This Thursday September 11th 2014 in our book club discussion, Blogger Cami will be the moderator, she has also provided the Subject matter. This discussion will be based on a movie,you will find the movie posted below, please be here and ready. I will provide some patakis (stories) for you later or in the coming week which will give you an insight of Osun (Oshun) and her function as an Orisha for all those who are unfamiliar with her, I am an initiate of Osun, she is my mother. Oore Yeye oooooo! (hail to my mother Osun!) We thank Ty for a job well done last night and although certain people (mi ah throw wud, lol…Yazzy oooo) did missing, we had a great time. Again thank you for showing up, although some was missing, but the interaction was outstanding, kudos to you all. Knowledge is Key and so we push forward to the next, please be on time as we aim to begin @ 8 pm.
In this movie the woman is an Arugba (Ah-roog-bah). Please read this Article I found to further support your understanding of what an Arugba is and how important she is to our tradition and to Our mother.
There is also another video I will post along with supporting stories of this wonderful Orisha with whom I and my children are blessed to be initiates of. And I will be following up hopefully by tomorrow some stories which will allow you great insight of Osun, Oore re Yeye O, Osun oooooo….The patron Orisha of Jamaica along with Ogun!
Also read what I have already written on Osun here
I am not pleased with the word voodoo here, not that there is anything wrong with Voodoo or the word but because it is not a Yoruba word.
This one is in Yoruba, but just watch the video
Please Watch one after each other, Osun ooooo!
Whenevr you going through Fern Gully in Jamaica, bawl out Oore Yeye OOOO!, Osun OOOO!, or if you should visit any river. Osun Loves ferns, that is one of her favorite plants. The peacock and the Grey Parrots are her birds! Yeye ooooo!, who can si sey mi proud sey she is mi madda?
Here is a pataki which God Bless Ty typed up for me, what would I do without all of you!
In this story you will see the goodness and strength of Orisha Osun…Oore Yeye OOOOO!
Irunmoles (E-roon-mo-lays), another name for Orisha.
Ase (Ah-shay), power word, or a word said after each prayer so as to seal its delivery to God and make whatever petition manifest. more powerful in its vibration than Amen
The Irunmoles were sent by the Almighty Olodumare down to this planet earth. Osun was one of the female Orisaas among them. The power known as ASE was given to them. And Osun was made by Oludamare to be the seventeenth n position among the four hundred and one Orisas. They were told to be in harmony and to have co-operation as their emblemto give way to positive accomplishment. All of them unamimously promised to abide by the advice given by their commander- never to discriminate in any ramification for internal disorder give way to failure. But when they got to earth, things were not as it was fixed as recorded in the verse fron Odu Ifa Osetura:
Ko won koro awo Ewi Ado
Orun mi dede knale awo ake ijero
Alakan ni nbe Iodo
On laakaara aya pee pee pee
Awo ile Olueri
A difa fun Igba Irunmole Ojukotun
A bu fun Igba Irunmole Ojukosi
A difa fun Bara Agbonniregun
Oloja laaron Ebora
To won n torun ro waye
Won dele aye tan
Won lagbo oro won lagbo opa
Won lana gbooro ibii ese n to
Won gbimo won ko fi ti Osun se….
Ko won koro the sage of Ewi Ado
Orun mi dede kanle the sage of Oke Ijero
Alakan ni nbe lodo
O n laakara aya pee pee pee
The sage in Olueri’s household
Cast Ifa for Igba Irunmole Ojukotun
Cast Ifa for Igba Irunmole Ojukosi
Cast Ifa for Bara Agbonniregun
The chief among Eboros
When coming from heaven
They arrived on Earth
They prepared groves
They made pats
All without the consent of Osun…
On getting to Earth, the Irunmoles, not forgetting the advice, took it with levity. The policy of sex discrimination was either knowingly or mistakenly adopted. The female Orisas were made caterers: They were to prepare food; wash cloth, wash plates, and do other domestic works. Whenever they were having meeting, the female Irunmoles would be given kitchen works so that they would not participate in the deliberation. If they went somewhere to carry out any task, the female Orisas must stay at home for domestic jobs. They had forgotten they were all the same.
Undoubtedly, if you are cheated, you would not keep mute. The Orisas concerned clamoured for their right. They pleaded to the opressors but they listened not. They dialogue time upon time but to no avail. They all believed that the male Orisas would never listen to them if nothing tangible was done. Their ordeal then was who to bell the cat. Although they were all oppressed, the gravity differed from one Orisa to another. Osun, being in higher position, the highest among the female Orisas, the seventh overall position, saw the situation as a slap on her face. And she tried several times to make her mind known but the oppressors would never listen.
Osun did not go for dialogue again. She thought over what to do for dialogue could not work. She knew power can only be subdued by super-power. One can only kick against powerful oppressor with super power. Osun, the woman with coral comb, perceived it mandatory to possess more power and she went back to heaven where she met one heavenly Irunmole kwon as Agberegede Ajuba:
Agberegede Ajuba
Ajuba naa aboju gberegede
A difa fOsun sengise Olooya iyun
To n gbe koko bebo Irunmole je…
Agberegede Ajuba
Ajuba naa aboju gberegede
Cast Ifa for Osun sengese
One with the coral comb
Who secretly rendered Irunmoles’
Sacrifice ineffective…
She said ‘it is one’s friend that delivers one on the day of tribulation”. Osun and Agberegede Ajuba were cordial friends before the former descended to earth. Nothing was hidden from him by Osun and she begged him for assistance.
With the love that Ebora had for Osun, he could not leave her unhelped. He asked Osun to present needles, big rats, abamoda leaves, chameleon, each in two hundred and one. After the presentation of the items, Ase was prepared for Osun, one to be swallowed and the other to be handling. Without wasting any time, she returned back to earth.
Hardly has Osun arrived when he summoned meeting of female Orisas. She let them realize they were they were quiet at the face of oppression for they were cowards. She said no bush fowl is taller than another unless it mounts heap. And whoever cannot behave radically can not emanciate himself. It was unanimously agreed that the male Orisas should be called to meeting. They did so but the male Orisas refused to attend the meeting, for they could not imagine themselves sitting together, discussing or having dialogue with the females. Hence the invitation was turned down. And the female Orisas were given a warning never to do such a rude thing.
Oyeeye nimo, my mother voluntarily went to the males one day. She met them having meeting, she greeted them and told them she would like to discuss a vital issue with them. They listened not and told her to excuse them for they were having an important meeting. She could not help anger any longer, therefore, she told then they were playing with fire and that they soon realize their mistake. Instead of taking her words serious, they only laughed at her. In anger she went out.
On getting home, she informed other female Orisas what had happened and that they should be silent and be watchful. She said they should leave her alone with them . They weretold that all Orisas are equal and she is even more powerful than most of them. Other female Orisas were surprised for they did not understabd what Osun meant by saying “she is even more powerful than most of the male Orisas” but they knew she is not the kind of person that would boast without any step. Their only concern was about Obatala and Orunmila because the two are very powerful. Obatala is the head of the Orisas, both male and female, while Orunmila is the owner of the wisdom who can be seen as chief spiritual adviser to all. One would wonder why Orunmila did not tell the male Orisas the right thing then.
Being intoxicated by Ase, the power given to her by Agberegede Ajuba, she started using her power over the Orisas. She conjured the unseen spirit that destroyed whatever the male Orisas did: hey could no more agree on a unanimous decision; they fought one another; they did nothing successfully; they invoked unsuccessfully; he power known as Ase given to them became ineffective; the co-operation among them turned to disharmony. Their relationship became that of cat and mouse.
Belatedly, they asked Orunmila to consult Ifa for them. The Ifa consultation was made but nothing could be seen or understood by the interpreter (Orunmila) himself. Orunmila told others that the only solution to their predicament was to go back to heaven for Olodumare’s advice:
Their agreement was that they could not go en –masse. Insteadthe sixteen principal Orisas namely Obatala, Orunmila, Oramfe (Sango), Ogun, Egungun, Obaluaye (Sanponna), and Esu to mention a few should go. The female Orisas were not informed for proudness and over confidence would not let the carry females along.
Olodumare, the king of Orisas would not be surprised to see them. He knew all that had been happening for He knows more than they know. Their predicament was not oblivious to Him, the reason sd well as the solution. Olodumare knew who was guilty and who was not guilty. He did not say anything on their arrival, instead, He asked for the purpose of their coming. They explained how they had done things successfully on earth and the recent negative change of things. The king laughed and said “ what was my advice when you were going”. Hey replied “You advised us against discrimination , oppression, exploitation, proudness, over confidence and selfishness.
The king, Olodumare asked the whereabouts of their female counterparts. They told Him all Orisas chose the principal Orisas as their delegates. Then Olodumare said “where is the principal one among the females?” They said there was no principal one among females. Olodumare then said where was Osun, the seventeenth Orisa. They said she was on earth. And the King asked them whether Osun was carried along or not. They answered negatively. Olodumare finally told them the only solution to their problem was to go back to earth and beg the female Orisas, Osun in particular. Though they were not happy, they could do nothing else:
Olodumare ni eniketadinlogun yin nko?
Won no nbe nile aiye obinrin ni
O ni e lo ree be e…
Olodumare requested for the seventeenth person
They said “She is on earth for she is female”
He said “go and beg her”…
Grave astonishment caught the female Orisas on hearing the announcement of the general meeting from the males. They did not knowwhat the agenda would be. They all went except for Osun. With her absence, it was then obviously clear that Osun was not taking the matter with levity. They thought Olodumare has betrayed them by giving more power to Osun, an ordinary female according to them. The source of Osun’s power became unknown to them when Orunmila made them realize that Olodumare could never do such a thing. He said, she got it from somewhere else. Nothing was discussed at the meeting. The males told the females that they would like to talk to Osun. Hey dispersed and moved en-masse to her abode.
The maly woman welcomed them politely and she asked for the purpose of their coming. They asked whether she was awre of the meeting or not. She said yes but she could not come for such a meeting wherby female and male Orisas would sit together was an unbelievable story. She however apologized in a humble manner.
The male Orisas asked Osun what she knew and felt about the situation of things. She sadi she knew nothing. Ogun then reminded her of the implication of telling a lie. It was then she reconsidered and said “let no one deny another his right. We are all equal. If one feels cheated, he should fight against oppression, otherwise, the oppressors will not stop oppressing him”. They all understood. She continued by saying they had down graded the female Orisas by turning them domestic slaves and house maids. As the Ifa verse reveals, she said:
Gunyangunyan ode ido obinrin ni
Iroka ode ido obinrin ni
Iroko ode ido obinrin ni….
Pounded yam pounder of this settlement is female
This settlement’s yam flour meal prepare is female
Corn meal producer of this settlement is female…
The female Orisas had no say in any discussion, but only to prepare food, wash plates, and sweep floor. When ever the males are talking about pumpkins and a woman aks what they are talking about, they will say it is a man’s talk. But when they gather fruits, they will later give it to the woman they have insulted to cut them up and cook them. Orunmila then stood up and said “Let us all bow for the females; they are our mothers without them we can do but nothing”. They all bowed and apologized for their past misbehavior especially to Osun. And it was laid down as a rule to always carry the females along whenever anything is to be executed. Anything done without the consent of the females cannot be fruitful. All the male Orisas apologized:
Iye wa a ba won pe nimo
A fimo je tosun
Iye wa a ba won pe nimo
Our mother, in whose absence nothing is achieved
Osun, we seek your consent
Our mother, in whose absence nothing is achieved
The prestige and honor due to female Orisas have been given to then since. Osun has won their honor back to them. Since then, all the discussions and deliberations were done with the presence of Osun and other female Orisas. But among those female Orisas, it was Osun and only her that acted manly then. In her life history, we shall still see some other strategies she used to fight the male Orisas.
Comment: Unfortunately, my occupation has it’s moments for on call, so I’ll be a bit behind or distracted during this evenings book club. But, never fail there is someone who has literally “Embrace Spirituality” and have knowledge of our divine Mother and Goddess, Osun. Our esteemed blog member, Ty, will be assisting with tonight’s book club?
After watching the movie and reading from the link given I have a few questions to provoke your thoughts. I am well aware of the attachment many have to the “good book” and that it’s hard to let go, therefore, I will attempt to ask the questions in a manner not too far from what you’ve embraced for so long.
1. What scenes in the movie can you relate to your Christian teachings?
2. If you were able to associate any scenes from the movie to your Christian principles how are you able to relate them to the TRADITION that we are about on this blog?
3.Would any of you, ladies, able to live the life of the main female characters in the film?
4. Who doubt the powers of Osun?
I saw your post a while back and saved it to my computer.
Only recently have I got a opportunity to check it
and I must tell you great work.extremely good post, i in fact enjoy this site, keep it up.
Hello there I am so glad I found your web site, I really found
you by accident, while I was researching on Aol for something
else, Anyways I am here now and would just like to say kudos for a
marvelous post and a all round exciting blog (I also love the theme/design), I don’t have time to look over it all at the moment but I have
bookmarked it and also added in your RSS feeds, so when I have time
I will be back to read a great deal more, Please do keep up the great b.
Hey everyone graveyard shift kept me away but just my five cents on the subject. The movie was humorous however it left me wanting . I was offended by the invasion of the temple it was very disrespectful.i doubt goddess of love and all the fabulous things would react in that way especially to one who had served for that time. I didnt like how they cheapened the position either by making it about the money. I am not an initiate but I do believe if I am under pupilage from one of the great female Orishas she has a… Read more »
Ty, YOU ROCK! Thanks a bunch….to be continued
Thanks Ty, and Cami and everyone!
Good night all. Thx Ty n all who shared. Sleep well. Love n light
Àṣẹ Cami
The video is on beastiality, no lewd sex on the video, just interviews with the advocates for animals and the perverts
I have a video
goodnight everyone. Wish I would have been more active 🙁
Goodnight Nunu and Nyaha…
I keep having “technical difficulties” please forgive the absence. Good night to all who are going off to bed.
Not for next week but im checking out a couple of videos to see if they are suitable enough for us to discuss
Thank you Ty for filling in, it was good!
I had a blast,,, thank for being here
Im reading a book now. Wont be ready next week tho. But soon i’m try a hand at moderating. Im check out some videos tmre also.
I will on until about 10:30pm… It was my pleasure to be with you all tonight…thanks for sharing your time, thoughts, and insights…I had a blast !!!
Goodnight Ty & everyone! It was a great discussion. 🙂
Night dream…
Anyone would like to volunteer for a discussion next week? You can pick any article, book, video, etc…
I liked the festival videos. People are committed n seem to really partake in the Obatala n Osun festival. I will attend one day! ASE
I know I lot was lost in translation. The person could speak for like 5 min and a sentence comes up for you to read
I noticed that too. Lol i think nuff was discussed n we miss out
So true Nyaha and Kiab… We lost so much of culture that these languages are foreign…most of know more Spanish than Yoruba…
When I read the article, I was like wow the Aruba gave Facebook…and me no have Facebook…lol
Yes Kia, I noticed that too, such powerful speech. It was as if they were speaking in affirmations constantly. I can only imagine what kind of energy that type of speech creates especially when it is done consistently. I’m going to try speaking like that and see how it works in my life 🙂
Dream when you see the results…post your testimony here or on your site…I peep overthere sometimes…
I definitely will and thanks for peeping!
they never stopped praying in the movie. Which is taught in many religions. To always call on God… i noticed they used “be the head n not the tail, which something ive heard in church
Never heard that phrase … But I am going to use it….lol
My mother use that phrase all the time lol
I have leave out early @Ty and everyone in class tomight. I am at my son’s school. I came to an African American meeting for black youth. I will come back later and read up.
Thanks toy for coming…we loved having you here
Good night Toy safe travels. Love n light
did anyone else think the cinematics of the preistesses disappearing funny?
Mi seh lool dem blink n disappear
Even though the rituals differ, all religion/traditions have rituals used to show deference and communicate with the Spirit world
Yes…at communion, the wine and bread represent the blood and body of Jesus, a sacrifice …
Yes Ty that’s what came to my mind. On the second video though when I saw the shrines,can’t play hypocrite, mi never like how it did look.
It is because we do not understand…it is like when I went to the Catholic Church and everybody dip them hand in the holy water…. Or drink from the same cup…I was like …huh?
NuNu, remember you have to caution how you say ALL because the Christians will object to “Spirit world” contact.
I grew up in Christianity and pay homage to my maternal grandmother for passing down her strong sense of faith. When I began to study the tradition a couple similarities stood out to me. One is the idea of having an intermediary that facilitates communication between the realms of matter and spirit. In my Christian faith Jesus provided that link. In my current faith Baba Esu and the Orisha are my link to the All. Also, the bible depicts Christ as a man/spirit that taught and lived good character. The practice of good character is a main tenent of Ifa… Read more »
Makes clear sense and is well spoken…
Very much so Day, it makes sense
Spot on Dream!
Hi Day, it makes sense and even more if anyone read the article. The article was more insightful in regards to the purpose of the Arugba and the festival that goes back to 1370 A.D. according to the Julian calendar…I say much earlier.
Yes Cami, when I saw that date I was like “Wow”. And you are probably right about it being even earlier then that.
It makes me sad that we in the diaspora have lost so much
100% agree so sad n mad 🙁
NuNu on a roll. You are so on point.
The reverence and commitment to being prayerful
Being chaste in order to commune with the spirit effectively
Yep…good one Nunu…
As Nunu stated, catholic nuns have to remain vrigins and make a commitment to their convent
As dream stated the courtship, courting, family respect aspect is gone from our tradition…
Ty, the way the man greeted the parent touched me. I wish I lived in a society that displayed such mannerism.
True Cami…some a dem man ya just drive up a di door and honk…
1. What scenes in the movie can you relate to your Christian teachings? NuNu was on point by associating the initiates with those of the Catholic sisterhood of Nuns. We can also associate the walk to a baptismal with the walk of the Arugba to the River (scenes from the movie and the article). 2. If you were able to associate any scenes from the movie to your Christian principles how are you able to relate them to the TRADITION that we are about on this blog? A sense of duty to stay committed to ones beliefs, tribulations can be… Read more »
Pardon Ty, didn’t see that we were still on the first
We can jump all over…no worries
The second video was interesting, loved the osun priest passion for his tradition
I think that is why he was chosen…he loves his tradition and when he speaks, there is no doubt of that
Now that we see the themes…let us compare to christianity and our traditions…
Dream touched on this….
are there any comparisons you can make with christianity, your religion, or your traditions…
Well to me the theme of the movie was about respecting family, because we don’t see it often. I like how the husband made a vow to her parents to care for and love her and he proved that. His word was his bond. I have one quick question ok the Osun Priest in the video. I would love to know what those marks in his face represent? Is it tribal?
Toy sometimes it is tribal
For some reason I can’t post. Hopefully this one goes through. My favorite character was the guard lol. I liked the humor he added to a serious movie. I do think it was right for the husband to take responsibility for what the soldiers did, that is accountability. Just like how his brother was working to help his brother.
We see you Nyaha… The guard was my fav too…he was funny…
Yw where are you??…even men initiate to Osun enuh!
Him trying to put the little ones to sleep…lol
Honor was another, for tradition and culture, and for marriage
So true Nunu
Evening, Good evening! Ty! Thank you immensely for helping me out…I have a few minutes to sit in.
No prob Cami…we love u always…
Night Cami
Yes Ty it was off in sum parts but the sacrifice, tradition, commitment, love, honor it was there. It came through in the movie. It was actually a funny movie to me at times.
I agree Kia… Some parts were funny…others offensive…but on a whole we could find many themes and learn….
I think that even though this movie had erroneous info…we were all able to learn something…this is something that we can carry forward in our daily lives..that we are always learning and can learn from anything
The guys who work at the palace, what was that ‘staff’ they carried around for?
So true Dream
… far we have: love, commitment, sacrfice, divination
wonderful Nunu and Kiab…
One other theme was the divination. They saw it as a necessary practice. If they hit an obstacle and could not determine the correct course of action they consulted the Witness of Fate, Orunmila.
Yah they never leff out tradition. They kno its importaant to consult. I like that
I’m add commitment. Sanknmai was willing to defy tradition, career, their family for love. He gathered soldiers to go on unapproved trip to rescue his love. #Committment
Ph a start give trouble but i is are here
It was also fun to see the dynamics of roles and titles in Africa.
Sacrifice was another, even though the lady was unhappy she still went back and the husband was willing to put himself in danger for her. Did he have anything to do with the theft?
No he didn’t Nunu, it was the two others he sent around back.
Oh ok Thanks Day
It was interesting to me that the Priestesses did not get in trouble for lying to the Oba. All of the trouble fell on the Arugba and her husband instead.
So true dream…
I also did not like that is two little fake jewelry they had to represent the wealth, and worse go on like that for the said fake jewelry…
All gi di man swollen belly n next1 death fi 2 likkle bangle! loool mi nearly drap dung wen mi seet
A pure dutty bad wud when I see it…
The moderator asked about themes, any body???
like it was backto, grung! lolololololol
I really enjoyed seeing tradition played out in the movie. Such as the respect of child to parent. And the suitor meeting with the parents in reference to marrying their daughter. This are not common acts in the culture I grew up in. That has always saddened me.
I liked that too dream…it was nice to see
I also loved that they did not show Africa like it is backtoo…they showed proper roads, homes etc…
When gal waan man Kia ah road block!
A tru lool
Yes i understand that it is a great honor. As the other young lady vowed to stay forever. But in the movie Osuntoun was very very unhappy. I dont think Mother Osun wants her Arugba to be unhappy. If Osun was depicted correctly it would have been easier to see the privilege that comes with being Arugba. I watched another video and the lady was very happy n strong in her position. I cannot remember if she was Osun or another Orisha. She was happy n dancing during the festival. Yu could see joy with her.
Yes Kia, it is a privilege
Yes kia the way the movie set up, it’s hard to see the privilege in being an arugba because of how miserable she as the Osun carrier
What was the Osun priest saying in the video about the “vodoo” shrine. Did he say the Muslims and Christians in the country shun tradition but it is a part of the blood? Did he say that because his father taught him the tradition?
Nyaha who was your favorite character
Oh sorry Ty I didn’t see your question about themes
No prob…
the theme i got from the movie was the power of love…here you had a man who fell inlove with a woman and married her…he was willing to risk his life to remain her husband…
Yes Ty, he had to be fearless to go up against Mama Osun
Lol…yes dream…
Morning all!! Sorry for last night, in trying to put the little one to bed, he flipped it around and end up put me to bed…@ Obara: I was curious about that, so thank you. Not sure if it is weird but I love any women’s right issue. Always curious why them sey women’s rights rather than just human rights. To me is another unequal term. @ Ty :”the theme i got from the movie was the power of love…here you had a man who fell inlove with a woman and married her…he was willing to risk his life to… Read more »
I was hpoing to have it ready this week but had a rough week…I will be doing the post as Obara stated
peeping! while reading people, gwan choo TY,
Ty will one day do a post on Susan Wenger, the Austrian White woman who Osun made stay in Nigeria and built up the town of Osogbo, she cured the woman of TB and gave her a wonderful life! Osun OOOOOO!
I just read up on this the other day. Susan Wenger great story.
ok…so we have established that the depiction of Osun is incorrect and have made the proper corrections…lets talk about the ther themes in the movie
The Osogbo Osun festival is held in the later part of August each year…people from all over the world come to be a part of it…i hope to one day go
Kia if Osun wanted to hold her for a hundred year, is privilege, people would kill for that position! you all do not know the power of Osun, she is the greatest Orisha!
No she does not unless she asks for it specifically Toy, Obatala who she is very close to accepts snails, Obatala stands for peace and no matter how hot it is outside the water the snail carries is always cool, Obatala will cool down any situation!
Ok, thank you for explaining
Dream…I too loved that part of the pataki…
The lady portraying Osun did a horrible job! alldat screeching n wicked cackling. Nothing about her was sweet, femine, loving…she was not a source in the movie. She was a tyrant that wanted to hold the girl for years. I didnt believe any of the movie portrayed Mother Osun .
Osun is Orunmilas natural wife, she is iyalode, she is a human rights activist and she fights for women right, she give children, she is a midwife, she give family and sweet loving with man and women, she is a provider, and with Osun the barren can breed, Oore Yeye Oooooo! Lawd God mi love har! My little daughter is an Osun initiate and when I was pregnant with her, because I would have considered not having her, because of the father whom I disliked, Osun hid her in my belly for five months, letting me have a period every… Read more »
This movie remind me of when they show Jcans…long thick locks, ganja spliff a we mouth corner, thick accent, with a yeah mon after everything…
Love the pataki, two statements the world needs to take heed of…
“You (Oludumare) advised us against discrimination , oppression, exploitation, proudness, over confidence and selfishness.”
“Let us all bow for the females; they are our mothers without them we can do but nothing”
The earth would be a better place if we followed these edicts!
Does Osun accept snails, because I thought that is what I saw when they left her a offering by the river
I am not sure Toy, I know she loves honey, sweets, eggs
yes Nunu…
but it does get us to discuss true tradition…and the real Osun…
So it is safe to say we couldn’t relate any of the scenes in the movie with what we’ve learned about tradition on this blog because the depiction of Osun in the movie was way off, right
Kia you are right..the Osun preistess were also depicted incorrectly…they do not go to the police to report happenings in the Osun temple…
Nyaha and NUNU, Osun is an African, people may use fair skin or white because Ousn uses white a lot, but that does not mean Osun is white These Orisha’s are energies enuh but each of them had their time when they took on human form and lived here,, it is said that they had to walk with human beings for a while before leaving to go and live within time and space, but they left their insignias, here so we could be able to communicate with them. Osun had many children, they are all Osun and they all look… Read more »
Hey Kiab
Good night all lol yu kno my favorite characterwas the guard! him funny lool Osuntoun was becoming ill n screaming he saumy i should have left this lady n gone
Ok now seriously that is not how i have come to know Osun or her priestess. I liked tge Babalawo n Ifa divination. Their parts seemed kibda of close to what ive learned here. What is his title again?
grung @ yw
Osun makes sure that everybody love her, and she has assisted every one, she says she wants her children her (Omo-child or children) to be able to get assistance from all other Orishas because of her being kind to all, all orishas owes Osun something, she is water and no one can do without water, the name Osun means Source, and she is the Source, being sweet water, without water all would cease to exist. Osun is liquid honey, who can taste honey and frown
Oore Yeye OOO, Osu oooo, our sweet mother!
mek de duttie movie gwey!
YW, grung
Yes Nyaha..they used every stereotype they could to insult her…
In the article didn’t it say, the arugba doesn’t usually get a higher education? Is it because you can’t stray too far from the temple?
Nunu, higher education only refers to western education…there is a whole nother wealth of education and knowledge in Africa…an Arugba is an Osun initiate…that means she is taught and trained…Osun is excellent at divination, crystal, herbs, and healing..
Ok I get you, when I think of ‘education’ it’s usually western education mi tink bout, shame on me
Nuns do not feel that way… Please…
As we learn more about spirituality and spirits you will see the wealth of knowledge the priestess have…
good evening all. I assumed Osun was depicted in that way, blonde wig and lots of makeup cause of the way she is perceived in the Americas. Or what I have heard and seen of her. In my learning knowledge of Osun she is usually depicted as light skin, “mixed” type hair (hope I don’t offend anyone, not sure how to describe that kind of hair, and hair down to her back). In watching this movie, I was surprised that they would use that image of her.
Nya, I’ve heard that Osun’s children are usually fair skinned or have light coloured hair
Yes Dream ..she is loving and sweet…
In my introduction to the tradition and Orisha I picked up such a loving energy from Mama Osun. It really warms my heart just thinking about it. She truly cares for people. She exudes love. It’s beautiful.
Yeah they did make her pretty jealous. Lmao,Ty you didn’t like her makeup. Obara thanks for explaining that. Night, Day and Yw.
Good Night Toy!!!
Osun is slow to anger and very forgiving!
She is sweet and loving…she has offered and helped most of the other orishas…
She is one of the most loved orishas throughout the world
hey Yw! and Nunu!
is Christians mek de movie, damn dem!
Rahtid, ah one Naricema ting..
It seems the article did a good job of describing the Arugba’s duties. That young lady made the necessary sacrifices but was still blessed. In the movie the Arugba didn’t seem to feel as if she were blessed at all.
exactly Dream
Hi Day!
Nu Nuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu 😀
Hello my Dear!
Happy you could join us tonight
Nunu, the whole depiction was wrong…if you read the pataki above you see that she is a well respected orisa who is powerful and who is smart and defends the rights of women
When I heard the Arugba say she has been the Osun carrier for 11 years, I don’t think I could do that, seems seems so isolating. Even though the perks seem nice, it looks like people might be somewhat afraid of you and don’t want to interact with you or they talk to you just for the perks involved
Hey Day dream!
Hi Obara!!! 🙂
You know how a “witch” is depicted by pop culture that’s what the Oshun in the movie seemed like to me
Yes Nunu, the make up beat me bad…there are 44 raods or avatars of Osun, and in NONE of them is she ugly
She didn’t seem sweet atall.She didn’t look like she cared for her initiate
I did not like the movie, nor the representation of the Arugba! The arugba is the calabash carrier, she must be an initiate of Osun and depending in the town in which she will be the carrier of the sacred calabash, she is either to be a virgin or as Osun specifies. The Oracle which is read by the babalawo tells of her requirement, and the time she will be Arugba is specified by the Oracle. Osun will release her if she so choose and if when asked by the babalawos she chooses another arugba. Osun is a very kind… Read more »
Night all!! Thank you CamiTY….heehee
Night Yw
I can’t really think of answers for 1 and 2.
For question 3, it is a great responsibility but if I were raised in the tradition I think I would be able to follow the mandates. I feel like the blessings/gifts would greatly outweigh the sacrifices. Question 4, I do not doubt the power of Mama Osun. I have lots of doubts in myself & humanity but not in Orisha.
Toy, yes, there is an Osun carrier, she is the Arugba Osun..she is a virgin that is chosen via divination and by the king…it is a high title to have
Iwould liken the arugba somewhat to a catholic nun, just the parts dealing with chastity and having to live in the Osun temple. It’s like living in a convent sorta
Yes NuNu. We can see that association among the women and Adora.
She does NOT:
– break up relationships
– she is not petty
– she does not screech
– she does not wear horrendous clothes or makeup
Lol! Ty you tek offence to the Osun outfit and make-up
Lol at she does not screech or wear horrendous clothes, that’s good to know 🙂
Producer want two lick. I think he (muss one man) deliberately did that!
Toy there was an article attached to the post did you get to read it?
I apologize I thought it was only a movie we were to watch.
Mek a vent…Yeye Osun is kind, beautiful, sweet loving, mother of sweet water, she is a cool orisha, she brings you children, she brings you wealth, she loves relationships…
Night Nunu… @Ty so there is no such this as an Osun carrier?
Night Toy
Toy, the early parts of the movie (real footage) shows the Arugba making the journey…she is covered.
Hey Day…my thoughts exact…
Osun my mother is NOTHING as they depicted her