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I have always prided myself on being truthful. I am not trying to tell any of you that I have never in my life lied, of course I have, I suppose we all have, but there are some lies that can cause death,  lead to separation of families and more. As parents we watch our children grow and sometimes if we catch them doing something, and we admonish them for it, they will deny what they did, saying it wasn’t them.

This behavior we will find in small children as they grow, no one has taught them how to lie, but the innate feeling of getting themselves out of trouble will make them respond this way for fear of reprimand, not all children however, some are truthful to a fault, I have two of these. Some people are born liars, they cannot tell the truth no matter what, and they have no reasons for lying, they lie just because. Some are professional liars and believe that they have to weave a tale in order to be accepted into society or around friends or with family whatever the case may be. Lies are disappointment to a parent or parents when they find their children claiming this habit, to a wife when it becomes a way of life with her husband and vice versa. I know that there is no way for the world to be truthful, as in everyone, and I cannot reform it or it inhabitants at all, I doubt anyone can, but I believe if we practice to be more truthful, more honest, then trust and faith in each other can be restored.

There are logical reasons for not practicing telling untruths;

Small lies known as “little white lie” can build and become bigger and bigger, even putting you or others in danger, and it becomes habitual.

After a while you become known as a liar, and people jeer, mock and scoff at you behind your back, you become a joke.

I had a friend who I use to attend the revival churches with. The woman had everything at one time in her life. She had a wonderful house, the kind that a celebrity would live in, a restaurant, a husband who I must admit was giving her hell in way of cheating, and money to do with whatever pleased her. She was what is known as a pathological liar, and if you know the meaning of this it is when somebody lies for no rational reason. When I met her she had lost her restaurant, the husband and his many women were spending away her money and she was battling to save her mansion, and also battling to save her marriage to the disrespectful man.

We met at a revival church we both use to attend, yes the same one from the vent post, and she was one who left with me after I revealed things through spirit about the wicked Madda Witch. She was pretty cool, and had come to church, or rather began embracing her spirituality when the problems began, which made her out to lose everything she had. She and I became quick friends and I must say that I liked her very much, but after a while I began to realize that she was a liar, and not a liar who made sense (meaning someone lying to protect their life and safety, there are circumstance where people cannot reveal the truth because of fear or danger, and also to protect their privacy, I can understand that) these were nonsensical lies. Let me give you examples.

We will call her Diane (not her real name) and I will write out for you a little skit/play showing Diane and har liard self

Me: “Diane what did you cook today?

Diane: “Obara, I cooked, Rice and peas and roast chicken, with stuffing, corn, a green leafy salad and I made a carrot cake and a pineapple cheese cake, and I made carrot juice”.

Me: “Wow, Diane, I am hungry after hearing all of that”

We both laugh together, we are sitting in the back seat of the church and church has not began as yet.

Me: “How is the husband, did he come home last night Diane? (we always talk about the awful man, so I could ask that)

Diane: “Yes, mi dear, he came home and gave me money for three months Mortgage”

Me: (being happy for her) “OMG! “Diane, I am so happy, now you can pay the bank”.

and we both laugh together as the pastor climbs the rostrum.


Church is over and we are doing meet and greet. Diane is talking to an elderly revival couple beside me and I am speaking to one of Pastors girlfriends who Pastor’s wife wanted to fight after church, trying to calm the woman down. Diane during church, had catch spirit a couple of times, but no one paid her any mind, so the spirit quickly left.


While Pastor girl friend was telling me that she will get her son to beat up pastor’s wife, if she fight her again, I over heard the couple who was talking to Diane ask her how was the husband, (the whole church was in prayer to save her marriage and home, so it was no secret) I was shocked to hear Diane tell them that she had not seen him for over three months. I thought to myself, well maybe she did not want them to know her full business, but she began to tell them in detail about her filing for divorce and bringing all his clothes to good will. She told them that the bank had foreclosed on the house and she was in deep trouble, she also said she cannot eat because of the stress and that her lights and gas in the house was off, she had not cooked for a month!  WTF! Who was being lied to me or the elderly couple? By this time the pastor’s girl friend was talking all along, while I pretended to hear, but in truth I have no idea what the woman was saying, I was too busy listening to Diane’s lies.


I wondered if I should confront her, and the spirit spoke to me and said no, to do so would  create yet still another enemy, I should just know that she is a liar, and not take anything she says seriously.


So we all exited the church building. Church was hot today and I jumped revival with the old folks and my gay friend so I had worked up an appetite. I could not wait to get home to eat my nice, succulent roast beef with rice and peas and salad which I really cooked for sure. The food was calling me home, and my mouth watered in memory of it. Diane was the one who took me and my gay friend and my other big woman friend to church in her car, so it was she who would bring us home.


As we got out side, there was a scuffle with Pastor’s wife who was way laying the pastor’s girlfriend to beat her up, the wife had the girlfriend into a wrestling hold and began beating her with the bible, even bucking the woman who bawled out for Lawd God!


Pastors children and  us the members were trying to get the wife off, even the other girl friends of pastor were helping, but the wife who we called Madda, was strong and seemed as if she could fight, as she beat Lawrence (the name of girlfriend who was about 65 and madda about 60, Pastor around 70 years old) to a pulp while Pastor stood one side looking on and shaking his head in disbelief,(bwoy church did nice ei nuh) We finally separated the two women, and for that I was glad, because now I could get home and murder the well cooked food I had prepared before going to church, my belly growled in agreement.


My gay friend (who was hungry as I as well and who would have dinner at my house) and I looked around for Diane, we wanted to make haste home, so we eagerly looked around for her, we did not see her, we saw a gathering of church members and wondered if Madda had cornered the girlfriend again, cursing Madda and her fighting ways under our breath we hurried over to help poor Lawrence again or perhaps another girlfriend.

We were shocked to see Diane sitting on the ground, speaking in some kind of gibberish, calling it tongues. My gay friend and I looked at each other, he also knew she was a liar, but he was a nice fellow and wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt, so he went up to her and began to sing revival song, trying to work the spirit out of Diane, (not ah spirit was there, lies!, She wanted attention and was now getting it) the church began to jump poco, revival zion around Diane, including Pastor wife and the well beaten Miss Lawrence all jumped around Diane. I never joined in, because I was upset and hungar did ah masacraw mi! Bob Marley said “an hungry man is an angry man! That was me that day, it was evident on my face. The Pastor saw through her BS and did something mysterious (he was a very mysterious man)  which brought Liard Diane out of false spirit and finally she got up, acting as if she was dizzy, but dizzy or not I had to get to my food.


Although I liked her, she was really a nice person, but a super duper liar. I never took anything she said seriously and soon everybody saw it and she eventually moved out of state, she had developed a lying reputation.



This I got from the internet and it is so true;

Telling lies is often a complicated business. People will expect you to reflect the picture you have painted of yourself with the lies you have told. Suppose, for example, that you’ve lied about being wealthy and successful. The people who believed that lie would probably expect you to behave with a little class and decorum. Hence, when you regularly lie about who you are, you may find that you have to play a different part depending on who you are with at the time. Do you really want to live a life that involves playing different characters instead of just being your natural self? If you are constantly acting because of lies you’ve told, it’s easy to lose track of who you were originally.

How do you feel when you find out that somebody else has been lying to you? Most people feel rather angry when they discover they’ve been lied to. When the person that lied is someone that supposedly loves you, the lies can even cause emotional pain. Many loving relationships between good friends, family members and lovers have been completely ruined because of a lie told by one person to another. Is telling a lie worth the distress that it could cause the people around you? Is it worth losing a relationship that is valuable to you? Do you want the people who care about you today to dislike you tomorrow? These are questions you should seriously consider before telling a lie to someone you love.

Here is the link;



There are some people who practice spirituality and are liars, this is not suppose to be so. When a person goes to a spiritualist or a diviner and they are told false truth under the guise that the “spirit says” when in fact these people are false prophets, it nullifies the goodness of others who are truly genuine, gifted and extremely talented. Making all people who are gifted as such seem as if they are the same as the lying ones, when in fact these liars are not even awakened people, they are but thieves in disguise. No deity will support a lying priest or priestess, if they are doing well, their recompense is around the corner, but their lying ways makes people distrustful of true genuine people contributing their gifts to society.


Lies should never once be found among those who are on their path, it sullies the spirit, and takes away from who you are and who you are meant to be. Be assured in your truth. If you have your personal business and you do not want to share it, other than lying, say just that, if questioned by anyone. “I am a private person and my business is my own”. Anyone who does not respect that is not worth you time.

Lying is probably one of the most common wrong acts that we carry out (one researcher has said ‘lying is an unavoidable part of human nature’), so it’s worth spending time thinking about it.

Most people would say that lying is always wrong, except when there’s a good reason for it – which means that it’s not always wrong!

But even people who think lying is always wrong have a problem… Consider the case where telling a lie would mean that 10 other lies would not be told. If 10 lies are worse than 1 lie then it would seem to be a good thing to tell the first lie, but if lying is always wrong then it’s wrong to tell the first lie…


Nobody who writes about lying nowadays can do so without acknowledging an enormous debt to this groundbreaking book:Lying: Moral choice in public and private life, by Sisela Bok, 1978.

What is a lie?

Lying is a form of deception, but not all forms of deception are lies.

Lying is giving some information while believing it to be untrue, intending to deceive by doing so.

A lie has three essential features:

  • A lie communicates some information
  • The liar intends to deceive or mislead
  • The liar believes that what they are ‘saying’ is not true

There are some features that people think are part of lying but aren’t actually necessary:

  • A lie does not have to give false information
  • A lies does not have to be told with a bad (malicious) intention – white lies are an example of lies told with a good intention

This definition says that what makes a lie a lie is that the liar intends to deceive (or at least to mislead) the person they are lying to. It says nothing about whether the information given is true or false.

This definition covers ordinary cases of lying and these two odd cases as well:

  • the case where someone inadvertently gives true information while believing that they’re telling a lie
    • I want the last helping of pie for myself, so I lie to you that there is a worm in it. When I later eat that piece of pie I discover that there really is a worm in it
  • the case where nobody is deceived by me because they know that I always tell lies

Lying and statements

Some philosophers believe that lying requires a statement of some sort; they say that the liar must actually speak or write or gesture.


“If you tell the truth, you don’t have to remember anything.”
Mark Twain

“I’m not upset that you lied to me, I’m upset that from now on I can’t believe you.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“The reason I talk to myself is because I’m the only one whose answers I accept.”
George Carlin

“There are three types of lies — lies, damn lies, and statistics.”
Benjamin Disrael

“People think that a liar gains a victory over his victim. What I’ve learned is that a lie is an act of self-abdication, because one surrenders one’s reality to the person to whom one lies, making that person one’s master, condemning oneself from then on to faking the sort of reality that person’s view requires to be faked…The man who lies to the world, is the world’s slave from then on…There are no white lies, there is only the blackest of destruction, and a white lie is the blackest of all.”
Ayn Rand, Atlas Shrugged

“There is beauty in truth, even if it’s painful. Those who lie, twist life so that it looks tasty to the lazy, brilliant to the ignorant, and powerful to the weak. But lies only strengthen our defects. They don’t teach anything, help anything, fix anything or cure anything. Nor do they develop one’s character, one’s mind, one’s heart or one’s soul.”
José N. Harris

“The visionary lies to himself, the liar only to others.”
Friedrich Nietzsche

“I always say the truth is best even when we find it unpleasant. Any rat in a sewer can lie. It’s how rats are. It’s what makes them rats. But a human doesn’t run and hide in dark places, because he’s something more. Lying is the most personal act of cowardice there is.”
Nancy Farmer, The House of the Scorpion
Liar, liar pants on fire!
Ashes always fly back in the face of him who throws them Yoruba Proverb!

All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…. Obara Meji!


There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji


I will be continuing the part two of the Myal post next Monday!

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9 years ago

I have to disagree with that person Nunu. That sound like they a liar loooool lieing to they self, it is not like no bruh. Call me sister or girlfriend dont call me n##### or b####! Kkk never disassembled they been took them sheets off n raised more racists. Now they standing in front of us without sheet killing us legally with no reprecusions. I cannot change my race or beautiful color. i am upset by the hyprocisy when they say oh we didnt mean it or we sorry after. No they’re not sorry. Paula Deen n this lady are… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

This is my vent! hear me roar grrrrrr

9 years ago

My mother always say when you can hide from a thief you can’t hide from a lair and a liar will always be a liar

9 years ago
Reply to  joy

Joy…very wise words from mommy…I will be using them…

9 years ago
Reply to  joy

Lol night Joy

9 years ago

She kinda look like Paula Deen….lol…gotta love the southern belles….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

That’s true she sounds like her too

9 years ago

Ty the woman more than sample. She looked so distraught and had tears in her eyes. It was like I could feel her ‘disappointment’, then to see her merrily singing along…smh. At least the school’s president didn’t make any excuses for their behavior

9 years ago


This one here is a liar…let hear the lie she comes with now….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Lol.she said she is not a racist she was just singing the words to the Trinidad song

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nunu, she sample….old hypocrite…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Night Ty im wondering when Black people will stop calling each other that bad word. Weshould not find it offensive if we call our sons, brothers, men, sisters, fathers, mothers and friends N######. It is not tolerated in my circle . It is not a cool word! Im offended when any race uses it. But offended n hurt when my own use it to each other.

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Yes Kb…but old granny like this using it crushes me…because he intent is not of comradry but an old ingrained belief…she just need a whit sheet with 2holes…

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

That’s true KB, I was talking to someone about that very thing this evening and the person said well it depends on the context because when people of colour use it among each other it’s just like using “bruh” it’s not negative

9 years ago

Greetings liar liar pants on fire! I hate a liad more than a teef!

9 years ago

I believe it self esteem fi real

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

use it all you want teach it makes me giggle

9 years ago

Good afternoon Obara and family well after reading about Diane and her lies trust me you have some people who tell lies far no reason they walk lie they sleep lie every thing they do is lie I have a friend here I don’t have to ask her nothing she just start to talk but when she talk I don’t believe a word even if some are truth she never talk the truth but I believe people who go around and tell lie they do it to prove a point

9 years ago
Reply to  joy

Good afternoon Joy

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I on the floor… ewww. The nerve. Why did they give him the name Roach? Old prevert lol

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Ole Roach lolol, a wha kinda pastor dem dis, Toy! A suh our old pastor use to love corna my aunt like him slick,
(I wanted to say parson but mi nuh want KB rush mi lol)

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lolol a long time mi nuh hear that word lol remember if smaddy class up somebody an seh “yuh smell like dundah” what a shame lol. I heard dundah meant septic

9 years ago

Nuns the liad JA men make it very hard on the lot that are actually decent lol. Mi feel sorry fi some ah dem sometime. But i think they know who to try that with. Like my grandparents for instance, my grandfather (God rest his soul) used to lie and my grandmother used to give him the dirtiest look tell him fi stop lie (nuh care who dem deh round) lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Seaqueen

That true Queenie because my cousin was shocked. Him ask mi a when Jamaican get suh! Lol

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thank you Obara! I really appreciate the prayers. Sometimes I really wonder if he chose a good head before he came into this life.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Howdy Obara!

9 years ago

Portmore Ma…Portmore. But he does smoke ganja hard like crack and a few other things. I can honestly say that the Yankees lie just as hard. Just not about their names. Jamaican men work hard and this is the only one ive dated who has lied to me. My friends who date Jamaicans say they lie alot. I have a real problem tho because im still here with the ol liad. im hooked. If 16 Jamaicans do me wrong show me number 17. But still…this one is against the law in lies. Hell my child lies for no reason and… Read more »

9 years ago

Hey everybody!! Mi seh mi cyan stop dwl from mi start read the story until mi read di comments. Lying is a serious issue and Obara ah tun it inna joke, bout she waan “masacraw di food” lmao. Honest truth i try not to lie, mostly because I can’t tell one to save my life (well maybe to save my life). I always give myself away, so mi not even waste time lying. Growing up if mi sneak and do something and get caught mi just give mi self up. Cyan take anyone holding anything over my head. Nuns, obara… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Seaqueen

Queenie mi shock when mi si the people dem in dem 60s and 70s lol

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nunu that is what I was thinking about. They weren’t scared they would break a hip… church seem like it was full of mix up… lmao

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

Afternoon everyone. I really think pathological liars have some type of psychological issue or sickness. They can’t help themselves almost. Some of them are delusional and convince themselves that their lies are true. It’s how they cope with fear and insecurity I guess. It’s just hard and hurtful being the one lied to because you feel betrayed in a way. And if it’s a big lie, it could effect you negatively at their fault leaving you to be the one paying the price. It’s good to spot these liars straight from the start and keep your distance. Right now, I’m… Read more »

9 years ago

Yes Seeker lol. I’ll pray for him too because I don’t want the lying to damage unoo relationship

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Thank you so much Nunu!

9 years ago

Good afternoon people! To put it mildly, what an eventful church Obara did guh? Lol

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Nunu, was thinking the same thing. that church full of pure comedy.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Good day Courtney, A, M, Toy, Vanessa and Obara

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Hi Nunu. Obara has me laughing so hard. Vanessa I know how you feel… darn shame they couldn’t tell truth if their life depended on it. Liars don’t like me they say I am crazy.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

It’s so funny that Vanessa should say that, My male cousin was telling me that he was talking to this European girl about relationships and he was telling her how upstanding and hardworking Jamaicans were etc he said she looked at him like he was crazy and asked him in what world, she said Jamaican men are some of the worst men to be in a relationship with and she could never deal with another one, ouch!

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Personally, I think my Jamaican man is the best thing since god made dirt

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lolol Obara, high grade got peanut head an bang belly!? Deliver Vanessa from dat man deh lawd! Dealing with a liar is exhausting

9 years ago

I saw a thing on the internet that says If you think the devil is a liar you havent met a Jamaican man…Oh so wrong but I laughed (forgive me). But this ONE I have can go toe to toe with any liar and come out on top…..I mean the man does not tell the truth. I used to question myself with his lies. I have never in life met a person who lies as much as this man. And honestly really honestly I sometimes believe the lies until I get hit with the raw truth. It never fails. Everything… Read more »

9 years ago

Morning my fambo. Diane, Diane, Diane. The wench had issues. The lies she was telling was to make herself feel better. I had this co-worker, she was very decent and even got an award at work for best employee/customer service. I will never forget, last year she told me how her husband made Valentine’s Day dinner. A few days later she said to me I would eat so and so. I said didn’t you just eat that. She said no. I reminder her that she had it for Valentine’s Day dinner. She said no. After that I found it hard… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

M, That’s the thing with lying, can’t keep them straight

9 years ago

Mornin everyone… I finally woke up early… Diane would have made me so upset, but we know she has a problem. I have dealt too many liars in my life not little lies where you can laugh at them. Real undermining set you up type of lies. How is everyone though?

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Toy,I got up at 7:30 this morning, haven’t seen that in awhile lol

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Yes Nunu. I guess it was our time today to rise early.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

oh sweet innocence haha

9 years ago

Good morning sweetness to everyone. O I swear the same woman used to be my boss!! This woman although she has long since moved on to other pursuits and I now hold the position STILL seems to haunt us all with her lies!! She used to lie on us about everything from what she had for dinner to the legitimacy of her son! I do not think this woman would know the truth if it reared up and bit her in the nose. My colleague and I who worked closest with her laugh about her now but it is so… Read more »

9 years ago

Diane is a psychopath! morning good people of the ES. im snuggled down reading and stalling before i have to get up for work! Lets play hookey and sip tea all day

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