What do we as individuals have to offer the world, what is our reason of being, where do we go when we die, is there an after life or does the body go the ground and that’s the end of that?.. what or who is God? how does he look and, is he really a man, or is he/she some type of alien looking being, if there is a God, why does he/she allow some to suffer, while others strive, why has he allowed some diseases that has no cure which causes the suffering of human being and their families to grieve, this being worse when the sick is poor and cannot pay for health care, medication or even a funeral, God have you forgotten us?
They say you live up in the heavens way beyond the sky, while we live below and always have to look up toward your direction when overwhelmed with the pressures of life, is this the way you wanted it God?, was that why you made it so that you could look down on us? I know, I know, don’t question God!, it’s blaspheme, but who am I to ask? Who created Osama Ben laden? if he really existed? and why?? and if he did not exist why then would the super powers of the world want to torment and terrorize their citizens?, is it really to satisfy some occult demon?? is it a ritualistic practice of some secret society??, and if so then God where are you? and why do you allow this to continue over and over again? why do babies have to die? why do some people mistreat their animals, why are some people so mean and violent, why do some parents hate their children, why did pedophiles have to be living among the human race, also rapists, and serial killers,what is it my Lord, equal opportunity for all??,
Why did you allow man to invent money?? and after the invention why have you allowed the uneven distribution of it??, and why religion? why did it have to be born when it only divides, why God?, They say you gave man free will and that is good but why not moderate?, you created the angels and all the heavenly hosts my lord, but what are their function toward human beings?, they say in order to achieve bliss on earth we have to be able to keep things in balance, HOW!!??. Why racism?, God why?, with all the ethnicities did you allow the black man to suffer the most, the general consensus is that nobody knows what God looks like, if so then God why do you allow the world to perceive you as a White man in all major religions, when you know how the black man suffers just for the color of his skin? he has been looked at by all races as the lowest of all lows, and has even been tricked into hating himself?.
Of course if the world sees their God as white and the angels also as such, and the devil and his hosts as black it is easy to see why we are so much hated and despised, even the christians have a pictorial description of the great Archangel Michael slewing the demonic black Devil, when clearly their bible blasts imagery, idolatry in all forms, but christians carry around their picture of the beautiful Archangel Michael killing the black ugly Devil, at this I cry, because I am black, am I not comely??. White Angel cake, Black Devils cake can you see where I am going with this my Lord?, please let us reason, I do not want to offend you but, there is a quote from the scriptures (Matthew:7 vs, 7), athough I do not subscribe to ANYTHING there, that says seek and ye shall find, ask and it shall be given, so now Lord I Obara Meji am asking.
I will not linger on the topic of color any longer, after all every Human Being carries a black shadow. Even though it baffles me to be hated, scorned and scoffed at because of my color, I love my blackness and my race, I am proud to be an African, and My Lord if ever I should come back to this world when I die please be kind and send me back black, because my melanin speaks to me, it has allowed me to tap into my self and see the beauty within that others despise, and have given me the freedom to express my self to you, God, because don’t get me wrong, my Lord, I get it. I understand the wisdom of you, the reasons you created diversity and racism, animal cruelty by some, money division, sickness, diseases, famine, religion, inequality on all levels, death, secret societies and all that I asked you about God, I get it, and I thank you, because on top of all that you created love,….. which is the single most significant element of happiness…. because of all the adversities, I had to seek comfort in Love.
Love of my race, of who I am, and who I looked to as My God. I had to search for the answers to the questions I asked of you, and seek within my being to find the them, I had to see the reflection of you or what I perceived as you, because gone are the days when my God was white. For White people and all other races there is nothing wrong with them seeing their God in their own image, because that image is their reality, but for me, Black Obara Meji my God looks like me, and with that I am content. Poverty, I worry not about, sickness, the same. Death, I know does not exist, and color division is for the unconscious.
Marcus Garvey I feel you sitting beside me, teaching me, Sojourner Truth, I sense your magnificence and strength around, Babalawos I hear your wisdom and I know that you initiate to bring peace to the world, not to ruin it, my Ancestors and my Astral mates, thanks for your guidance, protection and teachings, Osun my mother, Orunmila, Obatala, and all Orishas. Bob Marley your message lives on loud and clear, Gandhi we still remember you , Jesus, your love and warmth is felt everyday and your teachings lives on. Dr. king, you were an incarnated peace maker, Malcom X, what a power house you were and the impact you made while you visited here can never be forgotten, Oprah Winfrey, you are still among the living but you are a gift sent to us by God, we honor and thank you, because I see the real you and it is beyond beautiful, Chancellor Williams, your book The Destruction Of The Black Civilization is the black mans guide to finding his pride.
Dr. Ishakamusa Barashango , John Henrik Clarke, your teachings lives on, Cheikh Atop Diop, The African Origin of Civilization: myth or reality is cause for celebration, Dr. Ben Jochannan, We The black Jews which is amongst your many books which has allowed us a glimpse of who we really are. They Came Before Columbus, professor Ivan Van Sertima. Dr. Tony Martin, your great work on the Pan-African Connection, and Marcus Garvey left me wowed!!, All Babalawos, Arabas, Priests and Priestesses,. Dr. Afalobi Epega, for your work in Ifa and your many books including The Sacred Ifa Oracle with Philip Neimark, Ifa Will Mend Your Broken Heart by Wande Abimbola, Chief Araba Elebiubon, Indus Khemet Kush, Khalid Mohammed, Louis Farrakhan, DR. Maya Angelou, Shirley MacLaine, thanks for sharing your light, Dione Fortune, The mystical Quabalah, Martin Bernal, Professor Rex Nettleford, The Honorable Louise Bennet, Mutabaruka, my Mother and Father for bringing me into this world and teaching me great morals and principles, and many many more who has contributed through songs, demonstrations, literature, speech , movements, spiritual teachings, revolution,inspirations, culture, Poems, artistic expressions, divinations and prophecy, traditional up keep through Oral traditions, thank you for what you contributed to the world, and for some who are still here with us what you are still giving… Aliafia
To the yorubas of south western Nigeria, with the knowledge of Ifa/Orisha, this beautiful traditional practice I say thank you!!!
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Fabulous way to begin.
Ase to dat Ryne…we ALL have God in us and around us just to find HIM! Aseeeeeeee (eena mi African voice)..
I found this most appealing. I’ve asked these questions myself at times in my life. I’m sure we all will know the answers we seek when the time comes. In the mean time I’m sure God is there. Shouting to us with love. Wondering why some of us can’t hear.
@giftofgoodlife…lol mi love off Splendid fi him honesty…no mi nuh waan nuh porridge Splendid..dwlllll Splendid come back..poor Sofia.. splendid yu selllll offfff…..
DWL…. Mr splendid talk up the tings lollllll! I respect your honesty!! But HOXTAIL…. You are a special kind! Can’t believe u still have her up for dat! If it was a big snapper I would understand!!you are entertaining plzzzzz stay on this site..
and ohhajimass nuh waan nuh trubble enuh maniac, but him facety to…lol
Yuh seet Obara
Nuh di way mi cee him du up Ohhjimmas…. Mi ah wawk fur
Spendidddddd!!! mi a caution maniac fi nu sey nutten….caw yuh too bad
Who a done wid you
ma mi sey when Spendid done wid yuh!!! lolololl!!
Mi seet mama.
Mi nah goh sey serten tings cawsen sey mi nuh waan get cuss out 🙁
ohhjiamass ah yuh a aisol??
DWLLLL……. mi cyann tek it… mi feel like ragga shanti….. Mr. Splendid yuh bad enuh…$25.00 a pound.. but mi need de fat…it bring flava…how asiol how dah name deh sound like ass hole suh, any way welcome.. nutten wrong wid loving Jesus.. Maniac yuh see dis yah lolollll
So asiol mine u is elhajifrass a pretend fi be smady else caw u.sound like da mad bwoy
Sofia rollin calf chevers tie fi life
Afta man come.pon di blog.fi himbrace spirituality dis ya batty man a call mi mad.and a trace mi.fi sore foor bull frog mash mout sofia come a badda mi pon di site me tie sofia yes and mi naw loose
Mi naw mek no peace I gwon bounty killah look like madda theresa
Ah whey di rawtid ah gwaan yah????
ALL this is so funny,people y unu cussing LOL ,come on lets make love and not war.
yuh know Costco have some nice non fatty hoxtail in the vacuum pack fi like $25 dem big and nice….di $2.99 one dem might too fatty fatty…
asiol dont mek mi laugh after yuh yah man……I can accept that if I were white and if you are white….But for some reason I think u are Black…
$2.99 a pound!! lololll mi pay $5.00 a pound, yuh ear dat mr.Splendid??
JESUS is my friend and all who want to make him their friend,GOD is a great mighty and awsome god if u dont know him get to know him its a wonderful thing.
yuh know seh from wah day yah mi feel fi sum oxtail…..mi might mek sum tinite…..cho man fien fair have hoxtail fi $2.99 a pung
ohhajimass ooo!! whey yuh deh!!
browngal hotgal…… yuh wudda mus come back as splendid come back eeh….lololol…
splendid……yuh a galang bad man, mine de bin laden ting deh awrite
orisapikkney…… yuh ago cook hoxtail….dwlllll!!!!!!! Splendid……. mi sey dem deh a threat man…. ah sey to BEHAVE MAN, AYE!!!!!! (INNA MI OLIVER SAMUELS VOICE) AYE!!!…
So wait weh fossi mass deh mi no see im a chat as soon as man come on di batty man run off
no mi pan di side of TRUTH! LOVE! PEACE! PROSPERITY! KINSHIP! fuck da dumb shit bout yuh ago stab up smaddy…..afta di man neva teef nuh dumplin outta yuh mout? behave yuhself…..or else mi will mek hoxtail fi yuh lol
Mi naw accept no.apolgy from no dutty fossi hole ah try mek mi look bad to obara mi a go do u like obama do bin lahdel
Oh orisa so u deh pon elfosimass.side
splendid why yuh nuh just accept di man apology? shake him hand and drink two red stripe beer? eeeh cho…..di two a oonu can possibly be di bes a friends and learn from each odder……nuh do di man so…life toooooo short and Sofia astral mates nuh figget seh yuh tie har so do a good deed and mek a new friend not an enemy….
Wait to I hole u.duttybatty.bwoy.mi.ah go walk mi knife
Ah wha.di bloodclaat.diss.ah tell u ah tell pon mi to obarra
wow yeah i agree wid yuh ohhalimass something is amiss……
Mr splendid is.a hogg and very rude I.will forward u obara the threatning messages he sends me asking for my real name.and.address he threatned to stab me and accused of being one of.sofias men if he.doesnt.want the bullfrog y would i
ohhajimassssss!! hi, thonks fi come, yuh email Splendid fi apologise, oh god ohhajimass yuh gd smaddy
Then I.email u too apologize and u.accuse me of praying to bin ladel the mans.name.is bin laden full I dont.worship but god
Battyism is.a horrid.act.so is boiling under garments in people food
Hello all first I.would like to greet al the intellectual brethrens and sistrens here last I will greet that mad ross name.splendid sir please stop referring to me as a batty man because never in my life have I ever practiced.battism it is very obvious that.u.are.a stark stone.staring mad man
dwlllll!!! dwllll!!! dwl!!!!!! dwl!!!!!!!!!!!! Jeckel!!!!!! jacket??? Bwoy Sofia yuh bad bwoy!!!! a hope a fi tek a dna test, so yuh live pon white plains road..
u were missed Ohhajimass come touch fist wid mrsplendid
mr splendid are u a real person? no sah yuh a sample fi true! So yuh nuh love di pickney dem? Yuh need fi go do DNA test bout yuh a tie smaddy! Yuh end up tie yuhself pawdie…..soun sticky….
Mi neva.love bullfrog sofia mi no hate ar but mi.did stay wid ar marry ar and.she gi mi.two pickney one.waff dog.and one bullfrog looking brown weh.she.say a fi mi.own but fava di cooli man name jeckel who live unda ms jilly ouse bottom
Orisapikkney…lololll oono jamaican so funny, lawd god reptile… any none jamaicans peeping if there is something written in these post that you do not understand please say something and we will be happy to clarify for you
a reptile fambly yuh married eena? lawwd yuh a sample
ohhhhh, Spendid….. se story a come to bump yah now… so it was a obeah wedding… a Sofia and har mumma did tie yuh fuss, it mad yuh and yuh go tie har back, yuh did memba sey mi ask yuh if yuh did deh pon medication, nuffi offend yuh but mi know sey sinting nuh right
mi nuh wrong yuh Splendid, mi anuh yuh and yuh mek mi nuh waan nyam nuh body eeda…. aldo nutten cyaan do mi thanks to god and mi tradition, Oore YeYe OsunO!!!!…. but Mr Splendid…yuh nuh haffi gi nuh names but a who tell fi boil de brief and are you a spiritual practitioner??
Deh worst ting mi.eva.do inna mi.laugh.ah marry bullfrog sofia mi memba di obeah wedding when sofia mumma whey fava.di lizard from geiko
Mi naw name no.hoxstail from nobody afta.what happened to sofia mi naw even nam from my hown madda
yuh anuh de first person tell mi so enuh, de ppl dem sey de picture dem sell off!! thanks orissapickney…Splendid we want yuh come back whey yuh deh
lol yuh seeet doe Obara….weh Missa Splendid deh doe? by the way Iya I AM SO LOVING THE PICTURE FOR THIS POST……
yuh nuh hear orissapikkney whey Slpendid dey … every time him memba bout de oxtail wata come ah him yeye….dwllll
man a bad man so him nuh fraid fi gi out him email to rawtid…. browngal hot gal do yuh tings mumma!! lololol
mi waaan fi cook a pot a hoxtail fi mr splendind…….O!!!!!
yes brown gal mi love how di man defen di tings…him all gi out him real email to claat lawwwd! yuh need a dude like him on the team
No sah, mi a Aries to an mi nah go lie Sharlenerose, mi use nto quick fi war, since mi tun madda mi did haffi try hold it dung, imagine big madda likka ma ha war fi dumplin… no sah… hear de one brown gal hot gal dwl…. sharlenerose splendid soon seckle yuh wid de porridge!!
morning maniac and everybody else…mr splendid have me ova ya ah me say dwl….dwl…..dwl….is a serious youth all u see him deh cause one ting me know me neva meet nobody a stab up people over dumplin….but a de same mercury…warmonger type a so aries people stay…with the sword of shango we no like fi see injustice and will jump all inna stranger war…so we defend we own….splendid sound like him a cool deh now though….right splendid?
yes splendid widouten de tie in deh, and mek sure yuh know sey a de two a we a eat lol
a wha de caka rass is dis? brown gal hot gal… yuh a crack mi up..smiling and slightly a blush.. mr splendid one orda a porridge fi brown gal hot gal deh fi mi
mi nah look him Obara, but mi love how hmdfen de dumplin disrespect, de dread bwoy shudden a dis de big bad man, hi splendid hw yuh do? smiling, and slightly a blush
sharlenerose@ yuh nuh si sey we wuklis like Sofia, Splendid wicked and mad and brown galhotgal deh yah ah look him, an yuh sound like yuh and him wudda par, and him facinate mi, nw mi know wha chareles duttie manson gal dem did feel!! @and all yuh orissa pikkney ah encourage splendid..lololo wid one teeth daddy and de dumplin…from i born and a walk de four cawna of did earth…@mainic yuh see you!!! but it mek wi haffi fret bout wi boy pickney dem lol
splendid do no style de man…is from when u a pree him…tell me please…splendid me naw judge u cause me a aries…and dis look like one aries site and most a we kinda touch true de whole heap a spirituality…but wha else sofia do u so bad…mek u a do har up so…a when she get de sorefoot before or after de marriage….hmmmm? Like how u tie her a did love or money…me no tink u come from country u sound like one a dem longtime bad man from ouuta town…downtown…a true…me intrigued by u tell me all a u… Read more »
Hear di one Orisa…
Sass Crisse, Obara mi duss chek summen an if mi memri sarve mi rite, mi son ah Shango….Fawda help him, cawse if him is ennyting like Splendid mi inna worriz 🙁
An chuss mi, it look like him crass nuh baxide caw di way mi c him gwaan more time….
de dread dead ova wha? one half ded dumplin splendid yuh seriou, but if a neva fi de tying ting and if yuh look gd mi edda deh wid yuh mi love ranking top notch like yuh
damn right splendid and yuh see mash mout man a force fi nyam fi him flour and yuh weh hab een good good teeth cyaan get none a fuckery dat….lol
Splendid yuh related to bounty killa…maniac yuh a hear dis?
ah wha do Splendid man???
U really stab di man chue u get 1 dumpling (if I laaf, I ded eenyah tiddeh)
Ah diss u call krass, hangry an mizzarebl
mawning maniac
stab de dread!!!! ova one dege dege dumplin!!!!! MY GOD!!! (IN A MI TWINS OF TWINS VOICE) Splendid yuh serious!!!!! one dumplin???@ sharlenerose….. man royal Sophia wuklis, how big gal likka she fi cyaan cook but love har gut, dats y Spendid ketch har wid food, but Splendid wait deh lickle it look like food ah yuh taboo, ah mean yuh go a prison tru one DUMPLIN!!!
lawd yuh cross and angry eeeh a mussi Shango a yuh puppa……boy yuh love food like mi cause mi woulda stab smaddy too ova likkle bit a meat eena my soup so mi si wid yuh…..
Mawning Mr. Splendid, Sharlene an oddas
and aries man nuh like when ooman chase dem….dem preffer fi do di chasing…..yuh duss haffi go loose har causen seh yuh tie yuhself too…
Before mi.did marry to bull frog sofia mi was a bad man from claringdan mi dead go a jail one time becaw mi.did.buy soup from a.restaraunt and.di dutty dread only gi mi one dege dege dunmplin an every.body helse.ave bout ten including wan one teet.daddy who.ah try fi use im gum dem fi nam di dumplin mi just get mad and.stab.di dread
no sah mr splendid if i tun ova in ya so me no have no get up a get up….listen to me sofia big and traptin….so tell me seh a really mad u go fi mad sofia for u know full well seh sofia luv her tomach and you boil one big pot gi she fi she one drink off…and look like a u did a do all a de cooking ib dat house so sofia after she tie haffi all come bruk in fi find food fi nyam…..mr splendid u a aries like me…and also obara so u know… Read more »
mr.splendid ah how long yuh a work wi lucifer now?
maniac… meet mr splendid mi ole fren
splendid mi know we jamaicans love class so mi nah go sey nuttin bout yuh stylin ohhajimass, but I wish him would come inna tiddeh
If.him deh.ya mi.read him.comment.dem.an mi see how.di fossi.hole.a.try.diss mi.a.call mi.mad sorry obarra.mi no mean fi mash up u.sight but.a.long time mi.ah.pree.dah bwoy deh
how hold are u mr splendid? yuh soun like seh yuh is a ole smaddy or a country yuh come from…..lol yuh funny mi like yuh
Mawning all
Mr. Splendid please tawk di tings dem papa
Is whey Aries haffi do wid dis??? mi is one to orissapikkney an ME nuh craven, @splendid wha yuh sey Sofia is a sorefoot mad cow?? mi puppa!!! whey yuh a chat bout de ooman big and traptin, as man royal as she be yuh still did tie har splendid so till de ooman mad now
I have a question where.dah batty bwoy name elhajimass
@splendid big and trapptin!!! mi madda
dwlllllll mi ah drop dungggggg!!!!! run yuh dung pon white plains road like usain bolt!!! splendid dat mean sey she ketch yuh man, caws bolt faas like lightning!! Splendid how yuh know did ooman did waan more?? yuh too bad a bet yuh sey yuh a one pastor or yuh in de church, yuh sound like a church smaddy
Memba inna.di.hearly nineties when dem find mad cow.disease.well di.disease afa.sophia caw.when she.a walk dung.whiteplains.road u.would.a one.mad cow u.a look pon and.as.fi.sofia no man no want.sore foot sofia
usain bolt lolololllll!!
Mi his ah aries.so mi no shy nobody.ave.secret fi mi and mi ave a good heart mi odda forgive.sophia fi cheat pon mi.and she.try.stab me but mi will neva forgive da dranco deh fi teef mi.hoxstail no rump.wid mi meat mek.mi.stop talk dis.ya memory.bring eye.wata to mi.yeye dem
blooodkleet mr splendid yuh is REALLY an aries fi true! “Big and Traptin” yuh love di healthy body girls dem weh love dem belly? Sharlene it look like seh Sofia nyam off di whole pot a porridge like the fat girl and di mango….O
@sharlenerose.. yuh ask de question dem whey mi did want know… and mr splendid mi nah lie yuh welcome fi tawk, anybody who can mek me laugh mi a tell yuh dem a sample to mi…. but yuh fi pull de ooman man, imagine a run dung de road wid five dege dege oxtail inna har hand dem a bun har. dem yuh gone call police de poor ooman mad, loose har splendid, loose har man!!
Mi know.seh.some.ah oonu tink seh mi.mad.some.tink mi nasty but mi.see.wid my two.yeye dem how.di porridge mek sofia.run mi dung pon whiteplains.road like.she.name usaine bolt
Well sofia.is big.and traptin so she nam off.di.whole.ting.and.ask fi more
DO do unno no cuss mr splendid cause him realer than most…and me appreciate him because a wha day me find out seh man do more tying dan woman and dem tek it more serious too….me waan know mr splendid how did you feel when she was slurping on the porridge? Did she consume the whole pot or just a bowl or too? Did you share with anyone else? How did you dispose of the remains of the brief once the deed was done? What was going through ur mind when she was drinking? Were u thinking like u fucker… Read more »