I have decided not to post anything new today as I want to give the people who visit this site time to review and read the current posts. Unconditional Love, Spirituality Versus Hallucinations among other topics posted this week I believe should have its time to linger in your minds so that you will absorb it and understand them totally. I want to say thank you to all of of you who have been supporting me by reading Embracing Spirituality and sending in your comments. We are two months old and our site status shows a wonderful amount of views and commentaries. The peepers out weigh the commentators but that is all good, I still acknowledge your presence on Embracing Spirituality and I urge you to continue to read. I promise that there will always be new and uplifting topics for us to build on together. I still have a ton of my own personal of stories of which I will share in order for you to all to learn from, Experience teaches wisdom of course and that is what we all should seek to have. Love and Blessings. Obara Meji.