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Last night I sat in bed watching Gun Smoke, one of my favorite television shows to watch when I am in America. My alarm on my phone went off signalling that it was time for me to meditate. I do so twice per day. I paused the show and began to do my prayers and meditation, which always take me far. While meditating, I saw myself in a forest and surrounding me were some small black people who seemed oblivious to my presence. Where I was looked like those National Geographic Specials when they would show the Amazons and the bush people living there.

Except these people were black skinned and pygmy looking. I am used to visuals while meditating and I know that although I am sitting on my bed chanting words, I am actually where I see myself. The spirit has travelled out. The fascinating thing for me within that moment is that they, the people who were milling about doing whatever they were doing could not, or did not, see me. Fascinating I say, because often times our own space are invaded by those we cannot see, those that I call “non physicals.” It got me really thinking and understanding that many of whom we encounter, or even feel their presence, if wherever they live, they did as I was doing and found themselves within our world. Are they just as frightened as a human would be if they happened to suddenly see them?

Often times I have come upon non physicals who were startled to see me enter a room, or even the fact that I could see them. Can you imagine a duppy being frightened? Once when I was a regular in the Jamaican Dance halls, (yes mi did ah happen, an mi did love dance, I still do, but how would it look fi madda (young gal) Obara Meji fi inna ah dance?) I came home from a dance with my sisters. My sister who drove us to the dance, was too tipsy to drive us all home, and so we stopped at our mother’s house to pass the night. She gave us the spare room and this was around 4 am in the morning. As we all settled down in the bed with the room door ajar, me at the end of course, I saw someone, a tall being, peeping in on us. The thing peeped and then drew back, peeped again and then drew itself back, and the hairs on the back of my neck raised up. I shouted for my mother “Mama!” and it was as if she knew, my ghost buster, duppy fighter mamma came out of her room flashing some homemade concoction (she always had duppy fighting medicines) and cursing, chopping some Jamaican good ole bad words, each ending with “claat.”

I love this blog, it brings up so many memories as I write, and I wish I was a good typist, because if I were, oh my God, do I have tales to share. Looking back to that time, I realize that while meditating and finding myself in that Amazon forest seeing those pygmy looking people, I was like the tall being which my mother flashed out. Except I was alive in my world.

It all seems holographic to me, being in one place and then able to beam yourself into another reality.

What if we all are doing this?

What if all that we know as life and reality is just an illusion?

What if…

There are so many “what if’s” and I have perhaps pondered them all. But I have since learned not to do that. I have learned through experience that we all have our own experiences to learn from and to teach each other. All our realities are not the same, our brains connects to our spiritual seats in many different ways. What I may “get” from an experience, like the one I am writing about with the meditation, another persons perspective on that may be something else, it is placing together pieces of a puzzle belonging to the Universe.

A woman emailed me sometime ago telling me that she loves my blog. I get these emails daily, but I am always happy to get feedbacks, so I enjoy hearing from people around the world who find my words comforting or enlightening to them. The woman was some academic, who held a prestigious job, which she told me all about. She went on to tell me that she had some family members who she would introduce to the blog, because they were already involved in African spirituality and also who were living in Ashrams in India and around the world. While speaking to her one day, she told me that she had spread the blog around and many of her friends and family now reads the blog, but there was one in particular who read it and said that it was “nice.” I smiled behind the phone, because although the woman who was speaking to me was a sweetheart, I realized that the one who made the comment “nice” was expecting to open up the blog and see a dissertation written or some academic paper.

The whole point of the blog missed her because she was looking for something highfalutin, and what she saw was easy reading done with humor, but for the better understanding of all regardless of your doctorate or 6th grade education, what lays in the pages of this blog are the experiences, thoughts, stories, and reasonings of a woman (me) who has embraced her spirituality and who hopes to assist all who reads my posts in some small way to find their own path, realize themselves and embrace their own spirituality.

The point of this post is that there are so many questions. So much that we do not know. So many things that wants to open up themselves to us, but we expect them to be packaged in with a pretty gold bow.

When the Jews of the Bible were under oppression, they pleaded with God to send them a savior. Jesus (supposedly) was born in a manger to regular parents, his father being a lowly carpenter, he did not come to the rescue of the Jews as a hero riding a big white horse. The end result is that they killed him. Crucified the very same savior they begged God for, oh the irony!

But I say this to say that it is the impact that the delivery has upon society or the human psyche or the world at large… not how it is packaged. Often times a post is written to provoke a thought, to put our minds into action, and to make us see something from the flip side of it. It is so easy to be stoic or to view the world from one perspective or as how we are indoctrinated to think or believe. When we saw the movie The Matrix, it placed us into another reality, realizing the possibility of our existence if the movie were to be believed as it was portrayed.

We should take the time to examine life on a whole and never take anything for granted. We must be logical in our beliefs, but also know that there are things that defies logic as we know it. I saw those little people last night, I know they were real and that my experience was real, but I am taught to believe that this is my own imagination, and that if someone speaks like this then they are not right in the head. But I do not agree, we must know ourselves, our world, and pray for understanding.

Obara Meji

Without knowing a person we must not hate him…..Yoruba Proverb.

[Operate within your means]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji!


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Zulu Pickney
9 years ago

morning ESP family, greetings, I have been meditating on and off for about 4 yrs but I still have not been able to manifest my desires or astral travel I think I need some real help!

9 years ago

I am so close to practising spirituality (meditation, crystals, baths essential oils, candles etc), I am brimming with excitement. An authentic healing and spiritual journey. Your post continue to give insights and guidance and always a great read to which I enjoy and thankful.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

Afternoon everyone!

KB, I’m like you. I haven’t mastered meditation yet either. I either drop asleep or my mind runs on a million different things.

I’ve often also wondered if we enter other spirit worlds/realms when I dream at night. In fact, I know I’ve done that for true. It has been quite amazing.

9 years ago

SS we a work in progress lol
Yes ive traveled to different realms SS I especially remember the water realm.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara night no i had trouble accessing it. Tmrw early i read it. Love n light

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Afternoon Obara you busy like bees ma’am I emailed you yesterday.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Night sister ツ

9 years ago

Night ES fam i have not mastered mediation. Either i cant still my mind or i still it to sleep. I try though. Couple times i push the boulder n travel. I try my hardest to pay attention to the small signs. Let me share that Obara shared with us about picking up monies from the ground. So the last few weeks, ive seen coins on the ground, many coins. Are these random or is it more to this?! hmm ive stepped over them until today when i saw a bill on the ground. Thank you Obara Meji Chin. Lesson… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


9 years ago

Awww yes, to be among people who have the same belief systems as you, so refreshing. Its to me one of the most beautiful gifts you could ever receive from your Orishas/Gods, And been someone who meditate often {Done know I and I is a Empress Rasta Queen}..I have journeyed to distant places, but I usually just dismiss it as a side effect of my…..Ahem…. “Meditation Medication”…lol.., but since I was lead to my Obara, I know better, and I find if you’re in an environment conducive to your Ori, you will travel freely, I am waiting on that day.… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  lisa

Lmao! Obara and Lisa I am going to be waiting to read that story. I know the vibes will be on point with Obara. Just make sure it is a ram pack dance you guys stop at so we can get full details. Lol

9 years ago
Reply to  lisa

This sounds like my type of journey…all dance included. Lol

9 years ago

Hi Obara, Cami, and ES family… Obara I love when you bring up your dancehall days. Oh, I love your stories.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara

9 years ago

I’ve tried meditating and I just can’t seem to quiet my mind. I could be thinking of all sorts from dinner, bills, to man. Mi mind can’t shush. Any suggestions Obara?

9 years ago

ES,Good day. Obara, you love the matrix, Sah. lol

You’re lucky your mum geared up for after hours “company”. My mum told me when I go out don’t come in her house pass 1am and carry in “company”, lol

So, I use to stay out till the weekend was over, it’s also possible that the after hours “company” came through the back window with me when I use to pay my brothers to open it when I tapped, lol

Your blogging do bring up memories.

Hey Yaz.

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