Active 2 years, 10 months ago-
Jose commented on the post, Ever Feel Like You're Being Watched? Yes, There Are Spirits That Spy On Us 2 years, 10 months ago
Thanks Sis! This blog is much appreciated thanks for the teachings.
Jose commented on the post, Is 'Back to Sender' Spiritual Work Considered Obeah? 3 years ago
Greetings, Peace and Blessings Sis, your gift of this platform, your teachings and your experiences you share is much appreciated.
Sending you light and love. -
Jose commented on the post, Incense And The Spirit World: All You Need to Know Before You Burn It 3 years, 8 months ago
Nice hearing from you Sis. I’ve been longing to learn the meaning of burning incense. As always thanks from spreading light.
Jose commented on the post, 2021 World Prophecies For The New Year | Spirit Says… 4 years, 1 month ago
Peace and blessings Sis. Good to hear from you again.
Jose commented on the post, What the Color "Red" Has to do with the Coronavirus + More 2020 Prophecies 4 years, 10 months ago
Thank you peace and blessings.
Jose commented on the post, Don't Sleep In The Dark – Why You Shouldn't and the Meaning of the Hours 4 years, 11 months ago
Good morning Sis: In one of your predictions, I think it was written May 2018, you predicted something big coming out of China. Could this be Coronavirus?
Jose commented on the post, The Many Uses of Florida Water and Why it Works! 5 years, 1 month ago
I use to see Florida water and Bay rum around our house and in friends houses but never new its purpose. I always new that people of colour have a deep connection to spirit but as generations pass we become less connected because the knowledge is not passed on.
Thank you Sis Obara in this act of love that you share with us by teaching through…[Read more] -
Jose commented on the post, ANXIETY AND PANIC ATTACKS – A CLASH OF VIBRATIONS 5 years, 1 month ago
I just had a panic attacked that I have’nt had for a long time. I was fine then the phone rang it was my father we spoke for a short time maybe 3 – 5 minutes while talking my heart kept palpitating rapidly. Once i got of the phone it diminished and then stopped.
Jose asked a new question 5 years, 1 month ago
Love & Light Sis Obara
Please shed some light on an experience that I had:
I was in one of my favorite barbershop everything was as it should then someone walks in of which my innerself became aware. I felt […]
Jose commented on the post, 16 WAYS TO KNOW WHEN BAD ENERGY IS PASSING THROUGH YOUR HOME 5 years, 1 month ago
Blessings Sis, thanks for spreading knowledge, so we can increase our awareness.
I was wondering are you familiar with the Law of One if so how can it be used when attacked by negative energies. -
Jose posted a new activity comment 5 years, 1 month ago
Thank you precious, give thanks, to the Most High, my Orishas guardians, the Holy Spirit, the Priest that helped and all angels and light workers today I am well.
Jose commented on the post, Don't Sleep In The Dark – Why You Shouldn't and the Meaning of the Hours 5 years, 1 month ago
As I read this blog I can’t help but remember when things started to go haywire in my life. It was around 1993 my girlfriend at the time had gotten orders to go to Hawaii I remained in California we had a child together that was sent to my girlfriends mother to stay while she was over seas. I was young and wanted to play I soon befriend another…[Read more]
Jose's profile was updated 5 years, 2 months ago
How are you today?.My name is (precious abba)I hope you are in perfect health and i pray that this message should find you in peace. It will be my pleasure to read from you as always. I am very happy the way God has brought us in contact with each other. But plea
se i will love to know you more please write me to…[Read more]-
Thank you precious, give thanks, to the Most High, my Orishas guardians, the Holy Spirit, the Priest that helped and all angels and light workers today I am well.
Jose posted an update 5 years, 2 months ago
I really like this site as a way of coming together and sharing experiences and information.