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I have never been a vengeful person, maybe I am too soft hearted or I easily forgive, (use to, nowadays, I do not call it forgive, I call it opting to believe the offender never existed, I am being truthful don’t judge me), but I have never thought to do to a next person what they have done to me. I have had the feeling of schadenfreude when some of my enemies meets their water loo and I heard, such a sweet feeling, but at the base of my thoughts I chided myself for gloating in the moment and this is the truth.

This I do not do anymore, because I am more knowledgeable of how the Universe works and realize that recompense is for All regardless of who you are. We must adhere to the laws of the Universe as well as the laws of the land.

However how do we release anger, get past rage, revengeful temptations,temper brewing for a while, of the hurt and pain given to us by especially people who we love and trust? How?

It is so easy to say, “well the Lord forgives, or this is the correct thing to do, in order to move forward with your life, but we all know that this is easier said than done, how do we really release anger?

Get over past hurts, or the deal that life has dealt some of us. How do we get to a peaceful place, (not death), but a place where we just look at things which would usually annoy or upset us, as minor in our lives or fixable from there is life?

The people who have hurt me most in my life has been my family and the horrible men who I have unfortunately let into my life, the worse being the wicked baby father and the ex husband. While I won’t go into the stories of these awful men again, I will however say that they really challenged the peace within me making me experience sadness, depression and anger so hard it left me numb.

Anger is an emotion that comes out of many other emotions, it is very normal, and usually healthy as long as it is tempered, not excessive and does not spark violence. Anger can come from fleeting annoyance or full fledged rage.

It is a natural human emotion, and it comes in response to an insult, an attack, frustration, the quality of life, work related and as I written below in love situations or relationships. It sparks two feelings when someone makes you angry and this is caused by adrenalin, fight or flight.

The feeling of anger can come though Love. Loving someone and believing that they are mis-treating you or deceiving you in any way, lack of communication can cause anger, resentment, jealousy, lack of trust among many other things, and this is all because you love the person. Many people have been hurt through excessive anger, or anger built up to the point of rage, and some people express their anger through voicing how they feel which releases them from this emotion. 

It is however a challenging thing to experience, as each individual deals with it a different way. What is important is to release it. Anger is destructible and it has its place in the world, it must be quenched the soonest it arrives. I feel like a hypocrite writing this because whenever I am angry (this was times gone by) I hated when people tried to calm me down, I wanted to hold on to the anger for as long as I could. Believe it or not I found comfort in it. When I am angry, I voice my thoughts, I let the person know exactly how they offended me along with a few choice words. When this is all done, I am relieved and sated, all have been released off my “chest” as we say.

The problem with anger is how you deal with it. Anger can lead to many problems some of them health wise. Dealing with anger, especially if you realize that it is a problem in your life is very important and as a spiritualist, I can only tell you from my own point of view and what I have been taught by my non-physicals on how best to deal with it or to avoid the emotion from taking you over.

In my home water is present everywhere. I have on my altar glasses of water everywhere, and even when I do readings water is present. Water is soothing and peaceful but most of all it absorbs a lot of negative energy which may enter your home or your life. As simple as it sound water can let you have peace of mind. It can stave off many problems, and allow you to live a calm existence, of this I am very sure.

Using mint an as an incense once per month will call very goods spirits which will also cool brewing tempers.

Of all of these however I prefer the method of Meditation, I believe we all should do it.

Meditation is important for everyone to do. It removes stress and allows certain balance to occur in your life. It is a great practice and we should all partake of it.

Wake up early in the morning, or if it is better for you, them do this at nights when the house has settled down. Find a nice comfortable spot in you house choose a place where it can be you usual place to meditate and where you will not be disturbed. Turn off all phones, radios and televisions, sit in a position where you feel comfortable, it does not have to be feet lapped under you as we see others do in meditation. This may not be easy for all people. I love the presence of water anywhere I am, and so I invite you to place a clean glass of water in front or beside you, you will throw away when you are finished. Three white tea light candles can be lit in front or beside you as well. This is optional, and if you use candles, you should be very careful and make sure to put out when done, candles present during meditation invites your non-physicals to sit with you, abide with you, speak to you, guide you, whit candle is the best to you as other colors have their specific energy and can call forth beings which you cannot manage..

Close your eyes (do this as to block out seeing anything as distraction to the mind), clear your mind of all and anything and just relax. For some, this may be difficult at first because of their daily activities and the time or patience it may take to quiet the mind.

There is a post on meditation on the site which is more detailed, read here.

Releasing anger is very important for our long life and good health, and Meditation is one way of ensuring that you do not even get to the point of anger. Meditation offers a way to relax the body and mind. It is a great escape into ones self’, an exploration of your entire being, allowing your higher self to connect with you. In this way emotions like anger which can take you off your path, distract you, lead you away from your destiny, will not be able to affect you as it does others who do not practice meditation or who are prone to anger.

While you are on your spiritual path, anger is something you need to avoid, or your should learn how to manage it. It is not conducive to the spirit of benevolence which is what you want in your life. Anger calls forth bad energy,bad spirits thrives and feeds off this energy, we do not need to entertain them as they are very destructive.

Walk good my people in peace, love and unity.




Ọkùnrin rí ejò obìnrin paá, bí ejò bá ti kú, ọ̀ràn bùṣe /
A man finds a snake and a woman kills it; once the snake is dead, that settles it…..Yoruba Proverb!

[Substance over form; focus more on the result achieved rather than on who achieved it or the method used]


Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!


All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji


There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji


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Lover of light
7 years ago

Obara I know you wrote this post along time, but it was written for me now. I am grateful for your teaching because I have been fighting with not letting anything or anyone make me lose myself and I am a very calm and easy going person but oh my goodness how much bulls…t must one endure. I am learning to find that peace within me and remind myself that all is just a lesson for me to get to the next level. It hard sometimes though. Thanks mama for all your love

Charlotte Brown
Charlotte Brown
9 years ago

I am with you Obara– I rarely get really angry — maybe disappointed and at times offended. I always believed the word, “be angry and sin not” also “do not let the sun go down on your anger.” The practice of meditation offers a solution to getting rid of the anger and not carrying it over until the next day. This is very important for married people. Kiss and make up. It is okay to say I’m sorry. Let’s get rid of these awful feelings. You are right – anger is a normal emotion and is sometimes like “tears” it… Read more »

9 years ago

Good night guys!!!! She’s finally here! She is a big baby.♥♥♥ : ) ) I can’t stop smiling

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Yeah…so happy she is healthy…love and light to amh, little princess and your family…

9 years ago

Obama, I will try the mint leaves as an incense….

You had previously recommended cardamom and I love that one so much…will tell you how the mint compares…

Thanks again for sharing…

9 years ago

Greetings Esp family…

Amh and family, congrats! Welcome the newest baby girl to the Esp family…may good fortune, blessings, good health, laughter, love and light be with you always…

Auntie Nunu…thief a hug and kiss off the little princess for me…

I love to smell babies….I know something wrong wid me….lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

I will Ty! Shi fat ie si

9 years ago

Hello everyone! Thanks for the reminder on mediation Obara. I will try meditation again until I fully get it. I have been on that anger train that was triggered by hurt and disappointment I am not proud of it, and really would not like to be at that place again. It did affect my health. Thank God I am OK now. Blessings to everyone

9 years ago

Good after noon Obara I just want to thank you again far the word on (anger ) believe me anger is a thing that most people can not deal with meditation I think is one of the best med

9 years ago

Morning everyone how are you. I really love meditating.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yails Teach! I will let her know

9 years ago

Morning Obara Carpediem Nunu hailings I thought of you and AMH just this morning. Love and light little one and family.

Okay I will try the mediation again soon. I’m try my best not to sleep and to focus. lol

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Yails Kia! Love and light

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

KB, you can try a guided meditation at first until you can focus and quiet your mind on your own…

It can be tricky because as you mediate, visions, thoughts etc will come…

9 years ago

Ok, fam, Amh is in the hospital right now. Our girl decided to come today. She’s one week late to the party

9 years ago

Good morning folks! Holding on to anger makes you so bitter and resentful; this pulls so much negative energy. It’s difficult for some to let go and it builds and builds until they become unrecognizable.

9 years ago
Reply to  NuNu

Yes Nunu, anger can fester and metastasize like a cancer…

9 years ago

Good Morning Obara, You are so right about anger. It is hard not to be angry when others do things to hurt you physically and mentally, but I have learned to have the water all around me including on my altar. The water calms and helps me to become positive even when things are not going right. I find before bed best to meditate and pray.

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