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Good morning all. I hope and pray that you are all well. I was sent this very interesting post on The Power of Mantras by an anonymous blogger. Please read and enjoy!

Have you ever walked into or past a shop owned by Indians? If so, more often than not, you will hear music playing softly in the background. They are usually playing mantras to one of the various Hindu gods/goddesses of wealth and abundance. Laxmi/Lakshmi, the goddess of love, sexuality and wealth is the most popular one and yes, she shares similar attributes with Oshun (Ore Yeye Oshun). I have been working with mantras on and off for many years and therefore know first hand that they work very well. As the late Thomas Ashley-Farrand succinctly stated, it does not matter whether you believe they will work. They will. That is how powerful they are. People of colour (Blacks, Africans etc) tend to overlook mantras and it is such a shame because they are easy to use, and take between 7 to 40 days for your desire to manifest.

A brief introduction to mantras.

Thomas Ashley Farrand teaches that the principles of mantra meditation are based on a classical Eastern model where the universe is composed of energy and we tap into this energy through the power of sound. It is not magic, but the results can be magical.

In the book “Moldavite Magick: Tap Into The Stone Of Transformation Using Mantras” by Baal Kadmon (Kindle Edition), the author defines the word “mantra” and explains how mantras work in the following paragraph:

“The very word Mantra indicates what it is. It is originally in Sanskrit and is comprised of two words. MAN which is the root word for the “MIND” and TRA the root word for “Instrument”. It is literally an instrument of the mind. It is said that ancient gurus and sages had the ability to hear the primordial sounds of the universe as well as the root sounds and vibrations of the gods. They realized these sounds are the very sounds of creation. These very sounds that are at the core of everything , even the divine itself. Modern Quantum physics backs this with the idea of String theory. The theory suggests that the very core of the universe is composed of strings that vibrate a certain frequency. We are not talking atoms but sub, sub , sub atomic… the core of it all. The core vibratory energies of all there is and will ever be. The original Mantras were composed in Sanskrit. Sanskrit letters contain energetic principles that when pronounced produce changes in the surrounding energy field.  The Mantra itself contains the very essence of A God or Goddess. Almost as if the Mantra itself was the very name of the deity. So when they are recited, they immediately invoke the power of that deity.”

In the last metaphysics class, Obara Meji mentioned the importance of breath when we are saying incantations. This sentiment is echoed in Eastern traditions who believe that “breath is the essence of life; it is sacred because of the life energy contained in breath. Without breath, there can be no sound.

There are many different mantras but the simplest and safest to use are:

Ganesha for clearing the path – Om Gum Ganapataye namah

Lakshmi to attract abundance (she is very wise and will bring abundance where you most need it – be it health, wealth, etc)

Lakshmi and Ganesha combined mantra (Ganesha clears the path for Lakshmi to bring in what you desire)

Mantras can be said out loud or silently but repetition is key because you are building up energy this way and after 2 weeks or so, you will definitely see results. Below is a post by an Aghori Baba about his experience with Mahavidya Bhuvaneshwari, one of the 10  manifestations of Kali.

“The Mahavidya Bhuvaneshwari, the sovereign of all worlds, is very powerful indeed. She is Mother Earth and more, ruling over space, the cosmos and the material realm. Not a blade of grass can move without her consciousness or permission. She is Maya Shakti, the illusory power of the universe. In my worship of her I have learned many things about the way her energy manifests in creation. She is the energy behind the Five Elements of Creation and by working with her she will guide you in experiencing the elements first-hand and to be initiated into their energies. It is through the elements that she manifests her presence afterall. I am a person who loves nature and I spend much time in the woods, mountains, streams and rivers connecting to the genius loci as well as to mother earth herself. In Hindu theology mother earth is often called Bhumi-Devi. Bhuvaneshwari is the Tantrik form of Bhumi-Devi, but she is more than just the earth itself because her consciousness encompasses all the worlds in the universe. In Tantra Bhuvaneshwari is often propitiated for Wealth, Power and Health. Her gifts, like the earth itself, are nourishing and steady. She is very gentle in her approach. I have worked with her many times to connect with the earth and its natural energies. When I go to places where there are many plants and trees, I often like to chant or hum her beeja mantra “Hreem”, and silently pray to her to guide me to the herbs and trees that I can use for natural magic. She will often give me insights on what trees are useful for what types of magic. For example I was once doing a love spell for a couple and she led me to a tree that was embracing another tree. According to the mystic Jacob Bohme, the creator marked objects with a sign, or “signature” for their purpose and use. By paying attention to what we see while in natural places we can find the solutions to many problems. Bhuvaneshwari can help you further in tuning in to these things if you silently chant her Bija mantra while engaged in such natural studies. Another way that Bhuvaneshwari has been of help is in Real Estate magic.

I often have a client or friend who is interested in selling a piece of property. By petitioning Bhuvaneshwari for assistance she has helped them to sell the property quickly, profitably and successfully. Working with her to sell property could be as simple as gathering some herbs which are useful for real-estate sales such as cinnamon, cedar and cloves, placing them in a brown cloth which has the mantra “Hreem” written in red or black and in a red or black triangle pointing downwards, and chanting the mantra “OM HREEM OM” 108 times, blowing your breath on the herbs (while visualizing your goal) and folding the entire package and tying it with a red string, and praying over it asking the goddess Bhuvaneshwari to help you sell the property, and then burying the herbal charm in the backyard of the property. Bhuvaneshwari is certainly a very helpful deity, and will assist you and teach you much of value.”

Further reading – A simple to read and engaging book is “Mantra Meditation: Change Your Karma with the Power of Sacred Sound” by Thomas Ashley-Farrand


Ibi tí à ńlọ là ńwò, a kìí wo ibi táa ti ṣubú. /
One ought to focus on where one is going, not where one had fallen……Yoruba Proverb!

[Look beyond past failures.]

All religion are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…. Obara Meji!

There no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji

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4 years ago

I will learn some of this,thank u


[…] Mantra. I have spoken about this mantra a few times before (and have a post by a blogger on mantras here). But this particular mantra has helped me many years ago. There was a time when nothing was going […]

9 years ago

Evening my dear Obara n Cami cams (smiling) warms my heart to see u emptying ur bottle Cami. I downloaded a mantra to my phone and started listening them again. I cannot correctly pronounce them but my head receives them. They calm my head n bring a peace to my spirit.

9 years ago

Evening everyone. Obara, I like that experience you shared. That chant does hold power. I think it works well when a person is in distress and need aid or an outlet.

Just woke up…soon hit up the next post.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Ok. Me boxing about till I drop asleep.

9 years ago

Morning ES…Obara whey yu de?

9 years ago

Good morning everyone. Just checking in. I hope everyone is well. Hailings to Obara, toy, cam cam, ss,cb,bfaroy and all es family. This is a very interesting article. I will put it to work in the next few weeks. O, how long do you have to chant a particular mantra?

9 years ago
Reply to  SeaQueen

Hey SQ, very good question regarding time.

9 years ago
Reply to  SeaQueen

Ok short story on this topic. I was introduced to chanting while locked up in Juvenile detention in the state of California. I spent close to a year in detention. I was a runaway from age 13-18, Cali was my final destination during that period. If ever I feel like I’ll tell that story, lol. Well, I ha a friend in lockup, her mother was an Egyptian anthropologist, so she was aware of certain things. I’ve always crave knowledge. I was a tough one, I never cried for anyone to see or hear. I had no visits because I had… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  SeaQueen

Obara! told you about my # of familiarity…check many postings I’m on and you’ll see it for yourself. 22

9 years ago

Good evening all.

9 years ago

Hi Obara Meji and ESP clan,

Thank you and thank you Fasola for your comment.

Spiritual Seeker – I read that Lakshmi cannot share the same space with Saraswati unless Ganesha is between them and she can’t be given Tulsi leaves.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago
Reply to  AcolyteCB

Thanks CB! I also feel drawn to Saraswati too, so that’s good to know. 🙂

9 years ago

Thank you so much for posting this. I love how the blogger explains how the mantra actually works. I have always been drawn to Indian religions/spirituality.

9 years ago

Good afternoon gentle folks! Thanks for sharing anon. Mi guh test out this mantra chant an si if mi get results in 2 weeks.

9 years ago

Hi SS. I am good how about you? Cami what’s up? Nunu, Kia, SQ, and to whoever I missed how are you all doing?

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

Hey Toy 😉 me de yah. I haven’t read this as yet. Tomorrow me on it with a short story to share on the topic.

Good morning to EVERYONE! Obara hail up

9 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hailings to you too Cam, big up SS, Toy, LM and Teach

9 years ago

Thank you to the blogger that sent in the article. I love it

9 years ago

Hello!! Very insightful article… Thanks Obara Miji for sharing.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

Oops, my manners. Howdy Obara and all ES crew!

Hey Toy! How you do?

9 years ago

It is so interesting.

9 years ago

Hi Obara and ES family. I wanted to say hello. I can’t wait to finishing reading this article

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

Wow, there’s so much to learn about connecting with these energies. This is very interesting to know how mantras work and that each of the hindu deities have their own mantras. Obara, do mantras sort of work similar to the yoruba orikis or praises to the orishas?

My ancestors have told me that I need to also keep Lakshmi in my house, but I need to find someone who can instruct me how to work with her.

Fasola Oguntunde
Fasola Oguntunde
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

The oriki are used to draw, attract and give homage to the aṣe of an Òrìṣà especially over an ojùbó (consecrated shrine) or during offerings. Traditional Yorùbá also use afọṣe (called ofo aṣe in America) which are words of power that are chanted repeatedly to invoke the aṣe of an Òrìṣà. Babalawo frequently use iyẹrẹ Ifá, which are Ifá verses that are tonal poems that are chanted over medicines (usually akoṣe) to be given to clients. Iyẹrẹ Ifá are always chanted over offerings and as prayers in the same way mantras are used, to affect change and manifest specific blessings… Read more »

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thanks Obara and Falola!

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