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I decided not to write a new post today. Over the last couple of days the posts written here on ESP are worthy of extensive examination. I believe to continue writing new ones will take away from what you may garner from my efforts on the other posts, hence the decision to let them stand. Yet, I am ever mindful of all who are gracious enough to visit my blog faithfully everyday, so although I have not written a post on spirituality today, I know that you visit the site with the intention of seeing something new here daily. I would like to share an article I stumbled upon today while surfing the net. I found it interesting, and although I do not totally agree with his findings, I find that it is worthy to read, what do you think?

There is a spiritual explanation to these occurrences and practices which is becoming more and more common everyday. Nowadays everybody and his mother is Gay, most out and some proud. This is a very touchy subject because so many people have been indoctrinated into accepting and believing that this lifestyle is ok and that once you give an opposing opinion, then you are homophobic. This terminology attributed to the opposition of the homosexual lifestyle is wrong, but willfully done I believe, to set the stage for who knows what, but the stage has been set. It definitely suggests fear (phobic is a derivative of Phobia which means to fear, Phobic is strong fear) and of course this term also indicates hatred of the practitioner (s) of this behavior.

All of this, I believe is a psychological play at people(s) mind. Tagging them with this term, makes many say or declare “No I am Not homophobic”,  not wanting to be tagged with something negative and also giving them the feeling that they are discriminating against homosexuals because of their views and not (if they buy into it) because they are rightfully holding to their religious, traditional or moral beliefs. There is definitely an agenda in pushing this behavior, but we will leave that for now. Everyone has a right to live their life, as long as they are adults and can make their own decisions, what is wrong is pushing the world to accept a behavior based on a persons sexual orientation (that can be done behind closed doors) which threatens what is known as a traditional lifestyle from the beginning of creation, being the heterosexual productive  lifestyle, conventional family as we know it. Heterosexuality promotes continuity, productivity, family, and all the things we know as a good lifestyle for the upcoming generation.

Discrimination of any type is never ok. Yet if Michael Brown was Gay instead of being just another black kid brutally murdered, the cop would have hell to pay and it would be said that he was killed because he was gay. All and sundry would  string that officer up for a hanging. It would have been called a hate crime.

If there was such a campaign from media, hollywood and the world bosses for the black race, lives like Trayvon Martin and Michael Brown among others would be valued, not loss for nothing. These killers would respect black lives, and value it!

To equate the struggles of a race of people to the acceptance of homosexuality is a great dis-service to said race of people and all who died in the struggle and are still facing it. No black person, gay or otherwise should subscribe to this argument, none! It is an absolute insult to the black race and our continuous struggle and to all who have died defending us.


Imagine struggling for equality when we all came into the world through the same medium!

As I have said before people can do what they choose to do, but do not force others who are not in agreement to accept what is to them not the norm. There is no such thing as “the new Normal”.

What this “Forced” acceptance does is to give way to pedophiles wanting their own acceptance such as NAMBLA, North American Man Boy Love Association, are now trying to get. (oonuh see mi dine trial!) read here;

Read this it is very frightening!

There is also the practice of bestiality (de poor puss , goat, pig cow and dog dem!!), all of this is for the depravation of human beings coming to them through the sacred act of Sex!



Can we talk?


Babies ‘turned gay’ if mothers smoke during pregnancy – brain doctor claims

A Dutch neurobiologist claims smoking and poor lifestyle choices by pregnant women could increase chances of homosexuality


The sexuality of an unborn child is influenced by the lifestyle led by its mother, Professor Dick Swaab writes in his new book.

The 69 year-old scientist at the University of Amsterdam believes that heterosexuality or homosexuality is determined in the womb.

For decades, debate has raged over the origins of sexual orientation with some arguing it is a lifestyle choice or influenced by upbringing.

But in ‘We Are Our Brains’, Prof. Swaab firmly states there is “no proof of this whatsoever”.

Instead, the brain doctor suggests smoking and synthetic hormones can increase the likelihood of girls being lesbian or bisexual.

Poor lifestyle choices such as drinking alcohol or taking drugs while pregnant can lower a child’s IQ, claims Prof. Swaab.

He writes in the controversial book that brain development during pregnancy is altered by the tiniest chemical changes.

And if a woman has given birth to older brothers the chances of her baby being gay is greater.

Prof Swaab writes in his book: “Pre-birth exposure to nicotine or amphetamines also increases the likelihood of lesbian daughters.

“Pregnant women suffering from stress are also more likely to give birth to homosexual children, because their raised levels of the stress hormone cortisol affect the production of fetal sex hormones.

“The more older brothers a boy has, the greater the chance that he will be homosexual.

“This is due to a mother’s immune response to male substances produced by boy babies in the womb, a response that becomes stronger with each pregnancy.”

Past studies of women who took synthetic oestrogen between 1939 and 1960 to reduce the harrowing prospect of a miscarriage had a greater chance of having daughters who were bisexual or lesbian.

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9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What I know for 100% certainty about this world is that it is full of lies. The older I get the more I notice the lies. I won’t say force acceptance..just force to ignore.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lolol..I’ve been watching and keeping mum, lol Couldn’t hold it anymore because there are some pretty nasty and interesting things happening in this world that need spiritual conversations applied to them.

9 years ago

We need back Bookclub…or rather a current event club.

9 years ago

Mother’s stress level with the offspring sexual choice? that is hilarious!

9 years ago

Ok, so me wake up and come back to this topic. Obara, you are correct that this is a sensitive topic. I believe the sensitivity comes from: 1. Being unable to answer correctly and the ‘correctly’ comes from what is accepting. 2. It may be personal because there may be gay relatives or friends 3. A person maybe gay 4. One just cannot put a finger on, so they stay off such topics. My truth on the subject: lol I hate homosexual men whom are in denial of self and continue to have sexual relationships with females. I don’t like… Read more »

9 years ago

Happy Valentine Day everyone!

9 years ago

MTH! whey yu de? Ty?

9 years ago

I don’t think I can agree with that article. I think some boys and some girls become gay or a lesbian because of molestation, some not all, but the guys always say they knew they loved boys when they were in kinder.

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Molestation is a monster! and the molesters are demons. I know for a fact that it causes confusion and the havoc is a life time. Psychologist only suppress the havoc.

9 years ago

HAPPY FRIDAY! Me bored and I’m going to the Casino! lolololllllllllllll

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Camiiiii….. ok win big bucks!

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

lol, I won alright…just fail to leave out with any, lol

Toy, I went there around 9 last night and come out 10:30 this morning!!!! Me still nu sleep yet. I fail to keep up with the time and once you’re in there there is no sense of time. I played a 2 cents machine straight till the last $. I don’t know how to gamble and since I’m a loner it was just something to do.

Obara! lolololol you could a bex me gone sleep and come back pon the topic likkle more…DWLNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNnnn

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I definitely don’t Mama O, just sometimes gets to be a lot.
I really feel that there is some imbalance somewhere that has been growing stronger as the human race evolved to make the hormone levels change to make homosexuality more pronounced with each generation. But I also believe that there is a big difference between the people that are born that way and the people that choose to be that way.

9 years ago

Being in the family way I get bombarded with things like this everyday, ‘dont do this or your baby will have two heads’ or ‘do this or else your baby will be inside out’ While I listen to the advice of my midwife and matriarchs of my family, stories like this make me say “WHAAAAAAttt the ?????”
I just don’t know what to think about it all sometimes

9 years ago

“The more older brothers a boy has, the greater the chance that he will be homosexual.“This is due to a mother’s immune response to male substances produced by boy babies in the womb, a response that becomes stronger with each pregnancy.”
This is a touchy subject and I know that there are many reasons why a person is gay but thos quote up top doesn’t sound right to me

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Happy Thursday mi babygirl Nunu!

I haven’t as yet read the post but dat quote sounds like total garbage… Kmt…

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nunu i will have to disagree as well. One of my family is first born male with three boys after him. Guess who gay? yep the first one. Smh

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