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Good day to you all, I hope all my bloggers who are moms enjoyed their mother’s day and the ones who are not as yet, will get to one day feel the joy of labor, lol. I have posted a very interesting article, although I did not copy all of it, it being too long although well written.

I implore all of you to read it, as I said it is well written and the writer made many great points. Ifa is a tradition that should be preserved, respected and honored. My will for all is that they will be led to Ifa and understand its teachings and wisdom. The focus on the world is on everything else other than Africa and African religion.We re looked down on and what we practice as barbaric, when the greatest teachings of any religion or tradition is rooted in Ifa!

Please do not look at the article as lengthy, take the time out to read it, and comment if you like.


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Opon Ifa and OpeleOne feels compelled to write this piece on the recent announcement by the government of the State of Osun on the introduction of the study of Ifa religion in all its schools. While no time should be wasted in congratulating the government led by the visionary Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola on this courageous and needful step, a conscious attempt must also be made to educate those who may be genuinely regarded as ignorant on the socio-legal imperative of permitting a pan Yoruba ethos play a pivotal role in the development of a society. All efforts made at raising the level of development must be anchored on this all-embracing substratum. As for the mischievous and the proselytising hypocrites, commercial religionists with vast business empires which thrive on the very objects of deceptive public excoriation, we must hasten to allay their fears that this novel but necessary introduction will not affect the enterprise of “miraculous healing” and the promise of prosperity in a land already devastated by political locusts.

The omniscient posture adopted by the adherents of the so called prominent religions, Christianity and Islam, exposes abysmal ignorance on the essence of other indigenous religions and explains why intolerance adorns an official garb in various shades. This combative attitude is also symptomatic of a post-colonial society still reeling from the debilitating effects of foreign subjugation in all ramifications.

The dubious and ostentatious display of piety by these self-appointed men of God, on one hand, and their obscene materialistic disposition, is more than sufficient to cause a serious study into the misfortune of a society in decline. We leave this interesting topic for another time. For now it suffices to assert that this present move by the government is the most significant since independence. If development is about the people, then it should be taken as given that understanding the ways of life of all who live in the society is a sine qua non to planning. The challenges faced by various categories of people compel introspection and determination which will ultimately lead to progress. Professional politicians, deprived of patronage for two years now in the State of Osun, considered the source of the people of the south western part of the country, will also stop at nothing to confuse the people who have been dispossessed over the years.

If our children are made to study foreign religions and some even get higher degrees, including PhDs, knowing other peoples’ cultures, then it is rather salutary that a government is considering making the study of Ifa religion an option in the school curriculum in the State of Osun, albeit belatedly. Nigeria is a place where elites take pride on being proficient speaking and writing other people’s languages. We crave advancement depending solely on the cultural ethos of other lands. Our claims to decency are often predicated on the fact of our adherence to the precepts of either of these foreign religions. We are nurtured to imbibe the customs and traditions of those who treated our ancestors with utter contempt. We grew to hate what is truly ours. We receive awards aping the ways of life of other lands. What belongs to us is despised and treated with unimaginable derision. Our cultures are subjected to foreign prisms in determining their acceptability.

Religion was central to the development of ancient Egyptian civilization. The challenges faced by the Egyptians compelled them to look for solutions in the spiritual realm. Disasters, prominent among which was the constant inundation of the Nile were considered as sanctions from the celestial beings. These ancient people used their belief in life after life and the existence of a supernatural being, Ra, whose decisions were unquestionable, to interact with their natural environment. The modern world is the direct beneficiary of the legacies of their fecund minds. Their children were nurtured on the nuggets of beliefs which propelled keen observation of natural phenomena. This attitude gave provenance to the unparalleled scientific discoveries for which the Egyptians are still widely acknowledged.
The originality of the thought process ensured that all nations in the ancient world looked up to it. Greece became the greatest beneficiary of this unique ancient civilization and, by necessary implication, the western world in the modern sense of the expression. What the average hypocritical and ignorant Nigerian will regard as superstitious and sinful formed the basis upon which his faith predicated on this imported religion is established. The judicial system of the ancient Egyptians was an aggregate of their socio-cultural values. These were contained in the curricula of the schools at various levels of learning.

The Chinese also developed their civilization independent of other existing ones relying heavily on their cultural values. China today is an exemplar in advancement because it has never allowed any undue influence on her socio-political system built on oriental values. This country stands out today as a bulwark of inspiration when most western nations are grappling with issues of survival occasioned by debilitating economic circumstances. A Chinese child will never look up to the west for socio-economic redemption. The child believes that his/her language is the best and only learns other foreign languages to derive advantage in a competitive world. He/She does not in any way feel inferior to the western child. The state has no official religion yet the Chinese child is not precluded from studying any subject of interest.

American students now come to Nigeria to study specific aspects of our much despised culture. They speak impeccable Yoruba, Hausa or Igbo, among other Nigerian languages. That is not a challenge to them at all. They are keen researchers on the mysteries of our ancestral past. They come to study Egungun cult, the talking drum and its significance in information dissemination, cultural values as encapsulated in the Odu Ifa corpus, among others. They become initiates of the Ifa religion which ignorant and ill-educated Africans denigrate. The tragedy of the whole scenario is that they are now in a position to educate us on our past. While we struggle to ape the Europeans, Americans and Arabs, we have become alienated from our origin. Nothing from us is good except it is subjected to western approval. So deracinated and uprooted from our origin have they become that fanatical members of some families openly destroy artifacts and other valuable vestiges of the glorious epoch when crass mercantilism had no impact on the psyche of the people.

Traditional rulers are the most pitiable characters of these tragic-comic elements. Some of them employed all manner of under hand methods to subvert the process of selection to become deluded kings in a republic. Once they ascend the so called throne of their fore-fathers they soon discover that their past was sinful. In their hypocritical exhibition of vacuous devotion, they destroy shrines and shun religious rites which justify their anachronistic existence in the first place. They invite commercial pastors to come and preach to their so called subjects to do away with the traditional ways. These religious businessmen in turn flaunt these clowns as trophies won in the battle to civilise the natives. They denigrate the very essence of their sustenance as custodians of the people’s customs and tradition.

They cherish the flowing three-piece traditional attire and the complementary pony tail, veritable emblems of indulgence and vanity. And just as their forbears collaborated with slave traders, commercial precursors of the proselytising hypocrites to raid villages and hamlets for slaves, they too are willing participants in the pillaging of the resources of the state at the local government level. Very few of them deserve attention in the midst of decent people.

Granted that the retrogressive position held on indigenous religions is correct, does it not make sense that our children are trained to know why their ancestral past must be condemned? We have fed generations of Nigerians, nay Africans, on foreign diets before independence through post colonial period to the present time. The ultimate ambition of an average child is to be white in everything. Is it not ironic that at a time when the western world looks towards African for cultural renaissance our people strive unabashedly to cast aside everything which reminds them of their beginnings?

Adherents of African traditional religions have been discriminated against over the years. The Nigerian experience has been heart-corroding. Supposedly educated religionists jettison family names which remind them of “pagan” practices. They adopt scriptural names of other cultures alien to the continent without understanding their significance. Thus we see funny names such as “Olugbemi” in place of “Fagbemi”. Jesus, which is a very common name among the Jews, is affixed to praise names to depict piety. What ignorance!

Our children must be allowed to understand, for instance, that Esu, the perfect trickster with a dual personality is not Satan or Lucifer, the arch angel in the Christian pantheon of the gods. When our children hear names such as Esubiyi, Esugbayi or Esuronmbi, the ready connotation in their minds is the devil of the Bible or the Quran. They cannot fathom why anyone who is not insane will bear such names in the society. Beyond names, certain virtues are considered the exclusive preserve of the established religions. Experience has, however, shown that there is a wide gulf between mere avowal and the actual deeds of those who profess piety.

The very first lesson to the Ifa devotees is on contentment as against complacency.

“Ohun enu ri ni enu nje,
adifa fun igbin ti o je erupe la”.”

The mouth is satisfied with whatever comes as food just as the snail relishes in the nutrients of the soil.” There are fables of the adventures of Orunmila or Obatala which are also didactic. The treacherous deeds of the bush rat, Okete and Osanyin, are replete in the Ifa corpus. The consequences of unfaithful deeds are taught with the fables of these mythical characters. Temperance is a virtue of the gods and any mortal lucky enough to be endowed with this special gift will experience peace which is beyond the understanding of man. A man’s character determines how successful he will be on earth. The story of “Iwa” teaches us that one of the greatest gifts bequeathed by the gods to man is the ability to do what is right

I had the rare privilege of listening to Professor Olu longe who informed most of us who were ignorant of the invaluable contribution of the Ifa religion to the Yoruba accounting system. The basis of the computer is the Odu. The first 8 in 2 places making 16 multiplied by 16 making 256 to infinity is the principle upon which the operation of the computer is based. Whoever insists that our children do not deserve to know this fact is not only ignorant but wicked. I enthusiastically recommend the eminent professor’s lecture, “Irapada Onka Isembaye wa ni ile Yoruba”, to those who may not know that such as the ancient Egyptian religion, the Ifa corpus contains aspects of science, mathematics, accounting, medicine and ethics. It is most unlikely that any child properly nurtured on these pristine values can ever grow to become a burden to the society.

The government of Ogbeni Rauf Aregbesola is among the very few that can be regarded as focused. All good people must come together to encourage this exceptional leader who has displayed rare administrative acumen amidst the daunting challenges faced by him since he assumed office as the governor. Other ACN governors should follow the good example of this diminutive man who has taken giant strides in ensuring real development in a state once ravaged by locusts.

Doyin Odebowale, PhD, LLB (Hons), BL.
Lecturer, Department of Classics, University of Ibadan.

Àrẹ̀mọ má jobì, má ròde ẹmu, kó lè dé ipò bàbá rẹ̀ ni. /
That a heir should desist from riotous living, it’s so he can succeed his father…….Obara Meji

[It is good wisdom to be open and take to good counsels; ultimately a good counsel is for the benefit of the one advised.]

Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji

Ty sent me this, beautiful!

The singer is paying homage to the great Orisha Yemoja, she calls her Yemaya which is how the Cubans call her in the Lucumi religion, but I am teaching you all that the deity’s name is Yemoja, which means mother whose children are fishes, here in Yoruba land she is a river deity, but in the diaspora she is worshiped at the ocean. We still salute the Cubans for being great custodians of the tradition, now if only they would practice it the real authentic way as how it is in Africa where Orunmila built his house, Ile Ife. Sango is not Santa Barbara, and slavery has ended long ago, Africa is a plane ride away! Aboru aboye

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lady of the nile
9 years ago

Good evening in Trinidad I attend various Orisha Feasts; they are always a treat and blessing once you step in a clean yard( meaning the owners of the yard sincerity). I am still learning about the tradition and it is very fascinating..I would like to know though ..are there any similarities to kabalah..
Blessings to all.

9 years ago

This is why my boys have never been in a church….that will have to be decision they will have to make….it will not be by my will that they go….i expose them to everything and know that they will make the choice that is right from them….

My hope is that they see God in everything and most importantly within themselves…this is my wish ….

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

z Ugly hats say Amen!, lol…wicked in the congregation say Oh Glory! and the pastor say bank later, lolollllllllllllllll

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami


9 years ago

Ifa involes herbology, medicine, physics, elemental energy manipulation, spirituality, metaphysics, alchemy, and theclust goes on….

9 years ago
Reply to  ty

…and the list goes on…

Darn auto correct

9 years ago
Reply to  ty

lolol…I’d like to add mathamatics and astronomy to you list.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


9 years ago

Look at the diaspora embracing their version of Ifa, no shame in them game, all a capitalizing on it…..

Africa will need to step it up…. Brazil, Cuba, USA, Trinidad are setting a trend….

Just the a previous article you posted stated about the financial gains the above countries have made thru ifa …. So the demand is there….

The students are eager, waiting for the teacher to appear….come on Nigeria teach us the way….

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yes Obara, well needed…

It reminds of the Jcan saying, wantie want it and can’t get it….gettie get it and nuh want it….

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Dem lazy because christianity is simply falling on ones knees and reciting verses by rote from one parrot to another. Ifa is WORK.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yes Cami, Ifa is work…it also makes u take responsibility for your actions, honor yourself and others, respect all aspects of life and death….it gives you the keys to the mysteries of life while molding you along a path of enlightenment….

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Cami by age 11 i could recite the catholic homily in latin….talk about rote learning at its best….

No drums, no odus, no explanations….just straight rote….this is why i refused to complete 1st communion…

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

All if that on top of school work, that was a heavy load, Ty.

9 years ago

Obara, is Osogbo in Osun state?

9 years ago

I can only imagine how appeased the ancestors of Osun state must be to see this move by the govt…

9 years ago

This is good move by Osun state….so proud….even prouder that the state to first adopt this bares the name of my omo Orisha…..

Ile Ifa, Nigeria needs to take up it’s place as the rightful owner of Ifa…..

The diaspora is keen and eager…they are active in the Ifa movement and are taking steps to move IFA forward…. This is a good move but the source, the motherland, must also move forward….

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty, Nigeria like Jamaica need some real politicians first. Nigeria need to clean up the North, spread the wealth so that the missionaries can go and give reasons for people to embrace the ways of old.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yes Cami, their current leaders need to clean up the north, which is now the eye sore for Nigeria….it is constantly in the news and place a stain on Nigeria’s reputation….

Africa on whole need leaders…. not. Thieves who rob its resources and sell to the highest bidder to line their pockets….

9 years ago

” most significant since independence” …boom bang…..

” we grew to hate what is truly ours.” Serious thing…..

9 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Mama Ty Howdy O, hail up bro.

I don’t even need to go in depth because anything that speaks of Africans and African decedents need to accept themselves in truth is good. Embarrassing to go to the nail salon, Chinese restaurant or Thai restaurant and see their ancestral alters in plain sight.

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Note: I am NOT a follower of PanAfrican rhetorics, such as Garveyism and such and the bean pie doctrines either. Why? because they too are enemies of IFA. So, all black aren’t equal, lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Big Cami, so true….its is sad to see how we shame of our skin, hair, language, and traditions…

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Yes Cami, where are our books, our songs, our dances….
We worship gods that our ancestors did not…

9 years ago

Pleasant afternoon to al…

Still reading but love how the author class up the thing and his use of words is genius…

9 years ago

Good day, Obara and ALL.

O, before the post progress and I forget…I’m going to do my estate docs soon, but I need to know what are the funeral rites for a person like myself. I DON’T want no christian antics taking place when me eyes lock.


9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Yu fi lawn fi ansa yu phone…me fingaz de pon break from calling yu 😉

9 years ago

Good evening Teach and all ES CREWS. I’m happy to know that our Ifa tradition is now included the school curriculum. I pray other leaders will follow this step to bring back our old ways of worship.

9 years ago

Good afternoon good people. Very good article. I am so happy to hear that Osun State is moving in the right direction. We need to claim our ways as ours and be proud of them.

9 years ago

Good day everyone…Big up to the Osun State government for taking this bold step!! I noticed that the article referred to ifa as a religion being added to the school curriculum to study but I don’t really understand ifa to be a religion. Perhaps using the term ‘religion’ is simply a convenient handle. To me however, religion denotes dogma, while ifa is our ancestral spiritual system – a way of life if you will; the voice of Oludamare sent through Orunmila. Obara can you clarify?

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