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Good day to one and all, I pray that today will be a good day for everyone, and may Esu not disturb your lives today, do not forget to mention him in your prayers, or if you have him give him palm oil and some omi tutu, cool water.

The Yoruba people of South Western Nigeria where the wonderful traditional practice of Ifa/Orisha comes from, are among some of the wisest people I know. The practice which includes, never neglecting a deity they call Esu (Eshu), but always feeding/appeasing  him so that our lives will not be disturbed, as is his job among human beings is brilliant, read here.


I would like to vent about crimes against small, innocent, defenseless children. What kind if a person would molest, rape,seduce, torture or kill little children.When they are discovered of their wrong doing, what ought to be done to these useless monsters? What could prompt, no matter how cruel a person, to want to sodomize a child? Should any clinical diagnosis be an excuse for them? Some may say that they are crazy, but not everyone who has does this vile and wicked act to a child is crazy, some feign mental illness when caught.


When I was a small girl in Jamaica, I remember I was outside next door to my house on a Sunday night around 8 pm, sitting at one of the card tables with my little friend Claudia. It had rained earlier in the day, so the men who usually gambled in the yard including my father had moved the gambling indoors. Claudia was the daughter of one of the men whose mother owned the yard, and she was visiting her father. We sat at the table trying to play dominoes, like little girls, small and innocent playing and giggling, dampness from the rainfall earlier was all around us.



There was a young man in the neighborhood named Bunny, a vagrant of sorts, normal quiet and who bothered no one, he had been off his rockers for a while, and was well known in the neighborhood as mad man Bunny, some people called him by another name, which was bouy, this is the closet I can spell the name for you, as he was crazy according to everyone and would walk around shouting, bouy! oie!, skoie! He was brother to two of the regulars in the gambling yard, Boy Blue and an alleged rapist named Berger,(how the hell do I remember these things?).


I remember as Claudia and I sat playing, not realizing that danger loomed near, innocent as God created us, we laughed while playing our mock game of Domino, having a good time as children, our sweet laughter permeating the cool night air, echoing  between the soft gentle breeze, ( I am not being frilly in my writing, this is how I actually remember it).  Bunny walked up to us, we had no idea he was around, we had seen on one outside with us. He lifted Claudia up from her seat and walked her over to the ping pong table, (table tennis, Claudia began screaming, we were about five years old at least I was, Claudia was perhaps one year older) laid her down and began unbuckling his belt, Claudia was screaming at this point, and I sprung into action, because somehow I knew this was danger.


I ran to the house which was filled with men gambling, I got in and found her father quickly, his name was Lance.  I guess I was as Jamaica people would say “prime” for my age,because I know exactly what to tell him and I will tell you exactly what I told him. I ran to him and he bent his ear to me as I indicated I wanted to tell him something, the place was noisy with shouting men gambling.  I tipped on my toes and whispered to Lance, speaking in my Jamaica dialect and in my innocence I whispered “Bunny outside ah F**K Claudia! I do not remember what happened from then, all I knew was that Lance shouted and all ran outside, and my daddy lifted me up and took me home. I have never forgotten that.


Now Bunny was crazy, but there are many people who are in their right mind but with a sickening fetish for  small children. Some will say, but if they have the desire to want to have sex with children then they are indeed crazy, I say no, I will not give  them an excuse, many of them function in their daily lives, being husbands, father, sons, wives, mothers, priests, pastors, Imams!. I know I vented about this before in other posts, but this is to show you all how passionate I feel about this. I love children and I feel we ought to protect these innocent babies from this oh so brutish world!


Vent today, all must participate with your own vents , take a load off and let us use this platform to say whatever grinds our gear, (who remember this episode of Family Guy, lol?)

Oh and another thing, who is as tired of the Kardashians  as I am? Enough of these nobodies already, enough!!!!

Oh and here is one more, whats up with all of these thieving televangelists? read this;



Ẹni tó ńṣe rere, ìwọ̀n ló ńrin àrìnfura mọ /
A good-hearted person seldom needs to be suspicious of others…..Yoruba Proverb!

[Maintain a clear conscience.]

Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!


All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…. Obara Meji!


There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji




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9 years ago

Good morning all! have a nice weekend.

9 years ago

Hmmm suh Girlie yu n teefin Pinky a fren doh?! pay di lady fi har tingz! It doan loook good Girlie fi hot gal lika yu teef ppl tingz hmm umm it doan look good!
Now fimi next vent…what purpose dust bunnies serve?! Huh? somebody tell mi nuh last week i dust under di #@*&%’:- bed remove n dem reach back under deh again…Gawd know dem nuh serve nuh rass purpose!

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

KB, lol dust bunnies are meant to keep women busy in the house, lolol

9 years ago

Hey good evening everyone! I have missed lots of the vent! Hurrrrrrh! I want to vent on a purchase I want to do online but the company wouldn’t accept any other payment except CashU card, does any one have a clue where I can get this? Whew# Obara trust you feel much better now. Have a good evening all. CASHU ohhhhh! Lol. I feel better now venting on this. But seriously I need to get a software package online for an online job I just got. I hope this is real Obara. Thanks to my ori if this job is… Read more »

9 years ago

Howdy Mums!!I hope you are feeling better from ur sickness. Mi give u a week fi recover, so u better be talking care of yourself lol. Mi Bubblin Bubbles, Badness runs in the blood lol. Big up unruly wid har vent because dat deh mek mi laff, mi not even business bout fi mi vent again lol. Girlie gi di woman har money, thats out of orda, you know ppl nuffi share any kind of makeup especially not lipstick. And di lipstick so damn dear! un ruly ah real gold? lol…Nunu Puss, heyyyyy sugar! Bredda YW come wid di soap… Read more »

9 years ago

Lololol! Vent away cause it a sweet mi. Big up Queenie, Unruly, don’t remember if mi did yail up Kia, suh big up K tuh

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Iffffffffff wi bad looooooool bad from wi bawn suh dats why wi a gwaan suh mek wi bubble queenie n unruly cah wi bad wi bad wi bad

9 years ago

Why when you outgrow people they are mad?! eeh If we have taken different avenues, what’s the damn the problem! mi nuh waaaaaaan nuh fren from nuh a dem! jeeeesssh

9 years ago

Doan mek mi gwan bad Girlie, de IPod ah mussi batty man tuh, it nuh stop spell de sintin dem wrong and mess up mi vent! Call me now Girlie, yuh maybe able to save de friendship if yuh confess. Lucky, licky!

9 years ago

*COME TEEF MI GOLD METALLIC LIPSTICK GIRLIE!* sorry typo, bout teen, Girlie you is 45, you is no Teen!

9 years ago

Hello everyone, unruly in the house, mi come fi vent! Girlie mi batty man fren, mi know sey ah you come ah mi house come teen mi metallic gold lipstick , Girlie mi know sey yuh peep on de site, caws ah yuh did call me de odda day an tell mi bout de trust post cause Devon run whey wid Mikey behind yuh back and yuh did trust him! Girlie mi nun waan guh ah prison if lipstick, and ah doe want it back cause I KNOW WHERE DOES LIPS BEEN SUH AH DOE WANT IT BACK , BUT… Read more »

9 years ago

Good Day to all my ES boobies lol…O, yuh come right pon time wid dah one yah! First, lemme jump on the Capelton Bandwagon, Fire for all nasty child molesting pedophiles, rapists, i really can’t think of anything or anyone worst than you. Just can’t understand what could possibly attract you to children. Included in that are the ones that call to mi when mi did small, or try pass dem place and mek young girl like mi haffi put dem back in it, and di nasty one weh did ah jerk off in di car inna broad daylight by… Read more »

9 years ago

AMH YW Obara Charles Nunu Toy bless up! Yea I cancelled the order I will get it another way. Dem too teef! Order $20 shipping $14 HUH?! where they do that at lolololol hmmm why they lie and say the recession over!? is who dem a try fool?!

9 years ago

Big up Toy, KB, AMH, Charles, Nunu!

9 years ago
Reply to  Yw

Howdy Yw

9 years ago

good morning lol
Why is the dang shipping on my amazon products nearly as much as the product? my vents coming….

9 years ago

Coming soon Teach

9 years ago

Good afternoon Teach, ES crews and all peepers. Love and light to you all.

9 years ago
Reply to  charles206

Love and light Charlie!

9 years ago

Miss Meji oooo I’ve been trying to call you but all of a sudden yuh have whola 40 numba fi.di one dege dege phone number and I keep getting disconnected, that’s what’s grinding my corn right now and side note I understand karmic debt and all but that brother that dem hang in Mississippi yessiday makes me madder than a hatter

9 years ago

Good morning Obara, Amh, good to see u Yw

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

mawnin sistah

9 years ago


9 years ago
Reply to  KB

good morning!!!

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Lol , good morning Kia B! Mi si yuh han’

9 years ago

Morning love and light to all. Yw been a long time nice seeing in class today. I will be on the road today will come back later. Where is Camila at?

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Good morning Toy, remember she had the flu, maybe she’s not over that as yet. I hope she ok. Cami if you peeping drop a line mek wi know yuh good

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

🙂 KISS, KISS Toy…fi some reason I feel offline you and I would be good friends…you encouraging to me spirit. Love you.

Hey NuNu…see you __________________line here, lolol

Hey YW/Ty, Obara, Mth,KB Amh and ALL…me still in me little funky attitude so me keep me distance until…love you all same way. My attitude is seasonal, lol. I give O permission to publicly read me on here, so you all can understand me.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Honestly O I don’t know, she is so young, she has the potential to turn it all around but I think she likes it too much and I think her family likes that she likes it. I think if she gets it it won’t come from her family. I know that at least in my house we do nothing to further her intentions, no hannah montana for my girls, when she comes on the radio we change the channel, my oldest daughter is especially in tuned to doing this. I don’t know what kind of situation she would have to… Read more »

9 years ago

The Kardashians do not raise my ire as much a poor Miley Cyrus. I think because I still hold a little respect for Kourtney as a business woman and mother and college graduate, I could leave the rest of them far behind. But Miley now, poor poor Miley, that child needs lots and lots of help.

9 years ago

Calm and soothing vibrations to all ES massive and crew. Obara Meji, Love and light as always. Good, everybody nice and easy. Child abusers, rapists, pedophiles, and power junkies let us go all Capleton on them: FIRE BUN! or better yet send them to Obara in Africa for the stew pot (ah joke, ah joke Obara doan vex wid mi please). What happened to the tranquility? There is no time, in no plane of existence that some things can be condoned. The things mentioned above are amongst these. But, but, but karma is a curious thing that never forgets and… Read more »

9 years ago

It really grinds my gears when people don’t listen to what I am telling them. When they call me to fix a problem and I can’t because either there is no problem as they perceive there to be or there are barriers that they themselves have in place that do not allow me to fix the issue. Or I have done everything I can to fix the problem but they won’t be quiet enough to hear that I have fixed it for them. UUGGHHH (As you may be able to tell it has been a long week at work TGIF).… Read more »

9 years ago

Good morning all ES massive!!! Love n light

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