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Good day to all. Today I want to take the time to shout out to our missing Blogger Sa-Fo, who we have not seen on Embracing Spirituality for a while. I am like a mother hen to all who I love and care for and when one of mine goes missing it does not sit well with me, and Sa-Fo is surely one of mine. I have emailed her and she has responded, with the promise that “she soon come” even though she peeps everyday, but de work and normal daily life tun up.

However, I cannot forget her email which brought me back to blogging. I worried when I first began blogging at the response that I would get, I had a blog site for a while, but was kind of timid to tell anyone, I do fear rejection. I know I know but read my story and see all that I have been through and maybe you will understand somewhat, but I am working on it and I am human after all. I am Jamaican (a proud one, I must say) and I am a Spiritualist/Traditionalist. I have had so many experiences in life, (and I am not old) that could make a television series for years to come.

I had often wondered if anyone shared some of what I went through (Spiritually), and of course my logical mind told me yes, there are persons out there who have gone through or is going through  similar things which I have experienced (in regards to becoming awake) and perhaps they have no idea what really happened or is happening to them.

I wanted to tell all those who were becoming awake, but had no idea of their awakening, or what was happening to them, all who could not sleep at nights, who were having family problems, experiencing strange dreams, all who felt alone, all who felt depressed and had anxiety and panic attacks, were homeless, or spouse less,  all who felt spirits and saw them, those who thought things in their minds and saw it manifest, or said things and it happened, or those who could see auras, spirits, communicated with the dead, or with entities unknown, those who could hear from the worlds beyond, those who were afraid of losing their minds, who felt as if their entire world was falling apart, those who felt detached from themselves, those who began to see the world differently from others, those who the rest of the world thought as weird. I wanted them to know that it was ok, they would be ok, no need for straight jackets or a room in the mad house, they were becoming awake. Hence the blog and my life story shared. I wanted all the misfits, who thought that they did not belong in the world, those who thought their lives were different from other, I wanted to hug them all and tell them my story and that it would be ok.

I did not want to blog as an academic, (using big words and prim and proper sentences, filled with words one had to have the Oxford dictionary to assist them understanding, or would bore them quickly), I wanted to be a normal person, blog inna mi sweet Jamaican patois, laugh and joke and just be the big kid that I am (mi neva had a child hood, mi breed early). Just be the Obara Meji which I am, who have had a fascinating life and one who had a hell of an awakening, people ooda tink mi drink mad puss piss. A black woman from Jamaica, who found and embraced her spirituality, initiated in Africa, who is also a medium and more, (I see and talk to dead people lol) though my initiation into spirituality (not the traditional one) was hard, and I cried a lot, often times praying that I would not end up in Bellevue (meeda did meet Yazzy and Nunu sooner if mi did land deh), because my awakening was very jarring.

I wanted to create a space for all to come and read about me and my experiences, and if they wanted to they could share theirs. My blog was to be for every one, regardless of color, race, creed, Parson wid him black frock and colla or even dem Gully guys and gals, all were/are welcome.

At first I had fun with the blog, but after a while, I realized that while I was posting every day and sharing my story and having fun with my bloggers (we had plenty fun), what I wanted from the bloggers I was not getting it. I wanted their stores, and questions, I wanted conversations of all thing spiritual or even debates (intelligent ones). I wanted to teach them and I wanted to learn from them also, But the first time around blogging (2011), although I enjoyed it, I became fed up,I have a tendency to start things and not finish them, I began travelling and eventually stopped blogging.

Well ah deh so now mi know sey Peepers more dan bloggers were about. The emails which came through everyday were astounding. All, and I do mean All told me how they loved the blog and how they missed me blogging. I am not a good typist, which is evident from the typing errors I make everyday (plus mi easy fi shame), and so that also was a source of embarrassment for me. I was however grateful for all the people from around the world who reached out to me. One woman from St. Lucia told me that I was her friend in her head. Dat did sweet me.

Then one day this year, this person sent me an email. In the Email she said something which got me and it was “Please come back to your blog”, Those six simple words humbled me,and brought me back.

Thank you Sa-Fo. Everything happens for a reason and everything comes when it must. The Universe had set all of my bloggers here with me now in position for me to come to them and start a whole new family, they were ready for me and I for them. It was time for me to come back and perhaps for many other things but Sa-Fo was hand picked by the universe, by Osun/Obara Meji to bring me back, and here I am. I heeded to her call.

When I initiated Osun in Africa, the reading came out and said that My name would be known around the world for good. I pray that my name is known around the world for doing good things and spreading good words, fi mek people laugh, have fun, cheer up, to inspire and to teach and share all that I know, I love human beings and I pray for the love of human beings to be returned to me.

I big up my bloggers all the time, because they deserve it. I love you guys, mi cannot tell you how much. Today we celebrated Sa-Fo and we pray for her  wherever she is, and as  she encouraged me to come back to the blog, let me do the same for her , Please come back to us Sa- Fo!We miss you and we love you. Let us be your support if you need us. We are your family here, please do not stay away forever.

Below are some emails between Sa-Fo and myself. I have removed anything personal she may have emailed to me, and I have just shared her words of encouragement. Ty you also did the same for me in your emails, as with many of you. Love and light to all.


My first email from Sa-Fo, I have cut out some of it because of privacy, but here is the email which got me blogging again among other words of encouragement from Sa-Fo!

March 26, 2014 at 9:39 PM

Comment: Good Evening Obara Meji,

Please come back to your blog. Would you believe I am here reading all your old posts from 2011. I am so drawn to you, with some hesitation though :(.  I am from a Christian background you see, not baptised as yet. I struggle with some things I want to get rid of before I do but hey as Jamaicans say “stop the coming and come.” lol. I have been saved at an early age. I found you on another  site. I think I’ve been reading that site for about 4 years, often recently.  I look forward to the articles that you comment on.  Please start blogging on here again, I am so intrigued. Your last post was last month!!!!hehe

I think I am going to be writing an epistle lol, I hope you have time to read it all. I am just so excited to just spill and tell someone who will not think I am crazy.

I have so much to tell you but again, a bit hesitant (as if I haven’t blabbed enough) 🙁 . I feel that your vibe is good, otherwise I would neeeeever be writing to you at all. I always said I wanted consult with spiritualist with God in her/his heart and here you are. I don’t know if this is the right thing to do but I just feel compelled to right to you

I hope you respond 🙂
p.s pleeeeeeeeeeeease starting blogging again. love it!

Peace, Sa-Fo


My response to Sa-Fo

On Thu, Mar 27, 2014 at 6:43 AM, Obara Meji <> wrote:

“When the normal becomes abnormal,evil is at work.”
Yoruba Proverb.
Thank you for writing me Sasha, I appreciate all that you have said and as you may have guessed I love people. I started my blog site because I felt I had a lot to share and I always felt that I was a teacher, because the knowledge that I have about spirituality, I did not get them from any book, as a matter of fact I buy a lot of spiritual books to SEE if what I know any body else knows.
I have been travelling a lot to Africa where I spend months there, this is where I currently am at the moment, but believe it or no I get emails all the time from people all over the world who plead with me to start blogging again, and with YOUR email, I think I will. What I had wanted Sasha was for other people to send THEIR stories of their own spiritual experiences to me, because so many people have questions they want answers to. I do not mind you writing me an epistle, I love it, and on the other site people have emailed me a lot and encouraged me and I love them all. Often times when I go on there I worry if people aguh sey, cho this Obara wid har whole heap ah spiritual talk, but thank God to date I have never been met with any opposition, or offended by anyone there.

Christianity should not take away from you wanting to learn about spirituality, because we are all spiritual beings having a human experience. Jesus was a spiritualist/traditionalist…think about it, if Jesus was around now in this day and age doing all he did they would call him a obeah man, (stupid people), but Jesus worked with some big power and bear in mind that he was not a christian, he was Hebrew. We were born into religion and our minds are locked there, we have to free it, but at all times keep our minds on GOD!!..

Please continue to keep in touch and I will start my blog up back in MAy 2014…thank you!!
Sa-Fo’s response
Hi Obara,
Believe me, everyone loves you on that site.  You’re a very insightful woman and I learn a lot from your posts. I’m not really a contributor there I just read certain post every once in a while and see you comment.
Thanks so much for responding. I definitely see what you mean when you say Jesus was in fact a traditionalist as well.  I am really looking forward to you writing again and I will be waiting in May :). I’m so excited for your return. Will definitely keep in touch and contribute to your posts.

Hi Obara!

This email has me smiling as I type! I just got home from work and needed this 🙂 Woohoo! I’m off to the blog now . So cool, I’m so glad I helped to play a role in your return hehe. My comment name  will always be Sa-Fo. I hope your older readers will return again. Hoping to have a lively forum.
Look how good hearted and encouraging this woman Sa-Fo is, could I really forget a person such as this;
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10 years ago

Happy 2015 Sa-Fo.

10 years ago

OMG what a Christmas it was. All the children came home for Christmas dinner. How nice it was to feed the soul. I laugh when I read this blog. Obara Meji, maximum respect. Nunu mi gal, wad up, a hope yu learn fi walk inna heels fi 2015. Cami, YW, Kia, Toy, Ty, Charles, Yazzy, Sa-Fo, Maniac, everybody (yaad & abroad, big up)… Ty mi sey yu shoulda si how Little M bush out Christmas Day. Big M took her to the hairdresser and gave her a nice hairstyle. It would be an injustice if I combed her hair…How did… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Xmas was fun for the boys Mth…

Go dey …go see mi pretty niece…

Mi glad everybody had a great Xmas…respect to big M fi look out fi daddy M…it melt me when I read it…you did an amazing job Mth…I am proud of the girls…

10 years ago

No sah, a suh much half crack people dey pan di blog…Mi sey mi a read di comments and braps mi lan pan YW comment. YW big up heverybody (thanks for the hail up bro)..Den mi si YW a big up himself. A laugh yu piss…No sah, YW mi haffi guh pay yu fi mek mi buss dah dutty laugh inna di people dem place…Oh what merriment, mi hawt full a love…

10 years ago

Obara, if I have not said so lately, let me say so now. I love you will all my heart. You are truly a wonderful person. This post testify to the goodness within you. I remember when it was Mr. Nile birthday and you did a post. I remember when I was missing for a minute you made a post for me. You made a post for YW and we all wrote poems and letters and that was perhaps one of it not my favourite day on the blog. There is a special feel you get deep down when you… Read more »

10 years ago

Wow you belong to Osun?? Amazing! Ty and O as well… You’re in great company!


10 years ago

Awww.. hugs.. thanks so much. So much joy in me, whn i know i belong to Oshun..

10 years ago

Just want to tell my whole family of ES that i LOVE you all. You guys are one the best thing that happened to me 2014.. love and light to everybody!

10 years ago
Reply to  charles206

Charles I love you too!! I’m so happy we brought you joy and love in such a chaotic world. Keep ya head up my sweetie and I dispatch love and light to your doorsteps! Muahhzz!!

10 years ago
Reply to  charles206

Love you too Charles! Love and Light! Yaz what’s up lovey?

10 years ago

Happy Holidays family. I hope today is bringing you much cheer.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Happy Holidays babygirl Toy to you and your daughter. Love you!! Muahzzz!!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara don’t worry. We’re here with you. Just take rest up today!

10 years ago

Toy, honey…have a wonderful day, love and light to and your family…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Same to you Ty. Love and light to you and your family

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hug up and kiss up fi yuh Obaaaaaaaarrrraaaaaaa Mejiiiiiiiii!! Mi cyah wait fi see yuh name pan billboards!!!

10 years ago

Mr. Nile …enjoy the day with your little ones

Shawnyrob…we miss you…

10 years ago

Safo, have a wonderful day sweetie

10 years ago

Amh and Cogh…merry Christmas to you and the little ones

Fi mi England folks, happy Christmas

10 years ago

Obara, happy day to you and the honorable Ojubona …May blessings abound…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara Goodaz!! Wid di ukubit stan’ up!!! Happy Holidays again mi babygirl!!!

Wi MANIAC come home!!!! Obara a cyah even tell yuh di sinting dem mi affi gi di Obeah man fi she reach!! **lips are sealed… affi tek da one deh to di grave 😀 **

Obara I love you so very much! Mi tink yuh did busy up suh mi nah call… just buzz mi when yuh wah mi call ok?

Kia a good girl. Anyweh our Bubblezzzzzzzzzz deh she always dash out fi wi see har!

Nunu a mi twinny… she always aguh have yuu back O!

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Dis a real Christmas….merry Christmas to one and all…love you all…

Maniac hugs….we love you bad, I still crack up reading some of your comments from years back…

Yazzy hugs my love…

Hot girl Kiab, enjoy ja fi di whole a we…

Mth , my pardy, kiss up di girls fi di Christmas fi me…me know dem dress no puss foot….

Cami, Nuff love…we miss you….

Charles in charge, ekaro…

Courtney, you win lotto? We no hear from you…

Nunu, merry Christmas my love…

Sea queen , happy holiday….

Spiritual seeker, Nuff love…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Sweet Ty!! Sweet Ty!!! Sweet TYYY!!!!!

As yuh come suh yuh sweet spirit come wid yuh. You’re such a sweetie. Bwouy yuh out do yourself shouting out wi peeps. Bwouy ova ya full up a bare good nice and decent ppl. Mi wudnt trade hunuh fi not a rass ting ooooo!! Hunuh a my giff fi di holidays and fi mi lifetime! Love hunuh

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy


Yazzy, you would be so proud, a mostly veggie Christmas dinner fi we today, I said a prayer for you…then I pray for my day to stop eat di meat…a likkle ram goat tripe mek me tun back today today…lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Lmfao Ty! Di ram goat tripe sweet yuh!!!! Wow I love that veggie Christmas meal! Bwouy you and Yw on some c-russ lifestyle changes! I so love it! Thanks so much for your sweet prayers my love. I feel like a scratch record when I keep proclaiming my love for you all here… so I silently scream it within my heart … I’m overwhelmed with love from you all and wish nothing but love and happiness and health for you all!!

Have an amazing dinner Ty sweetie. You and your hubby and your two lovely baby boys!!

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Hey Ty. Sista mi luv oonu roun yere bad bad. Oonu is a set to reckon wid. When mi read some ah whey mi write back inna di day, mi shame like Rex. All now mi ah covah mi face

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes baby girl ah me ooo. Mi naw lie, mi heart swell. Oonu is mi fambily. Love u all. (All di one dem whey mi affi hol mi head straight an tek time an pass cawsen sey dem is Bellevue patients ooo) Ayeee di rock stone diss kannek to rawtid. Woieeee one duss ketcheth mi pon mi ankle

10 years ago
Reply to  Maniac

LMFAOOOOOOOOOO! Maniac yuh mad nuh badwud badwud!! Mi diss a see dis ya comment ya!! No waayyyyy yuh sane!! Lololol! Bwouy mi love hunuh mad rass!!

Maniac mek ya trow yuh wud pan mi and Nunu?? A weh wi do yuh??! 😀 😀 Maniac how yuh de trow bakkle and stone affa yuh self???? Woiee! Kisses!

10 years ago

Season Greetings all my ES fambo. Love n light to you all!!! i am soglad to see Safo, Maniac, YW…So very nice u all came through with ur presence. We miss u n are continuely praying for yu all. Obara, Yaz, Ty, Nunz wah gwaan. Yaz mi groove neva leff loool stella shuda ask me how fi keep it! a baaaaay

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Kia Boooooooo!!!! RAEEEEEEEEE!!!! Lawd Kia, mek yah done Stella suh!!! She need fi hask yuh Kia hottaz! Raeeeeee!!!

Have fun babe!! Seasons Greetings to ya!! Muahzzz!!!

10 years ago

To all who celebrate Christmas, Merry Christmas and have a wonderful day!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Have a wonderful day Nunu Boooo!!! If you need me I’m here for ya…

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Have a wonderful day too Nunu boo.

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Same to you Nunu

10 years ago

Maniac!!!! Lawd yuh mek mi heart happy dis mawnin. I really missed ya! Genuinely missed ya! Plz be a good girl and stay. Teef weh from di camera and gu hinna di ppl dem bachuume and just bawl out whaaa gwaaaaan papcaaaawn?? And dat is good eenuh! Jus fi mi see yuh! Ya get me?? (Maniac, we hab British guest suh we deh affi a hexercise wi British honline tongueth!! ((Nunu!! :D)) Maniac mi aguh tek yuh foolish advice and stick to da Hobeah man deh!! Him pricey but him bad nuh badwud!!!!! 😀 yuh come home ooooooo!!! Obara a… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Dwlllll. Yazzy, I kaint with you. Nope! I kannat… What ah gwaan papkawn lololll. Howz that mate! (Tan!!! Mi hoffi try di briti

10 years ago

Happy holidays to you all.

I may not comment anymore, but just remember that I’m never far away. Sometimes di people dem probably ah watch mi pon dem camera an swear sey mi mad, caw mi sure dem si mi pon mi fone an si mi ah laaf out backside.

Bless up and keep up the good job Obara and all ES family

10 years ago
Reply to  Maniac

MANIAC???????????????!!!!!!!!!! OMFG!!!!!!!! Sweetie I have absolutely MISSSSSSSSED the shit outta ya!!!! No joke! Mi feel fi bawl!! It feels amazing seeing ya babe!!! Loads of love up and kiss up! I pay respects to ya baby girl you are a veteran here!! Love and light to you my sister!! Muaaahhzzzzz!!! See how mi affi a play cute Maniac??!… Don’t dweet again man… Don’t mek mi affi draw fi mi bakkle and mi peppa spray and big stone and come look fi yuh!! A di holidays and mi nuh wah affa a behave suh! Nuh draw mi out again! 😀 mi… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Lmfao. U si whey mi deh tell yuh bout oonu. Mi buss out pon one piece ah laafing. Yazzy yuh mad cyaan done. Do nuh badda draw fi di rock stone lovie, I promise to be good lol.

Miss you guys too. I may not be able to blog as much but I’m never too far away.
Stick to dah Obeah man deh Yazz, di ress dem neva good ooo!!! Dwl

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara my love Happy Holidays mami!!! It sure was a great homecoming for OUR SA-FO!!! Sa-Fo, you are celebrated!!!! Much hug up and kiss up fi yuh sweetie pie!!! Happy Holidays to my hot gyal sisters Cami and KB in JA! Be safe and bring mi back a rum cream and a baileys! 😀 bubbles mek sure yuh nuh dung deh a play Stella!! Nooooo!!! 😀 Cami memba see Toy seh yuh fi come back wid a Bambina/o in the oven! Anuh me seh suh mi love!! 😀 Happy Holidays to ALLL our new sweeties here!! Happy Holidays to my… Read more »

10 years ago

Yw & Charles have returned home!!!!! Happy holidays Boys!!! It’s so great to see y’all!!

Shit this definitely feels like a homecoming!!! 😀
A some wicked crismus gif’ dem ya man! Raaaeee!

10 years ago

Lawds gash mi laaate bad but I are ere!! Sa-Fo!!!!!! Sa-Fo!!!!!!!! Thank you sooooooooo very much!!! My life is forever changed due to your determination and kindness in bringing Obara back home! Sa-Fo, we LOVE you!! We are ALLL so very grateful to you! Because if you, many beautiful souls will find the light… Sa-Fo, I don’t know what you are going thru but I ask that you pull from our energy to help you thru it. We will cry out to our Egunguns on your behalf. I send ALLL my love and light to you our baby girl. Plz… Read more »

10 years ago

Big up Obara, Sa-Fo, Toy, Nuns, Charles, Cami, Mth, Yazzy, KiaB, Courtney, New Name, Ty, and Yw (yes, mi ah big up myself to). So far Sa-Fo never stay far, yw say yow, is jus’ Leila fi come down di Nile!! OBARA MEJI!! Love ya!!

10 years ago

Greetings Obara Meji, ES Fambo, peepers, and anyone in between. Sa-Fo, I can’t thank you enough for encouraging OM to return to blogging. For me, ES is more than just a blog… It is a place in space and time that we (all the people that read and/or participate) can share, learn, heal, and laugh (sounds bout like what you set out to build, eh Obara?). Although I have been missing for a bit, I have been working on ideas from so many of our discussions. Gratitude to all on this site for playing such a role in my journey.… Read more »

10 years ago

Good Evening everyone. Such nice words, I really needed it today. Obara called me this morning at work and it felt so good – you wouldn’t even know. Blessings, Love & Light to everyone on this blog. Such a warm vibe here and I really appreciate the post and the comments left here today. Not in the greatest place at this time but it will pass. This I am confident of. I come and peep every now and then and I’m so happy to see that this blog is on fire again. I will try to comment and engage now.… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Tears well my eyes as I read this….we will shower you with love and prayers…I will be at my altar in the am and will be calling on my ancestors for you…honey this too shall past…2015 will bring new beginnings and will be filled with showers of blessing for you…it will be the Chinese year of the sheep, so more peace shall come… Today we will call on the universe to hear your pleas, hug your soul, heal your mind and temper your spirit…you are amazing and can manifest great things….your email brought forth this movement…so too shall your prayers… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Merry Christmas to Jamaica too!!!

10 years ago

Ty! Mi an yuh a frien’ from long time ie nuh! Causen yuh know seh mi have asthma an cyaan fight! Suh fi si seh big bertha aka bitch woulda haul out fi defend mi, sweet mi ie si! Lol Thank you Ty. You and the Yw(even doe him mek mi blood pressure guh up more than once and cost the school a bag a money fi print slip) are two of the nicest, most intelligent persons I’ve never met. Thank you for being a part of the fam fam (even tho you were here long before me lol)

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

We love you too Nunu…

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nuns, big up!! Thank you and it is my absolute pleasure to antagonize you ;)… If I didn’t, you would be bored as prefect…

10 years ago

Yazzy, me a go trek time with you far I do not want you to bawl…I appreciate you and admire your spirit…you are an inspiration and a welcomed bright light in this chaotic world…. Nunu, you are so sweet and kind… I will draw fi ” bitch” if anyone mess with you… Cami, I do not think there is any other like you…so honest, so pure….I always henker to hear your take… Toy, my gentle and steady warrior…your strength is always evident…we can always look to you to draw on it…thank you… Kiab, you a fi we hot girl…always ready… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty thank you so much. I want to tell you thank you for your contribution to this blog which has giving us a deeper understanding for natural foods and in aiding us eat better. 😉 Because of you I have 2 aloe vera plants, you are awesome and your relationship with your husband is to be admired. Obara, Ty and Cami the real black love power couples. I thank you Ty.

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

My pleasure Toy, we love you too…I have also learnt from you…

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy, thank you, thank you, thank you… Nuff love to you

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

My sweetie Ty, thank you soooooo much. You’re simply the best! I don’t know what I’d do without you! Just an amazingly graceful spirit you are… I love ya very very much!

10 years ago

Good afternoon fam! Most wanted poster sen’ out lolol, Sa-fo and dem unoo betta tek di heed. Yailings to unoo!

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Aaaah bless NuNu <3 Roll call, I have to answer

10 years ago

Morning Obara and Family. I was in my bed last night thinking about Sa-Fo. I really appreciate you Sa-fo, because if it wasn’t for you pushing Obara to write again. I wouldn’t have picked up books to search deeper into my history. I wouldn’t have an altar ,and most of all I wouldn’t have you amazing beautiful people to call family. Obara keep writing for us. Sa-fa come home! lol

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy, same suh.I would be ‘ lost in the desert’ spiritually as well if it wasn’t for this blog so Thanks Sa-fo dawlin’. Thanks Obara for getting over your fears and writing for all of us to share in your experiences

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

I’m scrolling reading every post. Tears welling up, honest truth. This is so overwhelming. Didn’t realize a lot of people noticed me and for everyone to be thinking about me at the same time. Coincidence, I think not! Thank you Toy…the frequency I’ve been putting out this week must have shaken things up…I’m sure. I really needed this. Thank you.

10 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

SaFo, smile because you are back to what you helped restart… Hold this for me, please… likkkle love mi a send yuh 🙂

10 years ago

Today marks the last day of Hanukkah and tomorrow marks the day we celebrate as Christmas…even though both traditions are steeped in commercialism and marketing….let us remember the spirit of the holidays, to be with our loved ones and share our love….

I wish for each and everyone of you love….

Peepers, love to you too…

10 years ago

Mth, mi pardie, large up…kisses to big M and little M…merry Christmas to you and your family….hug up daddy M for us all…you know seh we dun own him up…

10 years ago

Cami we miss you and know that you are having a blast…we are so happy for you…we continue to pray for you and your honey bunny…we know that your bond is forged and we honor it…. Drink likkle fresh sorrel for me…

10 years ago

Yea! I see her as one, who could take care of us, when you are not around. I give it to her. Cami! Where are you?

10 years ago

Good afternoon Teach and all ES CREWS. Mostly our beloved peepers. I’m sorry Teach, i have been up and down. Sa-Fo, plz come back and blogg with us. From your emails it tells that you are a lover of this blogg, pls come back, i’m a new convert and would love to learn from you too. Your email to our Teach was so touching. I now have an alter in my room, where i go and pray to my ancestors and orishias even if, i’m not yet initiated. Where i did the knowledge came from,Here in this blogg. Teach, i… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  charles206

Oh Charles my awesome brother, thank you…May Baba Ogun continue to watch over you, guide, and protect you…

I love that you have an altar too…I am not initiated but I love Ifa …just like you…

Love and light Charles….I know for sure that 2015 will bring you blessings more than you could have asked for…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ase! Same to you my beloved sister…

10 years ago
Reply to  charles206

Hi Charles, nice to meet you. I swear I am tearing up. So sweet, where are you guys in my everyday life? What a lovely medium this blog is?

10 years ago

My eyes are much more open and I view the world thru different lens…there is so much to learn from the universe if we open our eyes…this awakening is amazing…

When I look back at my journal entries and see where I have been, I get excited at the journey to come…

10 years ago

My greatest lesson I learnt so far is to overcome fear….I was afraid of so much… My journey began with a simple altar….I made an altar and do daily reverence to my ancestors and non physicals…my altar is the first thing you see as you open my home…no fear of judgement or what people may say….this silent act propelled me into gear to become awakened… I no longer fear the being I am within and now embrace connecting to my higher self…I meditate regularly and now got my kids to meditate…I see all sorts of things as I meditate and… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

I love this.

10 years ago

I thank Yeye Osun, and Baba Ogun for you Obara and this site….

I have grown so much in the past few months

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

<3 You made my day

10 years ago

Today I am grateful for you ALL my Esp family…as we continue to grow May our bonds strengthen in love, wisdom, understanding, and forgiveness…. Much love to you all…

10 years ago

Safo we MISS you!!! Come back….you are the ignition that started this engine….Nuff open arms waiting for you with hugs….

Obara, may Yeye Osun continue to bless you and your family for all you do….

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, blessings- a familiar presence when I first started 🙂 thank you so much.

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