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In a few weeks to come I will be doing a course on Obeah. In the past, I have written many stories on Embracing Spirituality on Obeah, but have removed them since. But today, I am moved to write a mini story once again on the topic of Obeah. As some of you know, I am currently working on an exciting book on Obeah. People use Obeah to create havoc in other peoples life, and we must be aware of the evil intentions of some human beings. Evil practices are never good and does gives out repercussions. It is only a coward who use Obeah to do his or her dirty deeds. As for the book that I am currently writing,  due to my work, it is going slowly, but I promise when it is done and out, I will announce it. I hope you learn something from this mini story I will write today and the days to come,( as this story will be in parts) because there will be lessons here, and I find that things that are not easy to understand are best taught in story form, so here I go once again…

Fyah bun all Obeah workers!

Sandra come awn nuh, lawd mek yuh slow suh?” whispered Fatty. “Come man before Missa Henry dawg done off de sawdine dem whey mi gi him fi kip quiet and come roun yah come growl an mek de people dem come ketch wi. Come man or mi aguh leff yuh!

Lawd mama man, mi ah come, mi jus waan finish off de powder whey Killfuss sey mi fi puddung. Memba him sey dus’ it all bout enunh,” whispered Sandra hoarsely  as she finished spreading the powder about. “Seet deh mi done.

The time was half past three in the morning and both women wore full black. The night was hot and unpleasant, and Fatty, a large woman, had come with her daughter tonight to perform something that will change their life if everything went well.

Alright, come Mama, mek we leff, said Sandra in the same whispering tone they had been using all along.

Wait!” said Fatty suddenly. Ah wha dat?

Wha wha mama? Wha? asked Sandra, annoyed at her cowardly mother.

Mi hear one noise – Jeezas Fadda God, ah hope anuh Missa Glen deh some whey ah peep pon we.

Fatty cowardly looked up in the dark, not seeing anything, but thinking she had heard something…

Mama, cho man, stop de fawt. Missa Glen deh up ah Bumpy face Marlene yawd, ah deh suh him guh ah night time. Come on man cho,” answered Sandra, who by now had begun a brisk walk to the back gate, and through a huge hole which was in the fence since the gate was locked. They were like shadows in the night as they walked along the walls, up to the park where a taxi was waiting for them. They entered the cab and it sped off on its way to take them home.

Mad Man Bugsy was up in the tree next door watching when the two women entered the yard. He saw them as they came through the hole in the fence and they both petted and soothed Sheila who seemed to be familiar to them. The fat one took the dog to the side of the yard and opened what seemed like three cans of something and threw it on the ground for the dog to eat. While the slimmer younger girl ran to the side of the house and began throwing something on the ground. Bugsy had been homeless for a while and people thought he was mad because he did not have a home nor clothes.

His shoes was made out of cardboard and tied with rope on his feet, and he wore a banana leaf on his head sometimes. For a while he had even convinced himself that he was crazy, except that he understood and saw everything, yet he knew he was not. It made life easier for him if people thought he was crazy, so he did nothing to correct them. The community did not see him as a threat, he was a quiet mad man, according to them, so they fed him and Brucie allowed him to be in his trees at nights as long as he left early in the mornings; yes, they all thought he was mad. Because of this, he knew the deepest darkest secrets of everyone. A quiet lunatic was no threat to anyone, so their secrets were in his face most often but it was safe with him. He did not need any trouble that was not his own, he had enough. Life had not been kind to him, and he knew why.

He sneezed and the Fat one looked up at the tree he was in. There was no moonlight, so he was sure she did not see him, a second sneezed threatened him, but he held it while he watched them hurry out of the yard; and as they went out, he was sure he recognized one of them.

“Ah Sandra dat?” he asked himself. “Fatty Sandra?” He was puzzled. They were clearly on a mission, and it did not look like a mission of good will. He sighed to himself and thought “and the world call people like me mad, yet dem wicked and evil wha dem be? Life nuh fair at all doe God.


“Mama!” shouted Sandra who was now inside her bedroom. “Mama!

“Is why yuh ah call mi suh fi fritten mi? Is wha?” shouted Fatty as she hurriedly went into Sandra’s room.

“Lawd God Mama, man, yuh too easy fi fritten. If yuh outside and me inside, how yuh fi ear mi if mi whispa yuh name?”

Fatty sat at the edge of Sandra’s bed. “Yuh mout too light Sandra, yuh have ah argument fi everyting. Yuh did hear de way yuh shout mi name? Country people oodah say holla out mi name, and yuh nuffi do dat man.”

Sandra looked at her mother out the side of her eye, not too happy that she was sitting on the bed she just made, but decided not to say anything about it.

“To how yuh used to tell mi sey yuh was bad gal, whey used to beat an chop an lick dung people, how yuh easy fi frighten suh?” Sandra mocked. “Anyhow, ah nuh dat mi call yuh fah.”

She then lowered her voice and asked, “Yuh hear anyting yet?”

Fatty rolled her eyes and looked at her daughter. “Sandra, we live inna de same yawd, if mi hear nutten yuh oodah hear it tuh, nuh suh?”

“Lawd mama man” said Sandra frustratingly. “Yuh know mi anxious and Killfuss did sey seven days, and tidday ah ten days gone since we go duh de sup’n an all nung nutten. Dats why mi nuh trust Obeah people ei nuh, nuff ah dem ah liad and cyaan duh not ah ting.”

Fatty reached inside in between her breasts and pulled out a cell phone and held it out to Sandra. “Ehin, si mi phone yah. Call Killfuss and tell him sey him ah liad and teef. Call him nuh, tek de phone and trace de man!”

Sandra could be nerve wrecking at times, and Fatty was becoming fed up with her ways.

“Mama, calm dung man, ah choo mi anxious” said Sandra, who knew she could be annoying to her mother at times, but she could not help but be anxious herself. Yet without her mother, what she did would not be possible. Who do you share plans like this with? Certainly not friends.

“Mi juss waan hear sey dem dead and done man, ah dat mi waan hear, and choo him sey seven days, mi ah wonda, mi ah human ei nuh mama!” whined Sandra, who now looked up to see her mother with the phone to her ears.

Samuel “Killfuss” Jackson was an Obeah man and a very good one. In fact, he was known around the world and it was rumored that he even worked for the late great Michael Jackson and even the Queen. No one knew if this was true or not, but the rumor was strong and no one dare approach Killfuss with the argument. He was rarely seen outside his compound, and when he walked the streets, he wore a straw hat and walked with a cane. People said he did not need the cane, the cane was one of his messengers, his main one and if he should use it to strike someone, they would die instantly.

He had pointed it at Dum Dum one evening when he was passing Mr. Joe Joe’s shop. Dum Dum, who was mute, saw him and wanted to greet him as Dum Dum was very friendly. Unfortunately Dum Dum was not only a mute, he was deaf also. He had no idea who Killfuss was and the legends surrounding his name, in this case Dum Dum was innocent. The day Killfuss passed Joe Joe’s shop, Dum Dum unfortunately sat outside on the side walk. Joe Joe hailed Killfuss along with Miss Milly, Girly, and Frog Man, one of the local fishermen. According to the story Killfuss, waved his left hand as he walked by and grumbled something under his breath which the others took as a greeting, they were used to him. Dum Dum attempted to greet him as he saw everyone did and began to make a high pitched noise, which sounded like Dolphin talk. When he saw he got no response from Killfuss, he did so again, making that disturbing noise, which made Girly hold her ears.

Killfuss looked around and stopped, staring glaringly at Dum Dum. Dum Dum, began to gesticulate, his hand movement going to his mouth several times. Killfuss took this to mean something very bad and raised his stick at Dum Dum, pointing it straight at him. Dum Dum unfortunately thought this was a friendly gesture and ran and tugged at the stick while Joe Joe, Miss Milly, Frog man and Girly screamed all together at once forgetting in that moment of fright that Dum Dum could not hear. Dum Dum fell to the ground and began to suffer from epileptic fit, a seizure.

“Lawd duppy box dung Dum Dum, him mout ah chump fraught, him mout ah chump fraught!” shouted Miss Milly.

Frog man hurried to help him. Girly stood one place pleading “de blood ah Jesus” while Joe Joe went in the shop for Jamaican white rum and began to wet poor Dum Dum with it, as Frog man held his legs and Miss Milly went off into tongues. Killfuss had stood there with an eerie look of seriousness on his face, and it was when he walked off that Dum Dum, face all wet with froth and white rum, came back to himself. Girly held to Jesus Cross and shouted the blood for over an hour even when all had quieted down. Dum Dum’s parents had fled to Kingston after that.

Killfuss was in his office drinking some tea when his phone rang. He looked at it for a while before deciding to answer.

Mi nuh like people badda mi ei nuh man, ah who dis now?” he thought.

He answered the phone with a gruff “Hurumpff” sound like a growl to show his displeasure at the interruption of his tea time. Upon hearing how he answered the phone, Fatty felt her bladder grow weak and a bit of incontinence escaped in a trickle. She shifted her body on the bed while pointedly looking at Sandra and cutting her eyes. The thought of dealing with this frightening man was not a good one, and a nervous Fatty greeted him well, trying to remove the tremble from her voice.

“Good morning Missa Killfuss,” she said. “Ah me, Fatty, de Fat lady from Kingston who did come dere wid har daughter Sandra, yuh memba me?”

“Is what yuh want?” asked Killfuss who did not return the greeting, all thoughts was on his tea which was getting cold and ginghy flies were hovering around (to which he muttered crossly “oonuh move oonuh bumbo from yah!” as he used his hand to fan them away).

“Ok, sar” said Fatty, now sweating with an anxious Sandra looking on and mouthing, “ah wha?”

“Sorry fi badda yuh, have a good d-”

“Mek yuh call mi an ah hang up? Is what yuh want!” he demanded, interrupting Fatty.

Fatty took an audible gulp, the phone threatened to slide from her sweat drenched hands. “Ok, sar, hawm… Is because yuh sey de work w-woudda tek seven days fi ketch han….han….hand hawm, now ah day ten.” stuttered Fatty who was now feeling faint.

Fatty trembled but she continued quickly. “Mi not complaining sah, mi just hasking, choo mi nuh undastan dem tings here.”

“Well mi nah explain nutten to yuh pon no phone, is set yuh waan set mi up? If yuh waan know wha ah gwan, ketch uppa yawd, oddawise wait till de science ketch. Wha de difference between seven an ten? Oonuh wickedah dan mi, mek de smaddy live few more days nuh, is wha yuh be?” and with that Killfuss hung up.

Fatty ran from the room to pee, leaving a small wet spot on Sandra’s bed. Sandra was puzzled and upset at the same time, puzzled about the conversation which she could only hear one side, and upset because of the wet pee mark on her bed.

“Wha de hell ah galang?” she thought to herself, anxiously waiting for Fatty’s return.

Sharon had a fever now for ten days. It had come suddenly in the night and her mother and Aunt had taken her to the doctor where she was told it was the flu, but the medication had not worked. She felt tired and sleepy. Maureen, the aunt, silently fretted that this was not normal. She remembered one morning when she had gotten up at six and as she was about to step outside, her eyes caught some white powdery substance on the ground. Her spirit had not allowed her to go out, instead she had gone to the kitchen for the ammonia and had thrown it outside. However, when she stepped outside, her head swelled. It felt as if it would burst open and she bawled out for the blood of Jesus and had caught spirit. She was a revival woman and had spirit as swift as lightning. She had washed the ground with the ammonia and felt all was well. When Sharon had woken up, she was ill, and now ten days had passed and there was no improvement. Maureen felt she needed to talk to her sister. It would be a hard talk, as her sister Cecile was a self-proclaiming doubtful Thomas, but prevention betta dan cure was the argument she would go to her with. In this life, enemies could be anyone, anyone. With that thought, she went to make tea for Sharon, and then sponge her down. Cecile had gone to work while Maureen looked after Sharon, and so the talk would have to take place later. She did not look forward to it, but it was needed.

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3 years ago

Did you ever finish the book on obeah yet? Just wondering.

7 years ago

Obara! me gone a II…not even a delay yah so. Btw, is whey Maureen ago wid ammonia?

Riveting :O “Wha de difference between seven an ten? Oonuh wickedah dan mi, mek de smaddy live few more days nuh, is wha yuh be?”

7 years ago

Good day, Me de yah a read…will give more salutations when me finish all 5.

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes my dear Obara I remember them clearly. Try and put your stories in a little book nuh man, boy oh boy. Even though they are stories I born and raise in the beautiful garden parish call St Ann can relate to a lot of what your write about through listening to older folks telling me about their life experiences. My dad who’s 90 years old still tell me things he witness growing up. He’s from the Maroon tribe and my mom from the Indian tribe. I myself live through my fare share of evil being tossed my way for… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I always remember Alton and Doreen Obara. I love reading your juicy stories. Please put some of these great work in a little book nuh sis.

7 years ago

Hello Obama and Esp members. Wow your stories are always so captivating and sweet filled with life lessons. God bless you. Thank you teach. I read all four parts will comment individually when I get a chance. Your writing sweet like sugar

7 years ago

Great, story so far about to read part 2..keep it up, u r a great story teller

7 years ago

lol Kissfuss seh, “uno wickeda dan me ei, uno cyaa mek dem have couple more day fi live?” DWL
Wow, this was good! That story had me on the edge of me seat, I literally can’t wait for the next part!

I really wonder how the blood of Jesus work in the midst of all this?! Everybody a bawl di blood ah Jesus gainst Killfuss science. It do anything??? Even talk inna tongues (MIss Milly).

I hope Sharon tek heed!

7 years ago

TEACHER! One question- I never ask anyone this before but I see you just mentioned it, that of head feeling like it is swelling… does that mean something?- years ago it happened to me like twice and i felt like my body was coming out my body or I was disorientated- I can’t example but it happened to me twice I will never forget.

Intellectual Bhutu
7 years ago

Its always so interesting to see people ah wash off dem shop front, outta dem gate or roun dem stall. People tink dem clean or a try keep dung dust but anuh dat. Di ppl dem a wash weh iniquity and badmine, hol’ mi dung powder an science. Den yuh si dem squeeze lime.

Worries a reach dem dats why dem a piss bed…cause di revivalist pick up pon weh a gwan an she eida weaken or confuse di wukkins as di time pass but smady sick suh sumtin conneck.

7 years ago

Fatty dem evil nah lol she gone pee the bed after she done put the wheels in motion…. this one jokey already, feels like some powerful women in this one cant wait for part two

7 years ago

Off topic nasa just announced the discovery of 7 more planets. 3 of which could be livable. Obara is there worlds (realms) on each planet? even the ones not discovered yet?

To di story…dem seh baby duppy a di worst kind? whoa be unto fatty and her wicked-er dawta bout is 10 day pass wen dem dash di obeah. she a count she need fi count her gingeration weh ago pay fi dem dutty deeds

7 years ago

Ms. Obara,

Just as the story start get interesting you cut it. Brap such!! Lol!!

Waiting eagerly for the rest.

Stay blessed

7 years ago

Obara, No no no … how you just end it suh….

Part 2, fast please lol.

7 years ago

Good day lovely family! I dont like how you just end di story without even letting us know why Sandra want Sharon dead???? I might need part 2 by the close of the day. Plz and thx lol

7 years ago
Reply to  SeaQueen

Hahahahaha Queenie say close of day! wah you mean Queenie loool Obara thank you for part 1 and 2 in advance.

7 years ago

Didn’t want to stop reading….Please write the book.

7 years ago

Obara great story. Will come back later. Just a peep ….Fatty and Sandraaaa you really set out fi kill di people girl pikney! Killfuss right eno Unuh wicked-er dan him hmm umm smdh

Lover of light
7 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I never laugh suh hard. How dem people yah suh wicked and coward as hell. Obara mi nuh watch TV but mi feel like this is a soap opera. I keep checking for part two. This tun up!!!!

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