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For the evolution of mankind...

Embracing Spirituality is a blog of a wide variety of spiritual topics and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji and her personal experiences. Born out of a desire to assist others in embracing their spirituality, and to lend our contribution to the ultimate goal of the evolution of mankind.
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Recently I spoke to someone while I was preparing some spiritual work for a client in a far away country. The work I was preparing was work for this particular person’s newly formed business which she wanted to flourish. It was very hard work and had to be done at night. I had to begin at a certain time in the night, and there I was sitting in my office on the ground preparing this work which had four sets to it. My arms were tired from wrapping but I had to  finish everything so that I could send them off. My friend asked me what was I doing as I had taken a while to respond to their text and I  responded that I was doing some Juju work. I waited my breath for them to shriek “Juju work”?  their shock at my candor radiating through the text message, but it never came. I sighed and smiled secretly to myself at the same time, because my friend is Jamaican and most Jamaicans becomes shocked, appalled and taken aback at the very mentioned of Juju or Obeah, most show fear, and it tickles me to see that, because I know and understand things relating to these matters differently. Big up yuh self mi brave friend!

We continued with our texting and I told my friend that I wondered at their non reaction to my telling them about the Juju work, it wasn’t a big deal according them, however they suggested that I write a post on the difference between Sacrifice which is done in the tradition of Ifa/Orisha, read this post, and Juju/Obeah/witchcraft. I thought it to be a good idea for a post, so I have decided to tackle this subject today. There is a difference between all these and although it is challenging somewhat to break it down, I have never backed down from a challenge, so here I go! Sacrifice, is an offering given of food, objects, animals or other things for a higher purpose, it is almost like swapping something for another In the tradition of Ifa Orisha, Sacrifice is always recommended after consultation with an high priest called a Babalawo or with and Iyanifa (eyah-nee-fah) such as I or an Oloorisha (olo-orisha)

Ususally the Babalawo uses what is called an Iroke which is held in his hand, and knocks it on the opon Ifa tray (his divining tray) while chanting to Orunmila when doing divination. The Iroke which the Babalawo uses here is Key. It is Orunmila’s power which he lends to his earthly representatives which are his Babalawo’s, and while a Babalawo holds it in hand, he has the trained right and exclusive power given to him by Orunmila through initiation and over twenty years of intense training under a Master Babalawo (Oluwo, Chief) to invoke the holy Odu’s from within time and space, which are the binary coded language of the entire Universe, where it will appear, come down and open its chapters for the Babalawo to interpret to the client of his life and all within whether negative or positive and how to align it with the solutions given which are always sacrifice.

With each Odu comes the solution for all problems and when the sacrifices are meted out Babalawo’s are told which Orisha will accept the sacrifice.

Of Sacrifice;

This is how sacrifice works; Say there is a problem, someone is fighting the client, either in the physical realm,  or through witchcraft, like an enemy or a Boss, or an ex-wife, ex husband or current wife and husband (while married or together people are wicked, cyaa buy no ticket offa nuh baddie, you cannot trust people) or anyone who has attacked the client or planning to, Orunmila sees tomorrow. It can stem from anything such as setting the client up for a crime, planning for them to lose their jobs, making them get ill, anything, you name it, when the solution is given after consultation, Orunmila will instruct the Babalawo to give a particular Orisha  the prescribed sacrifice, it maybe a Dog to Ogun, Divinity of Iron. This maybe a case of prison or court house appearances, or someone being hunted to be killed, or even someone undergoing surgery or someone in danger of a fatal car accident, remember Ogun rules over Iron and steel and he is the divinity of war, de real warlord!, When sacrifice is given to Ogun and he accepts, it is Ogun who will now face all these things for the client. Once Ogun is appeased in the name of that person, then he can relax about the accident, he will not see prison, he will answer to no Judge, the Surgeon with his scalpel will be precise,  Ogun will face the gunman coming after him and he will run or become afraid because now the client has the backing of the great Orisha Ogun! The client will not see death, Ogun now has his back so to speak and he will make everything alright, for now.  Ogun Yay!!!!

The Iroke (E-roe-keh), is Orunmila’s Power. With this Iroke Bablawo’s are able to Invoke that which is within time and space to come out and give solution so that our lives can be better. Always know that Orunmila’s doctrine teaches the right way, Ifa, Orunmila is often times called Ifa teaches righteousness. Ifa will not support criminals or anyone which wants to use him to get away with crimes against humanity or otherwise. Orunmila teaches us that we must strive to develop Iwa Pele, (good character, gentle character), when you seek counsel from Ifa, it is to bring us back into alignment with our destiny, and this is done through Sacrifice. When you are harmonious with nature, when your life is balanced, then your way or path is clear for you to find your way in this life, we know that Obstacles will cross our path and Esu, (Youruba divinity of Justice)  will toss them our way, but we appease him first as to not disturb us, even though he does so to keep up alert and on our toes and also to remind us to keep up with our consultations, sacrifice and prayers.

Of Juju;

Juju is an African terminology, it is work done by practitioners of a certain craft. Knowledge based upon what has been passed down to a person from within family or taught to others by knowledgeable people who have found favor in them enough to teach them. Juju can do good and also bad, it depends on the character of the holder of the knowledge. I know Juju well well, and I am proud of it. I love it, and it has helped me plenty in life. Here is where I make that creepy laugh and deepen my voice in a sultry kind of wanton way, while wearing my Elvira get up, black wig and all with my eyeliner drawn cat eyes and my lips painted ruby red with my crystal ball in my right hand and my wand in my left! Are you scared yet? Simmer down, simmer down, let me explain. Juju can be described as a tablet, medicine, medication taken for an illness, to cure a problem and Juju when done bad can be very harmful, it can even kill...

Disclaimer, I would like to declare that I am a good Juju worker, mi heart too saff, plus mi fraid ah God lol, an coward man kip soun bone!

Of Good Juju;

Good Juju can do wonderful things to aid human beings from problems and sufferings. In Africa the threat of Malaria is here, but there are herbalist and spiritualist and traditionalist (Balalawos) who have concoctions made from herbs and plants along with many things that cure Malaria and other diseases when others are plagued with them. This is known as Juju work, remember as I said before Juju can be viewed as a tablet, a pill, medication if you will (I just rhymed a sentence, lol) this is the example. There was a case of a woman who had Tuberculosis the dreaded TB, when she got to Nigeria she was almost dead, the Oloorisha sent her students to catch twenty one lizards (Alagba in Yoruba), and then the lizards were killed and left in the hot African sun to dry on zincs, after which they were placed in mortar and pounded with a pestle in to fine powder, an assortment of herbs were done the same, grounded into powder, the Oloorisha, an Osun woman gathered everything and prepared the medicine for this woman who was made to drink this concoction, she vomited things indescribable and for twenty one days she was on that compound (this is a story told to me, I was not there) she was cured. That is Juju work. My mother told me that she had whooping cough when she was young in Jamaica and  what is known in Africa as Grass cutter (bush meat, de Africans love it more dan real meat lawd God!) and as Cane piece Rat in Jamaica was boiled and given to her as tea and this cured the whooping cough, that is Juju work. Ganja put in white rum fi pain, ah Juju wuk! The work which I did for the person who was opening a business in her country is Juju work, she asked for something so that her business will flourish. I knew what exactly to prepare to help. All my ingredients came from nature. I knew what to do to put certain herbs together and other things which will aid in another to enjoy their life without disturbing another persons own. What I prepared for her, God supplied it for me, because it all came from the bush, it is because of knowledge we have that we know what to use and how to use it, and it is confirmed. On this earth realm there is power, you just have to know what to do. The Bible said Jesus groaned at the tomb of Lazarus, Jesus groaned, then he commanded Lazarus to come forth, consider the word groan, plus the command!, lol ah Juju work! these are some examples of Juju work, we can discuss it more in detail later.

Of Bad Juju

As I have said before there are Good Juju and Bad Juju. Here I will deal with bad Juju. Bad Juju really depends on the character of a person. The person with the knowledge does so to be paid his worth, although some smart ones will only take but so much money and there is a reason why. The customer who seeks out the work of the bad Juju worker is worse than the practitioner himself. One should never seek that which has no cure or is too complicated to deal with. Many people seek out bad Juju for money rituals or to kill or maim a person, drive persons crazy or break up a family unit among many different possibilities. All these are wrong and there are serious repercussions for such actions. Bad Juju as it relates to money rituals, can ask for the sacrifice of a human life so that the petitioner will use the dead persons “star” to acquire earthly gains, these things are done a lot, and it is even said it is being done in the nowadays music Industry. Bad Juju can drive a wife from the home of her husband, and this can be done by any wicked person who wants to separate these two people, a person can collect the hair of another and take that hair to a tree out some where with certain implements and incantations and do certain things at a specific hour and drive that person mad, to which no doctor can cure, but for Orunmila! Bad Juju is using power, knowledge learned to harm a fellow being or kill them, it is work done by human hands to cause disturbance and destruction. It is not the correct way to walk the road of life, but we were given free will as human beings and as such free to do what we will, however every action carries an reaction. Walk good and stay away from this practice! To do anything like this is to destroy you own self. God is not in support of anything done to hurt another or the Earth, and you cannot escape the wrath unleashed as payment when it is meted out and even your children and their children will feel it, often times even more terrible than you, sow good seeds, walk the right way! There is nothing called bad anything when it comes to spiritual work only BAD HUMAN BEINGS the blame lays with them!

Of Witchcraft;

This topic needs a lot of time spent on it If I were to explain it fully, so for now I will do a short synopsis of it and deal with it as a topic all on its lonesome, (when mi work up mi nerve). We have all heard this word witchcraft before and of course like all the other words which deals with any form of Spiritual work and workers, the mystery and curiosity and sometimes fear of  this presents itself into our minds. When I speak of Witches and of Witchcraft here I will speak to you coming from the African point of view, although they are every where. In African cosmology the science behind these things once explained properly can be understood without dread or fear. Religion, Hollywood and media propaganda has stigmatized all these and have made us all cowards to all that which we should face and understand.

Witchcraft belongs to a group of people who we call in Yoruba land Iyami (e-yah-me) Osoronga (Oh-so rung-gah), or Aje (ah-jeh), or Elders of the night. These are otherwise known as witches. Make no doubt about it, they are real and were sent here to this realm and given power by nobody else but our supreme God. They  were escorted here by Esu (Yourba divinity of Justice) with the assistance of our Great Orunmila of whom they respect a lot, through the Holy Odu Osa Meji. Orisha Osun is the head of these group of people and birds are their Insignia. It is said that they fly, and they do. Outside of Africa we here of them flying on  brooms, I cannot speak on that although with them anything is possible. In Africa these people turn themselves into birds and fly, mostly at nights, where they gather in the realm of spirit for their meetings. They are known as Awon Eleye, Owner of birds. In Africa witches are not known, they are our Neighbors, the Market Sellers, the Seamstress, the Hair Dresser, they are among us everywhere, there are no known meeting place for them where anyone can point to, and even if one knows them who dares to point them out?

It is a society that one is born into and although there are initiations into it which is given to those who want it, it is held in the deepest of secrecy. I am tempted to tell you a little about the initiation but I fear I cannot. The Elders of the night have a power which is given to them as stated before by God (Olodumare, and Orunmila knows their secret, but he will never betray them) , their work is very mysterious and when they counsel together many destructive, strange, unimaginable things can occur, also they can heal what others have given up on. In Yoruba land people are careful not to insult each other because you never know if the person is a witch and real witchcraft is not something any human being would want to face. They must be respected and held in high regard, to offend them is to seal your fate unless you seek the help of Orunmila through a Babalawo. Be respectful of birds even the vultures, here in this form they demand sacrifice when you see them and seeing these vultures at odd times in your life are an indication that these elders of the night are indeed with you, a part of you lineage, do not speak of them in a negative way and be  mindful of cats as they are their messengers. When they come in the form of Owls especially the white ones they bring messages of death, I could go on, but I will leave it here for now.

To the Elders of the night, I Obara Meji beg you, please do not disturb me or my children, as I have not neglected you!

Of Obeah;

Casting spells, making charms, guard rings, and such delights are attributed to this terrible word Obeah.  Obeah is a term used and originated in Jamaica to describe black magic, Voodoo or matters concerning mysterious occult work. L. W. de Laurence (friend in my head) is said to have taught many Jamaican practitioners the art of ritualistic magic. Again some people use their knowledge for good and some use it for evil, the choice is in the Humans hand. An Obeah worker is normally viewed in the eyes of many as evil practitioner.  Here the Bongo man as some in Jamaica are called builds his fire on his compound and blows his rum and calls his main messenger to come and assist him to kill someone, the fire burns and he chants a psalms (most Obeah man or women In Jamaica use the Bible to assist them in sending off their work), as he chants his psalm probably psalm 109, he calls “Joseph”!, a non-physical being. Joseph appear and the Bongo man flings a bottle of red stripe beer into the blazing fire, now shooting angry looking sparks, Bow!!! the bottle explodes as it enters the fire, Bongo man shouts loudly “One shot!“, another bottle of Beer is flung and Bow!!! another explosion, he shouts “two shots”! he continues until he reaches nine shots, the number 9 which is the number of death, the Bongo man has just sent a death blow, which will reach the intended victim in 9 days on 9th hour. It is left to be seen if it will take, perhaps the intended victim is under the “Blood”, and No weapon formed against him shall prosper, who the hell knows, we can just perhaps. The term Obeah is actually supposed to represent a person who is of evil thoughts or intentions in matters relating to spirits and conjuring malevolent entities and working with them for the destruction of life and thensome, but there are people who do good healing work and are also called Obeah people so we therefore cannot place the whole lot in the same basket. All in all it comes down to the same thing as Juju and Voodo, it is the hand of the human being, the bad hands and minds of our fellow world citizens,  Again neither the word nor practice is bad, it is the wicked HUMANS, THE CHARACTER, THE POWER AND DOMINION WHICH PEOPLE SEEK TO DESTROY OTHERS!!! Orunmila teaches that we should strive for Iwa Pele (Good character), we should adhere!!!. Whew mi tiad!…The End!

Ìgbà tí ijó bá yẹ’ni lá ńkúrò lójú agbo. / 
It is when the ovation is loudest that one ought to quit the dance floor…..Yoruba Proverb!

[Know when to quit; don’t overstay your welcome.]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji!





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2 years ago

This information about orisha osun’s children is not correct. We don’t fly and we protect from witches rather than being one. We are not allowed to partake in any acts of harming another. She is an orisha of peace. Asé

2 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Aboru Aboye Abosise, Ifa Niké! Thank you for the insight and knowledge.

Last edited 2 years ago by RBH
5 years ago

Good one. I always lumped everything under witchcraft. Had no idea there was a distinction to be made.

God\'s child
God\'s child
6 years ago

What is a juju warrior?

8 years ago

Do you train and initiate what cost

9 years ago

Great teachings and examples!


[…] When a Jamaican or anyone hears the word Obeah, something bad, wicked, evil, Satanic comes to mind. The mere word elicits deep fear into the heart of some, while others foolishly dismiss Obeah as a fallacy, foolishness, nutten nuh guh suh! There are many claims as to the origin of the word Obeah, but I shall not spend time here, only that the word is synonymous with Jamaica and Jamaicans, it is a word we use to identify with things which are not of the natural world, and this is me putting it mildly. Read here. […]

10 years ago

Intriguing. Thanks for posting.

10 years ago

I can’t wait to hear the story/explanation for AMH matter.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Many many thanks.

10 years ago

Mr. Nile this is for you on your earth-strong: Happy Birthday, this I say Wishing you the best, on this your special day I know you love your daughter and your son Just looking at them today will be fun We love when you come on ES come par We love your charm and your intelect. You are a born star It shines through even from a far I know the Most High will continue to guide you Love and light yoy, Boo His hands on your life I ask him to show May happiness find you to make you… Read more »

10 years ago

Ekaso my ES family hello all hope yu an ur families are all well. Bless up Nile pon yu Earth Strong! now yu tun old man eeh lol

10 years ago

Happy Birthday Nile! Love and Light to all our ES family! Teacher, when my eldest daughter was younger when we were still in her fathers house she started talking to a man in her room, who I later discovered had died in a car accident in the 1980s down the road beside the house. She started to become frightened by him and lose sleep. Not knowing what else to do my mother called a man she knew who said there was a negative magnetic field through the house causing this manifestation and he put two charged rods in the front… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  AMH

AMH, is this in the states? America has an history of building on top of Indian burial grounds. Whey yu O?

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yes it is, the house is not built on a burial ground it is built above a natural spring and a well that used to provide the entire town with their water.

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Thank you one and all!!!

10 years ago

Happy E-day, Nile.

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Today is my earth-strong so I get one day closer to infinity… I am with the family; hence, I am elated. Usually, I aim to forget such days–other than giving thanks for it of course!!!

10 years ago

Happy birthday to you Nile!!!! I’m glad you’re spending it with the family, you couldn’t ask for better nuh true. Sending love and light right back at u, from ur ES fam!!

10 years ago

Happy Birthday Nile…may you continue to be a blessing to all in your presence…may GOD, your orishas, your ancestors continue to help you on your path…love, life, light, and blessing my brother..

10 years ago

Ekaso my lovely people!!!

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  NuNu

NuNu, love and light!!!

10 years ago

I stand corrected. Lalibella how is the little man as well?

Teach, I love your reply re the De Laurence.

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  MTH

Love and light MTH, all is well. The young man is doing well likewise; with him, I am so impressed. He seems impervious to everything.

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara, well said, thank you for your follow-up!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Again, I’m Up! Excellent explanation of D. Lawrence. Mama O, Nile and everyone good day. Ma’ Obara: I see why you love D. Lawrence. He did impart old knowledge to former slaves and descendants who weren’t aware of their true self/heritage because of the forced Christian conversions and hours of lashing, hangings and mutilations for those with the knowledge of African practices to abandon all that they know. Cuba and Haiti held strong though. I think Jamaica got the lesser of the lot because the Island was suppose to serve as punishment for unruly slaves. Therefore, it populated with warriors… Read more »

10 years ago

Nile how is Niley (my name for the baby girl?) Kiss her for me.

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)
Reply to  MTH

MTH, sorry for my late responses, I went back and got some shut eye. I like that–Niley!!! Niley [Eyerusalem] was fussing throughout the night and she kept my up. However, other than a few rashes that I’ve observed, I am going to take her to the doctor for a check up.

Since she is about to embark on her long trip to Africa again, I way to ensure that they are all well–especially the little one who is going to turn 1 next month…

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Blessed morning ES Family–Light and more light!!!

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

Blessed morning to you both: Obara & MTH!!!

10 years ago

Morning Mr. Nile

Lalibela A Nile (@Lalibela_Nile)

This post have me craving for more… Obara, I am also awaiting the scary references! Thank you so much for taking the time out again to enlighten us in ways that only you can. The following quote from the above passage says everything–as this is what all humans should seek to achieve: “I knew what to do to put certain herbs together and other things which will aid in another to enjoy their life without disturbing another persons own.” In a crowed and often dark room, it is difficult to move around without stepping on another person’s feet. Compounded by… Read more »

10 years ago

very informative Obara

10 years ago

GN and GM. See you all later on. O hope we didn’t keep you up or wake you too early. later in the day.

10 years ago

Night Teach, night Toy

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Night nuna

10 years ago

Ok teach, I stayed with this family that had a cat, and the cat pass mi day in day out no problem, then all of a sudden on my ‘first day’ di puss dis get cross wid mi, all try scratch mi

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

My kids grandmother told me cats can turn on you. I don’t know why, though. Yes, cat’s are annoying when in heat. What’s up Nunu. Night everyone going to turn in early.

10 years ago

Odara everyone…my bed calling…sweet dreams…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Sweet dreams Ty

10 years ago

Do cats usually get cross with yuh when yuh on ur monthly? Can they sense it?

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lol…so Africa paw paw tree dem nu get nu beat up..lol. MurdHer pon yu roof top.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago

Lolol, unoo need fi low di puss dem mek dem duh dem ting!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

They are loud and obnoxious. They can be deliberate to…if O run them they will come back around 3 am just fi tun it up. I got that treatment before..lol

10 years ago

Mi nah guh lie star a suh wi use to gwaan like wi nice and mi memba a bredda seh to wi, unoo need a ‘bathe’ wi nuh pay dat nuh min’ no sah wi juss pray and fast cause a dat wi use to. Mi mumma!! when di juju wax eena wi skin unoo fenne fi si wi deh scramble lika yaad fowl fi guh find “competent” help! Ha

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Same fi de bath is de same fi cleansing of the home. I don’t know how people move into places and don’t burn/wash it out. Especially in cities like NY and London where houses/apts/flats are over 50-100 years old. Spirit central those…don’t O?

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Is true Cami.

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Lmfaoooooo Nunu!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Lol, Yazz

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lolol…O, how de African puss dem bawl? Same way like fi wi whoring puss dem? lol Me suspect sey de African one dem loader since de place big…or is it because a de “big pod ram puss”? lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami


10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks sweetie. I got it now

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Is that awful sound that imitates that of a new born and the screech like dem get set on fire…it is maddening.

10 years ago

I love what Obara said, it’s not the practice that’s bad it depends on the person and their intent

10 years ago

A wha kinda puss awgument a galang een yah!lololol

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Dem tek O roof mek sex club…lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

More like orgy Cami…

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Grung Cami

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

A grung mi de eenuh Obara! A weeaaaaaaakkkkkkkkkk!!!!!! Lawd gash, dem crucify we de now! **covers face** I get you tho. So Mommy O, if Christ was to be the sacrificial lamb, right? He was then a blood sacrifice and as such a ransom was paid. My question is, since it’s not enough to block/prevent an evil doer from their evil works… can the same be said for sacrifices done to an Orisha?? Or say perhaps the sacrifices are accepted by the Orisha and there is victory…are they immune from further attacks? Or would more sacrifices be needed in the… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Same such, and when di obeah ketch you better get help…of course from a competent person…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Hey Ty!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hey Nunu…

When I was a child dem fling obeah pon mi…thank God my mother did ” tek me out” and get me taken care of…

In everything that we do, we seek to find good…and embrace people that do the same…

If you sick, you go to a competent doctor who not going to kill you and do you harm…likewise if you have spiritual attacks seek the help of a competent spiritualist…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, as young as you be smaddy do dat to yuh mi darling?? Omg! No sah…thank Goodness yuh fam ‘trang will and nuh skin teet

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Yes Yazzy…people wicked…

My mom took me to a woman who would put water in a basin, chant, then pray…you then look in the water and you can see the people talking, moving, and everything…no sound though…she was a kind and gentle woman…she helped me…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

rotf…all red stripe bokkle would a broke before de bad juju reach. Me love me nation bad, but me nu want nu yardie who intangle inna de school of obeah fi do a thing fi me much less school me. That’s why me GLAD the day me meet up pon Obara and tek time fi know sey she is authentic.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami, I’m especially IN LOVE with your choice and responsible action…that you ****TOOK THE TIME*** to know that she is AUTHENTIC!

This is also my TESTIMONY Cami! Chuss mi, mi tek mi likkle time mi love…led by my Ori.

10 years ago

Hi Yazzy, NuNu…Ty and O behave, dwln. I don’t think a female dog have anything pon a female cat. The last thing you want to do is approach dem while dem busy.. Dem will jump and try scratch your face.lol They screech at me and keep it moving..we aren’t friends.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yailings Cam!

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hey Cami booo. Yuh experience dem to?? Lololol

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

I wrote about them on the cat post. Cats and I aren’t friends.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok. I remember smelling them a river when dem drop off a de tree, not a nice smell at tall.

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lawd Cami de com stink?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

eww…lolllllllllll I was talking about the inside of the calabash. Ewww..de puss dem a get to yu O? lollll

10 years ago

Good night folks! Suh much info packed in this post thanks teach

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Good night NuNu boo!! Missed you! Hailmentz to mumz and Cgoh fi mi de mi love

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Good night Yazz! Mumzy and C criss, mi glad yuh drop een tonight!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ohhhhh! Got it. Obara, from a church stand point, is there such a thing as being covered under the blood? I hope I’m not offending any religious individuals here (and no, mi nuh need praya)

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lol… Di cat dem a freaks…dats is why them name pxxxxycat…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yea, why puss affi behave suh when dem inna likkle heat?? It sound awful man!! I was raised in Seaview and we had half a di roof zinc and half a concrete (that’s where they added more to the home I guess) … and mi a tell yuh how dem puss de use to behave pan di likkle piece a zinc roof… den deal wid it a way suh till!!! Mi seh di roof nuh frig fi leak when rain fall!!!! Cauz a dem hawny puss de!! And could I sleep pan all dem nights de wen di puss dem… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hey Obara, I am reading. Night everyone!

10 years ago

Cami, Ty, Kia.. hailmentz sweeties. I got here late.. but I am here 😀

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Hail yazzy….

Obara when me did live in portmore a bare wild cats there…a night time I remember hearing dem bawl…Lawd …

Bad mind worse than any obeah…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lolllolol. My entire life I was reminded that these things are useless if one doesn’t believe. Dog nyam mi supa.

Thanks for the responses Mommy O. Can you elaborate on the term clearance?

10 years ago

Mommy O, I once went to a rival church and to my surprise, “the overseer” while dancing and ting, would guh get apple chop up and throw it, very wildly, inna Di church…then he would always run guh get a red strip beer and dance and gwaab then guh out side guh bruk it a grung. Would that be considered offerings?? Also, would someone need to believe in the rituals/juju/sacrifices for them to be more effective?

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Hey Yazzy!

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy booooo!! How ya been sweeties?? Toy all you buss To baby girl?? Kool nuh Toy!! A you seh baagey kite!! 😀 I’m so happy for you sweetie. Bwouy last night rain soak out mi claat a road suh mi cudnt even find time to come back here. Mi bex bad! Lolololl. Don’t laugh

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lmaooo Obara… nuh behavior! Mi shamelessly did a die fi come over here all day fi mi daily mawkit laff dem. Lawd gash

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Isn’t that mush stink?

10 years ago

Good night Mommy O! Good night all my other sweeties! Ba wo na nko (Obara, did I say it right? )

Ty, very interesting point as it relates to juju.

10 years ago

My first son had colic bad and would cry…my grandmother sent up teething bush …I boiled it and give him and it worked like a charm…why do we not call this natural? Is it not from nature? Smh

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

An why dem love ruxx Pon roof? Ole freak dem!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

DWL! Yes Obara. A waah show yuh how demand bright.. dem mwk a bag a noise pan di roof all howaz a night and even tear dung di piece a vinegar butchry zinc roof one time and DROP EEEN! inna mi sleep. A bawl out su til!! Mi se di pus mash up di whole a mama piece a figaree dem pan di waknot fi get out a di house.. like a we hold it hostage in de.. afta a dem drop een like universe guest a ppl yaad. Dem! Dem awful when dem a rux more while man

10 years ago

The sad thing is that we label things as juju, obeah etc yet still if dem grind up di same herb mixture and put in a pill and put natural on the label, people buy it like is water…smh…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

So true.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

True so true. And all these herbs are much better for yu.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

So true!

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Real Talk Ty!

10 years ago

Dem have many plants for pregnancy…try what teach told you…

10 years ago

Obara thanks for another wonderful post…the stigmas are so wrong and have very little basis or truth… Well then most modern medicine is also juju.. So many are stolen from nature….look at guinea weed bush now used as a chemotherapy…my grandmother would draw it from the root, boil it give us when we sick with flu…she would then wake us up early before the sun come up to get the healing energy…we would sip on the tea as the sunrise outside… not to mention the pass down things like: -thyme tea it induce labor -ginger tea for heartburn -tamarind bush… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Maroon, yu know yu ting. The purest of a Maroon woman I’ve ever met is the woman who sells herb/bush at the bank a Half-way tree. A purple plant I relate to grave yard she told me can be used for pregnancy…but me nah drink it base pon me taboo Obara O..lol Me soon relax and drink de next thing you suggested…spiritual tutor of mine.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami u’ve initated?

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty


Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Ty to Jamaicans me is de biggest Obeah ooman

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Good…use to your advantage…dem will not mess with you…that is what the maroons did, them even start dem own rumors and legends…people can be gullible and will believe the worse for what they do not understand…

10 years ago

Ekale ES fam weh ebry deh tonight? Teach u hear from Nunu of Cgoh? Waiting on a good report fi wi nephew…

10 years ago

Hehehehehe!!!! Poor Shawty!!!

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Ah Juju wuk dat Kia

10 years ago

A long time mi a juju worker ano recently lol i memba my baby a teething n cutting onion for put ina right cloth placing on him belly to cut the fever. Then another time mixing honey lemon n other natural things for the flu. All that mommy teach me. All of it working too.

10 years ago

Teach I am here.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

But of course! Mi nuh mek a move without yu Obara Meji

10 years ago

WOW ok good evening my fambo tthis was interesting thank u Obara Meji. Affi read again. Yu waa hear mi read the pledge to the Elders of the Night wid mi name!
i need a sacrifice for a court case. Ano guilt or innocent ting a support case but mi feel sumn nuh right. Di amount a continuances nuh nawmal smdh

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Hi Kia, gwan do yu thing. A hope a one curry dish sacrifice Mama O gi yu. I love an excellent curry and dry white rice in communal settings.

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I cannot believe that you up

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Me worst…had to make contact with some day light people.lol

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Go in Ty

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Both my grandmothers were talented with herbs… One of them died when I was 7 so, I took in all that I could from her…

The other grandmother is alive, we do not talk much but she bad pon di herbs…people in the community would come to her for advice as what to do…she is talented with wounds and sore…she uses a combo of teas and a ground mixture of pounded herds to put in the wound itself…

10 years ago

Teach a bad woman!!! LOL

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mumma O in de place!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

O, yu finish search fi errors? mussy ongle 2 and the are less than 3 letters…nah tell yu whey cause dem fit right in a de story…lol

10 years ago

Cami how yu duh? I loved the how descriptive Teach was in this one. Bow another shot, but mi Teach did all a rhyme…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Me good mumma. Teach a rebel and me LOVE HER FI IT.

10 years ago

Good day O, MTH and all. Obara! you mek me day wid jokes…lol. Yu story telling is interactive, BUT de fling de goodly Red Stripe inna fire BOW and shots count off is just funny!

If I eva witness dat I would laugh me self out of this world…obeah man a fi go bex!

Red Stripe too conventional fi a use inna rituals…lol That’s a “obeah man in practice”…dwl. Now you know me love me elders of the night.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yes Cami love, Elders of the night peak my curiosity, because they don’t get talked about a lot, so I love when Obara touches on the subject a little bit.

10 years ago

I am so fascinated. Elders of the night are they of all ages or they have to be a certain age before they can do what they are called to do, since they are born into it?

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy, they fascinate you? No age requirements just lineage.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hail Cami yu kno tings maam lol wat can yu add. They are a mystery but intriguing all the same.

10 years ago

A lot to be absorbed…Will have to read over, slowly cause there are so many lessons.

Teach can you give a sacrifice if you want a specific outcome. Say for example I want a job as a Bank Teller…

Teach is good Juju they use in Africa to cure AIDS? Can good Juju also be used to help a ‘short’ man if there is no paw paw tree around? LOL 🙂

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