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(Bwoy Sharlenerose meeda sidung wid yuh and listen to yuh story dem fi fi daze!!.). It is so sad, this false sense of power these human beings believe that they have. Here is a woman who is living off the reputation of her deceased spiritual mother. The mother was a well known spiritual practitioner, and the daughter has supposedly been handed the mantle, does this give her the right to misuse her supposed gift?, to lie, cheat and steal?. Women who still get a period ARE NOT SUPPOSE TO DO BLOOD SACRIFICES OF A FOUR LEGGED ANIMAL!!!!!, ALL METAPHYCIANS AND TRADITIONAL WORKERS KNOW THIS!!!!!. The energy that this brings down is too powerful!, so powerful that it will cause reproductive problem for the woman or cause severe hormonal inbalance…this is all that I will say as an explanation!!. This woman created in her mind a Kingdom and SHE was QUEEN B!!. The Haitians have a wonderful practice, but MOST are not doing the right thing because of their need to have the world believe that they hold great power. But who CAN hold great power when ALL power belongs to God!!. The Loas are not pure any more in the modern practice of Voudon, because they have synchronized them with Saints, much like Lucumi has done, with the exception that most Lucumi people has PALO MAYOMBE, that deals with the darker part of their work and so they allow the Orisha to dwell in light. The laos are separated in two, the rada and the petro. The rada are cool spirits and the petro are hot. Most practitioners make the mistake of serving both and THIS SHOULD NOT BE!!..BECAUSE THE SUN AND THE MOON CANNOT ENTER THE SAME HOUSE TOGHETHER, NOR CAN NIGHT AND DAY!!. and this is where the confusion come in, and this is why there is problems. AYE SAH!!!! SOOOO SAD SMDH!!!  Sharlene Rose tell yuh story mama!

I had been at the shop for a while when I realized that something wasn’t right. I started to resent being there and the problems I was experiencing with the different people. There was another worker there with me, a young man who was an Aries as well; he was an effeminate young man…gay. He was a nice guy, just a little misled. We got along for the most part, when we were not being put up against each other. There were times when he felt like a brother to me.

He came to me one day and said you know the girl who used to work here; she told me that when you work here, Marie will slow down your work, because she feels as if when you get what you want you will leave. People would not leave if you treat them well. I remember one day I got to work, so Marie called to see who was there. Well, I was in another zone so I said nobody; you know mistakenly, there was a gentleman waiting. He had been there over two hours, I had just gotten there. We gave the man her number so he called her, she got upset. She called us and went off on a tirade. She said she is coming to the shop to whoop our asses. We were all types of bitches, and fuck us, and we were fucking with her customers and blah, blah, blah. We were shocked out of our minds, like what is wrong with this lady. She was paranoid and delusional. She would buy products, use them, and then wonder where they were, saying someone was stealing her stuff. These accusations came when it was time to get paid, because she did not want to pay all the money. She was always thinking someone wanted her power. I was at a loss because I have never in my life been on a power trip or power quest. I will never envy another person for what they have, especially spiritually, because we all have our portion. What kept me there was the worry about finding a job, and being able to make it.

One day she asked us to bring her new pictures of St Michael and Santa Barbara because the ones on her altar were faded. The young man brought the pictures and I placed them in front of the faded ones for her to do what she wanted with them. That night when her spirit came, he told me that I was getting too big for my britches, and St Michael was upset with me, and St Michael was going to call down Lucifer to chop off my head. Hold up, wait a minute, what? Brief biblical history St Michael is the angel on the right hand of God, in a constant battle with Lucifer, the devil. Where on the face of this earth could St Michael call down Lucifer to do what? Give me a break. Fear is the weapon of these people and their malevolent spirits. I was like this is crazy. So I decided to try to find a way out of there then. St Michael the archangel is the guardian angel of basically the whole world. The very idea behind what she was saying was not in my ability to conceive. The spirit was always saying we needed to keep marie happy and many other impossible things. My surprise is when she even made her customer cry. She wasn’t crying because of revelations she was receiving, but because marie lit into her so bad about some money issue. There was a man that was calling all the time, he had come in to do his work, didn’t see any results and wanted his money back.

I don’t know what was going on in that shop, but the people would give her money to buy the goats for them to do their sacrifice, the goats would just die or disappear. We came to work one day, and the goats were just dead. Women, I’ve since been told are not able to make sacrifices with goats. This may be the reason why these people would have to make sacrifices over and over again. There was one guy that had to sacrifice like five goats, I said to her well what the hell did he do. A sacrifice is a big thing, with her it was more like a big money thing. She looked at me one day and said, this shit you have to keep coming back. Every time I helped with these goat sacrifices something went wrong. I decided I wasn’t doing that anymore. We did sacrifices on birds; the other guy would go get the bird, one day he wasn’t there, so she told me to get it. Oh no, I was like what? She said get it Sharlene, I nearly died, I had went a while without having to do any of that, I more thought of myself as a little customer service rep. the animal thing was taking me way out of my element, and she would laugh at me, because she said I was trying to do it in a stoosh manner. None of these were bad people, per se, however they all have the potential to be crazy based upon what they work with, the malevolency.

The Baron spirit was what Marie worked with, the keeper of the cemetery. I had been there about a month, when I stayed over a little bit later than usual. I had been hearing about these nightly visitations, but never experienced it, so one of the regular patrons that came mostly at night asked if I wanted to chip in on the champagne. I was sitting out front when; they said the baron wants you. I went into the room, and sat in the chair, the voice coming out of her mouth said, oh so you are one of them that do not believe. I said I do believe, but my heart sometimes really does not. The manifestation of this spirit was smoking a cigar by putting the lit end in the mouth, the manifestation asked me if I would like to try doing that, I said didn’t really want to try but I would do it. It laughed at me. The spirit said we brought you here for a reason, we see that you love Marie, and you care about her, this was because of things that I do not want to talk about here. I want to uphold the dignity of Marie, even here. Let’s just say, there were things I had to change for her privacy and to show proper respect. Maybe I’ll talk about that, but not right now. Most people, who have been to the shop, would have an idea. The spirit told me they wanted me to handle the money part and things of that nature, and how to basically run the shop. I must say, I have never in my life came across a money hungry spirit like this one. I have never been around any spiritual person, whose spirit was so concerned about money.

So every night the spirit would come, the people would buy bottles of rose champagne for the spirit. We would all drink and get readings or instructions and things of that nature. After a while, I got my own place and sent for my kids from Jamaica. I have two daughters, so I asked to change my hours of working, so I would be able to spend time with them. She refused and was angry too, that is where I started to feel resentful. When I had first got there, the girl who was working said she had to leave because her husband in Jamaica had received an inheritance and she needed to relocate. I sat back, and my spirit began to show me, this girl was not gone anywhere, she had made up a story, to get away. I started to think about how I would get away because my spirits showed me my time there was coming to an end. I must confess I didn’t believe in what I saw, and there wasn’t anything going on, as far as my problems. I was just there.

Marie had an obnoxious daughter who was also a tyrant, she was never too bad with me, and however she treated the other workers in a bad manner. She would talk to me and give me encouragement. She would give me hints about what I was dealing with. She said her husband asked her how is it that she never gave me a bad time, she said she recognized that I was a child of God, and she knew what that meant. She told me every time I came into the shop; I needed to pray because I was entering the belly of the beast, because the shop was rife with confusion and jealousy. I saw these things for myself, and I wanted out. I decided to concoct a story to tell her as to why I had to leave. She was upset, and angry. She told me she didn’t believe me, and didn’t want to let me go, I went one night and never returned, stopped answering their calls, and put them behind me. She tried to put fear in me, as to why I shouldn’t leave. After a while of being there, my spirit had started asking me, are you tired of being here, because I’m tired of being here. I had to leave because I didn’t want my spirit to abandon me. I didn’t leave because I had found someone who told me to leave. My spirit got tired and decided this is it. Once again, I did not know what I was going to do, and how my kids and I would make it, but I let go and let God. She did not fight me either, and she didn’t do any of the vindictive things I thought she would. She let me go. I found a job a month later and moved into a phase where things started to get a little better, I struggled, but I survived Marie rose. Reply Forward

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10 years ago

Wat a scam artist dis Marie rose…I met one of these who told me that I was going to be shot by a crackhead and that I needed to give her $150 to stop it…I laughed and hung me phone… What people perceive to be power…ahh boy… To he who much is given much is expected… With more power comes more responsibility…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty ah grung mi reach

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Mi seh Obara… A laugh so hard and thought to myself how people so wicked…see dem think everybody stupid and them can outsmart everyone…

Do they not know the consequences of these lies…and that they cannot prosper…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Lmaoooooo, ole liad

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

An Christian too…ahhh sah…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Obara meji

Doe Mek ah stawt

13 years ago

DWLLLLL……Whey yuh sey Sharlene????? cobweb??? I canna manij yuh

13 years ago

a tink bacas one did waan tun me inna nun…i caan bodda…no sex fi three years…no sah go see cobweb a grow inna me coco…a whe donneperth deh?

13 years ago

maniac…u no hear me say…bacas seh him tell de man filef di dance and go home go wuk him bloodcloth obeah…me couldnt bother wid him…him too militant…all him a try put fear inna me…one morning him call me…de way how u sound u could just go on the street and crash and dead…me say de way me feel a whe me woulda a live fa…

13 years ago

Ah whey di kakaclaat yuh ah sey to mi Sharlene???? Mi figga sey di eclipse hol nuff secrets enuh, especially fi di ones who walk pon di leff…….Obara, wat says you?

13 years ago

mek me gi unno one joke…one night bacas one call me…so me and him a talk…which we always do…well that night him call and seh him call Dan and hearr music a play inna de background…bacas seh sharlene me just ask him a whe him a do…and tell him sehh hey bwoy just go home go wuk me obeah yaw….him mek me dwl…dwl…dwl

13 years ago

mainy me jus a look pon u question up desso, mi waan deh pon de phone when obara a answer u bout de eclipsse…cause bacas one did waan me perform de dark work pon de eclipse…him seh something bout it, him did tell me and him neice fi mek sure look pon it cause we naw go see one fi a long time…all him a history

13 years ago

me a work pon part three…me just did have to take a moment to compose myself…cause part three still a play out

13 years ago

yeah her shop still deh…and she say she naw retire f now…de woman a like 60-70…somewhe desso…me naw pay her no mind…she give it to everybody…man woman and child…yes and she have dat bisexual spirit whe dem malevolent spirit seem to love…obara what say you…why most a dem whe have dem evil spirit…bisexual or gay

13 years ago

Mi glad yuh feel better Sharlenerose…….mi love di story, mi nah lie…..real eye opener…..

Na waan pressha yuh, but mi cyaan wait fi si part 3…..Ah hope dis wicked bitch is no longer around!

13 years ago

ainy…me did a go over the story from the beginning…me feel better…me a take deep breaths

13 years ago

Yuh finally wake Sharlene?

13 years ago


13 years ago

ok mi undastan…..really curious tho

13 years ago

Obara summen juss cross mi mine……When there is an eclipse, what happens spiritually? Don’t know for sure, but I think there is a deeper meaning to it….

13 years ago


13 years ago

all in all destiny is a thing because i came out of there blessed…i had got my own place, and my kids came to live with me, and this is something i had prayed for. Goddoes answer prayers…it was just a part of the journey…i’m just tired and

13 years ago

all in all destiny is a thing because i came out of there blessed…i had got my own place, and my kids came to live with me, and this is something i had prayed for. Goddoes answer prayers…

13 years ago

U mean dem affi finish 1 whola bar ah soap mama? Dat muss be nuff baadings ef ah soh it goh……this ah histry

13 years ago

Even though it sad mi did affi laaf awhile agoh…..whey yuh tell di ooman sey Sharlene? lolllll

13 years ago

memba seh she a do reading from u go in go bathe…so u might inna de bathroom a hour and a half…de woman done bathe and rub on the oil, i forget is which oil not supposed to go on your skin becauseit burn….de woman inna de bathroomm a bawl de way how de sinting a bun out her rass…she deh pon sharlene please dont do dis to me…me deh pon lady me no name marie….me did feel bad fi ar

13 years ago

sometime a bere laugh me laugh in deh…one time one woman come…after she wait bout six hour…she go in get her reading and a do bath…so de process for the bath is as follows…you go in with ur soap and ur oil…u stay in there and finish the soap…then rub on the oil…u no wash of the oil…then marie will make ur bath with like the cologne dem and the spiritual wash…so then we, the workers bring in the water…u throw it over u and come out without dry off…

13 years ago

yes like baby…when dem a stress me out caw me a seh lord ah wha dis fada…and tru me a hold me mouth…deh day when she come seh she a go kick we ass…when she reach my face well vex up…she says she come fi mek me and ar roll and meknow which part me a go…in front de customer…fi one spiritual person me no know how she mek people a bring cook food bring come g i har…like one man did a try tie de obeahwoman…lool

obara meji
13 years ago

Sharlenerose yuh mek dis ginal mek yuh bawl!

13 years ago

mainy and obara whe unno deh…from me move me no hear nothing

13 years ago

one time some people fi do sacrifice…she dun get de money and de people dem a come every night… de work heavy and him the Baron whe come a night time never want to do it…so she tell de people seh dem no get de goat…after a weak like de people dem a get agitated…de wwoman trace de people dem tell dem she no push out no goat from she born…she make me dwldwldwl….

13 years ago

This Baron spirit whe she have….me never really believe…me naw go lie…and me no know if me see nuttin spectacular…whe mek me feel like oh my God she really good. all the evil she do mek she no capable of nothing inna my eyesight…the Baron spirit whe she have…Obara…you would be surprised to know that it was the manifestation of this Baron spirit that tried to put this inmy mind about Michael an Lucifer….lol…me who have St Michael from birth…and know him too personally…dem people deh a luuuuuuuu

13 years ago

not gonna lie though, when she get mad and start tu cuss, i feel it in my belly bottom like me belly bottom waan drop out and sometime when she a go inn pon me…me neckback get hot hot hot…and she mek me bawl nuff time

13 years ago

There is a lotof controversy with tthat shop because some say the spirits are not there anymore…who you know a do five sacrfice on one person…money hungry…thats too much innocent blood being wasted…you know to sacrifice is big ase…so why would you waste the animal’s l;ife like that…some say she just pretends to have the spirit and they are no longer there.

13 years ago

me jussa wake…Obara, you are so right, i don’t knowif that’s the reason why everytime she have me doing those sacrifices…th blood splash all up inna her face…if it’s the birds…no problem…but once it go time for them goat…og God, blood everywhe…a me seh Aganyu…hotta lava…Sango…more fire..

13 years ago

More!!! More!!!! More!!!!
Come in like sumting whey mi ah read outta one Fiction book……Part 3 please!!!

I am curious about the explanation for the sacrifice……

Like you said Obara, I’ve never seen night and day together…..must be one or the other…….Great job Sharlenerose!!!

13 years ago

Mi gone read….soon come

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