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 Ever since I have been doing spiritual work, it has been disconcerting for me to see the amount of people who approach me wanting to do bad work. Even since having this blog and writing against peoples decisions to “work Obeah pon people”, some people seem as if they cannot help them selves, or perhaps believe that I am only teaching this and not practicing it, so they will contact me to help them do bad and wicked deeds. Some are smart and try to “feel” mi out first, and then when I ask out right if “its bad Obeah dem lookin”, they cowardly back down with an emphatic no, knowing quite well that they did so because of my reaction to them and their evil thoughts. I would like to declare now, that I Obara Meji, who is of sound mind and mi good up body, do not practice evil! The rod of correction is real, and the Universe does pay people who do bad things, I art not the one!

I wanted to title this post, Morality within Spirituality, but I will leave it as titled above. Morality has gone to the dogs, and there are many people who will do anything nowadays for a paycheck. In the work that I do, many people will buy revenge from the so called Obeah man. He, the Obeah man will do the work and wash his hands from it like Pontius Pilate, thinking that they can fool the Universe.
What is morality?
There was a time when morality meant something in every society, in every culture. Morality is the root, foundation and structure of every culture. Morality was a set of principles which dictated the rules for people’s personality and how they interacted with each other and how their conduct affected their community and groomed their culture. There was a time when total strangers greeted each other on the street with “good morning”, and when respect was on the top of almost everyone’s list, it was not a chore to be respectful, it was an innate quality.  A hand shake to close a deal was even better than a signature,  or to give your “word” carried a weight all on its own. Once upon a time people were shocked at betrayal as opposed to nowadays, when it is expected. What is indeed morality, does it even exist anymore?
Mortality is a set of values and choices which guides mans actions, in other words, you choose to be either good or bad within your conduct. A person choices or conduct is what determines the course of his life, and although moral codes are not laws written down as to how we should or should not behave, every human being knows right from wrong, what stands in the middle of this is free will.
“Every religion emphasizes human improvement, love, respect for others, sharing other people’s suffering. On these lines every religion had more or less the same viewpoint and the same goal.” The Dalai Lama.
Religions does emphasize morality, it is written in its doctrines and preached by it Pastors, Rabbais and Imams, also traditional beliefs all through out the world stamps morality as it basis. When we examine religion, with Islam for example, there are a certain set of laws which is the compass for its followers, which if broken by said followers, the consequences are harsh and can even lead to the death of the ones who violates.
This law is called the Sharia law which is derived from the religious precepts of Islam. The Sharia laws places emphasis on morality or moral conduct, many of its laws does, it also deal with social, political and economic topics. Some of its religious laws are aimed at the conduct of women and punishment of those who violates its laws or religious ethics. To the Muslims these laws are infallible and defines God’s will. In countries such as Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Iran and Iraq, if any of these laws are broken the prescribed punishment are, beheading, flogging and stoning and as religion is above State, these punishments does not fall under any repercussions coming from the country’s judicial systems. Yet when closely examined, one would would still wonder after observing these laws, what is morality? In my opinion, these laws and its punishment are extremely severe.
There is something within everyone, it matters not where they were brought up or how well schooled they are or not. There is that internal voice inside which guides man into doing the right thing. Whether he or she chooses to follow is up to him, yet when one follows the moral codes of life it makes for a great feeling. For a woman to marry her husband and stick to the vows of her marriage which is a covenant between her and her husband and their God, and for the husband to adhere to his vows as well, are qualities deeply respected if both can carry out their promise to each other to its fullest. Peoples perception of what is right from what is wrong differs most often, but I find what challenges the decision most often is what the person feels inside about their behavior. Our conscience never lie to us, and for a husband to cheat on his wife or vice Versa, he or she knows deep within that it is wrong, especially when both have taken vows never to do such a thing. Yet Hollywood glorifies these behaviors and people nowadays qualifies their behaviors with all types of reason, to make it right.
There are countries all over the world where the culture takes pride in their moral codes and ethics. In  most African countries certain television shows are not permitted to air, as they do here in North America or in Europe. The belief is that, they do not want the influence of the “modern”  world corrupting the mindset of its citizens thus disrupting the morality upon which their culture is structured. Hollywood has made a mockery out of morality and I can safely say that most “modern” societies are without morality, it is as rare as some precious stones. Gone are the days when people placed value on the lives or feelings of another, gone are the days when people cared what another thought of him or her. Does this mean that the innate quality of Morality is no more? I do not think so, as I believe it is an innate quality to do the right thing, but society and its behavior in some places gives bad behavior an out, due to the acceptance of things which are other wise unconventional or not of the accepted norm. Nowadays with the rave and popularity of social media, it seems as if the stage has been set for bad behavior, and people cannot help themselves but show their obnoxious qualities, I dare say morality has gone to the dogs.
As I have stated above, even in spirituality, people seek to destroy others through the medium of elemental magic and otherwise. Wanting to dominate, kill, bind, and destroy. They have no feeling unto another, but only to satisfy their malice, and for money they will find magicians willing to do their bid. O ma se o! (what a pity)
What is morality is the title of this post, and from my perspective, morality is a gift one can give himself as he travels throughout life for not only the betterment of him, but of those he serves as a human being and an upright citizen. Regardless of his society or how his peers conduct themselves, he maintains his superior Innate moral code in all his actions and hope to be an inspiration to all who finds him to be decent. 
Obara Meji


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3 years ago


9 years ago

I forgot mi manners Obara. I haven’t peeped in awhile and mi jus come present mi self suh without a howdy. Good day teach as the bloggers call you.

Integrity is doing the right thing even when no one is watching and it goes hand in hand with moral conduct. But you right these days people play dirty and because modernity has corrupted so many of us our dirty deeds and dirty actions are normalised.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Exactly! ! All a unno who know , know say mi have few screw loose..but mi still have lilly morals left and enough sense fi know right from wrong. .Yes mi know it neva right fi deh with him but dat no mean mi ago try thief him way and pick up rass crosses. .

Mi no dat mad

9 years ago

Unno memba the saying “howdie and thank you no broke no scare”.dem days deh done..mi memba mi live inna Cayman and you will be in the supermarket and you a talk to someone and if someone pass in between you..and say excuse is always a Jamaican who have “broughtupsee”..Never anyone else sad but true Manners and dem things gone just like Morality dat dead to clatt..Now mi see you mentioned bout married man..well mi guilty as charge cause mi use to mess with one for years and him did wah leave him wife fi me (Him actually did it… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What do you guys do when you have one of those days when nothing goes right 🙂

9 years ago

Hey Obara! Speak on it! Yassssss!

9 years ago

lol dwl lol

9 years ago

What him get hit with Stone or a bone 🙂

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I didn’t make it up though, but by all means tief away! LOL

9 years ago

Hmm… a hit dog will holler.

I agree, morality has changed. People are raised with the values that we grew up with anymore. There is a lost generation out there.

9 years ago
Reply to  setaspace


9 years ago

people conscience always bite them when people say something- Geez – people need fi jus relax and simma down

9 years ago

hi hey helloooooooooooooooo

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Look here my meck mi get mad up in here a which naughtiness brite enough fi a renk dem tinking selves with you. You know mi no run certain joke you know..dem no meck mi get maddadan. ..cho unno no upset mi sistah unno here cause a nuff backative she unno no don’t do it fi unno own good..cause what she wont do , I will, but a no Obeah mi a use is a 2 by 4 or a big stone..renk…just tell me a who all dem deh and it ova my Obara.. and mi know people… Read more »

9 years ago

I feel this post- Everyday I think the same, why are people so self centered not thinking about others, why has the world especially the western world gone down the road of moral decay. People have no respect for each other. To this day I rarely call people by their first name its always mr or mrs for me and people always look at me strangely. I often just say I am old school but the fact is most people these days are classless. I pray my child grows up with values and respect for others because the western world… Read more »

Super Natural
Super Natural
9 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

, howdy!

Dis a more than moral decay! This is moral death…… I’ve noticed saying “hello, good morning/afternoon/night, or saying thank you” seems like an insult to a lot of people, like you’re being too nice… And I always said “I am not being nice, I’m generally a nice person” because I have life & love…. Do you think it’s conditioning and severe programming that is causing moral decay?

Super Natural
Super Natural
9 years ago

Good morning Obara, and good morning Family! Yes Obara, loud dem up, loud dem up!!!!! Some people to wicked an fi si weh dem wah obeah people fah; Because yuh look betta Things look like it a guh seemingly betta fi yuh You’re a happy person Or dem “think” yuh banking badmind dem Or di likkle piece-a man dem have a look yuh… A family member of mines obeah har daughter d friends dem because in her eyes the friends “badmind” di daughter, old wicked….. I thought they would’ve wuk it for life to be favorable for them but no,… Read more »

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