Last night I was having a conversation with my children and the topic was on spirit and I was asked by Osun Karode the youngest one, if spirits have forms, how do they look when they leave the body.I told her that when a person dies and he is relieved from his physical flesh he sees himself as he looked in his earthly life. However to us here in the physical realm, he will look, if you happen to see him outside of our peripheral or if he is moving quickly from one place to another as a thin vapor, much like steam or smoke. If the spirit is evolved and has gone through their judgement and have settled in their world, then we will see them as a twinkle of light, like a fire fly only not as big or with yellow light. The light will be a dot of white light. Not in all cases however will you experience them like this, there are other ways that they may present themselves but this explanation is for another post.
I am an Oracle. I do not need paraphernalia to divine, although I will use them from time to time, but people who know me prefer when I divine for them using myself as the Oracle instead of using an instrument. Recently there have been reports in the news of Children in Jamaican and the Caribbean becoming sick and being rushed to the hospitals because of playing this game. Reports of weird things happening when the “demon” Charlie for whom this game is named of is invoked by those who have summoned him. The game acts like a ouija board and is said to give horrible experiences to those whom play. I would really like to be present when someone is playing and observe there after the effects of Charlie the demon boy.
The first and second link provided below was sent o me by blogger ty, in the second link however,although I like the author very much, he is a comedian and a Doctor, in this article I did not like his cynicism or slightly jeering/mocking attitude of peoples fears, superstitions and or experiences. I do respect a person who is not quick to become suspicious or people who are no way overly superstitious, however some supposed superstitions does bare fruit. I have been a doubtful Thomas all my life, yes I am. Things had to make sense to me for me to believe it. I am not easily sold on any tale or idea. I would go out of my way to walk under a ladder or step on a crack, my mothers back is still in tact. One day as I was driving with my little daughter on our way to the bakery to get bread and bun to take to Africa for us, this was a time when I wanted her to initiate. I stopped at a stop sign waiting for the flow of cars to pass, as I saw my way clear and I began to drive a black cat crossed my path. I never believed in “If a black cat crosses your path it is bad luck or bad news”, but within that moment as the cat ran on about its way I had a funny feeling in the pit of my stomach that something was wrong and I directed the sign and feeling to the black. Lo and behold I received a call that my daughter was not granted a visa due to her age and that she needed the fathers consent. (de wicked baby puppa who never gave her a dime or sent her a line, a letter nor a fifty cent stamp, this is a famous saying used by Jamaicans, lol). In that moment I realized for the first time that not all superstitions should be brushed of and slighted. A wise person should take note, do not become a fanatic, use wisdom and observe. A wise person should know that there are many things that defies logic as we human beings know it, and that our minds as humans is limited, this limitation however is what makes us human beings, can you understand that? When our mental limitation is stretched and we begin to understand certain complexities then off to the mad house we go encased in to a well cut to fit straight jacket.
Unless you are trained extensively like Babalawos for years and taught o understand the binary codes of life, while remaining humbling, only then will you begin to accept the world and its inhabitants and that which is beyond as apart of a natural cycle of what is divinely ordered.
I have to go, they have brought the animals and sacrifice is to be given now, however I will try to peep later, as we go another day into our initiation here in Lagos.
YW! I saw you on the other post and will return to it later on to reply to you. When I come back later….I’m on a battle field right now and me near the end of it….BB later
Patiently waiting…..
YW! you know me not going to cause you to wait long…I replied to the post.
Again, I got a job (I told you a joke about it on the post, lol)
Congrats my sister, I have been praying for you…so happy for you….
Love it, mi sister. Commented to your comment on the other post….Ah feel like a commentator…Yuh haffi tell mi a time an date that wi can link up and chitty-di-chat soon…ah seems to been miss yuh 🙂
Teach im waitinggggggggggggggggggg
@ Caroline, Hey Scorpio girl, yuh come back to we now?
Lolol@ come back.
Obara Meji, after looking for you all these years, and finding the proverbial needle in the haystack, how can I leave you? Chuuu!! Nevah! I shall be like your second shadow in this world and the next, lol.
Caroline…you know second spot is going to be a battle? lol
Hi Obara Meji and ESP family, Thanks for this –> “If the spirit is evolved and has gone through their judgement and have settled in their world, then we will see them as a twinkle of light, like a fire fly only not as big or with yell light,the light will be a dot of white light.” I used to see two small black orbs zooming about in my bedroom. They were not insects either and had an intelligence about them i.e they almost seemed playful. I posted about it on my FB wall and on that same day, they… Read more »
Hi everyone… Obara how are you? ES fam big up. My Kids were talking about this game last week. I didn’t even know what they they were talking about. Ty thank you for the article.
Toy, Toy hailings.
NuNu and KB hope work treating you all well. Ty I already know you are a workaholic, lol.
Jazzy, Mth whats up chicas?
Hi Cher
Hello everyone
Also Obara are you going to continue your series on Obeah.
Hi Obara and family, can I make a suggestion , for you to start little lessons to help us become more awake, for instance lesson # 1 could be titled, AWAKE – understanding your head and awareness …. and give us a worksheet to include both theory and Practical concepts for us to develop our strengths and write to you about our experiences for review and correction. Not ot take anything away from what the School will harvest but little introductory lessons, we can start with. I believe your blog is directed to full teaching to the ones that divinely… Read more »
@Ty, from my experience with the pendulum and I’m sure others can agree, sometimes our minds alone based on our perceptions or the answers we “expect” will be manifested in the answers our pendulum gives. For example, if you closed your eyes and spoke with your pendulum even in your mind, without saying it out loud, move left and right, after about 10 seconds if you open your eyes it will be moving left and right. When using the pendulum, you have to disattach your “expectations” for honest answers. Don’t answer the question in your mind, but then expect the… Read more »
Kreyoldoll, that is why I agree with Obara when she says that your ori is like an Orisha and that it to must be serviced….
I am on the quest to connect with my ori, my authentic self, and my guides….
We all are actors and play our parts and roles according to our audience….that is why I find such comfort in meditating and self reflection than I do with anything else….
I have a love-hate relationship with my pendulum…. Sometimes I think it tells me the answers I want to hear….sometimes it ignores me and tell me, “I do not know”….lol
Obara, how is it that a mere human can use and manipulate spirits? And how do these said humans know that they are not being manipulated?
Alright Christians no boat her stone me with unno bibles…..
Obara, a question for you….. When many people praise, worship and tap into the Christ consciousness ( I believe that he may or may not have been here, but resides within time and space or a realm as an energy form that we can often access……) this energy form or level increases…..likewise with all these thousands of children tapping into this energy form, Charlie Charlie….does this increase this energy form?
I hope my thought came out ok….
Now Mek quote my husband, which Mexican Pickney name Charlie?
DWL!!!! Ty and YW onu is a trip. Yw! Charlie Sheen, lol
I think the article written by the doctor was very syndicalism because of the foolish paranoia that the church and Christians placed on the Charlie Charlie phenomenon …..
Instead a prominent pastor should have come out an explain how this works and what exactly is happening….instead they used this as an opportunity to continue their cycle of fear …
Morning esp crew and non physicals….
Could it be that the ouija boards and similar fandagles merely either open gateways or energy frequencies that allow waywards, or lower beings access to our realms?
I remember in high school some girls had used the ouija board at another high school and the girls begin to have seizures and then were unconscious for a few days….it would be good to hear from these girls now, to hear of their experiences….to see if any had traveled to any realms or underwent any initiations…
TY I totally agree with what u said, that’s the same thing im thinking too
I strongly believe it opens portals within the area that it’s being used in. For a number of years I had dreams of being in contact with a board around ages 4-6. The memory came to me after watching a show years ago; then, around 1993, I purchased a board at Kaybee’s just because of the constant dream ( and fact that I found a place to buy one), but I didn’t play with it and lo n behold the board disappeared. Often times I try to remember the last place I saw the darn board. I don’t recall ever… Read more »
If you ever run across one of them be sure to ask and share.
forgive my many typing errors, please mange them, I am off, love you all!!
Obara, ansa yu phone. TY and everyone Love n Light. Ase.