Good morning one and all. I hope everyone had a great weekend as I have due to the first session of my online classes. Sunday I went out into nature along with my daughter and two of my Babalawo brothers to do Ebo (Eh-bo) which is sacrifice. When we came back, they had come to my home for a meeting, we have our own egbe (meaning society or group) where we meet and discuss things spiritual and also Isese (E-shay-shay – which is Yoruba for Tradition and this is of Ifa/Orisha) as we are all (including my children), traditional practitioners of Isese, and this means that we practice the way of our ancestors and the way it is supposed to be practiced as done by the Yoruba people of South Western Nigeria. Not a variation of or similar to, or a bastardized version, but the authentic way of practice as it is done today in Africa.
During our meeting, something interesting happened. When I got up on Sunday and prepared for my brothers in tradition (the Babalawos) to come, I realized that I did not feel good. My children and I have been experiencing some different kind of energies now for the past two weeks. The effect gave us all different feelings, but they knew that the feelings were not normal (I taught them well as they grew to recognize shifts in energies, may it be negative or positive), so I have had to be beating off these energies for sometime now. However this is my work so I am not new to this, but because I am known within the realm of spirits as Obara the “duppy” slayer and Obara the slayer of anything that does not have a physical form and can mek people run leff dem drawers (lol!), I knew that something was definitely shifting around me and my household.
As I have said before, for the past two weeks we have been experiencing different feelings which we know that definitely are not normal to our lifestyle, health or emotions. Before I begin to explain what happened last night, I just want to clarify for you some things which will allow you to understand my daily ins and outs as a spiritual practitioner and a traditionalist. Now, for all who read this blog know that I am also a medium and what this means is that spirits and other entities (one day I will explain what I mean by “other entities”) have the ability to speak through me if I allow them. I can say if I allow them at this point in my life because I am now a spiritual elder as opposed to when I was just awakening and had no control of my medium abilities that all and sundry would use my body as a portal or port of entry to the physical world and speak whatever they chose. So over time I have met many spirits, learned many different languages from said spirits (please note that on my own, when I am not possessed, I am not able to speak these languages. However, I may be able, at times, to understand a foreign language even when I am not possessed), learned their signs/insignia/seals/ and whatever totems that belongs to them. I am a medium, not the medium you see on television that sits and speaks to duppy, but one who lends herself so that non physicals can pass on messages, have a voice, and even heal through – this is one of my works here.
My children, God bless them, has had to live with seeing their mother become possessed in their presence almost daily for years, and so them witnessing this with me and having within them my own DNA, they too have now been opened up, though perhaps in a different way. It was important for me to tell you this before continuing my story so that you can follow along to what lead to last nights encounter in my home.
The first of my online classes which was done this past Saturday opened up somewhere in the realms of time and space, joy from my soul group who were happy to see me step into the next phase of my life. Two nights before I began that class, a particular song played and replayed in my head, over and over again. I had to quiet everything in my room in order to listen to the words and after a Youtube search, I finally found the song:
After I played this video and my children and I listened, I knew that there was a great celebration in the spiritual realm from where I came (who remembers this post? Here). I realized, after playing this song, what was happening and I would laughingly refer to my spiritual home as “back home.” The very night before the first class began, they serenaded me again. This time with this song:
If you listen to the words, you’ll realize that both songs are professing an undying love for someone and I, within that moment, rejoiced with my children because not only do I realize that I have shifted or stepped into another phase in my life, but I also realized that my questions have been answered. I had written about my search for the next phase of my life in the post called “Searching” which was written January 12th 2015.
Now, onto the the fascinating events of last night. Hollywood could not have created what occurred in my home, but let me walk you through. As I mentioned before, while preparing for my spiritual brothers to come, I began to feel different. I did not at first alert anyone about my feelings because I did not want to pay mind to it just in case it was a trick from a spiritual entity, as it most often is with human beings but before the end of the night, I would know why my daughter and myself felt these feelings. When the Babalawos arrived we chatted a bit before heading out to nature to do do our sacrifices. We then returned home, ate, and began our meeting.
It was during this meeting that between the two of the Babalawo’s, the task was given to one of them to cast Ifa on questions arriving from the meeting itself. As traditionalist we do not make any decision unless Ifa is consulted, so this was the norm for us. Now, as I have said before, everyone knows me as a Medium but as the Babalawo cast Ifa, almost in the middle of the consultation – I became possessed.
Let me explain to you how possession works with me. There we were, a meeting of 5 (myself, the Babalawos, and my two daughters), attentively listening to the messages coming from Orunmila through the oracle Ifa, when a voice came strongly from my mouth and greeted all in the room “HELLO.”
My children, who are used to this with me, expressed the salutation right back, but the Babalawo who was casting Ifa looked up and asked “was that a spirit that passed through?” I and my children answered him in unison, “yes,” but by this time the spirit is still trying to come through but I, being in control, tried to stave it off. But as the casting continued, the spirit finally came through completely. I stooped with one knee on the ground and an arm propped upon my chair, with my eyes closed. I began to salute all in the room with “As-salaam Alaikum” to which all responded “Wa-Alaikum Salaam.” I then began to speak Kikongo, the language of the Bantu people of the Congo. Not only did the spirit speak in this language but it also translated some of what it said to English as some of the language were more than likely personal prayers for an individual who was there.
Now, while I was in spirit, (this was after I was released that I realized what was happening), one of my Brothers in tradition (not the one that was casting but the second one, who is also an initiate of Ogun), was becoming possessed by the spirit of his Omo Orisa while I was still in my possession. My children told me afterwards that while the spirit took grip of him, he fought to be released. His body swelled, his teeth clenched, his eyes squeezed shut, and his fists clenched tightly… But then it stopped, and for just a moment he came back to himself long enough to say “Ase” to the prayers of the spirit who was still in possession of me.
However, I was told afterwards by my children, that after the Babalawo released himself for a moment, the spirit within me banged the table and said “Not yet!” My children, at first, did not realize what the spirit meant by this, but after they told me, I explained to them that this meant that the spirit that wanted to speak or act through the Babalawo should wait until the Congolese message has come through first and then he can come through on his own, and there was a reason for this that we would later find out. The Congolese spirit gave a direct and important message to the Babalawo who was casting and after that spirit released me, the other Babalawo was taken hold of yet again. Again, his body swelled, his fists clenched, his eyes squeezed shut, and his body shook so terribly you can almost feel the place vibrate… until at last it stopped and his eyes opened but it was clear that the Babalawo was not within that body. Instead, standing before us, was the personification of Orisa Ogun who now possessed my friend’s body. He went over to work with my Esu and Ogun and it was during this time that he signalled the casting Babalawo who received the first message from the Congolese spirit and right before Ogun the message only continued making it a story told to the casting Babalawo of his life and what to expect.
Going back to the morning when my daughter and I felt as how we did, unbeknownst to us, the Babalawo who the messages came for and who was on his way to my home, all the spirits that came through last night, had already gathered in the house and my daughter and I felt their energy. They had something in store for all of us which would be great, but we had no idea.
Last night in my home while these things happened, a healing occurred, a story was told, and blessings were given. It was a great night where humans and spirits intermingled together as one, humans hosting the spirit, spirit giving the message and performing the healing. How great is God?
Obara Meji
Tí orí kan bá sunwọ̀n á ran’gba. /
If one head (a person) is blessed, hundreds others will be positively affected….Yoruba Proverb!
[Success is contagious]
Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji
With the exception of the dieties, do mediums have control over who they can conjure up? I’ve seen tv mediums (no disrespect here) channel their client’s loved ones all the time, is it actually the loved ones they’re receiving messages from or is it just a random omniscient spirit unbeknownst to the medium?
This depends on how competent the medium is. A medium is subject to all and every spirit wanting to communicate through them. The televisions ones I am not sure about, because I do not believe most of them. I am a medium and it is not one of the most difficult gifts God can bestow in anyone. Good question.
Ok. I am quite aware of practice under the guise of Catholicism but I have also read where some posit that some elders that were taken had the real mccoy which was never passed down to those left behind either (my short summary). Either way, perception is reality but for me it detracts (from the post and generally) rather than lifts up to compare and denigrate another way of life or religion. I think it sufficient to declare that Ifa is AWESOME. Oh, when I was eating that, I had plenty Jamaican stewed chicken in and out of Jamaica and… Read more »
That is nice for you Nelle but not everyone HAS the same pallate, and as a JAMAICAN and a great Cook myself (mine and entry plent people opinion), I do not concurr. I am an an initiate and a practitioner and when I write it is important to me to make these references because someone has to set the record straight and tell the truth, out in cyber world, book world and real world are many lies on the defamation of the African and his tradition. My knowledge of my tradition does not come from books but from hands on… Read more »
Afternoon Obara ES members I got ur email O. 🙁 sorry to hear. I was super excited as im sure yu n others were.
Bear with me please, but is it possible to not bother with descriptions like “bastardized” inauthentic or watered down etc? I know the reference is to Lucumi but it’s also an unpleasant reminder of the likes of the Jehovah’s witness/Adventist, Catholic/Anglican, all the divisiveness in religion generally with everyone firmly believing that theirs is the absolute best (some say only) way. The person who in a roundabout and very indirect way contributed somewhat to me being even aware of Ifa’s existence has since happily and fully converted to Christianity! After all, all religions that are about peace are valid ent.… Read more »
@Nelle, Ifa orisha is not a religion, it is a way of life. It is indeed “watered down” or changed as would anything be if it strays from its origin. Think of food: If Jamaican Stew Chicken orignates in Jamaica, and a few Jamaicans travel out to China, they will still make Stew Chicken but the recipe and maybe even the name will change. This is what I mean by “bastardised” or watered down, because it no longer follows the traditions of where it originates. The Lucumi tradition HAD to be mixed because of slavery, so they were pretty much… Read more »
Lol, @queenleelee
Oh what a night…I could almost see it as I read…awesome…a little scary for the newbees , but fascinating. ..beautiful! !
Ok, thanks in advance. Not nice at all! But I stop panicking long time now, once I accepted I am not dying. I just sort of wait for it to pass.
@nelle, I never did, but I will try to tell the spiritual side of it, since I experience it often, it is not a nice feeling
This experience, though positive sounds mildly scary. I actually tried to watch the Penny Dreadful series, within two minutes somebody got sucked out of a room or something and that was enough for me. Haven’t tried again since. Have you ever done a post on or has anyone experienced “sleep paralysis”? I was searching for it. I tired have it but I had like a higher level or some type of Inception style version of it recently, where I was having it in my dream–it wasn’t real it seems– and some strange man came and sprawl off on top of… Read more »
Nice read
Eventually Toy, lol
Lol ok
Hi everyone, I am shocked that spirit banged the table. He really had message to give you guys and I am happy that it come through. Did the spirits leave immediately after they delivered the messages?
Aseee!, Thank you CB
Lol. I am just your average displaced Kikuyu. I went off to read the old post you linked (David sounds like such a gorgeous man. It is a shame he didn’t come here with the intention to stick around for long) and I forgot to say that your Babalawo friend, the Omo Ogun, must be seriously physically and spiritually strong inorder to withstand such a powerful vibration. Much respect to him. I like how there were a few Omo Oguns here and just before you started your online classes. Is he not the Orisha of technology? ahh…wonderful. I truly believe… Read more »
KMMMMMM! Long timeeeeee….((((((((hugs))))))))))), yes mi love one big Stone Love Dance dem keep up when dem dem, lolol
Wow wow wow. One of my favorites, this one! That first half of the post (your new phase) could be a post itself! How beautiful that your soul group serenaded you with such music to express their joy.
This is what I love, someone who understands hidden messages, yes Caroline, lol, the number 5…just who the hell are you? Lol
Hi all,
The part where you get possessed and start talking Kikongo is like a Penny Dreadful episode come to life! She also started speaking in this language whenever she became possessed.
Soon as I read this part “There we were, a meeting of 5 (myself, the Babalawos, and my two daughters)” I knew something was going to kick off. 5 being the number associated with the Pentagram must be a powerful number.
Thanks for sharing your experience!