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World in hands

2021 World Prophecies For The New Year | Spirit Says…

Peace, blessings and happy new year to all. I know it has been a while since I’ve posted (and thanks to all who reached out to me, caring about my wellbeing, I am so grateful). But as a spiritualist, there are times when you must withdraw from everyone and go into yourself, and become renewed.

2020 has been a year of cleansing and also a very hard year for many people. As you all know, the Earth is shifting, and we’re in the waters of where we’re heading to. But today I will commune with Spirits, and outerworldly Beings, along with my own personal guides, in order to speak the truth for what is to come for the Earth and its inhabitants this year.

May wisdom, light and love find us all this coming year! Ase.

2021 Prophecies | The Year of Femininity, Fruitfulness, and Abundance

As we leave the masculine 2020, we enter the watery feminine year of 2021.

Spirit Says…


2021 brings some displacement, or movement for many. People may find a lot of relocations in their lives. The energy of the Earth’s shift is not only shifting the Earth itself, but humans will also experience unexpected shifts in their lives. For example, moving from a job to another, monarchies could be dissolved, certain positions of power could be removed, certain people can use this year to move from their homes, celebrated peoples will experience a shift in power where their seats may be uprooted, persons who have been married could choose this year to change that decision, etc. The displacement will affect celebrated peoples and local peoples. Because the Earth has shifted, persons who have been honing power to themselves will lose it, and persons who were destined to replace them will be highlighted. “Power” also does not only refer to government or authorities, but “power” in any sense.


In some countries there will be a separate branch of militaristic law enforcement that will be formed to keep certain things in place. For instance, there are soldiers, police force, etc. A new form of law enforcement will be put into place to join that list of security. I am not sure of the reason, but it is something concocted by the upper Echelon of society to gain more access to the privacy of the citizens.


There will be war between some countries but it will not last long, but there will be devastation.


2021, a very prominent person, either in government or well known, will die a very terrible death which will come from betrayal of persons close to him or her (most likely “him” – though I am not 100%).


The spirit says to tell the world that we have come out of the Dark Ages, however you wish to understand this. 2021 is the beginning of the Golden Age. The first couple of months of 2021 will be rough because certain rules and restrictions throughout the world having to do with the current pandemic will change, and the change will not suit many people. However, the Spirit says that humans should not fight against this change. The change may appear physical and unsuitable, but it is here to enhance the lives of human beings. But from a temporal point of view, it will not seem so. Please do not ask me to explain this because I do not understand it myself, this is what Spirit says.


Many children, even people who were told they could not have children, will see children this year. Those who have never been pregnant will be pregnant this year. Those who thought they could not carry full term, will carry full term. | The medical industry will also make known a miracle or former seemingly impossible feat for women who had difficulty becoming pregnant. Amazing news is in store for such women.


The death rate for year 2021 will be way less than that of 2020 and will be recorded as such, although media propaganda may say differently.


Many natural discoveries will occur this 2021. Phenomenon things that will highlight certain countries.


Spirit says humans must concentrate on putting more iron into their system because of the Earth’s Shift. The Shift will create a lot of strokes and heart attacks, even in young people. Feed on things to build your blood count as much as possible. The Earth’s frequency has changed very much, and the frequency can not be seen but it is passing through, and its height can affect the heart. Drink more red wine (not in excess or for drunkenness, or children) but take your iron vitamins, etc.


Spirit says humans must re-visit their diet beginning this 2021! Remove sugar, and eat lighter, purer foods that will allow the human to move with the flow of the Earth’s increasing frequency. Those who do not clean up their diets, and practice a better way of living, will not be able to withstand the increased frequency of the planet, which is becoming lighter and will not be able to sustain a denser Being.


The Earth is looking for Lighter Beings. In other words, these will be the only Beings who will be able to exist on the planet. “Lighter” means spiritual lightness. The Earth is being shrouded with a light frequency and “darkness” (or denseness) will not be able to stay. People who are corroded with negativity are being subliminally taken off of the Earth. A purer heart, a more compassionate person, a person who will give up their seat to another or help another, will help with the new and lighter frequency of the Earth. We’re leaving rough waters and entering calmer waters and we must blend with that frequency.


Expect a tsunami within a country that has millions of people, perhaps towards the middle of the year. This will bring some devastation, unfortunately, but fortunately it is also apart of cleansing.


Financially 2021 will be a way better year for most people. Even people who have never made good money before in their lives will find their financial lives improved.


Phenomenon things will be apart of our skies throughout the world. Meaning that there will be a lot of reports of things unbeknownst to Man (things Man will not understand).


There will be a lot of death by drowning, and this is an energy that comes with the Shift. So be mindful and careful of beaches.


Certain places within the Caribbean and Asia will see mudslides.


There will be a great tragedy on the sea before the year is complete that will cost the life of many.


As with 2020, 2021 will also usher in new technologies, some of them including newly designed futuristic vehicles.


Two major countries will have a standoff for war. It will be in all inhabitant’s of the world interest to pray that this war does not occur.


The Earth is shifting out of poverty. Poverty throughout the Earth will be diminishing this year. People will be doing much better this year.


Before the end of the year, we will hear about the Sun and it’s glare affecting people. Shades should be worn because the Sun’s rays will begin to come closer to the Earth, and it will have an effect of some people’s eyes, and children also should wear shades more often.


2021 is the year for Women! We will have outstanding women doing out standing things doing their human service throughout the Earth, that will affect the Earth’s inhabitants. From child to elder, 2021 is a feminine year.


There will be another surprise coming out of the East. May not be sickness this time, as well as it may be, but it will also be something that will impact the world as how Corona did.


Just like 2020, there are some places that will fall like 9/11 and what happened in Lebanon. But the difference, is that where these buildings stand, are in a place that has high frequencies. And because of Shift, they have to be removed, and this will be through collapse. It sound’s dark because people may be affected by this, but the Universe only does what works.


Spirit says that there will be a re-call in America of a particular food, or food-product, that will have something within it that can affect persons in a very negative way, from sickness to death.


Someone who wears a crown will die 2021.


A celebrated superstar that is athletic will also pass.


A new discovery of some very different people will be over the news before the end of the year. Perhaps a country, perhaps an island, but it is a new discovery of a set of people. When this happens, we should know that we are in a New Earth.


There is a great scandal that will hit a very great country that will cause huge embarrassment for people in power.


Something the world needs to hear will come out of Vatican City


2021 is a year of clarity and also a rewarding year that will deal just rewards to those deserving. Those imprisoned falsely will see freedom. Those accused falsely will have their accusers exposed.


2021 will also see more strange sea creatures from the bottom of the ocean surface


This year someone will write something scandalous about someone well known and it will be surprising at first, but it will turn out to be a lie. It will be first sensational and then calm down, like the tides. First high, and then low.


Psychic minds that need to be developed, with the frequency that we are moving into, children ages 7 and upwards will begin to see psychic development. Parents should be mindful of children who are extremely quiet and antisocial. These are extraordinary beings with great light.


Between now, 2021 and two years time, we will see a lot of positive breakthroughs things come out of the medical industry when it comes to organ health, those suffering with paralysis (or immobile limbs), nervous system, glandular issues, etc. These things are not exactly new, but they will be made publicly known. 2021 will work on a lot on the nerves for those who have ever had issues there. Those who have had mental illnesses (and not specifically madness, per se), will become a lot clearer to the perception of others. Some people may be suspicious of these of these medical breakthroughs, but this is the time for medical miracles. It will begin first from Europe before spreading to the Americas.


And lastly, those who are looking for good blessings should get an elephant symbol in their homes. The elephant will work well with 2021 for blessings.

These are the things that the Spirit has allowed me to say for 2021. There are others that I have not yet been permitted to write, but if I do, or if the list gets more updated, I will make another post to say the rest.

But here, I have been instructed to stop. I beseech each and everyone who will read this post today not to fear what is happening. There are going to be some scare within the news regarding the pandemic and more variants coming from it (with some of them already reported), but only fear will allow this to reach any of you. It would be irresponsible of me not to tell you to follow the correct protocols of mask, sanitizers, and social distances. Do what you can to stay safe but never forget your spirituality.

If you remove fear of what is happening, and cover yourself with Light, no harm shall ever befall you.

Love and light,

Obara Meji

And never forget to perform your human service to each other and the environment. Happy New Year.

Words do not fall into the void. Let every word you speak taste like honey against your tongue.

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Queen Okunmayowa
2 years ago

#19 is no joke this one we need to pray hard, we thank spirit for their but for this one we need help am hear tryin to order gas mask and putting away Supplies. These Prophecies are still unfolding

2 years ago

It seem #26 has come through with the passing of Queen Elizabeth…… seem it was her husband, but with her passing it now creates MAJOR world wide changes.

No wonder there were no world prophecies for 2022…. things were still unfolding.

Remain light.

2 years ago

Also #29 came true too! Prince Andrews had a big scandal come out early 2022 late 2021 about child sexual abuse and has lost all of his royal titles and caused great disgrace to the Royal family of England. #29 was spot on.

2 years ago

Number 26 came true! I don’t know if anyone wrote this already but Number 26 says: “ Someone who wears a crown will die 2021.” And Queen Elizabeth’s husband, Prince Philip, died in 2021.

3 years ago

World prophecy 2021, The Spirits are are always on time. #30# has been fulfilled; something the world needs to hear will come from vatican. These are some of the things the Pope said: The spirit of self-sufficiency — we keep our mouths shut when we hear that we must apologise — always makes me think that God never tires of forgiving, never, never… It is we who grow tired of asking forgiveness; and when we do not ask God for forgiveness, we will scarcely ask our brothers and sisters. It is more difficult to ask forgiveness from a brother than… Read more »

3 years ago

World prophecy 2021, The Spirits are are always on time. #30# has been fulfilled; something the world needs to hear will come from vatican. These are some of the things the Pope said: The spirit of self-sufficiency — we keep our mouths shut when we hear that we must apologise — always makes me think that God never tires of forgiving, never, never… It is we who grow tired of asking forgiveness; and when we do not ask God for forgiveness, we will scarcely ask our brothers and sisters. It is more difficult to ask forgiveness from a brother than… Read more »

3 years ago

I really command and give thanks to the spirit for aligning you to your truth path,as we’re all seeking our own alignment you’re holding the light shinning for us who are still in the darkness of our slumbers. Have the spirit instructed you on these fast developed covid 19 vaccines does the Spirit agrees with us taking it?

3 years ago

Hmmm… I had posted earlier and it didn’t show. Let me try one more time.

Prediction no. 4 seems to be about Haitian President Moise.

Prediction no. 24 could be the Surfside building collapse in Miami.

Prediction no. 25 could be about the recent recall from Frito Lay

Prediction no. 26 is Prince Philip.

3 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I was not aware of hot pockets.

Re: Prediction no. 2 chances are it could be covid19 related. Considering govts and businesses want to make getting vaccinated mandatory. Odd that in Antigua & Barbuda ppl arr taking to the streets to demonstrate against it and St. Vincent and thr Grenadines the ppl rioted with the PM being injured from it.

3 years ago

So I decided to come back to this article as I noticed some of these predictions coming true.


2021, a very prominent person, either in government or well known, will die a very terrible death which will come from betrayal of persons close to him or her (most likely “him” – though I am not 100%).”

>>Could prediction no. 4 be talking about Haitian President Moise?<>The Surfside building collapse comes to mind.<>Well that would be Prince Philip.<>Possibly be about the Frito Lay recall in thia article: <<

3 years ago

Its happening..Israel and Palestine war

3 years ago

Greetings Obara. Went through the prophecies for 2021 and the 29th prophecy highlights a scandal that will cause embarrassment for people in power. It seems to match with the Meghan Markle and The royal family scandal. Spirit never lies. However, the shocker for me is the 33rd prophecy which states that “This year someone will write something scandalous about someone well known and it will be surprising at first, but it will turn out to be a lie. It will be first sensational and then calm down, like the tides. First high, and then low.” Could spirit be indicating that… Read more »

3 years ago

Already seeing some, but speaking specifically about #29 “ 29. There is a great scandal that will hit a very great country that will cause huge embarrassment for people in power.” With what Megan Markel just exposed about the monarchy in England (which we obviously already know, but for it to be blatantly said is the shocker), it looks like #29 is coming true! But then with #33 “33. This year someone will write something scandalous about someone well known and it will be surprising at first, but it will turn out to be a lie. It will be first… Read more »

3 years ago

Obara wow just wow! I came back over to read this. Read it earlier. felt a refresher was due. Thanks my dear

3 years ago

Happy new year Ma!

Lady of the nile
4 years ago

Happy New year my sister, its been a while , blessings to you and your family.

Last edited 4 years ago by Alicia
Iya ibeji
Iya ibeji
4 years ago

Enjoyed the reading – thank you, your ancestors, guides and etc so very.much. much love to you and all your concerns. Iyabeji.

4 years ago


4 years ago

I went to sea in the new year . i bring what i had for the sea goddess. i don’t think she happy at all the love is there but our actions are bitter and so is her feelings . that’s how i feel . am new to this path of life wish jamaica had an IFA community . mi lonely

4 years ago

Happy new year Obara,more Blessings

4 years ago

Happy new Obara, more blessings to you

4 years ago

Happy New Year Obara! It’s so nice to see your post. I pray for beautiful blessings for you and your loved ones for you have been such a blessing to others.

4 years ago

Happy New Year Obara, love, light and abundant blessings to you and your family. One love great informative post as always.

4 years ago

Thanks for this post Obara.

I will not lie: 2020 was a crosses year. These are interesting stuff that Spirit has revealed to you.

I don’t know but based on things I have read and gut feelings I get this feeling that the world will not return to pre-COVID19 normal until 2025. I’ve seen some say it won’t be until 2022 or 2023 or 2024 but somehow 2025 just rings to me.

Some of these predictions are worrying indeed especially the ones about 2 countries going to war and the food recall.

4 years ago
Reply to  mike


4 years ago

Happy and blessed new year to u mami,good hearing from u again,thank u for the 2021 message,wishing u love and light

4 years ago

Folks, I hope Obara don’t mind me saying this here but I felt deeply depressed about something today. This Past week my household decided for the New year we will make 2021 a year of really going out and helping the unfortunate folks out there- We bought gift cards, personal items (especially since temperature is dropping), some easy food items and packed in bags- 1 for each person. We decided to drive to our city downtown area and we stop by an area called tent city with homeless people- I was so sadden to see so much persons out there.… Read more »

4 years ago

Happy New Year Obara more blessings to you!
*Please could this new discovery of a set of people and what vatican would come out and tell the world have any relation to the coming of the antichrist?

4 years ago

Happy New year. Good to hear from you after a long time…

4 years ago

Peace and blessings Sis. Good to hear from you again.

4 years ago

Thank you ma’am for the message.
Happy New Year.

4 years ago

I’m grateful for your tutelage and guidance in my life Great One!

Blessing Kum
Blessing Kum
4 years ago

Thanks Mami, Happy New year.

4 years ago

For the message from spirit I truly welcome it to start 2021 on a positive vibe obara though you had lost contact with I. Full joy your day, love and light.

4 years ago

Happy new year Ma’am. Thank you for the message

4 years ago

Happy New Year Obara!!
(Interestingly enough, I recently had a dream of an elephant looking for/following me)
Your messages are always right on time. Peace love and blessings to you always. May spirit be easy with you in your sharing of these messages

4 years ago

Happy New Year, Obara! Thank you for always being timely and for the information. Blessings to you and your family!

4 years ago

Good night thank you for the info I am glad to hear from you happy new year more blessing to you teacher

4 years ago

You’re a blessing indeed

4 years ago

Thanks for sharing these O! Always comprehensive and accurate. Wishing the best for you in ‘21 ✨

4 years ago

Happy New Year Obara Meji, You are Truly a Blessing. I was thinking about you and looking through my email and seen your post. I had to read it right away. This post was well needed right now. Thank you very much. It was pack with very important information and very useful. Last night I said to myself in the bathroom mirror that need to start taken again iron. And here you are write it in the post. Thank you again for this useful post that you are sharing with your family. Blessing continue to flow to you. I am… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Elizabeth

Obara Meji,
when your spirit guides or the spirits it ready to share the second half of the message for us to hear. We will All wait here patiently for it to be deliver to us from you. You have given us more then enough message today for us to hear. Thank you for your message for us to hear and learn today.

4 years ago

happy new year mother Obara Meji.

4 years ago

Happy New Year Sis and readers

4 years ago

Happy new year Obara Meji, I have been waiting for this post

4 years ago

Thank you Ma’am Obara for this information. I hope you’re having a great day? Happy new year to you and yours. I pray that sweetness of this year 2021 shall envelope you and your family, and in times of trial(as you have thought us to realize that it’s the duality of life) you will overcome swiftly and effortlessly. I also pray that spirit takes it easy on you for not putting out all the information in totality. Question: Can this elephant symbol be in any form or a specific element? I mean like gold, bronze, silver, white gold or wooden… Read more »

4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Ase Ase Ase!!! Thanks for clarifying. I have read a few things about the elephant. And i also saw somewhere about how it’s related to Orisha Orunmila. On reading it here i got curious. Thanks again Ma’am. If you have time, please shed more light on the elephant and the wisdom behind it if that’s ok with you. Thanks again Ma’am…

4 years ago

Thank you. I always look forward to your New Year predictions.


4 years ago

Happy New Year Obara welcome back Thank you for this message

4 years ago

Thank you for the message

4 years ago

I have been waiting patiently and I have refreshed the blog for the posts but I thought, No pressure when Obara is ready she would.
You’ve always made mention about wearing of shades since the first day I met you.
Thank you so much for the world predictions Obara.
May this year usher in good things to you and your family.
Happy New Year.

Intellectual Bhutu
4 years ago

Greetings Osun!

Beautifully written!
Love, Light & Blessings!

Intellectual Bhutu
4 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

A second post is always welcome…you’ll be fine 🙂

4 years ago

Asé o!
thank you for this message.

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