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Here is an article I would like to share with you all about sex. The writer has written on the topic of spiritual sex and I believe that it is a beautiful topic. In this article he shares with us how sex can open up our hearts to love and also channel certain energies that can lead to our spiritual evolution. I believe that sex is beautiful on all accounts if treated with care and respect, and by that I mean, it should never be forced upon anyone (rape), and  it is never to be treated casually,….. these things should be cautioned. As I have said Before Osun my Guardian Angel, is the deity of Sex, Love and Beauty among other things, so I have no problem approaching this subject again and again. The word SEX, itself evokes a lot of emotion, and it is so much more powerful when coupled with the emotion called love. It can be tender, passionate, wild, raw, raunchy, erotic, salacious, sensual, seductive, heated , xxx rated, gentle , painful and powerful. It can control, bait, enforce, weaken,drive a person crazy,charm,and overall remove ones guard, break down any barriers. The wife uses it against the husband to get her way and vice versa, it is a great bargaining tool, and One of the best gifts that God has given to us. It is needed much like food, because the brain calls for it. Overall, aside from love it holds a power all on its own. Hide behind that Nuns habit all you like Sister, it still invades your thoughts, if you look closely behind the Bishops collar you may see his sex thoughts, often times more raunchy than ours. Sex told us the story of Adam and Eve, It fell the mighty Samson at the hands of the seductive Delila, and it almost over threw King David when he fornicated with Bathsheba. Sex has brought down many heads of states. The appeal of sex is why America has never forgotten Marilyn Monroe, it can single-handedly rule the world I believe, because once the word is mentioned all heads are turned and we pay full attention. 


by Walter Last

Sexuality is closely related to spirituality in several ways. In its negative aspects of lust, sexual excess, degradation and rape, it appears as the antithesis of spirituality, and in this light it has been seen in the Christian tradition. However, in its positive aspects our sexuality can open our heart to love, and enable us to have experiences similar to meditative states and mystical bliss during or instead of an orgasm and its afterglow. In a less obvious way, sexual energies can be channeled upward to develop our energy centers or chakra system and higher energy bodies. According to esoteric and yoga teachings, this is all part of our spiritual evolution.

The idea of celibacy for priests, nuns and monks is to spiritualize sexual energies as in meditation, rituals and other devotional practices. While this generally involves conscious exercises as in yoga, Christian mystics commonly transformed their energies without conscious awareness through intense devotion. If religious celibates fight to suppress their sexuality, they misunderstand the deeper reason for the practice of celibacy, and block their spiritual evolution on that level. If devotional practices do not lead to the transmutation of sexual energies then it is much better to find a natural outlet. Suppression always leads to problems.

There are various yoga and meditation techniques to transform sexual energy into kundalini or spiritual energy by oneself. However, there are also methods of spiritual or sacred sex for couples. Karezza is a western practice that can be adopted for spiritual sex, while in the east tantric yoga is concerned with the transmutation of sexual energies. There has also been a tradition of temple priestesses inGreeceand eastern history who helped spiritual seekers with ceremonial sex. On a different level ceremonial sex has, of course, also been used or misused in various cults. Sexual energy is a part of our hidden kundalini energy, which in turn is a concentrated form of etheric or life-force energy. It can be used to create children, or just to have an orgasm, or to fuel achievements in sports or professional activities. However, its ultimate purpose is to facilitate spiritual growth by developing our chakra system and higher energy bodies.

Commonly esoteric teachings advise to curtail sexual activity and portray abstinence as an ideal in order to retain sexual energies for internal development. However, this can easily lead to suppression of sexual energies and emotional deprivation. The following methods show a middle path between abstinence and conventional sex. In many instances I believe them to be superior to abstinence for developing our higher energy centers. They have the added advantage of satisfying our emotional needs and providing the venue for a joint spiritual venture for couples.

Furthermore, most of those with a chronic disease, and especially cancer, are emotionally rather fragile, and benefit greatly from a close-bonding loving relationship. This is also beneficial with heart disease and mental-emotional conditions, such as depression and addictions. High levels of testosterone are a negative factor with prostate cancer, while high estrogen levels are detrimental with most breast cancers. It has now been shown that when we are in love (or create a feeling of love), hormone levels in both genders become more like each other. In males testosterone levels fall to make them less aggressive, gentler and more spiritual. Females, on the other hand, produce more testosterone, which makes them bolder, and helps to balance excessive estrogen levels.

What many individuals miss even more than sex is touching and hugging. Some try to satisfy this need with regular massage therapy. However, there may be a simple solution. If you feel deprived of touching and hugging just form a local “hug club”. Either discretely spread the word around or put a notice in a suitable place asking for interested individuals to contact you. You can then arrange a weekly meeting where you just hug for an hour or two. As a follow-up step you may also give each other massages. You may be surprised by the amount of interest in hugging ‘out there’. You may also form or join a healing group where hugging may be practiced together with massaging, reflexology and the multitude of other self-healing techniques available. Consensual hugging may also serve as a stepping stone for some forms of spiritual sex.


I believe that regularly radiating love, and feel being loved, greatly helps to prevent and overcome cancer and other diseases. When we radiate love, we become invincible, diseases cannot touch us. Karezza helps us to learn this in an easy and pleasant way, with Karezza we can be in love everyday. When we then also learn to feel and radiate love at will in our daily activities and encounters, then we have reached the top of the spiritual mountain. Karezza or sacred sex is a pleasant and effective way to get there.

In Karezza the emphasis is on the inner feeling awareness as well as on the feeling of complete union with the partner. Orgasm is avoided or at least minimized. Caresses and slow controlled movements during intercourse generate a steady stream of sexual energy that is consciously converted into feelings of sublime joy and love. Typically, this may continue for an hour or more. It is not necessary for the penis to be erect or even inside to enjoy this type of lovemaking. Part or all of the time the tip of the penis may just touch the entrance of the vagina, or the sexual organs may not touch at all.

Initially concentrate awareness on the sensations at the point of contact with the partner, especially in the genital area but also wherever the skin or a caressing hand touches. This generates pleasant sensations, which can now easily be converted into a loving feeling. Open your heart and send this love to your partner.In a more active fashion you can in your imagination lead the energy felt in the genital or pelvic area upwards to the heart. There you feel it as love and radiate it out onto your partner, and also envelop both of you in a cloud of love.

 For many sensitive individuals this is more satisfying than just mechanically experimenting with different positions or chasing an elusive orgasm.  You may also lie quietly connected, just to relax and feel close, cared for and protected, without attempting to generate any specific effects. If sleeping together, it is good to develop a routine of connecting daily before going to sleep or after awakening, or both. This may be done without moving, just to feel close to each other. It is not only emotionally satisfying, but produces strong bonding and greatly strengthens the relationship. In addition to providing great spiritual, emotional and health benefits, Karezza is also an effective birth-control method. For a similar approach to a harmonious sex life see

The following are some extracts from The Karezza Method by J. William Lloyd (published in 1931).

“Try to feel yourself a magnetic battery. As you acquire the habit of giving your sexual electricity out in blessing to your partner from your sex-organs, hands, lips, skin, eyes and voice, you will acquire the power to satisfy yourself and her without an orgasm. “Soon you will not even think of self-control, because you will have no desire for the orgasm, nor will she.”

Lloyd also notes the ability of Karezza (controlled intercourse) to nourish lovers. He reports a sense of “sweet satisfaction, fullness of realization, peace, often a physical glow and mental glamour that lasts for days, as if some ethereal stimulant, or rather nutriment, had been received.” And, “in successful Karezza the sex-organs become quiet, satisfied, demagnetized, as perfectly as by the orgasm, while the rest of the body of each partner glows with a wonderful vigor and conscious joy…tending to irradiate the whole being with romantic love; and always with an after-feeling of health, purity and wellbeing. We are most happy and good-humored as after a full meal.”

In regard to orgasms he observes: “It is the wine of sex that gives love its enchantment and divine dreams. This is easily proven by giving lovers unrestricted license to express their transports. No sooner have they wasted the wine of sex by reckless embraces—often a single orgasm will thus temporarily demagnetize the man—tho they love each other just the same, as they will each stoutly assert—the irresistible attraction and radiance and magnetic thrills are gone, and there is a strange drop into cool, critical intellection or indifference, or perhaps dislike…. To have frequent orgasmal embraces, as most married lovers do, is to keep the wine in the sexual beakers low by constant spilling, to thus kill all romance and delight and finally starve and tire out love itself.”
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13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I am interested in ways to perform rituals to enhance the sexual experience.

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

The mental build up is the best part of it for me. Writing and reading and blogging like this also. I read your stories titled forbidden love and the best parts for me was the way you wrote it….coming from cool to hot to almost irresistable and making me feel the different emotions the woman is going through through your writing while she battles with her feelings. Its like a sexual dance without touching…going around in circles staring each other down…..mentally connecting knowing what the other is thinking. I would like to bottle this energy and sell it and use… Read more »

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

If cumming demagnitises the man then ofcourse not cumming magnetizes him right? That part I would like the writer to expound on……..does he mean not cumming attracts energies to the man that cumming does not?


13 years ago
Reply to  Enigma

I agree 100% with the especially with the last part of the article, he speaks of things I believe before reading the article. It makes me think ok, now that we know that, does that mean hugging kissing massaging caressing and not cumming using that magnetic pull achieved when two people refrain from cumming…is that the secret to a happy healthy sexual, spiritual relationship.

I think I am onto something here

13 years ago

Consensual hugging equal a type of spiritual sex. A hugging club or massage club. There is something about that, that makes so much sense because a good hug can feel like a complete sexual bond if done right. It could be the answer to depression and emotional deprevation, but where to find such spiritual clubs that totally respects its purpose without abuse!!!

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I agi agree. i am stcuk between it brining out sexual perversion and heightening me spiritually. I do not want the sexual perversion part because I see how abstenance could bring that out, but in order to get the spiritual growth to feel like I am having a hundred orgasms, that is what I want!

13 years ago

What type of problems can come from sexual surppression?
I do believe it can be channelled and use to achieve power in meditation but I don’t know how

13 years ago

Good Morning

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Obara Meji

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Councelling is exactly what I want……the knowledge you have I feel it to be vast and endlesss…..

If that was a bit too blunt I apologise….I just am very curious about sex and the power it brings and has over people spiritually.

you strike me as a very powerful woman.
The way you write is appealing to say the LEEEEEAST.


13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

You are welcome Obara Meji.

Obara Meji…..powerful name….firm

But I do not want to stray from the topic of sex and the power it brings……the wisdom and knowledge given is quite satisfying…..

Very good topic……this sex and power it brings thing…

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara you are a very good writer.

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What about if she holds his head firmly in place and cums in his mouth……what is this act doing to her spirit from a spiritual angle?

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you! I am liking this discussion from this angle (no pun intended)

Is her spirit strengthened when this sitting happens?

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What happens to the man spirit when the woman siddung inna him face?
This is interesting

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara I like the way you write! Not to stray from the topic I agree totally… it chasing the high……that explosive orgasm……after abstenance…..the eager hunger….sex is powerful…it is magnetic…..high spiritual people should sit down together and discuss this phenominon called sex from a spiritual aspect….and channel the messages…..

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Sexual frustration is an energy that I would like to master and be able to use to get people to do what I want them to do. I feel there is a energy that comes down and builds during abstenance.


13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Question obara.
Is a man letting his wife sit in his face disrespectful to his spirit?

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What you say is making sense and is connecting with my inner self.
My brain love sex so much that I picture people as pawns that I can use.
When I talk I see them performing sexual acts…if they are dressed up in their office suits and behave as snobs I see them pretending in public to be prudes but behind clothes doors in my mind I place them in positions of being dominated…and used and belittled….

I believe they deserve it!

aries butterfly
aries butterfly
13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

googling it now.

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I seeking knowledge and freedom from the power sex and the emotions it manifests has had over my life…. I been reading the posts….I am drawn to the power behind the words you use…..and the knowledge.
What I feel so bad about is that I seem to allways turn those feelings into a sexual pull that I feel. It weighs heavy on my chest

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I want the message
I want the spiritual enlightenment
I want to evolve
I want to turn the sexual pull and power I feel into power that motivates me to create, heal and bring positivity to my life!

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow! Makes sense…the feeling feels like I’m possessed. Its like a orgasm all over my body. Too bad its a bad thing…..thank you

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

it hard cause I like it when she spits in my face amond other things but I don’t do this with any other… I was hoping that it was not disrespecting my spirit. Outa road….people would never know sey a so mi behave wid har……it crazy…..mi use to wonder if a obeah smaddy obeah mi…but I feel like its my rightful place with her.

its crazy! Is it still disrespecting my guardian spirit if she only does this during a sex?

13 years ago

Obara I am curious is there a spiritual reason why I would like being degraded by my partner during sex?

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Peace and blessings OBARA MEJI…Thank you sex topic is the order of the day……sexsexsexsex

13 years ago

Sex oh!!!

13 years ago

Please enlighten us Obara and Orisa…..the navel? I’m eager to know more

13 years ago

That is why people in the know and those whose professions it is to work with others spiritually take measures and precautions to protect themselves in various ways ,from doing very simple things or greater things; depending on the level they are at spiritually. But bear in mind that this is a very SERIOUS & REAL walkway back to where we come from… if you realize that you have a strong propensity to draw from others vibrationally/spiritually then it behooves you to seek out measures of protection…….one simple measure is to cover your head when going into places you know… Read more »

13 years ago

Thank You Orisa….I want to draw beautiful energies but if I am drained as a result of helping someone who is genuinely in need and who has never lifted a finger to do evil, as long as I dont stay down for too long, then I guess I would.

13 years ago

That is so natural and frequent…..its just that folks aren’t in tuned to the energies around and within and how they shift…..We are all interconnected and u probably gave her some of ur vitality which might have helped her heal even if minutely…..In keeping with sharing testimonials, I was working with this young lady in a spiritual manner and counselling her through some issues. I inadvertently drew her period….which made me have mine 15 days early. One Saturday morning I took her to the sea to talk to Yemonja regarding her children (they were in foster care). When I got… Read more »

13 years ago

Wow!!! Dats y mi preffa wen dem cum b4 mi or wi reech togedda, caw wen mi reach mi juss waan curl up an sleep. On anneda note Obara an Orisa, oonu eva go roun some ppl an is like all di energy drain fram yuh baddie? Mi memba one time mi falla mi madda go look fi har fren who was sick an mi did siddung ah di doorway (ah me dat, mi preffa fi siddung low providing di place clean), mi sey di day afta mi deh deh fi bout hawf hour mi feel sick like dawg, like… Read more »

13 years ago

Yeah its like ur drained. and wanna sleep for hours….thinking about it now when I do spiritual work I get equally drained as after having sex………I wish more people would have these conversations and be enlightened…….Love u guys….

12 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

That’s a snieslbe answer to a challenging question

13 years ago

Obara u are craazy lol at the Steve Job comment…..I thought that to be interesting….I want to know what it feels like on the brink……must be ecstatic….

13 years ago

ha ha the little death …..our hearts really do stop during orgasm……lol…….

13 years ago

DWLLLLLL, if mi can holla mi holla yes. But sometime yuh haffi kip kwiat!!!
An yes fi true, afta mi cummm is like mi body limp an mi dun fah.

Ok so now mi get di jist ah why dem call it ‘likkle death’

13 years ago

Why is ORGASM referred to as ‘the little death’?

13 years ago

Okkaaaay then! interesting indeed.

13 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Loving the way you write

13 years ago

In The ancient way of life before a union was to happen, the Babalawos/Priests would divine to make absolute certainty that the intended union was spiritually favorable. Unfortunately, in today’s society we have been so cavalier with sex that we cannot see the forrest for the trees. We only see that he/she looks good to the eye but fail to research the soul and familial liniages. There are ancestors who refuse to accept death and make peace with the life they lived in the physical body for example, Ancestors who were rapists, murderers what have you. They haven’t been elevated… Read more »

13 years ago

Orisha/Obara, can u explain about the malevolent ancestor who might want to come back. How does that happen through sex? and examples of how it wreaks havoc. Thanks

Obara Meji
13 years ago

Orishapickney!!!!! Welcome back! Thanks mi love de topic! Sex is spiritual! It should be respected and enjoyed by all parties

13 years ago

Sex is a spiritual union and much can be accomplished thru sex…….tantra comes to mind….That is why ppl have to be mindful of who they sleep with because the Egun plays an important part in sex. Sometimes malevolent ancestor of a man or woman might want to come back. And will wreak havoc…..there is so much more…..Great topic Yeye!!!

aries butterfly
aries butterfly
13 years ago
Reply to  Orissapikkney

What is tantra?

13 years ago

Mornin’ Teacha, hope all is well…Can u please repost that wonderful prayer for me…lovin’ the Topics btw!

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