Good morning to all. I am aware that last weeks posts were a bit heavy albeit important and needed to be discussed, however I wanted this week to be a little lighter, perhaps we could comment and laugh a little or a lot, but this morning Blogger Ty sent this email to me from the Jamaican Gleaner, and while I was saddened by what I read in regards to race and discrimination, I had to share it. I believe that the article itself is a good one and something for us to discuss, this is not a light subject because facing discrimination and racism from your own race is just very sad and appalling, it maybe expected from others, but of your own?, O ma se O! Please share your wonderful thoughts with me and each other today. Oonuh talk up de tings dem, doan spare no feelings. Thank you TY!
Too Many Black Children With Bad Hair
Published: Monday | September 29, 201428 Comments
Michael Abrahams
A few years ago my wife and I visited a cafe in St. Andrew with the intention of having lunch. After entering the small building, I attempted to get the attention of the two dark skinned Jamaican ladies working behind the counter as we approached it.
However, they appeared to look right through us and beckoned to a white lady standing a few feet behind me, asking her if they could be of any assistance. While still standing at the counter, being ignored, another white woman entered the establishment through the door to our right. Immediately, before she could even approach the counter, she was asked what she wanted.
All this time, we were still standing there, like a pair of transparent statues, as the ladies behind the counter attended to their Caucasian customers. Annoyed by the abovementioned goings on, I finally secured the attention of one of the servers and requested an audience with the manager.
I registered my disgust with him, saying that it is one thing to be discriminated against in a geographic location like the Deep South in the United States, but experiencing this in my own country from my own people was extremely disappointing, and although he apologized and invited us to stay, we left.
We still have a colour problem in this country. The white folks did a great number on us, at least those of us who are black. You have to give them credit for that. First, they purchased us in Africa and enslaved us. Then, they convinced us that their religion was the “right religion”, and furnished accompanying imagery to cement the concept that all the righteous and holy people in the history of the World were white, while informing us that God was quite okay with the concept of slavery.
I remember avidly reading my grandmother’s illustrated Bible as a child. Jesus Christ and all the biblical heroes and heroines, as well as all the angels were melanin deprived. Nobody in that book looked even remotely like me. And when I went to church, all the paintings, statues, figurines and stained glass images were of Western European-looking Caucasians.
Then, on television, most of the black characters that I saw were maids, butlers and servants working for white folks, or criminals or persons who were not well educated. And in the toy stores, most of the dolls and action figures were also white.
Being bombarded with all this white imagery, not surprisingly, had an effect on my developing brain, and I remarked to my mother and my father one day that I would never marry a black woman. My parents immediately decided to do something to knock that mentality out of my head.
I soon found myself on an airplane bound for Miami, my first foreign trip.
We stayed at a hotel, and on the morning after our arrival there was a knock on the door, with the person identifying herself as the maid. When my father opened the door, I was shocked out of my mind to see that the maid was a white woman, there to serve us, black people! I am grateful to my parents for that experience, as it was essential in helping me to understand that I am inferior to no one based on the colour of my skin.
Unfortunately, many of us did not grow up in households with that mindset, and the perpetuation of white or light skin superiority persists in many quarters. Shadism is still prevalent, like a cancer that has malignantly infiltrated the psyche of far too many Jamaicans.
Statements such as “anyting too black cyaan good” and concepts like “good hair” versus “bad hair” are too alive and well. Bleaching is commonplace, as is the wearing of wigs, weaves and extensions which give women a more Eurocentric look, while the more Afrocentric dreadlocks are banned in our constabulary force. Another interesting observation is the fact that, in a predominantly black country such as ours, one of our two major political parties has never been led by a dark skinned person.
A couple of years ago an acquaintance of mine related a story about someone she knew whose son passed the GSAT examination for a leading co-ed school in St. Andrew, but lamented that she had to move him because “too many black children” were there.
What was even more disturbing, was finding out that I actually know the person, and that she happens to be black herself, but light skinned, and that her son’s complexion is darker than hers. Ironically, I know several dark skinned Jamaicans who are married to foreign Caucasians who have no problem with their complexion, while they would be rejected by some of their own fellow black Jamaicans for being “too black”.
Marcus Garvey must be spinning in his grave like a propeller. Yes, things are better than they were at independence, but it will be difficult for us to progress unless these remnants of slavery and colonialism are obliterated. We must emancipate ourselves from this type of mental slavery and truly embrace our motto, “Out Of Many, One People”.
Michael Abrahams is a gynaecologist and obstetrician, comedian and poet. Email feedback to and, or tweet @mikeyabrahams.
Ah doan know whey de ooman ah de hen come from!
Ty also sent this to me from the same source, MTH spoke on the chick-v which is now terrorizing Jamaica but look how Bisi (Kola Nut) step in!
Bissy Remedy For Chik-V – Even For Dog
Published: Tuesday | September 30, 20141 Comment
Christopher Serju, Gleaner Writer
Residents of Seaview Gardens who claim that in excess of 90 per cent of the population has been affected by the chikungunya virus in recent weeks are convinced that health ministry officials are either ignorant about the disease, which is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, or are hiding the truth.
The residents told The Gleaner yesterday that coping with mosquitoes has become a way of life for them, since the community is largely ignored by the National Solid Waste Management Authority, the agency responsible for solid waste collection and disposal. For this reason, they claim, the area is a haven for mosquitoes, a situation with which they have become accustomed.
They claim to have been stung, bitten, ravaged in every which way by mosquitoes, thereby gaining some ‘expertise’ on the matter of mosquito-borne diseases.
“Is not mosquito, this is an airborne disease, this is not mosquitoes, I am telling you. The Government needs to talk the truth because is not mosquito, is an airborne disease,” one woman insisted, with other people supporting her line of reasoning.
Ignoring Ministry advice
In fact, so unimpressed are the Seaview Gardens residents with the Ministry of Health that some have even begun to ignore its advice on treatment as one young woman shared.
“A my bredda gi me the remedy and me just send it on – papaya leaf and garlic. You boil the papaya leaf with the garlic and when you done you throw it off and drink it and you good.”
Questioned about the risk of someone being poisoned as a result of this home remedy, the woman adamantly defended its effectiveness.
“Nobody poison yet. Me woulda poison already. My daughter and her two pickney them get better. My sister and her nine pickney them and her seven grandpickney get better.”
Interestingly bissy (kola nut), which has long been used locally as an antidote for poisoning, has also been brought into the treatment mix for chikungunya, but only in cases where rashes are among the symptoms.
In a bizarre twist, one woman explained that the family dog, Ruff, was the first member of the household to be stricken with the disease.
“The dog couldn’t walk, the only thing the dog coulda do is lay down and say ‘arr, arr’ and mammy boil some bissy and also give the dog Panadol and after that the dog coulda get up and walk. Seriously!”
The Gleaner understands that, while the Aedes aegypti only feeds on human blood, the other type of mosquito which spreads chik-V, the Aedes albopictus (Asian tiger mosquito), also feeds on a range of animals including dogs and birds. However. the Asian tiger mosquito is not known to be present in Jamaica.
Ti ọwọ́ ọmọ là ńgbà; kò sẹ́ni tó lè gba tinú ọmọ. /
It’s what one has that can be taken away; no one can take away what one contains…Yoruba Proverb!
[Focus on what endures; possessions are ephemeral, but acquired knowledge is enduring]
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji
So I was supposed to go out to a meeting tonight I was already in two minds about it. All day I was driving no problem when I went to the car the terminal was in two pieces won’t even turn over…. What y’all think
I would skip that meeting Courtney…
I know right I was like damn
Courtney, every disappointment is for a cause…go say thanks to your guides…
The bleaching thing is horrible but this shadism thing is too real. Light skin equals “acceptance” unfortunately and everybody wants to belong so here comes the bleaching
Some of the richest Jcans I know are the deepest ebony…they do not look for white or light skinned Jcans…they look for same class…a money dem defend…
They were taught early to carry on the money…
“Press conference” Ty yuh shoulda know better than that which Portia, cho
With this major outbreak affecting so many thousands…she should do it…but mek it be a ” don’t draw mi tongue” pep rally she jump pon it…
The minister of health on ja, came out yesterday and his statements was pathetic…
I am so ashamed of these leaders…we really need to do better….for our country and our people…no party stupidness…
Ty it look like they not sure what the hell is going on, and they aren’t certain about how to handle it suh suh the paltry statements wi haffi duh. Thank gawd wi people know bout bush remedy!
Thank God we know our natural remedies…
Our leaders are inept…our voting populace is even worse…they continue this viscous cycle of these leaders….some of these politicians in the game before me born…Portia just celebrated 40 years of political career, wtf…she should have been fired…even worse we kill our own people for these idiots…
I would love to hear a news press conference with Portia pronouncing Ebola and chikungunya…
We copy all the wrong things from the us…why do we not have proper news conferences like this one where they are telling of the first Ebola case in the US….
Most of what I faced in Ja was class prejudice….
A few of my family did try the skin color foolishness…
Yes Ty mi peep couple peenie lol, classicism is a big issue there. I remember I went to the embassy in Kingston there was this black guy that worked there he was so rude and disdainful. This white man came in and he was overly courteous and falling over himself to assist the man, di white man rush him and seh “get away from me!” Everybody siddung eena the room start clap when him get rush lol, one lady seh yuh bitch yuh look how yuh deh deal wid yuh own but yuh deh pop yuh neck fi kiss di… Read more »
Yes Teach pass on di cup a tea! Cause mi kinda fraid out here in di bush by miself, it will do mi well right now!
Hey Nunu…tell we if u see Peenie waallie in di country…
we Nunuuuuuu!!!!!..ah coming wid ah surprise, a late night cup ah tea
Before I read I’d like to say good evening to my fam fam lol, mi reach a country a so so cow nuh mo’ mi si. Soon come back off to read
Hey Courtney, so sad to hear about the bleaching of the little girl…a ma se o….her self estimate is shattered before it take root….
Listen, Asians…phillipino and East Indians bleach like it going outa style…they want the porcelain white skin…so sad…
some of it is bleaching but from working in the fashion industry alot of it is also lighting and photoshop. Depending on the publication and what its editors deem to be pretty you can go in one way and come out another. they did an experiment online to show how it is different in all parts of the world.
Hey beautiful people
Im light skinned but find it very disturbing this bleaching trend. I have a cousin that bleaches her young daughter and its really disgusting. Self Hatred seems to always find a way to wrap itself in a new package.
Black is beautiful!
MTH, you must not have seen Sammy Sosa!!!
Niles, I remember Lark as Lisa on Saved by the Bell. She looks like a reptile no lie. Trina looked better when she was dark-skinned and had a nice ass. The worst of them all, in my opinion is Little Kim…*deep sigh* all in the quest for fame and fortune.
MTH, look how beautiful they were–now they mostly look like reptiles…
Henry Kissinger’s 1974 Plan for Food Control Genocide:
it seems af if those people just bawn wid ah wicked gene!
Obara, it is all about one’s philosophy, they’ve conditioned themselves to believe that what they are doing is okay–especially under the auspice of looking out for America’s best interest. These people have conditioned themselves to be truly inhumane…
Nile, very heavy stuff. I wouldn’t put Ebola pass them. Is it just by chance that Ebola and other dealy illnesses were originated in Africa nad never in Europe.
MTH, look at Obama’s posturing, he advised that the Ebola epidemic/pandemic has the potential to cause military, political and economic disruption; hence, in lieu of doctors, the US sent the military to the affected regions.
Kissinger’s aim is to suppress the population of the peoples of the world with the darker hue. Africa has been a test bed for a very long time–Monsanto anybody?
Obara, I hope the ones don’t take the notion of experimentation in Africa lightly. Check out the wicked Henry Kissinger’s document called “NSSM-200” It relates to global population control/reduction. I wonder why he would send this document to the State department and the Department of Agriculture? “According to NSSM-200, elements of the implementation of population control programs could include: a) the legalization of abortion; b) financial incentives for countries to increase their abortion, sterilization and contraception-use rates; c) indoctrination of children; and d) mandatory population control, and coercion of other forms, such as withholding disaster and food aid unless an… Read more »
Nothing worst like being discriminated by your own people; as the author put it, Shadism. It is not by accident that the JLP has never being ruled by a person of the darker hue–as Bustamante stated, “Bring in all rastas, dead or alive!” The very government has been prejudice in the area of Shadism…
Thank God for Manley; if not for Manley, this would have been being worst for the people of the darker hue.
It is all about our Eurocentric conditioning and the system of White Supremacy–we truly have to emancipate our minds from mental slavery…
Hugh shearer was our first black prime minister and he was black…
Pj and Psm swim with the fishes…
Teach, look how yu article sey dem treat Ebola wid out vaccine in Africa.
Ah suh dem deh ah Africa ah experiment pon we tuh, dem wicked set ah germz!
Niles & Yazzy big up.
Teach mi nuh waan ride out dis Chick-V ting enno, but when our ppl reasoning ability haffi mek mi think…
Some ppl sey a caan mass-kit-ta cause how dem a get bite from di devil was a bwoy and nutten nuh duh dem an all of a sudden dis Chick-V appear up, big an serious.
Hailings MTH
Kiss di cross is not lie mi a tell Teach.
Hi Lalibela, MTH nuh sey suh yah, ah doan waan get hignorant enuh!
hailings Obara–I hope you saw that email that I sent your way…
I got it Lalibela and I responded, but I tried opening it on my phone but i cannot, will try on my laptop
Teach as it relates to colour. I KNOW FOR A FACT/FACK sey that alot of bright children were discouraged from going to Campion/Immaculate as ppl would tell them that those schools are ‘society schools or high-colour people school.
Good day blessed ones, I love the two articles but where do I begin?
Teach Chick-V doesnt really kill you however, it was on the News on Friday that this little guy that went Camperdown had Chick-V, he was very weak. He went to shower, fell, hit his head and died. No one was there to assist him.
Teach dem sey Chick-V has various afflicts with:
Pains especially in the joints
Teach, my friend man big like Goliath and Chick-V lick him dung and he had to spend 2 weeks down-stairs. He could not climb the stairs at all. Ambulance had to come to my office to pickup co-workers who limbs were stiff like board.
Hey Yazzyyyyy, Mth mi did si dat video deh already, very disturbing!
Ah have a surprise for all de regulars, hold on surprise coming up in a couple of hours!!
Teach wey day di plane wey crash off the coast of Portland. They saw 2 billionaires were aboard. However, the speculations turn up cause nobody nuh si nuh American journalist come dung come duh nuh story. Dem sey dem dayeven si nuh fambily orfriends come even fi come look. Teach a nuh mi sey suh a di ppl dem…
Happy Tuesday Obara Meji! Happy Tuesday Prefect M! Happy Tuesday all my ESP sweeties here! Nunu mi sis… anyweh yuh deh… Love & Light! Peepers shout out to ya!
Obara mi late bad! I’m trying to finish up fi come hang and reason. A beg yuh likkle patience deh sweetie. Plz make sure you are well and getting enough rest and ting. A soon come back!!
What are the symtoms, and does it kill?
who ah de billionaire yuh ah talk MTH, so id ting yah serious!
Teach, mi all crush up garlic and rub pan mi skin. Mi boil garlic tea just fi buil up mi immune system.
Ty, Seaview Gardens is not the worst affected area, it is St. Thomas.
Teach mi sorry sey unno nuh dung yah fi hear how di ppl dem serious sey a di ‘white people’ bring Chick-V. Teach dem sey fi di ppl dem to be billionaires and nuhbaddy nuh come a Jamaica come even look nuh ring true…
St. Thomas people sey alien drop Chick-V.
han drink de Bisi tea!
Teach mi nuh ketch it, but every 4 hours mi tek panadol or cetamol. Mi naah tek nuh check.
Oh to rat Bac Mth, yuh ketch de Chick V
is whey yuh deh from mawnin ?
Afternoon everyone. I just read the article and what an irony it is. I am not feeling 100% (plus I had matters to attend to on the road). I took some meds to fight the Chick-V and it knocked me out. Now, I see this article.
Thanks Teach & Ty. We staying current and as usual, each one teach one.
hi neva knew this was going hon hin Jamaica! halitosis Pastor Holmes Praise de Lord!
From Seaview to Cherry Gardens? Chick V chess high! jeezam peas!
for such a small island, the distribution of the cases is VERY disturbing…
hey Ty!
hey Obara, I am doing my usual, in and out…I will be on later
Hoping everyone is having a fabulous day…
grung YW, HOW MI FI KNOW HOW YUH NOSE BE, LOLOL, plus yuh doan soun like yuh hab no hell of ah nose, mi nah buy dat one, lololololol
afternoon everyone, i am glad you liked the articles Obara… My jcan people a di best…di dog name RUFF…lol…and we love we mongrel dog..even dem get medicine too… Bissy a di bomb…it cure anything… De papaya leaf and garlic also good…see how it help with early symptoms before any rash… with this ChikV disease in JA, the most cases were in Seaview the thousands…and only a few cases in Cherry Gardens… Two schools were closed in Trinidad due to this ChikV disease so it rampant… I lived in portmore before in JA and dem have some rahtid big mosquitoes… Read more »
Obara, yu have mi curious now… sound like yu ah attack mi nose. Wha’ dat fah?
boxing gloves nose
O, in a little bit.
Cami if yuh score de skin, it wont skin up
Yw, mi cyaan tek ah bit nose at all, an de bif fooe dem kuss reming mi ah afu Yam!
Ok, another tip. Thanks.
lol, Yw say you say only beef fi see bell peppa, lol
Mi ah go bounce fi now. Tek it easy Obara and Cami..
Thanks Why…so is only when old dem skin up…cool. I’m craven for some wid nuff okra.
See you later, Yw.
as ah ooman mi prefa ah man have ah big foot radda dan ah big bell peppa/sweet peppa nose! big all mi big nose peepers and bloggers dem
Obara…a man can have a big nose an big foot too. One nuh exclusive of the other. Maybe is jus .22 big nose man sport still, mi nuh know….
Why you must double up de blow pon har, Yw? lol
Yw, yu know fi cook Doctor fish? Do I have to beat dem if I want to roast them in the oven?
Obara hurt mi feelings, Cami. She sey sweet pepper ongly good inna pepper steak and big foot good fi better tings…sweet pepper nose and 7.5 foot size….tragedy….
Sometimes if them old, it wi skin up. Usually, I stuff it wid some thyme, okra (or likkle callaloo), likkle butter, garlic, onion, an wrap it in foil.
I have never beaten them.
anuh me sey suh ah Ishawna, or ah Foota she did ah tawk, mi nuh knw, but smaddy foot big!
Muta foot dem big like!
Susceptible to suggestions….so correct Yesterday ah friend of mine told me that when they began to embrace their spirituality they wondered how would they do so (nothing to do with church or religion), and still be themselves. Then they saw me and my off the wall (my words not theirs) personality, but yet still I was very spiritual, but they saw how I was just a normal (ah dem mad fi tink suh) person, and it made them realize that they did not have to have a stiff upper lip and gage themselves to conventional principles of the world to… Read more »
My father use to say: “Hate me but succeed” – I would always wonder: what is success? You mention the dread living in the hills in one of your prior posts. He was living by HIS rules. HIS way. To me he is successful. They said: “A woman may break your heart, so keep it away from them” – Then how would I find love? “A man must always fight” – but what if it is just not worth it to me? “Honor your mother and father” – what if they continuously dishonor me? “Believe in God (by someone else’s… Read more »
basking in hi masculinity, grunggggg!!!!…Yw you alway live up to yourself, when yuh deh bout, ah straight comedy!
Thanks for saying “straight” ’cause is no funny ting here…
lolol…_____________ no )))) curves a ratah! lol
Mutah ah talk di tings out. We are really devolving and will continue to do so until we reclaim power over ourselves and stop allowing society (and those at the head of it) to influence our thoughts and behaviours. We have been groomed from birth to be susceptible to suggestion. At some point we must look within and decide what path we want to trod…
De young dem absorb too much of black american culture and behavior from tv and visitors who import nothing positive because them want to show off.
Is not only the young. Sometimes mi si some older people weh jus’ carry the materialism ting to a sickness. I went on a school trip with one of my sons and in the bus some of the men start showing off about the phone they had…. Mark yu, dem all older than me by bout a decade… I neva chat to one of dem..friggin idiat dem…waste of…really
lolol…true. In my case it’s the women and the over price bags, shoes and clothes. I use to buy like that when I was younger and thought it defined me (I had outstanding life issues) and because that was the crowd I was hanging with. But then I got older and had to work hard to survive. Now I’m mindful of my dollars..I’ve become penny and pound wiser.
Nuh worry, Cami, I was like that too but had to learn that it is a distraction from living…
Cami, yu hear how di dawg sey: arr arr…rotfl
Yow Yw…dwlnnnnn that was funny! Imagine if is one of the common brown dog dem, lolollll
BTW, why none of those brown dogs de a ‘merka? Me babes say cause dem a Jamaican mutts lolol
Is a uniques species to Ja..heehee.. Maybe is from a set of dog that was carried there in the past. All me know is Ja mongrel dog is the best. Dem hardly sick, nyam anyting (all fish bone), and dem don’t even try to come in the house…
GRUNG!!!!!!!! all you said are so true! Dem not even cough up back the bone when it hitch! lolol
Dem nah nu sex manners to, I went to the tax office to get my TRN and they just out side doing it in plain sight! But yeah, our dogs are a breed of their own, lol
Near snub: I was on a line (not upon on the counter) waiting for service. The cashier (black) finished with the other person and a white female was approaching the line and he said “Ms. I’ll take you” HUH! not a rass…I said “NO You’re not” turned to the lady and let her know I’m on line. I turned back to the cashier and that litte nat said “oh I thought you was just standing there”. I said “Oh, I don’t look like a customer to you? ring up my things and lets get this over with!”. He kept apologizing… Read more »
Now, why the backside would you just be standing there? Basking in his masculinity?
…and admiring his ugly backside, lol. There I was holding my little green shopping basket. Afterwards I felt bad for the woman because the look on my attitude was like a blow torch. I was upset with the guy but the fact that she stepped in front of me made her a target. In such case, you should acknowledge the person (me) to get a nod of approval, but that is my belief of what is right and others may find other ways to rationalize it…but I say Bull. I practice what I preach 99% of the time…can’t be 100%… Read more »
I have to agree in the belief that nobody is perfect. Some people overlook the wrong of a situation because it make them feel special. It is like driving and having someone cut you off when absolutely nothing is behind you. They just believe that they must go first. Self- important pricks
Oh my goodness Yw! that type of driving is a royal pain in the rear to me! It worst that they cut infront to go over!!!!!!!!!!! Why not staying behind and go over! The creator know why me nu harm cause me head nu good.
That is why mi sey god nuh mek wi born wid gun fi wi hands…Gun and road rage is a beast.
Obara Meji and Cami, large up!!!! unno still deh ’bout?
Yw! extra large up yu self bro! lolol
so true, this up town and dung town, and when de dung town able fi reach uptown all dem stawt snub dem nose tuh, O ma se o!
I’m not one to declare myself a saint. I snub and chat anybody, lol but never because of race or class…I see some uptown people that look like down town would be better suited for them, dwln and vise versa for down town, country folks.
dem sey money can buy class and I tink is true
Yw, it buy CLASSES, lol and I have degress to show that it’s true, dwln
I meant cannot buy class…
Funny thing is that they look at the money as an accomplishment when most of the time it is inherited. Where is the accomplishment in getting something from someone else?
I am so glad for all the rough edges that I have to my character because I fit in any where on the social ladder above the poverty rung. Why? because being poor and literate makes me adaptable, but to leave form rich to poor…is a tragedy to those coming down the ladder, they become weak as humans.
If you always just rich, yu live in a bubble. If you always just poor, yu live in a bubble. Exposure is a hell of a ting because you get a broader scope of the world and what is possible.
Jamaica I LOVE TILL DEATH, but we are a classiest society! Hence, the continuation of thinking lighter and whiter is better.
jerk is correct, what can’t busy cure?
I agree with you Cami, me neva did aguh tan up deh han get snub.
One man did sey to mi dat when Jamaicans guh fi prejudice, dem prejudice more dan white people and ah tru! O ma se O! ( pronunciation- O ma- shay-O, what a pity, in Yoruba Language)
We aim to be great at all things that we exceed at even the wrong things. Sad, but true.
blurtnat, all the dog get panadol, lolol. The reporter should have been slapped! bout poison…If papaya and garlic nu poison anyone yet why now? jerk.
Good Day, again.
Relating to the first story…there is no way that I would have allowed the snub to have gone through without interruption, and the request for the manager would have been my second step.
I’ve seen that behavior in Jamaica given to who they assume is better off, but hell if I let such a snub go not protest.