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We have all experienced negative or dark energies, or have been in the company of someone whose energy was draining or heavy, so heavy that it affects you. A headache may come on suddenly, or any type of ache and pain or your mood may change from happy to sad or angry or you feel grimy or dirty or even down right disgusted without knowing why. People who take public transportations will have daily contact with loads of different energies and believe it or not these things can affect you even when you move away from them.

It can affect your relationship with your spouse, your children, co-workers, boss, friends, animals etc… Often times people will feel ill and doctors will not be able to find anything wrong with them. Some people may also experience panic attacks or anxiety attacks and this is due more times than not to unhealthy energies that surrounds the person. Oonuh see why it is important to embrace your spirituality? Because many people go through these things with no idea of what is happening to them. Not everything is Obeah/Juju/Voodoo/ Witchcraft, some things are just bad energies which may have entered your space or you guh inna ah fi dem space! We will address the obeah one ah little later or in another post, stay tuned!

Even buying furniture and bringing them home, you have brought other people’s energy into your space. It is a common practice in Jamaica for Jamaicans to “burn out” a new apartment or house before they move in. Most people in Jamaica usually use Frank Incense and Myrrh in their attempt to remove bad energy or any lingering “duppy” (ghost) who refuse to move out, or wayward spirits who might have moved in when the previous owners moved out. The possibilities of where one could come in contact with bad energies are endless, and the way they can affect us negatively are also endless and this is why we need to know how to remove them.

Salt is wonderful for everything and believe it or not it is very good in removing negative energies. A little salt in some tepid water along with an odd number of limes, three, five seven or nine, (depending on what your own spirit says to you) is a quick and certain way to remove bad vibrations. Do not allow the salt to spill in your house or on to you.

You can use Frank incense and myrrh as an incense on charcoal to incense/smoke the house, but you can also use it to smoke over your body to remove bad energy.

Florida water is wonderful just by its lonesome, this you can get in any grocery store. Be careful it burns if it gets into the eyes, but you can use it to wipe over your body or you can add water and some white Flower Petals and use it to bath with as you pray.

The good old Jamaican White Rum, (Gin can be substituted) is also excellent. Use it the same way as you would use the Florida Water.

Take heed to this post and know that I have shared real information with you. As usual be safe in everything you do, the Florida Water and Rum or Gin can burn sensitive skin or eyes so if your skin is sensitive do not use it and if you do, remember to close your eyes.

Good luck!

Obara Mèjì

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Alecia Tugwell
Alecia Tugwell
1 year ago

I am living but I feel lost. My family members are always casting judgements on me.I would dedicate my entire time and they still keep neglecting me.
I have been on maaannnyyy job hunts but I’ve always been turned down.I am always feeling depressed and incomplete.
Smh…It is very hard to be happy naturally.

4 years ago


7 years ago

I was taken to a priest and they smoked me out for cleansing I’m not sure if this is good or bad she also gave me a red ribbon on my right wrist and said let it fall off naturally. I was wondering if any roof work was done with out me knowing. And what bath should I take to undo root work if this is what happened to me. I just don’t know what she was doing.

7 years ago

I noticed there is no recent post here from Obara Meji is she on vacation?

lorraine a clanton
lorraine a clanton
8 years ago

hello my name is lorraine c ive been feeling very overwhelmed and i no that ive been block by someone or something i would like to clear my path and reverse what was sent my way it seems to be working on my finance my home and wellbeing i decided to do a bath 7×7 clean my house what are your suggestion ive been dreaming i had a dream of possums attacking me and i rip one of there mouth open that the one that bit me

8 years ago

Please how can i use Florida water to bath. Should i mix it with anything or just like that. And can i use it to clean my rosary or jewelry.

7 years ago
Reply to  Brenden

Turn to JESUS and His blood Will deliver you from EVERYTHING.And u shall have a Peace that this World Can never Give. He loves you.

8 years ago

i have given up on god. just finished writing my suicide note. i dont know what else to do. i dont know where to look for help. my life is too much for me right. im loing more than im gaining. i need serious help. im giving my self a next week if nothing gets better i will know what to do.

8 years ago
Reply to  kg

KG!!! I know it might seem like there is no hope at times and I have been there many many times and I have known people who have been there many many times but I tell you this! whenever things are dark I search in my heart to know there is no bottomless pit and only way to go is up are to the light if you are in darkness. If you want someone to talk to I will send you my email or number to text- I will pray for you ! We all should pray for KG –… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  kg

Morning, KG. I normally don’t wake up if I’m not working or come here so early. I see where you’re seeking aid because you’ve just about had enough. I was on your path in 2011. I had my past mishaps, US federal government on my neck, dim financial prospects, employment issues due to the economy…I just had enough! I was plotting how to die peacefully and hiw not to upset whoever found me. It was a early Saturday morning, when a man was let into the house and I awoke to his voice. He came into the TV room looked… Read more »

8 years ago
Reply to  kg

Kg, dying is not an option nor is it your right but living and being the God you wish to see come through for you is a necessity. You have so much hidden you that you haven’t yet reached into yourself to unleash. You are more than your troubles. You’re the solution to most peoples problem. Next week, look into the mirror and smile, walk out and Rule, cos you’re a god.

7 years ago
Reply to  kg

I pray u are still Alive .GOD never Fails. and He can never do things the way u expect. He is God by Himself. Every Man will Loose without Him. Suicide is not a Solution but a Trap. No failures in God.Hold on to Him and observe ur ways also if they are pleasing to God. JESUS Loves u.

8 years ago

Such a blessing to stumble on this site and to read these blogs/ am from JA also been here for 20yrs lots of bad things happening in my life but I trust God/ I believe things could be much better.

8 years ago

i should add that im 24 yrs old now

8 years ago

Hi i believe i might have a problem,i can feel it.A long time ago to make a long story short when i was 16 i witnessed as a wicked lady took my hair and tell me “watch”Since then my life has been upside down.i’ve seen all kinds of crazy things since.i went to a botanica twice and i dont believe thier baths worked.Just recently somebody told me that there is a negative energy around me.I told my bestfriend and how it makes people react to my one day we went to the mall and she noticed how people acted… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  lisa

JESUS is ur Solution if u can follow Him how He wants u to. 1peter 2:8 .

8 years ago

Good evening everyone. My oldest son has been experiencing a host of negative and destructive things recently. He was doing so great. For a young man, he finished high school, finished college , got a great job, bought his first car ( a brand new Honda, he likes those) got a line of credit and credit card and then everything went “plop”. He lost his job and had a very bad accident in which the car was written off and he was charged by the police with dangerous driving. I got a lawyer for him and we are waiting for… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Trish

pls Tell him to Turn to JESUS now. No other power can save but JESUS. All powers in heaven and on Earth Bows at the Mention of JESUS . Only God gives and does not Take back. His blessings are Permanent. Above ALL He gives Eternity to those who seeks Him. and a Peace No Power Can Tamper with. JESUS Loves u.

9 years ago

Hey, my people happy new year! Obara Meji, happy new year, it’s been awhile? I think these negative energies have been to my arena or I entered their arena. Things have been a bit zig zag, lost a job, so much more, what kind of bath should I take Obara?

9 years ago

I notice around eleven to twelve at nights vast amount of stuff feel and resembling sand grains in my bed, If i change the spot where i slept the night before it doesnt show up then until the following night. anytime it happens i have headache and nausea. what do you think about this?.

warren Campbell
9 years ago

I like your advice

9 years ago

I was having bad luck keeping jobs and my mom told me to wash my hands with rum and ask god for what I wanted. What is that supposedto do?

9 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

Change your mindset. If something bad is happening or bad negative energy, the opposite is good, be positive, stop listening to negative info, negative stories, and use affirmations. Be grateful for what you have, practice gratitude! You need to trust that God is always blessings you for the better for your highest good. Research what affirmations are, and how your thoughts create reality. Practice gratitude. And make sure you and not taking from someone in negative way which can affect your karma. Remember we never use to speak verbally- it was telepathy-which is thought process-so just cau you can speak… Read more »

7 years ago
Reply to  Jessica

Turn to JESUS. Only Him can Save

9 years ago

How can I join the blog ?

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Hi Obara I did not see where you post for prosperity bath.And a love bathe on Oshun do put the mixture (honey and beer) in the tub and sit in it or the bucket and wet from feet up since I’m pulling in and do I wet my head when is the best time to take it I was told the night before I see my mate in the morning or can i take it at 6am before he stops by am I suppose to pray this is all knew to me so forgive me thank you.

9 years ago

Hi Obara how are you I’m a Jamaican I’ve have came across your blog because I have been told I have a dark negativity on me that’s blocking my path to prosperity I am not able to go to the river or ocean cause I don’t know where neither one is I’ve been doing allot of de cluttering and incense burning in my home my question is how substitute the ocean bath for a home bath that would work the same as going to the river or ocean PS I don’t have a cross road either lolbbut need your advice

7 years ago
Reply to  paula

JESUS Loves u.. He has done it all for u.paid ALL the price.

Lady T
Lady T
9 years ago

Perhaps it would be the same answer but what I meant by steam was to boil the herbs and sit over it with a blanket.

9 years ago

Hello Obara, please recently my spirit directed me to describe a bath for a friend who cried for help and I noticed she needs cleansing, does taking a bath every three hours good? From 9pm, 12am and 3am ok? Thank you. Good morning all.

Lady T
Lady T
9 years ago

Hi mama I know youve mentioned various items for bathing, I wanted to know your take on using items such as skellion aka green onion, garlic, thyme etc along with items of alcoholic beverages outside of rum for instance moet champagne and the common bath mixtures that you can purchase premade? I know its all about following spirit but are there times to use things more than another. the second part of my question is when is a steam necessary vs a bath and ive heard that you can use the same steam water to bath in after the steam.… Read more »

9 years ago

I have been told by many prophets and spiritual healers that someone has sent witchcraft my way, and as a result every resume I send out for a job various individuals will take it up to contact me then put it down after a change of heart. I have taken many spiritual baths and nothing helps. What can I do to get my life to flow right. P.S. my entire family has been attacked in every area of life. Please Help..

7 years ago
Reply to  DMegastar

JESUS is the ONLY Solution. Turn to Him.

9 years ago

Greetings Obara, looking forward to the books. Hoping you are adding Doreen and Alton’s story to the anthology. Your stories teach many lessons on life.

Jiorphia KreyolDoll Damier

Obara where are the posts that you had up 2 days ago? The story pt 1-3 about the father’s love? I bookmarked them to read them later, but they’re no longer active. Also, I’m working on coming up with the money for my sacrifices. I’ll call you in the upcoming week to discuss the first step.

9 years ago

Good evening and Blessings to all.
Obara i look forward to the post. As i need a change in my life

9 years ago

a wonderful day to everyone, I think I may have some issue like this too. I have said in the past that my love relationship wont last for over a year and this has really manifested in my life multiple times. What can I do to remedy this Obara?

9 years ago

Good morning all Blessings, I am new to this site and have found it a blessing and soul up lifting. I live in Canada and wish there were a place here tharlt i can go to. I have a ? What kind of bath should i do to help with prosperity and luck changing if there is any thing as good luck then it has not passed my way. Thank you Obara Meji

9 years ago

If I squeeze 3 lime in a pot of water
n add salt and pour it from head to toe can that be considered a bath? Can I use my cooking sàlt? Can I throw the lime skin in d say mi must dash it a bush

9 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I am going to email you right now!

9 years ago

“…A headache may come on suddenly, or any type of ache and pain or your mood may change from happy to sad even angry or you feel grimy or dirty or even down right disgusted without knowing why…” I know this feeling only too well. There was a rainy dreary day I went for a walk on a busy street near my home. I’ve walked here before without any problem, but this day was much different. It seemed the further I walked the more I gained this uneasy feeling. Suddenly, things I never noticed became heightened, and not in a… Read more »

9 years ago

Hi Obara, I have a business and it have a woman everyday come around it. when she doesn’t come I make money and when she is around I don’t make any. I find that I cannot seem to keep money in my hand. I always find something to spend it on. to make matters worst the place I have my business anybody that rent it doesn’t stay inside very long like some spirit inside. my staff give me stories of things falling and doors opening and seeing shadows. I hear talks that the woman is evil and work obeah etc.… Read more »

10 years ago

Hi Obara,
Is there anything you tell me to spiritually to increase fertlity to become pregnant?

Spiritual Seeker
Spiritual Seeker
10 years ago

Hi Obara,
Not sure what is Florida water, but what about Kananga water? Can that be used instead? I remember my mother used to use that for cleansing/healing baths. Also, how often do you recommend doing the spiritual baths?

10 years ago

Lots of blessing to you Obara Meji! I am also a jamaican

10 years ago

I Obara Meji i found this site and it’s a breath of fresh air just reading your blog.

10 years ago

Greetings Obara! You did not state if the egg could be smashed in our birthroom

10 years ago

Need help to make a strong bath to break or unblock for love, negative energies.thx

Lady T
Lady T
10 years ago

Hi obara I was wondering for the beer bath if I want to actually do it in a tub soaking does it matter how many bottles I use or is the more veer the stronger the bath?

Lady T
Lady T
10 years ago

ok good day n thank you

Obara Meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Lady T

You welcome my darling

Lady T
Lady T
10 years ago

Greeting obara n family. Ive been missing n thinking of you. Hope all is bless. My question is two things. When do the baths should one always air dry as well as should u wait a certain amount of days before you bath again/how long after the bath can a one take a regular shower.
Also when aunt m a visit should a one be low key or is there anything one should do during that time.
Giver thankw

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago

U welcome bubblez

10 years ago

Thank yu Obara.

10 years ago

Sign me up when you ready…sorry me start up the sulfur thing…

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Yes you did lol

10 years ago

Hey mi waa ask sum more question Obara. How can i break di contention if mi waste salt in di house? also do u kno a online site to purchase sulphar or any other items neededto cleanse ur home n self. Not sure weh fi purchase items in my city.

10 years ago

Thank you, one more question, I only have a shower so cannot do the soak in tub for 6 to 8 minutes. Can I slowly pour it over my body and pray as I do ?

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ah dat mi do Ty mix in a container and then pour

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Thx Obara a Kiaaaaaaa lol

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  13bubblez

Mi know Kia! Mi know mi fren lol

10 years ago

Hello gn thank u universe n sa-fo n others for bring obara meji back. Plz be patient with me as mi ask questions…di limes need to be sliced n squeezed ina di water wid di salt? also can u explain more bout wetting ur head?

10 years ago

Greetings all. Gosh, I can’t wait to get my cellphone back so that I can see these posts in real time!! Any how, my favourite is Sage and Cedar wood oil. I had a really rough year in 2013 and felt very tormented. I just knew something dark was around. I cleaned my house from top to bottom, opened every draw, door, cupboard, vent etc. Then put a few drops of cedarwood oil on the sage stick and cleanse my home with it. After, I burned sweet lemon grass. Things have been a lot better since then 🙂

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Sa-Fo

Gwan madda lol mi proud ah you

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Well thank God for Osun and Sa-Fo.

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Yuh too bad Sa-fo lol

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Aaah, bless guys.

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

I will definately remind you and can’t wait. I know I have a lot to learn and am excited and nervous at the same time. I must saw that you are breath of fresh air and I am so grateful to God and the universe for you. Your heart is pure, sweet and kind. Thank you and may you continue to not only bless others but recieve rich blessings and love.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Ty please send me a link to my email, need more info on the house cleansing

10 years ago
Reply to  Cher

Hey Cher, Obara would be the one to help you, she is our teacher and very knowledgeable … Best of luck…

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

LOL, I love the fasting too, I do not drink or eat anything. i go as long as my body tell me it is time to eat. I was once told by monther that no fasting or baths when my Mary visiting. Is this true?

Obara meji
Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Yes very true, lol mama know tings man

10 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

LOL, the first cup of coffee in the morning have me weak each time I fast. I love a cup of coffee in the morning.

10 years ago

My mother did do nuff things, I was so sickly as a child that she got desperate and tried all sort of things. I can tell you all kinda a story. From boil onion bath, ammonia bath, to cinamon bath, LOL. She all did burn out the house wid sulfur candles and mek do whole family choke for about 3 days. LOL What is your take on fasting? In my quest for higher spirituality, I have been following your blog like a lessen plan. SInce then I have really refrained from meat (no particular reason, just felt right) and I… Read more »

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

OK….LOL… every now and then I wash off my body with ammonia and water. I come into contact with lots of people everyday and they bring all kind of spirits and energies. The sulfur strong and can choke you, I would caution anyone wid that one without help.

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

In life you must ask for what you want..and mi ask….sulphur eh lololol

10 years ago

Thanks for sharing. I forgot about the wet your head part. I have seen my mother use “blue” in the water with the salt and lime.

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