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I woke up this morning feeling drained, I have no idea why. It is true that I went to sleep uneasy last night due to a slight mis understanding  with someone, nothing major, just a small disagreement which will work it self out no later than today, of that I am sure or will it? Often times malevolent beings try to come into relationships already built or newly forming to cause contention and doubt which can lead into separation if we are not prayerful and strong, but in the name of Ifa and Osun all will be well for us, ase! One blogger informed me today that last night was a super moon, I felt so drained all day, that I had no idea, but the lack of energy may have something to do with the moon cycle. We are affected by everything in nature whether we know it or not.

Something on my mind

Something is lurking among us here  on this realm and we need to pray against it. There are dark forces who pass through here  as we sleep and even in our waking state and do not like the love and Camaraderie but rather to see hate, confusion and discord, so it seeks to divide, but by the Power of Olodumare, and of Orunmila, and of Osun and the powerful Orisha Ogun and all Orisha and our ancestors it will not happen. Something wants us to worry, but we dare not!.

I am not paranoid, just Highy spiritual and sensitive to things most people are unaware of. I laugh, however at these fools, because I cannot type, and I am not interested in learning, yet I am up early, diligently typing posts everyday and the word count for most always exceed over 2, 500 words. I am extremely busy, I have children to attend to, I have my work as a spiritualist/traditionalist, I have people who seeks advice everyday from me and I must pay them attention and give good advice and yet I am dedicated here. This cannot all be me, a mere mortal, It has to be God. So if God is with me who can be against me? if God be for us, who can be against us?

I make no apology for my silly and quirky ways sometimes, If I am not that way, how would I be? how would I handle the seriousness of other people lives which I deal with daily? People who genuinely look to me for solace and comfort. I have no one to go to when I am done with my own situations but to my Osun and my Ifa, that is where I get my strength to push forward.  People open up your eyes, be prayerful and pray for guidance!

There I have vented! I feel relieved, maybe I over share at times, but that is really who I am, mi nah mek nutten mad mi and have mi ah road ah walk an ah tear up paper, lol! Still exhausted but feeling lighter mentally. Oonhu Big up oonuh self!

Below I received this email over the weekend from a peeper from our site, I was disturbed by some of its content and felt the need to call the peeper and explain some of their concerns and to inquire things which would tell me if the diviner was indeed a real Orisha Practitioner.


Good evening Obara Meji,

Thank you for allowing me to contact you with the questions I have concerning Ifa and Orisha worship in general. As I mentioned on your site, I am only recently learning about this religion and have found it both fascinating and a bit scary at the same time. Just to give you some context, I recently met with a Babalawo in my area (which I happened to find online) just to have someone explain to me what this religion is all about. I had read some basic stuff online about santeria/lukumi and orishas which I had heard of before, but didn’t know too much more than that. So, of course the Babalawo invited me to meet with him to give me information and he offered me a divination reading as well. I thought this would be great and that a reading would be something like what I have had done before when I used to get them from palm readers and tarot readers a while back (which I have in the past found to be helpful in general). Anyway, long story short, what I got was TOTALLY not what I expected. I consider myself to be a very open person when it comes to spirituality and although I was raised with Christian beliefs, it’s not like I’m all that religious or really believe in traditional Christianity. However, needless to say, I have been somewhat freaking out ever since I got this reading (about a week ago). I was attracted to learning more about Ifa (and I guess I still am), but now a part of me is scared, and I am very conflicted about a lot of things and not sure what I want to do.

So he told me about how important it is to pay homage to my ancestors, which I get that and have no problem doing in theory. The concern/question I have is about the whole notion of invoking spirits of the dead. If I pour libations to invoke my ancestors do I need to be concerned about any of them who may not be at peace and may not have been good people when they were alive? I mean no disrespect to any of my ancestors, but the truth is even though I may know some of their names, I never knew know most of them and I don’t want to call any bad spirits to come latch up on me. Is there a correct way to make sure I’m only calling upon the ones who are in the light and can guide me in a good/positive way? Or is it disrespectful to discriminate among them since they are still my ancestors? I have been hesitant to really do this ritual since then because of this concern.

Among some of the things this Babalawo told me was that my purpose in life is to be an iyanifa  and that Orunmila demands this of me and that I was meant to die as a child but Orunmila saved me for this purpose and that Oya (who don’t play from what I understand) is my head orisha. I am to be initiated to Orunmila, Oya, Obaluaye, iyamisharonga (or something like that) and someone else who I don’t remember. I must not drink any alcohol or eat spicy food (Emoji). He said I must do an ebo (bring some animals for sacrifice) to remove my blockages to start my spiritual path, but he knows I’m not inclined to want to do this (which he is right), but I must or there will be consequences. At some point, I also have to sacrifice a goat for my father who has been deceased for many years. This is the stuff that freaked me out a bit. Wasn’t sure what to make of it. The biggest concern for me about this is the animal sacrifice thing. I am creeped out by most animals in general (except for cats and horses). Don’t like to touch them or for most animals to come too close (I run from squirrels if they get too close. I kid you not!) The thought of having to go pick up some live ones from somewhere, carry them over to where the babalawo stays, and slaughter them (or watch them be slaughtered) is not something I think I’m physically, mentally, emotionally, or spiritually prepared to do. So of course my heart sank when he tells me there’s no way around this and there will be consequences. PANIC! How could I ever become an Iyanifa if I’m afraid to see dead people and don’t have the heart to even face animals, yet slaughter them? What if I decide the Iyanifa thing just isn’t for me? Then what?

But the other question I have about that is how, as a somewhat-Christian, can I reconcile in my mind the blood sacrifice of Christ on the cross with still having to do animal sacrifices today? Isn’t Christ’s sacrifice supposed to cover every sin/inbalance/karmic retribution for everybody in the world for all time so we never had to continue with the sacrificing animals bit any longer? Isn’t that why they referred to him as the Lamb in the Bible? Even though I am not a religious christian, I feel like to not accept that Christ died to cover and pay for us all is a big no-no. And that sacrificing animals for God’s favor (through Orishas) is like discrediting Jesus’ death for us. I don’t know if you are Christian too, but I know many Orisha worshipers somehow manage to balance observing both religions. So, if you are one who does, maybe you can help me understand and get over this fear and confusion.

I feel like what did I get myself into with this reading. I’m in way over my head. Yet, at the same time, I still feel compelled to explore more to thoroughly understand this religion and I don’t want fear to get the best of me IF it happens to be the right path for me.

I hope I haven’t rambled on too long and that my questions are not offensive in any way. I’m just trying to understand. I also never want to subscribe to anything out of fear of the consequences. If I do subscribe to it, I want it to be because it’s something I deeply believe in and can be committed to. This starts with understanding, so I must ask questions (even the stupid ones). So forgive me in advance. I’m very curious to hear your advice when you have time. THANK YOU SO MUCH!

My conclusion


When I Obara Meji received this email, I asked for the persons phone number to call them, because I knew that to explain these things would be lengthy and I do not like to type, how much time mi say it?

There are many people within the diaspora who claim to be Babalawo and they are not, Please understand me when I say I am not claiming or implying that the person who did the reading for the peeper is not, but judging from many things which I see here there are somethings here which are false.

I spoke to an Awo the other day (an Awo is a Babalawo in training) concerning a female he has known for a very long time who he said received Osun through initiation and when I asked the woman if certain things (which I cannot reveal here ) was done during her initiation his response was no, and then he went off into saying it has to do with linage and traditional houses how an initiation is done, well all what he said was FALSE!!! Probably him run mi dung just because, lol.

There are certain things which are done in tradition or rather our traditional practice which cannot be altered or changed, of course this is the meaning of the word tradition, things done a certain way and passed down from generation to generation.

Within the email was to contain the ODU, which is the binary code of Ifa which would have come down for the peeper during divination and from it the Babalawo or Iyanifa would interpret what was happening in the clients life and tell them as much, according to the orientation of the Odu which would have come down either negative or positive.

Upon calling the peeper who sent me this email I asked the Odu and was told, but the orientation of the Odu was not specified to the client of the Babalawo. I could go on to say from the email what is correct from what is incorrect here but I will not, except for the fact that the Babalawo told the client that they belonged to Orisha Oya and according to the Ifa which came out, it is just not true. Not true as to the Ifa pointing to that particular Orisha, however upon Initiation Oya may very well claim the peeper, but the Odu did not in no way speak of Oya!

The email showed concern of the peeper and their christian beliefs as opposed to sacrifice, and that is to be understood. I explained to them that Jesus was a Jew and within his Hebrew religion sacrifice was a major part in appeasing God. She said she knew that, but also said “didn’t Jesus shed his blood for all man kind and so why should any other blood be shed”. I again understood her concern and sought to explain.

I explained that in the old testament (I am not a christian, I have denounced that religion and have forbade my children to have anything to do with Christianity, not because I hate it, I do not, but because of its mis information and lies, Why would I have children who are awake only to be put back to sleep? Abomination!) God, according to the doctrine, was disappointed in human beings and wanted to destroy the earth, but was begged by Noah to save the world and being a compassionate God he instructed Noah how to re build all that he God would destroy.

The destruction/death of all those people and animals the first time around in the time of Noah was a sacrifice, and this was to appease Gods wrath according to the Bible. Now we enter the New testament again when man still wicked and bad and here comes Jesus, who came to enlighten and teach, but again de bad people dem nah listen and so God made up his mind that his “Son” would be the sacrifice, he was and as tradition for those times he was nailed to the cross where he died. He gave his life so that the world would continue, and not be destroyed completely this time as in the days of Noah. Jesus Christ was Hebrew, he was Not Christian, He was a Jew. This was how they practiced in those times and still to this day, although a rabbi will not discuss this you openly with you.

It is Christianity who made up the “Jesus is the Ultimate sacrifice”, but as I said before, this was their tradition in the Jewish faith. Please read this to help you understand better why sacrifice is important, and why it is only vilified by people with no understanding of the inner workings of our traditional practice and of metaphysics.

If we were to see how some animals that we buy in the meat shops and the supermarkets are slaughtered, we would not eat meat again. Often times the animals are shot, and cruelly mistreated before they kill them, while during sacrifice of any animal in our traditional practice, the animal is treated with respect and is prayed over, washed and offered up for the goodness of something or someone. If you were to witness this, you would see the animal go bravely, no crying or struggling, and after the animal is consumed by the community.

I believe it is important for us to learn things we do not understand, ask important questions like this peeper, and if you are uneasy about something seek knowledge about it. If the person giving you the advice cannot explain then try to find another as this person did. I shared this email because some of you may have questions of your own concerning our tradition or of Spirituality or even religion, the floor is open go ahead and ask!

Thank you for writing in peeper and for giving me the permission to share your email, God Bless you!


ni tí a kò bá fẹ́ rí ni ilé rẹ̀ ńjìnnà. /

It’s the person we do not wish to visit that we claim resides too far away…..Yoruba Proverb!

[We always have time, resources and grit for whatever sustains our interest and enough excuses for what we’d rather not do.]


All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji!


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10 years ago

Hey fambo, been so preoccupied today, I am catching up…

Happy birthday Cgoh…love, long life, good health, full belly, laughter, prosperity, and blessings to you always…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Hey Ty!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hey Nunu…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Hey darling Ty!!! mi know yuh busy man. Nu watch nuh face … we been holdin’ ya down eenuh! Blessings sweetie!

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Hey mi sisters Yazzy…hailings….mi miss unno bad…once over this patch will be back on in full swing…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, are you sure you’re ok my sissy boo?? I just felt a tad bit concerned but mi know yuh is a trang black queen. .. Empress Ty!! Da patch de need fi tek off.. and dash weh! Wi miss u toooooo!!!! Teach a look fi yuh pan di next post sweet T! Mi aguh lift yuh up inna mi spirit cah no man is an island sistren!! Nuh seh anoda wud!

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Thank you sweetheart…it means so much to me…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

((((Big big hugggsssssssss)))))))

Don’t make me cry! You’re gonna be just fine! All that love and light in you affi outshine even your darkest dullest moments! Shed a few tears if you need to… it gives you strength baby girl and it renews you but when Yuh done… Yuh need fi P.U.S.H Ty!!!! **(((PRAY UNTIL SOMETHING HAPPENS))))

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Thank you… I love that acronym …gonna use it more…will definitely be PUSH…

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty


Spiritual Seeker a.k.a. Peeper
Spiritual Seeker a.k.a. Peeper
10 years ago

Hello everyone! I am the Peeper referred to in this post. I just want to thank you all for your encouragement. You can’t imagine how good it feels to be supported and know that others understand what you are feeling. Of course many, many, many thanks to Obara who has really helped put my mind at ease and clear up some of the things on my mind. I truly appreciate your time and advice. I prayed for guidance and clarity after that reading, and then almost the next day I came across this blog site which I consider a blessing.… Read more »

Obara meji
10 years ago

Good wishes to you my dear

Spiritual Seeker a.k.a. Peeper
Spiritual Seeker a.k.a. Peeper
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Thank you Obara!

10 years ago

Love and light Seeker

10 years ago

You are most welcome Spiritual seeker! Happy you found us. May you continue to find answers to that which you seek!

Much Blessings!

10 years ago

(((HUGS))) M seetdeh n feel it my sista…i kno dat feeling velly velly well. hellooooooooooooo bad breed family (joke, ina my yazzy voice) lol wishing you all peace, blessings, love n light. I love you all!!!

Cgoh Happy Earthstrong breeda… all wah Obara seh ASE ASE ASE

10 years ago

Woiee mi baddy…Mi neva si, Yazzy comment. No sah when Yazzy post yu haffi laugh…Yazzy, wey yu sey, Cgoh a guh floss?

Teach, Cami, AMH, Toy, large-up unno self fi di hail up…

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

M, mi done see Cgoh a step to “Holla Holla Holla…we dem boyz!!” Flossin bun right up! up up up lata Cgoh! 😀
AMH, yall have a blast!

10 years ago

Ase, Ase, Ase!!!

10 years ago


10 years ago

Morning everyone! Happy Birthday C have a lovely birthday

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago

Good day Obara and All; and Happy Birthday to all on site and to their love ones. Hope peeper feeling more enlightened today. MTH, cheer up babes it only for a while.

10 years ago

Teach, wuk dey pan mi…Mi caan find mi cell phone…

AMH, tell C happy birthday for me and he must have a drink on me…

10 years ago

Ekaro my fambily…Hope all is well. Just found out this morning, that Robin Williams has passed. Strangely, I feel so saddened by it (on the brink of tears)…People just do not realise how depression can get you. Just Sunday, I was talking about how my family is never there for me, as they see me as the strong one…Sometimes, all I would like is a phone call to let me know someone cares for me. A phone call not to ask me do check out something for you. A phone call to ask how me and dem pickney a duh….*sigh*

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Morning darling M. I would call cause I know exactly how you feel. I battled with depression and always felt he had a deep sadness even through his wonderful gift of laughter.

Not much sleep last night dreams filled with snakes. Bloody great black snakes.

On a happier note today is C’s birthday! Send him much love!!

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Ekaro Obara! Ekaro Fam! M, sweetie, it’s not an easy road yuh hear. Just gwaan trod on doa. Bawl if yuh need to and get it out and stay resilient! Nuh support lost… no support found. Extended arms are here for you always. Cushion up yuh self inna Obara Meji spiritual school amongst yuh bad breed (JK!! Nuh kill mi ppl) classmate dem! 😀 😀 M, when our spirit is broken, it still manages to lead us to where our trust is without borders. Where we can walk even upon waters. Deeper than our feet can ever wonder …. where… Read more »

10 years ago

Hush hope i didnt wake u. Ok so who is the other femine orisha married to Sango besides Oya, Osun, n Yemoja? i typed more questions n the computer ate it lol

10 years ago

Goood night Obara n ES fam peeper thank u for sharing ur experience. Im glad u found ES n hope ur concerns are put to ease with the knowledge that Obara share here. Also with comments from bloggers.
Obara ive read about Orisha Obaluaye. Can u do a post on her and explain more.

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

It’s suppose to be Oba Kia, please do not believe everything off the internet

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

good afternoon Obara I always bring my questions to you because of this very reason…some do not know and at least with you I feel confident that if you don’t know you will tell me and will seek knowledge from competent Babalawo.

10 years ago

I feel so sorry for this pepper!

10 years ago

Just found out on this site Robin Williams is deceased. Be wary of the entertainment industrie, people.

10 years ago

Greetings one and all.

Teacher, I have questions.

Can (do) Orishas incarate on Earth as humans, or other living organisms?

I think so.

And how would they effect reality (consciousness)?

day "dream" alston
10 years ago

Good Evening Obara & Bloggers! Peeper I can relate to some of the feelings you are experiencing. Since my introduction to Ifa I have felt both excited and afraid. Sometimes (especially online) Orisha are portrayed as boogiemen/women who will punish you if you make a wrong move. It took me some time to put that in the proper perspective. I encourage you not to give up. Learn more and get to know other Babalows. All will be well. Blessings to Robin Williams. Its always hard to hear about people committing suicide. Depression is no joke, people have to fight it… Read more »

10 years ago

They said he suffered with depression and had drug issues. He died from asphyxiation I believe

10 years ago

Wow the comedians always seem to be plagued with issues. End up dying tragically… Sad

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

He always have a sad look even when he’s smiling.

10 years ago

Another part of me childhood gone. I remember coming to the states and watching Mork & Mindy with my cousin who was obsess with the show..Na Nu Na Nu…ironic is an online person name NU Nu informing me…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Robin Williams from Mork and Mindy, Mrs. Doubt Fire…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yu have back yu energy?

10 years ago

Wow! Over tousand dollas! God bless teach fi chue!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Man mi juss hear Robin Williams committed suicide! Mi suh sorry, he seemed so jovial to me 🙁

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

WOw! me go look and a true. I’ve always loved Robin.

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Yes! Nunu, I wonder what could have made him so sad that had to kill himself.

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

I will Kia, but obaluaye is a masculine Orisha

10 years ago

Evening All. poor peeper. Of all that I’ve read all I need to know is “how much him charged and how much fi de future “works”? cause all I got from the email was $ $ $ $ $ $igns.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

lol….Yail up Cami

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hail up NuNu. Me a think afta all those instructions and then the price tag peeper lost it…lol. Although I know what I have always known I went someplace to see if the information was true. De woman did a repeat (with a slight deviation from the previous) then gi me a price tag over a $1000usd to fix things and bake things along with carrying gifts to the All this when the truth that I got over and over was farrrrrrrrrrrrr less and was never a charge but a donation. Thank goodness fi Obara and har no charge… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Lmao! Cami you know you are something else!

10 years ago

Afternoon everyone, I am glad that the peeper followed their mind and asked more questions. My phone has been charging all morning and the battery is still low. I will come back when my phone is fully charged.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy

10 years ago

Teach, dey yah a panka panka. My phone is down and using another phone, mi caan 7 nor 11 with it.

10 years ago

Happy Monday Obara. Happy Monday all my sweeties. Happy Monday all our peepers… esp the peeper that has sent in her questions. Peeper, you had some excellent questions and concerns. It’s very much understandable why you would be this overwhelmed if faced with all that info. I’m pleased you weren’t driven by fear and ran away from the direction your ori has led you but rather to seek further knowledge where your answers will come. Pace yourself. I grew up Christian and while I love the religion.. it didn’t quench the unexplainable yearning I had for the need to know… Read more »

10 years ago

I have a question Obara, if I am going to have a feast to honor my ancestors, Can I honor some Orishas at the feast as well eg the Water ones?

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu


10 years ago

Good afternoon fambily…

Teach, maximum respect. Peeper, as Ty said follow your head. Take your time, the same way you were led to Obara, you will be led to the correct way/answer.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Yailings M!

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

MTH whey yuh deh from mawin

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Evening everyone! Im happy that the peeper was comfortable enough to ask for advice; God will never lead you astray once you start on that journey, I love it!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I have lots of good help and wonderful moms to learn from. God gave me these gifts I will not take them for granted nor lead them astray.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you so much Obara. I want to make sure they learn the fundamentals so that when they go out in the world they keep them close.

10 years ago

While I was raised Catholic, the lies have never sat well with me and so I have ever sought the truth through learning as much as possible from as many different sources as possible. However some of the traditions are still deep within me and are comforting and sometimes hard to let go of. Big Up to you peeper for seeking the truth and for seeking clarification when things didn’t feel right. Thank you Teach for always being a light of knowledge and guidance for us, you are truly a gift to us all. So I have a few questions… Read more »

10 years ago

Let me share a story with you all today…I met a couple today who was in a car accident exactly 1 week ago…the husband was driving and the wife in the passenger seat…the rain was falling, traffic came to an abrupt stop, the husband drew the brakes but the car continued to keep moving…both the wife and husband said, all of a sudden, everything went into slow motion…the wife stated that a woman can forward and said to her telepathically, i am here you will be ok…the air bag went off…the wife then looked at the husband and he saw… Read more »

Spiritual Seeker a.k.a. Peeper
Spiritual Seeker a.k.a. Peeper
10 years ago
Reply to  TY

Ty, I have had the same experience that you describe here. When I was pregnant with my son I was driving long distance with my sister and cousin and cousin’s boyfriend in the car. It was night time when thankfully there weren’t many cars on the road. I was asleep in the front seat and I must’ve taken off my seatbelt so I could sleep more comfortably (I know that’s not a good idea). Anyway, I just remember waking upon hearing my cousin’s boyfriend yell my sister’s name (my sis was driving). Just then a voice in my head that… Read more »

10 years ago

Hey Spiritual Seeker, I am glad you are here…your story will also help others…that is what Obara Meji has created here, a space to share, learn, have fun, and embrace each other…

You are loved by the universe and all it’s energy will continue to protect and guide you… I wish you God’s richest blessing to you and your family…

10 years ago

I can feel the pain of the peeper…there is so much information online about Ifa and Orisha worship that sifting through it can be a daunting task…Peeper, your ori or head is king, it has placed doubt in your mind towards this diviner but still left you open enough to look to IFA… I was brought up christian and catholic…I sought to look elsewehere because I felt the stories was not complete and no one answer me… I honor my ancestors daily…even the ones I do not know…physical death is not final and spirits roam along side us…my ancestors have… Read more »

10 years ago

I feel the peeper is very In tune she felt like something was not right and went in search of alternative sources and further advice. Although I am a neophyte in all of this one thing has held true for me, my head has never led me wrong. That was a lot of information he threw at her in one shot, anyone would be freaked and unnerved. Pray,research,and ask for guidance. Knowledge is power! Slow fire,constant heat and the Orishas will tell you everything you need to know or point you in the right direction ;). Peace and light

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