara how you feeling? Sending healing…

9 years ago

I have to remind myself that life has struggles and pray that God allows me to face them without devastation….thank God for my posse, my backitive, my entourage, my teamty…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Grow wid mi granny and she used to say it….she also always had a likkle change tied in a cloth and pinned to her bra…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I love this, words to live by I’m going to write this down. Thanks Obara!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

This should be the ES mission statement. It kinda long but it defines the blog, the creator and bloggers so well.

9 years ago

true talk for the wise.

9 years ago

Good afternoon folks! I like this post, here. Life is definitely give and take.

9 years ago

Afternoon everyone…just dropping in to the home base to say hello…i like this one Obara…and boy do I need the endurance and stamina right now…

I love the quote above,” the sky is not the limit, I am!” I will be using that one.

May light, love and blessing surround you all today…Ase!!!

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Blessings Ty, I pray you get the endurance and stamina you need, a bet the work tun up

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Same suh Nunu, but cannot complain too much because i need the bickle…

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok thank you for the explanation. I trying to word it properly. I do understand what you are saying. We are all so blessed to be embracing spirituality and to have you as our teacher

9 years ago

With Oprah even though she will not come back to earth again,why does did she have to endure a lot of pain all over again?

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Everything is going good. I can’t complain

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Are you feeling better Obara?

9 years ago

Good morning Obara I love you too sweetie! I love the positive energy I receive here all when is mi alone a read and type. lol I appreciate all these post Obara. They are enlightening, positive, filled with a strength that we all need most days to continue to endure this journey. Thank you Yes, we all think life is hard at times. However I always try to remember that God equipped me for this journey right before I can get to the woe is me. lol I also signed a contract to come here so is something I must… Read more »

9 years ago

Good Morning everyone! I driving out…as soon I get to my destination. I will read and comment.

9 years ago

Good morning Obara I enjoy every moment on your blog even when I don’t get the time to reply anyway how you and the flu and happy belated birthday to nunu good morning to all the blogger

9 years ago
Reply to  joy

Thanks Joy!

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

me too Teach, I have a huge collection in my desk drawer.

9 years ago

I love! love this write up, thank you Obara as always u nailed it. Big fat hugs for you my spiritual mentor!

9 years ago

Thank you for the guidance again today. Thank you for touching on the repetitive numbers. I have never craved wealth, to me the smiles of my families faces and warmth of loving relationships has always seemed more fulfilling and a more worthwhile pursuit. While in the world today money can make these things harder to see and much more difficult to surround yourself with, the struggle to make it happen makes me feel all the more rich. I saw this quote the other day and it made me think of you. “A person will sometimes devote all his life to… Read more »

9 years ago

Good Morning Cher, Obara and all who will come today. 🙂

Endurace……..For how long Is all I ask *looking up in the sky with hand stretched*

Obara, any more tips in quieting the mind? I try to meditate and communicate with my higher-self but I just cannot focus! I am not much of a talker but I think a lot!!! Should I hum, play music? I guess we will have different techniques but what did you do when you first started?

9 years ago

Good morning! Wow such great life lessons, I so appreciate them. Endurance! Endurance! Wow! I am enduring right now, with this article it helps me even more. Thanks sister Obara! Thanks for explaining the significance of those numbers, I have been experiencing them for quite some time now
Blessings to you dear teacher. Much love.

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