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Embracing Spirituality is a blog of a wide variety of spiritual topics and discussions, led by spiritualist, metaphysician, and traditionalist Obara Meji and her personal experiences. Born out of a desire to assist others in embracing their spirituality, and to lend our contribution to the ultimate goal of the evolution of mankind.
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joachim and boaz
I have been meaning to write on secret societies for a while now,but there is so much to write about on this topic, that when I try to put myself in the mood to write about it, I sigh and change my mind. It is innate within me to break things down to the bare bone when explaining anything and it is done for your better understanding no matter how learned you are. Secret Societies have often been something curious to many people and I believe that the word “Secret” is what sets off the curiosity in peoples mind. In Jamaica while growing up I would often times hear the grown ups in hushed tones refer to someone who passed by as “a lodge man or woman”. There would be a looming air of fear among those who whispered about this person or any persons associated with any lodges. With this fear of what these societies have as “secret” of course came speculations of what happened in the meetings, and of course Hollywood propaganda and media frenzy along with the bible beating Christians, many people have accused these fraternities of devil worship, ritual killings, witchcraft and more.

Should we say ‘Hog wash” here? I really do not know, what I think however, is that those who have formed fraternities or are members of any, are brilliant in way of keeping what they are apart of as sacred, by keeping all within their lodges to themselves, which according to many are protected by oaths in which they took. We are all familiar with the term “lose lips sinks ships”, if Africans had not opened up themselves to the Europeans invaders when they came to the continent to rape, rob and pillage, life for our ancestors perhaps would not have turned out the way it did. Africans wrote nothing down, as did other cultures, so it was easy for the Greeks to steal all of our knowledge and pen their names to it as authors. Africans embraced the invaders and taught them, when they themselves had no culture and absolutely no knowledge of what African people knew whatsoever and so the so called founders of philosophy and all that the Africans taught is now credited to the Greeks. Read Stolen Legacy by G.M. James.

Year ago a client recommended a woman to me who had an unusual problem. The woman was swallowing her tongue. It was a very disturbing case, as “tonguey” which my client called her in jest, (Jamaicans find humor in everything, I must admit that I even laughed inwardly, I suppose at her attempted humor although this case was serious) would be speaking and suddenly would hold her throat as her tongue would begin to swell and she could not speak. It felt as if it was choking her she would complain when able to breathe or speak again.
When she came to me I did consultation and was told by her “head,” her inner consciousness, that it was her own “fears” which was causing the problem, not witchcraft, nor did she violate her fraternity, its laws of any members there within. She was a member of some fraternity and I believe she had some rank there as well. She however believed she violated some of what she was not supposed to according to the fraternities order, (she did not,but she thought so) and therefore the swallowing of the tongue was the consequence her own mind brought to her. I was under the instruction of her own “head” NOT to explain to her as it did to me. Her “Head” told me that she, for years had a huge ego which resulted in her mistreating people while believing that she had great spiritual powers and would threaten people with all her knowledge. Her “head” was the one who allowed the fear to rise up within her making her have these symptoms of swallowing her tongue which was not real but a product of her own fear. I was told by her “head” to warn her of her ways and her delusions of grandeur and of how she treated people and of her ego and her inability to practice humility. I should administer some medicines to her, and warn her that if she continued to be a bad person these will all come back. Her “head” saved her life by instructing me to tell her to change. Who knows what would have happened to her if she continued with her intolerable behavior.



Here is a little on free masonry how it came into being, I will post part two on Friday. I have more to write on Secret Societies and their origins and more. I will also teach about their functions in the school when it manifests here in our world as it already manifested in the world of spirit. If we speak or discuss about things deemed “unspeakable”, it lifts the veil or remove the shadow of doubt, curiosity, fear, thoughts of wickedness or evil which our minds may attach to it. These topic and more will be apart of the Obara Meji Osun University, imagine the great time and lively discussions we will all have there! Stay Blessed

It is the generally accepted view among those who have very little knowledge of Occultism that it is the province of a minority of deluded individuals. Those who study or practice the occult are generally dismissed by the public, usually on the basis of sensational media stories, as cranks, charlatans, sexual deviants or lunatics. That we are weird or unusual because occultism in the popular imagination conjures up visions of incense filled temples, naked virgins on altars, bizarre rituals, secret initiations and if Christian propaganda can be believed the worship of the Powers of darkness.
The rational intellectual who is the leading critic of occultism will therefore be surprised to learn that the word “Occult” can simply be described as “hidden”. In practice those who follow the occult path are heirs to an ancient tradition of esoteric knowledge which is thousands of years old.

Experienced occultists who have probed the inner mysteries of this arcane tradition are the Guardians of an Ancient Wisdom which is the secret teaching behind all religions. Yes, if oonuh neva know, behind every religion, there lies a mystery, a secret which only the ones awake can see and know. While Occultism, like all religious systems, has its fair share of eccentrics, it also boasts members who are respectable people of high social standing.

When King Saul took office he had all the witches killed and banned from Israel, but exactly a day before he and his entire army died, he sought the services of a witch, who fearfully and reluctantly conjured the spirit of Samuel the prophet to prophesy what would happen to him when he faced war next, he was told that they would all perish and indeed they did. Who or what exactly were the three wise men (Maggi’s) who travelled to meet the baby Jesus bearing gifts of Gold, frank incense and myrrh?.

What really happened to Mohammed when he went into the cave searching for God and had a vision of the angel Gabriel who took him on a journey in which the Koran was born.
Questions on the Occult and also certain secret societies in the minds of many are, what they are, do they really exist and what is the secrecy behind their existence? The main focus of the topic yesterday was Free Masonry. For most, to even mention the name sparks some sense of fear and curiosity. From the beginning of time there has been societies which have been shrouded in secrecy, even our beloved Christ was said to be a part of the very powerful Essene.
Let me move along, before the bible beating Christians dem run come in come sey mi ah defile the Lord.

Freemasonry for years has been singled out as a potentially corrupting influence, mainly because its members includes businessmen, Judges and police officers whose Masonic oaths and activities are regarded as the ideal cover for nepotism. It can be said that it is shrouded in secrets and riddled with terrible oaths to protect the fact of what it truly is, a business man’s club. A ladder of social and economic growth, depending who you are and who you know and what will be your major contribution to the society. The argument of the masons are that they are not a secret society but a society with secrets. To the true Occultist, who is not a member of the society but are in fact knowledgeable people, to this we would most certainly agree. The wisdom behind this statement is, if indeed free masonry were a secret society how would it be so popularly known or known about, but never forget the saying, “To hide something from the mass, put it in plain sight”. The compass and the square? Hmmmmm.

The origins of free masonry lies in the symbolic story related to candidates for initiation into the three degrees of Masonry, known as Entered Apprentice, fellow Craftsman and Master Mason. The legend is the semi- mythical story of the construction of King Solomon’s temple in Jerusalem. The temple was regarded as the repository of ancient occult wisdom and symbolism by both Free Masons and Knights Templar. The building was initiated by King David and completed by his son Solomon after David’s death. The master builder was Hiram Abiff, who was skilled in geometry. It took seven years for Hiram to complete the building, the number seven is very significant in occult tradition and Masonry, but Hiram died mysteriously and violently.

The story goes that at noon one day, the other masons were resting, taking their midday break. Hiram the Master Mason visited the temple, passing through the entrance flanked by the two pillars at the gate way (Joachim and Boaz). Hiram was approached by his fellow masons who demanded from him the secrets of the Master Mason’s word. Hiram refused while telling the worker that he would receive it in good time once he progressed further in his career. The Mason not satisfied with the answer struck Hiram with a blow which made him stumble, dazed and bleeding to the second gate of the temple. There a second worker accosted him and asked the same question, no answer was forthcoming, he was hit again. Hiram staggered to the third gate (the western entrance) where another worker waited who proceeded to ask the same question to which he got no response, it was then the final blow was struck and Hiram Abiff, Master Mason died.

The three masons carried Hiram’s body from the temple to the top of a nearby hill, dug a shallow grave and buried him there. The grave was marked with an Acacia tree, (one day I will tell you all the mystery of this tree, oonuh memba mi) and returned to work as if nothing happened. Hiram was found to be missing and it took fifteen days to find his body. The body was exhumed, by order of Solomon and reburied with a full religious ceremony befitting a craftsman of his rank.

The three assassins eventually were exposed, tried in a high court and put to death for their crime. (sound familiar to oonuh?? Hehehe!!, nuh mind me, mi jus love laugh).
Women listen up, It is important for all of you to know that no woman can be members of Free masonry, (please take note of this as in my posts something’s will be revealed, and we will know or begin to understand our power and why we have be vilified or even demonized within almost every religious teachings…)
Hiram Abiff was from a place called Tyre, he was sent to build the Temple which was supposed to be a temple dedicated to Yahweh by the King of Trye at the request of King Solomon. Tyre was known (during the time Solomon was on the throne) as the center of Goddess worship. Hiram Abiff was a dedicated worshiper of the Great Goddess of Tyre and in his construction of the temple to Yahweh hidden symbolism of the pagan worship were placed within temple.
Let me make stop here for now, as the information which I have to share is long and will have to be segmented in parts.
To be continued….Obara Meji.

Ẹni a fẹ́ la mọ̀, a ò mọ ẹni tó fẹ́’ni. /
You do know who you love; but you can’t be certain of who really loves you……Yoruba Proverb!

[Be perceptive; appearance is not all there is]

Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji

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Flying Ram
1 month ago

Greetings to you all,
Obara did you ever get to write the second part to this post?

Flying Ram
1 month ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Too bad , such an interesting topic.

3 years ago

Nice Post.Is there part two?


[…] help myself) spiritual cases I have ever seen, and I have seen many things. Oonuh memba “tonguey“? De woman wid her tongue ah long outta her mouth and ah choke her every time she chat? Dem […]

8 years ago

How do I join the group?

8 years ago

“Tonguey” a weak don’t kill mi inna di Saturday night yah

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Please do

9 years ago

Did you eventually write about the secrets of the acacia tree?

Caroline British
Caroline British
9 years ago

Thank you for the correction.

9 years ago

(^_^)@ tonguey. Lolol.. Obara Meji is there any way I could persuade you to explain the difference between a Mason and a Freemason in the next post? Thank you. I also believe that goddess worship is at the centre of it. I just don’t understand how. Some say that the “G” stands for goddess. I vaguely remember reading something about the highest level of initiation is performed by a woman. Interestingly, the same is said about why Jesus met three women after he resurrected. That they initiated him. Obara Meji, have you ever heard this saying in relation to Sango?… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok, yeah….

9 years ago

Obara, which orisha does the godess of tyre represent?

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


9 years ago

Obara when u wtite on the acacia tree, can u also teach about the baobab tree too?

9 years ago

Now he, she and di old lady claim to be a mason….dem all have license plate…lol…

Some of these things, I think are scams and pyramids schemes if thief people money…

9 years ago

Joachim is a name people use and not even know the origin….smh

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok,, thank you

9 years ago

Many professions have societies…some secret and some not….

Haffi love can people who fraid a lodge people….

9 years ago

Hey everyone,

For some reason, I did not get the notification of this post, so late to the party,…

Obara in your writings on this will you explain their use of aprons?…

9 years ago

Ive read some facts about the knights of templar. They are possibly the oldest secret society.

9 years ago

Hi Toy hope ur well. Love n light. Hey Carpediem evening dear

9 years ago

Greetings Obara, KB and Toy. Can’t wait for next part. I love stories like this.

9 years ago

I love it! This is interesting. I know there is more to the society than what people say about them. I just don’t know if the homosexual acts are true. Big up Obara can’t wait for more. Hey Ms. Bubbles… family big up yourself

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hey Obara i know dear lol story just draw me in. Like Toy say there is morr to these secret societies and outside people always wonder n speculate.

9 years ago

oh lawd is why u have to stop! I was getting drawn in and felt the mystery was about to be unveiled…braps story to be continued. Lol
Afternon poeople

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