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Good day to you folks and blessings of the Universe and of God to you all! I do not know how exactly to write this post today, because I have so much to say and the topic is very touching for me. It is very hard as an awakened person to see so many people suffer and know how to remove their suffering but cannot say anything, because they would not listen to you but rather condemn you. Allow me to tell you some very personal things. I may over share but who the hell cares!

Last night as I turned the television off and left the parlor, went and brushed my teeth for bed, went into the bedroom where my honey was already asleep, sat and plugged in all our phones to charge in preparation for tomorrow, after which I was about ready to climb between our sheets and snuggle up to him as the room was cold from the A/C, my phone rang. I felt a slight lift of my heart, which is normal for me, I am a mom and my children are in America, so when the phone rings I get that reaction sometimes.

My daughter came on the phone and told me that my junior sister texted her and told her to call me, the message was that my senior sister was hit by a car and her two legs were broken. I shouted at the news which woke my husband, and he startlingly jumped up asking me worriedly what was wrong. I told him and we spoke and he went back to sleep as I sat and stared into space for a while.

They said she had come out of the meat shop and was crossing the road and a car hit her and kept driving. My junior sister spoke to her while she was in the emergency room and she was crying, and according to my junior sister she sounded delirious, she was in pain and she said the car hit her on purpose.

I asked for her number from my junior sister and I got it, I tried to call her but no answer. She was in the emergency room after all with both legs broken so I guess they were attending to her while I attempted to call.

About 3 years ago, one night  two men went up to this same sister’s son, a boy of 28 years, and shot him at close range in the neck leaving him paralyzed from the neck down for life.

I had not spoken to this sister for years, and I had promised that I never would, If you read my posts you will see where I told you all about her and our lives from Jamaica to America. She was the sister who pinched me at nights because people pampered me of my skin color which was no fault of mine, this is how Jamaican people are and I was a child.

They paid no mind to her and she took it as it being my fault because she was dark while I brown skin.  This dislike for me followed us when we came to America. There were times when we got along, I really loved her and I thought she was so beautiful,but the thing she had for me from Jamaica was still there. It was there, she had never released it.

She stabbed me one night while I was a teenager. I was sitting in our living room my back turned when she came up behind me and stabbed me with a screwdriver in my leg, we had argued earlier and I went into the living room to sit, thinking the argument was over. My mother who had began to dislike me for some reason, (I had no idea at the time that she would put things into my mothers head about me, my mother believed and changed her heart toward me, that dislike is there to this day and my father joined my mother in the hatred of me, all because of what this girl did) did not throw her out of the house that night, but I was thrown out because I waited two weeks later to get my revenge on her, by waylaying  her and knocking her out with my mother’s crystal duck which she used to decorate our kitchen table. I was thrown out for about two weeks (I do not really remember how long) the neighbors with whom I had been staying had to beg my mother to let me back home.

This sister and I have had our differences and her two older sons, boys who I took care of, buying them things that their mother refused to buy them, taking them in when she threw them out, grew up and cursed me to my face. The one who got shot called me a witch and an Obeah woman. The sister went on social media and called me a Obeah woman and lambasted my character something fierce. I do not use social media, so it was the junior sister who showed it to me. I was hurt at the horrible things she said, which were all lies, but this was extreme. I even cried.

She had a premature baby who seemed as if he would die, as a matter of fact the doctors told her to prepare her mind. While he was in the hospital battling for his life, she and the father came to see me one Sunday to ask for my help. For my family, I am remembered only of there is a problem, otherwise, I am the JUJU/Obeah queen of the world, and they speak of me with hatred. I helped that small baby and now he is 14 years old, he has Autism but highly functional, a very lovely child.

There was a time I saw him on my block, my sister and I were not speaking, she and her sons (who were living on the second floor of my house and were terrorizing me with loud music day and night, this was the time they cussed me and called me all types of names, all because I would beg them to turn off the music) were my real enemy during this time, but the Autistic son was innocent, so when I saw him I greeted him and he tried to greet me and she pulled him away and scolded him.

Here I was, the evil witch, according to them, just because I was a spiritualist, I was evil in their eyes. I was condemned, lambasted on social media, criticized, cursed at, threaten by the sons who had Mr. Highgrade locked up because they picked a fight with us and High grade defended.

They laughed at me the day the police took Mr. High grade to the station and said “Obeah woman, if you so powerful why yuh man gone jail! They, mother and sons stood outside the hall of the family house where we lived (except the mother she lives in the projects, but she came to help her sons jeer me). The son, who got shot had gotten Mr. High grade a job on a construction site, but the people had layed him off. It was long after the boss saw Mr. High grade on the street and when he was asked, why was he let go, the boss (who is Jamaican) told him that the boy told him not to hire Mr. High grade again because his wife which is me, was a terrible Obeah woman and would obeah him (the boss) for him not to have money. The boy did a number on the lies and stories he spun. I have no idea to this day why these people hate me so much.

I could go on and on about our relationship, but I wanted to show you all the reason why I had made a promise to myself that I would never speak to her again. The junior one and I had always gotten along, but a year ago we had a fight and she joined the senior one and they did some things to me, plotted with my enemies against me,….it pains me to remember all that they did to me.

Anyway, when I heard what happened last night, and I reflected upon what happened to her son and thought about her long and hard. I wanted to reach out to her (I had never had the heart to them as they do to me) and explain to her that her father was a shoe maker and as such he worked with tools, which meant that their family line came from Ogun. I wanted to tell her, that Ogun should be appeased and fast so that all these would not befall them again. I am not saying that Ogun the deity is after them and this is why these things are happening. I am saying that Ogun, God of Iron ans Steel has affected them and it is possible if he is settled and petitioned then the things belonging to him, such as guns, cars, knives and such would no longer affect them. I know the workings of nature and what can affect us and how to prevent all these, but how do you say this to people who condemn and hate you? How?

I wanted to get to her and assure her that all would be well and if theses things were done she would be ok, but I could not. My sister was not a practicing christian. Other than baptizing her children I do not believe she ever went to church, but they know and understand nothing but Church and Jesus, perhaps more, but I would not know that of them, because they would not tell me for fear that I look at them in the same light as they do to me. People like me were to be burned at the stakes, unless THEY have a problem with no solution, then they would crawl at my door and smile and be humble until they found their solution. After which the Condemnation of the Spiritual worker would begin again.

My Bloggers, I swear to you all, I have never been the antagonist to my family or anyone. I am one with the softest most compassionate heart. I cannot bear to see some one suffer. The people who have hurt me the most in life have been my family, my blood relations, (excluding my children). When the wicked baby father did all that he did and I ran to them for help, my mother told me that he should have kicked me in my (P*&%SY). I have forgiven her, how could I not? she is my mother and an elder, she will speak to her God about her behavior to me when the time comes. She may not love me but I must love her. That does not mean that I have to be around her, because I do not visit them and I hardly call.

Recently something happened in my home which could have turned tragic, it did not and for that I thank Orisha, we saw it coming and did our sacrifices, so it was only the breeze that we felt, we saw no devastation, my parents nor this sister never gave a phone call to ask how are my children and I. Nobody gave a damn!

What I tell you here on this blog is the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth.I would not defile anybody’s character for the sake of comments or for a post, never would I do that.

I cannot help but feel sad about what I heard last night, in my minds eye, I see her dancing, she loves to dance. I saw her crying in the hospital last night as my junior sister told me she was, and I wanted to comfort her, even though I had sworn to God that In my life I would never ever speak to her or her children again. O ma se oooo! What can I say, but I ask you all to pray for her speedy and full recovery. What she has done to me, especially ruining any relationship I may have had with my parents, especially my mother whom I adored as a child growing up, one day she will answer to God for that. For now, I forgive her. I will never go to her house, or break bread with her, invite her out or attend any function with her, after her recovery I will stay away as I always have, and remove her phone number from my phone. I will have nothing to do with her, after she has recovered, but I have forgiven her. Forgiveness does not mean I have to speak to you or be in your space, it means to me that all that you have done to me, I no longer hold you in contempt for it, I have no malice in my heart for her. I have forgiven her, I have removed her very existence from my mind. I have walked away from blood family a long time ago, yet I cannot ignore what has befell this woman at this moment, so I must pray for her.

I do not regard her as my sister or even my family member. I am numb to her and her children. But yet I urge you to please pray for her so that she will be well again.

A Jamaican Babalawo once told me that people who come into this world and who are high spiritual people never have the love of family. I have observed it to be so with some remarkable people whom I have met and their story is similar to mine.

There are no disappointments in life only lessons learned!

Ọwọ́ ọmọdé ò tó pẹpẹ, ti àgbàlagbà ò wọ akèrègbè. /
A child’s hand can’t reach the shelf as an elder’s can’t enter a gourd.

[Everyone is crucial; no one can do it all, but together we can do more]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji!

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[…] was always a target of her from I was a child, so I was smart with how I dealt with her as I grew, read here. This post was not thought up because of her, I just used her as one example. In my life I have […]

10 years ago

Greetings in the name of the Most High God! Obaraaaaaaaaaaa yes i was up for a very short minute. LOL I am currently partying from December to January. We are celebrating Life, Love, Birthdays, and all things good. So I was coming in from a party. lol

10 years ago

Hailmentz allll mi sweeties. Missed unuh! Life dash out pan mi suh mi deh war it but di spirits that are with me a some serious warriors! Iba my egunguns!! Mojuba Obatala!! Yeye Osun! Iba Obara Meji!! Thank you for EVERYTHING!! Ase! Obara, mi Obeah oooooman! Dry your eyes baby girl. Mi cyah believe seh a di sed sista dis weh mi cyah tek fi hear ’bout di way how she turble and wicked! No sah… Dis is c-russ nuh claartz claartz. Mi tink wi still aguh pray fi har but wi heart heavy bad fi har. Mine is but… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Yazzy

Hey chica glad fi si yu ♥ take life one day at a time with ur perspective ruling

10 years ago

wow this is a very deep posts i love posts with layers. its very sad to hear these stories obara it really hurts my heart i come from a big loving family and i really just want to adopt you lol. im sneaking in phone time at work shhhhhh
hey my ppl how it go

10 years ago


10 years ago

Fedda, red claat, powder an pitbull… no sah! Lol Mi nuh think mi coulda call fi even check up on her either cause mi wouldn’t trust her not one bit. What I don’t understand is if Susie an dem feel suh, why did she call? What shi expecting?

10 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

NuNu…hope the weather a do you good.

10 years ago

I am glad it was a waste of a drive. They were out of line

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

not if she had the 2 pits as you suggested, lol

10 years ago

She and the girl came to fight. What the… Can you imagine the conversation she and homegirl was having on the way to your house. You should have had to pitbulls read to unleash on them. Your sister is wicked bad.

10 years ago

ok obara no problem

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lolol….SUSIE!!! lol Yu should a fling a feather and a piece a red cloth out de and watch dem fly act up even more, lolol…embarassing and me nah lie me NEED YU so don’t go mek she do yu worst than before.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Fling red feather….grung….or dash likkle powder….lol….feed dem fear….

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Lmao lmao I am laughing so hard, Cami feather, red cloth, and ty said powder. I am cracking up

10 years ago

Some people just have to be left alone. Leff har yaah Obara.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

So you fought? lolol

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hot Iron

Stab with screw driver

Gave birth to disrespectable offsprings

…chic got issues she may not even recognize anymore.

10 years ago

Hail Cami Toy i hear what u saying Cami but even if all inquity obeah workers die out, theres stll bad people who will go to good obeah people to work evil. The good people may turn down but that individual will search. Now lets say the evil person get likkle knowledge here n there, then on their own try a ting n works evil…think i make sense lol Its not the works its the person!

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

I got you K, but the workers are more of a problem cause they come to easy. It good if bad people go dabble…them kill dem self off eventually, lolol

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

True i understand but there will always be bad people…workers or seekers. We can say all wicked n evil ppl should cease to exist…that suits me just fine i have a list of ppl who would exist no more. Lol we have to have balance tho…good with the bad.

10 years ago
Reply to  kiabubblez

Kia if they get the little knowledge try something won’t it back fire on them?

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy yu ask the wrong sista! lol my knowledge is limited to likkle juju…very likkle

10 years ago

I’m taking liberty of the title “WoW- Is All I Can Say”…lol Last Friday I was on my way to work, stopped at a light and looked at a building (commercial place with limited locations) and took full notice of what it was after driving by it for over 3 yrs. I dismissed it as ‘oh’ because I didn’t see any reason to do there, but good to know in case someone else needs to know. Well…this very morning I woke up and went to this same place to conduct business…that is my “WOW- IS ALL I CAN SAY”….thanks Obara,… Read more »

10 years ago

Hey LADIES, hope the day is going well for all of you. Me good.

I wish that all negative obeah people would just die out! once dem gone the stigma of tradition would die with them too. If not for these negative types of people Obara and others like her wouldn’t have to deal with the insolence meted out by those “asleep” or tainted by religion.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hi Cam! Exactly!

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy, they are disgusting! I cannot understand why they don’t turn away people who come to them for evil. From the day I ventured out to learn about what I know is my truth, I was told that one must not involve them self in acts of injustice against another human; here we have wicked people who have the ability to do things that are limited to most humans and instead of good they are aiding in doing evil against people just all because they know how. I notice that people who associate with Obeah people are messy and that… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Cami that is a good question. They need punishment for real, Cami. Yes Yes Cam they know how and they want the money that is they are will to do it and will not tell the person no. I remember Cami I went to one Mexican man I don’t think he was pure he was mixing with something very negative, after I got my reading you know I saw this man in my dream he was shifting into all kind of things from werewolf, half man half horse, anyway you get my point he was shifting so damn quick like… Read more »

10 years ago

Morning Obara and Es family… First I would like to say that I am saddened by your family. Wow! Obara you are so strong I could say more, but I tell you how I feel about you all the time. I will pray for your sister even though she is an awful person. I feel bad for her still. We love you back Obara. Obara it came

10 years ago

Iba Ogun, Ogun Olirin, Osin Imole

Ogun Baba mi


Obara I pray that you continue to keep them away from you and your family…so that she cannot hurt you again…here she is in pain and injured and cannot see how good your heart is…I would not have called…I pray that she take sleep and mark death…

She need more than church attendance…

I am by the way glad to be an acquaintance of the one and only Obara Chin Meji, best Obeah Woman in NY…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty tell it

10 years ago

Your sister has always been jealous of you.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago

Hi Obara and all ES bloggers! Obara, I’m sorry to hear about the tragedy that happened to your sister. I pray she recovers soon and glad that it wasn’t worse than a broken foot that happened to her. Pray for her spirit too because she is not well and is harmful. She sound like someone who has been bitter, jealous, miserable, and not at peace with herself for a long time which is what usually cause a wicked spirit to take over people and they take out their misery on others. Unfortunately, she seemed to pass this on to her… Read more »

10 years ago

Bwoy Teach mi respect yu honesty. Cause mi know dat it would be a very tall order fi ax yu fi figive bwoy wey nuh only diss yu, him mek yu man loose him wuk. Dat is straight styling cause when yu man naah wuk nutten nuh suh frastrating. Dem di waan si unnu suffer suh dem coulda did laugh. Yu si di balance inna di world.

Teach, juss chill yaaah, nuh pay dem nuh mine. Just gwan bless the 14 year old one.

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Mth exactly. Everytime Obara bring up her family it hurt me to the core.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Well if that’s the case it sounds like jealousy play a major role here,.as dem seh it betta a man hate yuh than jealous of yuh,cause when jealousy present is like dem duh everything in their power to burn yuh down to ash

10 years ago

Nunu mi ramp wid pickney but mi share dem salt ting different. Anybody who does that to me does not deserve my forgiveness. I could never ever forgive someone for doing that.Inessence they would be trying to kill me for if a man nuhwuk him nuffi nam. An yu cut off mi source dat means sey yu nuh waan mi fi nam.

10 years ago

I just drank some water and calmed myself a bit. I read over for something positive from this post…Teach, Mr. High-grade defended you and that made him an enemy to your nephews, will Mr. High-grade was not a punk, he stood up for his family…(One clap for Mr. High-grade, him did mek himself useful)… Teach, I have always held onto the notion that I could never forgive anyone who tries to stop my food. Look how your nephews blocked Mr.Hig-grade’s food…Forgive them? Mussi 2016 the year wey Alkaline nuh stop dy bout, something mystical a guh happen den…Teach, break it… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  MTH

That a the height a wickedness Mth when somebody mek yuh lose yuh income, the means of taking care of yourself and family, is only a heartless smaddy can duh sumn like dat

10 years ago

Afternoon Teach…I am ‘glad’ that it was only one foot broken, even pan har sick bed shi renk and facety…Well, well, as Cami sey, only for our love and respect for you we will pray for her… What a way Dec. 10th will have bad memories for her…I keep thinking of balance. She has been a bad sister, but the Universe has rewarded you with wonderful sisters? Could you ask for better sisters than Ty, Cami, Nunu, Toy, Yazzy, KB, Courtney and me of course? LOL. Teach you might have lost real biologicals sisters but you have gotten spiritual sisters…… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Kia it mek yuh bringlement bwoil nuh chue! Even suh mi nuh wish her no ill will. I sincerely wish her a speedy recovery. Hey Obara and Courtney!

10 years ago

Hush Nunu Morning dearheart! 😀 this sista yah all mek mi figet my manners

10 years ago

Good evening Teach and ES crew. Teach, i feel your pain at the same your courage. I pray for her speed recovery.

10 years ago

Hmmmm well I am glad that her life was spared. She needs to do a introspective look at herself but we all know WICKED people never see dem wickedness. SMDH I will not type much more as I feel to cuss some badwud dis yah mawnin

10 years ago

Bwoy mi speechless! I pray for recovery still and I really hope she get full use of her legs once more. I know Obara says time and time again that everything happens as it should both sisters seem suh damn vile to mi, but what I can’t comprehend is the mother’s reaction. How di heck yuh fi turn against your own child, ongle a stone heart coulda duh dat

10 years ago

Obeah woman Obara Meji I just want say that you have a heart of gold! I love you hunnie bunny! Let me finish read

10 years ago
Reply to  KB

Morning Kia!

10 years ago
Reply to  KB

Kia, just like that

10 years ago

Greetings my peeps let me read soon return

10 years ago

Good morning goodly people, I’m gearing up to read this one, mi soon come back

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

What!!!!!! Bring people to your house to come fight. No,no, no you know that she is wicked. She wanted to see to someone fight you so bad that she was the damn driver. You know what I have always believed that no matter what when you are family and people try to violate your blood you should have their back even if they are wrong. Family first. I don’t know. My family don’t like me and kids either. It is such a lonely feeling at times.

10 years ago

Good morning bloggers and peepers…Obara Meji a special good morning to you and yours.

For the love of you I will send out a get well to your sister and hope that she’ll be able to become fully mobile and hope that her attitude towards you adjusts even in spirit.

Mth, O strong, so be strong too..(hugs). Ty, Yazzy, NuNu, Toy, KB stay warm and don’t over work onu selves.

10 years ago

This morning I woke early and decided that instead of trying to go back to sleep I would iron out some of my daughter’s uniforms…

As I was about to begin, I thought of Obara. I was there thanking Obara for this space and how it has helped me and answered many questions I had. I hurt when Obara hurt because I have seen/felt true love from Obara. May God bless you Obara.

10 years ago

Bwoy Obara yu good nuh rawtid mi naah lie…If it were me and my mom said that my man should kick me any where on my body, let alone my in my needle eye. I could never continue to love her, mother or not… Of all the things that happened to your sister, she still is carrying this burden of hatred towards you? You helped her with her nephew and even that wasnt enough for her to extend the olive branch….Respect to your nephew and him I will fast and pray for that he functions well in this world. It… Read more »

10 years ago

Morning Teach and Ty. I too will pray for your sister’s recovery. I hope that during this time she will use the time to review her life and all the ish, she has done not just to you but everyone (she has caused the separation of your children from their grandparents)… Obara you story mirrors mine in a lot of ways. My mother put me out because I was pregnant, before that I never gave any form of trouble and after that I have never gave any trouble. My first child in my teens, my second in my 30s. Yet… Read more »

10 years ago

Greeting my lovely family…May your sister have a speedy recovery…

It look like she may be my kin too…I have some family members who have the same pattern…

Iba baba Ogun, ….Ogun alada meji…ase!!!

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