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I have been meaning to do a topic on Soul Connections/Soul mates and on Twin Flames for a while now, but at times when I sit down to write, something else comes a long and pushes that subject away and it never happens. Of course you all know my beliefs as I have often shared them with you “Everything happens for a reason, and everything comes when it must”, so I try not to swim against the currents of life, and do things when the time is right. There are people in this life who you will meet and immediately you will connect with them in a certain way. It may be someone on a bus or in the supermarket, or someone visiting your home. When a connection  happens you are drawn inexplicably to him or her, and the fascination becomes almost like a haunting.

When I met my dear Padrino who has since made his transition into the realm of spirits, he was 79 years old. Tall, strong and handsome. Dressed in full white and had a very pleasant face, but when he spoke his voice had such command which seemed to call respect to attention. I was amazed of him when we first met, I could not believe his age, he seemed quite younger and also the energy, strength and vigor he had for his age, to me was quite remarkable. He spoke with such passion of his religion and also he, despite the fact that he was white skinned Cuban, spoke of being an African and I loved that. I felt connected to him, and I would try to find every way to spend time with him. I would some time bring my junior sister to see him and she began to feel the same. We did not see him as an old man, we saw someone we were in love with. I was afraid to tell her my thoughts and she was afraid to let me know that she felt the same. One day we sat at his reading table with him and we both were staring at him while he was preparing some sort of medicine, by this we had discussed the emotions we were having for our sweet Padrino and between ourselves we wondered why, because he could be our grand father. On this particular day as we watched him work, we both looked at him with googly eyes, feeling love way deep in our hearts for him, he suddenly looked up at us and smiled, while we smiled back at him.

I began to worry that he would know how we were feeling. He looked up at us smiled and told us not to worry. He said what we were feeling was love for the spirit within not him. We were shocked that he would know our thoughts, much less to smile and tell us exactly what they were. He saw the shocked and embarrassed looks on our faces and hugged us together and explained to us that it is a spiritual connection and that we bonded through spirit. To this day whenever I think about him, my heart flutters and go to a place of love and deep emotion at the very thought of him. I was  blessed to have known him and when I saw him the other day in the realm of Spirit in a dream, and he came over and hugged me, although it was a dream I felt the same feeling.

Our spiritual or soul connection does not have to be one of a sexual nature or even a love connection. It can be a connection with even an animal. It can be a connection with a house or land or even a country. We have incarnated to this realm many times and we have met each other before, at some point during our travels. All of us have been coming to the world over and over again and we may not know it but just before we leave the realm from whence we came, we promised each other to meet up again somewhere on the earth plane, and when we do meet, it is an instant connection. A person may live in America and have never been to Jamaica, but there is an urge to go there, a need to visit the Island and they cannot tell why, a fascination even. The minute they get there they meet someone, an instant connection, marriage buss and all those nice things and the happily ever after begins. Or the urge leads them to Jamaica and they see what they can do to assist the country and its people in some humanitarian way.

We are all under the impression that we have our soul mates out there somewhere, and like me who is  a sucker for romance or a great romance story. I love to see people in love, since love it self has always eluded me. I am happy to see couples fall in love and be together. Many people believe that who they are with may be their soul mate, depending on the relationship and the connection they have, and for the most part they are correct. Then there are those who, at first, when they meet the desire of their hearts, they fall in love and perhaps marry, convinced that they have found the ONE, and then the children comes along but after a while the passion leaves, the love begins to wane and both want out, but for the love of the children some stay while others throws caution to the wind and step. They wonder to themselves, how could this be?, I thought him or her to be the one, my mate, my twin flame, what happened? The connection may have been the children, the coming together in bringing those children born of you both here. You may go on and have other children with someone else, but those born between the both of you were meant to come into the world by you both and so you were chosen and that is where the connection came in.

Now that the person who you believed was the one has gone, do not think that there aren’t any others. The person who you broke up with may have been indeed a soul mate, but in connection with one area of your life, not all. Some people have more than one soul mates or soul mate connection. You connect with this person for a particular reason and then you both go your separate ways, and you are once again walking your path. There is something called your Twin Flame, and this is where it gets tricky. We tend to believe what is written out there and readily accept it as gospel, which is quite understandable, because if you read upon a subject you have no idea about, then it is easy to understand why you would believe the author, but you must also believe your own spirit of discernment which travels with you everywhere you go, and teaches you, but you must pay attention. Your Twin Flame can also be described as your soul mate but they are two different things.

The Twin Flame, is you gender counterpart as it relates to a love connection. Please bare in mind that what I am telling you is what I, Obara Meji, have been taught by my spiritual elders, non-physical teachers residing in other dimensions. Running to Google this and seeing something different does not mean what you read here is incorrect, it simply means that I am sharing with you knowledge taught to me, as oppose to information recycled on the internet.  We all have our Twin flames, and for some we will find that Twin Flame while alive here in this realm. Our Twin Flame may not be of our own ethnicity, our age, of our social standing or be  an academic equal, heck he or she may reside in another country or may not speak the same language as you. When you both see each other you will know each other, like Dracula and Mina in the movie  Brom Stoker’s Dracula. One would only pray that they find a love such as this in their life time, I have never found it. This person is you in everything they do, the way they think, the things they like and in how they feel. When in the presence of this magnificent you, you are awed, and your heart quickens its beat and he or she is in your thoughts every waking moment of the day and night.

You will tremble at the sound of  their voice and fall asleep to the lull of their heartbeat. Everything you see as you walk along life’s way will remind you of this person and the feeling for you with them will be the same, they will feel the same as you do. Both of you living in the same world with each other and not realizing that other people also inhabit the world in which you live, because you are oblivious to them or anything else outside your love for each other. The love may not connect at first sight or at first encounter. You may meet him or her and an immediate dislike is felt by either both of you or just one, but after you both step away from each other, this person who turned you off at first encounter, cannot seem to leave your thoughts, they haunt you and you try to wave them away like an annoying fly but the thoughts of them persist. While you may be in Jericho and they in Timbuktu, what ails you also ails them. Both of you may have gone on to marry other people have a couple of children, a dog and a cat even, only to meet suddenly on a flight or at a conference or some where and there the connection begins to unfold and you are now enamored by each other and know that you must be together breathing the same air, loving each other till death do you part. My parents are Twin Flames, for  never have I ever witnessed a love like theirs. I believe I stayed and took the pain, shame and humiliation from the children’s father, wanting it to  eventually end (no pain, no gain) and be like my parents, but it was never to be, and I have since stop looking.  Never settle if you can help it. Love is the single most significant element of happiness. Pray in finding. When you find that person, know that love makes you happy, never sad. It does not meant that you will not quarrel or even disagree, all of those things comes with life, but true love rises above all that, and the quarrel will be resolved and all will work itself out between you two.

As a young little girl about twelve, I fell in love with a boy called Eric, no one knew, just me. When I saw Eric, my heart would skip several beats, (it has never done that again for anyone), and I became an idiot, a sweet idiot. I wrote poems about Eric and the very mention of his name threatened to make me faint, because my heart palpitated upon hearing anything about him. Eric was about 17 years old and I would sit on my veranda and admire him everyday when he passed our house. One Sunday Eric came into our yard and was talking to me, he had no idea I loved him, or maybe he did, I don’t know, but he sat with me and was helping me with my homework, this was around 9pm, my mother called me in to give her water and he said, as I went to my mother that he would soon be back and he left to go next door which was a gambling yard, as I fetched the water for my mother I heard three three shots ring out, and I dropped the water and shouted while running outside, “Mama Eric has been shot!”, I ran outside to see Eric being held up by people and he was bleeding from his face, he had been shot in the face by robbers at the gambling yard. In love you will feel the danger of the other person or their pain and even their joy, even out of their presence, it is a connection, a great one. Eric lived, Yay!

Many of us are here in search of our Twin Flame, we may not know it, but we are. Many of us yearn for that soul or spiritual connection, but we do not know if it will ever come. I am in love with love. I am so loving and I have always wanted to love someone with the passion which I know exists deep down within me. The fire which I hold, burns way deep and has never risen to meet my Twin Flame, because I have never met him. I may not be one who will find my Twin Flame here in this earth plane, because maybe my true husband lies in heaven, and awaits my return to him when the mist have rolled away, I wish it not to be so, because love is so sweet, and I am one who love to be loved and be in love, but maybe I am the one who is here to assist in connecting love. I pray not, but then again I have so much love to share and some men are so fine. If you have not found your Twin Flame keep your eyes open she may be the boss that you dislike, or the Spanish teacher with the funny accent, or the pool boy, or the fat girl around the road, or the higgler (market seller) at the road side,  you never know.


Igi ò lè gbé abẹ́ igi, kó rúwé / 

A tree cannot be shielded by another tree and consistently sprout leaves. Yoruba Proverb!

[Get off your comfort zones; nothing ventured nothing gained.]


All Religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji!

“It is an absolute human certainty that no one can know his own beauty or perceive a sense of his own worth until it has been reflected back to him in the mirror of another loving, caring human being.”
― John Joseph PowellThe Secret of Staying in Love

“For some people, “the point of no return” begins at the very moment their souls become aware of each others’ existence.”
― C. JoyBell C.

“The minute I heard my first love story I started looking for you, not knowing how blind that was. Lovers don’t finally meet somewhere. They’re in each other all along.”

~ Jalal ad-Din Rumi 

“A soulmate is someone to whom we feel profoundly connected, as though the communicating and communing that take place between us were not the product of intentional efforts, but rather a divine grace.”

~Thomas Moore

“As we grow older together, As we continue to change with age, There is one thing that will never change. . . I will always keep falling in love with you.”

~Karen Clodfelder

“We recognize a soul mate by the supreme level of comfort and security we feel with that person. That doesnt mean that there arent issues that remain to be ironed out. Rather, it means we know intuitively that we can resolve issues with our soul mate without losing his or her love and respect.”

~Linda Brady

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7 years ago

Beautifully written…

Nothing before its time.

7 years ago

That’s it. Where’s the ‘Favourite Post‘ button? How have I never read this post? It’s so good. I teared up from the Eric story to the end and smiled all the way through. I’m such a Cancer.

I pray you find your twin flame! I think I found mine. I would like to think so. I just don’t get the skipping heartbeats… He just feels like home.

10 years ago

What do I do? or what is our connection? I felt like this with my mate when we met we were so in love and finished each others thoughts but when his found out about us we began to part then due to circumstances we started living together and when his ex knew of us living together everything as we knew it changed and nothing but fights and arguing and violence but we love each other when we are apart we miss each other and are loving and want to be with each other but once we are together we… Read more »

10 years ago

Morning everyone, hope all is well…

10 years ago

Morning Everyone, peace and much blessings to all of you.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

and to you Toy

10 years ago

How dah match yah look suh? Nigeria vs. Argentina….Within 4 mins. each team has a goal…

10 years ago

Bubblez, mi girl what’s popping? Went on the road, just coming in…Hope all is well…

10 years ago

Bless up people MTH AMH peace n blessings M i looked for yu last night. the color blue is peaceful an calming so it seems to be a cool number. i dreamed last night an cyaa memba fi nutn. This morning i memba but I forget now.. Aunty i emailed yu lol

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Hey Toy

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Teacher, and we will work hard to change it.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Is it my conflict or his?
I will thank you as always for your guidance and help.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes the directions you gave yesterday worked wonders, I thank you. Where can I find these things, peace incense and Florida water? We are going to vist Nunu on Friday I am sure she can take me to get some, but if I would like to do it ASAP.

10 years ago

Good Morning Everyone. I had a downward feeling again this morning from a vision I had early morning that is sticking with me but affirmations, prayer and meditation have beaten it back and despite the yucky weather outside I will be surrounded by sunshine and smiles. from our bedroom door you can see the front door of our apartment. in my vision I awoke from sleeping to see a flashlight shining through the window and someone breaking in with a gun. My partner jumped out of bed armed with a shield and sword and when the intruder turned toward me… Read more »

10 years ago

Morning everyone…Teach, big up yu self yu large and in charge…Ty what a way yu cover the topics fi Teach write pan only one addition I would made (no Teach it not about dem guys lol). I would have added the colour blue…

I have a feeling that today is going to be a good day, who else feels this way?

10 years ago

Good morning sunshines Ekarroooooooo

10 years ago

I see you guys woke up late, lol. Obara Meji! peace be unto you. I’m good a bit antsy but good.

MTH, you wake up toooo early fi me, lol

O, when are we traveling again? As for a story I want to hear about the keeper of the cemetery and did she get trick by ochun why that’s her station?

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Lol, Cami that is a Lucci story but I will tell it

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I want your version…yu stories are like the high me use to get from de Kalli, sensi and sometimes bush buds, lol. Seriously, yu done know I LOVE YU STORIES!

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

No badda wid yah mi wid dah big ooman name deh enuh Kia, bout Aunty, lol, tuh nuh sii hot! And mi nuh wanted by de cops! Lol I saw the email I will respond soon I am typing today’s post

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

hehehehe grung ok hotty hotty Obara mi kotch rite yah suh lol

10 years ago

Obara can u plz memba check for my messagener from last night. Thx

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Lol Cami howdy, that is a luci story but I will tell it lol

10 years ago

Nite i r ere ty list covers alot. I especially like orishas as i would like hear bout sango ooman dem. Number 7 n dragons. Csn u revisit visions vs dreams anything u write we love it! If ur ori leads u differently is ok howbout how we pick our ori?

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Ok kia, compiling the list, eeny meeny miny me will choose

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hahaha dat wuk fimi

10 years ago

here are some considerations in no particular order:
1. the number 7
2. importance of perspective
3. dragons
4. the search of power that you do not have or will not have,
5. meaning of finding spirituality
6. the element fire, since we did water
7. My wonderful Orisha Ogun, a matter of fact, any Orisha you would like

Hubby and me had a very spirited conversation today about the goals of spirituality…looking for more than a magical spell or gaining power…but more on the lines of being the truest and best you…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

All good I will eeny meeny miny moe them

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji


Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji


Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Remind me tomorrow

10 years ago


Love is stronger than any whip…Yoruba saying I learned from Obara Meji…

10 years ago

unno see di Uruguay player Luis Suarez bite the Italian player…wth?

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Yessss yu see him a pull him shirt n seh look look unno see ere lol smh

10 years ago

Hey mi sistren Ty Hear Obara now a yu name runaway bride lol mi nuh run eno jus av a barrier up n mi try wen di man try but dat fortress strong yu hear guess in a way i run or stay a distance

10 years ago

hey ES family…large up

As usual Obara, you made a very complicated topic seem so simple…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hmm but sometime ur heart interferes. Im trying to really lissen my ori cah mi cyaa tek another heartbreak sigh

10 years ago

Bubblez, mi haffi guh teef yu strategy… Teach I dont know how long now you have been watching Real Housewives of Atlanta…Anyways, Kandi is loaded Todd isnt. It is well speculated that Todd is out to get her money. Kandi is following her heart and they have gotten married. I think in about season 2 Sheree Whitfield had this ‘doctor’ who was checking for her. She turned up her nose at him…It is MY belief that if the guy was filthy rich and was in the limelight Sheree would have held onto him…The doctor seemed to have treated her good,… Read more »

10 years ago

Afternoon all if i tell yu how mi write letter with specifics to God buot my future husband. Affi go update the letter with sum info from this post. LOL
We are all searching for love but i wondee if that unconditional love is really in any human to give another. 

10 years ago

Not you personally Obara mi know sey yu love thugs.. I mean you generally. Say for example a lawyer falls in love with a bartender and because he didnt go to Ivy League she didnt choose him…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

I feel ppl miss their soul mates alot because he/she arent corporate or thug or even the same nationality

10 years ago

Teach can you find your soul mate but because he is not packaged how you expect him to be, you miss him. i.e. because you are educated and your soul mate is a thug you are sure he could never be the one for you…

10 years ago

Mi haffi guh tun up di prayers….LOL!!!

10 years ago

Wey yu sey him a come Teach? Teach memba yu have 100% record for accuracy..LOL!!!!

10 years ago

My cousin met this guy while they were in High School. They have been together for over 15 years (now married). My friend also met her guy at age 13. She went to England and sent for him. Two have been happy since they met. So I know that you can start a relationship early and it lasts.

Just keeping myself together for when my twin shows up (which is about time)…

10 years ago


10 years ago

Teach, I want to know how you as a parent can determine if the child is just being ‘fast’ as the American would say or force-ripe as we call in in Jamaica…Or it is destiny…

10 years ago

Toy, mi girl, mi nuh gane nuh wey, dey yah pan di blog side.(inna mi Movado voice)…Hehehheh!!!! Me, Teach and Ty one numo did ova di Jamaican blog dis mawning a rememba old days..

How yu duh?

10 years ago

Mth! I am glad you are back if I don’t see your comments I feel something is missing. Big up everyone on here with their big beautiful spirits. Nunu howdy! I love to love myself. Obara! How are you? I am glad you wrote about this.

10 years ago

Teach, I have a question wey mi a try nuh ask but it a ride mi ask…. Here I go…I was a teen-age mother and as such I try everything to ensure that my girls do not walk that way. Now, that I have read, that your one great love occurred when you were only 12…You mentioned that you did not tell anyone and it wasnt acted upon…As a mother in the natural sense, if I found out that my daughter was getting a crush I would try everything to ensure that crush is ‘outted/destroyed’ for lack of a better… Read more »

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Men be comes intimidated by me and then our relationship becomes almost like a competition with me not competing Lalibella, I have to withhold apart of myself in order to make it work, but for how long can I do that! I have never met me equal, althoughost I am strong in all areas of my life I just want with my man to submit and allow him to lead, but submission does not mean door mat and this they can never comprehend

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, in due time; that season is yet to come…

10 years ago

Back foot, mi juss read sey Eric neva dead, nuh read mi when a read an a bwal…Lawks man…

10 years ago

Thanks so much Lalibela…

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

I wrote it that he lived, read again

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I am on my way back to the compound I will explain about Egbe and this safo

10 years ago

Ween all yearn for this type of love but I remember you saying something about thevery Egbe that won’t let us go to experience this. Hope part 2 of that gets posted 🙂

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Lalibella Eric survived, but he was the first and the only man who have ever made my heart skip a beat. The love I seek I do not know if any human being has the ability to give it to me. I am passionate beyond belief and I do not operate as others do, while I cannot described it in words here and I would so love to l do not feel I am able to find it among my fellow men

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, thank you for the clarification. I am afraid that you are mistaken–as it relates to possibly being loved by a human being. You’ve framed how intense your love and desire for love and passion are and since I know that there is a God, that man is out there–a plural reference is plausible.

I am a function of love and I assure you that your day is at hand or nearing. Just ensure that you update the ones in regard to your new perception of reality once it becomes clear!

10 years ago

Howdy all. Lalibela good day.

Teach have you ever seen Eric since he transitioned?

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

M shi say him neva dead

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  MTH

MTH, blessed love and good day likewise. You’ve posed a rather excellent question…

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Love and passion requires maintenance and if not maintained, they will wane into oblivion and relationships will cease to exits. I do regard myself as an encapsulation of love and I do concede to sensing/feeling a plethora of love energies and being that I love to love, it does seem at times that I am in constant pursuit of making a love connection. I love the spark that comes with the passion of a love or potential love connection. Note that I don’t seek to engage with every woman that I have a connection with; sometimes a quick glance or… Read more »

10 years ago

Mi hope unoo arite eena the day, blessings to you all. Obara mek mi feel warm and fuzzy thinking about this twin flame. sigh

10 years ago

Good day all! How awsome would that be to find your twin flame. (The harem is a nice idea tuh,lol) mi wonda if a dat mi deh wait pon. Mi hope him find mi before mi get too ole, cause waiting aint no joke!!!

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hi Nunu, fi real

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Cami wad up!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara a true Esu deh wait pon yuh

10 years ago

Cami girl, wad up? Dey yah a ride and whistle…

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Yuh ah ask me dance hall queen if mi kniw bout ps papartment San and lady G

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Is wha happen to auto correct, papa san

10 years ago

Good day MTH, O and all. Nice post O. This one can be so sensitive- happy or sad endings.

10 years ago

Dang Obara you are right on the money…I mentioned before that I loved felling of falling in love and just yesterday I was saying I have this feeling of love (inspite of me not seeing anyone). This blog was good for me and my spirit..Thanks OM

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