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In the tradition of Ifa/Orisha the traditional practice of the Yoruba People of South Western Nigeria sacrifice is important, it is the most important of this tradition. The Yoruba’s believes that with sacrifice all problems can be solved and it is through the consultation with Ifa that the solution is meted out.  Babalawos with whom I have spoken to in Nigeria have all told me the same thing, that sacrifice is the most important and that it must be performed immediately after divination is completed. Sacrifice is an offering made for a higher purpose. These offerings could be anything ranging from objects, food or the life/blood of an animal (s).


In the Ifa/Orisha traditional practice, when Ifa is consulted and Odu, which is one of the 256 possibilities of the binary coded language of the universe, comes down, verses of the holy Odu which has appeared are chanted by the Babalawo’s and his students (Awo’s in training) who are in attendance of this very important meet. An Odu is live energy, and before it can come down or appear, the Babalawo, will invoke it through his Oracle which is prayed upon by the person seeking consultation in the case of the Opele or if  ikin are being used, the seeds are held in the hands of the Babalawo while he prays invoking Ifa , and when the Oracle opens up, the Holy Odu appears which the Babalawo will mark in a series of strokes resulting in eight strokes having being marked from right to left.

The Odu is interpreted through a range of ese Ifa (stories/proverbs) belonging to that particular Odu and the Babalawo after he has established the Orientation of the Odu, whether it came with Ire (positive) or Ibi (negative ) for the client, he now have to ask through said Oracle what is the sacrifice needed to bring about balance/harmony to this persons life. All Odu’s requires sacrifice, regardless if they come Ire (positive) or Ibi (negative). Some Babalawos will not even invoke/consult Ifa, open their oracle, if the client seeking this service is not willing to perform the sacrifices right away. The thought within the tradition is that there is solution to all problems, it is only if God says no, when the solution does not show within the Oracle, there Orunmila will communicate with the Babalawo that it is time for that person to leave this world, for them there is no solution.

Recently Ifa was divined for someone, the Odu which came down was Eji Ogbe, (Eji-ugg-beh, the word Eji is a derivative of Meji which means two, while Ogbe means light, broken down it literally means Two Lights), this Odu, (Odu is often times referred to as Ifa (ee-fah), is the oldest Odu of the 256 Odu’s. When this was divined for the person, it came down Ibi (negative) and the person was warned by the Babalawo  not have unprotected sex as some terrible sexual transmitted disease was on its way to meet that person.  Ifa prescribed that he should perform sacrifice right away as to remove the threat of this possibly incurable disease which could bring about his demise, and Ifa also told him that there were people monitoring him to point him out so that he may be killed, but if the sacrifice were to be performed, all these would by pass him. He heard and the sacrifices were performed and accepted.

When  I did my initiation to Ifa (Itefa), I was told that my father would die, this was many years ago, this came out on the seventh day of my initiation which is called Ije, this is when all the Babalawos gather around and each of them tell you something from the Odu, your destiny, which comes out for you during initiation, I was told that in order for the death to be removed from my father, a female Goat had to be given as sacrifice to Orunmila otherwise known as Ifa. It was given and accepted. The life of the Goat was given instead of the life of my father. I would say that was a fair exchange.

In his book Ifa a complete divination, author Ayo Salami wrote of Sacrifice;. From religious perspective, the world can be said to be divided into physical (visible), and the metaphysical (or the spiritual) levels.  Both realms have binding and interactive forces exchanging between them for them to function harmoniously. When the life of man functions in such a way that spells success, it termed to have good understanding and backing of his God or his metaphysical. Otherwise, there is a discordant tune somewhere along the line. Bringing the misfortune back to the line of success requires an effort recognized not only in the physical world but also in the spirit realm; a norm or effort shouldered on Orunmila, and referred to as sacrifice.

Ayo Salami continues to say in his book; One can imagine the mouths of everybody in a community praying for  singular person to achieve a certain goal. Definitely, God would hear such majority cry. Hence sacrifices offered brings blessing from God, and therefore elucidating faith and continuity in the tradition.

Sacrifice in the life and journey of the human being is necessary. It plays out in all aspects of our lives, it is the general rule of life along with rituals, which we do everyday. In order for us human beings to survive on this earth sacrifices has to be made. Something has to be given over in order for something to be gained. Without food, we are not able to live, and so animals are killed every day to feed the citizens of the world, at least to those who eat it. Same can be said for non meat eating people, whatever they consume had a life force within it at some point and time. When sacrifice is being done  to propitiate a divinity, it is done in the most humane way, and if it were to be witnessed by those who oppose it or have no knowledge of it, they would be amazed at how the animal willingly go quietly and without fight.

Ritualistic prayers are offered and the earth is also appeased and fed, prepared if you will, to accept the offering of blood which will be spilled upon it while being given to the divinity it was prescribed for. When the sacrifice is given, the Oracle Obi Kola is cast before the divinity to see if the sacrifice is accepted, according to what it states as read by the Babalawo or Oloorisha, other items may be added or not, owing to the demand of the divinity who will speak through the oracle. The flesh is then cooked and consumed by the entire community.  With all sacrifices which are prescribed through consultation, Esu the Yoruba divinity of Justice and God’s messenger must be propitiated first. His role as God’s messenger is crucial to the survival of all human beings and also the divinities, as he is the one to keeps us humans on our toes so to speak. And also the Orishas depend on him to be fed. For Instance, If someone is out of line, or not in harmony, not in alignment with their destiny, it is Esu’s responsibility to create a situation in that persons life, which often times bring some type of disturbance/chaos, urging the person to seek counselling or physician so to speak. Through this action that person, whose life is now disturbed, possibly  jobless, homeless or about to be, sickness, or facing imprisonment or worse erectile dysfunction, whatever the case maybe, will find out the source of their problem and the solution, which always entails sacrifice, again not in all cases the sacrifice prescribed is blood as stated within the first paragraph of this post, but worth reiterating, sacrifice can be an object, food, or blood, among other things.

Water, hot drink (Gin) and palm oil or Shea butter and even salt are a normal part of the make up when sacrifices are being made, not all Orishas however accept the same things.

Orunmila – Owner of the sacred Ifa Oracle and head of all Babalawo’s, loves Pig, Elede (eh-le-deh) of all things this is his favorite, he also will accept kola nut, woman fowl, palm oil, salt, big rat, and other things.

Obatala– Youruba divinity of Peace and wisdom, loves Shea butter and he loves Snails Igbin (Ig-bin), he is a cool and peaceful Orisha, no matter how hot the temperature is the water the snail carries around inside his shell remains cool, when snails are given to Obatala, the shell is broken and the cool and sweet water, (yes I have drank it, taste almost like sweet coconut water, and snails are delicious) pours out and we all rush to get some and touch our heads with it and  our stomach, the rest of the water goes to Obatala. When we do this we are not only sharing, eating with him, but we are asking by this action for all things for us to be calm and cool, no trouble or worries, in this Obatala, the calm cool, kind and peaceful father, Baba Lurugbo (elderly father) will grant our wish, how can this be a bad thing, Orunmila is wonderful!. The snail is then cooked and all in attendance will eat from it.

Esu’s– Yoruba divinity of Justice, favorite sacrifice is a Male Goat,  Obuko (Oh-bu-ko) along with palm oil, water and kola nut and salt.

Ogun– Yoruba Divinity of Iron and of War, loves Dog, Ajaa (ah-jaah)  and also we give him palm wine to drink, roasted yams and pop corn, salt, kola nut are some of the  things he loves, Ogun Yay!!

Sango– Yoruba divinity of Lighting and Thunder loves Ram Agbo (aag-bo), Sango does not accept Kola nut, only Bitter Kola, called orogbo in Yoruba.

Osun– Yoruba divinity of fertility, love, beauty,  loves Woman fowl and something made in Yoruba land called acara, which is a fritter made from Black eyed peas, she accepts Kola among other things, she does not take palm oil

Oya – Yoruba divinity of the wind and storms and hurricane and of change, Sango’s wife, loves Female Goat, Ewure (Eh- wu-rae)

Egbe-Our astral mates loves goat, and fruits of all kinds and children biscuit, all kinds of sweets

Obaluaye –Yoruba divinity of diseases (small pox) loves Pig and also Goat

These are just a few items of what each divinity may ask for when questioned on what the sacrifice should be. It is important that the sacrifice be given on time, as a matter of fact immediately, as it is prescribed. Ifa says, “there is no difference between the person that refuses to offer sacrifice on time and the one that did not offer at all”

I visited Jamaica once and went with some church people to a gathering at a place called Wah Town in Saint Ann (not sure of the spelling), on the ride coming back I sat beside the driver while the other people in the back were singing and beating their drums. It was night and we had reached Trelawny, still driving on our way to our destination, we were in a van. The road ahead was pitch black, there were no street lights and where we were there was bushes on both side of us, other than the noise of the not too good singers in the back and the drums the street was lonely and dead. We drove on. Suddenly a big black Dog stepped out of the bush a little ways up from our on coming vehicle. I saw him step out and stop. He seemed to be waiting for the van to come and hit him, which by the time a shocked me alerted the driver, we heard the muffled sound of the dog dying under our wheels and the bump of the four tires going over him.  I had no time for regret of him dying, as the wheels on the passenger side both flew off and we went down hill and came to a screeching halt, all and sundry were ok. Looking back now, I know that Ogun, the great warlord, Divinity of Iron whose favorite food is Dog saved our lives. The Dog was the sacrifice!… Den pastor how is dat ah bad thing?? The noble dog gave his life for our own. Without murmur he stopped in front of the on coming vehicle and went willingly to his death. Here I am to tell the tale. Ogun Yay!!!!!

Again, as I always tell you all, I worried to write this very touchy subject. Religion has driven fear into so many and as damned us, traditional people, with a resume of helping so many people through out the world with all their problems, Cleric, Imams, and others have damned us all to a mythical hell, O Ma Se O!. I have seen Obeah man in Jamaica give sacrifice, but to whom it is given to I have no idea, as no name is called and there were no ritual to support the sacrifice, of this I am wary and worried and sad, because there are so many spirits who are around, unclear to the unseen eyes but nevertheless they exist. To spill blood to unknown entities can be very harmful and it can release some very destructive spirits who will create disturbances into the lives of many, innocent as can be. A car accident, stray bullets, fights, murders, pedophilia and other atrocities occurs when forces are unleashed upon the earth by these novices who cannot, because of lack of knowledge send back into time and space beings which they have invoked and cannot be attend to properly much less send back to time and space, and so they linger on and create havoc in our realm.

The practice of the Haitians I agree with as they give to a particular deity and the seals, the insignia, called a veve (a religious symbol used by the Haitians in they ceremonial practice) of that deity is drawn to let the deity know that they know him or her and all their powers and have respectfully called them from within time and space to come and fellowship with them, they are invited to this particular party or setting.It is crucial when a spirit or divinity is invoked and after all is done with it, it is thanked, honored and release to go back within time and space, until it is called again. To leave it unattended after it has been invoked can lead to much problems. Novices who take the work up with no knowledge can cut their lives short by doing these things, if it were them alone to go, that would be a good thing, I have no patience for them, but what of innocent people?. We thank Orunmila and Orisha for all the teachings and training! Aseeeee

I am a Spiritualist/Traditionalist, this is my work and I am proud, of this work I will pass to my children for them to pass to theirs, as I aim never to come back to this place, this realm again. Of who I am, I am Glad, Of what I know I thank God, were it to be that I would come again after I have left which will not be for now, I would live this life again!!

 Ìṣubú ẹni kì í ṣe òpin ayé ẹni. / 
The fall of a man is not the end of his life. 

[Failure is not a permanent position but a temporary set-back; it may well be a stepping stone]

All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…Obara Meji



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4 years ago

Hi! I was recently contacted by this IFA priest who started talking to me about my spirituality. I instantly had a feeling this was no coincidence and he was sent to me for a reason. He soon asked me if I knew anything about IFA. I said no and he explained to me that it was a form of a reading. That’s when I knew for a fact he was sent my way for a purpose so I quickly asked him to do a reading for me if he could. He did it and told me that I’m gifted but… Read more »

anson c
anson c
5 years ago


aboru aboye.

so i was messaged on instagram by a ifa priest saying that he used my name to give to an oracle. he told me that a bad omen is coming my way in the next couple of days. he said he would do a sacrifice for me but i would need to send him money online so he can do the sacrifice. i am a 16 year old boy and i do not know if this is true or no.

may the gods and ancestors be with you,

5 years ago
Reply to  anson c

Join the discussion……do not send money to anyone and try to see or visit any Babalawo near you, so that you will know the through, may olodumare continue guide you through Ase

5 years ago
Reply to  Ifaronbi

Pls is there any repercussions in doing IFA or someone to have IFA

Awolowo ifatokun
Awolowo ifatokun
5 years ago
Reply to  Dave

Yes it’s true but he will make video record but make sure that you know that person very well because those people do ifa without knowledge that it’s why you need to be careful for those

1 year ago

trust the divination system.

6 years ago


6 years ago


7 years ago

we keep on stuggling through life because we lack the true path. many who know the truth are always ahead, it is their advantage. i think it is time to embrace the truth and move on with life while we still have time.

7 years ago

this is wonderful, so interesting. many of us are backword because we lack the true knowledge. a friend told me about Itefa religion and i think it is something one need to embrace. i will go for the initiation. he said things will begin to work well for me once i have the faith and believe in it.

oche goddey
oche goddey
7 years ago

Am interested

Demetrious Davis
Demetrious Davis
8 years ago

I am very interested in learning more about Ifa. Namely on studying and properly practicing this spirituality system. What would you recommend? I am from the conservative midwest so materials and resources on this subject matter are scarce to say the least.

Carrie Adams
Carrie Adams
8 years ago

When making a sacrifice to Esu do we pour out the gin or rum? What is the right and/or wrong way to do this. Thanks

8 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

How’ve you been lately, Obara? I feel like you’ve gone missing! lol 😀


[…] sacrifice”, but as I said before, this was their tradition in the Jewish faith. Please read this to help you understand better why sacrifice is important, and why it is only vilified by people […]


[…] I write a post on the difference between Sacrifice which is done in the tradition of Ifa/Orisha, read this post, and Juju/Obeah/witchcraft. I thought it to be a good idea for a post, so I have decided to tackle […]

10 years ago

well done Obara…this one slipped by me

10 years ago

Morning Everyone, Obara, I Have learned so much. I have learned that sacrifice for remission of our sins was an African belief and was practiced for over 2000 before Abraham in the bible. The ten commandments were already in African constitution. Obara when I tell you I am reading and I am learning through you. I thank you for knowledge. I am so sorry I didn’t get to explain yesterday. I had to leave and my phone connection is horrible, but I am taking things in and I love this path that I am on and I am so glad… Read more »

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  toy7318

You are welcome Toy

10 years ago

Hi. Late but always in attendance.

O, the misconception of sacrifices are due to the slavery and our own generations spreading propaganda; then we have hollywood bastardizing and continuing the propaganda of all things non Christian.

10 years ago
Reply to  Cami

Hey Cami. Imagine all the information destroyed, misused, and corrupted over the course of human “civilization”. When I look at “organized religion” I wonder what are they organized towards….

10 years ago

Ekale ES family good night all

10 years ago

ok..thank you, I am off to bed… Pleasant dreams and wonderful journeys to all

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Night dear

10 years ago

what do the markings by the mouth on some babalawos and oloorishas’ face signify? is it merely tribal?

10 years ago

I do not s it, can you resend please?

10 years ago

I will look, having some tech issues..not sure what going on…

10 years ago

Hey Obara, wassup? Here reading and chilling…

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

I emailed you some of my art did you get them

10 years ago

Everybody gone party tonight?

Love and light to all

10 years ago

Nuh fidget di love offering, building fund, etc

Watch me give Yeye Osun her female fowl instead…dem lucky…

10 years ago

I HATE when you go to church and they tell you God is going to bless you with XYZ but its dependent on your faith…Excuse me, when did God need my faith to let something come thru. If God says this will be done, whether or not I have faith it will come thru…Mi naanh knack nuh bady still, just nuh sell mi nuh crap. I aint buying what yu selling.

10 years ago

Ty dem tell yu sey yu haffi sow seed. Buy dis yah water wey come from warra tarra. YU haffi buy oil and one bag a crap…Dem lucky!!

10 years ago

May God continue to bless all the Babalawos …

10 years ago

Teach, just want to make sure that I am on the same page…Dont is not every and every body can give sacrifice? Yu have sum hurry come up people wey wi tell yu fi gi 3 doz fowl and 2 goat fi sacrifice. When yu check that out nat a ting guh suh…

10 years ago


Mth you hit the nail on the head, the money, material nature of these religions is sickening…

Ifa give you the power to help yourself…pray, fast meditate, introspect give thanks, be better, with goal of Iwa pele…

It gives you a solution to a problem if it within your plan…

Me only Africa so far…

10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Me only sorry Africa so far…typo, user error…lol

10 years ago


10 years ago

Sed way Ty. Can you imagine that sickness or death is even on its wat to me or my loved one and I can offer a goat/cow/sheep/puss/dog etc to have the life spared and I do not. Ty, the reason some people do not believe is that the white man doctrine is preached so much that they believe it. They want to see a white man come and sell them a bottle of consecrated water he got from his last trip to the holy land. Our people look to men like Benny Hinn, Oral Roberts and if a preacher comes… Read more »

10 years ago

I hate that too …they are afraid of our power if we should practice like our ancestors…so they cram some water down mumbo jumbo and sell we…

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

O ma se o! Ty

10 years ago

Same so Mth…just pointing out the talk out two side a di mouth crap…mi cannot curse today, was fasting earlier…

Ifa will have to help me wid dat…

10 years ago

Teach, thank you. Understood.

Ty, muma a long time wi nuh dey on together in the day… Read the bible verse as you instructed. Ty, that part is tame , read Genesis 22:5-8. Abraham was to sacrificed him son. The son was tied and was on the altar…What do you say about that???

10 years ago

Read genesis chapter 4 verses 4 and 5…. Make we talk bout dat…

Obara meji
10 years ago
Reply to  Ty

Mi nuh have no bible mi ok Mek mi google it

5 years ago
Reply to  Obara Meji

Can you email me I have some questions I would like to ask

10 years ago

The old testimony is filled with sacrifices and rituals… Again we choose the parts of the bible we want to accept…

10 years ago

Loved it…

Baba Ogun is so cool…he likes popcorn…my doops…

Aboru aboye ooo…

10 years ago

Teach question, who handles the Oracle?

Dont want to sound silly, but this is why sometimes we see some court cases and we think that surely that personmust go to jail, only to hear the verdict, no guilty. Dacrifices were offered and accepted.

10 years ago

Teach, thank you for this post.

I have heard alot about sacrifice…In recent times, a lot of the nation’s children are going missing. There is a speculation that these children are captured for sacrifice or the human trafficing trade.

My question would any Orisha desire a child to be made as a sacrifice?

10 years ago

I guess I am the first today. I trying to find the words to express my amazement in a more articulate way, but you don’t understand how can be against something that is here for the people to help them and better them. I have to continue reading but I just really want to express how I feel.

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