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For the evolution of mankind...

Embracing Spirituality is a blog of a wide variety of spiritual topics and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji and her personal experiences. Born out of a desire to assist others in embracing their spirituality, and to lend our contribution to the ultimate goal of the evolution of mankind.
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Good day everyone, here are some of what you all sent in as to what you have received from Embracing Spirituality in terms learning as well as what you may still be puzzled about. I will have to do these in two posts as it may be too much for us to focus on today. Today I will respond to any questions regarding what any of you are still grappling with, or things you may want me to expound on. I thank you for sending your emails. Know that although I sit and write these post everyday, about my life experiences and things that I have learned over time which I share daily, I love being here everyday with you, although I do a million things daily, but I am ever mindful of my obligation here. I began this journey in 2011, because I believed I had something to share, even though most of it was my personal business, I made up my mind that what I had gone through were life lessons which others could learn from,however painful and embarrassing those experiences were for me. Experience teaches wisdom, and the universe teaches us from every which way, we just have to pay attention. I thank God that I or my children have never experienced any devastation, but I began learning life’s lesson from early. While I went through some of my unhappy moments, I remember wondering if anyone in the world besides me was going through this. Often times I wondered this through sadness amid tears. I thank you for being here with me everyday, and I really love you all, but I am sure you all know and can feel it through cyber world. May Osun, (sweet cool water) bless you always, ase!


Howdy Obara hoping your better ma I guess it can post..i’m a little shy at times cause me feel I don’t know as much but I promise I’m learning. Tell me if a too much mi will re-write
Haaaaaaaaaaaay mi happy like pitni pon holiday! Yes, I am learning so much it makes me happy. It makes me happy that I’m learning about spiritual beliefs from my ancestors ancestors n their ancestors ancestors. Yu zimi!
I have learned so very much I don’t know where to start but I have a few that really spoke to my spirit. Thank you Obara and all of you. You just don’t know how this is helping me spiritually. ((((Big hugs))))

I have enjoyed the spiritual baths and learning these has helped me to detox my body and mind of negative vibrations. Never really knew why my spirit would get vex from being around certain people but here it was explained. I’m starting out slow but will soon try the love bath. Cant wait to feel those lovely rose petals against my skin.

The astral realms have touched me as well as I grew up in Christianity and was taught heaven and hell. While I’ve often times felt like I was here before but the bible teaches that death is the end and we cant reborn. It was a relief to learn that we return life after life until we get it right and reach nirvana. Feels good to not feel strange or different for thinking this.

Reading Obara’s life’s journey has been helpful. As some of her journeys are painful to her it helps me to realize that is not me alone has had tormentors or wicked men in my life. I really like the post where she talked about how she does not have any friends and for years it has bothered her. I’ve felt like that all my life and recently was wondering why I don’t have close girlfriends. Even though I am very nice, caring and loyal true true friendship has evaded me. I have gf for couple years then braps we usually go our separate ways. Most times it is without malice. Then I read the post and it has answered some questions.

My Orisha is Sango, King of thunder and lightening. I’ve read plenty on him and he fits me perfectly. I would like to find out if I have another Orisha. As I am most peaceful around and in the ocean. I wouldn’t mind if I was a child of Osun or Yemoja.

I am thankful to have learned how to honor my ancestors. I never knew it was important or even thought anything about it. I have been slow in erecting my altar but this weekend it will be put up. I was thinking the other night of which ancestors to honor as we have a lot of jackets and adopted elders in my family. Just when I was having these thoughts Obara had written a post and said even if you don’t know their names still honor them because they know you.

It was a great pleasure to meet my spiritual guide…I think his name may be Nice. I asked him last night to tell me and that is what I heard repeatedly. LOL and if you hear me a say are you sure? I will enjoy journeying to officially meet him with Obara the next time.

The fast was powerful, I felt it! We even learned how to fast and nuff little things to help us along in our fasting. I greatly enjoy embracing spirituality and all my family there.

I appreciate Obara sooooooooooo much!! Haaaaay she probably don’t even know how she is helping me and all the bloggers. She is humble, and willing to teach us. She takes time to answer all our questions while making us think or visualize exactly what she is explaining. Big up Ty mi scholar she break everything down to my understanding more time. Bless up MTH DWRCL mi comedian fren! I look forward to read ur comments. Yazzy Yaz wi bussssss eeh!!! Nunu, mommy, cgoh such a strong spiritual family thank yu for sharing this journey with me. Thank you Sa-fo and her guides thank you!!! Hail Cami yu kno tings n yu a tek time share, I R reading! Shy gal Vanessa I look for your one liners… Sweet Cas yu a tek time bruk out ina wi skool LOL Miss Toy bless up! Maniac SharleneRose weh yu deh?! All bloggers and peepers, I thank you for sharing this journey with me. Each one teach one….Knowledge is power, please continue to share.

NuNu Part1

While growing up I use to feel so misplaced and because of this I lacked confidence;I can truly say this is the most enlightening time of my life(borrow some a Yazzy bawlin’ put right yasso).This is because of the things I’m learning from ‘Embracing Spirituality’. being led to this blog has opened my mind, through the various articles/posts written by Obara Meji, to the fact that the ‘world’ outside of the physical one that we know is vaster than we can ever comprehend. By her guiding hand and teachings I plan to persue the knowledge that it gives with vim and vigor.I’ve also learned( something mainstream religion failed to teach me) that my spiritual ‘self’ needs to be taken care of on a daily basis like my physical body. It needs to be ‘fed’, ‘clothed’, ‘washed’ and ‘communicated with’. This blog has shown me the various techniques to do this and taught me that these connections needto be made. The term ‘Know Thyself’ has taken on an entirely new meaning for me. I have learned that there is an energy associated with everything and because of that knowledge, I am more careful of what I say and how I say it. I am so much more aware of the things that the natural eyes can’t see. I want to use these experiences to shape myself into becoming a better person and to reach others in a positive way. I am learning to be less selfish because I am now aware that the path I walk on earth not only affect me, my friends and family but my guardians as well (Smile and dem 🙂 who based on my life decisions get the chance to ascend. I now know how important it is to appease the Spirits and show love as well through various practices.
I can’t thank Obara Meji enough, the gratitude, appreciation and love I feel because of her kindness,patience and willingness yo give so much of herself to others. I would be remiss if I didn’t say that the bloggers and peepers too have not only given me knowledge that I use eg( Ty and the blue boot dem) but all of your uplifting energy made me feel genuine love and I look forward to blogging with you all.(pls excuse mistakes)


Because I have been raised under the Christian religious umbrella I grapple with teachings that I learn on this site vs what mainstream religion has taught me eg.(Jesus is the son of God who died for our sins/Jesus was a light being who came to teach peace, lake of fire for sinners aka hell/no such thing as hell; reincarnation/ sole existence and possibly having a spiritual husband/wife in the realms / no such possibility, just to name a few) I want to clearly state that I don’t disagree with these bits of information, I am however restructuring my way of thinking to accept it as truth. I read an article which stated  that to lose one’s history is to lose ones soul and to risk a disintegration of self and self-group and that is what I believe has happened to certain people who have gone through a “‘psychic genocide” centuries in the making and so it is hard to accept what you do not remember and what has been bashed over the centuries as ‘wrong’. (Not making an excuse for certain peoples ‘unkind’I however am coming to terms with it and I’m trying to slowly change the mindset of others based on information I learn here. I would like to understand a number of things but firstly I’d like know how to consolidate what I learn here with what I’ve learned over the years eg. Who is the Holy Spirit, and what’s its function? Who is Michael, Gabriel, Raphael? What exactly is the devil/Lucifer?

I stumbled upon this blog in February (circa) 2012, I pretty sure that my ancestors or my guides directed me to this site, prior to that I had joined a spiritual circle which I attended once a week for about 6months but found that it was just not fulfilling I still felt like there was more needed to know more and had a lot of unanswered questions So I left and decided to go it alone to try and find myself and what it is I was seeking. I had my awakening towards the end February that year and I must say it was confusing and painful for me I felt as if I was going crazy  and I lost feeling and some movement on the left side of my body  which mimicked the signs of a mini stroke, I laid in the hospital for three days on the stroke ward while they ran  some test which baffled the doctors and neurologists, I displayed all signs of having a mini stroke but the tests showed had I in fact never had or was  intending to have one. So a few weeks after that I plucked up the courage to email Obara Meji to request a reading (very accurate I might add) then she told me it was not a stroke I had it was because I had raised my kundalini, she also went on to tell that it would happen two more times which was a bit of a comfort because I now know what to expect. Now that I am spiritually awake and no longer sleeping and the fact that I’ve holistically embraced my spirituality and have accepted that this is a part of my life’s plan. I thank God and my ancestors every day for leading me to this blog, Obara Meji I salute you, for I have learnt so much on here over the past couple of years.
a)     What have you learnt so far?
*     Clearing up a lot of misconceptions and preconceptions regarding Dr Delaurance
*     The power of prayer/incarnations and meditation is important one can elevate without constant prayer and meditation, prayer is an intimate tool which is of great importance because it’s used for balancing vibrations.
*    Guardian angels and the many realms that exist within the universe
*    Reincarnation
*    Transfer of vibrations/energy
*    All the proverbs that you end your posts with which I find so comforting a favourite of mine is ‘When the normal becomes abnormal, evil is at work’.
I have also inscribed these maxims in my heart and try to repeat them very often when melancholy tries to creep in:
 Know Thy Self
            Don’t let circumstances Dictate Your Behaviour
            He who Learns, Teaches
            No condition Is Permanente
            Wisdom Does Not Come Overnight
b)    Is there something you don’t understand and need further clarification?
Lately about a week or so my mind as been on the Orisha Oshun I don’t know why and most times when I’m alone I can feel and energy(beautiful and safe) that’s different to what I feel from my spirits that make themselves known, for some reason my thoughts keep connecting towards her. So I’ve started honoring/greeting her every morning, , I know for a fact that my number is 5 which is Oshun and you yourself have confirmed it in my previous readings  Obara can you please explain further why that is.

I embrace and love you all…I am so happy to be on this journey with you…we all have had to pray, love, and think more…
I have learnt so much from you all and appreciate everyone’s honesty and genuineness
Hands down what I have learnt the most is to as teacher say, ” trust my head” …I trust my guides, ancestors, Orisha and God …I really wanted to learn meditation and have tried on and off for a long time…when we fasted, I tried the water meditation that was mentioned in the water blog… The first few times I did it, I fell into deep meditation quickly and was afraid…now I know that the fasting enhances it…I have continued to do the water meditation and can control what I am doing and seeing…I know I have lots more to go but trodding on…
The other thing that I learnt here is to truly and fully embrace my ancestors…both good and bad ones…I am from a strong line and have always felt proud of my heritage …however I never really honored them…the only true ancestral honoring I learnt from my family was ” keeping up the tomb and re- tombing” …. Through Obara I learned that there is reverence in honoring my ancestors…
This is a big deal for me…I do not look like my parents, I look like my grandmother on my mothers side, she died when I was 7… Her husband when he saw me would get sad because when he saw me, he saw her… My other grandmother did not acknowledge me as her blood for years…and oh I missed my mirror image…
When I did my ancestral altar, I felt my grandmas presence so strongly…I know she is always with but it is different to feel her and smell her scent…this is such a priceless experience for me and very hard to put in words…
My altar has been a work in progress…my grandfather asked for his hat to be there…my husband’s grandfather asked for his picture, he dreamt me ( and unno know me cannot remember dreams) ….then when mi get him up, him ask fi di frame fi change….lol…I swear him picture did look vex…
The altar is truly a center piece in my home…my children love it, my husband loves it…even mi staunch seventh day Adventist mother see it and bawl tears of joy…
Each day I get up and pray about 5:30am, I honor and thank my ancestors and often why it took me so long to do… I feel secure, safe, and well protected…
Thanks again Obara…please know that you have touched my life and centered me…love, happiness, long life, and abundance to you and your family…


Obara Meji uses this proverb a lot ‘when the student is ready, the teacher will turn up’. I was going through a very difficult time and I am sure I was on my way to lose my mind. In April 2014, I found this blog and since then, I have gathered a wealth of knowledge, found a family to which I belong. I now find myself using this proverb, “no matter how boastful the soup is, the salt is the star’. , a proverb the Yourba people of Western Nigeria use.

I have gathered so much knowledge on the Number 3, Candles, Acknowleding Our Ancestors, The Power of Salt, The Power of Water, Spiritual Baths, Hope, Sexuality, Spiritual Altars to name just a few topics. I am in awe as to some of the basic things that I have learnt on the site; simple life lessons such as not to count money on your bed, that some of your essence is lost during sexual encounters, do not let anyone put their hands on your shoulders to burden you down. One of my ‘kip dear to mi chess’ information came from blogger Ty, who told us about wearing a blue shoes to an interview for a favourable outcome.

Honouring Your Ancestors 
Last Saturday, June 7, 2014 Obara posted about honouring your ancestors. I personally connected with this post as my relatives and I dont honour our dearly departed. I am so ashamed to say, that I do not know my mother’s father’s name and my mother is alive. I only know my dad’s father’s petname. It was only when we were discussingitthat I realized that my beloved big daughter’s name and her great-grandfather are rhyming names (Baaaa-yo & Maaa-yo).

In 2002, while living in London (I had gone there in2001), I would go visit my grand-aunt (she had migrated some years before well into her 60s I believed). My grand-aunt would complain that she hated London, she just wanted to be home. For her, she was uncomfortable in London. Her standard of living was better but she had no independence. She loved to walk and would go to market every weekend. She would go to meat shop, her church meetings and many things. In London, she was always in doors and that significantly impacted her.

I returned to Jamaica in 2002 and shortly after I returned she passed away…Alone in an apartment in London…They said she died of a broken heart.  When I did up my altar and was hailing up all my ancestor, I forgot this grand-aunt. Tuesdays, while I was showering (to go to work) I was saying is there someone I forgot…Tuesday evening when I got home I was on the toilet and the thought ‘be ye careful’ sprang into mind. That was my grand-aunt favourite saying (like how me love sey quick & fast). I knew she was said. Her essence told me she was forgotten from she was taken to London. She died alone and now we have all seemed to forget her. I was the last f her realtives to have seen her other than my cousin and her daughter whom she lived with. (Suh yu know mi haffi guh extra hard fi mey har feel nice).

Had I not done the ancestoral honouring, I would have certainly forgot about my people.

Experience Teaches Wisdom 
This particular blog taught me so much. I, too like many other people narrowly thought that blessings were always material based. I have lost so much in trying to gain material things. Then I looked backed in my life and realizedthat both my children have been to the hospital only once and my big daughteris in her 20s and the baby is 8. I have been blessed with a sense of humor, I have been blessed with good health, I have been blessed in so many other ways.

I remember Obara, told us that sometimes when we have we have financial blessings but poor health. I pondered and thought, I might not have all I want, but I certainly have all I need. My body parts are functioning just fine. I am alive and in my right mind. I have never hadto be up at nights wondering where my children are. My children have never had to go out on the road to beg a night’s dinner.

Your Egbe
I for one, use to speculate even ridicule people who couldnt seem to stay in relationships. I always wondered how someone as beautiful as Halle Berry never seem to be able to stya with a man for any long period. Elizabeth Taylor married twice and Kim Kardashian has three knotches under her belt. Reading this post showed me that a greater force is at work.

Be Careful Of The Energy You Bring To My Space
I knew that being around certain people brought out certain things in you both good and bad. The reason this post stands out so much, is that I have a friend whenever he comes around he leaves a negative energy behind. I have to full bottles of water and put behind my door after he leaves.

The Gifted Child/MyTraditional Grand-Mother 
These posts made be aware that even more spiritualpeople than you can be envious because of your gift. Sometime because be are naive we share what we know to people we thing are more mature. Insteadof nursing us, they abuse us. Jealousy is real, be ye careful of what and who you share your dreams/visions to.

Hope strengthens your faith, often times without you even realizing it. No matter how bad a situation is, it is common knowledge that anything is possible. A scientist whole life and research is Based on Hope. The aforementioned is a part of the post on Hope (June 5, 2014). Above all esle I have hope. If it wasnt for hope, we would have sunken to nothingness. My hope is alive. I hope that life will get better, I hope that love and peace will be with us always.

It would be remiss of me if I didnt mention the posts about candles, the number 3 and cats re-visted. I love all those posts but I suspect that other will on them…As a student of the wonderful class, I want to caution you that ‘when the normal becomes abnormal, evil is at play’.

Biblography-All materials quoted were taken from Embracing Spirituality


What have you learned on the site?

I have learned many things on this site, that I  can go on and on about, but the most profound for me was fasting. I have always heard people in chruch talk about fasting, and I have always asked questions but their feedback never really moved me. I just figured fasting was something I really didn’t need in my life. God is so amazing and I grateful to have met Obara and my new found spiritual family.  One week before Obara put up the post about fasting. I was having a conversation with one of my very close friends  about fasting. I was asking her simple questions why does she fast and what has she gotten out of it? Well, her response was just as whack as everyone else I had asked. (Excuse my slang). The next week I came on the site and Obara mentioned that either MTH or Ty said we should all fast together.  When Obara put up the post about fasting she  explained everything in detail, all of my questions were answered in her post. I decided to join in and fast with everyone , because my spirit felt compelled to do so.  I was just asking questions about it the week before. I know it was nothing but God. It was my first time ever fasting and I went from 6 am to 6 pm for three days and I was proud of myself. As result to me fasting for those three days. I have been so calm with my kids that at first they didn’t know how to handle it, because they are so use to me always yelling and getting very impatient with them. I rarely cuss now, because I use to cuss like a sailor. My mouth was disgusting.  My house is more peaceful. Overall fasting was a very pivotal moment in my spiritual growth.

2. Something you don’t understand? I don’t understand my dreams. I have dream about Angels with golden wings. I keep dreaming about homes and the outside is run down, but the inside is beautiful. I know house means death, but when I get those dreams I usually don’t walk inside like it is my house, and fire. I always see water in some of my dream, but I am not sure if it means spiritual awakening or something more? How do I know who my ancestors and my spiritual guides are. I am still trying to figure that out. I don’t know who to thank.


“Words without works aren’t sustainable….”

I have always been a spiritual person but knew there were more to my spirituality than what was taught in books, schools, churches and Christianity.

My ori has led me to my Mommy O, the highly blessed Obara Meji’s Spiritual School, where I have already began to embrace my spirituality. Though there have been many outstanding stories posted here over time, one of the most immensely compelling, for me, has been that of the Most Honorable Marcus Garvey’s hauntingly courageous and selfless life and essence.

A him seh “BROTHER’S KEEPER” and before me guh nuh furda, mi wah salute mi dan dada, The Most Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey.  We HONOR you. Yeah uuuuuu! A you seh Brother’s Keeper baby love.

Yazzy’s spiritual enlightenment and self improvement has peaked thru Garvey’s eyes, his soul and his essence. Like Garvey, we came to this earth plane with a task to be our Brother’s Keeper thru Love, Courage and Sacrifes. With that said, I learnt we can’t know where we are going without first finding out where we are from, who came before us, their spiritual influences and honoring them. Most importantly,  recognizing that our entire existence is that of selflessness and of pure altruistic love. God is so awesome, in that, we are given life but it was never our own. It is for the upliftment and love of each other. His creation, in its entirety, has to do it. Our ancestors aren’t elevated until they do it. Our spirit guides have to do it. Our Orishas have to do it. This selflessness never ceases. It’s ever revolving. God is awesome. God is love.

We are our Brother’s Keeper… when we fast, pray and pour out our raw emotions, collectively. Obara Meji once wrote…. “best be the ties that binds our hearts in sacred love, the fellowship of kindred minds, is like that above…”

We are our Brother’s Keeper…
“The ends you serve that are selfish will take you no further than yourself but the ends you serve that are for all, in common, will take you into ETERNITY” – Marcus Garvey (Most Honorable)

Ps, Love you Mommy O and alllll my sweeties. Love and Light.


I did not know that we have ancestor and that we suppose to honor them…Like for instant didn’t know we have to honor our ancestor by lighting candle for them putting water with salt under your bed shower with salt water  wiping the house with salt water and call them name .One more I didn’t know that some of river have name .and when you are a sleeping  our spirit leave our body at night,to go do work didn’t know that information. So I thank you for your teaching and your knowledge. I know there are so much I will learn this is just beginning.

Ẹni tó bá ńjẹ nínú ọlà ẹnìkan nií pèé ní anímáṣaun. / 
It’s one who shares in another’s wealth that hails him as a generous person.

[Subjectivity: people are wont to praise or speak well of those from whom they profit]


All religions are valid as long as they teach peace and love…Obara Meji!






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10 years ago

I meant to say we are carrying the same teams.

10 years ago

We signing teh same tune…

10 years ago

Manica, morning my dearest…I will follow your advice…

Ty what a way yu MIA yesterday…Who yu a carry today? mek mi si if mi on the same page…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Hey MTH…

Germany a my team still and carrying them to be in the top 3…dem just win and show up portugal…Going for Nigeria and Ghana today…

I have heritage from Ghana, so partial to them…

10 years ago

Let me take this opportunity to let you guys know how much I love and appreciate you all. I know I have a problem with showing emotions, but that is something that I REALLY REALLY need to work on, but I just wanted to say that much.

Thank you guys, even when I am missing for a few, you still remember me and have encouraging words and trust me, that does a LOT for me.

10 years ago
Reply to  Maniac

Hey Maniac, we love you always and everyday…

Everlasting blessings to you always my love…

We a fambily so no fret yourself…

10 years ago

Hi everyone, I know its late but I am just checking in to see if anyone else is here… MTH I read your comment about your daughter and the salt and I had to laugh. My child is very faas and sharp! nutten nuh miss him, so when mi nuh waan tell di truth, my answer is always ‘its adult stuff baby’ then his response will be ‘oh’… Working so far, but mi know when him get older that will change, buttttt mi will gwaan use that for as long as mi can get away with it… hey! I believe… Read more »

10 years ago

Happy Father’s Day, gentlemen. Hi ladies.

Obara, hope all is well in your world.

10 years ago

Hello all Happy Fathers Day to all fathers! Bless up di madda dem whey fight it alone
I was busy yesterday but peep in a few time fi lol i dreamed on friday that i was floating in water. It seemed to be dark water. I was in a bubble but also looking down at myself n the water. the water was in a cave or at the bottom of a cliff. I seemed to be alone tho. Anybody have idea what this dream means?

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Kia,Are u from the water realm too?

10 years ago

Morning everyone! How is everyone feeling? I missed you all yesterday. Happy Father’s day to all the men, and all the single mother’s! Yes Obara my mother had on red.

10 years ago

Good Afternoon all! Happy Fathers Day Bredda YW and all the fathers passing through!

10 years ago

Yazzy, big up.

Teach, let me give you this one. My daughter got up this morning and started to sweep out the house (her chore, I don’t have to tell her). When I went back to my room she said oh mom that’s salt on the ground…Mi frighten yah now…’Salt’, what’s salt doing on the ground. ‘Mommy remember you put salt in the corner the other day to kill all the ants’…Sigh, when she asked what I was doing with the salt, I said it was to kill ants…Betta yu nuh ansa dem dan tell lie…Unno si wey mi get…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Lol, Yazz a suh workman come a mi yaad and mi neva memba seh mi did put down di salt on the carpet fi pray eena abd when him si it him look puzzled suh mi seh quick quick, I’m deodorizing the carpet

10 years ago

Good Morning Mommy O. Missed you yesterday. I am so grateful for rhe priviledged journeys you share with us and your amazing messengers that bless us with their presence. Good morning my beauties. Missed you alllll as well. Have an amazing Sunday. Don’t forget your daily affirmations. Mine was done and I feel so peaceful and loved. Mi see seh unuh galang badddd badd yesideh man. Unuh tink unuh easy?? 😀 😀 MTH, Nunu, Ty… detention. MANIAC, YOU’RE BACKKKK!!!!!! Toy boo, hope you’re feeling much beta. I read all the dreams you guys had and the amazing interpretations done by… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Big up mi sistren Yazzy

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, mi sistren, big up. Big up yuh hubby, Tw/Yw pan father’s day.

Ps, every time I gotta write his blog name I Crack up. Funny bad

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy


10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Today is lobster day too…lol…mi serious….happy lobster day…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

No, children’s day, Yoruba people loved children

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Fi real? Lobster ?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Well happy fathers day to you, nonetheless, (yuh definitely deserve it man) and happy children’s day to your bundles of joy.

I’m running off to church now. Will lift you and you family up in prayer. Allllll my sweeties, you will be listed up as well.

Love you guys. **smoochez** …lata

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Muah mi love

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Smooches Yazzy

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji


10 years ago

I gone to cook before my boys wake up…

Happy day everyone…let your blessings pour today… WE ARE BLESSED

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty


Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

What a des ion! All ah dem! Ah joke, mi wi tek de yellow

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

No prob…I am going to try to buy a white one too…when mi get it will let Yw do a propagate for you too…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Hey Yaz

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

I missed u. Happy daddy day to u! Do you celebrate father day there?

10 years ago

This morning I picked such a gorgeous yellow rose from we tree… a just put it on my altar ad the place feel nice you see

10 years ago

Bonjour à tous. I will only be speaking french today…Teach and Ty, howdy…getting myself sorted out.

Just now I went to rake my yard. Just as I reached my bed-room window as she, mek a wash it wey…Mixed, Ammonia, salt, Florida Water and water and washed it away…When mi done mi head start ‘raise’…Heheheh.. Who memba how dem head use to raise when dem tell wi duppy stories as children.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

lol…morning MTH

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Yuh have a rose tree? Jealous ei si, lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

we have 3… a peach colored, yellow and pink…

mi husband a try to propagate them, so we can soon send you one…just tell me the color you want…

10 years ago

Greetings to everyone. Respect Maniac and Cami who reported to class early. Happy Father’s Day to all the men who deserve it, especially good step-fathers, mentors, coaches, uncles, grand-dads etc. All the men who are care-givers not only to the children that belong to you. On to other matters….Ty and Nunu, unno si ball last night…Mi sey the Ivory Coast ppl dem beat dem drums during the whole match…Wanted to buss a wine when mi hear dem drum…. Ty, yu hussy u-drally play fi one a mi team…Now me is a girl wey cheer fi nuff teams..When mi when live… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Morning everybody…Happy fathers day to everyone…

MTH, a e di camera would a profile when di drum start lick… I love many teams too…Unno see how Drogba presence traaang, di whole game change when him touch di pitch…

MTH, Brenda MIA from the other day… rain fell everyday this week, and me think I would see her but she was no where to be found… well a so she like fi rock and come in then dip out again…

Light, love and happiness to everyone…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

And I am receiving it Ty, and so I send the same

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

thank you… you would be so proud to see me wid di bell this morning…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Lol, I can just imagine

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

lol…I love it… next step, use a di beach..

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Yuh fi si mi wid mine ah de beach, but mi look straight and beleng, beleng , beleng out nu hell wid me bell

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

lol… well a dat strategy me a go use…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

I heard that today is Father’s Day do to Yw, shawnyrob, cgoh, and all the men who peep, there are many who do happy Father’s Day and to de single mothers who grew the children without the wicked baby father like mi self happy Father’s Day, big up oonuh self

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Morning M, do not use ammonia too often, it will drive away your prosperity if Mis used tek time once per month is good and use only the white one, yuh head raise because some non physicals were there and yuh run dem, when you do this you must say all who belong to me excuse me de oddas please leave

10 years ago

Okay. First and foremost, Kia thank you for the acknowledgement. Peace and everlasting goodwill to you and yours. I cannot do a summary just yet. But i must say that I AM PROUD of you all and Obara Meji is hands down a hero to me. I have NEVER thought that I would find, Jamaicans especially, who saw life as I’ve always seen it. The knowledge presented here by Obara has always been with me to some degree…but only those who know me well accepted my way of thinking or that ‘weirdness’ about me. Here…I have found like minded people.… Read more »

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Morning Ty

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Good morning my wonderful teacher… I hope you are feeling good…sending much love, healing and light to you.

10 years ago

Good day, afternoon and morning.

10 years ago

Anyway, HAPPY FATHERS’ day to all you fathers on the blog. I hope you will continue to be the best dads that you can!!! and to all the mothers who are also fathers (big up misself lol), Happy Fathers day to you as well…

Have a good night all.

10 years ago

Also, this morning I woke up remembering a set of numbers and then I remembered that these were the numbers of my ‘dial-out code’ where I used to work when I was in Jamaica – mark you, I didn’t have any of this on my mind and didn’t even remember the code until the dream and after I woke up (I played them btw lol). Obara helpppppp…. I KNOW there is some significance there as I left this job over 5 years now and have never given a second thought to this

10 years ago

I am back ppl… aldoah mi feel sey oonu gone bed, but mek mi share dis before mi figget.

whey day mi ah tawk to mi sista an shi tell mi sey when mi madda go church an get eena spirit, she start dance pon one foot an ah dance like shi well drunk – Obara, can you explain please? Mi neva memba until mi si yuh menshan bout di dancing uppa top

10 years ago

Nigeria and Ghana will play on Monday…

10 years ago

Yes Ty!!!!!

10 years ago

So happy for them…

10 years ago

Ty, yuh cyaan tell Didier fi leggo offa di relaxer yah now, yuh nuh si seh it a pick off di hair

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Lol…it mek him look more intimidating…

10 years ago

Mi know dem a call some spirits…lol

10 years ago

Nunu me love di Ivory Coast fans…a bare vibes

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Mi seh Ty, mi want go knock drum and dance wid them!!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Mi and u…

10 years ago

GOAL!!!! mi huzzy a good luck,as him come on 2 goal score!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Yes Nunu…I love him, have been a fan since he was on Chelsea team…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago

Popping out for a bit…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

So that mean when the presence come over u, you lose control of yourself?

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Cami they are still sleeping while you have been awake for sometime now ,!i proud if you

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Cassava dumplin sweet…dem grate di cassava, dry it, then use the powder to make dumplin…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

An mi love cassava ei si we call it eba dung yah

10 years ago

Teach, I want to thank you for all the kind words, the patience and time you have given me. I just re-read your answer to me. There was a message in there for me…. Even this morning I was saying, always dreams of me being a ‘good mother’… Its not like I have solved world poverty…I did what I think every parent would do. I was very scared for my big daughter as she has ‘played’ major roles in the dreams despite me seeing her for only a few seconds in each dream. The dream this morning, she just appeared… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Coconut mess with visions?

10 years ago

Teach a run dung yu feel fah??? Will mi will carry the coat-nat milk….Any bady wey a mek di dumpling nuh badda put nuh cawn-meal in dem. Gimme di straight white flour dumping…Teach mek sure yu put nuff peppa an onion.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Lawd unno a mek me hungry…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

And throw in two cassava dumplin fi me

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

No man! Unoo haffi share a plate fi mi, suh mek two cawnmeal dumpling put aside fi mi

10 years ago

Teach what is the significance of me getting 2 white envelopes within 1 week? Also, my big daughter was in 2 houses in my 2 dreams…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


Di Asian spirit dem traaang too… Obara you really strong…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wow! Suh a when spirit tek yuh ova dem mek yuh speak Russian and Chinese!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I have never had that experience…but see dem tek over people …

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago

Ty, Ty, Ty (inna mi Sheldon from Big Bang Theory voice)…Bring di John Crow Batty…

Respect every baddy…Teach I don’t know if u commented, but how did we do on our first assignment?

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mth, I will…my grandfather used to take a shot every Friday, so mi know the spot dem fi get di real deal john crow batty…

10 years ago

OK,Thank you very much Obara, My brother just told me that the only thing he could remember was his feet felt like they were burning and his body felt like it was vibrating

10 years ago

Thanks Teach…I somehow knew death was in the mix. #2 came regular and in Drap-An #2 is death. I saw my daughter’s dad chauffeur in all black, I was heading down the elevator and it stopped between 1 and 2.
Teach did I have an experience? I remember I was looking at the events unfolding.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

No problem. Take your time you have a lot on your plate…

10 years ago

Obara did u check ur Oracle to see if Ty’s message was in part for me?

10 years ago

Thank you for sharing Obara I wonder if it’s because in last weeks experience I threw out the tea with the kola nut in my dream why I couldn’t fall asleep this week

10 years ago

Ok thanks Obara I will tell her

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok… We love her all the time and everyday

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

We thank you Obara meji…

I feel very honored and privileged…you have helped me more than you know…

I am braver and stronger…thank you, thank you, thank you…

10 years ago

Unno know seh Sterling on the England team is 19 year old who born in Kingston, jamaica…mi proud you see

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Oh that is so nice. Oh no him get yellow card!

10 years ago

Does it mean that she has the ability to interpret her dreams correctly?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok Obara I will tell him. What about tge part of my mother’s dream rhat she could remember with her seeing someone making a candle and the candle maker said to her you already have the ability to do this. What is your take on that?

10 years ago

Thankyou Obara..yes NuNu i only wear glasses for tv,computer and reading

10 years ago
Reply to  Donna

Donna next time you see the optometrist, take a card fi me…me wear glasses too

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok…plus di traffic from the World Cup rituals…lol

10 years ago

Obara I spoke to cgoh this morning and unfortunately nothing happened last night. He said however that he knows it’s a process and he hopes that next time around he’ll experience something.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara.

10 years ago

Mth, how you heart while you a watch di match?

10 years ago

Hello everyone!!! I am back in business, was having a bit oh ahhhrm ‘technical difficulties’ for a few days and was kinda busy over the last few. I have learnt so much from being on this site, its not funny… Been on the site since its inception and boy the things that mi learn. I remember cooking and feeding my ancestors back in 2011; why it seems that I am a sponge just always sapping up other people’s negative vibes; having my dreams explained and a host of other things… But most of all, even though there were times when… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Maniac

Hey Maniac…

10 years ago
Reply to  Maniac

Hey Maniac! mi glad yuh come back ie si

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hey Ty, Hey Nunu
Glad to be back… Dis site name di ‘muss come back’ lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Maniac

Maniac, love does not know time or distance…we glad you back…pure love

10 years ago

Evening everybody… same like NuNu i had trouble sleeping also, i don’t remember all of the dream it kinda piece piece but here goes… I was in in my childhood home but inside kinda change up , i remember talking to my mother about what i don’t know then my right eye felt a bit funny so i went upstairs into the bathroom when i entered it wasn’t the bathroom it was a optometrist room then a good looking lady with long pretty said to me oh you’ve come to get your eyes tested and i nodded she tested them… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Donna

Hey Donna

10 years ago
Reply to  Donna

Hey Donna, Obara said you met a spiritual doctor! Wow good for you.so you have eye issues? Do you wear tested glasses?

10 years ago

Lawd da game ya sweet…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

GOAL!!!!!!Super Mario! What a match exciting!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Super Mario!!! Lawd day match pull you heart strings…

10 years ago

Good evening Obara

10 years ago

Howdy goos people, I am awake finally, dropsy did tek mi. Somebody please to wrap number two pon England side and sen’ him come give mi. What a lad beautiful! Super Mario deh pressure di goal!

10 years ago

Bless up Teach. Ty, my baby said I must remember that she is English…So a England mi sey…Mi might sorry but a suh!!

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Hey teach…take your time…

Mth, it will be a good match…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago

Part 3 I typed it and I lost it…(Insert a dozen bad words). I was still in my living-room and went across the road (same space where the 2 guys were lurking). The dream shifted and it seemed that I was in a warehouse or an underground parking. I kept going here several times to my daughter’s father and he would give me money for my daughter. We were getting along well to the point of me thinking that we could get back together. I went to see my daughter’s dad and while I was coming back, I told an… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Him wearing white is good…

10 years ago

I think Ballotelli’s Orisha is Ogun…

10 years ago

If Italy mek Balotteli play, England going to have a hard time Mth…cause him is a baller

10 years ago

Ty, I’m so glad u said that. Chicken is always my weakness. OMG, that was a temptation. Dream Pt. 2 I was in my living-room (around 2 am) my co-worker (same one who was with me when I found the money Monday). She was at the front grill taking to me. I looked directly across the road from me (the space between the two neighbours house). I saw 2 men lurking. They were watching us (again, it seemed as if I was watching everything that was going on, but I could not intervene). My co-worker’s back was turned so she… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Ok… Be careful in the coming days and always trust you ori/head….

10 years ago

Here is my dream. Broken down in parts (as mi wake mi write dem dung cause mi neva waan figet dem)…. Part 1 I dreamt that I went outside early (this morning) I saw my neighbour’s little 2 year old daughter outside. She was in their garden (an immaculately kept garden, very green and lush). I took her up and asked her where were her parents. She said they were sleeping. It seemed that even as I was dreaming I was aware that I was dreaming and I was even questioning the things I saw. It appeared that I was… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Me glad you never eat di chicken…

10 years ago

Ty, a dah ole rum head yu a ask bout John Crow batty? Mi shame a yu…Come on Ty (look wey mi offa fi bring)…World Cup sweet is a shame. Ty every side mi pick fi win dem match win. Caan wait fi si England match…

Mi nuh si di Clovis cartoon yet…Ty mi haffi guh write mi dream inna bout 4 parts..

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Lol…. We a definitely family…

Post the dreams…

10 years ago

Bubblez, yu a mi mate cause di 2 a wi belongs to Sango.. Cas, you must put plain water, no salt under your bed to dream and remember your dreams. All a wi fi clap Toy, shi guh 3 days on the fast (6-6). Nunu, Yazzy, Ty, Donna, Cgoh and every single people peeper and blogger respect due….Double shout out ef unno a watch world cup….

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mth…you a fi we official dreamer…

Di World Cup sweet…you see Clovis cartoon today…it look like di whole class a watch World Cup..

10 years ago

U can put your dreams here in this post…mine is in the other one, because I posted very early…

10 years ago

Unno know fram mawning mi wake an sey, naah turn up early today. Suh mi all a mi chores and watch world cup, only fi come on a si sey di whole a unno turn up. Who deh mark di redissta? Mark mi present… Ty, yu know sey mi did waan tell unnoo 2 tings diss week but mi neva did waan drap it in, next ting dem sey wey mi a guh wi current affairs. Mi did waan tell unno sey unno can walk wid unno likkle much and nuh get nuh prison record…Suh di nex meeting, me wi… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Wappen mi pardy Mth…mi mark you present …

Mi have some links up inna de hills…so me we bring di chess and likkle drancrow batty… A wonder if unno know a what dat?

10 years ago

Yazzy my dream is under the last blog from yesterday, power of prayer…I posted early this am…

10 years ago

Gonna try and take a nap folks(didn’t sleep last night) see y’all later

10 years ago

A di Friday the 13th, full moon business mek it seem like most people can’t remember dem dreams or have some interference last night?

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Could be the full moon effect…the pull is very strong…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, where is your dream??

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Yazzy, I do not know where it was…it felt like out in space…

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I thought the full moon would intensify the experience… a wonda if a di total happosite happen??

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

A dat mi deh seh and last night mi almost certain mi feel presence ie nuh man (hope ia not the mind playing tricks), bex yuh si!

10 years ago

Morning Everyone! I had the worst headache last night and my head is still hurting now. I don’t remember what I dreamt last night. 🙁 I will come back later. My head is hurting so bad. Smooches everyone. Love and light.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Feel better Toy7318

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Sorry to hear that Toy, mi send a little prayer ur way

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy sweetie. That’s terrible. Mi nuh like seh yuh inna pain. We affi guh lift yuh up. It is well Toy. So nice of you to still show up and bless us with your love and light. Rest up. We have yuh back.

10 years ago

Ok, I would like to share my dream last night (yes, a cup of tea was at my head)… I was at my birth home and somehow knew (not sure how – I think something was imparting on me that info) that there was a moth demon that has been after my family for generations. It was supposedly responsible for my father’s death (who is still alive) as well as someone else’s (possibly my eldest brother – again still alive). While I prepared my defense my other brother (the 2nd of 3) came home, so I told him about what… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

So I’m guessing you’re the brother /family member with the strong defending spirit. So you are going to be at the helm of the family spiritually to cut whatever negative forces that might be following you guys for generations. I don’t get the death of the brother/father part tho. Well since they are alive im assuming, death is symbolic for something else. Waiting on Ms. Meji to come sort this out

10 years ago

Good Morning all! First off, it is truly a wonder the love and warmth that is amongst this group. I wish all the best for your spiritual growth and camaraderie gained through sharing some of your life experiences.
Spirituality, for me, has been a process of isolation and solitude. However, there is much to be gained from a class such as this. As Professor Obara Meji said, “Experience teaches wisdom” and from this group there is a great collection of experiences. Applying introspection and empathy without judgment to these experiences is simply POWERFUL!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

Go de mi Boo…welcome officially…

Unno notice seh fi him assigned avatar is like mine but upside down? Lol…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Because unoo a balancing forces! Ty nuh bodda show off pon wi een ya yuh nuh!!!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu


10 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

Woooiiiii Bredda YW yuh know how long mi waiting for yuh. Welcome! Welcome! Mi deh pon pringe fi hear your spiritual experiences sir! Thank you for joining us!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Thanks Nuns but peeping is a part of my nature.

10 years ago
Reply to  Tw/Yw

A extra special mawnin blessings to our princess’s prince, Tw/Yw!!!! First of allllllll….. a me fi tellllll yuhhhhh how di blogger name mek MI speak knna tonguesssss. It HILARIOUS BAD!!!! DANGEROUS SENSE OF HUMOR!!!!!! lmfaooooo. All now mi a dead to clartz clartz. Ty, how yuh wicked to wi suh. You and your hubby large. Love unuh bad. I honestly think you two are a match made in the heavens. Love it!! Tw/Yw, welcome Baba! A yasso noice… but then again, you already know this. We look forward to experience some of the amazing dreams/visions we so frequently read about… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Mi seh Yazz! a di Ty and Yw togather seh TRANG!!! Mi deh pree dat eena di spirit

10 years ago

Good Morning Mommy O. Good Morning allll my sweeties!!! A blessed sat morning to you allll.

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Morning Yazzy…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, it’s so strange… I’m not certain whether I dreamt and just can’t remember but nothing coming… but mi sure do memba a call yuh name! Not sure in what context.. or wa ra wa… but yuh name is all I memba.

Thanks for the love and light baby girl. Although I don’t remember anything…. I sure know it was peaceful. A very peaceful rest and I woke up so peaceful… I accept your love and light sweetie.

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Yazzyyyy!!!! How yuh duh mumz. Yuh dream?