By and through the law of realization, inspiration is awakened and established. Again by and through the exercise of the powers of auto-suggestion, self thought, the supreme realization of self, and the innermost desire of life are reached and manifested, withholding all doubt, which opens up to us and connects us with the inward or latent supreme possibilities of soul.
The writer will hereby inform the student that the desires are which have prompted you in the pursuit of the knowledge of OCCULTISM AND THE INVISIBLE FORCES OF NATURE, so you will reap for ‘LIKE ALWAYS ATTRACT LIKE.’ If you desire the knowledge to secure revenge, it is but proper that I should warn you that thou wilt, in any of the experiments contained in these treaties, draw or attract thyself a revengeful demon, or an accursed infernal furious evil spirit serving in the principal and law of wrath; if for worldly riches and aggrandizement, then shalt thou have an earthiel or fiery spirit, which will delude thee with the riches of the central world; if for same or the blaze of glory, they will be allotted thee, who will gratify thy inordinate desire of vain glory; for all these offices are there evil spirits who have been allotted, and they are ever eager to merge their evil will and spirit with yours; they will through the same law attract thy desires and purposes according to the extent as thy desires are, and from principles they precede, so shall thou be answered; but if thou desireth the knowledge but for the honor and glory of thy soul (GOD) and to help thy fellow men, and, in great humility, fill thy heart with love of all mankind, thou shalt then attract a good spirit which will grant thy desires, and also assist you to overcome enemies.
Bear this advice, Seek for and desire that which is good; avoid attracting ALL EVIL, either in thought, desire, word, or action; and then shalt thou reap the rewards of the soul which desires to develop the inner or spirit sight. Remember, there are two ways magically set before these; choose which thou wilt, thou shalt be sure of thy reward. Remember, believe in youself and you will succeed (taken from the mystic textbook by deLaurence).
I felt it was important to share this with you because many people who are awakening to their spirituality and some who may want to delve deeper into occultism because of knowledge that they will be acquiring and the thought of vested power some will be attracted to the darker side of the moon. What I mean here is that there are those who will be quick to summon (if they can) evil entities for revenge or just because they can, but as with everything in life, there are consequences to bear; we must all walk as children of light. Regardless of how many things we learn during our spiritual journey and in this incarnation, evil is never the way. Evil will only withhold your spiritual evolution therefore trapping you onto the wheel of existence never making it possible for your spirit/soul to achieve what the Buddhist call nirvana (which is true freedom; freedom from coming back to this world). It would be foolish of me Obara Meji to believe that I can convince those who are determined to walk on the left to change, but I fully know that the old saying ‘The pen is mightier than the sword’ holds true and there may be one who will see this and revise his thinking. To fear the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and vengeance belongs to God alone. Take heed my brothers and sisters and try to do the right thing at all times, keep a clean hand and the purest of hearts, soil not your thoughts with bad thinking, jealousy, revenge, wickedness, betrayal, violence, trickery etc. let it never once be named among you.
We will revisit this topic at length another time, but for now this is my message to you; please accept it.
maniac like u mad
Where can I get it Wayne? Obara?
Boy Wayne it look like mi have to go get myself one of them rings. Have some people giving me hell…..
it must effective cause him say a it a hold him…me no blame you yah…keep on u jewel…yeah
Dwl! Sharlenerose and Maniac oonu ah kill me lolol! Den Wayne mi spiritual son plz tell Obara Meji how long yuh have yuh deLaurence ring and is it effective? Run in and ansa me plz!
Oh ok….never seen one b4
Is it something you can purchase at one of them stores? or do you have to go to a spiritualist to get it ‘fixed’ for you?
no sah…a whe me deh when wayne run in ya so….come wayne tell me how u know seh a delaurence gi u de snake ring
Yes it is.
Hi Wayne Smith, Welcome
Am very curious….what does the ‘snake ring’ do?? Is it something like a ‘guard’ ring?
Delaurence snake ring….????? wayne?…pray tell!!……dash it pon me wid out warning!!!!
I like it, i was just thinking corrupt ,because i am going through a very difficult times with co-workers who are driving me crazy , a have trails after trails just to get my services terminated , but by the guidance of god and the assistance of Delaurence (snake ring ) is carrying me through .
this is reality in all types of ways