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Here is the very prolific Mutabaruka on religious  hard talk with master Interviewer Ian Boyne, making some very solid points on christianity and the bible. It has always been my position not to discuss religion with anyone because I have come to realize with age, that most people who has been indoctrinated from birth or while they grew, by religious teachings, do not want to open their minds to other arguments that does not agree with their dogmatic teachings. Millions of dollars has been spent to keep the minds of the masses locked, with the threat of blaspheme which will bring hell and damnation, fire and brimstone upon the souls of those who query after some other possibilities. I was one of those who were enslaved by christianity, and would have nothing to do with any one who said or thought otherwise. Calling them the devil, who I have now come to realize does not exist. Oh the fear of this conniving BLACK man with horns holding a pitch fork. While I went to church and blew kisses at the picture of the famous artist Michaelangelo’s cousin hanging on the church walls with his blonde hair and blue eyes calling him my father and beseeching him to save me and protect me,when it was men that looked like him who were the ones to enslave, hang and killed my forefathers. It made no sense.

The Pastors or Bishops did not dwell on Revelation 1:vs 14-15, where Jesus was described by the apostle John who supposedly wrote that book was a black man… like wool?, feet like burnt brass??…so then how does the commandments “thou shalt not lie”  fit when the lie is being told to us in church. As I have said many times before I do not like the argument of color, because Anthropology teaches that there is only ONE race, and that is the black race, and once you are spiritually learned (educated), color does not exist. Our shadows are all black no matter your ethnicity, and that is the essence of human being. I like Mutabruka, because he is bold and as Jamaican people use to say “dry-eyed”. I also like Ian Boyne,because as a Christian he opened up to Muta’s argument and even agreed with him on some points. He could have shunned Mutabaruka or found some way to stonewall his argument, but he proved himself to be a fair host regardless of his own views.

As I have said in the “ABOUT OBARA MEJI” on Embracing Spirituality, my intention is to educate, and not to indoctrinate. I know for a fact that everybody has their own path cut out already for them to walk, and we must find our way. However way you look at life is your reality. Your mind is your universe and where ever you put your mind is where you will be. In other words if you are leaving work to go home and the bus and train has stopped running and there is no taxi around, it seems impossible for you to get home, it matters not how long it takes you to get there because your mind is already home. So even if you have to beg a lift you will get there!  When the Christians cross over they will see Jesus because that is their reality, the muslim the same, the Jews also. I am a traditionalist, so my reality is Africa and all therein, but I came into this with an objective mind, there were no religious baggage to hinder my way. So Yes I have met Jesus twice, and I have met Selassie twice also, I have seen my mother Osun many times in different forms and Obatala, Esu and Sango too. I have even met Yemoja and many others. Bob Marley (who I also met in the realms) said “emmancipate your self from mental slavery, none but our selves can free our minds”.

Open up your mind and watch this interview, and enjoy. As usual I cannot wait to get your opinions.

He who does not look ahead always remains behind…Yoruba Proverb.

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13 years ago

ASE WAUUUU!! May Dr. Epega continue to send forth his scholastic Ase to us all from the land of the Ancestors! Ase O!…….

13 years ago

@OrisaPikkney, not sure if she did but she normally does – fi di sake ah har health mi hope shi did miss dah one deh

13 years ago

Maniac, if there was no air nor water, we wouldn’t be having this convo……lol……and God wanted for us to have this convo… Maferefun Earth, Soil, Air, Water, Gas!!!

Did your mom watch the video? lol

13 years ago

Mi nah lie OrisaPikkney I am learning a lot from you…what you say makes perfect sense

13 years ago

I FOUND THIS A WHILE BACK WHEN DOING SOME RESEARCH: My old friend, and mentor, Afolabi Epega used to say: “Everything they do ( Lucumi/Santeria) is a secret. I think this is for two reasons. First, they want to keep their godchildren dependent…and second, they simply don’t know the answers to the questions. What you don’t know then becomes a ‘secret’!” Orisa worship requires empowerment. Empowerment requires knowledge. Increasingly Ifa practitioners as well are adopting the Christian view of Secrecy rather than openness and sharing of knowledge. It is troubling. It threatens the integrity of the entire philosophy. My advice:… Read more »

13 years ago

lol@ google Osun………

13 years ago

True Orisa and Obara can u imagine if there was no air….no water… earth….? Cant imagine what my mom said when she watched this interview – mussi cuss Mutu dawg ratten.

Sometimes we need to stop and listen to reasoning and apply logic. But like u said Obara dem frighten wi wid di devil and blasphemy so even tho wi mighta have questions, wi kip it to ourselves.

Dats y mi believe in hearing other sides to each story an nuh run wid ebbryting mi hear – mi mighta rong.

13 years ago

Yes Iya so why xtianity try fi stifle it? I dont understand it (well I do) but it makes no sense……

13 years ago

The bees and di birds nuh get di respect dem deserve…..mi talk to trees and plant like Ms Jane Pittman……I know people see me and think I’m crazy but a fi dem business dat….lol

13 years ago

Ase! yes the bible speaks volumes of the tings in nature, but dem nuh show wi how important it is to our true survival on the planet! Like water is soooo vital to our existence those who knew and those who know continue to use water and hold it in high regard! Like for instance in oral cultures, like Yoruba there are beautiful simple poems and songs paying homage to the life force of water etc…….

13 years ago

But you know how diamonds go thru its pressurized phase in order to become a precious stone? That is how we are being pressurized and conditioned in order to come out PURE , in order to give NAME and to venerate the ENERGIES of life! The imperialist’s Bible doesn’t instruct or validates paying homage to the winds, the trees, the oceans the mysticism of life these are the very things that keeps us alive!! Imagine if every indigenous culture were to suddenly vanish off of the face of the earth? I believe that the connection to the forces will be… Read more »

13 years ago

Present!!! Mek ah goh read an come back

13 years ago

Obara, me get it on my phone now…

13 years ago

I wish I had audio here…..bwoy oh bwoy I love to debate about how xtianity sheg wi up. however as yuh said, NOTHING can stop us from our respectively chosen paths….xtianity is just a stalled train on the road to our true essence! We are LIVING and FEELING beings with discerning spirits and those who have used that spirit knows what’s BS from TRUTH! (I WROTE THIS A WHILE BACK 11/4/10 AND FELT IT WAS PERTINENT TO REPOST ON THIS TOPIC): Let’s face it, Christianity has lost its patina! Some of us have chosen to dig deeper into the intrinsic… Read more »

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