Beginning this Thursday, we will be discussing for our book club topics on History, Black history, Religion, Islam, Culture, Heroes, Warriors, Slavery, Mind Control, Brain Washing, Science, and such things. If we do not read how will we teach, how will we learn, how will we grow?! The topic will be that below ,together with the video all are welcome to Join in! After our discussion on Thursday, another book or video will be given for the next Thursday, you are all welcome to put in your own suggestions, just know that if you suggest a book, be here to discuss it! Let us get into our studies!
Lalibela Nile has supplied us with the first video and has sent us the download to the video I posted today!
We thank you Lalibela.
This is for the discussion on Thursday August 21st 2014
Mr. Nile you were a gracious host. Congrats, you did well…
Morning guys, I had connection issues. However the discussion was very spirited. Lisa Hanna I was really trying hard to like, but when I saw that heffer doing the ice bucket challenge, I had to say, wtf is this. Her government that is telling ppl not to water lawn wash vehicle as the drought is severe has water pouring over her. Is this heffer for real? This heffer’s party is set to raise bus fare this Sunday. Old people (indigent as well) now pay $20 on the bus, will be required to pay $60…I havent gotten a salary increase in… Read more »
Apologies on my seemingly rude departure last night. Mi go nam two fish and some crackers and ah piece ah sleep tek mi weh. Apologies again. Thanks Mr. Nile, Obara Meji, Cami, and the rest of the class for an entertaining and stimulating session. Nuh read too much inna di “nam”, “fish”, “crackers”, or “session” hee hee a likkle joke mi ah run…
Lalibela good job
Thank you Obara!!!
Good night Ty and Yw, mi nuh too want fi lef yet but this unresponsive page a drive mi crazy
Ciao NuNu!
this one was good
Lalibela, thanks for this session. It was very informative. There’s a lot of material available so we can run this for a while.
Obara, thanks
Cami ditto 🙂
I am off to bed…mek a run before dem come try shoot me…lol
Yw says night night…
Thanks for the lovely chat guys…it was fun and we all got to chat, joke, and laugh…
Obara thanks for the medium to express our views freely without judgement…
My wish is that we continue to seek God, respect and love Mother Earth and our fellow human beings…
May the love and light of the Lord be with you all…
Odara Kosi la ala to da…
Peace, light and blessings Ty!!!
lol..tell Yw goodnight too.
Whole set ah teef an liad! cancer care!
Unno nuh see roger Clark come get gastric bypass in see Miami, bout back surgery…
Dem sick me stomach…one whole set of shaving cream…
That is why I do not believe carcinoma will work…we have to heal before we unite…these sores that are restoring need to be cut out and burned…
True something, O.
Yes and Us citizen who use her Medicare fi get cancer care here…sick me stomach…
And we have people a ja a kill one another fi dis rotting fish…
Which video dat Yazzy?
[Ty], you are so right about that gay friendly Portia Simpson… Other than being the first female prime minister, she hasn’t really accomplished much–personal gain is the name of the game…
Her holding her political position for so long is due to SLEEPERS once again. She exist since the days of milk powder politics.
Cami every time she open her mouth on an international stage me shame…
Kia, my page is unresponsive too. Ty if a neva Lisa sumn woulda wrong.They band members of congress from taking part in the challenge.
@Nile, lol of course yuh partial, sar
lol, O it same one along with the royal jester/crook from down a wharf.
Same one…
She an one titty Portia need fi go sidung…
You think cancer would make people see the light…not PSM… Fi har grave will be very shallow…40 years in politics and not a rass to show…
lololol…Something tells me that this will be the last generation of inept politicians in we land. Dis beauty queen and paddle foot lacresha a icon of what NOT to carry into politics. It is these “sleepers” that add to the “underdevelopment” of blacks the world over.
Boom…Cami dem mash up Ja…
Thank God dem soon dead…
PSM lives in Miami Beach in. a multi million dollar penthouse, she visits Ja…that is why when them ask her about current events in Ja, she say she don’t read the newspaper…
A bare fish dem put in, Lisa, Damian, etc…
We have a long and hard road to go…
The page is unresponsive tonight an a shut down every minute but i am here…
And we a dash ice bucket pon our head fi sumn whey nuh even plague us?!?!?! rock a ages God cover me smh
I am not having/experiencing any issue with the page thus far…
See di rass idiot yah…
[Ty] even though I mostly heard bad things about Lisa Hanna, I was partial to this video when I saw it :)… Just understand that there are Jamaicans who don’t embrace their African connections–non-white Jamaicans that is…
Nile, she is an idiot that would better serve jamaica in a bathing suit on a runway or locked away again in a psych ward…
She did nothing to get that position…apart from lay horizontal…
Crying for my people…we have so many smart Jcan women…this dunce bat need to find and keep a man…cho
This woman is….vain is one of the words. Notice the other failure of a politician is in on the challenge.
Ouch 🙂
[Lalibela] Ironic, yes. Guy look like he dived into shallow water.
Toy, whom ever told you that didn’t tell it correctly(sounds like a racist rant,lol). See Ty put it in a better light. Crones is what is associated to Jews. Due to interracial relationships both are passed it passes down; same as how blacks have sickle cell anemia.
Obara I just finished watching the vid. It was hilarious as ish! I had a few good laughs
Yes Nile, I heard that he drowned. So far 42 million has been raised in the US due to the icebucket challenge.
Also the doctor and the aide worker are fully cured from the Ebola virus thanks to that experimental drug
Nuns, only the white doctor and the white nurse were cured…
They have refused to give the Africans this drug…despite over 1500 people dying…
The drug was a creation between the alliance of the dept of defense, rj Reynolds a tobacco company and a pharmaceutical company…the drug is a genetic hybrid that is propragated in tobacco leaves…
There are many questions to ask…
Ty, is the side effects known at all?
I have another question should we be ok with Obama signing for martial law
Toy he sent the national guards home today.
I don’t agree with any martial laws–such is not for the benefit of the masses. The Patriotic Act is a massive martial law implemented to take away the rights of the masses and a people without rights suppressed…
omg!!!! ty!
what is this als, and how did it start?
ALS is Lou Gehrig disease…it is a debilitating neuromuscular disease…it affects mostly whites…it is a rare disease that on the grand scale, affects very few…
Recently there was a nice water bucket challenge that went viral…it is a fundraiser for this disease where someone challenges you to have a bucket of ice water dumped on you…it is to make you understand how it feels to have ALS…
In the last 2 weeks, several hundred millions have been raised…
No such thing has happened for those with Ebola…
So I read today that one of the founders of the ALS Ice Bucket challenge drowned over the weekend. How ironic?
Exactly! It is true that Ebloa virus from a same city in Virginia?
Wow! thank you Ty for that info.
Using my phone so its slow. I remember Desmond Tutu saying that the Missionaries. Came with their bibles and told the Africans to close their eyes and pray. When they opened their eyes they were left holding the bibles and the white men held their lands. It is sad how they treat the Africans. Even with the Ebola disease and this ALS water challenge. People throwing ice water on themselves for a cause. However, why not raise awareness about Ebola? Is it because Ebola is rampant in Africa.
Yes Mth, and ALS is a genetic disease primarily of whites…
You nuh even see we fool fool politicians in ja join the ice water bucket challenge…damn idiots…
So I read today that one of the founders of the ALS Ice Bucket challenge drowned over the weekend. How ironic?
Nile, God no sleep…God nuh like see ugly…
Ty they did? Why would they even join into that foolishness, besides didn’t this disease already have millions donated . Shame! Is it a Jewish diease from what my cousin told me Jewish people only mix with Jews because they don’t want their IQ to lowered and due to them only staying with each other they get some kind disease. I don’t know if it is true.
Yes toy, mostly Jew get it especially Ashkenazi Jews…it is genetic abnormality…mostly due to I breeding…
It is one of their many rare weird disease…many Jews are in nursing homes never to see the light of day…
[MTH] Imagine that and Tutu is a Catholic bishop!!!
And that is the issue; we always seem to be playing catch up. I guess I need to broaden my scope but it doesn’t seem as if we are progressing as we should
We are slow in progression because many of us are asleep.
Ok going to look
[Ty] America’s civil war was fought so that capitalism could flourish. The North was well aware that capitalism would always be handicapped by slave labor and as such, slavery as we knew it in the South had to go…
If communism/socialism were to be give the same chance, don’t you think that applicable nations would have flourished?
Probably, but the powers that be will never make it happen…
They also have several generations on us and money behind them…we are playing catch up…
Once we find the courage to charter/dictate our own destiny, we will climb and take the lead… Easier said than done; however, there is no hope for us if we don’t find ways–cooperatives like CARICOM and the African Union–that honor our needs and expectations… No man is an island, CARICOM and the African Union need to be empowered…
I am not for Caricom…it has not served its purpose…
Again we will have to heal before we unite…
Jamaica is in a terrible state now due to carcinoma obligations…our leaders have no patriotism to jamaica and allow us to be the beating stick for the Caribbean…
I’m back. Yes, Lalibela- the American civil war was to mark the new form of capitalism which is industrilization which mark the end of plantocracy.
Nile, I think that a sense of community, respect for mother eart and it’s forces, love and respect for our fellow humans will be our way out of this…
This is ideal and may never happen…
However as we become more spiritual, we will undo the ropes that tethered us to religion and politics…
[Ty] I totally agree with you but you should note that when we think of a centralized communities, we are dealing with communist policies…
True, we will never realize the realm of utopia and I honestly believe as you do that only my spiritual awakening will we be able to rekindle with our glorious past. However, once we get to our spiritual awakening, by what means will the masses be govern?
Not sure, but communism is still a European idea…I would like to go back to something closer to what our ancestors did and maintained peace for centuries…
Karl Marx was on to something and his ideas got hijacked.
U all here?
Ty, please tell the christians that even the biblical Christ spoke about the Aquarian age… We are at a juncture where even the biblical Christ will lose his influence …the Christ was a function of the Age of Pisces
I am here I had to get another phone
ase ooo Laibela!!
Walter Rodney set out to show that post-colonial Africa will she is in control of her own destiny. Manley and Ghana’s Rawlings were of the same opinion. Manley & Rawlings found hope in Social Democracy–akin to the likes of Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. However, America and her hegemonic ways had different ideas. In the Book W. Rodney compared the socio-economic progress of post-colonial nations with the those of Western influenced capitalist democracy and in all examples, the socialist leaning states outperformed the Western influenced states… One key take away, socialism/communism is not in support of religions and spirituality seem… Read more »
Not sure if I agree Nile….
Politics and religion has been great tools to keep us down…
Communism has been used to hold down people…
[Ty] Communism has never been properly implemented/deployed and we should note that all communist references were subjected to American opposition and as such, none of those nations were given a fair shake.
Rodney’s observations were for a 10-year window and per his writings, the proof is in the pudding per se…
Mr. Nile, I think the idea of social democracy is great but the reason that it can never be properly implemented is because of the imperialistic mentality of a strongly militarized Western mindset. You have to cure the disease before the symptoms can diminish.
[Tw/Yw] Relative to the repayment of the US’ national debt, most debt repayments are done by means of trade… It is for this reason why trade deficits are so important. Jamaica is forced to trade with the US and other more so-called ‘advance’ or industrial/post industrial nations and often times, we don’t have anything for them to consume–of volume that is… This inturn create the very trade deficits that are crippling the nation of Jamaica. The US has the same problem with China; due to the outsourcing of manufacturing to places like China, the US, et al will always be… Read more »
All is mind and mind is all
Here is the full Life & Debt documentary for those who are yet to see it:
Where did the link go?
Lalibela, that has always be my argument, wealth is a state of being!, we must know this!
So true Nile and Obara…the good thing is that we are in the cycle of Aquarius and spiritual awakening is happening….
If anything we have seen in history, is that there are cycles…let us see how China will be as a super power…
Let us see the role India will play…
Ty, dem people deh!
who still present? are you all here?
Here (having connection issue)
and it is important to know for all who have never been to Africa, what you see in the media about Africa is not so, not at all, I practically live in Africa!
They used tarzan movies to paint negative pictures of Africa.
Ty, I am not shocked, yuh tink dem nuh try, lolol,
[toy7318] You are on point and it is for such reasons, et al why Walter Rodney looked to into the integration of a socialist model. He saw that it was with the advent of christianity in Africa, the people began to further lose their way… One poignant thing to note, West Africans found a way to hold on to their beliefs as they related being animistic: “belief in spiritual beings or agencies…” One observers marveled at the fact that some of us managed to remain animistic even after so much turmoil and he contended that due to Walter Rodney’s socialist… Read more »
Boom video Lalibela, Wow!
Hey MTH, yuh reach, Hey Yazzy and Kia!
[Obara] Here is an actual very good synopsis outlining the destructive ways of the IMP & the World Bank–Ghana’s Rawlings, Jamaica’s Michael Manley and Nigeria’s Fela Kuti were all against doing business with the IMP & the World Bank:
Here is a curiosity… When you pay your taxes (in di US) a portion goes towards paying the interest of the US debt. Who does the government pay that to? The Federal Reserve Bank is not run by the US government. So where does that money go?
[Ty] The destruction of the poor is one’s belief of poverty… Buying into the notion of being poor is a detriment. We’ve got to condition yourself to understand that we have something greater than material wealth and when we arrive at said juncture, we will have the abundance of material contents to do as we will if we so desire.
We just have to first get our mind/soul in the right place…
I would have to disagree with This Fada Nile… The destruction of the African people comes mainly from external forces. You cannot be an angel when in hell; in other words we live in a corruptive society that is western value driven. The European mindset coupled media control (or rather information control) in a monetary based system means warfare for any country or continent that does not fall in line.
all de old bitch madda Theresa she, lol ole teef!
Hold that thought…lol Me ago store and come back in 20 mins or less.
Cami no baddy nuh thief like Catholics…di Vatican loaded…when dem work and get dem deh riches?
Lol dang u doin mums right in lol the old catholic i use just had a heart attack and died again
Wow, and mi de ya a look up to she?? I’m starting to come off as a damn sheep…mercy me! All dem catholic teachings de. .. right dung di drain
Hazy, some a di juju mi learn a from the Catholics…lol
This all my life I thought Mother Teresa was a really great woman. Well that is who the news portrayed her
I’m here. I’ve read half the comments and will go finish reading the rest.
Yes Ty, and yet the poor hang dem still hang on to Jesus!
No joke but mi go school wid ’bout 3 Jesus (J sound like H)
[NuNu] Our history is vast; relative to the true depth of our history, the past 400-plus years are nothing. Yes it is true, we are seemingly behind in all key areas and I will always contend that such is by design… We’ve always had growths and declines–waves are not straight. However, the difference now is that there is a design in place to keep us dependent and lost. Once we reclaim our spirituality, we will find our path. We are a lost people and the few who are in the know have not found a way to awake the masses… Read more »
free labor Toy
Yes in the book that Nile gave us to read it says politics and religion go hand in hand. There are way to many churches on every damn block and it is not like the people in the church are becoming better people. It is a way to control people, because in the book I was reading it clearly stated that intruders said you can have your religion
I don’t like missonaries; don’t forget Hugo Chavez and other countries ban them and them ‘good book’ because it is the Missionaries who aided and abetted many of the ills of the past.
[Ty] That is exactly how I see it. The world slavery was not even coined when the Europeans entered Africa… The problem is that modern scholars are too lazy to distinguish between the two references…
Our ancestors had no notion of how we were going to be treated by the Europeans…
You’re right. They thought it would be the same system of servitude that they had in place.
But slavery wasn’t on the scale to dehumanize people, wasn’t slavery just for war purposes at first. Slave of War I think that what it was
Excellent point Toy. What slavery was, especially in the US, was nothing short of true barbarism and evil. Two different beasts.
Nunu, it has been for thousand of years they have been doing this, it may seem so for now, but Africa will one day shine and rise again of that I am sure!
It must shine because it there that mankind began and it was there that Spirituality began; in the truest sense of the word.
Good night it just seems thaat so many are asleep that it will take another several hundred years.This is so true Ty…
The psyche of the Africans and non Africans alike is broken…healing has to take place first before union…
Ok Ty I see what yuh saying. The thing that bugs me about this is that it seems as if we are always, as a people, in the infantile stages of development, while others are miles ahead of us. We know how to play ‘victim’ very well. We are aware of what has happened and is happening but we need to learn how to unite, and see what can come from that unity. L
Nuns, I have never been to Africa but the little I know is that it is not as under developed as they would have us believe… Let me speak of myself…poverty is a crime…I am 11 generations from slavery…it took that long for my bloodline to have a fighting chance in good old capitalism… Here in the us after the freeing of slaves, only slaves that were over 40 were freed…all others had to wait 10 years, do you know what that does to you and your psyche? Imagine the lack of soul that you must have for generations to… Read more »
If you are a christian YOU ARE A GOD DAMN SLAVE!!!
Wow, I’m learning..
dats why several years ago in Zimbabwe, when the europeans were building something I forget, dem did haffi run whey like ten ah dem guys when de mermaid show up and sey not ah suh!!
dem run all de way back to sweden
When we think about those who have exploited, murdered and raped millions of Africans, one name comes to my mind, King Leopold of Belgium–King Leopold’s Ghost is a must read…
instead of giving the contracts of building roads, to Africans companies who are competent enough to do so, it is given to foreigners, how is that?
[Obara] In some instances, the foreigners will undercut us Africans in the initial stages only to hit us with the true cost at the end…
Most women don’t know the true intent/agenda of a man, often times until it is too late.
Africa has the same problem, she often times is not mindful of those who were [preying] on her until it is tool late.
Obara, same exact thing just happen in ja a few weeks ago…these idiots we have as politicians did a contract with the Chinese to build a bypass highway from coh I to Kingston…they gave the Chinese over 120 acres of surrounding land for free, full ownership …displaced poor people from their homes with no land given to them…the Chinese will collect all tolls for 30 years and none of these payments will go to the repayment of the loan to build the road…
These Jcan politician need my mighty Ogun…
Machinery. If a engineering company is lacking in equipment then no one wants them. I notice we lacking in proper procurement of things that are relevant to nation building.
Yu see di world bank hand di IMF, ah dangerous something dem dat. A country has to follow certain guidelines when they have a loan with the IMF. They cannot develop their country in the way that they want to when these loans are outstanding.
Yw, throw in the Interamerican Development Bank to.
Yu mean destabilization bank
lolol, Yw! yu is a academic rebel to? dwln. Yes dem same one…a de IMF frock tail.
Absolutely correct Lalibela, as a matter of fact there is a museum in Babadagry, Nigeria which tell the story of how the Chiefs sold their own
Slavery has always existed and still do to this day…the problem is that our former Africans who aided in the slave trade of the colonial era had no idea of the savages they were dealing with and how depraved they were…
Cami, you are right, they are aliens…there is no soul there for the atrocities that they did…
If you work for a corporation in 2014, you are still a slave…
If u sit in a Christian church on Sunday mornings, still a slave…
I’m back. My bad.
Ty, very interesting…
mekgi oonuh joke, serious joke, I forget the name of the european country which was given the contract to construct bridges in Lagos, the head engineer was told he could not build the bridge unless the deity of the river was appeased, he said hell bloody no, no such thing, he pushed and pushed to build the bridge, despite the Africans pleading with him, telling him that it had to be done, he said non of this mumbo, jumbo Bs, the bridge was built, he died one week later and all who worked with him, of a fatal car accident… Read more »
Serious thing… As MLK Jr. eloquently stated, “The Western arrogance of feeling that it has everything to teach others and nothing to learn from them is not just.”
lolol, mumbo jumbo spoke loud and clear.
[NuNu] Relative to Africa’s participation, there is culpability… Africans were complicit in the slave trade; without the help of Africans, the Europeans would not have conquered the continent in the manner that they have…
anuh dat, come to Nigeria yuh yuh just ah step pass chinese people suh, ah dem ah build de roads and bridges, if yuh see how dey treat the workers and speak to them
I am not surprised, the Chinese are everywhere now and I just caution the contemporary leaders to at least attempt to something positive out of the Chinese association.
Pgs 10-11 covers that attitude. The Chinese operates even worst at home it seems.
O Ma Se Oooo!1…Lalibela, once upon a time our money the naira had so much worth we were up there with pound
As you know, they had to devalue the naira and further marginalize the people…
Cgoh agreed!!
[Ty] If not for the resources that came from areas like the Congo, we would not have rubber and microchips. Think of a world without rubber and microchips?
…and look at who is in the microchip production business…the former “guest” of Africa and now occupants of an area for which a alien set are encroaching upon the rights of others to live. Wonder what Dr. Clark would say?
[Toy7318] The African’s nucleus pertained to spirituality while the burgeoning Europeans were in a militaristic and exploitative mode. They know not spirituality and even when they were introduced to spirituality, they sought to capitalize and use it as a tool–diluted and called religion… Accordingly, Africans were more harmonious with fellow mankind and nature… The Europeans were of the opinion that we had so much wealth and no knowledge of its worth. Hence, coming from a deprived Europe, their aim was clear–take everything… The European system of living is a contradiction to the African way of living and just like a… Read more »
“…they sought to capitalize and use it as a tool–diluted and called religion…”
This is a very interesting point to me because they tried to industrialize spirituality by creating religion; Spirituality, however, cannot be industrialized…
[Tw/Yw] You are absolutely correct…
So how do you counter such a well oiled machine that has perfected itself over the centuries? What about the peoples culpability because it does exist, how do we even begin to correct that?
Nuns, wid the truth…we document our roles, our history, our people and what they have done…
We change the story that has been put out…we re package the stereotype of an African…
Instead of the the word African conjuring a picture of a bugged eyed child with big belly due to malnutrition, with flies mulling around, with a mother standing with two long titty, and a father with a loin cloth and a spear…
We show what an African is…a smart kid who loves school, who speaks 7 different languages, who loves nature and understands science…
Bwoy, Nuns, mi ponder dah one deh often… Ultimately, I think that there has to be a unification of the countries within the continent. No external country should be able to extract natural resources unless their is a commitment from that company to improve the infrastructure of the African country that they are operating in. “Humanitarian aid” would have to be more rigorously screen or refused overall. That would require a tremendous change in attitude within he continent and would most likely be met with overwhelming force from the many outside parties that would lose so much almighty money…
“The Europeans were of the opinion that we had so much wealth and no knowledge of its worth. Hence, coming from a deprived Europe, their aim was clear–take everything…” Nile, I like your line “coming from “a deprived Europe” …. mainstream always painted Africa and Africans as not being of much or totally uncivilized when it was them that lacked civilization. They were so deprived… dem red yeye we fi wi tingz! …and how barefaced… after they done took it … they turn their noses up at us like they knew anything about “the good life” they were afforded the… Read more »
Yes Yazzy we shal rise again…
We will have to uproot the non Africans, heal, and then figure out how to compete and protect our people and resources…
We have to repackage our image, stamp our goods, and fight…yes fight…
They will never let go of Africa and it’s goods without a fight…
Look at a country like Nigeria Ty, where there is oil, when you go there look at how the people are living. Three days out of the week we have light, three days!
Those rules are placed by the non Africans who control the oil…
Jamaica no different same set of greedy few who line their pockets at the detriment of the island…
Africa has been the gold standard for ALL technology…
Like Dr. Clark said when others were in the caves painting themselves blue, Africans had a civilization…
That is why I like the title of this book…
[Ty] With the state of Jamaica, we begin to see that it was by design that certain countries were destined to remain impoverished and dependent on the Industrialized nations. Perish the thought of 3rd World…
Oh Obara, it’s a shame… Nigeria being the 5th largest exporter of crude oil and that country does not have much to show for her wealth…
Our biggest plight is that Made in Africa is not stamped on her wares…until this done, Africa will continue to hurt…
You see how the Chinese stamp dem made in China on their inferior junk…
The raping, robbing, pilferage continues to this day and on top of it they have taught the world and us that we are barbarians and baboons, they have robbed everything.!
Same so…we not good at packaging our stuff… We too honest…we have a few greedy who have no patriotism to Africa and will sell them souls and country for a few dollars…
Mugabe is one of the few that will say Africa is for Africans…
Ty, in my opinion that is as far has credit should be extended to him. He’s a deconstructionist to.
And yet the media portray Mugabe as a tyrant who doesn’t care about his own people
Nuns, like Cami says he is no angel, been greedy too…
But in my adult life, has been the only African leader who has chased non Africans off his lands and restrict their ownership of African lands and resources…
Me shock dem nuh kill him yet…
70%of the worlds cocoa plants are in Africa! yet when you talk about best chocolate! it is European…how dat?
“Swiss Chocolate” at that! lol
Good night let me read n ketch up
I believe so Toy, I believe our peaceful and loving nature was a part of all that happened to us as a people. ”The wily ways of foreigners were not our way, they came in with a grand scheme and plan which they executed well, and coupled with christianity which came thorough the missionaries they got what they planned
Ty, you are on point; it wouldn’t been so bad if some of these ‘stakeholders’ were Africans. Non-African carved up the continent and in 1895-96 and created their fiefdoms and playgrounds…
The aim from then until now related to rob the continent of its resources–the very reason for Europe’s massive growth and wealth…
I have a question?Is it because of our giving and forgiving nature that everything was robbed from us? I am asking does it play a part of our demise that we are a people that love to help?
Good question Toy. I think it’s because we too welcoming.
Yes Cami, like dr. Clarke stated in his video, the Africans were a super empire highly developed before Europe even existed… The Hebrews came after a famine were fed and taught new ways and techniques… They then joined forces with the Asians to fight against the same Africans that fed them…
Dem all thief the laws and made their own calling it commandments…
Well capitalization by design is for a few elite…
Definition of capitalization is protection of shareholders wealth…
Africa has the most arable lands and most resources of the planet…so a few who are not from Africa want this…how better to steal than to cause a distraction…wars, political upheaval etc…
Few indeed. Because the list of the elites isn’t long. We can begin with the ones who are in control of the diamond mines.
Last time I check “Beers” don’t dig and the French seem to have a lot of diamonds off the back of; who again… I forget.. Add to that the guns that are sent into the continent, to do what again? Not to protect….
Yes, Obara. It is amazing how the heads of government assist in “Raping” the resources along with foreign bodies. I can’t understand why can’t they assist in bring their respective nations up to the standards of other industrialized countries while they are eating their proverbial cake.
I was speaking to someone about that same issue Cami. This is a Caucasian woman, and she said that based on her observations black nations lack foresight. That is one of our biggest problems we don’t think about the long term and what that means for our people. Most are blinded by their own greed.
We don’t lack it foresight. We feel discourage because we foresight show us that the efforts will be impeded by we own who are greedy.
Same so Cami, plus ” thief no like see thief wid long bag” …these Europeans are savages…
They have always been and continue to be…them love war…they fight for oil. Land, religion, money, gun, anything…
In my opinion, Cami, it is because of the focus on material wealth at the expense of the legacy of the African culture. It is the cancerous influence of “rugged individualism” and “protection of shareholders’ wealth” over the values that maintained a 3000 year era of peace in Africa (I think Dr. Clarke mentioned this).
Hello Yw, you are correct. Has soon as I read “rugged individualism” I saw the marlboro man of America because that is a symbol of that phrasing.
Pardon me “Has” for ‘As’.