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Some time ago I met a young man who was referred to me by another client. He was on a spiritual path, or so he says, and needed divination to clarify some venture he was about to embark on. He had gone (before he met me) to another spiritualist before coming to me and was told that he had a gift and that his spirits were with him and are very strong, he had gone to several, but at first told me of one.

He told me that he had heard of me  through the client who had in turn directed him to the blog. He told me he had read the blog and loved it and wanted to really meet me for a reading and to see if I could be his spiritual mentor or God mother. I told him that I did not quickly take God children on (people who I initiated or mentored along their path), because I was very serious when it came to having people who I help guide spiritually and most who says they are on a path really are not, most have some secret agenda, and that is to find power and use it in a negative way. I did not accept him right away, and I did not have any intention to. I had seen through his character and I did not like what I saw. After I read him, I did not see a person with the strong gift of spirit that I was told was seen by another spiritualist,  but I said nothing. I saw someone who was a trickster, a manipulator, one who acted innocent to fool the crowd, even me, he was a seeker, yes he was, but not of spirituality, he was a seeker of power, spiritual power and for all the wrong reasons.

He was a fine fellow, who knew how to speak, quite charismatic and likable, to all who could not see through the act. For some reason many people who are attractive usually get by on their looks and doors open for them, even when they do not deserve it, some are even jerks, but a flash of white teeth, and a winsome smile can in fact be a passport for the undeserving, much like Peter Griffin from Family guy in the episode when he thought he was handsome and created a club for handsome people, lol, he could not even drive, because he was so handsome. The guy was in fact a nut, albeit a handsome nut. There were plenty tools missing from the tool box, and I do mean twilight zone music playing in the background plenty Let me go into the story just a little so that you all could get my point.

He received his reading from me, and the oracle advised him on certain issues in his life which was holding him back and how he should deal with them. He asked a lot of questions, saying that he really did not understand what the spirit was saying as he wanted to open a business, but he was told that it would not work in the area he had already chose to do it in. He asked me why, and I in turn asked the oracle, who is wiser than the both of us and it told him that he needed to rethink the business as it was not the time or him to enter into this business venture.

He sat and looked at me while he seemed to ponder what was revealed, perhaps he hoped I had changed my mind and  tell lies on the oracle by saying that the business would be successful, who knows. I guess the revelation was a shocker because he had been to many people before coming to me (he finally admitted) and all who read him told him all was well and that the business would thrive, abundance was in view they told him. I was the only one who read him and told him this was not so. I do understand the shock on his part. I felt like the big bad wolf who snatched granny away from Red riding hood, or the spider who frightened away Little Miss Muffet. I had killed the hell out of his dream, but truth be told and in the words of reggae artist Shaggy,“it wasn’t me”, it was the oracle, I was only the interpreter, (everybody waan eat sugar, no one wants to taste salt) but I could not tell him a lie, because what laid before me was the truth, as I was sure of it, my oracle never lies.

He went to other people after he left me, I knew he did and I said nothing to him when he would call to update me on his progress of getting the shop together. I listened when I had the time to spare, but said nothing of him not obeying the reading and advice given to him.

The business was open, and he even invited me to the grand opening, I could not attend as I had to go to Africa. While in Africa he kept in touch with me, he even spoke on several occasions to my husband. He wanted initiation into Ifa/Orisha. Before meeting me he was involved in the Lucumi tradition, but upon learning about Isese ( E-Shay-Shay, the way we as traditionalist practice, the Yoruba way, out of Africa) and him doing his own research, he realized that route was the real deal.

Again I saw his intention in becoming an initiate and ultimately a Babalawo (he would be trained as this was his desire) was for power and not for the service of humanity, or even understanding nature and the Orishas. I advised him on books that he could read, so as to learn more about Isese, and even told him about upcoming classes I would be having on the subject. Knowing that he had to prepare his mind and learn that Ifa expected Iwa Pele, which was good and gentle character from his initiates, this is what Ifa teaches.

There were times I heard from him and times when I did not. He blew hot one minute and cold the next, in other words when all was well, the phone did not display his number, only in times of need, and this only showed me that I made the right decisions not to mentor him. He had no loyalty and that is a prerequisite for me when I accept people into Obara Meji Ile Oyin (Obara Meji House of honey/sweetness)…..Osun’s house, which is my Ile’s name. The word Ile (e-leh) in Yoruba means “house.” He referred to me as his mentor, a term which I did not like, because he was not, but never one to offend or hurt another feelings intentionally, I said nothing, thinking that my mind may change one day, or he would simmer down become a little more humble. I pride myself on that, any person I mentored or became a God Parent to through spirituality would be someone to be proud of, someone who stood out, they would be apart of me Obara Meji and of my spiritual house, dignified and with much integrity and would display good, and decent character, all that Ifa taught and all that I expected of them. I did not want liars, cheaters, manipulators and the riff raffs of the world.

Yes, I said riff raffs (I have met many), I do not want them. They had to be weeded out. Patience is a good thing and I am still working on mine, but when it comes to this work, spiritual work, I do not play with it, as I suffered to get what I have, and if I am God Parent to anyone, yuh betta know that I have seen something in that person, and will groom them to perfection or as best I can. Nobody will stain my name or the house which bears my name, nobody! All my mentors have dies, and they were three, read here , and I am sure that wherever they are they are proud of me. The personalities that I require to be apart of my spiritual family are exceptional people, quality above quantity. So far I have been choosy, because most of all whom I have come across me have been a let down, so I pass.

People, listen up. It is never a good thing to open up your head to too many spiritual people. There are some people who love to “walk bout” and this means going here, there and every where for readings/divination. When you do this, you are opening yourself up to every and anyone, almost like a prostitute but in the spiritual sense of the word. I have been doing this a long time, and have met people who come to me, and will immediately leave and get readings from ten other people, what are they searching for? Most take getting readings as a hobby, and not realizing that opening themselves up to too may people can create problems for them. What problems you ask? Well the biggest problem is confusion, it creates confusion. When a reader tells you something he or she sees in their oracle (providing they are competent), and you are not pleased with it, such as the young man above, and then you go to another person, wanting to hear something different, it is a possibility that you will. Let me break this down for you just a little.

Diviners, ones who are real (many fakes out there) when they read you, it is done in several ways. Often times, it is your ancestors who will speak up for you and some spirits (depending on the Oracle and this is not Ifa/Orisha where you will only hear from Orunmila there) who will come and speak on your behalf, comes through the diviners tool that he or she uses to open up the portals for the spirit to enter and speak. Some spirits will be your own guides (your “guardian angels” for lack of a better word), some may even be wayward spirits (ones who have no home, they are displaced, but still searching for light) who will sit in on the reading hoping that the reader will give over a message from him or she, so that they may receive a “light” some how for their role of pointing the human to his correct path or revealing things to him. It is up to the Spiritualist, who they will take the messages from and also how they will interpret what is being told to them. In this, the diviner has to be sure who is giving the message, because if he or she is not competent, good and bad spirits will sit in on the reading and give confusing messages. Malevolent beings are always creating havoc, it is their job and, we cannot castigate them for what they were created for. It takes wisdom to weed them out and tell the false information that they will give, or for a diviner like me, I will command them to speak the truth or remove themselves.

Again, this is not how the Babalawos work, they only hear from Orunmila, who gets the messages revealed from your Ori (your inner consciousness). People who read tarot cards (which is excellent by the way if the diviner is competent, and also I see many people reading cards nowadays, and there is danger in it, because cards opens up portals very quickly and should not be used at certain times of the day or nights, if they do, it can cause big problem for the supposed diviner). When a person goes from Tom to Michelle for reading, then on to Bonnie and then Clyde, often times, the spirits who gave advice through Tom are seeking to work with Michelle, they recycle themselves, (remember all spirits need elevation and this can be achieved by them working for us spiritually, negatively or positively, it is left up to the worker of the craft. Yes People, you can look at it, like Mexicans standing in front of Home depot for jobs (big up all hard working Mexican, nuff respect).)

So when you go from Pillar to Post looking for different readings, these spirits, who have already given their advice on your behalf to reader man Clyde or to reader woman Bonnie, will mock you and laugh at you when you same one come ah reader man Tom or Madda Michelle  (if they are not competent enough or not advanced, a good reader will know a lie) giving false advice for you. Then you turn around and say the reader is not a good one, when it is you that seek, and seek, and seek until yuh find (insert bad word that begins with F ends with “kery” here).

The business was opened for three months and was closed, with him owing more than what he had put in. I was the only reader who told him not to do the business, as it was not the time. According to him, him granny dream him and tell that he should, the his mother and aunt had the dreams and about five or six other people told him it was a go. I am very compassionate, but I felt nothing as he told me, perhaps I should have, and I tried to come up with some sympathy, but I could not. I searched myself to see where was my heart, as he was very distraught over losing the business, and I could tell  he was waiting for me to say “I told you so,” I didn’t, that would be cruel, and also I know that everyone must learn form their mistakes.

I began this post by telling you that this fellow was a trickster, a manipulator and a liar, and the reason I described him as such was, when he came for the reading, before we began, he told me of the dream he got from his granny. The granny was the first one who came to the reading and told me to tell him not to do the business, while she cut her eyes of him (kidding, she did not do that, I am just dramatic, lol). He then told me that he himself heard the spirits telling him to go for it, which was odd because his Ori (his inner consciousness) agreed with the granny who was sitting beside him the fellow as a non-physical being.

He had told me of the readings he got from other people, not saying how many at first, and he offered this information as a way to manipulate the reading by beliveing that I Obara “competent reader” Meji would say, but “kaka rawtid, if mi guh tell de bwoy sinting else, him aguh tink mi nuh know how fi read.” In other words, he believed what he told me would influence his reading and tell him what he wanted to hear. I should have felt insulted, taken off mi gauntlet and box him wid it theatrically, but I removed that feeling from my mind. Do you all see the trickery and manipulation? All this with a winsome smile. He was likable, I must admit, but this was hard to do however because my spirit pegged him for who he really was and the thought of him thinking that he could sit in front of me and try it, did not sit well with me. Ah did waan tell him two claat and run him whey, (this is while he was telling the lies) but I am working on patience, cho, (insert any claat here)!

He will read this post one day, and I make no apology. I still have not accepted him as a god child, but I see him trying to mend his ways, and I believe the Universe gave me one who will challenge me, their way of testing me or is it teasing? I thought my son was test enough. I need to be more patient, but I long to let go of some of de good ole duttie Jamaican bad wud dem, that my mother would use as poetry when cussing Miss Will. Hilda Willis, the tormentor in our tenement yard while we lived in Jamaica back (Oh de good ole days).

People, be careful of going about the place for readings. Be careful of who you open your heads to, follow your heads (your inner consciousness), listen to the calm and gentle spirit who will guide you as to who you should go to. Take care and walk good.

Obara Meji

Tan and see nuh bruk nuh dance, only interference……Old time Jamaican proverb!

Everything comes when it must, and everything happens for a reason, do not hurry your life, what is destined for you, cannot escape you, just keep the faith, be patient and be prayerful, filled with compassion, kindness and respect for all, let these qualities be among your name, God will fill in the rest…..Obara Meji!

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love….Obara Meji

There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned!….Obara Meji

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9 years ago

Lard have mercy..meck you so bad have me a pop up…but you good cause mi would a run him backside. And no ask..All the Polyster and Nylon and not to mention Linen mi would let go oan him as him lie to my face…oh fart…. A tell lie pan him poor granny..Him did a try manipulation yes….just to heard what him want to hear ..poor fool..a so it goes when you cocky and feel the world owe you. . But coo him too a try test you, and you say me patient. .all dat now..mi woulda tell him fi… Read more »

9 years ago

Hi Obara,

do you do over the phone readings for those that cant meet you in person?

9 years ago

Good morning all Good morning Obara. I haven’t had a reading in years and it’s partly because of the guilt I feel, if my mother could see me now???? She doesn’t believe in readings and as you know it has negative connotations for many Jamaicans. I’ve only been read by two people ever. Once by a jamaican lady and years later by a small island lady can’t remember what island. She’s retired now. I liked her very much and I mostly got my readings done as a means of talking to someone to get my spirits up. My mother doesn’t… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji


So back to you , lol. Have you ever been cheated out of fees or have a ori whisper to you that the client is a money ginal? lol

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

Please, no juju over here. Joke me a mek…LOL. I love my Haitian breddrin too, but they know how to make $1.00 out of 15 cents. LOL

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I have a bitta susumba tree to welcome dem. .. lol I always want to do a garage sale, but nah cause you can see the carload or the 4 runners LOL on the road early in the morning.. it too early for me to get upset just because I want to do a garage sale for the hell of it. I had goodwill come pickup a 4 piece furniture set they can go there go haggle the price. Plus,I grew up hearing that the worst thing to face when doing business is a woman first thing in the morning,… Read more »

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

LOL , Cami, you talking about the Haitians? lmao

9 years ago

lol, right on the money! SS.

9 years ago

O, which one worst the bargain shoppers as Nunu call them or the ones who don’t want to pay/donate?

There’s a set of folks (nationality) that don’t like to pay full price for anything all when the money heavy in their pockets. I can imagine them going for a reading and a bargain down the fee, lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

lol…not that lot, but the Benin descendants they are vicious on bawling down prices. There’s a place in Florida where you could go to purchase fish from the fishermen when they come in by boat. It was very convenient for those wanting fresh fish, but this lot started to come in large numbers. Poor white fishermen try to appease them, but after a while it was just too much. This lot would say the fishermen were being racist, in this case not the Jamaicans, the poor men couldn’t take it anymore- they told them to stop coming and wanting fish… Read more »

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

LOL@ bargain spiritualist shoppers. I guess you get what you pay for.

I’m still chuckling at the granny snitching on and outing him. But what was he thinking anyway? Lying to a spiritualist about his spirits??? Sound like he needed a good lesson.

9 years ago

Hi SS same way…he was lying to a reader woman. Imagine how many left side spiritualist he lie to n them say oooooook…he take me for fool. Well im fool him!

9 years ago

Lol di bargain basement spiritualist dem Obara.

9 years ago
Reply to  Nunu

Nunu say bargain basement lol

9 years ago
Reply to  Nunu

NuNu you get time off fi gi trouble? LOL

Obara, even though I know better- it’s hilarious to have a person a “read” you and you know that they talking crap, and worst when they prompting you to go along while trying to get info from you to encourage de nonsense, lol

9 years ago

Good evening folks! Obara yuh likkle breddrin did try sam-fy yuh. That is true bout the “walk bout” some a these “spiritualist” will manipulate info tuh just to make money.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago
Reply to  Nunu

So true, Nunu. I’ve seen a few desperate, vulnerable people get swindled out of a lot of money.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago


The man swear seh him dream fi him granny tell him to do the business, but his granny came and told you nuttin’ a go so.

Is it possible that we dream about our ancestors and it really isn’t them in the dream? Are there spirit imposters posing in our dreams? or was it just his imagination fed by his ego? How can we tell the difference when it comes to our dreams?

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ahhh, ok then.

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

LOL @ Madda Bloodclaat….HAHA!!!

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
9 years ago

Yup, I kind of had to figure this out the hard way and finally learned to not seek too many readings and that a reader should not just be anyone out there looking to make a quick buck (like a lot of these gypsies out here). I used to see a lot of them back in my college days and in my 20s which was a very, very rough time of struggle in my life where I was looking for guidance, hope, a light at the end of the tunnel. I think I opened myself up too much. Most of… Read more »

Adaure Joy Reonez
9 years ago

Hello OM….
Long tym no speak, ur work and family…hope every ones doin ok…
Just sending u love n light and to say weldone….keep up the gr8 work.

9 years ago

Hi Obara, Cami, KB,and. Lincol. Obara lmao is so hood when she is ready. You said you had to go in with your Tim’s. Lmao… I found that so funny. I love it. I have friend who use to use playing cards to see look into her life she learned from mother…this is years ago though. She would tell me she can’t keep throwing the cards over and over because it will start telling lies. Obara, I am only certain of you and will stick to you. I know someone like that who likes to go to different people for… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Toy

Yu seet Toy stick with Obara. She stuck with us Toy. Same like I don’t travel from hair stylist to hair stylist I am not going from reader to reader. Mommy always say be careful who you allow touch your crown..shi never know she was teaching about the ori..

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

Exactly KB! Same thing my mother use to say. KB she stuck… dwl

9 years ago

afternoon Obara Cami and Lincoln I soon return..peepin from the slave.

9 years ago

grung @ he granny was the first one who came to the reading and told me to tell him not to do the business, while she cut her eyes of him.

Is true granny probably cut her yeye n seh di bwoy a badbreed liad from birth! looooooooooooool

9 years ago
Reply to  KB

dwln…and stubborn on top of it.

Waddup KB? hope all is well

9 years ago

I hope people heed this and not ‘walk bout’ and collect readers.

9 years ago

1 thing I have definitely learned in life OM is that people always have agendas and as soon as their agendas are met you are of no use to them anymore till yes! they want the same or another agenda from you. I use to get upset when people leave my circle but now I realize people just want their agenda then they are gone- The positive I spin on it is that everyone who comes in my life is a chapter in the book of life and at the end of the chapter they leave and it is for… Read more »

9 years ago
Reply to  Lincoln

Lincoln what a gwan mi doops…mi still a wait pan mi Bday present….yes man mi agree with you….the average person nowadays only see you when them need help…and then them cut..only to show up again when they need tou again. ..mi no have space inna mi life fi people like dat….dem mother!!!

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