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This week while teaching the online class, I went into memory of a friend I had long time ago. For the purpose of anonymity I will call her Doris. I have recounted her story here within a post before, but as it relates to the point of this story, I will retell it. The memory came back as I was telling class about how in life one thing affects the other, mostly unbeknownst to us. What one person does affects everybody else, this is the connection we all have as human beings, or I should say one of them. We should be wise to this and pay attention. Well as the story goes Doris and I met up at a friends house an older woman we will call Shirley. We all went to the same church and often times would meet at my older friends home after church to eat, and shoot the breeze. This particular day, we sat in her kitchen while she cooked, laughing and talking as usual. My older friend was a peaceful, nice, very loving woman, while Doris was half human, half she demon, though she had her fun and funny side, I liked her, hellish as she was, lol. I liked her because of this particular trait, her wickedness, yes I did.

Let me explain before you judge me for liking Satan’s wife. I love to laugh, and I found her funny. We all went to a spiritual church,we were all on a spiritual path, and were (Doris and I) workers of spirit. While Doris walked in darkness, I chose light, the older woman had knowledge of zion revival and was not a spiritual practitioner. Doris however was a self taught, read books, watched and learned what others did, she likened herself a spiritual practitioner. She really did not know a lot, but what she did was she made friends with many spiritual people and would nosy herself with their work and she learned like that here and there. Also she made bed partners with some Obeah men who would show her a little of this and a little of that. It wounded her in the end however as this is never a good thing to do. She was older than me, they both were, as I like the company of older people and we would hang out together a lot. She liked the dark side of the work and as I said I found it funny, because she would attempt to obeah anyone who crossed her just a little, and she did it with a smile, a wicked one. I found it funny, at the time, and most often did not take her seriously. She was a movie script waiting for me to write about her someday, and I shall. She reminds me of Doreen in the stories written here by me of Alton and Doreen a tale of Obeah and revenge.

While my friend cooked, Doris was preparing a candle and was not partaking into our conversation. After a while (I do not remember in full details how the argument began) my friend Shirley and I began to have an disagreement which almost got heated. I was surprised, as Shirley never quarrelled with anyone, yet there we were almost cussing, which was unusual because I know the importance of respecting my elders and would never engage in an argument with an elder as she was in anyway. Something nudged me to turn around, and there I saw Doris happily preparing a black candle and in her hand was confusion powder and some other bad powders and she was chanting some words as she prepared the candle. I suddenly realized that as Doris was preparing this bad work, the bad energy which she invoked through her work and intent, came and created exactly what she intended for her victim. It materialized right there in the room where we all were. Shirley and I unfortunately felt and reacted to the bad energy released as we were in that space and hence the quarrel from out of no where. Forces destructive were there to create havoc, and because Doris did not know how to control them, they made a grand entrance which manifested as a quarrel between us two. Once we realized it, we had to dispatch it, but my friend Doris to this day (I have only heard of her, we are no longer in contact, but I still like her) is still the same way, and her life shows her work as it is always filled with problems.

I am so saddened and disgusted by people who release negative energies out into the universe by doing just as Doris did. People who are self professed spiritualists who read and have google as their professors, trying to do the “work”, spiritual work, which they have no idea of what they are doing or the energy they are releasing, especially with their “intent” which is the force behind whatever they do. I once had a nanny from Barbados who lived in my home while she took care of my children. She had a dark look to her, not complexion, but it was like she was being shadowed by something dark and angry (this was her true spirit, but I was too busy to see it). I saw it before she was hired, but her resume was good and her references were excellent so I went ahead with the hire, when I really should have spiritually investigated the woman. After a month of working for me, I came home one night and went to her room to let her know that I was home as it was late. I did not want to knock on her room door, just incase if she was sleeping and so I quietly opened the door and found her on her knees in front of her dresser with a candle order (as set of candles) set upon the dresser and the room was brightly lit from the candle lights. The candle colors were black, brown, and some other colors, being a sensible person spiritually at the time, I studied the colors and made an immediate decision that by morning she had to go. She was frightened in seeing me and she stumbled up from her kneeling, frightened within that moment of being caught. She tried to explain to me that she was praying for my household and so she lit the candles. I smiled and asked her to put the candles out as I was not comfortable with them and she did so before I left for my own room.

When Morning came, I had a talk with her and let her go. I did so, because I realized the moment I saw the order she had been burning in my home and that it was no good, but worse was the fact that she had not idea of what she was doing. The order was not an order (in the spiritual sense) and made no sense. She had no idea that I was a “knowledgeable elder” and as such knew more than she did. I realize however, while standing in her room that night that her Intent was to secure her job, so that when she had to travel to her country I would be under a spell and keep hiring her regardless of who I had in her place when she left. When she left, I cleared the house spiritually, but it was hell. The woman had “accidentally” called down a legion of spirits, which gave me hell to get rid of. They brought torment, and chaos and I must tell you that she did not mean to do this. However she rigged this and rigged that. She threw a recipe of disaster together, like a someone who cannot cook and end up burning the kitchen down. It took me months to be rid of what she invoked, because not only did she burn this order of candles which did not go together, but she also sprinkled and placed all sorts of foolishness all over the house. I had to do a spiritual search to find and destroy them.

There are many people who create problems for themselves, being self taught spiritualist or who google instructions on spiritual work and do them. When they experience problems, they wonder what happen. This is not a good thing to do. Often times they may complain about paying a spiritualist for divination or work, believing that THEY can do it on their own, not realizing the problem they are creating for themselves and for others. A woman sometime ago, accidently killed her boyfriend, who was the one taking care of her, he was a hustler. She went somewhere and tied him up spiritually. What they used in the binding job was taboo for him (they didn’t know this), and so this taboo was given to him and he died from a motorcycle accident. We all have taboos, things that we ought not to do, spiritually, this comes with our life book or what we call in  Ifa/orisha tradition Odu. Our taboos, once we know them and adhere to them, will aid in our travel along life’s way and allow us to live out our lives as planned before we came here to this earth realm. Going against our taboos can cause serious problems, even resulting in death. The woman, being selfish and wanting to alter this man’s destiny to suit her desires, did the unthinkable and resulted in the greedy dog losing his bone, as he was her benefactor.

Many people who seek to assist themselves from what they read or research are most often doing themselves and everyone a great wrong. What they are letting loose onto the world, is terrible and when unleashed they create famine, earthquakes, floods, accidents, people committing all types of crimes, because the energies created by wrongdoing spiritually, will need to do their work and that is destruction. We must be careful and walk in light and with light,

Take baby steps if you realize your path or are on a path of self realization. Pray for light and the right mentor to show themselves. When they do, for you will know who they are, deal gently and respectfully, realizing that this meeting is one you orchestrated before you were born. You chose to meet up in this realm when this person agreed to be your spiritual teacher. Never run before him or her, most often in your haste to begin practicing spirituality youmay believe that this person is not showing you anything, and so you may get impatient and begin to even hate or resent this person. When this happens, it serves to show that you are a fool, a fool in your thoughts, in your way of understanding of lack of. The person who learns the most, is not the talker but the observer, the keen listener, and in all things most often silence speaks the loudest, if you can understand this what I have just written then you are surely on a path. Be careful of the things you invoke with work and intention. Walk as children of light.

I Love You All

Obara Meji


Káa tó dé ibi tí a ńlọ, a má ńkọ́kọ́ dé ibi táà ò fẹ́ / 
Before getting to one’s destination, one may end up where one would rather not be.,,,Yoruba Proverb!

[Endurance and persistent focus are crucial]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji

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9 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Yu nah go a u bed?

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Me get it. Soon go look pon it.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I know the power of the mind is strong, but was even more intrigued that just a deep concentration or tek set thought can be dangerous to the intended.

9 years ago

Hi Obara Meji, wow that was a powerful story this really had me thinking. i stumbled across your site researching online classes. I wanted to learn the work, i feel like i am gifted and i have a calling. but i don’t know which way to turn. which light to wall in i have been mislead so much and been taught the wrong teachings. i recently was looking for help how to protect myself been going through a lot lately and some people i think may have crossed me up and i needed guidance, but after reading this story kind… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Eisha

Hi, you may have bad minded people in your life, but the self helps may have intensified your issues. You’ve come to the right place to seek knowledge…if that is truly what you seek and not an experiment of ones skill set.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Lmao yu a pred out but u know im speaking my truth lol yow i have to call all the light beings for deal cause some tormentors make u want to roll a dutty n pred out wid laugh when reaction take them. Yu ever see them cry cree. Nobody not pitiful like them. Loooool
Night Eisha thank u for sharing ur truth.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Nighty night lol Obara whats the word again we use when u want rejoice? schnrefade or something God know i have a wicked baby father and some wicked ppl and it take every piece a light in me not to rejoice when reaction take them. Smdh

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

KB! hail up. Poor yu and Obara wid the bad breed BBD dem. lol I missed that life adventure, lol

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Drop a rassss grunggggg! I see the dude and oh my, oh my. Okay, dude intelligent, can’t rob him of that. BUT he is locked into ALL the materials that he has read over the years.

I wouldn’t be surprise him pull out a bag a crystals, pull a black hood over him head or pull out a wand! Him look like him a recover from…something.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Obara and Cami I just chocked on my food. Don’t kill me please. Dead @wand… he does look like he is recovering from something I don’t know. Lmao lmao lmao lmao he extra hype. I can’t you and Obara. Lmao. I had a good laugh

9 years ago

Obara, these same people think that their deeds will never catch up to them. Funny, the evil they send to others have a way of coming back to them. Doreen is an excellent example of these type of people.

9 years ago
Reply to  Carpediem

Night Carpe i think they kinda know but they crave wickedness. Dem heart nuh clean! They know what u put into the atmosphere must return to u. Seeds of inqutity must beget inqutity. But they the first to cry cree. Thats why its hard at times for one not to rejoice when u see the ol wicked get them just reward.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

Evening everyone!

Great post, Obara. The importance of the guidance of an elder who knows that they’re doing can’t be stressed enough. People think delving into the spirit world is a joke and all fun and games until they learn the hard way.

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ok i will send it to you

9 years ago

Hi Obara, Nunu, Cami,Kia, and ES fam. I Nunu we are waiting for the book. Can’t wait

9 years ago

Obara I am so glad you wrote this story. I was on youtube and was watching this guy he usually talks about astrology. Anyway, this one video he made saying that this a ritual that he made up. He was telling the people to do this particular ritual on the full moon and he was telling the men to their semen in a cup and put on their altars if they had one. He told them to pray and call on their female ancestors and told them to say Ase 13x. I pretty sure someone did it. I don’t know,… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

DWL! Toy what a gwan? lol I wonder how many mad men were created from that video? lol Obara why that sound like some fishy ritual? lolllll

9 years ago

Good evening folks! Firstly, mi nuh think nobody can evil like handsome Doreen, mi miss dem ie si.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nunu

Hey NuNu! good to see you. This post is on point (as usual, lol) and it’s a pity that spirituality is a subculture practice and not mainstream.

O, I addressed you the other day, regarding the intentions of ones mindset being just as powerful as if they went to do works.

*BOOK! BOOK! BOOK! I’m starving to read.

9 years ago

Whoa. This was an excellent post and certainly much needed for those who bravely Google recipes on how to hurt people or how to alter someone’s destiny. I love that you said that the energies invoked create so many of our worlds problems because they must carry out the destruction they were created/invoked for. If people knew, understood, or cared about these things, I bet the world wouldn’t constantly be in such disarray.

9 years ago

Greetings Obara and ESP family. Excellent advice, Obara. I find that when these novices do their own work, they cause detriment to so many innocent lives.

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