All praises be to the most high God, and all which he has created. No one understands God ,but what is sure is that he exists! As I have explained here before God is not human but we apply gender to it because of the limitations of the human mind, we cannot imagine another possibility outside of what we are use to, imagery projects reality, and it is assumed that the masculine energy is the more dominant or powerful (lol) hence God becomes HIM. What I have realized over the years that I have been living on this earth plane is that in every area of our lives and all that we go through Life gives us signs. I wondered for a long time if it were me alone because only a person living his life can testify to his own life and its happenings accurately, but after examining other people who I know or who I have met throughout life and my experience as a spiritualist/traditionalist, I realize that we are all given life signs, the problem is that most of us are too asleep or distracted to see them.
There was a time when things were rough for me, well I should rather say slow down. Let me explain somethings before I go any further. Since I have been on my own, God and my ancestors have always been good to me, I have never suffered to the point of being homeless or gone without food. If I woke up with no way to feed myself or my children, miraculously before the days ends God send someone to me or some miracle happen. I have often wondered about money appearing from out of now where when a bill is due or something is about to be cut off, often times coming with just a little left over to spare for whatever. It seemed as if all my life something invisible took care of me and as I grew older I realized that although I could not see them, I was never alone. I have never gone through such a rough time in my life where I could not find food or I did not have shelter, I repeat, and for that I give thanks to my Ori (my head), My God, my ancestors, my guides and guardians, my Orishas and the Others. I have always had my own business, I have only worked for another a certain amount of times in my life. There was something about having a boss, that didn’t sit well me. Calling someone my boss, and having anyone speak to me in a stern manner, reprimanding me and the possibility of hearing the dreaded words, “you are fired” from someone, was a cringing thought. My spirit is Royal, Queenly, and for me to be told to do this or that by anyone, it just would not fly with me. A command from a life partner, perhaps, if done respectfully, because someone has to be able to reason with you, but fi ah Boss ah bad me up, no way!
I had a friend who had a business and he had moved to another state but he needed someone to run his business, in this kind of business you had to have a license to do it and I had the required license for such a business so he requested that I meet with him to discuss me running his company while he moved away. This was before I became an initiate but I was a practicing spiritualist and so I had an altar dedicated to Orisha Sango (Shango), I had some candles burning to this Orisha, although in Africa we do not burn candles to Sango or any Orishas. I knew the secrets to candle burning and during these times things were a little slow for me and so the candles were fixed and lit to aid me in lifting up my prosperity (Juju wuk, lol).
It worked, because the friend called and requested our meeting. I got ready that evening to leave and drive to my friends office, There were three candles burning to Sango, as I was about to go through the door, I heard a very loud Bow!!!, and also some crackling weird noises, I turned around and looked and it was the candle on Sango’s altar, the glass which held the candle had shattered, the glass flying all over and splintered pieces every where. I sat down and looked on in space, shocked at what I saw, but at the same time realizing that it was a message for me not to go. I didn’t go. I called my friend and gave him an excuse as to why I could not do what he proposed. It were to be some months later that I heard that he and all his staff were arrested and given prison time, him getting the most, twenty five years, the least amount of time the workers got was nine years and some were deported after doing their time because of their immigration status
Apparently, my friend was under Federal Investigation for using his license in helping criminals, the license he had was given by the state, and strict rules were given in how to use it, the hell one had to go through to get such license and even the exam which you had to take was tough, I do not use it but I still have my own and I renew it ever so often when required by the State. When I heard this, I gave immediate prayer to Sango, Osun, God, my Ori, my ancestors and all. If the candle had not shattered that day when I was going through the door and had I not been aware that it was a warning I would perhaps be in prison stripes by now, bawling mama come check mi regula, R.I.P Baby Wayne! I am too cute fi prison.
We ought to pay attention to our lives, we must!. There are signs given to us all the time, but most people miss them because of many reasons. In the world we live in there are so many things for us to deal with, which makes for so much distractions, For some people it is family, husband and children, and for others it is career, bills, school, you name it, but if you take the time to look the answers to many questions are right in front of you and how beautiful a thing that is. For instance you may wonder about something or you may want to make a decision and not know what to do and as you step out to go to work you see an animal and right away it clicks to you what to do, your spirit speaks to you and often times in a way which only you can understand, when it happens do not second guess yourself. Nature works in harmony with you, giving you omens and signs, and we are all apart of nature and as such we are never alone. Have you ever been out walking and you look up or about you and there is a bill board or a sign which seems to speak to you?
Years ago, I made a trip to Jamaica, just to renew something in me. Whenever I want that extra something (do not ask me what, and no, it is not a rent ah dread) often times I have no idea what it is, my spirit leads me to Jamaica, land of my birth and when I arrive I feel as if I am embraced there by the spirit of the land. I went there by myself some years ago and spent six weeks chilling in some bush in the country, somewhere overlooking the wonderful Ocean and which had a beautiful scenery. Some people who know me and who I am and what I do were there with me, and we cooked, bathe with a hose outside in the wide open (the area was completely private, we saw someone pass perhaps once per week, I loved it) kept kumina and drummings at least twice when I was there and just had a hell of a good time chilling and bugging out which is my favorite things to do, ( mi full ah vibes!). Read this, when I got back to America, I felt like paying a visit to one of my favorite metaphysical book stores and I with both my girls in tow drove to the Book shop and to look around and just enjoy the vibes.
While I was there I saw a book by the Greek–Armenian mystic G. I. Gurdjieff, Beelzebub’s Tales to His Grandson, I picked it up curious at the title and began to peruse through it, while doing so a very nice and respectful Caucasian gentle man sat beside me and we smiled at each other politely and continued on with our own musings. I was tapped on my shoulder and my seating companion asked me if I was familiar with the work of Gurdjieff and of course I told him yes, (I love Theosophy), and so we embarked on a conversation on the likes of some theosophical heavy weights such as Madame Helena Blavatsky, Rudolf Steiner, Khalil Gibran, Alice Bailey and others, we spoke for a while and then he rose to leave, but as he did this he looked at me pointedly and said, you should write a book, you have much to share and it is time, your guardians have approved it and it is your mission, at least one of them. He left. I felt slightly winded after he left. He seemed to give me a direct message and in that moment I felt as if it were time for us to go home. I paid for the book and we left, while I drove home I was pensive, I had thought of writing before but I never thought me good enough to publish anything, and while I was in Jamaica the women who were around me urged me to do it. I came home after my visit home to Jamaica asking myself if I were fit to do this and I even planned to go back to school and take a creative writing course, but the idea of school, although I love school, would be hard because I travel a lot, I had no time to stay beholden to semester after semester, so I was at odds with my decision.
The decision to go to the book shop was impulsive, I am that way in most things I do and so I had a thought to go to the shop and we did and now on my way driving home, I realized that I went to the shop to receive this message from this kind unassuming gentleman. I tucked the message away in the file box in my mind and waited for the correct time to come when I would put thoughts together and maybe some of my life experiences or things that I know for sure could be put in print and binded as a book, who knows? but it was a possibility and I have always remembered my encounter with dah bredda deh, that gentleman.
As I have written before in some of my posts, signs can come in ways of songs or through a complete stranger, your child, your dream, vision, this blog, your family, a movie, an advertisement, a animal, or even the weather, we should pray that we do not miss them when they come,we sh ould include in our prayers that we do not miss the signs of life, remember “Everything comes when it must and everything happens for a reason”, these are my own sayings and I believe in them. You may have been putting off joining the gym for months, and when you finally join it, you find your husband or wife, your long last sister or brother or the father who ran away from his responsibilities before you were born, (lol), there are no coincidences, none! Albert Einstein reminds us that coincidence is God’s way of remaining anonymous.We live in an energy field where everything resonates with everything else. The world we inhabit mirrors our thoughts and feelings, and vice versa. Nothing happens by chance, everything has it own reason for being, but God our creator takes care of us by showing us signs and preparing is for things to come.
How can we not embrace our spirituality, how can we not do the best for ourselves and look at life in what is described in the context of this post or this blog?. It makes sense to explore all the possibilities of life, things which will make the quality of our lives better for us here in this realm and with the time which we have.
Wake up to your life, when you get up in the mornings, strip naked and face your window where the sun shines on you as if to greet you with a kiss, and raise you arms above your head as if you are stretching with extended arms and gaze outside at nature and inhale slowly for at least 6 seconds while you repeat in your mind “I am pulling in to my being all which is good for me” and hold for 3 seconds and then exhale slowly, while exhaling you say in your mind, “I am releasing all that which is bad” Do this three more times while looking outside, bathe in the warmth of the sun, let the sun become a momentary lover as it embrace you, while becoming one with nature, and you will see the influence and the impact this simple exercise will have on your life.
Ẹni tó sùn là ńjí, a kì í jí apirọrọ; táa bá jí apirọrọ kò ní dáhùn. /
It’s the person who’s sleeping that one wakes, not the person pretending to be asleep; the person pretending won’t respond, if one wakes him….Yoruba Proverb!
[Unsolicited help is seldom appreciated]
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji!
“Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.”
― G.I. Gurdjieff
“Conscious faith is freedom. Emotional faith is slavery. Mechanical faith is foolishness.”
― G.I. Gurdjieff
“It is very difficult also to sacrifice one’s suffering. A man will renounce any pleasures you like but he will not give up his suffering.”
― G.I. Gurdjieff
“Two things in life are infinite; the stupidity of man and the mercy of God.”
― G.I. Gurdjieff
“I will tell you one thing that will make you rich for life. There are two struggles: an Inner-world struggle and an Outer-world struggle…you must make an intentional contact between these two worlds; then you can crystallize data for the Third World, the World of the Soul.”
― G.I. Gurdjieff
“A lonely day is God’s way of saying that he wants to spend some quality time with you.”
― Criss Jami
Yes I do @Prosperity search “Your Ancestral Altar”
Do you have a post about ancestral shrines and what it entails to make one.
Mi done know long time, @ Cami
Yes, this is the reasons we must have an ancestral altar, because with that you can connect with your higher selves and guides. Life speaks to us in codes I cannot stress that enough. Nature i for our benefit, if we embrace our spirituality and change our way we view thing, meaning looking at life from a spiritual perspective, we will be able to handle things which we may view difficult in a better way, and appreciate thing we take for granted.
I’m doing a little renovation to the little space me have fi now so I can put back up me things and tek me likkle friend out a de closet (he’s at the doorway as he should)…need a decorative box fi hide him inna and put him at the doorway.
Obara, yu know a who; me have it position right? Africanize it lolol
In that statement the Alchemist is correct@prosperity
Very, very correct. I’m glad I read Jane Eyre at a young age because that is how I know of omens and from then I’ve always been mindful of them. For instance, I wake up on time to go out, on the way out the door I spill coffee on my clothes…I get mad at myself, go back inside to change and while I’m mad I try to recall “how the hell me mek this happen, now me late”. When I get on the Hwy there’s an awful accident. Factor in that EMS vehicles are blazing their lights behind me…my… Read more »
I read the alchemist recently and it stated that our daily lives are visited by omen. Good or bad and it is important to be able to recognise them and act accordingly. Thank you for another thought provoking post
Domgoa, that song says it all for me. I remember when I had some serious choices to make and the lyrics from this would run through my head, and worst that the singer was in circles that I associated with.
“I’ve got to make up my mind to face reality all the time”, “Life is one big road with a lot of signs and more signs”. I remember some cold, dark NY winters with this one.
This song came to mind. lol
Teach, I thought about this topic over the weekend and realised that everytime something majoris to happen, I always get a sign. However, usually I am too busy, caught up to notice. My friend from London came and Big M who had grown up with her started to reject her and like a ‘good’ mother, I reprimanded her and told her to know har self. Anyways, the friend brought gifts for us and we actually had to pay her a portionof the money (Peepers, unno tell mi, wey yu eva get gift and haffi pay?). Major sign but home girl… Read more »
Yazzy, yu very su-mart enno…your words are like honey, sweet and flows gently. Lady T you are ever so kind. Bubblez you always have some kind words for me… Cami and Nunu are like my walk-bout cousins. When they are here they spice up the ting but before you know it, they are gone… Teach there is a positive energy here that I have been talking about…I am happy and grateful for the times we act silly and bring some joy to each others lives. I can never see a blue shoes and not think of Ty. AMH comes out… Read more »
Oops meant tru tru tru
Incomplete Lady T, how so
Not literally mummy I mean u are so many things to so many people n sometimes there’s no words of description. So that’s y I was trying to say ur list is endless. A list if live ase. Love u. We laugh cry n struggle n support each other with no physical contact can u imagine that we r still able to built thus family. AMAZING!!!!!!
Uhh love it well said n try try try. In love n light n spirit n truth. Lov u u. The list is incompltete but I like the way u summed up an infinite answer. I feel u will be with us all in spirit forever.
You are welcome, I am going to make a post which will feature book list which I recommend or should we start a book club, vote if you like the idea Lady T your comments always warm my heart who am I Obara Meji I am your sister your friend, your mother and your father, I am your equal and spiritual elder, your teacher and your student, your guide, your messenger, your conscience, your best friend, your adviser, your counselor, your confidant, your comforter, chief cook and backle washer (mi love sey dat). I am you cheer leader, I stand… Read more »
Good Day Ladies and Gents.
Ma’ O, Thanks for introducing me to those authors, I like Jami’s quote and The one about the 2 most infinite is so true.
Me busy till I have to put lotion and socks on my hands to keep my rt. hand finger tips moist…scrolling/clicking is very tedious. Be back.
Bless up unno raise di enege bad bad bad mi feel it inna no blood fi do we a flow. Bless up family. Yazzy your post was powerful it hit me cause life could neva be sweet without the struggles especially of u dnt look for the lessons in here. I can’t remember if I’ve asked this n that’s because I been meaning too for a cc long timee but I was trying to be polite. BUT OBARA A WHO U.based of wat uve taught I dnt want to say an angel but something like that I dnt know. Could… Read more »
yu right lady t we all feeling it…this energy it jus make u feel soooo…its indescrible all i can say is love n light
Obara a who yu lol yah man a dat mi often wonder lol
Deh yu guh nunu jus give thanks!!! 🙂
Howdy kia! I’m feeling it! Mi seh mi wake up this morning feeling so happy and giddy, I don’t know y, mi juss give thanks
Nunu… a me fi tell yuh! One piece a sweet spirit hug mi and made me tear up! Allllll mawnin mi de pan a piece a cloud 9! Give tanks Nunu boo!
Hi nunu how u feeling ma love n light
Good Afternoon fam! Just checking in, love y’all!
Nunu boo!!! Happy Weekend baby girl. Love ya long time 😀
Yazzy!!!!! Muah
Large up fambo. Bubblez and Yazzy, stay suh, gwan big up unno chess. Mr. Nile, mi like when yu dey bout…Big man ting…Teach, gwan hold fi fort wid yu cute self..Ty, nuh sey a word…Lady T, AMH, Cami everyone, Lion Paw… Bubblez a muss dat mi granny did a sey to mi…Yaz, even in my dream my friend protects me. If I ever write di dream, yu wudda teef him wey from mi… Mi eat di likkle breakfast and drop asleep. Lazy yah!!!Mi soon come circle unno…Yaz, cut an paste the steps fi post a song and learn Bubblez how… Read more »
Kool nuh prefect M!! I’ll do just that!! Kia, for me, I can’t use the YouTube app on my phone to post cuz it comes out exactly how it did for you. So I head to my chrome browser and look up there. It sounds silly but it worked for me. From there you find your selection/song choice and there you’ll see that share icon. Click that to copy the url address (https://) for the video link. Then paste that in the comment box as you did before. Hope this helps Kia Boo. I personally think it’s different when… Read more »
Ooooh iis mi phone mi deh pon yazzy really nuh use di desktop again as i siddung behind computer at work all day. N is di uchube app mi did a use fi tru. Thx hun
Lalibela if it become a soa hit and it is, but if de poor people start si money outta it, how de people dem, politicians aguh continue to suppress/opress/hold down/control de poor people dem
As Ty said, when I don’t pay attention to my ori that’s when things always go bad for me…
I thank Sango my Orisha because he provides. The love I am experiencing here on the blog is second to none…I was at my lowest and I found my friend and he has been such a great friend to me…The universe heard my cries and rewarded me with the friend and this blog that I can love, laugh, share, grow and see my dreams come through (going to Africa)…God bless fambo. Love and light…
M, yuh mek mi cry! You have such an amazing spirit and yuh mek mi LAFF off mi drawz. You’re a blessing here!
Mi so happy fi yuh when you talk about your friend like that. Wherever love is (genuine love) and whomever gives that love (whole-heartedly) … that’s where you should be grounded baby girl. Yuh see ova yasso?? Wi a hang on pan yuh like when man get tek weh!
Mi sista u are not alone. We are here…even tho is through www. We are here in love offering our prayers, feelings, thoughts, history for each other daily sometime well ina di early am hours. I cherish each of yu M for what u bring to dis family. I honor my ori for leading me here where i met such wonderful, amazing people who help me daily to memba there is still good people around.
Sum reason my video neva post like mi waan. Is only di url neva di video aye sah
Kia that happened to me before. M had to teach me the proper way it’s done. Now mi buss. Lol
Thank you Mth, love the story!
Etana – Reggae [Official Music Video] HD:
It is after listening to Etana’s song Reggae that I started following her–I did not know her music prior and I must say that I am very impressed.
Reggae should have been a worldwide super hit…
Hail Nile i agree. Etana is one a mi favorite artist…female r male.
Howdy to my fambo. I have a testimony… I have been learning so much and I am an active blogger…I went to bed after 12am Thursday morning as my friend and I went to the beach to honour Yemojah…. I dreamt of a situation where my gay friend embraced me and told me he will always be there to protect me. I thought of this post and how Obara said that Sango provided for her. I’m a child of Sango and said if Sango provided for Obara he will provide for me too. Over 10 years, I have not cooked… Read more »
Great story and testimony my MTH!! Big up yuh mama oooooo!!
We honor Yemoja and Sango!
Shout out to Mommy O and her all inspiring Blog and this post.
Kia, yuh large!
Hi M granny seh memba u drink mi box drink well today mi waa 2 piece a liver lol
Epa Yemoja Hail Sango
One of my favorite songs
Yazzy yaz mi glad u feeling nice mum it feel good doah
Awwwwwwwwwww Yazzy, cho man yuh too kind, but to your prayers aeeeeeeee gbe! thank you ah soon come wid de new post
Hi Obara n Yazzy yaz how unno doing?
Kia booooo!! I’m doing well sweetie. I feel peaceful. I feel rich! Lol weh yuh de pan??? As early as the mawnin be, mi feel fi bruk out to two tune… seeit ya now!
Ekarooooo Everyone hope u all eenjoy ur day!
Kia Boooo. Ekarooo. Happy Weekend
hello Yazzy, mawnin
Mawnin again Mommy O. Last night I sat and thought about all you wrote in this post. I especially liked your honest testimony on the rough times when you just weren’t sure where things would come from, however it miraculously the right time. I sat and thought to myself.. while others chase vanity for riches, our richness is in our testimony. Our richness is in our struggles. Our richness is in our will to live a purpose filled life. I sat and marveled at why I haven’t lost my mind or my way throughout my rough times and this… Read more »
Ase!!! This is so beautiful yazzy! I approve this message!
Greetings all. I especially like the way you wrote this post with the humor. N big up to tenor saw BIG TUNE. It was just today I was thinking its not africa its Jamaica. I always thought if africa comes together but its ja where some real power lies almost like a mini Africa. It comes as no surprise to the I about the book indeed u are a teacher n a great one at that I always considered ur blog as a big ol book( man too many pages to print cause there’s comments to) but like ty said… Read more »
Stamp x 3….ase!!!
Hey lady T…we love when you drop in…
Ekaro Mommy O! Ekaro Tyyyyyy!!!! Missed ya already sweetie. Ekaro all my other sweeties. A pleasant weekend to you allll.
Lady T, how ya doing sweetie. How’s ya bundle o’ joy?? Happy Weekend!
Hey Cami…
Wat can sweet like country jamaican life? It renews you…Jamaica is a special place… Worse if you go river and run two boat…Lawd…
On his first trip to jamaica, my oldest said, mommy I am home…that is my exact sentiments when I get there…every time…
As of next Friday I can absorb these telling postings…O, save some a de life lesson dem till then…PLEASE.
Hi everyone.
Cami darling, Happy Weekend. Weh yuh se. .. yuh can’t wait fi busss! 😀
The times that I have erred in life were the times that I did not follow the leadership of my ori and heed the signs…my daily prayer is the I follow my ori, listen to my guides, and ancestors, and heed the signs…
I love to read and learn, I am elated to find a new author and will be looking at his stuff… Thank you Obara…
Obara, you will have many well read, best selling books…everything comes when it must…and your time will too…
Ekale ES fambo bless up! mommy always seh follow ur first mind n dst mi try live by. It hard sum time still wid life distractions n mi might secind guess di message sum time but nuff message mi get. Right now is something mi a try really pay attention to my self, people, surroundings, n nature.
Love n light
Oh, Sango is a Solomon?
Lalibela, you can petiton Sango for anything, at the time when I did this, he had given me signs that he wanted to help me, Sango love women especially Osun women and I am one, lol
My sweeties, yuh see ova yasso?? Ova yasso a mi heart!! I thank each and every one of you here for your love and prayer directed towards me. Mommy O, yuh already know how mi feel ’bout you!!
MOMMY O!! Yuh ALWAYS a give… yuh always there for everyone… right ya now (and forever) your baby girl Yazzy… just wanna be THERE FOR YOU!!
Mi LOVE UNUH! stay suh..
Mr. Nile a hear sey Alkaline flop last night a Sumfest. He sees himself as the next Kartel…Heard that Vegas and Spice gwan good. Dem sey Ninja Man did well…
Yaz, respect mums…
Don’t forget seh Killa pop it down to. Alkaline a bait man. Ninja a mi DJ to
I havebeen hearing of him for a while now (I think I heard him being mentioned on Entertainment Report-Anthony Miller). Anyways, I am sure that Garnet Silk’s brother, Aaron Silk has been getting a bit a air play.
I have not been in Jamaica since 2009, mi miss yaad really bad… This is why mi nuh know what a gwaan and ting.
Shout out to MTH & Lalibela fi di wicked song choices weh a drop ova yasso. A Friday eenuh! Stay suh mi sweeties!!!
Yazzy, I so love that song; thank you for the great post…
You’re welcome Lalibela! This song and it’s content is very impressive! I can’t get enough of it!!
Patience my sweeties.. (like Obara Meji and Olungunde **hopefully I spelt his name right** elaborated on) & Iwa Pele… are necessary traits we need to master this life.
MTH, you know, I only just gained knowledge of him and I am so impressed. He will be performing at Sumfest…
Yazzy, I cannot view your video…Niles, lion paw…I love how he sounds, just like his dad. Mi love him like a son. I feel proud of him…
Yazzy its like when you get off the plane a host of spirits come to cheer you on your arrival…
Yessss MTH. It’s an amazing feeling. Yuh know ’bout!
Niles, respect mi don..You know music….How are Baby Niles?
MTH, they are doing well, I am about to take them to get their shots so that they can be prepared for this trip to the great continent… Thank you for asking…
Obara, tell dem you are no Stella… Jamaica neva call yuh fi get nuh groove back… caz it neva leff! Raaaaaeeeeee!!!!
No, but on a serious note, I totally agre with you about feeling renewed when returning home to Jamaica. Sometimes this is not by choice but a calling rather. I have no words for what I feel upon returning but it’s definitely a magnetic pull. It’s a spiritual renewal and a spiritual upliftment. It’s almost like a baptism or burial.. and resurrection. It’s humbling.
An next tuff song, the Shaggy rendition of this song is a boom too
MTH, yuh know seh yuh right, this is the quintessential song fi real!!!
Yazzy, a Ty a di one drop teacher…
I would love for Teacher to write her book as a lot of people would be helped…There are a lot of broken souls that need healing. Obara has a gift with words. Run di book Teach, mi can get yu on Profile, Ian Boyne’s inspiration show on a Sunday…
A great read Mommy O!!. Mi swear seh a di BOOK journey yuh ready fi embark pan eenuh… mi de read and mi a ol’ mi breath a wait fi yuh fi bruk BIG PUBLIC ANNOUNCEMENT that your anticipated book dealingz in di wuks! Cawz mi ready fi staat one drop (afta MTH teach mi **covers face**)
It’s time Mommy O. You need to be published!!!
Niles love and light. I love this song too…How yu duh Niles?
MTH, mi deh ya a hold it down as usual. How are thing with you?
Blessed MTH, dem song deh sell-off but si my favorite Angel song ya–I often play this song in the back drop and loop it when I am listening to my MLK Drum Major speech:
Love and light to the great teacher and all esteemed ones. As they say, “…life is full of signs and more signs…” The ones just need to be mindful of that which is. Obara, even with certain discipline, there are things that we won’t see—being occupied with certain aspects of life make it so that we are distracted at times. Obara, your value—and other of your stature—is enhanced in the times when we have limited vision and accordingly, we give thanks! I have come to realize how relative ‘seeing’ is. For example, driving on the highway, we are not alway… Read more »
yuh welcome Amh
Nunu, you know me!, lol
I know that I have a lot of work to do recognizing and heeding the signs placed in front of me. Thank you for bringing this up front and center.
Lol, Teach yuh and dat “high grade permeating the air”
Nunu boo!!! Blessings my sweetie.
Howdy teach mi deh read, cause I’ve been thinking hard about this topic, I know I definitely need to pay attention and not miss anymore signs cause it can throw yuh off so badly when you do
Ekaso fam!
hey Toy!!. Ty is missed, sending love and light Ty, you and family be safe in your travels, Ogun will not allow you to see any bad aseee!
Ase!!! Ogun badagris… Ogun- un…Onile
I missed you all today… Will be checking in and reading…
Respect Toy…
Morning to all of you beautiful souls. I am just checking in, but I will be back later. Everyone enjoy your day love and light.
Totally awesome..I know there are signs and wonder all around you just have to keep in tune to yourself.
God bless you today Obara as you go about your way.
Love & light…
New post is up my babies, I have not checked for errors so just skip over them as I am sure there are a ton, but I am busy today