In recent posts I have written about Sex and spirituality. I have even told stories of sexual encounters I have had with spirits read this, and even though those encounters were in the dream world, I woke up feeling sated and tired as if I had ran a marathon. In my real life, I do not discuss Sex, at least not in public, it is a hard subject for me to speak on because hard as this may be for you all to fathom, I am quite shy. Behind a computer screen you can be who you want to be, so I may joke and play around at times, but that is really all it is a joke. While growing up, the subject was never spoken of in our household, and even to this day I can never imagine my parents “doing it”, ewww! Mama is however a very sexy lady, bandy leg and dress good, and daddy tall and handsome, so if I had to cringe and think about it I can see them getting there, but oh what a thought! Of course there is no such thing as a virgin birth but in the case of my mother having us, I will make an exception to my beliefs. Read this
Sex, so provocative a topic, and yet such a curious word in any topic. The energy this little three letter word gives off is so strong that even writing about it make me Obara Meji blush, yes I am currently blushing now, as I am not too sure where my words will go as I type. Again, this is cyber world, so I can get as wild as I dare because who knows if any of us will ever meet for me to remember what I may write here and become painfully embarrassed. This is where I laugh and say I am joking, this post will deal with this subject respectfully and in a way where we can have a discussion and no one is embarrassed, however I am not too sure, I can get a little quirky at times lol, mi head can tek mi at any moment.
Ok but seriously the mere mention of the word evokes many different emotion and gets peoples attention. No matter who you are in this world people are curious about sex. May it be the Dali Lama, to Mother Theresa, to the Pope, nature is in all of us, and while some would like us to believe that they have suppressed that which is innate, I am not buying it, because when night comes and the lights are off and they are alone by themselves, with just themselves their trusty, handy dandy hands and fingers will suffice, lol, I believe this to be so, nobody cyaan tell mi nutten! Human beings are human beings and the brain calls for sex as much as it calls for food, the fulfillment of copulation cannot be denied if there is a willing participant, and if there is not, some people will opt to satisfy themselves which the medical community encourages. Professor Ty, come expound on the reason why this is encouraged please and thanks!
Sex sells and when the word titles a book or a movie or an event or whatever, the response is astounding. The book Fifty Shades of Grey, flew off the book shelves, I tried to read it on the plane travelling to Nigeria but I could not even go half way, it did nothing for me, it made no sense and my imagination is active and can be wild at times, but not a shiver or a spark to this book, nothing! Sexual energy is dynamic and explosive, and regardless of the times we are living in with all the new diseases which are cropping up nowadays, it is surprising that people are even having more sex, and there seems to be even a sexual revolution, as in Sexual liberation and a call for sexual acceptance outside of what is known as traditional heterosexual sex, or monogamous sexual relationships (the very popular threesomes and orgies), People are constantly seeking some kind of sexual freedom and the more salacious the better, the more raw and inventive the best! Jamaican sey head top, and the women become acrobats, not caring of the possibility of breaking their necks, as long as de man can use dem as wheel borrow, wow.
How do you place sex and spirituality together, how do we put the two into the right perspective? How do we spiritualize sex? Some one once contacted me on the internet, and we began to email back and forth, me in my Position as Obara Meji, they as someone wanting to find their spiritual path (lies, ah smaddy him did ah look, gwan read), after a while he began sending emails to me asking me about sex and spirituality and of course being who I am I explained many things to him, all the while slightly being disturbed by some of his emails he was sending, after which he graduated to wanting to (telling me his fantasy) have sex before the Orishas shrine, I told him with Ifa that is possible, as Ifa did not mind, but with all other Orishas it is an abomination, then he went further with him becoming comfortable with me by sending an email to me of a desire to lick honey from my legs, needless to say the emails back and forth between he and I ended. I laughed secretly, not of him per say, but of the many different fantasies some people have concerning spirituality and sex, how intrigued some maybe of the Pastor screwing his wife (yes, I use the word screwing, maybe because I like the word, lol), oh if I could be a fly on the wall, although being voyeuristic was never my thing, and I just would not want to see that. What of the Rabbi and his wife, the doing it through the sheets is intriguing as they say of some religious people namely Jews, of Sex within Judaism this is what is said;
Jewish Attitudes Towards Sexuality
In Jewish law, sex is not considered shameful, sinful or obscene. Sex is not thought of as a necessary evil for the sole purpose of procreation. Although sexual desire comes from the yetzer ra (the evil impulse), it is no more evil than hunger or thirst, which also come from the yetzer ra. Like hunger, thirst or other basic instincts, sexual desire must be controlled and channeled, satisfied at the proper time, place and manner. But when sexual desire is satisfied between a husband and wife at the proper time, out of mutual love and desire, sex is a mitzvah.
Sex is permissible only within the context of a marriage. In Judaism, sex is not merely a way of experiencing physical pleasure. It is an act of immense significance, which requires commitment and responsibility. The requirement of marriage before sex ensures that sense of commitment and responsibility. Jewish law also forbids sexual contact short of intercourse outside of the context of marriage, recognizing that such contact will inevitably lead to intercourse.
The primary purpose of sex is to reinforce the loving marital bond between husband and wife. The first and foremost purpose of marriage is companionship, and sexual relations play an important role. Procreation is also a reason for sex, but it is not the only reason. Sex between husband and wife is permitted (even recommended) at times when conception is impossible, such as when the woman is pregnant, after menopause, or when the woman is using a permissible form of contraception.
From the Christians;
God Himself created human sexuality and said it was “very good” and His first commandment to man and woman was to “be fruitful and multiply.” Yet, it only took one sly serpent in the Garden of Eden to foist upon humanity one of the cruelest lies imaginable-that contrary to Scripture, which quotes God as saying, “It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him a help meet for him” and “Be fruitful, and multiply and replenish the earth” ( Genesis 2:18 ; 1:28 ).-God had lied about sex, that sex was “very bad” and not “very good,” that God’s physical creation, the human body, was evil and shameful, and that it was not good for man and woman to dwell together, “to be fruitful and multiply.”
Sexual pleasures, so the lie went, sprang like an evil forbidden fruit planted by the Devil himself in the garden of human goodness, and it had to be crushed, uprooted and cast out if the human soul hoped to escape the flames of Hell. Once the Devil, the “father of lies and of all that is false” ( John 8:44 , Amplified), had successfully planted his evil seeds of doubt about God, Creation, and human sexuality in the hearts and minds of humanity, the tragic wedge between spirituality and sexuality was in place.
Those who believed the lie and chose the anti-sexual body-rejecting path to perfection soon found the Biblical account of Adam and Eve frolicking naked and unashamed through the Garden ( Genesis 2:25 ) a rather embarrassing quirk in the religious record that needed to be explained away. Hence, Adam’s expulsion from the Garden was taken to mean that he had been booted out for having had sex with Eve , who was portrayed as an evil sexual seductress who caused the curse to fall upon an otherwise perfect man. Sex, therefore, was to be viewed as part of the curse, the evil deed that got man into trouble; and woman was responsible.
The approach of sex from the angle of religion is through marriage which is encouraged as it represents stability and family. We, however are living in a time where marriage, although still held in high regard, is not needed to support the sex act or even family, but it is quite disconcerting to me as a spiritualist how frivolous most people view sex and even act upon it as nothing. Often times no importance is placed on emotions, just the quick release more achievable by men more than woman, which is so sad, because it is the men who gets the most pleasure than the, we just make the noise to make you feel good like you are really the Don so that you can release and we can go back to the real fantasy in our heads (sexy body Trevor across de street, wid him spliff ah him jaw cawna, big up yuh self Trevs, draw fi mi shades), while you knocked out cold,(ah we do dat, women, up yuh lighter!!), ask your woman if I lie, and if she feels like telling you the truth, she will agree with me, but she bloody well may not, lol… Hardly is that “Bed room Bully ever found”, Lady Saw big up yuh chest, in one of your songs, you said you heard of one who could do the act and you begged him to come and “stab the meat”, you even promised him that is all you wanted, and that you would not even mention his name, lol, I totally understand you, the great Marion Hall.
I found this on the internet, interesting have a read;
But how do we redeem sexuality and elevate it to the spiritual status it deserves? How do we reconcile the square of sex with the circle of spirit when sexual pleasure is often responsible for so much shame, trauma, and pain? One place to begin searching for an answer to these questions lies in identifying the fundamental, seemingly irreconcilable differences between male and female sexuality. Those differences swiftly become apparent in the bedroom.
Stereotypically, male sexual energy flares up and is exhausted quickly, (this is so true, lol) like a match, while female sexual energy boils slowly and remains hot for a long time, like a pot of boiling water, (who sey ooman can done?). These different tempos are a source of shame for men who climax too fast and frustration for women who may not climax at all. This problem is then compounded by the notorious fact that when male sexual energy is activated men often become emotionally unavailable, and the other notorious fact that the female sexual experience is often laden with sentimentalism that men normally can’t relate to.
Obviously, we can’t alter our sexual instincts. What we can do, however, is use spiritual practice to overcome the limitations imposed by nature on our sexuality. In fact, we can transform the inherent mismatch between male and female sexuality into an incredible opportunity for spiritual growth.
Sex is a good thing and should be treated as something sacred I believe, of course, as it is now and from the beginning of time it may never change the way some people approach it. The body of the woman is a temple and therefore sacred and so is the body of a man. He carries the seed and she will host it and cultivate it and bare the fruit when the time arrives. This is what Sex is really for, procreation. I really cannot see God in my minds eye, planning for us to tun back ways, side ways, or sitting down on it, even going down on our knees as if in prayer and acting like bobble head dolls *covers eyes while typing* (speaking properly, and praying to God mi children do not read this blog, and by de way Pinchers stawt play inna mi head), but if it takes that to bring forth Little Billy, or Little Suzie, den galang wid yuh ting Rambo and Suzie you tun up de bubbling, in other words go right on ahead *no pun Intended, maybe*. And always remember that it is not the size of the gun, that matters, but the effect from the bullet, ……………………lololol grung!
Other than for being fruitful and nuff multiplication according to the Rasta man, the pleasures which sex gives can hardly be denied, even a quicky, but we should be mindful that there are heavy responsibilities which lies with this as sex is deeply tied in with the realms of spirit and that “Release” (or even the lack of ) which is chased can also bring about energies/entities which,depending on the circumstances under which the act is done, can affect us in our human state. There are a lot of sexual deviants out there and this is not by mistakes, Yetzer ra, as mentioned above in relation to Judaism is a real sephiroth, the sephiroth of sexual desire, and desire is never a good thing, as this emotion is so strong it takes on the personality of a spirit and can lead the person wanting astray, and away into whatever it takes for the desire to be achieved, these things brings about rape and pedophilia and then some, this topic we will discuss one day.
Of the realm of Sex;
Of these realms, there are many, and there are also realms which are called, Out of Bounds! Of these, I cannot speak of, at least not until I have the school, and some people are found worthy to be able to manage these topics which will be mind blowing, *pun intended*. Here is hoping to have a wonderful discussion on this topic.
A kì í fi ojúbọ́rọ́ gba ọmọ lọ́wọ́ èkùrọ́.
One does not easily or casually take the child from the palm-nut.
(It takes effort to accomplish a good end.)
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji
Every pum ah de same pum pum…Jamaican Song!
That is so not true….Obara Meji
Obara in your post about relationships and spiritual compatibility if two people are spiritually compatible then they should be so sexually as well. So the energies will match. Correct? I know I’ve had good sex with a man and wasn’t spiritually compatible at all and what would happen is right after sex I was ready to go home or for them to leave. Then I got involved with this man and the only way I could explain what he had sexually was by saying it was like our bodies spoke to each other. But now that I’m reading and gaining… Read more »
PYFish, I honestly do not understand your question, please explain better
Is it possible that when the she-devil started her work on tying this man it interfered with the spiritual connection I felt with while we copulated? (You see it… I learn quick I fix up my language now)
What about a sexual encounter that leaves you drained like literally sapped for energy like u and the person was feeding off each other energy until there was nothing left. Feeling drained and a little ill afterwards
Haaaalyp me God help me…yu kno mi come ova ere ana luk pon trang body Trevor *sigh* watta man sexxxxxxxxxxy lol morning morning
Mind SEX:
hey fambo, have a great weekend everyone…love and pace to you all…Alafia…
Morning everyone, everytime I think about Obara and the paint brush I start laughing, and Ty asking Dg if the sex was good. Yaz, Nunu, Mth, Daydream, Obara, Ty, Cami, Kia morning love bugs
Have a good weekend everyone!
For those of you in the NYC area there’s a free Chronixx & Junior Reed concert in central park today.
Domgoa mek mi bex man, mawnin Yazzy and Nunu
Dwl!! Mawnin Obara! Mi have up Domgoa fi unuh! Detention fi D! 😀 unuh get gas up and lef wid blue ballz!!!! Hahahahaha!!! A weak….
Mawning M and Yazzy! M mi notebook overload mi might can lend yuh a page or two. Yazzy yuh si how wi renk in yah last night! Mi guh a mi bed bex wid Domgoa yuh si!!! Tease, tease, tease! Hope u all have a good day!!!!
Mawnin Nunu boo!! Si mi request detention fi D deh! Is up to prefect M and Obara fi sign off pan it. 😀 last night was HILARIOUS man! Nuh behavior wi nu have! I loved it! 😀
Have a great day…
Thank you all for the wonderful words of wisdom last night. It was enlightening. I am truly in favor of naughty friday nights. Hope everyone is having a spectacular day ! We are all sending out thanks for every one of you.
Morning!!! Phone was acting up last night. But unno si how early mi present fi class….
Naah lie, Freaky Friday was good. I learnt I can negotiate and now want to hear let’s go play. Nunu, a hope yu took copious notes cause mi might haffi borrow yu book.
Teach, a hope all is well on your starship… Cgoh yu a di real general. Cami I am glad you were relaxed enough to share with us.
Yazzy, Nunu, Day, Bubblez, AMH blessed love…
CANT WAIT FI TEACH’S STORY. Domgoa juss a bait wi up suh!!!
Domgoa stop tease people and share!!!! Mi deh wait pon at least one story star! Pretty pleeaaasse! Si mi all beg deh
Look who ah talk mi wah learn certain tingz from yuh tuh. lol
If i told of some of my other sexual spiritual experiences y’all may not believe me or think me mad.
Like how it late mek mi tell unoo one. This one came to mi one night wid an ice cream cone in his hand, he asked me if I wanted the ice cream it was melting and running down his hand. Mi mout seh no yuh bright! But mi face a seh otherwise. He laughed and stick his tongue in the ice cream and swirled it around an a stare dead eena mi eyes(he had the most seductive eyes) and then walked away. Mi tink a Smile run him caws him know mi fraid!
Wow lol
Ayeeeeeee tek time type O i r ere! did drap asleep dreaming a di painter hmmmm lol
A who Obara!!! Mi nuh want fi laugh afta him but him did frighten mi swear him did a wonda if shi pregnant caws he ejaculated lolol
hundred miles an hour, what a ride, lmaooooo!
I know who she is Nunu, seriously, wow! *covers eyes*
She was dark with piercing eyes and she didn’t move until he climaxed
Ty, him put on a crown had a royal scepter and a red robe and juss ah paint ah galang suh, at one point mi di tink a sango, and fi a long while I was in love wid him, choo de paintings, lolol..
Story time please Teach!!!! Yes he woke up and shi was going 100 miles per hour, him more dan startled!!!
All year round fi me Day dream, however, if I am not with anyone, I do not miss sex. but I have never NOT been with anyone, never had a problem getting a boyfriend, and mi never look none and hard fi get ridda dem,
Lucky You! I’m single most of the time, I don’t really like the men that like me. Then when I do like one enough to date him, he’s usually not a good fit for me. Try to stay away from casual hooks ups, so I don’t get consistent loving.
Same here, Daydream the men that like me I don’t like them at all.
I’m praying on that Toy, petitioning Osun and Shango for help. I definitely need it
I believe Shango helped me get out of my last psuedo relationship. It was going no where fast. I had just learned about the Orisha and was laying next to this man, broken heart because he wouldn’t commit to me. There was a light rain followed by lightning and thunder. I called on Shango and asked him for his help. That was the last time I saw that guy after going back and forth with him for about 2 years.
Thank You Shango!
mi like that him make you war a crown…
Nunu run di story…
Toy mi deh tek notes fi revision purposes. A c-rus business!
lol Toy, yuh got something gainst painters?, lol
Question, Do you feel like sexual urges increase in the spring and summer? Well for those of us who live through the horrid winters here in the states? I wrote a blog post about that. It happens to me during the warmer months.
who waan hear one salacious love story, but mi type slow oonuh wi wait or mi fi tell it tomorrow
wha nunu, dem paint him showa rod?
Unoo know dat happen tuh mi brother as well
Domgoa shy, dem mussi *paint* him up andnuh use nuh brush, dus dash de paint, braps, lololo
Lmao Ty asking was it good. Lol lol Nunu what kind of notes are you taking? Lol
Ty, fi mi was excellent aldoe ah did battery de last on wore a crown and Ty Him was a Painter, him rival de big bad wolf, mi did miss him when him leff…AL DOE MI NUH WAAN HIM FI COME BACK!!..mi haffi throw dat howt next ting him pop up tinite wid him pait brush, lol
Obara you have cracking up. Lol
Dom, Dom mi pen poise ova di sheet of paper! Come back yah!
Yes in favor of naughty fridays. Dg can you please elaborate on that experience.
then Domgoa why tease us, cho man!
I did not know till afterwards lol, i would have shared more otherwise.
nuns we stawt already, lol
Ty, the spirits prefer that i not share anymore on the matter.
Ok D,,, but was it good?
LOVE that song 🙂
So do i, gone too soon.
Domgoa, yuh cannot tease us and leave, even Nunu have her note book
pok Ty, mi mark yuh down, lol
Me Teacher!!! Which Friday wi deh stawt!
Domgoa shellllll
Hol’ on deh Domgoa yuh cyaan dis drop a two line and gawn! Gwaan talk please and tanks!
All who say yeah for naughty Fridays, say aye!!, lol
Yeah!!! Hand in air jumping…unno know mi short…
I’ll be back…
Hey domgoa, please share the sex experiences with spirits…
Him need couple bowl a cawnmeal. Everybody rile up and gawn now haha
Cami yuh heva hinna de dark ah buss sweat wid him, and yuh si yuh madda pop up inn ayuh mind frighten yuh, lol
Toy count four up from the last comment next to the comment box, I cannot fix it until tomorrow
mi nu bizznizz bout mi kneeeeessssss, Spragga yuh use to inna mi harem, but mi fire yuh, de bobo ting mek yuh not a good painter anymore *wink* TYY, lol
none of the comments are in order. I left and came back the comments are all mixed up.
I was having connection issues, mi did probably need fi calm mi nerves caws unoo mek mi all a sweat eena mi mole
big up the great Marion hall
grunggggg, tyyyyyyyy, lolololololol
well everybody gone sleep, but good post and I had a great time y’all, thank you
Everybody either gone go practice, masturbating, or dreaming about trang body Trevor
Yu gone negotiate? Dwln,
Guys, I haven’t gone any where me a multitask.
nunu just count four upwards until I can fix it later
ah dat mi waan know
A where everyone run to?
de big bad wold mek mi si Jesus, Buddha and Mohammed
mi doe knoe how dem play fi de next team, caws when painting, done, de mop and broom haffi draw fah fass fass, and it cannot be no plastic broom, ah de good ole trong brrom stick
Yes yes yes…
I think when your g spot gets stimulated, you will see Jesus…
lolol…me wan fi see de galaxy when me eyes roll back, lol
Same so Cami
are you guys seeing you comments in order?
Only 4 seem to be out of order but the rest seem to be falling in line
I’m not, the comments scramble
Ty, de big bad wolf was an excellent painter, mi nuh like him but mi hate any gal him deh wid caws, de painting nobel prize him fi get, lol
Not judging anyone…BUT, after you buck up pon a talented painter, me no think you can play if the next team…
Yes in mi professor voice, I can handle dat ting dere dat Tanya Stevens sing bout, I am quite sure!, lol
Boom Wuk a one a mi favorite songs…
Bubblez, mi juss si yu sey when yu si di pic up top yu thought about me…Unno doan judge, when mi seet, hear to miself, dat luckier frigga…Mi sey him look like Peanut..Tell mi sey mi nuh need help…
me can do da Ty, and mi knees dem nah ben, but de 6:30 haffi wait lickle fuss till de painter prime de walls dem fuss, caws fi fling on de straight paint suh at 6 30 oclock, would be rough for me whose nick name is fluffy!, lolo
Mek sure di painter covers all the wall and no miss no spots… Especially di g spot…
lol,Thank goodness fi computa ye? lol you shyness go one side, dwl
Unno nuh botha act shy een here! Bout face behind hands, and head inna pilla!
NuNu, de hand over face is when weriding and know say we are about to be absolutely naughty! I do that and then me change into a total whore…lolololllllllllllllll
**Me nah lie, I am so comfortable with you guys cause normally I would just make jokes but not share. Thanks Chicas, Obara, today was “Naughty Friday”.
Night everyone, Cami your man seems so sweet. what is 6:30 Ty?
Toy 6:30 is a dance where you bend over and touch your toes or better yet touch the floor without bending your knees
ooooooh k.
ok, that one,lol good if yu and yu mate not far off in height.
True Cami, if not him haffi wheelbarrow you…otherwise use your imagination if him shorter than u…lol
Hey Toy, funny thing about him…him nu outwardly affectionate (like syrupy) he is serious, mouth me to death and love debates. I bring out his soft side and him bring out the positives in me. He came about at my lowest point in life.
my madda nuh tell mi nutten, is de big bad wolf, and de way him do mi, it ruin mi fi life, caws if de man mind nuh set certain way mi cannot enjoy him
My mother gave me book, bible and receipt…her thought was that no likkle hurry come up boy would fool me…
Mi like a man who confident in himself…him haffi know how fi re- position me…him suppose to can read me clues, seh next position or feel confident enough fi ask me …
Ty, memba mi tell unno sey mi can whine enno. Mi muss know 6:30…Backas a my fav position, till mi all write poem pan yah a talk bout backas…Homey doan play…
Teach, mek mi get diss straight, a how comes Trevor belongs to you…Nuh me first bwal out an declear mi han where Trevor is concerned…Mi busy a fight fi Shabba and Peanut an nuh si how yu juss slide wey pan di starship wid Trevor…Bet yu a let out di air out the starship wheel!!!
Mth…a back shat me love…channelling momma saw…
M nuh galang bad ova di man dem star! Sharing is caring! Lol
MTH, yuh c-russ bad! Do nuh let the air outta di starship! Duh! Hahahaha
My mom and her younger sisters are slackers…my mom got pregnant with me as a teenager and her way to make me not get pregnant was to be very open…I think too open…it scared me for quite a while…
*covers face wid both hands?*, mi bury face inna de pilla!
hear de one Nunu bout notes pon 6:30, lol….de ongle time fi inspection is mi fi inspect, no cuts, scrapes, bruise or scratch, coward man kip soun bone!
Me like start wid fi light…I wanna see what me working wid, plus I want to see him get aroused by me…covers face with both hands…
It is believed that more than 90% of sex is in the brain… So anything to set the mood is helpful…music, sweet words, Trevor trang body visual, etc…all will heighten the experience…
Then with the release endorphins are released, these lower the blood pressure, even lower blood flow to brain….dats why you feel weak and light headed after….
These endorphins promote blood glow to skin, hence the flushed look…long term leads to healthier skin…
Using my phone and its taking a year and a day to load. Di phone nuh know sey from a slackniss a talk mi muss present… Cami sorry fi hear bout yu ordeal… Teach a ruff play mi like…All mi hear some woman sey dem need ‘foreplay’…From mi dey pan base and pum pum a guh run, mi cut the chaser and rush to the main course…When mi a ‘play’ mi play very ruff…I prefer if there is no light, but from you are there and present I don’t if he sees a few stretch mark that will turn him… Read more »
The comments not in orda! Juss as mi deh tek notes bout 6:30! Nuh bodda stop talk yah Ty. Yazzy and Obara a nuh yuh one! Yail up Mr.Cami!!! Yuh rightid bad!!
Cami, that connection seems real and sweet….cherish your moments….
As to masturbation, where do I start? Well it is much better than promiscuity…it also lets you get to know your body, likes and dislikes…nothing bad about it unless you let it take over your life and then become uninterested in real sex…
is whey yuh ah sey to mi Ty, !!!….mi waan larn dah deh dance deh, lolol
the comments are not going in order
lolol, Nunu, sI Ty, stawt shell deh. lol
Ah true Yazzy, mi did tink ah me alone and shame fi sey it, caws mi nuh waan Cami feel mi ah lust offa har man, but him look like mi can kocth him up inna mi harem deh doe, lol
Kia low mi, lol, Ty and M is wha name 6:30?
6:30 is a dance that puts u in the position for back shot…
Ty, please to elaborate, lol
Unoo tek time mi nuh Dream come tun hulk an mash up een here before Ty reach dung yah! Mi deh wait while Cami up a top deh negotiate, M dung yah deh bex wid people fi man and teach and kia occupy wid thumb and lip respectively!
oonuh jus t Low Trevor enuh, ah me sey Harem, aldoe mi fren tell mi sey mi fi find a better word caws harem build fi women, but until then oonuh know wha ah mean! (shades)
Day Dream, good breath, smell good body, good skin, smooth hands and energy, sass criss, and imagination, caws we on the star ship enterprise, Cami, Kia, wha oonuh seyinggg! where is ty?
But wah do O she bout starship enterprise loooool yes u imagunation wild
M nuh bex man is juss a borrows dem a borrow. Mi deh endz off a wait tuh! Mek Obara an pretty tan deh! Tell dem bout the African a nuh yuh him want play wid a it!!! Lol! Ty please answa di above questions
yes de negotiation is a good one, ah must use dat one sometime, lol
Nunu, yes you Miss Nunu yu know sey mi bin watching yu fi a while now. Every second yu bring yu Peanut name…Stop call mi man name…It nuh funny…Every min yu a ax bout him. Doan mek mi haffi talk to u again….
On the real….Mi love dancehall bad bad bad…Mi even put dancehall before man. Dats why my numbers nuh high…Unno fennay fi si mi get wey inna dance…Ty, memba mi told u, mi muss learn one drop fi come a africa come bus.
Mth, you haffi get di 6:30 too…before Africa…
Well TY, Cami and Mth come in yah nung, mi ah gwan suck pretty (dat ah mi finga) and read,and enjoy, Amh and Day Dream, let us set good, like the ice inna freezer, lol….oonuh shell
Cami, yuh hubby soun like a real man
MTH, do not try it, when de African, come up inna yuh face and bite yuh pon yuh neck and squeeze yuh breast dem like de trigger of him gun and whisper in ah him deep sexy voice “come let me play with you”, yuh beg him nuh done!!! awoah!, lololol doan knock it!
oh gosh O mek yu do MTH so…she gwan have fi negotiate wid dat de African
Cami and when dem start wid yuh enuh ah mawnin before yuh get any sleep, Madonna stawt play like a virgin inna yuh head, and everybody know caws yuh cannot walk whan day light
Caws him a try figure out wha een deh, deh mek him lose him senses lol, Teach a figure him a try figure it out
Good answer good answer *clapp u back* loool
Mawnin MTH, yuh si sey him a bait we up and just come yah fi select?
Mawnin Obara! Mawnin MTH! Mawnin alllll ma sweeties! Unuh frig fi cah wake deh now! Sascrise maaannnne! Unuh behavior sickenin’ las night suh til!!!!!!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVEEEEEEED IT!!! 😀 😀 😀 I laffff su till lol mi ketch stitchez. Now mi wake & de read how Unuh galang even wusera afta mi tun mi like back! Mi all a bawl ya nuh.. how it sweet mi! Lawd gash. Likkle jokes beta dan quarrel fi tru!!!
Ps, mawk mi dung present fi Naughty Fridays! 😀 to miss is to dis! 😀 **covers face**
Mawnin kia
Excellent question! I think it satisfy the little boy. Notice a child like curiosity when one does it.
Howdy. Had connection issues… Right now mi nuh only bex (vex AMH) mi rrrrrr!!! Day Dream mi like yu, but it look like yu a move to mi first baby fada Shaba..Don’t dweet…Bubblez, u a di edda one…memba when yu sey yu neighba a fass inna yu business bout ef yu naah fine man an mi sey maybe shi have a trang bady nephew both u an Teach a ax why mi did haffi sey trang….Now mi dey par wid Trevor di whole a unno a chat bout Trev or Trevor, unno doan dweet, it nuh cute… Yeah, mi defend… Read more »
“Let’s play” sound betta MTH.,lol.
Anybody hear this else where will know my man cause I doubt anyone else ever did this. I got put in a position and when me likkle body couldn’t mange me bawl out “let’s negotiate”. Babe buss out a laugh and it’s now a running joke and me couldn’t believe I said that – seriously to.
Now, him love fi ask if me want fi negotiate…lol I was taking a class on conflict at the
Yes it would be sexy, all a man gotta do is whisper in my ear and he got me 🙂
Good Evening M!
Dream…I do not even need the whisper…him just haffi breathe behind mi ears or mi neck side and I Gaaan…
Trang body Trevor wen mi sight di picture M u pop ina mi head lol
Ha! Only they know, I don’t wanna know why
class the professor has arrived, hoever she is reading ans catching, fi mi finga deh ah mi jaw cawna
Cami hug him round him waist, mi is going to hug fimi round de waist lata, lol, bad mind wuss dan obeah!
O an her finga lol yu kno mi a suck mi lip n twist mi hair while reading my lip is my bff lol me n lip will never part
Obara, grung! fi dat…gwan hug.
As long as babe not tired me fall asleep a rest pon him back and him thigh. If him tired me have fi give him space but me watch over him like newborn. From day one him tell me not to turn me back to him…a so me know him tired because him don’t mind it then, lol.
Tyyyyyyyyy, welcome, yes I will certainly mention Nana Buruku, obaluaye’s wife, yes I will!
Thank you, I am catching up…
Hey Ty! Hurry come back caws mi one can’t manage! Si Obara deh block out moon wid sheet deh! And Cam deh kill mi!
I’m here, just reading, trying not to get too hot and bothered. I feel like the incredible hulk when those feelings come up. Hulk Smash 😀
Tyyyy!! Lawd, plus help mi and Nunu! Dem outta han! 😀
NUnu Cami know wha she ah do, she dus tease we and cut, lol
Day Dream yuh still here?
Yes Teach! Caws mi ready fi hear wha deh galang, from kia weak knees to Cami bag a energy wha shi deh leggo up a top!
De right here! Me nu like light either. If it a come from a next room no problem but that unnatural light bulb…nah.
Cami mi shy mi nah lie, but when de light dem tun off and even de moon block out wid one sheet, fi mi man dem love mi cyan done, lololololol….but him just doe badd memba mi when mawnig come, caws ah wi cuss and gwan bad and all hate him!, lolol
where is Ty??