Good day to all, we will be having our book club discussion this evening beginning at 8 pm. The subject for tonight is posted below, all who will be apart of tonight’s discussion will be expected to read. Professor TY, will be the moderator for the evening and for the evenings discussion. She will, when she comes post her own instructions which we will all adhere to. I urge you all that if you have to post any comments not related to this particular post or book club discussion, please make the comments in the post below this one, as I want this board to be for just the discussions only. Last week we had a wonderful time and we learned a lot, we thank Yw who did a fine job, and I also thank you all for being supportive and showing up. We must learn, this is why we are here on this realm and it is to acquire knowledge and also to pass on knowledge. Knowledge is knowledge, so being selective in what you learn is not wise. you will never know when you need to use what you once rejected to know or learn. Let us use this space for all the good that we can, and learn from each other, let us exercise our brains, and whatever we learn from each other, I urge you all to share, pass it on. Post no videos please, so that the weight of them will not interfere with the post tonight
Esu, a Pataki
There was once two farmers who were best friends since they were children, their family farm were on the opposite side of each other. Every day they would go to farm and then at noon they would take a brake and have lunch and shoot the breeze together. They were as close as two peas in a pod, and even made a covenant that they would be fiends forever, nothing could break their friendship. One day while both were working o the opposite side of the road on their farm Esu (Eh-Shu) walked by, he was wearing a cap where one side was white and the other side black.One of the farmers saw him first and hailed him , “Ekale ooooo Esu, Ba wo Ni Nko? Good afternoon Esu, how are you, you fine? Esu responded, “Dada ni, mommy nko, daddy nko, oremi nko? is everybody ok?, “Kosi wa hala sah”, no problem sah. and Esu walked on
As he went further down the road, he the other farmer called out smiling and waving, “Esu oooo, ba wo ni oooo, Ekale oooo!, Esu waved back and hailed “Ekale, Ba wo ni?, good afternoon, how are you? to which the farmer responded, “mo wa dada, Esu, se alafia ni!, “I am fine, all is at peace”
Later that day, the two friends sat down together to have lunch as they did everyday since they were children. One asked “did you see Esu today pass in his white cap?
The other answered, “Yes, I saw him pass today, but he wore a black cap”, hey both began correcting each other, both insisting the Esu wore white and the other said he aw black, the argument became heated and turned into a fight, all blood run. The case was brought before the elders. Both were bloodied and bruised, clearly the friendship was over, but while court was in session, both arguing that the other called him a liar, in walked Esu with the cap, painted half white and half black. They were both correct.
I have added this pataki for a reason, in our discussion tonight I will make my reason clear!
A kò gbọdọ̀ torí kòkòrò kó síni lójú, ká wá ki igi bọ ojú náà /
One shouldn’t poke a stick into one’s eye simply because an insect entered it.
[Be moderate; adopt extreme measures with caution]
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji
Good Night Obara. Good night Darling Ty! Very lovely discussion and you moderated with such graceful composure. I absolutely loved it. My apologies my sweetie for not being able to grace the discussion last night as I was at work and mi badi felt like it wasn’t mine when I finally settled in and by this the discussion had ended but it was what I expected it to be- it had your aura all over it. Thanks for the fasting and prayers for us here today. Altho I didn’t make it last night.. I remember you mentioned you would fast… Read more »
Oh dearest Yazzy yaz, we love everyday and always… We know how it go…we here all the time and we making this a routine now so, we all can pitch in at times…also good seh we can always come back at other times and read…hope you feeling stronger today…love and light…
Thanks sweeties! Love the tag teaming you and your hubby did. When combined. .. unuh a c-russ power couple. Big ups…
Thank you
Thank you Ty. have a great weekend yourself. Hi Toy..
Morning everyone! Ty I am sorry I wasn’t in attendance last night, but I did come on really late last night and read the post. Ty you did a wonderful job and to all the bloggers your inputs didn’t disappoint. Nunu, Yazzy and everyone else going through a struggle, I pray good remove the clouds and bring you sunshine and peace. Ashe! I am going to read the new post again Ty you did wonderful!
Hey toy, no prob…life happens, we get busy….the good thing is that we are able to read even after the discussion…
Afternoon everybody…so happy for all of you…I fasted and prayed for you all..enjoy the weekend and let the universe shower you with love…
Thanks Cami…Mi a look fi slip out any second yah now run dung a town guh get some vegetables and seasoning.
I have read all the comments and can truly say it was a very good discussion. Ty good work. 19 blessings for passing through. YW, TY & Cami thanks the new phrases. YW why your phrases haffi have 2 ‘ch’ and yu know yu sista has a. ‘liss’.
Teach thank you for the forum to learn (be more aware), share, vent, laugh and just have a good time.
Love & light everyone. Have a great Friday…
Morning MTH, Love and Light to you too. Enjoy your work day.
Yes mi breddren YW you understood my question and answered. Indeed there is power in having sex and abstaining. There is just something so alluring about the body. Many a great men have fallen to the power of women (and lust)…
Even today you have suicide bombers that commit these atrocious acts so that they will be rewarded with 7 virgins in the next life..There is something more to sex than just a release. (Ok, continuing my read)…
Morning guys, Iam terribly sorry that I could not have been a part of the very lovely discussion. I have started reading the comments and I am throughly enjoying it.
Good night everyone…
De most life like of all phallus is that of the male statue at Emancipation park…that sculpture is glorious and do justice to the black male body. The woman look strong to, but a nu my circuit dat, lol
It is a wonderful sculpture Cami…lol…
Thank you everyone for coming, sharing, and chatting…I had a blast…
I look forward to the movie and discussion with Cami moderating next week…
I urge everyone to give it a try…you learn a lot with others…
I am going to give it a try to write a blog contribution next week and also urge you all to give it a try too…we are all learning, laughing, and sharing…
Thanks Obara…
ah, ah…Learning, Laughing, Crying and Sharing.
Obara, me going to read today’s post. Good Night. This was a smooth topic, I believe Ty accomplished her goal because we touched upon bits of the previous 2 materials.
Mi mumma!!! Mi did haffi rally back fi si di picha Ty put uppa top!!
I will be reading today’s post tomorrow and will leave some comments… I read it and so much to think about and say…
Good night Yw and Nunu…
Nunu, no bother dash weh di ohone…
Aright…mi gawn a mi bed now. Thank you all for another amazing discussion and great night….
Good night people! This a pieca phone deh frustrate mi, suh mi deh retire before mi get bex an dash it whe. Are we doing anything tomorrow?
Night NuNu, patience (Orunmila). Btw, big up yu mum. See you in the morrows.
Cami and Obara see a pic here
Magnificent piece of carving! lolol….de man need not to be unda it so, dwlnnnnnnnnnn It all removable! Obara!!!! bout yu sass crisse, Esuuu, lolololllllllll magnificent in deed.
I wonder which proud tourist have it at her house? lol
Ty, earlier we mentioned symbols and pride. I LOVE how Chinese dem have dem little alters in their place of business and WE ‘fraid fi put up and display ours as we please!
All when dem enter dem house dem light one incense and put by the picture an honour them ancestors. You have to respect that
Jews have dem mezuzah at dem door way…and western hemisphere Blacks have nothing cause we fraid a john tom mouth…not I
Cami, I have my altar up…braps… As you open my front door, it deh there…I am proud of it…I knock it, I ring my bell, I light my candles, feed my ancestors….
True, even when dem Christian…di Chinese dem have dem altar pon di ground and wear dem jade Buddha jewelry pon a red string…
WHA!! Mi so excited…
lol, de wood carven dem onu mention,lol
Night Kiab, thanks for coming and sharing…
This was fun…I will definitely do it again..will try to find other stuff to use…
True. TY – Thank You! With that me his going to log off has well. Have a great night Teach and Cami – I am looking forward to your post tomorrow Cams. What time you gwen be on?
Good Night Yw…Ty me know you ago sleep to, Good Night, enjoyed the topic and the feedbacks. Thanks.
Yw, let’s do 8pm. Me ago finish read up the one posted today.
Good night i enjoyed. Ina di lights people
Night, Night Kia B
Good night Kia.
Ty is passionate about her race and culture, so am I cAMI
That cannot be underestimated about her, Obara.
Yw! mek yu want fi gi me 2 “CH” words fi say?!lolol
chance, opportunity, choice…
I like…keep them coming
Let me coin a new phrase…following Obara…
Word, sound, power…
Sight, perception, free will
Feel free to add your own…
I’m lisp so dem yah good enough fi now, Ty. lol
Chance and choice is for you…
I hope that everyone gets a go to a bring a book or article to the book club and is a lot of fun and stimulating
Yes it is Ty, I enjoyed it
Good night Courtney…thanks for coming
Good night all
Night Courtney. Sleep well…
Good night, Courtney, Nyah, Yazzy (hope you alright), Lalibela, Toy, AMH, and all who gone a bed already or missing.
in Tradition sex do not go with Orisha only, only Esu Ogun and Orunmila don’t mind
“…Revolts must come in order to have progress, which is why
questioning must continue.”
i do believe this to be true…
MTH, i have often questioned why slavery happened and its purpose…i must admit I cannot see the big picture…many will say that is was a way to sow mama Africa’s seeds to foreign lands, to establish her children elsewhere…other will say it build new countries and continents…
some may say that it brought slaves closer to God, for they lost all but GOD…
when i say my ibas and honor my ancestors, i call on all before me who endured slavery and I sometimes tear up…
me bug eye pon de god closer ting! As if god neva did de a Africa to,lolol
I just listed the many arguments I have heard…
I think it may have been to remind us of the evils that exist and that man can do really evil things….
I wish I had an answer, I still struggle with it, the pain still raw for me…
Ty, I think you need regression therapy. Since you feeling the after effects as “Raw” you a reincarnation new…whey yu say O?
Have thought about that too… Problem is that not sure how hypnosis affects you after you wake up…
I feel you on this, I have thought and prayed for the answer as well. I still am on not clear on it, when I think I got it I come up with more questions. I have heard that some people choose to captured and get on the ships so they can help people once they got to the americas. My heart hurts when I think of that. That much suffering, abuse it is overwhelming. THEN I see people acting stupid now and I am like do you know what had to happen for your ancestors to make it here,… Read more »
YES, ty, lol
MTH, i think that pg7, paragraph one reinterates the fact that we have free will…many things can weaken our spiritual and psychological powers…
Esu is also known as the orisha of sex, you will see some images of him holding his phallus
Unno Memba di wood carving a fern gully? Those remind me of him…
No Ty me nu know dem…look like onu going have to post them tomorrow pon here (devilish smile behind that,lol)
I will try to find a pic for u…
Questions from Mth, emailed to me earlier in case she could not get connected 1.Pg 7 the first paragraph spoke about giving into sexual desires. I have linked it somewhat to David and Bathsheba. My question is can one do things to weaken their spiritual & psychological powers…(Just renforce the point of not sleeping around as you transfer a part of your being to your partner)… 2. Pg7 last paragraph, When present stability is disturbed that we can move forward else we stagnate and die..Revolts must come…continue. I have liken Hitler and his terror to society as a was that… Read more »
I think for # 1, this is what MTH is asking about: “…runs counter to traditional African wisdom, which insists on broad spectrum abstinence as a prelude to the performance of major ritual duties.” – In my opinion, there is power (careful of this one) in abstaining and in sex…it is all a matter of what you are trying to do. The same can be said psychologically.
Exactly. Remember last week, Obara did a talk bout lileth and her effects through sex? Sex is a power all by itself because it carries emotions that are ecstatic, weakening, maddening, stressful, joyous, hungry (lol), thirsty (lol) and all kind of changes.
And oohhh what a mighty power it is…
thankd ty
lol…since we talking about that…
let us explore MTH’s questions…
Sorry Ms. Moderator (like Janet said; add a Ms. if yu…well yu get di idea)
MTH (in absence) I would equate this to the same reason my long ago boyfriend who loved playing soccer wouldn’t make love to me before a game. He said” man can’t a have sex before game or during training because it zaps his stamina”.
I felt like Delilah cause I was always plotting on how to get some, but he was disciplined…in this story, Elesin Oba lacks discipline and has polluted himself. The Samson and Delilah story seems to be inline with this story.
I thought it meant Like one has to be clean of sex before going to the ritual. But i also understand that ppl should not give themselves away so freely as a part of yu gets subtracted spirirually during sex.
Cami, yuh know uugh much time YW PITCH MI DUNG AH DUTTIE!
lol, Yw, mi Grand fadda did name Nassy mout de way him cudda cuss, mi tek offa him, lololol, ah joke, lolol
mother F**Ker….Teach doan sey dat…mi fadda is one, an me to..
GRUNG!!!!!! TY! take why Yw keyboard till me get up back off a de grung!!!!
Detention room right now yw! Mi not even a write up di slip!!!
lol, last time him mek yu have fi straighten u sash, till yu heng it up! dwln
WHEN CROWTHERS was translating the bible in Yoruba, we have a aspect of Esu called Esu Odara, because of how active Esu Odara was he chose to use Esu as the Devil, him waan hang, dirty mother F**Ker!
Hi! Hello! Nassy mouth gran pickney…that MF is a hypocrite in the highest order. He could have made up something but as the author stated they have a bone to pick with Africa/Africans, but to soil the tradition in such a manner is unjust….especially when the deity isn’t of the characteristics of the text being transposed.
The story about the minstrels reminded me of the bible story where they had the coins. Bible writers took nuff stories n added twist to them. Lol
lol, you notice! Can you imagine how much “fillers” dem put in when they ran out of things to write?
These men were the first journalist/scribes and even today date we have issues with their reporting skills. Imagine which ones would write for Cnn and faux news today? lolol All a gwan me and Psalms a friend.
Me too cami, I love psalms…worse when I light a candle wid it…lol
Lol them woulda make real good faux news reporters.
see a quote ya: “If our writers write of, and for us, do our critics practice their art of
criticism in our interest?”
Ah Dat…
Ty, more like a quiz question. Answer is no, it’s in the critics favor/interest.
I guess it boils down to whose “truth” you’ll believe about what is beautiful and how to define it, perception come into play again
Yep…I am loving the reconnection of all 3 blog discussions…
Nunu that coarse hair is a blessing ma it tuff yes but it can withstand nuff lol…im natural for bout 3 years. I love it!
Me three. Easy as 1 2 3 if you don’t love you who will?! Proud natural I can’t wait till my fro grow big and obnoxious!!
Girl big n obnixous is nuff WORK!!! lool
Doan laugh, teach. Ah joke, laugh hard…Is more like a…bwoy mi nuh know…
Nile wash weh mi fren’
Lolol unoo nuh got nuh sense ie nuh!
Nunu loving ones self is hard at times. It takes some time but be easy on ur self. I came to realize that this me was the only me i would ever get. Slowly i learned ti love it
nunu, all wid de pug nose Micheal Jackson did cute wid him Afro, lololol, nunu an har fro, lol
grung, mi cannot manij Yw enuh man, dem nyam off de indian food and de story done deh suh, lmaooooo
nunu, why mi tink sey yuh hair did thin
Obara a me wid the thin hair…wantie wan tie and can’t get it….me would a love you thick hair Nunu
Ty when I was in Nigeria this year it was astonishing to see how many Ghanians came to receive Ifa and Orisha, and when I asked on about it he told me that they have many Babalawos in Ghana who drove into Nigeria and receive Ifa!
wow…Ifa to the world…
tonight we are here blogging, chatting, bringing our passions, life and many roads to a common crossroads…
I love that the author states: “Esu “does not see into the hearts of men,/Only their actions.”
it reinforces that he is devoid of emotions…
And with that…it renders that european bible devil/fiend as nonsense because the scriptures states that lucifer/devil/satan is JEALOUS. Esu has no emotions to conjure up jealousy.
*it renders the comparison to the…*
good pint, i gonna use this one Cami… di bible beaters dem love argue wid me…
Lolololol Cami mi nuh walk an look raggedy!!! Hell no! I look after my hair but yuh know the whole good hair/bad hair mentality, texture wise
Nunu it took generations of religious, psychological, and mental slavery to get us here…be gentle with yourself…it will unravel
self hate how nunu?
Let mi pull up the therapy couch, once upon a time you could never ketch me without extensions in my hair. By “accident” I went natural, I didn’t feel like putting back relaxers or anything in my hair. But my hair is extremely course, makes me feel really self conscious. People can be blunt, it mek yuh look rough or too African or it doesn’t suit your “features” etc
dwlnnnn! NuNu! nu tell me say yu nah moisterize yu afro or a walk wid de bed fuzz inna yu head! lololllllllllll (Yu know me had to fass wid yu,,LOVE YOU)
I start hear the word “natural” a fling bout and when you look de “natural” dem a insult the thing by not combing, shampooing, conditioning and oiling dem hair. Me ago want dem stop do up NATURAL HAIR Like that.
Nunu don’t let the weak of mind trouble you hunnie. I went natural and when I tell u I was bald I was bald. Those who can’t do hate and if god made you that way of course it suits you hunnie. They are saying all that to you but truly they are amazed that you can do what the never will have the balls to do
Mek ah tell yu ah joke Nunu: One day a yute come up to mi an’ sey “do, do, hide mi” So mi sey “whe mi fi hide yu” Hear di rass “Inna yu nosehole”…Alright joke dun tap laugh. No; is a joke mi granny did tell mi ah while back in reference to my nose (bless her heart; she is so sweet). Ah jus’ so, wha mi fi do?
Mek de 70s style roll round by Gucci, Louboutan, Chanel and Prada and see how fast you become fashionable…NuNu yu not hating yu self yu a love yu self how YOU want fi LOVE YOU!
Me is a big jar a relaxa and flat Iron girl all day everyday. My self hate was through acts of self destruction, if you a bleach and a spend you paycheck pon weaves and clothes then yu have a issue…yu doing you well because I sense you spirit on here. Big Up NuNU.
being black is more than complexion it is a state of mind!
Mi cyaan play hypocrite I deal with “self hate” issue, it is a struggle but I am making strides
You are beautifully and wonderfully made nunu *hugs*
Real talk doh NuNu, nuff respect fi sey dat. It tek a lot to say that
Yw, when I just came from Jamaica the black Americans would say, go back to Jamaica you coconut, or go back on your banana boat, I felt sad for them because I thought them and still do think they are still enslaved
Ah true dem love coconut…but let us remember that they do not teach history the way it should be. Thanksgiving Day???? Give thanks fi wha? For killing off the Indians, wiping out their way of life? They teach little ones that the pilgrims and the Indians sat and had a nice peaceful snack together; and the Indians shared their food – then leave out the rest….
Perfect sense nunu!
Logging off 🙁 I have enjoyed learning 😀 Be well everyone
You to hun
Nite sweet Nyaha…so glad to have u…
Great to have you here and please, please come again. You add a great deal to the ES family.
Yes Nunu to me it does!
Kia, if we shun away from the WORD, it will continue to be so, Black only means we have been kissed by the Sun, lol
Yes sun kissed. My mind is open enough to understand ur reasoning
The line that says, ” if a knowledge must be carried forward something must come and disturb the present stability. .else we stagnate and die. Revolt must come in order to have progress. Can’t we look at that as speaking to an “internal revolution” as well. After examining ourselves , we have to ‘overcome’ ourselves and that is the self/ outlook that was created by the indoctrination/conditioning/conformity that impacted us negatively. Each person is responsible to deal with those issues before moving towarda progress. Dat mek sense?
I could see what you are saying Nunu and it goes with what Nyaha said above, we all are dealing with our insecurities…
All di white dem now want black features, big batty, big hips…dem know something…lol…we need to embrace our blackness
But TY, nu so the African Venus de milo shape? lol Hence, the art works of a counterpart coming out of a shell.
Obatala tricked him and won, and he then bound him with chains to the bottom of the ocean, where he tries to loose himself at times, Tsunami, but we thank Esu for the continuance of mankind, had he not reported it to God!
you got it Nyaha, clap yourself
Olodumare held counsel and it was settled that Obatala would go to earth and confront Olokun, you see Olokun had already been given governor of the earth so Olodumare could not just relieve him of it just like that, of of course Obatala, man of peace and wisdom initiated a meeting with the temperamental Olokun
I believe we all suffer from the disease of self hate, it shows its “face” (the symptoms you have it) many ways but the illness is the same no matter the country.
Agreed the bleaching epidemic is one that saddens me daily. I know a woman who has started bleaching her young daughter from age seven. Has her routine set to go to the fridge and put on her cream!! I pray for the babies
Sass crisse
but he was moody and when ever he felt like it he would rise up and wash away human beings, it was Esu who took the trip bad to heaven and reported Olokun to Olodumare
Is that why Olokun is in the deepest part of the ocean? or its not connected
lol, humans still a act up and need a likkle washing now and then, lol
There as a time when Olokun had rule of the earth
TY, ah lie???, did you reprimand the teachers?
Nope..they are asleep…I am awake…I cannot argue with stupid…I instead teach my boys dem black…
Kia, it matters not the complexion, it is the fact that we are Black, in my case it offends me not, because the melanin which makes us so, is so important, ah black me sey!
I understand O it is the negative way that black is used at times. That i dont like
We in the Bahamas are disconnected also. Because of our close proximity to America we do not have strong ties to Africa or it’s traditions. We have undercurrents but we have a long way to go.
Courtney, I can’t get over the fact that Bahamas have no go zone restrictions at the casino…as the average citizens this is not fi onu benefit but for that of the elites!
Yes Nyaha, that is true, now a days African some do not want to be Africans, O ma se OO!
We, people of African descent and Black people globally (Australians, people from Fiji, Vanuatu etc) have been force feed so much negativity about who we are and our culture that some of us choose to believe it and separate ourselves from it. Like the pataki above, one side is trying to say we are this and the other side is saying no we are that.
Hi Nyaha i agree
Nyaha a true…a pure conflicting things dem a teach and preach to we…the teachers a tell my boys dem brown, not black…lol
in some southern states the one drop rule still exists…one drop a black and you black… most of us of african descent will tell you bout we irish, italian etc ancestry but cannot point out ethiopia on a map…worse tell you we african lineage 7 generations back..
Agree with that Nyaha…
Nunu, God is neither Good or is God bad, lololo, meds dat
Questions from Mth, emailed to me earlier in case she could not get connected 1.Pg 7 the first paragraph spoke about giving into sexual desires. I have linked it somewhat to David and Bathsheba. My question is can one do things to weaken their spiritual & psychological powers…(Just renforce the point of not sleeping around as you transfer a part of your being to your partner)… 2. Pg7 last paragraph, When present stability is disturbed that we can move forward else we stagnate and die..Revolts must come…continue. I have liken Hitler and his terror to society as a was that… Read more »
Me ago pon #2: Blacks must remember that they weren’t the first to be enslaved, historically. For some strange reason in nation building, historically, slave labor was a driving force behind infastructure (shabby or nor) that’s all I think it had value for. But, the europeans wanted everything for a lifetime from slavery. Greed
Cami mi love remind di Jews dem that them was slaves too…lol
Mi wi fallow back a Cami wid #2 – I think that if we (the human race; white and all) could agree that slavery and all accompanying injustices as we know of it was barbaric and just plain wrong, then we could move forward and vow not to allow something like that to happen again. However, like Bob and and Selassie said: “Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war and until there are no longer first-class and second-class citizens of any nation, until the color of… Read more »
Yw, if me mother did missing a son me would think a you; then again, daddy fling nuff seed a road…lol The lyrical quote is on point.
Den Cami, from early on mi claim you as my sister yu know…Sharper dan Gilette…’member…An between me an you (and di whole class if dem ah pay attention) mi feel like sey mi did adopted…
I think that there is a disconnect from Africa and being African. Even in the continent.
Nyaha, i agree..I have met africans who do not embrace Africa..o ma se o
Yes, I am from Africa and when I go home I meet and have conversations with lots of them.
Correct and we the exportation of the American capitalise/urban culture to blame for that.
Mth is having connection problems Y’all
Nyah jump in nuh!
Jamaicans have NEVER disconnected from Africa we and Haitians!
African American tell mi sey mi nuh blck mi ah west Indian, lolololol
Smdh loool
Cami, Black Americans fought for the title but if yuh call them Africans dem cuss,(some ah dem), they are disconnected from Africa!
A fight I find unnecessary because once you black then Africa is the identifying origin to yu roots. Black America and White America is good enough because using the African American title I find excluding and a problem I have with Graveyism.
Why dem doan she European American?