I remember as a child in Jamaica my mother and her friend Miss Ruth would sit on the veranda discussing the Rapture. I was always at my mothers feet when she and her friends would gather, I loved her so much I could not stand to be away from her for too long. I remember one particular night as these two women spoke and I listened, I became afraid, because according to what they said Jesus was coming back for only a few people, and they would be caught up in the air to go with him to heaven and others, the sinners would be left behind. This was some scary stuff, and I prayed in my little heart for my mother not to be left behind, I do not remember if I prayed for myself, but I do remember feeling afraid.
Growing up in the Christian Church represented fear to me.
My mother would sing this song in haunting tenor, and the words would make me cry;
1 O come and mourn with me awhile;
O come ye to the Saviour’s side;
O come, together let us mourn;
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.
2 Have we no tears to shed for Him,
While soldiers scoff and Jews deride?
Ah! Look how patiently He hangs;
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.
3 Seven times He spake, seven words of love;
And all three hours His silence cried
For mercy on the souls of men;
Jesus, our Lord, is crucified.
4 A broken heart, a fount of tears,
Ask, and they will not be denied;
Lord Jesus, may we love and weep,
Since Thou for us art crucified.
She would repeat this particular line; Jesus, our Lord, is crucified, Have we no tears to shed for Him!
Maybe these were the words to the song she loved the most, or maybe she did not know all the words, but these were the words which came from her over and over again, and again it impacted me a great deal. As I have said many times before, I loved my mother very much, and when I would hear her sing this haunting song, with misty eyes of a dying savior upon the cross, I cried too. It made me sad. Then I would go to Sunday school and be told tales of this wonderful benevolent man, who did so much for mankind only to be rewarded with death, and still while on the cross he managed to forgive.
Then in church some sister or brother who wanted to show how well they could sing would begin to sing this song;
The song was so touching with the words of this great “HE”, and all that He could do. He marveled me, in songs, stories, and of all his goodness when the preacher spoke of him, HE was perfect. How perfect was HE! I never cared that HE did not look like me. He was Jesus, and he was the beloved savior. I never believed in the rapture, as I have said before, I grew up into Christianity, but I grew out of and away from it and for that I thank the almighty God who opened up my eyes and took me away from its foolishness.
I must however say that I am happy to have experienced it however, if not for my experience, what rights could I have to even to speak on it and its false teachings. I had a conversation years ago with a man I knew who had gone through the Lucumi initiation in receiving Obatala, he was Jamaican but during his initiation which in Lucumi tradition they wear white all year round, the first year of it, In Africa we do not do that. He would still go to the revival churches elekes (Orisha beads) and all, and beat the drums and key the people, which means to work them up into a spiritual frenzy, calling or pulling down the spirits. I asked him one day, why if he was being initiated into Santeria/Lucumi, did he still go to church, and he said that he needed to learn more than what the church taught him, he needed to learn and have spiritual powers, so that when he went into church as a preacher, he would heal and prophesy, while delivering the WORD!. In other words, he wanted to be a spiritualist who would learn traditional ways which the church were either against or did not teach, the congregation would have no idea that he was an initiate and so they would just see him as an ordinary man of God who preached and relied upon the Word of God! Can you see the deception? And trust me, he is not the only one! The continuous cycle of deception through religion. O Ma Se O!!
Can you imagine the amount of deceivers who call themselves Pastors and Bishops, they the same one who condemn me when I pass them by head held high, dressed in my full white, with Orisha Osun beads and Orisha Ifa beads around my neck, wrist, ankles and waist, proud of Orisha and Proud of serving them, Proud as a Priestess, Proud Iyanifa!
I had to walk their road to be able to understand them, and I am glad I did. Jesus ain’t coming back?, who the hell knew!! lol!
God is Wise!
This morning I found these articles on the internet, I had heard about them, but I thought it to be too funny, so I did not pay it any mind. Look at the reason which they say they believe , Jesus is not coming back, I was on the floor laughing, is this serious?
Anyhow, I also found the second, (Our Black people, I wonder if there is hope for them), look who ah bawl out sey ah lie, this is not funny to me it is sad!
Read and let us discuss this please! What do you think, is this a hoax or is it real? Did the Vatican really put this out?, If so it is so very funny!
A SPOKESPERSON for the Vatican has officially announced today that the second coming of Jesus, the only son of the God, may not happen now after all, but urged followers to still continue with their faith, regardless of the news.
Cardinal Giorgio Salvadore told WWN that this years 1,981st anniversary is to be the Vatican’s last in regards to waiting for the Lord to return to Earth.
“We just feel Jesus is not coming back by the looks of it.” he said. “It’s been ages like. He’s probably flat out doing other really good things for people somewhere else.”
Nearly two thousand years ago, Jesus promised his disciples that he would come again in chapter John 14:1-3 of the bible: “There are many homes up where my Father lives, and I am going to prepare them for your coming. When everything is ready, then I will come and get you, so that you can always be with Me where I am. If this weren’t so, I would tell you plainly”
The Vatican defended Jesus’ broken promise, claiming “he was probably drinking wine” at the time when he made the comments.
“Having the ability to turn water into wine had its ups and its downs.” added Cardinal Salvadore. “We all make promises we can’t keep when we’re drunk. Jesus was no different.”
The church said it will now focus attentions on rebuilding its reputation around the world, but will keep an optimistic mind for the savior’s second coming
The President of the Ghana Catholic Bishops Conference, the Most Rev Joseph Osei-Bonsu, has refuted media reports that the Vatican had stated that the second coming of Jesus Christ may not happen.
“The publication is the fabrication of a mischievous and malicious person. The views stated in it do not come from any Cardinal in the Vatican,” he declared in a statement.
He said none of the 216 Cardinals bore the name Giorgio Salvadore and explained that there was, indeed, a Cardinal Salvatore de Giorgi, an Archbishop Emeritus of Palermo.
He said Cardinal de Giorgi, an 83-year-old retired Archbishop, was not the spokesperson of the Vatican.
“The official spokesperson of the Vatican is called Fr Federico Lombardi,” he stated.
The Most Rev Osei-Bonsu explained that if a Cardinal of the Catholic Church had made those untrue and blasphemous statements about Jesus, he would be called to order by the Pope.
That, he said, was because the views espoused in the publication went against Catholic and, indeed, Biblical teaching.
“The second coming of Christ or the Son of Man at some time in the future is part of our Christian tradition. It is found in the following passages in the New Testament: Matthew 24:3, 27, 37, 39; 1 Corinthians 15:23; Hebrews 10:24; 1 Thessalonians 2:19; 3:13; 4:15; 5:23; 2 Thessalonians 2:1, 8, 9; James 5:7, 8; 2 Peter 1:16; 3:4, 12; 1 John 2:28.
“It is also found in the Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed that we recite in church: ‘He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead’,” he stated.
The Most Rev Osei-Bonsu, who is also the Bishop of the Konongo-Mampong Diocese, said no one knew the time of Christ’s return, as was written in Mark 13:32, “But of that day or that hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.”
He explained that ‘that day’ clearly referred to the Parousia, the return of Christ at the end of time, and stated that if neither the Son (Jesus) nor the angels knew the time of the second coming, how would any Cardinal, or any person for that matter, know?
On claims in the publication that Jesus was drunk at the time He made the prediction, the Most Rev Osei-Bonsu said there was no evidence in the Bible, or anywhere else, that Christ was “drunk” when he made that statement.
“The publication is just malicious and blasphemous and I would urge all Catholics and, indeed, all Christians, to ignore it and treat it with the contempt that it deserves,” he said.
– See more at: https://graphic.com.gh/news/general-news/21850-ignore-claims-that-jesus-will-not-come-again-catholic-bishops.html#sthash.aP9Unf2N.dpuf
Àt’oore àt’ìkà, ìkan kì í gbé. /
Neither acts of kindness nor those of wickedness shall be lost…..Yoruba Proverb!
[We will reap whatever we sow]
All religions are valid as long as it teaches peace and love…..Obara Meji!
There are no disappointments in life, only lessons learned…..Obara Meji!
I Have No White God, Don’t Teach Me Anything Wrong!…Sizzla Kolanji!
De story up!
Baxside!! TREVOR!!! Nuh do wi dat Obara!!!! Lololol
By 6 me come back.
Chubble meker Cami yuh reach!!! A wi assignment fi tomorrow mi a work pon
Nunu, yuh sure a di assignment ya do?? 😀 😀
Obara, Good day, Ty -condolences to your community. Today I’ll be in and out, me ago “cream” mi hair,lol. Me is a at home hair dresser fi this purpose so me ago busy fi a bit. See you all, momentarily.
MTH, see NuNu hold it dung fi yu yesterday, but she had a warm time in here, she all had to adjust har sash, till she end up hanging it up, dwln. Yw, big up bro.
Big ups to everyone…soon come back!
Obara de wuk pan di surprise fi wi.
Cami, member fi “grease di scalp” nu bada mek it bun bun up! It’s been a min since I did them things with my hair. A kaint tek it!
Hurry back ..try nuh miss di surprise Cami
Cami, I am IN LOVE with it here!! Obviously it’s a major leap from the NY lifestyle but I needed to be close to amazing water…. nice nice hot weather (no more snow days yippee!) and endless possibilities. I like the change… I love love love how beautiful nature is here… me deh drive man and is tru. .. yuh definitely need a whip else ur tush is grass! Lol
Onu assemble early, lol. Yazzy! where were you fi a few? Missed you. Hello AMH.
Hi Cami!
Cami Camz!!! Missed ya as well sweetie. I just made a major move from NY to FL and mi de running around getting myself acquainted and situated! Mi is not a tourist to di state nu mo’ so mi affi a act like a resident ya now! Lol. Den, a wah chat to yuh bout Nunu man weh yuh hab obsession wid!.. bwouy look like him de haunt me Cami!!! den di bredda look like him tyad fi a beat roun di bush and run guh tun MJ and staawt to “beat it”!!!! Lololololl a c-russ!
DWLNn! yu bring Ice Cream lova a FL wid yu? lolol FL hot so a nuff meltings him a fi go deal wid, sticky situation fi yu to! lol
From yu a driver you will enjoy Florida. Trees, grass, beaches, Malls, mini-malls, nice supermarkets, peace and quiet.
Much respect to Colonel Peddie!
@M mi deh look fi yuh from mawning, howdy!
it coming up, Amh, its mostly in English so you will get it, if you need help just cry out and we will help you!
got it Teach. I stumble along alright most of the time heehee
Hafternuun everyone. Teach, mi dey yah a wait wid baited breath fi di surprise..
Me too M!!
Hafternuun prefect M!
Iba colonel Peddie of the maroons who died 8/11/2014… He fought and won the govt to stop the mining of bauxite in cockpit country, maroon area…he will be buried this Saturday…
Iba Colonel Peddie of the Maroons!
Here is cool video by Jon Stewart regarding race and ferguson
Ty, thanks for the vid. Love me some Jon Stewart! Altho he made it funny for the audience I think I saw true concern and pain in his eyes. He is his brother’s keeper….
Hey Toy and A!
@Yazzy yuh deh werk fi a detention ie nuh!!!! Mi want hear bout di nuniform torey dem tuh Friday, mi nuh shame fi fass! Mi ago hol’ a seat fi bredda Nile caws him inna di fassin’ tuh! Lol
LMFAO! Nunu, yuh love di mixup eenuh! Hehehe! Me and u love fass alike. More while mi nah talk a cause mi busy a fass and a tek notes. Nunu, mi notebook nuh tun up it tun ova!!
Mi neva know seh ya pree mi huniform baby daddy dem?? Lolololll! No sah! Di ooman dem ova yasso KAINT be trusted when it come to man!!!
A so-so preements ova yah Yazzy!!!lol talking bout dat mi ova yah de miss Jud and Trev before mi guh look bout wi class assignment fi Tomorrow!!lol
Morning everyone! Let me go read!
Morning Toy sweetie!
Sen’ on di surprise!!!
Nunu, yuh sistah nuh ave nuh hambition dont?? Mi wukliss suh til! Mi all wake up tipsy. Mi really really REALLY need fi “NEGOTIATE” ….. Cami, weh yuh de????? Lolololll!
Prefect M, yuh good wid cupid statz…. beg yuh a bly nuh?? Ty, mi need yuh help baby girl! Bubblez, come ya star! Toy, aaguh link yuh fi yuh hopinion! Lololol!
A have sinting fi tell hunuh friday! … **jeezas wept** fi mi!! Hahahaha! Roff!!! **covers face**
Yazzzzzyyyy!!! Yuh mek mi fret out mi raytion!! Mi deh look fi yuh a nuh si yuh!!!
@Teach, dis ice cream ting a get outta han’ di bredda deh wreak havoc ova yah,cho!!!!!lol
Mawnin lovely AMH!
Nunuuuuuu!!! Hear my rendition to gaza kim song ya now… “AMEN!! mi get bwouy outta mi life!! AMEN! NUNU DUPPY MAN INNA MI BED TONIGHT! BRAND NEW MAN INNA MI BED!!” raeeeeeee!!! 😀
Lolol Yazzy mi nah look pon yuh! Nuh mek mi tek out di detention slip gi yuh tuh!!!
Good Morning everyone!
Hey Nunus, I have a surprise post for you guys, hang on!!
I LOVE surprises!!!!!! Mi anxiety a tek mi ya now!
Top of the morning fam!
Nunu booo!!!! Mawnin sweetie!!
saliva?? is wha mi ice cream duppy ah do ova yuh??
Mi seh Obara… mi drained again. Bwouy ole time ppl did seh tongue can get yuh inna a chubble and a prove it dead!! Hahahahahah!!!!!
Mawnin sweet Obama and all my beautiful sweeties!!! Please pardon mi absence! A busy and mash up suh till! Nunu, mi aguh want yuh tell yuh man fi low mi out cawzen seh kill mi dead a him a deal wid me! So a mi agony “self inflicted” lolol.. but mi a pree da ice cream bwouy de fi di rest a di hagony! It a mash mi up! Sascrise man! What a way unuh let loose ova di couple a days mi like back tun?? Poetry a buss weh like mi granny trapolin baggy and all dese tingz! No… Read more »
** correction… Obara!
Ps, although Obama is also my sweetie…
Yazzy we missed you and glad to have you back…
Missed ya more Ty!!! Thanks so much. A mussi breed mi a breed. Saliva mussi breed mi!
‘Funny how man lost a rib in order for woman to be formed; today we have woman a remove ribs to look slender for man.’-Cami. VERY DEEP! You on point girl.
Mi all si how YW tun ‘head’ bwoy. A what a gwan. Everybody waan reach 6:30 (a.m. or p.m. nuh matta). Unno nuh si wey a gwan? A Ty bwal out bout 6:30 nuh YW tun head boy…It is confirmed, Ty is the common denominator (den again shi goodly like fi stay dung a bottom). Anyways, mi nuh waan Nunu fix up har sash a gimme nuh 1 week detention cause my people unno like fi know sey dem near virginal pickney a behave bad a sch. Nope, mi a try out fi brownie suh mi haffi behavemy rawtid self.
Yes, Teach dat is the only time mi mek ref to Jesus. Suh a mussi dat unno hear an get mix-up!
Teach, I only ever claim Trevor and Peanut. Mi nuh waan nuh ice-cream man. Nope, not me. Not diss girl. I are a liquor loving girl, not no ice-cream.
morning, MTH, yuh bawl out Jesus, Jesus when some 6:30 ah reach yuh, grung!!, lmaooooo!
Obara and Cami unno nuh mix mi. Mi naah claim Jesus nuh becaw mi always a bwal out Jesus, Jesus, Jesus when some 6:30 a run mean sey mi a claim Jesus, no sireeee. Mi like bwoy wid dem swag tun up and a hint a badness (all doe, Jesus was a bad bwoy, him kick ova di money table when dem did a gamble inna di church). Mi a read an a ansa as mi go…
Morning all. I am reading and cathcing up. What a way unno gwan oh so badly yesterday. Who a back-up from naah back-up pan Jesus, who wan brush him hair. Lawks unno bad, bad, bad…YW yu know yu nuh easy bout Jesus a bastard or jacket…Dats why mi nuh shame a my 2 bastards dem, mine you mi neva inna Mary category cause me did touch, but lawks unno gwan bad. Mi a guh dun read yah now.
11-mokola, 12- mejila, 13- metala, 14 merinla, 15 medogun, 16 merindilogun, 17-metadilogun 18 ,mejidilogun, 19-okandilogun, 20 ogun (THE o HAS A DOT ON TOP, WHICH MAKES IT DIFFEENT FROMoRISHA oGUN)
thank you, mek a go write dis down
dada ni Oremi, se dada ni
thanks for practising with me… here is my counting:
eni, eji, eta, erin, arun, efa, eje, ejo, esan, ewa
Ekaro Oremi ni, Ba wo ni nko?
mowa dada, ese…iwo nko?
Morning Ty, aseeeeooooo!
Ekaro Obara Meji…
Morning everyone, welcome Shana, peepers much love to unno… Love is all we need…may the love and light of God be with you…May Oludamare show you the sweetness of love…May your ancestors continue to feel your love, reverence, and respect…May your ori be your honing device that connects you to God…May the elemental forces of the universe be with you all…I pull from the energy of the east, west, north, and south…Ore Yeye O Osun, my sweet and dearest mother, who has been with me through all my reincarnations…Iba Orunmila, iba Esu, Iba Ogun my faithful warrior who continues to… Read more »
Thank you for this post. Now that this we know this. My question is with this world the way it is.There has to be some kind of shift. It is way too much evil stuff going on out here. What do most spiritual people believe is going to happen to make this world better place?
This world will always have wickedness. So it began, and so it shall end.
Go a onu bed…
Lol…night everybody…
Goodnight Cami
Obara, NuNu and Ty…me ago run out fi a bit. You all have a beautiful night, pleasant dreams and a safe day until we meet up tomorrow.
Lol, Cami
Cami mi deh yah, de ice cream duppy belong to lilith
oh wow! All joke aside I was thinking it was the spirit of a male with a child like mind.
So NuNu, nu badda go dream bout Lilith it more affect those roaming sex freaks and me certainly don’t see you any where near that realm.
Cami pam yuh mout!! Lol a dat mi seh mek mi nervous, mi haffi guh check fi si wha acceptable suh mi nuh look up eena Lil yeye dem, eeeks!
You good man, see Yw say to be objective..so don’t absorb the scary parts. One Obara mek me nu gone a store cause she go mention Cremo man.
Nunu is my love and gratitude for God that took me out of any church dealing…they are crooks…dem fi go pay taxes…
Darn right! Ty. Dem and dem congregants use church fi bypass paying taxes in Jamaica pon imports.
Yes Ty, mi ketch di rake kinda latish but mi si it now
look at what objectively?
O, Yw gone a bed, lol
Another super moon is coming…
Ty the likkle one deh use psychology pon yuh agen fi nuh guh sleep? Lol
Good night Yw & Tw.
Cool…I will take a look at the poem…
Something is really brewing…grateful the I am waking up…dem cannot trick me wid dem bible stories, tithing, liad, gay bating selves…
ok np
Good night, lol
Yw put the poetry from last night together ans I placed it on the distraction post
good nigh Yw, hey wife Ty where are Ya?
Deh ya a try get them little ones to sleep
Ladies, have an’ outstanding night, pleasant dreams (ice-cream free), thank you for the company and ketch unno in di mananas
Nunu think, how can we know Gods Business, every culture has their own story!
Mi get that Ty , mi mean how it all started mi juss did a wonder
ah dat mi waan know tuh Cani
Teach yuh mek mi nervous now yuh nuh! Not too far to the left or too far to the right! Stay right in di miggle!
What mek you nervous, NuNu?
A di action mi deh talk bout Cami,welp!
What mek a person a tyrant or a genius is unconventional thinking. If a thought is far right or left does not make it invalid or crazy. Middle thinking is conventional. Mek wi treat di arguments objectively and look at them in the realm of possibility and plausibility.
I can look at things objectively but there will be bias to some degree. It’s just hard to let go of certain concepts because they have been ingrained in me; it’s like rote
Yw, the whole Adam and Eve story is a lie Yw, nutten nuh guh suh!
When mi likle mi go a somebody house and si one yute weh hook up and di mos’. Mi nah guh lie, mi shame but mi seh ah wah di…lata mi hear seh a inbreed im parents inbreed mek im stay suh… If Adam and Eve did true wi nuh woulda all hook up and di mos’?
A wonda how di rightid story guh
Nuns, the story is made up
Me question and did me own answer…lol
Fi one if is only adam and eve that created us, Yes incest would be it of course. Adam and eve have the children and the children have children with each other and then so on and so on. Then figure in that adam or eve may have been breeding with their own offsprings too.
You tuh Cami
on the kabbalistic tree there are ten sephiroth, each sephiroth has many spheres or dimensions, each dimensions are ruled by a particular entity who have millions within their family, they are not opposites of each other, they all work for God, but they all have a common goal, to TEST MANS WILL!!
The Kabala is the Jewish spiritual system and because the are coming in from the Torah, which is the old testament they have associated Lilith with the Adam and eve creation story.
Now Lilith is real, but she has many names such as astarte , Ishtar, Ianna and all, these are negative or malevolent entities with feminine characteristics
Regardless of the Culture or spiritual teachings these beings show up they are pure energy created by God for the test of man
Cami met mi go in my spiritual teacher mode and explain Lilith and her kinds
Obara, da post deh mek mi get serious pon di aloe thing…we start drink it pon weekends…we cannot run from everything they giving us but we can look to nature and the universe to help…
Cami nuh a di fruits and veggies are genetically engineered…look up Monsanto protect act…passed this year…
Me use to de pon a monsanto rampage and nu baddy did a listen. God bless the seeds that aren’t in monsanto control. I watched a documentary where the farmer in the American midwest was crying because they black listed him by raising the price to have his seeds strip for replanting. He refused to use monsanto seeds. The mexicans are the biggest user of monsanto engineered seeds.
because they have patent on the seeds, they can claim compensation from anyone where the plants from their seeds grow. If they take their seeds and blow them into the air and they land in your yard (as a farmer) and they test it and it comes back positive as their seeds, then they can claim compensation.
I can’t eat the fruits, they make me so nauseous. I didn’t have this prob wid yaad fruits
Red glowing eyes and al, mi lawd
not on a whole Nunu, she is malevolent, so all de weird act like dem fish guys, and de batty nyamma dem like alkaline and pedophile, rapist all dem bad tind deh is Lilith, she MALEVOLENT!!!
So when the poor fools say dem “freakishness tun up” is lilith inna dem?
O/Yw, why Lilith get such a roll when “evil” shouldn’t have been in existence yet, base pon de Christian texts?
As far as I know, there is nothing to link the first Eve to Lilith. In my opinion, they tried to link those two to avoid woman being seen as equal to man. Is marketing…
Ty ah dat dem fi know, lolol!
did batty man behavior in black men is learned behavior, is dem pale fella dem born wid it!
There’s an old world artist name Carvaggio, if you look at his works (most commissioned by the vatican members) it leaves little to the imagination in regards to the homoerotic facial expressions.
Das why me cannot send me boys to catholic school…nopes, not me…
Mi gone google dat
The concept difficult to grasp. She’s supposedly evil but she’s in charge of the sex act on a whole?
Hear whe mi ah seh now…Understand systems…we talk bout the patriarchal system, education system, racist system…Now we ah go talk physical systems. The city infrastructures that are in place are old (depending on the city). Technology has not kept up with the changes in society. In the sewage system all the medicines and what not that people excrete cannot be removed from the sewage. That means that hormones and the like are entering our environment- seeping into groundwater, raining down on us (water cycle), entering the sea etc. Yu tink seh dat nuh have nuh effect pon wi?
Not to mention di hormone dem pump inna di chicken…all now dem no haffi legally tell we which hormone dem use…
The hormones are in the recycled water suh wi cyaan run from it atall, lawd help us!
The water system is a big problem fi true. Me see Ty mention de chicken, I think the fruits may have something in them why they keep pushing fruits, fruits, fruits and I just cannot enjoy them except for when I go home.
Fruit mi backside, banana skin nuh crunch fi open weh me come from. Den dem a genetically modify (GMO) or create certain food. Grape weh taste like cotton candy and more. Plus, remember is industrialized farming suh dem pick di produce young spray someting pon dem and ship dem all round…. All seed dem a patent…WHA DID…how yu fi patent seed.
It’s learned and adapted base on the purpose it was introduced by…to degrade and tame the “buck” male slaves during the middle passages. Not to exclude that these nasty sailors were prisoners before joining ship crews, with them deprave minds from start.
Yw, cawk yuh earz, de hongle ting mi ah do fi man, ha remove de two pack ah Brazillian 26 inches!
Camiiiiiii, grung mi lan!
Funny how man lost a rib in order for woman to be formed; today we have woman a remove ribs to look slender for man.
An man like a rass fool want a woman weh him see as less dan him. Friggin’ idiot Archaic thinkers
she ruled Adam and all hinvite de debil innA 3SOME, FI GUH DAAB UP POOR ADAM BAXIDE!
Did they say Lilith was cast out of the garden because she didn’t obey orders or questioned authority something to that effect and then she was turned into a demon.
I read something like that a while back
Lilith is recognized in the Kabalah metaphysical system of the Jews She is a she demon, and she resides on the sephiroth (a branch on the tree of life which represents a realm) of Yetzira She governs sex and all its acts, weird as hey may be, it is of her influence when Kartel was dirtying up Jamaica I went on de nedda site and told every one that he was under de influence of Yetzirah, ah never too waan guh inna it, because de site owner is a christian lady and ah did not want to sully he site… Read more »
Yes..Dem tek har and turn har inna succubus who feed on sexual energy and murder young babies. Fear is di name of di game…
Genesis 1:27 “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” – Here man and woman is created at the same time. Genesis 2:21-22 “And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof; And the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her to man.” Here we have two different versions as to the creation of woman. They say… Read more »
Look how God good…him/her do di first surgery…blow wow
Di batty man dem whey edit di bible mek sure a dat… Dem no love women …
Howdy Ty!
Hey Ty, you had you glass of unwind wine?
Hey Cami and Nunu, no wine today…
me tuh, Ty, lol
what say you YW, run de Lilth post nuh
He should, I would love to learn about Lilth.
I second dat mi want know bout Lilith too
O or Yw one a onu run a lilith post one day.
Cami ice cream only mean one ting to me, ….an mi like him, lolol
Ah she posess Vybes Kartel mi did sey long time fore dem prison him
Nobody knows Nunu ah gwine wi rite some and we choose one
nunu yuh ah set on enuh, whey Ty deh!
lol, Yw gone decant Ty wine. Soon see har. O see Nunu say a Rum and Raisin and a dat me did guess…I have butter pecan, me nu think duppy a go like nuts..lolll
Rum and raisin to be exact Teach!!! Tek it up wid di Cams!!!!lolol
Cami and mi nuh share Ice cream, from ah man walk bout an ice cream hevery body mi nuh waan him, him nyam outta heverybody ice cream ewwwwww!
ole teefing tereesa, go ah poor poor haiti go beg and run like ten ah dem guys wid de purse between har long titty dem gone back ah Calcutta dat teefing ole bitch!
I did not know that about Mother Theresa!! Wow!
I heard about the ‘holy grail’ though and the Templars not certain what’s what
mi nuh know Cami, but ah Julius and him battyman fren dem run de ooman outta de book
ah she dem call de holy grail!
Di wjole Bible been very edited. Unno hear bout Lilith or di first Eve. She did too bad so dem tek har out and tun har inna a succubus
I heard that about Lilith
Hey Ty!
Nunu, is wha oonu doin wid mi Ice cream duppy, Nunu yuh reject him and mi sey sen him come, den is why oounu still deh pon him name, ah de ongle smaddy MTH nuh claim!
Teach yuh nuh si seh hevery chance Cam get shi fling out di hice cream!! All Nile haffi deh ask bout what is this ice cream ‘you all keep talking about’ is not we all! Is di one Cami!!!!
O, it nu possible fi yu fi find out is who and why dis spirit a eat Ice Cream? Or is it just a passing spirit NuNu see?
Cami whe yuh deh? Talking bout the rum and raisin, mi have sumn fi tell unoo Friday! But mi nuh able fi Cami she causen shi love laugh afta people and shi really infatuated wid certain ice cream having ‘people’
NuNu if it funny me a go laugh, but if it funny and sensitive me won’t laugh…I promise.
no nunu not the gnostics, it is in the gnostic bible, but is what pope julius and de council remove from de bible, dem was a set ah batty man and waan de world believe sey Jesus nay have no ooman, If him was real
Oh ok a suh it guh teach
And Jesus wept…
Unoo really nyam out di offering money!!!?! Lol well hungry kill mi and cgoh, till him seh dis nuh nek a lick a sense an’ stop but mi ketch di rake late
lolol. Living in the states the boys use to head towards the arcade after Sunday school and de grown up dem busy a get inna spirit. Most of the time as the younger girls we would go where the older girls go.
Toy, in NYC chicken wingsor 1/2 a chicken and fries (wid ketchup and hot sauce) was the thing from the Chinese restaurants. As hardcore Jamaicans that a novelty food, but not fi us who cut church pon Sunday doe..lol
Ok, Lmao!
Cami ah bet MTH, neva consida back up pon Jesus Bumpa, but as she lan so we aguh hear sey Jesus ah fi har man, ah long time shi claim him!
MTH and jesus many ole woman wives..lol all Madda teresa she have as matie! dwln
yes Yw, mi hear sey de Lord use to Fling Mary Magdalene, ah hear sey him gi har some ratafoot flinging ei si!
Den nuh shame fi do di sumting because ‘im may surprise yu 😉
mi use to hold back mi money fi buy banana chips when church done!
You guys are making me laugh so hard. Lol
Mi seet now Cam! Lol
mi nah lie mi use to give whe mi likkle school money to offering an’ dead fi hungry eena week causen mi bruk!
Nu me a tall. I use to drop a grung, fist me garvey tight. Me grandma use to gi me a next one fi drop inna de plate until me start to hold that to…lol
I had a thieving step cousin who use to make change out a de plate…lol and at time him could afford to buy extra wings and fries to…lol
Cami you are something else, lmao lmao @wings and fries
Nunu, are you serious? So sweet!
Yes Toy! Nuh laugh afta mi yuh hear mi frien’
I could never do that, nunu
Mi pray seh Lalibela Nile nuh get infilence by Yw atall wid dis bad behavior!!! Mi deh turn een paperwork fi dem tek back the head boy from him an either give it to Cgoh or Nile! Mek him seh anodda word an si if a joke mi deh mek!!!!!
Yu never know say head boys gi nuff trouble unda de quiet? lol
all ah shame de bredda sey him nava have no ooman, big man like dat, no girl,no sah ah lie dem tell pon him!
I think something come up to disprove some things why this even come bout.
Den yu nuh hear di labrish ’bout him an MAry Magdelene
I heard that one Yw a think the Gnostics wrote about that
I believe it. Wasn’t it pope leo who discredited her position?
Dem confuse Yw, de man nay waan dead, him guh pon de mountain ah try reason it out wid God and ah sey God fi tek de bitta cup whey from him, de bredda was ongle 33 yuh nuh star, man never even buss ah come yet, iyah, and dem sey God dey no, him waan blood, den pon de cross him halla out an ask God why him forsake him, de man nay waan dead!
Lololol wha unoo seh bout pretty Thomas!!!! An a wha di 6:30 fah!!! Unoo nuh confuse mi een yah! Mek mi set student monitor sash good!!!! Dem haffi guh write new rule book fi unoo in here!
Dem Teach, dem seh sacrifice nuh good but seh Jesus sacrifice himself fi wi…mi nuh understand…in di story ah nuh him kill himself
It look like ah some bad breed pickney inna dah class yah. But mi coulda neva “head” bwoy. No man, 6:30 ah just di time ah nuh nuh position mi did ah talk ’bout (turns head to the side and winks to classmates)
poor NuNu sey she a set har sash right…lol