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The transatlantic slave trade, the African Holocaust, otherwise known as slavery was and is still one of, if not the greatest atrocity that has ever been done upon a race of people and throughout mankind. To date, there has been no apology, or reparation for the wicked acts of Europeans against Africans. The Jews and what they suffered at the hands of Hitler, have been compensated,  and have received their repatriations.

Do you see the difference?

Also read;

Bob Marley song Africans unite and died two years after, but his message was clear. In this day and age black lives do not matter, and what is so hurtful is that they use those of our skin color against us, notice I said skin color as opposed to saying Black people, because some may have the same skin color, but the minds, thoughts, and conditioning of their white masters.

I have no hatred for white people, I love my race, the black race very much, and when I look throughout history how a race of people have heartlessly destroyed another race of people, who are same as they are, with the exception of melanin between the two, the extreme hatred is beyond my comprehension.

We continue to see it displayed everyday with the killing of black youths by white police men, and nothing done about it by the law, they are sending out a message that BLACK LIFE DOES NOT MATTER!

Africa is being raped and plundered still, and their minds entrapped with the vile and wickedness of man made religions, which has divided Africa and Africans, Christianity being the most cruel and also Islam, O Ma Se O. This is another way to keep the African locked up and trapped in Jesus name, my eyes mist at this. For even I cringe still when I hear anyone say anything bad about Jesus, and I know that there was no Jesus as is described in the Bible, nor anyone by that name, but because of pre-conditioning and loving this white skinned, blue eyed, blond haired man, who I saw as my deity, savior and redeemer for years and worshiping him, pleading his blood, while his relatives spilled the blood of my ancestors, although I Obara Meji know the fallacy of all of this Christianity BS and Jesus BS, and the holy bible BS, I still cringe silently when another learned person denounce him, as I denounce him, and I definitely know better! But I am working on that feeling.

To be fair to myself, I still hold on to the teachings he represented, the benevolence which his character described

Many blacks may ask, where is God in all of this, why do black people have to suffer so much and for so long? Obara if what white people did and are still doing has cause so much death, sorrow and pain, Where is God to stand up for us?, I thought you said for every bad thing done there is repercussions, but when we look at them they own everything, they rule the wold, they have power, they are happy, where is God Obara Meji, does he hate black people and love the whites more, is he also prejudice like them, thus funding them and giving them ammunition to destroy us Obara?

God the creator is not a human being, no one knows the thoughts and mind of the creator. There are certain laws within the Universe, and no matter what, these laws can never change. Of them all I will point out seven;

The Law Of Mentalism; all is mind and mind is all….this gives us the power to create anything, even our own reality!

The Law Of Correspondence; as above so below, as below so above…..Hologram, Mirror, Reflection, I will explain more later.

The Law Of Vibration; nothing rests, everything moves;everything vibrates/

The Law Of Polarity; Everything is dual; everything has poles, everything has its pair of opposites like and unlike are the same’opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree, extremes meet; all truths are but half truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled 

The Law Of Rhythm; (cycle)Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and falls

The Law Of Cause And Effect; What goes around comes around, nothing escapes the Laws of the Universe

The Law Of Gender; Gender is everything, everything has its masculine and a feminine principles

Black people, God loves us, never doubt that! But remember that our consciousness is like a grain of sand compared to that of the creator, and what this mean is we will never be able figure out the mind of God. So let us them look to the laws of the Universe.

We all know that there has to be balance in order for us, human beings, to be aligned with our higher self and to the Universe. All humans created, though their souls live forever, their physical bodies here on earth is but for a while. So there is a recycling of souls coming to live earthly lives every time a child is born. We all get to experience lives of different races and ethnic groups each time we enter a physical body on this earth realm. The higher powers within the Universe, do not see our plight as the black race and the white race battle as a color/race war, or as hatred for each other, because they know how incarnations and soul groups works within the realm of time and space. That is not important to our Elders in the realms, our watchers, all those emotions are forgotten once we cross over, what is left with us is the memory of what we learned and our mistakes.

They see it as life lessons and growth for our spiritual evolution and for the ascension of our group families within the realms of spirit, striving for the ethereal self, which is very hard to attain. They see sufferings of us and others as something which will teach us how to focus, be humble, learn to fight, to think, to strategize, be aware, to love, to hate and all things we learn while struggling with those who are our oppressors.

Also know that Money and all things material, is not true wealth, true wealth is wisdom abound, coupled with knowledge and understanding, if you can gain this you life time, them, after your transition, you may be free from the wheel of existence! Whatever  wealth a person amass while on earth and even if it is handed down through generations, it can only be for a time, never forever. So pay no mind to what they have, Educate your selves more than them, read and travel, explore and learn and see who has the real wealth!

We are being observed under the watchful eyes or our spiritual elders, emissaries of God withing the Universe, they cannot interfere with our journey here. We can call upon them in circumstances as we know how to in our traditional practice, and give sacrifices to clear our way, but religious obstacles,and pragmatic mindset has removed those thoughts and actions from many of us, and so they must come back to the world in order to find that part of themselves sans religion or any other deceit.

We need to not spend time worrying about what white people have done to us and are still doing, but we must never forget their agenda against us, which is very obvious, we need to focus on our selves as a race, go into our selves and connect with spirit through prayers and togetherness as one people. The Jews bond together, the Chinese, The Indians and all other ethnic groups, Whites bond together, but we stand apart from each other,  this is how they have managed to conquer, we are not a race of people that bonds together, we curse each other, back bite each other, betray each other we do not support each other in business, in our every day lives or in anything, while they bond and stand firm together.

I have been blogging from 2011, and those peeping are much more that who comments, why is that? The support for me is not there, though they will quietly read and enjoy what is written, to voice out, they will never do!

Africans, Wake up and live!

I Love you All

Obara Meji

Three Fingered Jack: His name drove fear into the hearts of white plantation owners–His-name-drove-fear-into-the-hearts-of-white-plantat

Jack Mansong; Three Fingured Jack!

Perhaps the most feared runaway slave in Jamaica during the 1700s was Jack Mansong, popularly known as ‘Three Fingered Jack’ – Jamaica’s first infamous bad man.

Historians say that the very mention of Mansong’s name drove fear into the hearts of white plantation owners in Jamaica and those in Britain where many plays and books were written about his exploits. He was also the first fugitive in Jamaica’s history to have a bounty, £300, placed on his head.

The books on Mansong were widely popular and two became best-sellers, while one of the musical plays, entitled Obi-or Three Fingered Jack, had a run of at least nine years to packed houses in British theatres.

During the slavery years, there were many runaway slaves and rebels, but Jack’s infamy was legendary, considering that his time as a fugitive lasted less than a year – between 1780 and 1781.

According to the Jamaica Journal volume seven, number four, Jack Mansong was described by the authorities at the time as ‘the terror of Jamaica’, a ‘famous Negro robber’, ‘a daring rebel’ and ‘a bold and daring defender of the rights of man’.

Accounts of his early life vary, but one story that remains consistent is that Jack Mansong fled the slave plantation and at first holed up at a spot at the head of the Cane River, where he could observe and swoop down on commuters traversing the Windward Road, as it was known at the time.

From there, Mansong moved to higher ground and settled in a cave in the Blue Mountains from where he robbed passers-by, raided nearby plantations and launched his own private war against the authorities of the time.

The area in St Thomas between Bull Bay and Grant’s Pen, where a monument in his memory stands today, was Three Fingered Jack’s main hunting ground and it was there that he reputedly carried out many daring hold-ups, robberies and kidnappings.

Information gathered at the Institute of Jamaica reveals that Government officials and slave owners were his main targets.

Mansong has been blamed for numerous murders of the time and popular legend had it that he did not harm women, children or slaves. In fact, some writings suggest that Jack freed a number of slaves during his reign of terror.

The razing of a district known as Crawford Town in Western Portland in February 1780 has been widely attributed as the work of Mansong, who recruited disgruntled slaves as his deputies.

The attack on Crawford Town was carried out in the early hours and it was set on fire, according to the Jamaica Journal, “amidst screams of the defenceless and groans of the dying”.

The Maroons, who were at the time hired to capture and return runaway slaves to the plantations, were hired to quell the disturbance and dispersed the gang of rebels led by Three Fingered Jack. A free pardon was offered to the rebellious slaves and all accepted, except Mansong, who from then on fought his battles against the state alone.

Since the incident at Crawford Town, Three Fingered Jack’s reputation grew widely. He was allegedly an avid believer in obeah and was often blamed by both blacks and whites for marital breakdowns, illness and misfortune.

The January 9, 1930 issue of the West India Committee Circular stated, “By his magic he was not only the dread of the Negroes, but there were many white people who believed he was possessed of some supernatural power…”

There was also talk that Mansong had forced open iron bars and jumped 30 feet before killing two warders, when he was once captured, he was also alleged to be a giant-sized man who could absorb bullets in his body without coming to harm.

Historians say Mansong got the name Three Fingered Jack after he lost two fingers in an ambush in which he attempted to rob a maroon called Quashie. Quashie is said to have fought back and chopped off Jack’s two fingers, although he was also badly injured in the skirmish.

By the end of 1780, the colonial government had become frustrated that all efforts to rid the society of Three Fingered Jack had failed, despite the posting of rewards by the British Government and the colonial assembly. To bolster their drive to capture Mansong, the colonists offered full freedom to any slave who could bring the feared rebel to justice, dead or alive.

Jack Mansong’s short but effective guerrilla warfare ended on January 27, 1781, according to an account in the Royal Gazette of February 3, 1781.

The report states that Three Fingered Jack was surprised near the entrance of his cave by Quashie, who had converted to Christianity and was now known by the name John Reeder and a small slave boy known as ‘A Good Shot’.

Mansong only had time to grab his cutlass, but was shot three times, and in an effort to escape threw himself down a 40-foot precipice. Reeder is said to have followed Mansong down the slope and the two engaged in a deadly fight which saw both being badly injured.

Three Fingered Jack was eventually overpowered and slain after the slave boy bashed in his head with a rock and both he and Reeder proceeded to cut off his three-fingered hand and head. His head was then placed on a bamboo pole.

The trophies of war were then taken to the town of Morant Bay before being placed in a bucket of rum. They were then taken to Spanish Town where the £300 reward was claimed.

The head and hand of Jack Mansong were preserved for 20 years at Spanish Town.

Despite driving fear into the hearts of the colonialists and being branded a cold-blooded murderer, the exploits of Three Fingered Jack were used by anti-slavery activists in England to advocate human dignity for both West Indian and African blacks.

Listen to this brilliant woman, this beautiful Haitian Proffessor, listen good to what she says of history and  of Jamaica and Jamaicans, Thank You Spiritual Seeker for this video!


On the night of August 14th, 1791, the Slaves of Saint Domingue, today Haiti, came together under the leadership of a Hougan or Vodou priest from Jamaica, named Dutty Bookman for the organization of a secret meeting with the purpose of starting a revolution to put an end to slavery in the French colony. Bookman was sold by his British master to a French merchant because he was able to teach himself how to read and write, and also because he was caught on numerous occasions teaching other slaves how to do the same. Instead of putting him to death, as was the rule for such violations, he sold him.
As many tend to believe, Bois Caiman is not the name of the actual place where the Vodou ceremony took place, here’s why. Dutty Bookman although a powerful Vodou priest, was also an Islamist. As a sign of respect, the other slaves did not call him by his name, they called him Imam. meaning Islamic priest. So when organizing the ceremony, the slaves agreed to meet “Nan Bwa Kay Imam” in Haitian Creole, meaning in the woods at Imam’s house; then go to the grotto where the greatest Vodou Ceremony would take place. Along with Mambo Cecile Fatiman, a notable Mambo or Vodou Priestess; 
Cecile Fatiman was the result of a rape; her father Louis Pierrot raped her mother who was an African born slave. Bookman and Mambo Cecile Fatiman was able to assemble over one thousand slaves in the huge grotto. The slaves gathered around a huge wood fire,  and Bookman begun his famous speech.

“The god who created the sun which gives us light, who rouses the waves and rules the storm, though hidden in the clouds, he watches us. He sees all the white man does, the god of the white man inspires him with crime, but our god calls upon us to do good works. Our god who is good to us orders us to revenge our wrongs. He will direct our arms and aid us. Throw away the symbol of the god of the whites who has so often caused us to weep, and listen to the voice of liberty, which speaks in the hearts of us all.”

The slaves were cheering, singing, clapping and dancing. Petro songs were loudly sung, Vèvès were drawn, drums were beaten with rage. Machetes, daggers in hands, they are calling on the darkest spirits of Mother Africa to come to their rescue. Mambo Cécile Fatiman suddenly got possessed by Erzulie 7 Kout Kouto, the most dangerous manifestation of Erzulie Dantor.  She drinks blood. She is dancing by the rhythm of the drums, and the slaves were singing along with her.                                                                ” 7 kout kouto, 7 kout ponya                                                     prete mwen ganmèl lan pou mwen al vomi san e.Prete mwen ganmèl lan pou mwen al vomi sansan mwen ape koule.                                             7 stabbings of knives, 7 stabbings of daggers.Lend me the ganmèl ( a deep carved wood recipient), so I can vomit blood

Lend me the ganmèl, so I can vomit blood,

My blood is


A black female wild pig is presented to her, in symbol of liberty. Liberty is suppose to be free and untamed, as is the wild pig. The ‘pig is stabbed 7 times and all participants soak their fingers in the blood, taking the oath to   Viv lib ou mouri , ” Live free or die.”

The slaves that night, took the oath to fight the greatest fight in human history. The fight for liberty and equality.

Under the order of Bookman and Mambo Cécile Fatiman, the villages where the white French masters were staying, are to be burned to the ground and all white French men executed. The scene was horrendous. With Machetes, daggers, swords, knives, pieces of woods, they left behind no one except children and women. Neighboring villages that could not participate physically had taken the vow to poison their masters’ water supplies. In a period of 3 days, the greatest fight for human freedom in History was being fought to the bones in the sugar cane plantations in Haiti. Thousands of Frenchmen were killed, their heads had been cut off, and the plantations sat on fire. The famous northern plain, the most profitable in the colony, was in ruin. From Le Cap, the whole horizon was a wall of fire. The fire was so great, that the people of Le Cap could not distinguish nights and days. One writer of the time said, that one could clearly read at night, like the sun was in the sky, although the fire was miles away. The slaves destroyed tirelessly. They were seeking their salvation in the most obvious way, the destruction of what they knew was the cause of their sufferings. After 3 days of complete destruction and killings, the French Army stepped in to restore order. They capture Bookman and beheaded him. They displayed his head at the public place, with a sign underneath reading  “Bookman, Chef des Revolutions des Esclaves.” Bookman, Chief of the Slaves Revolution.” 

Mambo Cécile Fatiman, was never captured, she lived to be 112 years. She died from old age. Today both Mambo Cécile Fatiman and Bookman  are national heroes of Haiti.
Bois Caiman was a decisive point in mankind history. The point in time where the slaves, the Africans took their destiny in charge. No longer they wanted to suffer from the hands of the white men. A dream which Jean Jacques Dessalines, Haiti’s father of independence would immortalize, when he led the country to Independence on January 1st 1804; making Haiti the first Black Republic in the world, the first and only country in the history of mankind whose independence was a result of a successful slave rebellion and, the second Independent nation in the Americas, just 33 years after the US. Haiti also became the first country in the Americas to Constitutionally grants Its citizen Freedom and Equality for all regardless of race and gender.

                       -There cannot exist slaves on this territory, servitude is therein forever abolished. 
                                                               All men are born, live and die free.
                                                   –  All men, regardless of color, are eligible to all employment.
                        – There shall exist no distinctions other than those based on virtue and talent,
and other superiority afforded by law in the exercise of a public function.
                                           –  The law is the same for all whether in punishment or in protection.

 Upon Independence, Haiti did not just became the first Black Republic, but Mother of Liberty and Equality for all.

Nat Turner’s Rebellion

One of the most famous slave revolts in American history came in 1831 when Nat Turner led a bloody uprising in Southampton County, Virginia. Turner was deeply religious, and planned his rebellion after he experienced prophetic visions ordering him to gain his freedom by force. On August 21, 1831, Turner and his accomplices killed his master’s family as they lay sleeping. From there, the small band of about 70 slaves moved from house to house, eventually killing over 50 whites with clubs, knives and muskets. It took a militia force to put down the rebellion, and Turner and 55 other slaves were captured and later executed by the state.

Hysteria swept through the region in the aftermath of Nat Turner’s revolt, and as many as 200 slaves were eventually killed by white mobs and militias. The rebellion also triggered a series of oppressive restrictions on slave populations. Citing Turner’s intelligence as a major factor in his revolt, several states would pass laws making it illegal to teach blacks to read or write.

Nat Turner read the link below;

Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!

Labalábá tó fi ara rẹ̀ wẹ́yẹ kò lè ṣe ìṣe ẹyẹ. /
A butterfly that likens itself to a bird can’t act like one……Yoruba Probverb!

[We are all created unique; no one can or need take another’s place]

All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…. Obara Meji!

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji

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3 years ago

Greetings Queen Obara
I came across your post whilst looking for information on Kumina. The article on Haiti was very informative and once again shows the strength and power of our people. We must never forget he struggles our ancestors endured to right the wrongs. We are and forever shall be supreme.

May the almighty continue to provide you with wisdom in order for you to continue to teach and enlighten those of us who have found you.

Love and light everlasting

9 years ago

Hey Ty, ma I didn’t see your posts yesterday. Big up. Going t to bax out some more bible stories.

9 years ago

He is trying to get a school too… Raw, vegan, and 20% meat…

He is doing a trip to Africa too…

Best way to disarm an African is to hug them…boom

I have to buy Fredrick Douglas book now….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Yes and his new book thirsty lol
If the man only smile when he visits u in the backdoor…get the hell outa there! bap bap bap kaboom …mek i gwaan a bed smh

9 years ago

Okay Ty i was thinking i saw crystals n insignia on his necklaces. I can honestly say he hit on many points some ive thought about and some i hadnt. I will be listening to more ofhis lectures. Very enlightening… Good night sweetie love n light

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Night, pleasant dreams…

9 years ago

Ego is the enemy of spiritual transformation….

We need to call down our egungun…

We have to sacrifice to get assistance from spirits… The greater the problem, the greater the sacrifice…

9 years ago

Blaursnaughtt!!! Dr Umar say theres a prerequiste…we have to lock shoulders side by side…man n woman have to balance…the whole universe is based on balance… *sidebar* yu think he know Obara, our sweet teacher?! ツ

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Lol…they both tapping into the universal divine consciousness…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Together as one…Ty u hear him speak on Traditional Spirituality…boom

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Yes KB…

Me a pree him necklace dem…guard necklace dem dat…

9 years ago

We have to stop help assassinate our character…boom no olivia pope, no basketball wives, no rhoa, no love n hipshops no reality shows depicting us as ratchet beast boom boom boom

9 years ago
Reply to  KB


9 years ago

Religion does not teach you to fight back….boom

Only blacks are colorblind….boom

We gotta burn our white Jesus picture…boom

A straight Ogun spirit right ya so….boom ….yea

9 years ago

The willie lynch chip…words right there….

We need to spend our dollars amongst our own…

9 years ago

Mi belly a pain me as i listen to him

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


9 years ago

My notes on dr. Johnson video

-december 2015 marks 150years of physical freedom from blacks
-in order for there to be an enslaver, there must be enslaved…we are participating
-most of us are infected with European oppressive genes
-once upon a time we were a community
-we are practicing radical individualism

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Great points Ty im still watching. I too agree with those points. We are playing a role in our oppression.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

God and Umar’s ancestors we call on u to protect n defend him along his journey. We pray that he sees no devastion. ASE

9 years ago
Reply to  KB


We call on all the warrior spirits to protect him…turn back all evil thoughts, prayers, words and actions from him…return them to their senders…

Allow him to continue his work and elevate our people…

Allow him to continue God’s praise…

Surround him with a fiery wall of protection, with a tunnel of guided white light, and the everlasting glow of love…


9 years ago

Night Obara n Ty Dr Umar Johnson, this man said 3 million dollars is collected by the Black church every weekend, 3 million dollars collected by the masjid n Black people dont own a bank, school, or any supermarkets…damn
Thanks for sharing his videos

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Not my money…pastors need to get a job….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Fuxx a job they need to get a clue n stap e noise! talk about the real community issues n not sow a seed sow a seed! Sooooooo much more to discus…

9 years ago
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

They have a case of a man found hanging from a tree in the south that the FBI is currently investigating…smh…o ma se o

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

They realize most of us still fear them n have not realized our power. Smh

9 years ago

Me love the Mth-ism…love how she break down Samuel name….

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Mth got talents…love the stories…very relateable…real yard style…

9 years ago

Great information Obara as always. Thank you

9 years ago

LOL. MI haffi yu read some more den translate. Hahahah. Yu know mi did a re-read an mi si wey yu sey hussy a late March and you is early April. Mek sure yu rest up an bare 6:30 fi hubby. Ty can duh a video and send come gi yu.

Teach, mi a guh duh mi likkle hussling yah now. Mi a get off 12:30 American time.

9 years ago

No Teach, nuh sey dat. Mi love yu. Dem mussi gane look man, dem soon come…*Yazzy I am looking at you. LOL. Mi sey Yazzy cause mi know shi can tek di mustering. Teach hole di faith.

Rest yu body, hubby birthday coming up..LOL

9 years ago

Yes Teach, di one Nunu a gwan like me an har a size. Well, den again, mi juss a few years younger dan har. Nunu mi gal, wad up? Joy, howdy mi dear. Unruly when yu come back, big up. SQ, mi drop another bible story for both Teach and yourself.

9 years ago

Obara, I remember the days when you would dash out 2 and 3 posts. So here my love, another bible story. One man, two wives (unno know sey it nah guh pretty). There was this man called Elkanah, he had two wives, one name Peninnah an di edda one name Hannah. Now every look Elkanah look pan Peninnah shi breed. Yu dun know how it guh. Peninnah nuh stop walk an throw wud pan Hannah. She call Hannah mule an sey how shi caan breed and sey Hannah ting nuh good. Hannah bawl shi bawl shi bawl. Suh Hannah an… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

Boom bang…di story shot Mth….you really should do a patois bible story book…you have 3 or 4 so far….just even it off to 12 ….serious, write and publish it Mth…

9 years ago

I just want to thank god far you. you teach us a lot on this site been here I have learn a lot from you thank you Obara

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Believed me fr the moment my eyes bless on this site I have learn a lot. if I don’t get to come on I feel so empty so I try to even when I finish my work in the evening

9 years ago

Good evening Obara just get the time to come to the site so far very interesting story don’t finish reading yet just say hello to all the blogger

9 years ago

Mi nah lie, is like mi get wey today wid love. Mi feel is TY a pray fi mi. Nunu, a who yu a call fo fool? Hahahahah! Sea Queen, mi dayeven memba how mi did start write the Jamaica bible story version. LOL

9 years ago
Reply to  MTH

I am always praying for you and everyone in the esp family…

9 years ago

Obara stay teaching us. I just wanted to say thank you SS the woman was very captivating I could listen to talk all day. Thank you all

9 years ago

greetings all Obara and everyone thanks for sharing the links and videos. it is said that you do not know who you are if you do not know your history…that is very true. You can’t know where your going, if you don’t know where you coming from.. I have learned more from this blog and other places about history than ever in life. I listened to Ben Jochannen today it took me awhile tho but I listened the full 2 hours.

9 years ago

Here is a bible story from the corrupted mind of MTH. Once upon a time there was some rich uptown dudes. The ring leader was Daniel. Suh one day dem a roam street and suh wicked man ketch dem and carry dem guh gi di King. The King pre dem an sey, WTF dem youte yah look like dem can tek ova di Kingdom, not like dem fawt yah wey mi have roun mi. The King tell him man dem fi gi Daniel and him friend dem the best food and clothes and such. Daniel inna him room an start… Read more »

9 years ago

Pardon my manners, my dears. Good afternoon to my ES family! That was a very interesting read. You dont get too much black history when you grow up in the states and Ty your right. When dem do talk about it, it is very brief. It’s sad that black ppl barely know the history they need to embrace. But they stay a while on the Holocaust which happenned in germany? makes you go hmmmmmm! i haven’t gotten a chance to see the vid but i will as soon as i settle down this evening. Should be interesting. To divide and… Read more »

9 years ago

Unnu know seh mi naah stretch out mi han…mi nuh like lick! lol…mi neva did ah peep so long. When mi jus come mi used to browse di topics and go to the posts that were linked either in the post or and the end of the post. O, you know seh mi have slight ADD so mi did jumpy when mi first come lol. Mi did ah seh dis lady (MTH) is really mad (good mad). Neva see smaddy write out jamaican bible story lmao

9 years ago

Yow Teach, yu have mi a get wey wid mi leggo bees self.

9 years ago

Howdy M! Lol, unoo foo fool no wah!

9 years ago

Mi like how class pack up. Unno look here, mek mi left mi fowl-la pan mi desk cause mi nuh waan nuh baddy tek wey mi chair…

Teach a weak in yah. Yu waan bible story. LOL A suh lang Queenie a peeper. Come here Queenie, stretch out yu han mek a gi yu two lick outta di rula. Why yu neva come farward. LOL. Mi inna a good mood. Mek a guh bax it oout.

9 years ago

I haven’t watched the video yet but I just read the revolution story. Bookman Dutty and Mambo Fatiman epitomized the phrase, “give me liberty or give me death” those are the bravest

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

there are ALWAYS traitors…it was fellow maroons who led the british to find Nannytown…the british could not find it on their own….

mental slavery and self hatred did not die with slavery…still remains to this day….some of us will sell out our own….

look at Raven Symone saying that some people look like animals…so the spanish news person who got fired for saying Michelle Obama looks like the cast from Planet of the apes was not wrong…

that is why I glad when i see white getting lip injections, butt implants, calf inplants, etc…them have some self hatred too…

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

That’s so true Ty. It’s going to take alot of work to detangle ourselves from that web

9 years ago

The maroons use to recapture runaway slaves, didn’t know that. The name Quashie is familiar too

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hey Obara, hey Ty. Good job Ty, If I have children I want to teach them about their roots too and I want them to be grounded and love themselves

9 years ago

I will watch the other videos later….

As a mother to black boys, I have to teach them their history…they skim over slavery like it never happen while they harp on the holocaust like it was the greatest human tragedy….

in some southern states they have removed slavery from the history books and classes….

a 2 warriors I am raising….well versed in their history…seeped in their ancestry…covered in the love of their ancestors… rooted in their spirituality ….and grounded in the knowledge that they are children of God who loves them,,,,

9 years ago

if only we would unite…people of all colors, races, religions…oh what a wonderful world this would be…

9 years ago

also will not forget from a few classes ago…1 Peter 2: 18-20….

9 years ago

I will be writting down that speech by Bookman Dutty….

iba Bookman Dutty…

9 years ago

I love this Haitian lady…

9 years ago

hey ESP fambo….

Mi blood hot from this week and this post just rile me up…

Iba Esu, iba baba Ogun, Ore yeye Osun

How far we have come and how far we have to go….

Iba all the salves who fought, your names may not all be remebered but your blood runs through my veins and I will never forget…I grieve for your losses and have reaped the benefits of the sacrifices you have made…I thank you all and am grateful to be of the black race…

9 years ago

Good afternoon folks! I’m almost certain I learnt a nursery rhyme about 3 finger Jack in school. I started reading but I haven’t finished yet

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks Teach.. I missssss you too.

9 years ago

I’m fine teach.. Going through the process of endurance. I’m sorry everyone. I’m fully back. Love peace and light to you all.

9 years ago

Good evening Teach, all ES CREWS members and all peepers

9 years ago

My friends are from Kenya, Zambia and Ghana.

9 years ago

My friends here are all Africans. I am drawn to them. Their positive energy is amazing. Teach, if I could take anyway, just one lesson that you have taught, is not to hurry your life. I wish people would know how powerful that statement is.

9 years ago

I thank God for my life and this journey. Yes there were days when I thought I was just one minute away from going mad or just giving up the ghost. However, these were lessons. My worst life experience was London 2012, from that heartbreak, I have learnt so much. It was that heartbreak that led me here. Had I not gone through that, I wouldn’t be the person I am today.

9 years ago

Teach, mi know yu love laugh suh mi gi yu one likkle joke. I saw a pic yesterday of Magic Johnson son/daughter and everything inside went dead. What is happening to our race? Throughout history, I have admire Sojourner Truth the most. We as women have to take up the fight and fight for our children, our nation our race. They don’t show Empire where I am, but I heard there was a gay scene last night. If we are not careful, we will become so accepting of everything and everyone we will no longer have any principle. As fi… Read more »

9 years ago

Teach, nuff mannas and respect. With all my qualifications, none has been more meaningful than the things I have learnt here. Bless your heart for taking the time and effort. All some time when wi gane look man an nuh come a sch, you are here faithful. You might not see it now, but bet you my last dollar, what you have done, will motivate and save many. A yu a world boss, not the DJ.

9 years ago

Big up fi dat compliment Unruly. No sah, mi naah an can gi up mi prefect role. Mi dey bout a look likkle food fi di chilvren dem. Mi dey yah man. Teach, mi sey a piece a fire a burn inna mi afta reading this post. I wonder how this era, can call forth nuh great warrior? Look how di youths dem a Merca and Jamaica a get killed just chew dem black. We have a wider platform to speak/act and yet still we are not doing anything. Everyone is more concerned with taking selfies, than to help fight… Read more »

9 years ago

Brb teach, work is calling

9 years ago

Big up Jamaica , aldoe Vybz KArtel let loose some demons dung den and gone chill ah prison wid him man dem

9 years ago

Obara Meji nuh laugh yah, cho, dis ole man royal, battery bait, germs buckit, carpet muncher, hairy tongue, King sodomite!

9 years ago


9 years ago

Morning MTH, ah you ah de prefect, even though I never commented those times, I was here when you took on that responsibility, and a fine job you did to, do not tell me that you have absconded your post, task task task, that will not do madam! Look at our history, and big tongue Noam bumbo Diana King ah try disgrace we good good name! Did fish breath gal, whey use to chat har mum a from de inside out, sorry yah teach, mi nun tek mi mad pill from morning….but mi bringer man! Jack Manson, Bookman Duty and… Read more »

9 years ago

Morning all. Teach, I have only heard about Three Finger Jack, never read his story before. Thank you for sharing. One more bad-ass black man for me to love. Unruly, you are early for school. Good work. Make sure you mark the register fi Obara.

9 years ago

Thank you once again Obara Meji, I have always heard of him, but never knew his history, this is why I love coming to your site, I always learn something new, God bless you for all you do to help us to connect with our higher selves.

Greetings to all bloggers and peepers

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