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I speak about death as one who knows the matter from both the outer world experience and the inner life expression:  there is no death period.  There is, as you know, entrance into fuller life.  There is freedom from the handicaps of the fleshy vehicle.  The rending process so much dreaded does not exist, except in the cases of violent and sudden death; and then the only true disagreeables are an instant and overwhelming sense of imminent peril and destruction, and something closely approaching an electric shock.  No more.  For the unevolved, death is literally a sleep and a forgetting, for the mind is not sufficiently awakened to react, and the storehouse of memory is as yet practically empty.  For the average good citizen, death is a continuance of the living process in its consciousness and a carrying forward of the interest and tendencies of the life.  His consciousness and his sense of awareness are the same and unaltered.  He does not sense much difference, is well taken care of, and oft is unaware that he has passed through the episode of death.  For the wicked and cruelly selfish, for the criminal and for those who live for the material side only, there eventuates the condition which we call ‘earth-bound’.

The links they have forged with earth and the earthward bias of all their desires, forces them to remain close to the earth and their last setting in the earth environment.  They seek desperately and by every possible means to re-contact it and to reenter.  In a few cases, great personal love for those left behind on the non-fulfillment of a recognized and urgent duty holds the good and beautiful in a somewhat similar condition.  For the aspirant, death is an immediate entrance into a sphere of service and of expression to which he is well accustomed and which he at once recognizes as not new.  In his sleeping hours he has developed a field of active service and of learning.  He now simply functions in it for the entire 24 hours (talking in terms of physical plane time), instead of for his usual few hours of earthly sleep.  The mind of man is so little developed that fear of the unknown, terror of the unfamiliar, and attachment to form have brought about a situation where one of the most beneficent occurrences in the life cycle of an incarnating Son of God is looked upon as something to be avoided and postponed for as long a time as possible.  Death if we could but realize it, is one of our most practiced activities.  We have died many times, and shall die again and again.  Death is essentially a matter of consciousness.  We are conscious one moment in the physical plane and a moment later we have withdrawn into another plane and we are actively conscious there.  Just as long as our consciousness is identified with the form aspect, death will hold us for its ancient terror.  Just as soon as we know ourselves to be souls and find that we are capable of focusing our consciousness, our sense of awareness in any form or any plane at will, or in any direction within the form of God we shall no longer know death.
People are apt to forget that every night, in the hours of sleep, we die, the physical plane, and are alive and functioning elsewhere.  They forget that have already achieved facility in leaving the physical body; because they cannot as yet bring back into their physical brain, consciousness the recollection of that passing out and of the subsequent interval of active living, they fail to relate death and sleep.  Death after all, is only a longer interval in the life of physical plane functioning; one has only ‘gone abroad’ for a longer period.  But the process of daily sleep, and the process of occasional dying are identical with one difference in the sleep; the magnetic thread or current energy along with the life force streams, is preserved intact and constitutes the path of return to the body.  In death, this life thread is broken or snapped.  When this has happened, the conscious entity cannot return to the dense physical body, and that body lacking the principle of coherence then disintegrates.
The young forget, and rightly forget, the inevitability of that final symbolic detachment which we call death.  But when life has played its part and age has taken its toll of interest and strength, the tired and world-weary man has no fear of the detaching process, and seeks not to hold on to that which was earlier desired.  He welcomes death and relinquishes willingly that which earlier engrossed his attention.
Death as the human consciousness understands it, pain and sorrow, loss and disaster, joy and distress, are only such because man, have yet, identifies himself with the life of the form and not with the life and consciousness of the soul, the solar angel.  …… the moment a man identifies himself with his soul and not with his form then he understands the meaning of the law of sacrifice; he is spontaneously governed by it; and he is one who will, with deliberate intent, choose to die.  But there is no pain, no sorrow, no real death involved.
The intent is for man to die, as every man has to die, at the demand of his soul.  When a man has reached a higher stage in evolution, with deliberation and definite choice of time, he will consciously withdraw from his physical body.  It will be left silent and empty of the soul, devoid of light, yet sound and whole.  It will then disintegrate, under the natural process, and its constituent atom will pass back into the ‘pool of waiting units’, until they are again required for the use of incarnating souls.  Again, on the subjective side of life, the process is repeated, but many have already learnt to withdraw from the astral body without being subject to that ‘impact in the fog’ which is a symbolic way of describing the death of a man upon the astral plane.  He then withdraws to the mental level and leaves his astral carcass to swell the fog and increase its density.
Death has been present upon our planet from the very night of time itself; forms have come and gone; death has overtaken plants and trees, animals and the forms of human beings for untold eons, and yet our planet is not a charnel house, and it well might be in the face of this fact, but is still a thing of beauty, unspoiled even by man.  The process of dying and of dissolution and the dissipation of form goes on every moment without producing contagious contamination or the disfiguring of the surface of the earth.  The results of dissolution are beneficent in effect.  Ponder on this beneficent activity and beauty of the design plan of death and disappearance. (From Ponder on this by Alice Bailey).
And what about this, did she do the right thing? read the link below, were the doctors wrong?
Let me just say this for everybody the death experience is different and for some their experiences may be similar, however dead man tells no tales. When Peanut died read here the days following when all were at his home and comforting the wife, he was there amid everyone read here. I had even warned his woman to tie a black string around her leg so that he would not try to copulate with her as he was still there, refusing to go on with his guide (he eventually did), and the very day he came to me while I was cooking and asked me why did I tell her that, he was annoyed with me. Believe me or not, I do not care, but whatever I write as my own experiences are always true.
This is a grave subject (pun unintended) but a subject to be explored nevertheless. The Oprah Interview with the Doctor, there are pieces to his story that does not connect with me, I do not believe everything he is saying. Something is off with him, probably he is not lying, perhaps he does not fully remember or he is using his words to sell his books, perhaps, just perhaps, or perhaps I am wrong, perhaps!
Aṣọ ńlá kọ́ l’èyàn ńlá. /
Being expensively attired does not connote wealth or importance….Yoruba Proverb![Appearance quite often can be deceptive]

All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji

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10 years ago

I started on my paranormal journey around 6 years ago, if anything I wanted to prove that there was no way you could capture a voice on audio without an explination, oh boy was I wrong!! Since capturing my first EVP of a child laughing in a cemetery I wanted to learn more, since then I’ve captured more EVPs, pictures and even my own personal paranormal experiences in my home. From footsteps to voices, and even a shadow figure in my bedroom! Every experience gets documented on my blog. I wonder what next year will bring! Xxx

10 years ago

Just finsihed listening the Sounds of Silence, I quite like it.

10 years ago

Teach, I keep re-reading your comment about me paying a karmatic debt to my mother. Taking deep breaths, taking deeps.

10 years ago

Wow, good thing I revisted this blog. So many pearls of wisdom on this blog.

10 years ago

OK…watching di videos…did not get to see them earlier…

The dead bodies were as expect…dead, devoid of life…dead popes were all pimped out…lol

As to the Oprah interview, I loved her earrings…she a real hypocrite …lol

This doctor did not see God…for all I know he saw an Orisha…he could also have felt an energy being and projected what he wanted to be a reality,..

He travelled, as to where, I am not sure…but definitely not to see God and come back and call him Om…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

You is not righttttt…I thought you were the sane one on here…I think is Toy a de sane one because TY yu not right! lololol

“dead popes were all pimped out…lol”

“…Oprah interview, I loved her earrings…she a real hypocrite …lol”

“definitely not to see God and come back and call him Om…”

Ty, Yw say Om stands for Obara Meji so a she the doctor mussy did see, lolol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami


Yep he definitely saw Obara Meji…

10 years ago

Obara don’t forget to tell us about Sparrow.

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy new Alton story up

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Ty, it did

10 years ago

Hi everyone, I some what understand the Matrix movie. My son was breaking down certain parts of the movie for me. I would like to know as far as telekinesis is that something that we can all do?

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Avatar was another movie that gives hint about our existence on this plane…

10 years ago

Me going to go some thing…bb.

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yes Ty, it is mental power!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok gwaan guh write, cause wi kin ketch a fiah fi di likkle torey dem.

10 years ago

So our parents aren’t our parents and our children aren’t our children? We all just decided to come to school. The most difficult school of course. What do we actually do with all this information that we get? Our earthly consciousness will never know?

10 years ago

It is Brittany’s decision to make but if she had known that she will continue to come back to worse suffering, would she continue commit suicide? Or is that her destiny her on this plane? and can’t her destiny be changed with sacrifices and Ifa.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lolol…you know many students go school to Sleep, play and eat.lolol

10 years ago

Hey ES fambo nice to see everyone posting. I like this post keep typing O. I enjoyed the Lolly story along with handsome Doreen, Judd and Trevor.

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

The short stories that introduced Lolly is emotional, Obara. They make the mind wonder so the feed backs will be minimal if it strains emotions…see I posted the story that I found familiar. From the intro of those stories I have been reading elderly love stories and seeking out similarities to David and Kathleen.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Wait mi still deh pon di hologram ting. So that means we have a split consciousness? If we are spirits on another plane or in a ship somewhere does that mean that the decisions we make for our day to day living is made by our earth plane consciousness? Brittany decided to commit suicide because she was painfully dying anyway, but because of that decision she might have to come back and possibly under worse conditions. How does the higher consciousness play into this?

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

NuNu, your question (s) are great, but I don’t think the “higher consciousness” fits into the context of this question. To me such isn’t concrete so it cannot have any play what you want to know.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I love Christopher Walken in any movie to do with the soul, occult, superstitions or violence. Johnny Cash love with his woman is just remarkable and on point with reincarnation or soul mate theories.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Ty, Julian Sands (Warlock 1989-90s) also has a similar spirit to Walken (Walk in, lol) that comes through his eyes.

10 years ago

Howdy Charles

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

But Brittany had an inoperable brain tumor that gave her painful seizures and her body was breaking down to nothing, she’d end up in adult diapers. So I understand her decision.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Oh boy!!!!! Let me play Secretary fi a moment:

Piper…please to wait yu turn. tonks.

1) Alton and Doreen given the fact that it’s the season fi spiritual thoughts and we are on edge.

2) Trevor shortly thereafter because it’s winter months for those who need bed company, lolol

3) Penny and Judd for the deep winter months because it has that cold feeling.

4) a bit of Lolly, David and Kathleen to explain life issues such as this topic

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Madam secretary, u are the winner!!!lol

10 years ago

Evening Obara and ES crews.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I love this song…there something about Johnny cash and his presence….he and Christopher Walken have a similar presence to me….

I can so believe that earth as we know it is not real and that we are holograms”… We pray for strengthening connection to our true self…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Hey Ty, Ty. Love and Light.

Matter of fact: Love and light to everyone

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hi hello Obara! please to tell yu singing spirits to call up yu story telling spirits…please and tonks.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hi Cami hahahahahaha tell her again. She have mussi 5 best sellers mi a wait fi read….

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

At some point she’ll have to do a print and I want to see it at the airport bookstores. ASE!

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Ase, so it is above, so it will be below….

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Good ole Johnny cash

10 years ago

I gwen post a prayer on the next blog. Brb

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Whose ideas?

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Ohh, yuh mean dem tief those ideas. Yes, I could si dat. Is just how it scribed

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Pick me, pick me!!! Normally, I sit in the back row but for this class I will sit right in front of the teacher’s desk…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Wait ma’am, I pick the wake up pill!!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Big tings dat, Teach, big tings!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

How do you know that you are involved in karmic debt O? I believe bright guy who smokes was a karmic debt! How do we pay it in full

10 years ago

Teach a wey yu naah sey? Pap story gi mi cause yu know sey mi a nuh liad…There is no earth.

Have to pop out for a bit. Mi soon come back.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Rahtid, Teach, shi gone inna hiding. Mth come back, you can blame it all on me. I was …. (member dat song) heehee

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

DWLN! lolol She read but think the rest a we nah read! MTH! love yu, lol

remember say Obara say she (de suicide girl) may all come back cripple next trip…so I guess she think it was bad this time around and may have it worst the next time.

Me still out on people making that final call through euthanasia being that of their own.

10 years ago

Heheheheh! Since we ar on the topic of death. There is a young miss in USA. She had cancern and was given 6 months to live. She was in pain and opt for the dying with diginity option. Now she took the pills and have passed. That’s still suicide and I think she will have to come back and run this leg all over again.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Some Matrix ting dat. Which pill would you take, all?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I remember my Antro professor saying that a tree is only a tree because that is what we project.

The flowers is too common of a description fi me intelligence, lolol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

I think is the same idea behind the philosophies of Plato and Aristotle on the “ideal” of an object..

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yu gone deep, lolol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Sweet likkle bambino… New name for Mth : G-Mth 🙂

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

She going to be granny MTH eyeball. So, O that is when MTH going to feel that past “pull” energy when that child come bout.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Meant to be a question (?) to Obara.

10 years ago

YW come mek mi gi yu a hug. You articulate it just perfectly. I believe that when we die, we will gointo a holding area and be shown a video of our lives. What was meant to be, what we did, where we went off course etc. Here we will get a ticket to on to the next phase if we passed the course. Or we get to come back and repeat this life (like how one repeats a class if they didnt do well in sch).

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Thanks Mth, I love hugs. heehee

10 years ago

Afternoon everyone. Teach. Cami, Nunu, Ty, YW, how unno duh? Bwoy Teach, just like Cami, just this morning I too had an experience. I dreamt that that my ex came over and was fixing up a setee. He got very helpful and was just being the man of the house. Then he and I, plus our little daughter got dressed and went out. On May 23 this year in a dream, I was told that I should stop saying I have 2 children when in fact I have 3. In my dream this morning, I know that this was my… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

MTHHHHH!!! Large up Pardi Fambo or Pambo… Good to si yu, miss yu, well yu dun know di rest. I am no expert in dream but maybe the third is from your past not future or present.

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

lol, same thing I said before seeing this.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

M! mi glad yuh deh bout, your ex and the little daughter and you got dressed up and went out, this was the 3rd daughter you saw?

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

MTH…*low Chinese bow to you* dem free up yu keyboard, lolol.

I want to see O take on your experience. If yu baby shop on lock down then it maybe a past life experience coming through.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Nuh true, Obara!! To me, many people fear death because they focus on the loss rather than gain. To the dying, it should not be the loss of the body that is important (because the body is just a vehicle powered by what is really important), it is the assimilation of energy back into the universal consciousness. In other words the oneness gained is what we should think of. To the living, dealing with death is more difficult (to me) because we fear loss of access to that particular loved one. However, what makes up our loved one is not… Read more »

10 years ago

Obara Meji and the Es fambo and crew, Big UP!!!!! Death… half the time I feel like I am walking dead, at least until that first cup of coffee. Seriously, though, this post touches on some similar ideas behind the book discussion we had on suicide. To address death we need to think of life. What is life to us? What does it mean to be alive or to be living? To me, the worldly view of life can be broken into two parts: (1) our own life – our journey, our struggles, our lessons learned, etc, and (2) how… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Howdy Yw

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nuns, big up!!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Cami in di place is a Cam Cam, she mek mi laff all di time is a Cam Cam…Heehee.. Mi miss yuh, yuh si. Hope yu cool and all 😉

10 years ago
Reply to  Yw

YW in the place it’s a bam bam…him take on knowledge is a bam, bam…lol Yow bro!

I think of death as a matter of what next.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami in di place is a Cam Cam, she mek mi laff all di time is a Cam Cam…Heehee.. Mi miss yuh, yuh si. Hope yu cool and all 😉

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

🙂 🙂

10 years ago

morning NuNu changeling…me can tell yu don’t finish you vacation yet…me nu talented as O, but me awaken. lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Morning Cami, mi cyaan wait fi reach back a mi yaad. Mi know seh yuh privy to certain tings lol, Which pass life yuh remember?

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Can’t remember it in whole…I attempt to recall memories if I’m doing or did something that is new, yet familiar.

10 years ago

I’m watching the ponder on this video and when Christine was on the operating table she was hovering over the room and then went someplace in the realms with fields abd flowers etc. This is the astral plane right? She said it looks like earth but the colours are more vivid and purer and the ground feels cotton soft and warm

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

alrighty then…rotrf! Thanks NuNu! lol I haven’t watched the video and some where in my mind I knew it would include the following:

Bright light, clouds, field of wild flowers, white clothed figures, maybe an open arm angel, an a gold tone background…the images are false and I would like to hear it from a person who has zero knowledge any description presented by print and media.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Me need me ending to Alton and Doreen and Lolly…It well received by those who appreciate them so me nu tink me should a suffer any longer! o

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Amen Camilita!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

My aunt is in her early 50’s that has happened to her twice since I’ve been around her, the first time it happened that I could remember she said the man came out of her closet and she felt like she was dying my aunt had to hold her down, her heart was beating so wild and she was gasping for breath. Afterwards that’s when she told us that the man came into the room. The swcond time it happened, I don’t know if it’s the same man she said he looked latino and young, he tried to sync with… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks. I’m going to find out if the gourd know as callabash is indigenous to Jamaica or if it was brought over (will post info here).

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Thought the information would have been simple…lol I usually don’t reference wiki but this too simple for them to get it wrong, lol

comment image

I remember seeing this “down a river or down a gully”

10 years ago

My grandpa died about a year ago and my mother told me he said in a dream I’m alright they are taking good care of me.

10 years ago

Good morning, when the earthbounds get stuck here because they’re so tird to the material world, do they ever try to get into a physical body? I asked because one of my aunts was at home in bed and she said this ‘young guy’ tried to get in her and she had to ‘fight him’ out

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


Since we’re on death who are the Orishas for this function? I know you won’t go in depth, but what are the funeral/burial rites for Ifa devotees?

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I guess miscarriages has been plaguing me fi a few life times then. Think me better prepared now.

10 years ago

I’m not afraid of death! I just want to die with my hair and clothes looking right, preferably sleeping. The only qualms I have with death is when it takes kind hearted people prematurely.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Camiiiiiiii!!!! Wha yu sey; is like when yuh ah go doctor and haffi wear new tings. heehee

10 years ago

Anyway, at 8:57 I was making breakfast and I was saying to myself, that in the next life I’ll have 2 babies for my boo (the same one now).

Then I said to myself…”oh, oh…I’m not going to remember that I didn’t have any now, how am I going to remember that I promise to have 2 for boo?” I went back to rinsing out the sink and said “well I kind of remember a bit of the last life, guess I’ll remember this one if I have to.”

Then Madam queen reada oman Obara go post this topic! lol

10 years ago

Good morning Obara, Ty and all.

First thing…why am I reading in the masculine form? Death is inclusive…just saying, because I thought I was reading the bible for a minute..he, he, his, he, dwrln!

10 years ago

Morning, just read this piece about to watch videos ….

I do not believe in death as a final process…there is rebirth…I am positive I was here before, many times over…I am trying to make this trip count and to strengthen my connection to my soul while I am here on this dense physical plane…

Death impacts more the loved ones you leave back…they yearn, and mourn for you…I do not fear the process of death …

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